
Walzmynis tehre a way to control what Kubuntu names removable media when it's pluged in?00:05
genii-aroundIt uses the volume label00:06
James147Walzmyn: placing a label on the partition ^^00:06
Walzmyncan that be changed without damaging the existing data?00:07
James147Walzmyn: which filesystem?00:08
James147Walzmyn: then I believe so00:08
James147Walzmyn: look at e2label00:09
Walzmynbefore upgrading, my backup drive was jsut "disk" now it's a long array of random letters00:09
Walzmynits messing up my rsync commands00:10
James147or tune2fs ^^00:10
Walzmyndid it though partition manager00:10
Walzmynah, that's great. Now I can give rsync a distinct name that won't goof up if another "disk" is plugged in.00:11
Walzmynthanks guys00:11
James147Walzmyn: you could also specify an entry in /etc/fstab using the UUID of the disk and tell the system where you mount it ^^ then you can garentee that that disk gets mounted to a known loaction00:13
a123456789011383 100:46
a1234567890ubuntu 211962 kformula? nonappear..00:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 211962 in pyopengl (Ubuntu) "keyjnote exits with OpenGL error" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21196200:47
a1234567890upserver stop,,,00:47
genii-around!info upserver00:49
ubottuPackage upserver does not exist in maverick00:49
a1234567890who are they reals00:53
a1234567890if non all clean. to the ACT first!00:55
a1234567890still could not and koffice package...01:04
ScorpKinghi guys. is there a way to link a dictionary to kate's predictive text option? it only predicts already typed text01:10
a1234567890Muslim Girls for Dating & Marriage. Premium 24/7 Custom Support. Great Online Dating AsianBeauties.com01:13
genii-arounda1234567890: I'll boot your bum from here if you continue advertising01:14
a1234567890    *01:14
a1234567890      Loading...01:14
a1234567890    *01:14
a1234567890      Muslim Girls for Dating & Marriage. Premium 24/7 Custom Support. Great Online Dating AsianBeauties.com01:14
a1234567890    *01:14
FloodBotK1a1234567890: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:14
a1234567890      Middle East News/Analysis For comprehensive news & analysis on the Middle East. Subscribe today www.MEED.com01:14
=== Fenix is now known as born_of_flame
KrezkeyHello all02:02
Krezkeydoes anyone know the keystroke combo to re-inable the righ click mouse button ?02:03
KrezkeyRight click on desktop has stopped working after I dropped my game controler on my keyboard, any key strokes I can make to fix ?02:08
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
xiaobaojkl2000anybody here? there is a question in my computer  , there is no shutdown button in my kubuntu system  , and i try to reinstall kdm and make it default , and install the kshutdown , but it still03:48
xiaobaojkl2000if there are any other ways to solove this03:49
Walzmynshutdown button? do you mean in kmenu?03:50
James147xiaobaojkl2000: and you loged in from kdm?03:50
Walzmynxiaobaojkl2000: it should be under "leave" in the kmenu03:51
xiaobaojkl2000can not log in form kdm although kdm is default03:51
xiaobaojkl2000log in form the terminal03:51
Walzmynxiaobaojkl2000: oh, then there won't be, 'cause the GUI can't shut down, only log out to terminal03:51
xiaobaojkl2000no  , there is nothing except leave03:51
James147xiaobaojkl2000: without kdm kde dosnt have the prevliges to shutdown ^^ therefore not buttons are offered03:53
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xiaobaojkl2000ok , i know , but , i reinstall the kdm , and make it default ,why i can not log in from kdm and only in terminal , and when i want to shutdown it from the terminal , always i just force to enter in the safe mode03:57
Daskreechxiaobaojkl2000: KDM is coded to allow GNOME or anything else tos hut down03:57
DaskreechGDM only allows GNome to Shutdown03:57
DaskreechXfce and so on just use Gnome's way of shutdown to stay compatible03:57
DaskreechAh differnt discussion :)03:57
* Daskreech has to go for a bit03:58
xiaobaojkl2000yes different discussion , but i get it03:58
gwoods_hey guys sorry for bothering but please help us if you can, it's really serious04:44
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mr0wlOn Natty we get KDE SC 4.6.2 right?08:29
mr0wlThe unity stuff didn't affect us right?08:30
policyqwhat unity stuff08:51
Tm_T!unity > policyq08:53
ubottupolicyq, please see my private message08:53
Tm_Tmr0wl: no, it doesn't (:08:53
policyqso kubuntu doesn't get unity?08:53
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policyqwell?? so kubuntu doesnt get unity then..? or08:57
jussipolicyq: no, unity is a shell for gnome08:58
jussiwe have our beloved kde08:59
policyqyou think kubuntu will get a kde version of unity eventually?09:00
jussiIm fairly sure you could create something somehwat like it using kde though09:03
policyqya but who would want to amirite? jkjk09:03
jussipolicyq: if you feel like chatting about whether it should be there or no, you can try #kubuntu-offtopic09:05
policyqi know but offtopic's been dead for ages. ok guys carry on09:06
simion314hi,is there a PPA or package to get Firefox4 with kde dialogs?09:16
jussisimion314: I havent seen one tbh09:16
simion314jussi: Firefox is less linux friendly then a closed source browser like Opera, but opera seems to render slow on my kubuntu09:18
jussisimion314: I use chrome ;)09:21
simion314jussi: Chrome is missing MRU suport(Most Recent USed tab switching)09:24
simion314jussi: chrome use gtk dialogs or qt?09:40
noaXesshey ll10:11
noaXessis there a cool time tracking widget for kde 4.6x?10:11
noaXessdoes anybody use ktimetracker?... it gives me a big systray icon.. http://i.imgur.com/88cPN.png10:20
pc02-malguien me ayuda con ipcop?¿10:47
pc02-murgente plz ayuda con ipcop lo tengo instalado pero no me funciona10:48
pc02-malguien me ayuda con ipcop?¿10:56
pc02-malguien me ayuda con ipcop?¿10:56
pc02-malguien me ayuda con ipcop?¿11:02
Tm_T!pt | pc02-m11:03
ubottupc02-m: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.11:03
c2tarunis there any application other than kchmviewer to view chm files?11:07
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mr0wlHow can I install the latest Oxygemn-GTK release? https://projects.kde.org/news/4411:42
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andyflagHey can anyone help me12:44
Peace-andyflag: what?12:47
andyflagWhen I try and install a program it says can't find libjava.so12:49
andyflagbut I have jre and jdk installed on it12:49
shadeslayer!find libjava.so12:59
ubottuFile libjava.so found in openjdk-6-dbg, openjdk-6-jre-headless12:59
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* nx15 is away: Gone away for now13:10
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Guest63901what are the difference between kubuntu CD and kubuntu DVD?13:57
tsimpsonthe DVD has both the live and alternate installer, as well as some extra packages on the CD so you don't need an internet connection to install them13:59
tsimpsonthere is no difference with the system they install though13:59
Guest63901do you know for what are real time kernel patches?14:00
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shadeslayermarcelC: i think that's ksplice14:06
shadeslayer!info ksplice14:06
ubottuksplice (source: ksplice): Patching live kernel without having to reboot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-2 (maverick), package size 151 kB, installed size 880 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 arm armel)14:06
tsimpsonthe realtime kernel is mostly useful for things like audio processing I think14:06
tsimpsonhttps://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT_Patch should start to explain it14:06
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ubottuTo display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears' in a terminal.14:33
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.14:33
skomorokhEver have the root window decide to be ON TOP of wherever windows get opened by default? This is happening to me when using my home dir from a multiple monitor setup in a virtualbox (I pack up my home and take it on the road and just switched my projector to an extended desktop from clone)14:34
skomorokhIs there some way to tell the root window, plasma-desktop, etc. to for sure be on the bottom?14:34
genii-aroundskomorokh: Usually if you put the cursor on the window title bar and rightclick, you get the optiondvanced which has like Keep above other windows, Keep below other windows, etc14:36
skomorokhRight, but I can't see the titlebar because it appears below the desktop :(14:37
skomorokhThe window is invisible. It shows up in the pager, I can click to switch to it. I can even interact with it.14:37
skomorokhBut I cannot see it unless I right click in the taskbar and tell it to keep above.14:37
BluesKajHi all14:50
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genii-aroundskomorokh: Is this with 11.04 ? I am having a similar issue with minimize/maximize on it today after latest updates14:57
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gunsofbrixton_why do the title bars of gtk apps have a different colours than the bars underneath? is that something that can't be fixed? it even persists in natty, where it has been claimed that gtk apps fit in with oxygen: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/Beta1/Kubuntu16:45
BluesKajgunsofbrixton_, there are a few problems with colours and themes in natty and kde 4.6 , even the non gtk/kde apps have some probs16:52
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do16:53
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BluesKajhi pointerroyden17:31
pointerroydenhi ;)17:31
siavashserverHi, I'm trying to collect information about Linux gamers hardware specs, if you are interested please take a look at this poll : http://www.misterpoll.com/polls/52155517:35
pointerroydenlinux games?17:35
noaXessdoes anybody know, why the trayicon of ktimetracker is as big? see here.. http://i.imgur.com/88cPN.png17:52
=== dinesh_ is now known as saidinesh5
nautilus_anyone here who can help a beginner with a kde-related problem?18:29
James147!ask | nautilus_18:31
ubottunautilus_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:31
marcelCI have a stupid question to ask18:35
marcelCI minimized koppete how can I raise it to see my contact list?18:36
nautilus_i use kubuntu 10.10, after a reboot i'm in gnome instead of kde. installed AWN before perhaps thats related. is there an easy way to reinstall / switch back to kde?18:36
marcelCnautilus_, try configure kdm settings18:37
nautilus_marcelC: i had that before, i restarted kopete with alt+f2 and changed somewhere in the options to show the icon in the taskbar - if i remember that right18:37
James147nautilus_: if you ahve both kde and gnome installed then you should beable to log into the enviroment you want by changing the menu options in the login manager18:38
nautilus_marcelC thx for helping, but can you help me a bit more specific? i'm a newbie18:38
marcelCafter reboot, Dose appear a screen with username and password?18:39
James147marcelC: and as nautilus_ said, kopete can be set to minimize to teh system tray :) check to see if it is there18:39
marcelCi am searching that menu now James14718:40
marcelCnautilus_,  after reboot, Dose appear a screen with username and password?18:40
nautilus_marcelC no, i deactivated that during or short after installing kubuntu18:41
nautilus_but it sais kubuntu 10.10 in the splash screen18:41
James147nautilus_: then how do you start the x enviroment?18:42
nautilus_i use autologin18:42
James147nautilus_: so you do use the login manager ^^ it just auto logs you in18:42
James147nautilus_: logout, then log back in after selecting kde from the sessions menu18:43
nautilus_James147: you're right, but he asked me if theres a screen ^^18:43
nautilus_James147: okay, i'll try18:43
ershadCould you tell me to how to define a keyboard shortcut key for 'operations menu' of a window in Kubuntu 10.10?18:47
James147ershad: you mean the context menu?18:48
James147(when you right click something?)18:48
ershadJames147: yes, I would like to open it by pressing 'Alt+space'18:49
ershadJames147: Like, to close a window -  we press 'Alt+Space c'18:49
nautilus_James147: marcelC: thx for your help guys - it worked, after restart it uses the kde-setting, too. That was pretty easy ;)18:50
James147ershad: sorry, the context menu, when yo right click something inside the window or the window menu, when you right click the titlebar?18:50
hellslinger_is there a dev version of oxygen-gtk that will keep gimp from segfaulting at launch?18:51
ershadJames147: yes, the menu we get on right-clicking title bar18:51
James147ershad: then yes, the default is alt+F3 ^^ but you can change it in the global keyboard shorcuts part of system settings18:52
ershadJames147: I'm sorry, disconnected.18:53
James147ershad: then yes, the default is alt+F3 ^^ but you can change it in the global keyboard shorcuts part of system settings18:53
ershadJames147: I'm sorry, I couldn't see such an option in global keyboard shotcuts.18:55
ershadJames147: Sorry. found it :)18:55
ershadJames147: Thank you so much for helping :)18:56
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=== Guest80546 is now known as AndrewMC
lovrehi all19:20
lovrei have just installed kubuntu 10.10. How can i easily format my usb flash drive?19:20
lovresorry, got disconnected19:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:22
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:22
ubottuPartitionManager is a !KDE !GUI partitioning program. Use !KPackageKit, !Adept or !Synaptic to install or type « sudo apt-get install partitionmanager » in a !terminal19:22
lovreok, i dont get it. How do i simly format the usb drive?19:25
James147lovre: install and use partitionmanager... or use mkfs.* command line utils19:26
lovreJames147: yes, i have just installed the PartitionManager, but im not sure how to format the drive. Should i delete it first and tren create a new partition? Seems rather complicated as opposed to right click-> format....19:27
James147lovre: doubleclcik on the partition you want to format19:30
lovreJames147: do i choose "Recreate existing file system"?19:31
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:31
James147lovre: if you want to recreate the existing filesystem... else pick the file system you want to create19:31
lovreJames147: ok, that wasnt so bad... :)  Thank you very much !19:31
James147lovre: there is no simple right click > format   as formatting should be considred dangrous (it distroys all data on the drive... ) and there is no way to know what filesystem you want to format as19:32
lovreJames147: i understand this. just need to get used to new ways :) Thank !19:33
=== petete_ is now known as petete
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lovreis Katapult still maintained for kde?20:01
Daskreechlovre: No but you can jump in the channel for it20:02
Daskreechlovre: No but you can jump in the channel for it20:04
lovreDaskreech: seen on the website last post was in 2008. Too bad, i liked that software20:05
hiteshcan anyone help me solve my problem with Kubuntu latest version?20:05
Daskreechlovre: It's pretty much superceded by krunner now20:05
Daskreechlovre: What did you like about it?20:05
lovreDaskreech: it seemed to be a good guesser of what i want, when using krunner, i have to type almost all letters or even the full name of application20:06
lovreDaskreech: katapult seemed somehow "smarter". Maybe its just my impression, could be wrong20:06
hiteshmy system CPU utilization goes 100% many times can anyone help me why?20:06
hiteshand system goes numb.20:07
Raven_workhitesh:  pop open a terminal and type "top"20:07
Daskreechlovre: Krunner learns over time. If you keep typing in the same things they rise to the top20:07
Raven_workAnd tell us what the most cpu-hungry process on your system is.20:07
DaskreechFor example I play Kpatience a lot and would just type in pat20:07
hiteshRaven: what next?20:08
lovreDaskreech: this seems ok. I will see in some time. Thanks for the info, i will give krunner a try20:08
DaskreechI would keep getting paths and other stuff. Kpat was like the 4th thing down20:08
Daskreechnow it's the number one hit20:08
Raven_workhitesh:  And tell us what the most cpu-hungry process on your system is.20:08
Daskreechlovre: if you want you can switch the interface to Quicksand which I have no idea how much it's maintained but it is much more like katapult20:08
Raven_workhitesh:  It'll be the one at the top of the list.20:08
hiteshcurrently its chrome but most of the time it reflects with xorg20:09
lovreDaskreech: the thing is, i like to launch apps quickly, but i dont want my system to get all bloated with redundant software, so i will give krunner a try. If it doesnt work out, i will look into the Quicksand. Thanks for the suggestion.20:09
Daskreechlovre: They are the same thing :)20:10
hiteshxorg is eating and jumping CPU20:10
Daskreech lovre: look in the interface options for Krunner20:10
lovreDaskreech: oh20:10
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Daskreechlovre: it is the "task oriented" interface20:10
lovreDaskreech: wow, thats nice20:10
lovreDaskreech: kubuntu is maturing really nicely. I havent used it in few months, and there are tons of new stuff, and better20:11
Daskreechlovre: Welcome to KDE :)20:14
lovreDaskreech: ty :)20:14
James147lovre: which kde version are you on?20:16
lovreJames147: i have just installed Kubuntu about two hours ago. Kubuntu 10.10 with KDE 4.5.120:17
James147lovre: you may want to look at useing the backports ppa to upgrade to kde 4.6.x ^^ it has a fair few improvments over 4.5 :)20:18
lovreJames147: any worth mentioning now? :)20:18
James147lovre: improved support and managment of activities20:19
James147lovre: and better orgnisiation of system settings ... that about all I can remember... been using 4.6 for a long time now I cant remember all the differences :)20:19
lovreJames147: how do i switch quickly between activities, since we are at it?20:20
James147Though kde improves on allot of things with every version20:20
James147lovre: on kde 4.6 you can with meta+tab20:20
dellcan we install the fedora live security package as a whole in kubuntu?20:20
James147dont think there is a shortcut by default in 4.520:20
James147dell: no20:21
delly not20:21
lovreJames147: same here :D Thanx. I wasnt really going to use activities, since i remember it as messy from when they first introduced... But now they seem so lightweight... i must give this a serious try20:21
dellcant we extract the packages from iso and install?20:21
lovreJames147: the shortcut is the same20:21
dellthe kernel is the same rite20:21
James147dell: because fedora is not baised off debian and installs things to different locations/ maintains packages ina  different way and has many minor differences that you make it very hard to install packages from20:22
lovreJames147: i have made some activities, and now i cant delete them... ?lol20:22
dellhmmm thx20:23
James147dell: most applications in fedora are also availble in ubuntu though ^^ so why not look for the ubuntu packages for them20:23
James147lovre: as I said, 4.6 improves the managment of acivites quite abit20:23
James147lovre: and is well worth upgrading if you want to use them :)20:23
lovreJames147: seems so, since i cant even name them now :) I should really upgrade...20:24
lovreJames147: how can i do this?20:24
James147lovre: see the chanel topic for the link :020:24
lovreJames147: kk ty20:24
Daskreechlovre: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.6/20:24
lovreDaskreech: ty20:25
Daskreechdell: What security package?20:25
dellwell they r offering a whole list of packages20:25
dellincluding Wlan sniffing , crackers , forensic n so on20:26
Daskreechdell: Oh you want a security distro20:26
delli did a search n some ppl were trying to install it on there own distros20:26
dellbut i also like there electronic lab spin20:26
Daskreechdell: Use the Fedora one then since it has all th things that you want20:26
DaskreechThat's kinda the point of a distro :)20:26
dellbut i like kubuntu20:26
delli mean cant i use kubuntu and install both the spins20:27
dellit will be a jackpot u know20:27
Daskreechdell: Use Kubuntu for day to day use and the Fedora one for your security things20:27
DaskreechYes you can20:27
DaskreechBecause Linux is Awesome20:27
lovreJames147: i have added the repository for backports, but what now? Should i do dist-upgrade?20:27
dellbut how many Os can i have in one hdd20:27
lovreJames147: or just update?20:27
James147dell: rather then installing packages from another dirtro it is generally better to compile the software if the dirtro you are using dosnt provide packages for them20:28
James147dell: as many as you can fit :)20:28
lovreJames147: wow, i suddenly have 189 updates ready, dont mind my previous question :D20:28
dellcompile the software please explain20:29
James147lovre: add the ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:29
James147^^ that is, update the package lists then upgrade the packages20:29
lovreJames147: ok, upgrading now...20:29
James147dell: first, what programs are you looking to install>20:29
=== dinesh_ is now known as saidinesh5
dellwell the whole list available on there site20:30
dellfor the electronic lab spin and the live security spin20:30
James147dell: this http://spins.fedoraproject.org/security/ ?20:32
James147^^ that looks like an entirre dirstro not a single applications :p20:33
dellwhere is the configure.help file ? i want to see if my packet socket is enabled20:33
dellwell yeah dude but i wish i could make my own distro with all i want in it ...........20:33
James147dell: thus you either need to install it as a  nother operating system alongside kubuntu or within a virtual mecheine inside kubuntu if you want to use it20:35
James147^^ or if your only intrested in the applications it contains then find their name and install them inkubuntu20:35
dellyea i did that for some ;)20:35
draikI'm trying to get HDMI audio to work, but it doesn't seem to stick. When I do (eventually) get audio out of HDMI, rebooting loses the ability to play audio via HDMI. Is there a way to make it stick?20:42
Daskreechdell: How many? Hmm I know one guy installed 286 on one computer20:46
James147Daskreech: heh, for any real reason?20:47
=== petete_ is now known as petete
DaskreechJames147: to answer the question that dell asked20:47
Daskreechdell: Honestly if you have a distro that does what you want then use that distro.20:48
Obituaryanybody please tell me how can i do kubuntu faster?20:50
Obituarythanks in advance20:50
James147Obituary: do kubuntu?20:51
James147!details | Obituary20:52
ubottuObituary: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:52
Obituarykubuntu goes very slow, and some programms stop working and i cannot close them either, thats is what i find20:54
DaskreechObituary: what do you do kubuntu ?20:54
DaskreechObituary: What are the specs on your computer?20:54
Obituary1 gb ram, amd 300020:55
James147Obituary: I would suggest you monitor your system resources and see what programs are useing them20:59
James147ksysguard  (System monitor) will show you what processes are using cpu and memory... see which applications are the biggest offendors21:00
Obituaryok, thanks, let me see21:01
scottamungahey everybody, I just downloaded the latest drivers for my NVIDIA card, and it is a file with a *.run extension.  What do I need to do to install it? Is there a tutorial somewhere?21:12
scottamungaI tried opening it with Kate, and through that I learned of a nifty tool to open a terminal inside Kate, but I can't get it to execute.  I apologize for my n00bishness.21:13
James147scottamunga: unless you are having problems with the divers from the repos I suggest you dont use the oens form the nvidia site21:13
James147scottamunga: to run it you need to make it executable (if it isnt already) and run it in a terminal with "./scriptname.run" (assuming you are in the directory that contains the script) however that script retuires you to run with while the X enviroment isnt running21:14
scottamungaI was just having a few problems with glitchy flash videos and emulators21:15
scottamungaI know it could also be problems with Flash and the emulator, but I'd been taught to check your graphics driver first.  Whether that's the wrong thing, idk. :D21:16
James147scottamunga: what version of kubuntu are you on?21:16
scottamunga10.10, with KDE 4.621:16
scottamungaI'm using the flash from the repos and VBA from the repos21:17
scottamungaI tried installing flash from Adobe's website (this was before you warned me not to do that - there haven't been any *new* problems yet :) )21:17
DaskreechObituary: You may also want to turn off desktop effects21:18
Daskreechscottamunga: emulators?21:18
Obituaryand how i do that daskreech21:18
scottamungaDaskreech - I used VBA and ZSNES21:19
scottamungaI'm not anymore though21:19
DaskreechObituary: press alt+F2 and type effects21:19
Obituarythanks a lot daskreech21:21
Obituaryits really now much faster21:21
DaskreechObituary: :)21:22
scottamungaDaskreech: Why did you ask about emulators?21:23
DaskreechYou mentioned Flash and emulators. I was trying to figure out if you meant a flash emulator or a emulator for something written in flash21:23
scottamungaoh lol21:26
lovrei get some errors (two to be precise) when booting kubuntu. Something fatal mentioning some modules, but everything loads properly. is this something known or should i write down the exact messages?21:41
savpetherhi, i made kdm theme for ne kubuntu 11.04 if you want you can add this theme as default in kubuntu 11.0421:42
savpetherthis is screenshot21:43
FloodBotK1savpether: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
savpetheris there anybody from kubuntu team?21:47
James147savpether: kubuntu tends to use the upstream themes and hasnt of yet changed from that... thus it is unlikly that they will chose to use your theme as the default21:49
James147savpether: kubuntu tends to use the upstream themes and hasnt of yet changed from that... thus it is unlikly that they will chose to use your theme as the default21:50
James147savpether: Also, it would be better to ask in #ubuntu+1 or #kubuntu-devel  ... Though dont expect much from them21:51
James147savpether: though it might be useful to place the theme on kde-look.org21:52
James147^^ that way it will be visable from the get new stuff dialog21:52
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areichmanDoes anybody here know who writes the release announcements for new versions of kubuntu?22:10
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himany one to talk22:29
himto solveprobs22:29
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ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:52
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo22:55
scottamungais there a way to join #ubuntu from quassel irc?22:57
scottamungahi, btw22:57
scottamungasorry figured it out22:58
scottamungasorry to bother22:58
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GuiriHowdy. Trying to put Kubuntu 10.10 PPC on an old laptop. The CD loads to the KDM password prompt. What's the login/pass?23:22
areichmanGuiri: did you try leaving them blank and pressing enter?23:24
Guiriyeah. I'll read the help article but I did try that23:25
Guirioddly enough user ubuntu seems to have worked fine. we'll see if the rest loads up23:26
Guirithx areichman i23:26
areichmandid it work? I've never had to login to a live CD23:26
DaskreechGuiri: ubuntu with no password23:32
Guiriactually it just seems to cycle back through KDM when I do that Daskreech23:42
DaskreechGuiri: can you jump to a terminal and try that?23:44
Guiriyeah 1 second. It takes a minute to cycle through b/c I haven't installed the ram upgrade yet23:45
Daskreechwait a minute?23:46
Daskreech what cycle does it go through/23:46
GuiriAfter enter is pressed and the login "ubuntu" is entered it jumps back through the KDM cycle, Hard drive, world icon, KDE icon, etc23:47
GuiriDoes that make more sense? Sorry I'm confusing23:47
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James147Guiri: have you checked the cd and iso?23:50
GuiriI'll do that next. I can always use the alternative cd I suppose23:53
James147Guiri: first validate the cd and reburn it if it fails :)23:54
* valorie has a problem: I was trying to get skype to work last night23:54
valorieand now I have NO SOUND23:55
valoriealsamixer: nothing muted23:55
valoriekmix is useless, just an error message23:55
valorieveromix says everything is working, but there is no sound23:55
valoriein or out23:55
valorieYoutube, phonon-backend test, Amarok, nada23:56
valorieI looked at all the sound help page, but that stuff all applies when your soundcard isn't properly seen by the kernel, or you don't have the proper drivers, etc.23:57
cpI recently installed kubuntu i386 natty and every time I try to resize konsole the machine locks up.  It doesn't happen when I resize firefox...  And the bug reporting tool blows up too.  Any suggestions?23:59
valoriecp, try #ubuntu+123:59

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