
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
gary_posterbac benji danilos. call in 5, & I'll look at kanban in just a sec13:25
gary_posterbenji may not be in for call; checking...13:29
benjigary_poster: I'm here13:29
gary_postercool, I thought I knew what was happening different on Thursday but wanted to check :-)13:30
gary_posterbac, Skype13:31
gary_posterdanilos: lp:~gary/launchpad/bug728370-direct-subs .  I was thinking that we want args too, to pass to the functions.  There's not much to it except for the new test/fix I sketched.13:45
gary_posterok benji, calling on Skype13:45
benjigary_poster: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/bug-753152-this-time-for-sure/+merge/5767213:46
gary_posterbenji: https://dev.launchpad.net/LEP/BetterBugSubscriptionsAndNotifications/Testing/EditingRound213:47
benjigary_poster: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/593990/13:47
danilosgary_poster, thanks, I am looking at it (yes, we do need args for the actions, but most of the times, stuff in vars should be usable because it contains teams/pillars/duplicate_bugs)13:53
gary_posteryeah, thought that but it is for a different purpose.  Whatever, we can tweak that13:54
gary_posteron call with benji now13:54
danilosgary_poster, right13:56
danilosgary_poster, fwiw, I like what your approach looks like (the nitty-gritty details of parameter passing left to the side :)14:10
gary_postergreat danilos14:10
bacgary_poster: i think the problem is related to muting and i am not seeing it locally b/c i didn't have that feature flag turned on14:17
bacwill know in a bit if that is the case14:17
gary_posterah! makes sense14:17
baccan't find 'mute_link' on the page i think14:18
* danilos -> lunch14:19
gary_posterdanilos, cool, ping me when you are around.14:25
gary_postermute_link: sounds promising14:25
bacgary_poster: i can replicate it locally now which means i can fix it14:28
bacgary_poster: i totally forgot about the *other* feature flag.14:28
gary_posterheh, great14:29
danilosgary_poster, hey, back14:36
gary_postercool danilos, 1 sec, lemme fix a test :-P14:36
danilosgary_poster, okay, okay, I am letting you! :)14:37
gary_posterok only five failing now :-P14:37
gary_posterdanilos, Skype?14:38
danilosgary_poster, yep14:38
danilosmumble has been crazy for me even with the new headset14:38
benjiwe should probably unify the feature flags; I guess if we remove them both soon that'll be unified enough14:50
bacgary_poster: got a sec for a quick call?15:50
gary_postersure bac15:50
gary_posterbac, on skype and ready; call when you wanna15:51
gary_posterdanilos, diff not there yet, but https://code.launchpad.net/~gary/launchpad/bug728370-direct-subs/+merge/5770316:13
danilosgary_poster, cool, thanks16:14
bacgary_poster: in the subscribe overlay, that html is created via a zope Choice field with a vocabulary.  the Choice is the one adding the colon.16:18
gary_posterbah, bac :-/16:32
danilosgary_poster, r=me16:46
gary_postercool thanks danilos.  Do you know if JS tests are being run in buildbot again?16:47
gary_posteror in ec216:47
danilosgary_poster, I know windmill tests were enabled then disabled again few days ago16:48
danilosgary_poster, are these other tests run at all?16:48
gary_posterI thouht they were run in windmill, yeah16:48
danilosgary_poster, hum, I don't know about that, I was under the impression that they are not, it'd be great if they are16:49
gary_posterdanilos: multiple variable defs in a single var: I thought that was a good thing?16:49
gary_posterI see the bad indent--can fix, but want to hear about the multiple vars in a var first :-)16:50
gary_poster(same bad indent copy and pasted several times)16:51
danilosgary_poster, well, multiple of us feel they are bad, I think bac reviewed one of my branches and commented on them when I moved them around; generally, with multiple vars, you can't reuse previous vars, and it's easy to mess up with commas, semicolons and such16:51
danilosgary_poster, not a biggie though16:52
gary_posterthe linter prefers them16:52
danilosgary_poster, it does?16:52
gary_postercan't reuse previous vars?16:52
bacdanilos: i don't think that was me16:52
danilosgary_poster, well, you can't say "var a=4, b=a+5;"16:53
gary_posterhuh...I did redefine a var in that branch16:53
danilosbac, sorry! but, what's your take on multiple vars in a var statement? :)16:53
gary_posterto fix a test failure16:53
danilos(I don't have a strong opinion *at all*)16:53
bacdanilos: it seems to be a common JS idiom16:54
gary_poster(so, equivalent of var a=5, a=a+4)16:54
bacdanilos: so i have not had a strong opinion either16:54
gary_posterdanilos, I'll just fix indent for now.16:54
danilosgary_poster, sure thing16:55
gary_posterthank you again for review16:55
danilosgary_poster, not sure what you mean with "equivalent", doesn't look equivalent to me :)16:55
gary_posterdanilos, I mean, I redefined a variable in terms of itself, as defined within that var, and the example is equivalent to what I described and what I did16:56
danilosgary_poster, ah, right16:56
danilosgary_poster, anyway, good to land, my prettyfication branch is landing as well, and I am off now :)16:58
gary_postercool thanks danilos.  ttyl16:58
gary_posterbenji, if I run make lint is that supposed to run the js linter?16:58
bachi gary_poster, AFAICT none of the direct subscription / mute JS functionality has tests.  how do you want me to proceed?17:34
bacadding new tests would be great but time consuming.  making this fix as-is, is not so great but no worse than we currently have.17:35
bacgary_poster: https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-760121/+merge/57726 with no tests17:51
* bac -> lunch17:51
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
benjigary_poster: yep; make lint has run the js linter recently at least18:45
gary_posterok, thanks benji18:46
gary_posterbac, approved with some relatively small caveats.18:52
bacgary_poster: thanks for the review.  very reasonable.19:13
gary_postercool bac, np19:13
gary_posterbenji, did you already start with danilo's prettification branch (lp:~danilo/launchpad/bug728370-descriptions)?  If not, I suggest merging it19:25
benjigary_poster: thanks, will do19:25
bacgary_poster: call?19:30
gary_posterbenji, I can have a call anytime between now and 4-ish.  I have to leave @ 4:05.  I'll be back and working more later this evening, but not sure when.  So anyway, if you want o have a call soon, that would be cool.19:52
benjigary_poster: k, how about at the top of the hour19:53
gary_postersounds good, thanks19:53
gary_posterbac or benji, could you confirm at some point that https://launchpad.dev/firefox/+milestone/1.0 does not work for you, at least when you are logged in as celso.providelo@canonical.com:cprov?  No rush, going to volunteering mtg and back later21:08
gary_postersorry, I mean that the "Subscribe to bug mail" link shows up but does not do anything when you click on it21:08
gary_posterthe handler does not appear to be installed, because you go to "#"21:09
gary_posterback soon-ish21:09
benjigary_poster: confirmed21:14
benjiI wonder if it's intentional that if you visit https://bugs.launchpad.dev/tomcat/+bug/2/+subscriptions you're told the same reason three times.21:30
gary_posterThanks benji.  Another bug to add.  Reason three times: I see three reasons, two of which are identical (Ubuntu Tomcat is different).  I suspect the two identical ones are a display issue: if you look at the bug then you'll see Hoary and Woody are there--I bet they are the source.21:39
benjigary_poster: you're right, only two of the three are the same; do you want me to file a bug?21:40
benji(or perhaps just a card)21:40
gary_posterbenji, thank you, but I'm already making a card for that one, since the project is in progress.  I'll file a bug for the milestone thing and make a card for it also.21:41
benjiok, I've had enough JS for today22:56

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