
jcrigbyrsalveti, just to let you know.  I have now tested the proposed u-boot with the latest x-load on panda and beagle00:16
jcrigbybeagle c400:16
rsalvetijcrigby: yeah, just tested fine on panda, xM and at my c400:17
rsalvetiI'm now booting at my b500:17
jcrigbyrsalveti, thanks for doing that00:17
rsalvetijcrigby: http://paste.ubuntu.com/593805/00:27
rsalvetiat my B500:27
rsalvetijcrigby: same sd card works fine at my C400:29
rsalvetijcrigby: could be a regression, just don't know exactly which upload could be the culprit one00:29
rsalvetiquite a while that I don't test it with my B500:29
rsalvetilet me flash a maverick sd card and we can start tracing it00:30
rsalvetiwant also to make sure it's not the x-loader00:30
rsalvetior not a hardware issue00:30
rsalvetijcrigby: yup, 2010.09-rc1 from maverick worked fine00:40
rsalvetiso it's a regression00:41
jcrigbyok, thanks00:42
rsalvetiwill try with the one we're using, then I can just open a bug for it00:42
rsalvetiusing at the image00:43
rsalvetialso, let me first update just the x-loader00:43
jcrigbyok, so latest in archive is also broken?00:44
jcrigbyfor B500:44
rsalvetijcrigby: trying now00:49
rsalvetijcrigby: worked fine with latest x-loader00:49
rsalvetiso it's probably a regression at u-boot00:49
rsalvetijcrigby: yup, broken00:51
rsalvetijcrigby: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/u-boot-linaro/+bug/76035000:56
jcrigbyso 2011.02.1 is also broken00:57
jcrigbyrsalveti, I believe that is what is the latest in the archive right?00:57
rsalvetijcrigby: yes00:58
jcrigbyand we don't  know when the regresson happend.  Just sometime between 2010.09 and 2011.02.100:58
jcrigbyrsalveti, this is going to be fun00:59
rsalvetijcrigby: haha, yeah :-)00:59
rsalvetithere's also a new error with latest u-boot: timed out in wait_for_pin: I2C_STAT=000:59
rsalvetibut can be normal, probably trying to identify the expansion board01:00
rsalvetibut would be good to check01:00
jcrigbyyes, I saw that too, I will make sure it is expected with no expansion board01:00
TheMusoogra_: FYI, threw in another patch from upstream for UCM. It basically enables UCM only for devices that have a UCM argument setin the udev rules, which should now cover OMAP4.01:01
rsalvetijcrigby: will be out for dinner, should be back in one hour, then we can try to bisect it01:01
TheMusoogra_: So source should b epublished by the time you get online.01:02
jcrigbyrsalveti, I will be out then so may need to wait until tomorrow.  I will be back later tonight I will ping you.01:03
rsalvetijcrigby: sure, np01:04
jcrigbysakoman, ping?01:09
GrueMasterTheMuso: Does that also cover omap?  It will have UCM support as well, hopefully by next week.01:15
TheMusoGrueMaster: Yes it does.01:15
TheMusoAs I said, the udev stuff is to cover omap401:15
GrueMasterOK.  That looks like jack detection, which isn't needed for beagle/beaglexm but may be needed for other omap based systems.  Not worried about it now.01:17
TheMusoIts not jack detectino. It basically uses a definition in the pulse udev rule to tell pulse to enable UCM only for omap4, which reduces regression potential for other hadrware.01:18
GrueMasterOh.  Hmmm.  I'll have to look over the patches again.01:18
GrueMasterThis is from PA_UCM_patches_20110407.tar.bz2 right?01:20
TheMusoNo, its another one that was sent to david and myself.01:20
GrueMasterNot attached to the bug?  Hate when that happens.01:20
TheMusoIts in teh package I just uploaded to my PPA.01:20
TheMusoI'll attach it to the bug if you'd like.01:21
GrueMasterIt makes tracking easier, but I can find it.01:21
jcrigbyrsalveti: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.distributions.gumstix.general/5746701:40
jcrigbylooks like multiblock reads are broken in older omap silicon01:40
rsalvetijcrigby: yeah, that makes sense03:06
rsalvetijcrigby: will try that patch03:07
NCommanderrsalveti: re: IC2_ERROR, almost certian that error has to deal with the expansion port.03:15
* NCommander is catching up on backscroll)03:16
rsalvetiyup, probably03:16
jcrigbyrsalveti, I'm going to do a patch that would be acceptable to upstream.  Something like what gcl suggests in the thread.03:28
jcrigbyrsalveti, that is if it works for you03:28
rsalvetijcrigby: cool, sure03:28
rsalvetijcrigby: yup, worked fine03:43
jcrigbygreat!, thanks03:44
rsalvetiGrueMaster: ogra_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/u-boot-linaro/+bug/76035003:48
rsalvetithis should be at the beta-2 release notes03:48
rsalvetiour image doesn't work with older beagles, probably <= rev B503:48
rsalvetijcrigby: just updated the bug with the test result03:49
GrueMasterOk.  Very odd, but I'm not sure we really even support hw <512M (except maybe headless).03:49
jcrigbyGrueMaster, that might explain why this problem has never been reported03:50
GrueMasterI've seen my own issues with u-boot on beagle C4.  Currently, when I reboot I hold the user button to load x-loader & uboot from SD, but my bootcmd fails.03:51
GrueMasterbootcmd=bootcmd=mmc init;mmcinfo;if fatload mmc 0 0x82000000 boot.scr;then echo boot.scr found! Executing ...;source 0x82000000;fi03:53
GrueMasterIt would fail without the mmcinfo.03:54
rsalvetiGrueMaster: headless image can be useful for those old boards03:55
rsalvetiGrueMaster: can be be used to be a small server, or something like that03:55
GrueMasteryes, I realize that.  That's why I dusted mine off and have it hooked up.03:55
GrueMasterI usually install openssh, and basic server.03:56
rsalvetiwe don't expect it to work fast, but it should at least boot :-)03:56
GrueMasterFast is relative to the bottlenecks in the environment.  For a printerver, it should be great (haven't tested yet).03:57
GrueMasterUnfortunately, my office is in flux and need of an overhaul (hopefully this weekend).03:58
ppisatiwhat's musb?10:11
hrwmusb is TI driver for OTG port in omap2-4 chip10:12
ogra_can you use more acronyms please :P10:12
ppisatiand, do i need a particular cable for OTG?10:13
ppisatior any usb should do it?10:13
ppisatis/usb/usb cable/10:14
hrwwhich board?10:14
ogra_which beagle :=10:14
hrwfor device you just use normal miniusb cable10:15
ppisatibeaglxm in this case10:15
* hrw has only c3/b710:15
ppisatiso, can i connect the xm to my pc using the mini-usb connector? the one used to power it? is it ok?10:15
ogra_i thought linaro is drowning in XMs, they didnt gove you one ?10:15
ppisatianyway, i've a plain beagle too10:16
hrwyes, you can connect10:16
ppisatiuhm, k10:17
hrwogra_: do I look like a8 collector? :D10:17
ppisatibecause we have 2 issues here10:17
ppisatifirst, in natty we lost the musb driver10:17
hrwogra_: I do not use beagles now10:17
ogra_who does anyway ;)10:17
ppisatiand the second, is that the musb is kind of broken10:18
ppisatibut i can't get the a_idle state with the cable connected10:18
ppisatianyway, i'll debug it a bit more10:18
ogra_ppisati, i would recommend talking to koen on #beagle10:18
ogra_he probably has fixes for such bugs in angstrom already10:19
XorA|gonemusb is broken in upstream 2.6.38 kernel10:19
XorA|goneAngstrom doesnt have a fix10:19
ppisatithat's a patch provided by cooloney, should work in maverick (didnt;'t try yet)10:19
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
ogra_XorA|gone, ah, thx10:19
ppisatibut the same patch makes my board hangs at boot in natty10:19
ppisatiXorA|gone: what you mean is broken?10:20
XorA|goneppisati: will go into host mode but will never negotiate a usb address successfully with device10:20
ppisatiXorA|gone: it doesn't work? it doesn't attach? it panics? it format the sd and install freebsd? :D10:20
ppisatiXorA|gone: but i should get the "a_idle" state with the cable connected, right?10:20
XorA|goneppisati: I cant rmemeber the states, it does get you all hopeful and does detect device insertion10:21
XorA|goneI think agreen was looking into something similar10:21
ppisatianyway, time to debug some more10:22
ogra_does anyone know if the usb based booting on the panda can pull the kernel via usb too ?11:15
hrwogra_: omap4 bootrom loads xloader from usb and gives control to it - right?11:21
ogra_i think it loads MLO and u-boot11:21
ogra_but i'm not sure if u-boot then has access to the usb link to pull the kernel from there11:21
hrwprobably not11:22
ogra_then i wonder whats the benefit of it11:22
ogra_if i need the SD to hold the kernel anyway, it seems to be a bit pointless11:22
hrwogra_: if xloader is able to fetch uboot from usb then it is able to fetch kernel instead of uboot too11:23
hrwand if you merge initramfs into kernel image...11:24
ogra_yes, that could probably work11:25
loologra_: There is a tool from TI to do this USB boot stuff11:26
ogra_lool, i know, i read the doc, but it only talks about loading MLO and u-boot11:27
ogra_and io was wondering how to then get the kernel if u-boot doesnt have USB support ...11:27
ogra_though the merged kernel/initrd instead of u-boot loading might work11:28
* ogra_ tries to find an alternative way of providing PPAs without having to use the addon board 11:28
ogra_lool, i'm collecting spec ideas ... i was wondering if we should have a flash-kernel rewrite spec so we can break up the stuff into assigned work items11:29
loologra_: Dunno11:44
doko_janimo, ogra: armel rebuild with GCC 4.6 and binutils trunk started: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20110419-arm/+builds?build_text=&build_state=failed11:46
doko_yes, typo in the date11:46
armin76go future11:47
ogra_looks pretty calm11:48
ogra_if you stop it now we wont have much work :P11:48
ppisaticooloney: dude, i can't musb to enter a_idle state14:24
ppisatiflag@omap:~$ cat /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode14:24
sakomanjcrigby: very belated pong :-)14:25
ppisatiexactly, what do i have to do to reproduce your scenario?14:25
ppisaticooloney: lp60831214:25
ppisatii'm powering my beagle xm via the usb socket14:25
ppisatiis it enough? shall i get a_idle?14:25
ogra_doko_, i see you still have an open natty WI on the armel tracker14:40
ogra_do you plan to get to that (testing xvfb on hatty) or should it probably be postponed ?14:40
ogra_(or is it done already and just missing the paperwork)14:41
doko_ogra: pointer?14:43
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/ubuntu-armel.html and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning14:43
* ogra_ wonders why that spec is associated at all with the armel team14:44
doko_ogra: hmm, don't know why. I appear to show up on different teams ... but it's done14:52
rsalvetiogra_: you can boot and get everything you need by the musb14:59
ogra_rsalveti, ah, sweet, that could be an alternbative to the addon board for PPAs then14:59
rsalvetialso, there is a u-boot patchset that enables the smsc usb+eth device14:59
ogra_indeed we need a central USB server15:00
rsalvetiwith that we can probably use tftp15:00
ogra_cool, so lets have a BOF and spec for that in O15:00
rsalvetijcrigby: did you ever try this smsc patchset with your panda?15:00
* ogra_ added something to the spec ideas wikipage15:01
ogra_rsalveti, btw, i think "Send the pull request to the kernel team" WI can be closed ... request was sent :)15:02
rsalvetiogra_: haha, sure, will close and put some more comment on the bug15:03
ogra_i guess we have to hope for an SRU here15:03
ogra_up to the kernel team though15:03
rsalvetiyes, I'm planning to make another patchset, and also send it upstream at the same time15:06
rsalvetiif we get good reviews, then it'll be easier to do an SRU15:06
rsalvetiwill just update the sgx drivers again and will get back to this patchset15:07
ogra_rsalveti, oh ! i thought the WI was only omap315:17
rsalvetiogra_: it was15:17
ogra_"send it upstream, to omap4 branch and to Linaro, to get more feedback"15:17
rsalvetiogra_: it should be included at omap 4 branch15:18
rsalvetito have xrandr support15:18
ogra_i thought it was already15:18
rsalvetithat's fine15:18
rsalvetino, not yet15:18
jcrigbyrsalveti, patchset?15:18
rsalvetiupstream to get more feedback15:18
rsalvetiand linaro just to also add this functionality15:19
rsalvetiogra_: that's why I didn't create more WI for it, because the original plan was just omap 315:19
jcrigbysakoman, google is my friend.  It was about the broken multiblock xtrers on old beagles15:19
rsalvetijcrigby: the smsc one, that adds usb+eth support15:19
jcrigbysakoman, sent a fix to list last night15:19
rsalvetijcrigby: I'm about to build and try your fix15:20
jcrigbyrsalveti, oh good (on both)15:20
* ogra_ sees an u-boot upload, does that already include the fix ?15:20
jcrigbyrsalveti, is is patchset in history here?15:20
rsalvetijcrigby: nops, saw it at the u-boot m-l15:20
jcrigbyrsalveti, oh ok, I'll go look.  I was thinking yesterday that it really is a pain to plug/unplug sd card for every kernel or u-boot rebuild15:21
rsalvetijcrigby: yes, at least tftp support would be nice15:23
ogra_no hurry though :)15:24
ppisatitftp support would be awesome15:24
ogra_hatty is nearly done15:24
=== doko_ is now known as doko
sakomanjcrigby: I guessed that from the discussion earlier15:34
sakomanI'll look at the list for the patch15:34
rsalvetijcrigby: yup, worked fine15:40
rsalvetijcrigby: will comment at the bug15:40
jcrigbyrsalveti, fantastic15:40
rsalvetiwill reply with a tested-by too15:40
rsalvetijcrigby: ops, one bug15:43
rsalvetijcrigby: xm ES revision is ES1.015:43
jcrigbyrsalveti, crap15:44
jcrigbyrsalveti, I put the ifdef in there to only get OMAP3 but I forgot about different omap3.15:45
jcrigbyso if 34xx and old is the condition15:46
jcrigbythen we avoid 36xx right?15:46
rsalvetijcrigby: 35xx should be fine (probably this 34xx)15:46
rsalvetijcrigby: afaik yes15:46
jcrigbyok, I'll go rev the patch, may need to ask sakoman for help15:47
rsalvetiat least XM ES1.0 works fine with multi-block read15:47
jcrigbyright, patch as is will just slow it down15:47
sakomanjcrigby: was just reviewing the patch and noticed the same thing15:48
sakomanI think a run time check for cpu type and revision is needed15:49
jcrigbysakoman, right15:49
sakomansince we have a single binary for both 35xx and 37xx15:49
sakomanthere are still a few places in the kernel that make this same error iirc15:49
jcrigbyok, so I will leave the ifdef to leave omap4 out15:50
jcrigbyand change the runtime check15:50
rsalvetiyeah, that should do it15:51
sakomanthere is code in sys_info.c to get cpu type and revision15:51
rsalvetiI'm also afraid the same issue happens at the kernel15:51
jcrigbysakoman, for kernel it needs to be just runtime checks right?15:53
sakomansince we want a single omap binary15:53
sakomanu-boot is at least board specific, so you only need to deal with the board options15:53
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jcrigbysakoman, one more dumb question, what are AM35xx devices?16:03
sakomanjcrigby: I believe that is what TI calls "Sitara"16:05
jcrigbyok, yes16:05
jcrigbysakoman, ok changing toif ((get_cpu_family() == CPU_OMAP34XX) && (get_cpu_rev() <= CPU_3XX_ES21))16:06
sakomanjcrigby: seems reasonable to me16:07
jcrigbyok, thanks16:07
hrwhttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B004EPV7TK/ref=xs_gb_A3BWIOFSXKB0OY?_encoding=UTF8&smid=A1KWJVS57NX03I&pf_rd_p=441937901&pf_rd_s=right-1&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=1JPCN2R605ZZV5R7T0DN - Tegra2 tablet for 280USD16:29
Sarvattits been abandoned by nvidia, i dont recommend it :)16:38
* Sarvatt has one16:38
GrueMasterWhy was it abandonded?16:47
hrwSarvatt: harmony?16:49
Sarvattthey moved on to a newer platform16:49
hrwFor our partners' Android devices, NVIDIA provides support until the hardware partner chooses to no longer support the device. So, for instance, NVIDIA will support the Xoom on all versions of Android Motorola requests until Motorola ceases to support the Xoom. The same goes for ViewSonic with the G-Tablet, Notion Ink with the Adam, Acer with the Iconia, LG with the Optimus 2X and so on.16:50
Sarvattoh good, they updated it yesterday16:50
Sarvattaside from that the viewing angles on the screen are horrific on it, it really hinders using it as a tablet16:51
Sarvatthaven't been able to find a decent replacement screen for it yet because its a really thin type, something like an asus transformer is well worth the extra 130 bucks16:53
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* rsalveti lunch16:59
=== GrueMaster changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Want to Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Build a rootfs from scratch: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | wanna cross build ? http://42.pl/u/2u8U | Natty Neta 2 at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/releases/natty/beta-2/| Now taking ideas for Oneric at https://wiki.ubuntu.com
=== GrueMaster changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Want to Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Build a rootfs from scratch: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | wanna cross build ? http://42.pl/u/2u8U | Natty Neta 2 at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/releases/natty/beta-2/| Ideas for Oneric at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Oneric
=== GrueMaster changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Build a rootfs from scratch: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | wanna cross build ? http://42.pl/u/2u8U | Natty Beta 2 at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/releases/natty/beta-2/| Ideas for Oneric at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OnericObjectiv
=== GrueMaster changed the topic of #ubuntu-arm to: Ubuntu ARM Discussion & Development | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM | Submit a Bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug | Build a rootfs from scratch: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RootfsFromScratch | cross build ? http://42.pl/u/2u8U | Natty Beta 2 at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/releases/natty/beta-2/| Ideas for Oneric at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OnericObjectives
zaerywhat is the package name of the new onscreen keyboard18:12
GrueMasterzaery: florence18:14
GrueMasterYou should be able to find it in universe.18:16
zaeryinstalled, but how do i start  it18:18
GrueMasterNot sure.18:26
GrueMasterThere are two packages.  florence & florence-applet.18:27
GrueMasterI'll load them in a sec and test.18:27
GrueMasterwhat image are you working with?18:27
zaerynatty x8618:27
zaerykeyboard up.18:28
zaerycan it auto show/hide?18:28
GrueMasterI have no idea.  I haven't worked on it or with it.18:29
GrueMasterI just remember it being packaged by a teammate.18:29
GrueMasterIf you are using this on x86, why ask on #u-arm?18:29
zaerydavid said to talk to his guys here :)18:30
zaerywill also be looking at arm tablets soon18:31
GrueMasterAmazon is having a fire sale on the Viewsonic tablet.18:34
GrueMasterI'm not sure that florence is unity compliant.  I installed it on my netbook (amd64) and it doesn't show up in the applets icons.  I can launch it through the dash under Universal Access.18:38
zaerydavid couldnt remember the name. he said it was brand new18:41
GrueMasterYea, still very early development.18:41
easwarI'm having trouble getting Ubuntu to boot on a BB xM Rev B18:46
easwarI did the install and the boot.scr to give me a serial tty login18:47
GrueMasterWhich image are you using?18:47
easwarGrueMaster, the maverick omap 3 preinstalled18:48
GrueMasterWe have a headless image specifically for this purpose.  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-headless/releases/natty/beta-2/18:48
easwarGrueMaster, no, I want the GUI18:48
GrueMasterThe preinstalled maverick images assume you have kvm.18:48
GrueMasterThen you need to add console=/dev/tty1 as well as serial console.18:48
easwarGrueMaster, ok, and what's the deal with cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/releases tree having both maverick and 10.10 as child directories?18:49
easwarwhich one are you supposed to select?18:50
GrueMasterFor maverick on beagleXM, follow the instruvctions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall.  As to the release naming, one is a link to the other.  maverick is the codename for 10.1018:51
easwarGrueMaster, ok, so one is a symlink to the other18:51
GrueMasterLine natty is the code name for 11.04.18:51
GrueMasterAlso, there is an issue with booting the stock maverick image on beagleXM >rev A3.  They changed the hardware right at release time.18:52
GrueMasterRequires a kernel fix (which is in maverick updates) to enable video.18:52
easwarGrueMaster, that is the same as the one on the OMAPMaverickInstall page, correct?18:53
easwardownloading the kernel and uimage from rsalveti's page18:53
GrueMasterFollow the directions on the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall18:53
GrueMasterVery straight forward.18:54
easwarGrueMaster, yes, those are the ones I'm following18:54
GrueMasterFor grins, you should also try the new Natty Beta 2 image (just released today).18:54
GrueMastersee /topic for link.18:55
easwarGrueMaster, might try it later, right now this is kinda (academic) project critical19:01
easwarthanks for your help !19:01
ogra_GrueMaster, what do you think about a packaging tools profiling spec ? to identify the slow areas of dpkg/apt/update-manager19:42
ogra_(i think you suffer most from the slowness)19:42
GrueMasterI think it might get resolved with armfp, but I don't know.  I think it is related to fp emulation as opposed to hw fp.19:43
ogra_(armhf) ;)19:43
GrueMasteryea, that19:43
ogra_well, i think its a general issue on SD cards as well19:43
ogra_hardfloat will surely improve a bit here19:44
GrueMasterI get varying degrees of performance from different SD cards.  For example, package updates are 2x faster on my 8G class 10 than on the microcenter 16G class 6 cards.19:45
ogra_well, but what means 2x faster ?19:45
ogra_its still likely 3x slower than say your x86 netbook19:45
GrueMasterI'd have to run time sudo apt-get update on both with the same base image to give details.19:46
GrueMasterbut even flashing the sd cards is a noticeable difference.19:47
ogra_well, then not only the same base image but the same media19:49
ogra_well, was just an idea for a possible spec19:49
ogra_its just that it feels like the whole system is totally responsive but a dist-upgrade with 120 packages takes half a day19:51
GrueMasterI think the SD size has something to do with it as well.  I flashed the omap netbook image onto a 4G microSD Class 6 at 8.0MB/s and the omap4 image on a 8G class 10 at 4.2MB/s19:51
ogra_at least thats my impression19:51
GrueMasterYes, that is true.19:51
GrueMasterPart of it is download & SD io.19:51
ogra_i think its more the unpack/configure phase than download actually19:52
GrueMasterI see a 4-10x speed improvement using my internal mirror instead of ports.u.c.19:52
ogra_sure, we cant do much about the download speed ...19:52
GrueMasterDepending on activity/time of day.19:52
GrueMasterhence the internal mirror.19:53
ogra_but i think there is room for improvement for the debconf stuff19:53
GrueMasterPossibly.  What about btrfs support?19:53
ogra_not sure how well resizing works with it19:53
rsalvetifs benchmarks would be nice19:53
ogra_we should consider it for sure19:53
ogra_i was a bit in love with nilfs2 recently19:54
GrueMasterI remember it was argued against in maverick as it was still too early, and that carried forward with natty while we still had .35 based kernels.19:54
ogra_but it has no resize options at all :(19:54
ogra_i have seen measurements that show its even faster than btrfs19:54
ogra_and its a snapshot based fs19:55
GrueMasterext3 faster than btrfs?19:55
ogra_you can roll back to any state you like19:55
ogra_ext3 is slower than btrfs i think19:55
ogra_at least on SD19:55
ogra_btrfs has specific SD optimizations19:55
GrueMasterI know there is a conversion tool.  Wonder if it could be added to jasper.19:56
ogra_so it would actually be good to switch, but its a question of stability and feature completeness19:56
GrueMasterDefinately some things to test in early Oneric alpha.19:57
ogra_we should find out what the actual last blocking factors are in ubuntu19:57
ogra_if its just some grub issues we dont need to care for example19:57
ogra_i'm not sure conversion is such a good idea19:57
GrueMasterThat was on the n900 kubuntu-mobile wiki.19:58
ogra_you are gambling with the users data ...19:58
GrueMasterThe conversion could be run after grow-root. No user data to implode.19:58
GrueMasterI can do some experiments on it, but I should see about getting alsa-ucm support for beagle first.19:59
ogra_yeah, thats all oneric ...20:01
ogra_note it down as idea though :)20:01
GrueMasterAdded to wiki.20:04
ogra_GrueMaster, i have changed the monimal size req for headless from 4 to 2G on the wikipage20:22
ogra_(for headless thats sufficient)20:22
GrueMasterHrm.  Looks like btrfs is still in flux.20:22
ogra_still not default in ubuntu20:22
ogra_i think arnd from20:23
GrueMasterBeyond that.  They haven't finalized the format.20:23
ogra_#linaro works upstream20:23
ogra_well, the warning is for .3120:24
ogra_we'll be at 39 or 40 in oneric20:24
* ogra_ goes to make some meeting coffee20:24
GrueMasterv2.6.37 (January 2011) On-disk free space cache, asynchronous snapshots, unprivileged subvolume deletion, extent buffer switches from a rbtree with spinlocks to a radix tree with RCU.20:25
GrueMasterFrom the changelog.20:25
ograline is up20:30
=== Jack87z is now known as Jack87

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