
holsteinkristian-aalborg: hey00:20
kristian-aalborgI was going to ask you about some ssh/ftp stuff but I figured it out :)00:21
Juestwell, the system sux, too slow00:23
Juesttwo x servers00:23
Juestand in a vm that haves 384mb00:23
Juestsryy caps00:23
holsteinkristian-aalborg: cool :)00:23
aztekhi duanedisign00:24
aztekis it goo if i am use to suspend my computer if i am away?00:29
seidoshey yofel_ thanks for the tip, beta2 is booting from liveusb02:13
seidosno idea what changed, but, cool02:13
seidoshuh "irqbalance" that's a new binary in top02:15
thewrathheyu all02:31
thewrathanyone in here?02:47
UndiFineDhello thewrath02:49
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thewrathHey UndiFineD02:49
thewrathdo you know where i can purchase a "real" hub?02:50
UndiFineDI think you mean a switch02:50
UndiFineDas network equipment02:50
charlie-tcaKind of depends on where you are located. I picked up a 16port switch on Amazon for $20.0002:51
charlie-tcaI also purchased a 5 port switch at Walmart for $35.0002:52
thewrathno i need a hub02:52
thewraththere are hubs (old i know), switches, and routers02:52
thewrathi am using snort and need something that will send the traffic all ports02:52
UndiFineDcoax will do that job :P02:53
UndiFineD10 mbit02:53
charlie-tcaMight try Amazon, or ebay. I don't know, I am not close to any of the computer stores02:53
thewrathUndiFineD: what do you mean coax02:58
thewrathi have al a normal Rj45 network02:58
UndiFineDcoax is the kind of cable that is used for tv03:00
UndiFineDI still have 2 coax nics and a bit of cabling03:03
UndiFineDI used it in the past until the hardware became too slow03:04
UndiFineDbut it was fun to demonstrate routing among coax and stp networks03:05
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Elise002Quiet here tonight.05:58
ray_I got a question10:14
ray_A long time ago my uncle gave me a CD he put Ubuntu onto10:15
ray_Well, he wrote on it support= some letters - numbers10:16
ray_what is that for?10:16
ray_what did he put that on there for?10:16
UndiFineDhello ray10:17
UndiFineDwhat does it say ?10:17
ray_I kind of can't read it because of his hand writing10:18
ray_but it says support= letters-numbers which I am guessing a password or something but that doesn't make sense to me10:18
UndiFineDwell, it might be Ubuntu 10.04 Long term support10:19
ray_what is it for, as in where do I go to use this what is perhaps a password?10:19
ray_no lol, it's older10:19
UndiFineDfor ubuntu we have the current version, 10.10 that is oktober 201010:19
ray_I think it is Gutsy Gibbons10:20
UndiFineDbut also 10.04 which is april 201010:20
ray_I know, I have it on a cd as well10:20
ray_I have all the versions of Ubuntu so far mentioned10:20
ray_on cd10:20
ray_ha ha ha10:20
ray_hmm, well, thanks for trying10:21
UndiFineDso I have no idea what the letters could mean10:21
UndiFineDor perhaps it might be a voucher for canonical support10:21
ray_I have always wondered. I could ask him, but I would rather not10:21
ray_Has canonical been with Ubuntu since the beginning?10:22
ray_Something about Open Suse and Ubuntu rings a bell for me when I had read something about them10:23
UndiFineDso ray_ , have you been watching the news, what do you think of 11.04 the natty narwhal to be released ?10:23
ray_I haven't tried it yet10:23
ray_What do you think>10:23
UndiFineDyes, canonical is the company that started ubuntu10:23
ray_I meant that as a question mark lol10:23
UndiFineDwell I could tell you what i think, but I am interested from a marketing perspective to you10:24
ray_sorry, right Open suse was joining forces with Microsoft or something10:24
ray_Marketing perspective, hmm, I am not how I can help you10:25
UndiFineDhave you heard of the change of interface ?10:25
ray_give me a sec10:25
ray_uh, don't tell me10:25
ray_I forget, but something to do with the new purple them, If I am right it starts with a P10:26
ray_is that it?10:27
ray_no, no10:27
ray_I must be wrong10:27
ray_OK, I don't know then10:27
ray_I will look into it10:27
ray_Is Gnome still being used?, I mean is it a separate kind of thing, or is it a replacement for Gnome?10:29
ray_OK, it will replace it10:30
ray_I see10:30
ray_I wonder how well that will go10:30
ray_I am pretty used to Gnome but what ever10:31
ray_Thank you for telling me this10:33
ray_I will end up trying it, then who knows10:33
ray_With open suse, it gave people the option to either use gnome or kde, I can only hope that the makers of Ubuntu will have both for download or something like that, but I can see that being a problem because it would take too much time to work on both10:35
ray_Well, I don't have much else to say10:35
ray_take care10:35
UndiFineDgnome is still there, but as a fallback or switch to option10:35
UndiFineDthanks for telling me10:36
UndiFineDit provides some more insight10:36
ray_I don't know how that helps you10:36
ray_Hm, I hope recordmydesktop works in the next release of Ubuntu10:37
ray_I am not sure what caused it not to work for me10:37
ray_I should try it out before installing the graphics driver of nvidia10:38
ray_and so on10:38
popeyi have it working on my machine10:38
UndiFineDwell, it provides insight on how well the changes that the community makes are being communicated to you as a user10:38
UndiFineDhey popey10:38
ray_Well, I have a fresh install of Ubuntu to try testing it again10:38
ray_I think I should save that config file for recordmydesktop before doing anything10:39
UndiFineDbackups are always wise to have10:39
ray_No, I think I remember it not working because of something else, because it worked then I tried it with hydrogen drum machine with jack control then it didn't work10:40
UndiFineDpopey, I still have not received an email about an ubuntu.com email address10:40
popeyyou wont10:41
ray_I can't remember what I did wrong, so testing testing testing10:41
popeyit just magically works10:41
UndiFineDok, so I could just add it to my gmail10:41
popeyi just sent you a test mail10:41
popeyand it hasnt bounced10:41
ray_alright, take care guys, I am going to chill10:42
UndiFineDsee you ray_10:43
ray_see ya10:43
popeythat worked then :)10:43
GOMIcan someone tell were to look if i have troubles with my login ?  it keeps kicking me back to login screen ?12:17
GOMIif you have any ideas just tell me , ill go search for the rest12:17
UndiFineDhello GOMI12:23
GOMIUndiFineD,  hey12:23
UndiFineDso you login and you are getting a desktop and it kicks back to login ?12:24
UndiFineDor does it just cycle login page12:24
GOMIyes after working a little , so now am working buts it a matter of time then it kickes me back12:24
GOMIwhat do you mean cycle login page12:25
UndiFineDthen one of the open applications is bugging12:25
GOMIyes i have deleted some stuff like chrome and compiz stuff12:25
UndiFineDtrouble is, there are many applications running when you are on the desktop12:26
GOMIi know :p thats why i dont really know were to look12:26
UndiFineDwell it even can be your network manager12:26
UndiFineDwhat version of ubuntu are you running ?12:27
UndiFineDok, and when did you last update ?12:27
GOMInot very long ago12:28
UndiFineDalright, do you know if your internet provider hands out new ip addresses often12:28
UndiFineDoften as in daily12:28
GOMIno idk12:29
UndiFineDsome providers disconnect their users every 2 hours12:29
UndiFineDthere are so many possibilities here, it is hard to pinpoint what is wrong12:30
UndiFineDdoes it happen at regular intervals, or at the same time of the day ?12:31
GOMIjust kicked out :p12:31
UndiFineDthere are so many possibilities here, it is hard to pinpoint what is wrong12:31
UndiFineDdoes it happen at regular intervals, or at the same time of the day ?12:31
GOMIyou know when i click something somethimes i see a white border on de screen flickering once12:32
GOMIleft and right12:32
GOMIevery time i work on it , ive been looking for 2weeks now12:32
UndiFineD[13:30] <GOMI> just kicked out :p12:33
UndiFineDit might be a crontab job that goes wrong12:33
GOMIcant i see it in log files ?12:33
UndiFineDsystem -> administration -> logfile viewer12:35
GOMIyes am looking now :p12:35
GOMI12:47:14 Gomi bonobo-activation-server (hanazuki-1937): could not associate with desktop session: Error connecting: Connection refused12:36
GOMIApr 14 12:47:22 Gomi pulseaudio[2124]: pid.c: Stale PID file, overwriting.12:36
GOMIwhat is that bonobo server ?12:37
UndiFineDso something goes wrong with that, it might be your graphics card drivers or some corruption in bonobo12:39
UndiFineDdont worry about pulseaudio12:39
GOMIoke am doing a search for common error with bonobo12:40
xskydevilxDoes anyone know how to make an .ISO image of a disc?13:07
hobgoblinanyone in here anygood with mpd clients? mpd starts, library reads - clients refuse to play though13:29
aztekhi duanedesign16:14
lorangerHi Guys, I just plugged my camera into the computer to download pictures but I cannot find it to open it. Nothing popped up and I cannot figure out where to go to open the camera in the menus .... any help appreciated16:25
lorangeranybody ????16:27
bioterrordmesg in terminal16:29
bioterrorlook if kernel sees your camera16:29
bioterrori would suggest to use card reader16:30
bioterrorits faster, and doesnt consumpt battery16:30
bioterrordefinately a card reader16:31
lorangerOk let me try :)16:34
lorangerok well I am looking for the dmesg in terminal but I cannot locate the Terminal ( yeah I am kinda useless at this my brother installed it on my PC and I am having a hard time with it )16:37
joegutting123Hello, I'm new and I'm trying to set up a mail server.  I've been following this howto:  PostfixVirtualMailBoxClamSmtpHowto  and get all the way through, but it seems to be hanging on the authentication.  Anyone familiar with this?17:32
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clarkthehardy910hello beginner support team and thank you for your time. I'm trying to learn how to use scripts and launchers to create a shortcut to starting my openvpn in the terminal, so that my girl friend can use it without having to know all the commands, is there a way to do this so it can be started with one click?18:18
clarkthehardy910I've been reading linuxcommand.org but it's a little over my head and a bit too detailed18:19
charlie-tcaclarkthehardy910: not knowing how to start openvpn myself, I would start by creating a file with the commands you use listed one per line.18:23
charlie-tcaname it something like "startopenvpn" and change the properties so it is executable (chmod 755 ) works18:24
clarkthehardy910@charlie thank you18:24
charlie-tcaThen create a launcher with the file name as the command to run, including the path (~/startopenvpn)18:25
charlie-tcaStarting point, anyway18:25
clarkthehardy910charlie-tca: one command per line, right?  does it matter which directory I save the file in? and extension?18:25
charlie-tcaone command per line, save it in ~/  normally, which is your user home18:26
clarkthehardy910charlie-tca: is there an easy way to give it root permissions?18:26
charlie-tcaextension doesn't matter unless you want to add one18:26
clarkthehardy910on my system openvpn must be run in the etc/openvpn directory18:26
clarkthehardy910how do I add that command in the script, just with the cd?18:27
clarkthehardy910charlie-tca: I'm a little confused about the #! comment at the beginning, should I indicate /etc/openvpn in that line?18:29
charlie-tcamake it #!bash18:33
clarkthehardy910charlie-tca: thank you18:33
charlie-tcait tells the system what to use to make it work18:33
clarkthehardy910should I use bin/bash or just bash18:34
clarkthehardy910#!bin/bash or #!bin/bash18:34
charlie-tcaI looked this time to get it right18:35
charlie-tcano spaces either18:36
clarkthehardy910ok, thank you so much18:36
charlie-tcaThat is the only thing on that first line, too18:36
clarkthehardy910and how about the sudo and cd commands should I include those as well?18:37
clarkthehardy910or is that put in the launcher?18:37
charlie-tcaif you use them, you include them18:38
clarkthehardy910ok, thanks18:38
UndiFineDcd /my/work/path18:39
charlie-tcayou use stuff like       echo "enter a password" to tell the user what to do, too18:39
UndiFineDsudo something18:39
charlie-tcaecho "enter a password"18:39
charlie-tcasudo ???18:39
charlie-tcagoing to lunch now18:40
clarkthehardy910charlie-tca: do you mean it is automatically root?18:40
clarkthehardy910if I give it permission which chmod?18:40
clarkthehardy910UndiFineD: are you saying sh because of the kind of command it is?18:41
UndiFineDno, it is because it make it more os independant18:42
UndiFineDoften /bin/sh exists18:42
UndiFineDbeing either a symlink or shell18:43
UndiFineDeven on solaris18:43
clarkthehardy910ok, so I will put sh18:43
UndiFineDclarkthehardy910, be sure to read about ksh and tcsh shells if you need to make your script os independant18:44
UndiFineDsome commands are not available on other unixes while they are on linux18:44
clarkthehardy910UndiFineD: its not os independent, it is only for my computer18:45
UndiFineDwell, it is always fun to learn about it18:45
clarkthehardy910UndiFineD: I just want to make a simple click for my girl friend to start it, so that she doens't have to type in the commands18:45
clarkthehardy910when she wants to start the vpn18:45
clarkthehardy910we live in China18:45
clarkthehardy910and without the vpn18:45
clarkthehardy910no access to facebook, youtube18:45
clarkthehardy910hulu etc18:46
bioterrorclarkthehardy910, you cant watch back to the future any more, or quantum leap :(18:46
clarkthehardy910so im a pretty busy beginner18:46
clarkthehardy910and would really like to get this done so that when she wakes up in the morning, she can just click and boom can check her facebook18:46
UndiFineDsoon, wifi is strong enough to cover 1000s of kilometers18:47
clarkthehardy910=) nice18:47
bioterrorUndiFineD, what are you taking? :D18:47
bioterrorI'll ordere the same18:47
UndiFineDsenseo dark raos18:48
clarkthehardy910so its this good: #!bin/bash18:48
clarkthehardy910cd /etc/openvpn18:48
clarkthehardy910openvpn --config ibVPN\ US-Washington.ovpn18:48
UndiFineDseems good18:48
UndiFineDor maybe add the sudo18:48
UndiFineDor gksu for graphics18:48
clarkthehardy910so I need to add the sudo plus the passcode  right?18:49
clarkthehardy910or if i dont add it, will it ask for it in the terminal?18:49
clarkthehardy910openvpn is a terminal based program18:49
UndiFineDsudo openvpn --config ibVPN\ US-Washington.ovpn18:49
clarkthehardy910ok, thanks18:50
clarkthehardy910an empty line between #!bin/bash and cd /etc/openvpn18:50
clarkthehardy910or no line?18:50
UndiFineDbioterror, even the old class A wifi was used (boosted) to communicate with the ISS18:50
UndiFineDdoes not matter18:51
UndiFineDbut be sure that is /bin/bash18:51
UndiFineDthe / are important18:52
clarkthehardy910ok, i did it and it changed colors18:53
clarkthehardy910is that a good sign?18:53
clarkthehardy910but now when i try to chmod 755 filename18:53
clarkthehardy910it says it cannot access it18:53
clarkthehardy910i gave it the filename startwashvpn18:53
clarkthehardy910maybe its in the wrong directory18:54
bioterrorUndiFineD, must be fast wifi then to ISS18:54
clarkthehardy910 ~ is root18:55
UndiFineDbioterror, yes, burst traffic with ham like fallback18:55
clarkthehardy910chmod: cannot access 'startwashvpn': no such file or directory18:55
clarkthehardy910what's wrong?18:55
UndiFineDthe file is not where you say it is18:55
UndiFineDchmod 750 ~/startwashvpn18:56
clarkthehardy910ok, the chmod worked, but now when I test the script I get bash:startwashvpn:command not found19:00
clarkthehardy910i did a dir19:00
clarkthehardy910and the file is in my ~ folder19:00
clarkthehardy910I used create launcher with it and it works!19:04
clarkthehardy910UndiFineD: thank you!19:04
clarkthehardy910bioterror: thanks to you too!19:04
clarkthehardy910charlie-tca: thanks to you for helping get started!19:04
clarkthehardy910UndiFineD: you are a great help, thanks!19:04
clarkthehardy910bioterror: thank you too!19:04
bioterrorI did nothing? :D19:04
UndiFineDyou were here, thats what counts19:05
UndiFineDin spirit :P19:05
clarkthehardy910thanks and have a great day19:05
clarkthehardy910going to bed now19:05
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mihaita99Did they solve the HDD heating up bug in Ubuntu?22:09
holsteinmaybe thats specific to some particular hardware22:11
holsteinmihaita99: whats the bug#?22:11
mihaita99the hard disk of my laptop used to heat up extremely without reason, just reading an article22:12
mihaita99the HDD was spinning continously22:12
holsteinwhats the bug#?22:12
holsteindid you file it?22:12
mihaita99It was long time ago, 2 years ago, I don't remember22:13
mihaita99many people had that bug on laptops22:13
mihaita99yes, I filed it, of course22:13
holsteinyou can see it in your LP account22:14
holsteinyour bugs list22:14
holsteinlets look and see22:14
holsteinmaybe its specific to certain hardware22:14
mihaita99there is the bug, I found it22:15
holstein^ ?22:16
mihaita99that the bug22:17
holsteinyour elena09?22:18
mihaita99a friend22:19
holsteinis it still happening to you?22:19
holsteindid it ever happen to you?22:19
mihaita99I thought it was solved22:19
holsteinwhat kernel was it?22:19
mihaita99it happened to me too, of course22:19
holsteindid you or your friend try any mainline kernel tests?22:20
mihaita99Ubuntu 9.0422:20
holsteinan easy way to test is with the live CD's22:20
holsteinyou should be able to just DL an iso22:20
holsteinburn it or make a bootable USB22:20
holsteinand get to the live desktop22:20
mihaita99I tried many things, and the community guided me, but useless22:20
holsteinmihaita99: so it still happens with the 11.04 live CD?22:21
mihaita99I don't know, was the bug solved in 11.04?22:21
holsteinwell, i havent encountered the bug22:21
holsteinso i can confirm that for your hardware22:22
holsteinbut, you could22:22
holsteinsince you seem to have the hardware in question22:22
holsteinand its relatively easy to test22:22
mihaita99can I test it without deleting windows?22:23
holsteinits a live CD22:23
holsteinyou download the iso22:23
holsteineither burn it to cd22:23
holsteinor make a live USB22:23
holsteinand boot it22:23
holsteinand *dont* install22:23
holsteinjust try it live22:23
mihaita99my hdd is cold now and I've used it for many hours, all day long22:24
holsteintheres a lot of attitude in that bug report22:24
holsteini see my friend jeremy closed it out22:24
holsteini could always mention it to him22:24
holsteinyeah, from Elena0922:25
holsteini mean, a large percentage of what happens in ubuntu is voluntary22:25
holsteinand tracking down these bugs is sometimes very challening22:25
mihaita99oh, I know, understand now22:26
holsteinand requires a lot of patients22:26
holsteinBUT, it can happen22:26
holsteinand does happen22:26
mihaita99I know, she switched back to windows, but I'm stubborn22:26
holsteinyou just need to file a bug, and be persistent about it22:26
holsteinhey, whatever works22:26
mihaita99I'll try 11.0422:26
holsteinim just reading, and trying to see whats up there22:26
holsteinive never heard about hard drives getting hot22:27
holsteinso, i can assume its going to be a small hardware base22:27
holsteinsome ide controller22:27
holsteinor specific hard drive22:27
holsteinor something22:27
holsteinthat the kernel is not communicating with well22:28
mihaita99hard disk driver?22:28
holsteinthat or something on the way to it22:29
holsteinvery plausible22:29
mihaita99so, where should I go, to the hdd manufacturer? Or laptop's?22:30
holsteinif i were you22:31
holsteini would just test with the latest kernel22:31
holsteinand go from there22:31
mihaita99ok, thanks a lot for your patience22:32
mihaita99I'll test it22:32
holsteinmihaita99: anytime22:32
mihaita99bye bye22:32
disorienti am having trouble adding users in ftpd, it will allow my account with sudo but not my other users.23:00

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