
kenvandinecyphermox, i uploaded the gtk patch from ted for fallback icons00:03
kenvandinein unapproved queue00:03
cyphermoxawesome, thanks00:04
TopWinStudiohello everybody.00:44
TopWinStudioi need some help,please!00:44
TopWinStudioi installed the gnome3 in ubuntu 10.10 like this:00:45
TopWinStudiosudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome3-team/gnome300:45
TopWinStudiosudo apt-get update00:45
TopWinStudiosudo apt-get install gnome-shell00:46
TopWinStudiobut the desktop didn't change.but why?00:46
RAOFTopWinStudio: (1) I'm not sure if the gnome3 ppa actually supports 10.10 (rather than the current development release that will become 11.04), (2) You'd need to select the gnome-shell session at GDM.00:48
TopWinStudiothanks.is the 11.04 stable now?00:50
=== marrusl is now known as marrusl_afk
hyperairhi. what package do i assign a bug to when there's an issue with language packs?01:36
jcastrovish: did someone notice that the file copy icon in the indicator area (the nautilus one) is now a mouse pointer?01:39
=== marrusl_afk is now known as marrusl
vishjcastro: yup, i've noticed it, maybe its a MarkDecision™ ? I dont know and dint ask.. ;)07:14
pittiGood morning07:44
didrocksgood morning08:11
mvohey didrocks, good morning08:11
didrockshey mvo, how are you?08:11
mvogood, thanks! not fully awake yet, but the tea is redy now so it won't take long08:12
glatzormvo, morning08:19
glatzormvo, just fixed another refactoring leftover in watch_lock08:20
mvoglatzor: awsome!08:20
* mvo hugs glatzor08:20
glatzormvo, how can I avoid that acquire mounts a cdrom? I am working on a test case for ProvideMedium08:20
mvoglatzor: apt_pkg.config.set("acquire::cdrom::nomount", "1") should work08:23
mvoglatzor: then you also need to point it to the right directory "acquire::cdrom::mount" "/path/to/dir" should work08:24
mvoglatzor: let me know if there are problem,s you may have to turn off udev automounting too, but I think it will just work with the two above config options08:24
glatzormvo, apt-get install silly-base -o 'Dir'=/tmp/tmpq8796Btmp -o 'Acquire::cdrom::/tmp/tmpq8796Btmp/media/cdrom::mount'=False -o 'Acquire::cdrom::mount'=/tmp/tmpq8796Btmp/media/cdrom -o 'APT::CDROM::NoMount'=1 -o 'Dir::State::Status'=/tmp/tmpq8796Btmp/var/lib/dpkg/status  -o 'Acquire::cdrom::AutoDetect'=False"08:28
glatzor/tmp/tmpq8796Btmp ist das chroot08:29
mvoso that works now?08:29
mvoout of curiosity what is/was the problem with the provide medium08:29
glatzorkeeps asking for the medium08:29
mvooh, hold on a sec then, let me check08:29
glatzora moment i can share my branch08:30
glatzoradding the cdrom works nicely:08:31
glatzor+        os.system("echo 'Test CDROM' | apt-cdrom add -m -d %s "08:31
glatzor+                  "-o 'Acquire::cdrom::AutoDetect'=False "08:31
glatzor+                  "-o 'Dir'=%s" % (mount_point, self.path))08:31
glatzorthe original provide medium error seems to be a python-dbus issue08:33
mvowhat does Debug::Acquire::cdrom "1" print? if you add that to the test?08:34
glatzor0% [Wird verarbeitet]CDROMMethod::Fetch cdrom:[Test CDROM]/repo/./silly-base_0.1-0update1_all.deb08:35
glatzorLooking for CDROM at /tmp/tmpomDDIVtmp/media/cdrom/08:35
glatzorID 2 30789ebfc1ce94dc618fd4b6547ca0a2-208:35
glatzorID 1 5ec68c75c4024592762a172ee9b1fdcc-108:35
glatzorMedienwechsel: Bitte legen Sie das Medium mit dem Namen08:35
glatzor »Test CDROM«08:35
glatzorin Laufwerk »/tmp/tmpomDDIVtmp/media/cdrom/« ein und drücken Sie die Eingabetaste (Enter).08:35
mvodoes the id match? the one that got printed by add?08:36
glatzorach in der tat08:38
glatzorVerwendeter CD-ROM-Einbindungspunkt: /tmp/tmpOtJb3ytmp/media/cdrom/08:39
glatzorIdentifizieren ... [2f96a8a50411c379e304302e4878845b-2]08:39
glatzorDurchsuchen des Mediums nach Index-Dateien ...08:39
glatzor1 Paketindizes, 0 Quellindizes, 0 Übersetzungsindizes und 1 Signaturen gefunden08:39
glatzorBitte geben Sie einen Namen für dieses Medium an, wie zum Beispiel »Debian 5.0.3 Disk 1«:08:39
glatzorName: 'Test CDROM'08:39
glatzorDieses Medium heißt:08:39
glatzor»Test CDROM«08:39
glatzorReading Package Indexes... Fertig08:39
glatzorSchreiben der neuen Quellliste08:39
glatzorQuelllisteneinträge für dieses Medium sind:08:39
glatzordeb cdrom:[Test CDROM]/repo/ /08:39
glatzorWiederholen Sie dieses Prozedere für die restlichen Disks Ihres Satzes.08:39
glatzorthe ids are different08:39
mvoit will use the .disks/ dir on a writable medium to identify the disk, but it needs to stay the same, i.e. no creating/recreating in a tmpdir08:39
mvowell, the "disk" ;)08:40
mvoso the more "frozen" the whole cdrom dir stays, the happy this will be08:40
glatzormvo, what should the content of .disks be?08:40
glatzormvo, I could also use a symlink08:40
glatzorthe mount point dir doesn't get modified between the apd-cdrom and apt-get call08:41
mvoglatzor: usually it contains build info and stuff, let me check how much its actually using it, for now it may be enough to just populate iwth with a info file08:41
mvoglatzor: hmmm08:41
mvoglatzor: ok, if it does not get modified, there goes my theory :/08:41
mvostill worth tryint to add .disk/info if that does not work I would appreciate if you could push the branch and I dig a bit deeper into it08:42
* glatzor hugs mvo!08:43
glatzorinfo file is enough!08:43
mvoexcellent :)08:43
* mvo hugs glatzor08:43
* mvo HUGS glatzor again for all the nice fixes that are currently flooding in08:44
* glatzor is just fixing his own bugs :)08:44
mvo… and makes millions of users happy with this!08:45
didrockshey glatzor, rodrigo_!08:53
seb128hello desktopers08:57
seb128hey didrocks rodrigo_08:57
seb128how are you?08:58
rodrigo_hi seb128, didrocks08:58
didrockssalut seb12808:59
pittibonjour seb128, ca va didrocks09:03
pittihey rodrigo_09:04
didrocksça va bien pitti ;) you?09:04
pittiglatzor: servus!09:04
pittididrocks: feeling old!09:04
didrockspitti: oh right! Happy birthday :-)09:05
seb128hey pitti, ca va bien! et toi ?09:06
didrockspitti: is that what you asked for your birthday? a working and shiny beta2? :-)09:06
seb128pitti, oh? happy birthday!09:06
pittididrocks: yeah, it's a nice gift, isn't it? :-)09:06
rodrigo_hey pitti, happy birthday!09:06
pittiseb128: merci!09:06
pittirodrigo_: gracias09:07
* pitti sobs "31"09:07
pittiI was 24 when I started all this. working on Ubuntu makes you grow old :)09:07
seb128same here09:08
seb128well I'm not 31 yet but that's coming :p09:08
seb128compiz just locked09:23
seb128didrocks, those locking issues are keybinding related right? I never had a lock before using super to open a place which I just did09:23
seb128which doesn't work anyway09:23
didrocksseb128: you mean global freeze?09:24
seb128no, I mean compiz freeze09:24
seb128not sure what difference you make09:24
didrocksyeah, UI freeze anyway09:24
seb128I switched to a vt and stopped compiz and restarted it and I'm fine09:24
seb128so it's only compiz09:24
seb128it's not a box freeze09:24
didrocksso yeah, it's a freeze where compiz wait on a key receive signal by xlib09:25
didrocksright, but the whole ui is frozen then as compiz doesn't refresh09:25
seb128I'm happy I don't use the keyboard ;-)09:25
didrocksseb128: clap your hands, it's the future :-)09:25
seb128btw in case I didn't tell it before be opening the places with the keyboard sucks09:25
seb128I sit on super key and did press letters like 10 times09:26
didrocksseb128: how?09:26
didrocksthis is a compiz issue09:26
seb128then I unpressed super and it showed the place...09:26
didrockssam proposed a fix which broke the rest of key handling09:26
didrocks(in compiz)09:26
didrocksso the fix has been "backlog"09:26
seb128so I guess "known bug but not on the natty list"09:27
seb128I will stop complaining there ;-)09:27
didrocksyw, sorry for that, but I can't do anything from the unity side :)09:27
* didrocks tests a natty installed in // on his netbook. First ubiquity slideshow and "waow"09:27
didrocks(my netbook was stucked, couldn't type in gdm, nothing, last week-end)09:28
seb128pitti, bah, I though for a minute that we unfroze and that the queue got flushed when reading the other channel :p09:31
pittihehe, me too; my heart stopped for a second09:32
htorquedidrocks, bug 711561 seems only half fixed. if i enable the desktop cube plugin, i'm getting the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/593917/ - after disabling unity & co, the desktop will be a mess09:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 711561 in unity (Ubuntu) "Compiz won't allow Desktop Cube plugin to load with unity" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71156109:54
htorquehowever, after enabling the cube, i can re-enable unity and the cube/rotation plugins work fine09:55
htorque[i tested this after a unity --reset, just to be sure]09:55
didrockshtorque: yeah, hence my latest comment. This seems to be a bug in ccsm though or libcompizconfig, patch welcomed09:56
didrockshtorque: it's something we don't support at all, I just relaxed the dependency.09:56
didrockshtorque: basically, cube and wall provides a feature, called "largedesktop" IIRC09:57
didrocksunity depends on it09:57
didrocksthen, it seems that when you switch to enable one plugin with that feature (which conflicts with other plugins in that features) ccsm doesn't really know to handle this (it should try to remove the conflict first)09:57
* Sweetshark reads backlog ...09:57
Sweetsharkpitti: Happy Birthday!09:58
* Sweetshark mumbles: "31? young grasshopper!"09:58
pittithanks Sweetshark !09:58
didrockshtorque: hence the fact it removes unity. Anyway, I've enough to fix with what support already :) but a volonteer contribution on that (shouldn't be that complex to make the check of deps once the whole "transaction finished") is more than welcomed :)09:59
htorquedidrocks, but this is definitely no unity bug?09:59
mvoohhh, happy birthday pitti :)09:59
pittimvo: :) danke09:59
htorquepitti, happy birthday!09:59
didrockshtorque: no, this is a ccsm or libcompizconfig one10:00
Sweetsharkpitti: could you approve the FFe for bug 753584?10:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 753584 in humanity-icon-theme (Ubuntu) "[FFe] New Libre office icons are used in the launcher but not in Nautilus / Dash search results" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75358410:01
glatzormvo, the test is in rev 637. the provide_medium method works :)10:02
glatzormvo, but the package manager seems to fail and I cannot identify the reason.10:02
htorquedidrocks: good, thanks! as for "patches welcome" i guess i'm the wrong guy unless it's a one-liner :P10:02
didrockshtorque: heh :)10:03
=== davidcalle_ is now known as davidcalle
lucazadeping rodrigo_10:07
rodrigo_hey lucazade10:12
rodrigo_lucazade, thanks for coming!10:12
lucazade:) glad to help10:12
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, so can you please 'bzr get lp:~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-settings-daemon/really-fix-649809' first?10:13
rodrigo_lucazade, and edit debian/patches/series and comment out all the lines (adding a '#' at the beginning of each line) except for the last one (93_wait_for_xsettings...)10:14
lucazaderodrigo_  ok10:15
rodrigo_lucazade, then rebuild, with 'bzr bd -- -b'10:15
rodrigo_lucazade, then install the packages it will create under ../build-area and try that10:15
lucazadeperfect I'll try (didn't know this 'bzr bd')10:15
rodrigo_lucazade, you'll need to install bzr-builddeb10:16
rodrigo_lucazade, with this, we'll know if it's one of the ubuntu patches10:16
rodrigo_lucazade, oh, before loging in, can you go to a vt and:10:17
seb128rodrigo_, one of the user said that the issue is also on debian when you asked to uninstall ubuntuone-client-gnome10:17
seb128rodrigo_, but I guess we can still verify10:17
mvoglatzor: thanks, I will have a look in a bit10:17
rodrigo_$ gdb /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon $pid_of_gdm'sgsd10:18
lucazaderodrigo_ ok10:18
rodrigo_seb128, yes, but I'm out of ideas, so trying everything10:18
rodrigo_lucazade, on the (gdb) prompt just type 'c' and then log in and inmediately go back to the vt and enter 'thread apply all bt' in the (gdb) prompt10:18
seb128rodrigo_, can't we simply make g-s-d takes over any running xsettings manager when starting rather than bailing out?10:19
rodrigo_seb128, it's not possible afaik, not until the X property is gone from the gdm's gsd10:19
=== zyga_ is now known as zyga
rodrigo_seb128, but the problem lucazade and another guy are still having seem to really be g-s-d is taking too long to finish10:20
rodrigo_which might be a gdm bug if so10:20
rodrigo_since it should wait for it to finish10:20
lucazaderodrigo, when I try to build I get this: "bzr: ERROR: Unable to find the needed upstream tarball: gnome-settings-daemon_2.32.1.orig.tar.gz.10:20
seb128pitti, sorry about the "opinion", small bug in my greasemonkey it does that sometimes but's meant to be "invalid"10:20
pittiseb128: how can it be invalid?10:21
seb128pitti, it's still not a gdm bug, it's a gtk one and there is a fix in the natty queue10:21
pittiseb128: that icon clearly is broken..10:21
pittiseb128: ah, can we make it a duplicate then?10:21
seb128pitti, because it's a duplicate but I can't be bothered to search for numbers for every single duplicate filed or I would do nothing else from my day10:21
pittilucazade: try bzr bd -S10:21
pittiseb128: ah, ok10:21
rodrigo_lucazade, wget http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-settings-daemon/2.32/gnome-settings-daemon-2.32.1.tar.gz and rename it to gnome-settings-daemon_2.32.1.orig.tar.gz on the parent folder of the branch checkout10:21
pittiseb128: so I misunderstood that then, sorry10:21
seb128pitti, no worry, sorry about the suboptimal handling10:21
rodrigo_not sure why, but debian/watch fails also sometimes for me to get the upstream tarball10:22
rodrigo_I guess it hits an out-of-date mirror10:22
seb128pitti, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/69317309/gtk%2B2.0_2.24.4-0ubuntu1_2.24.4-0ubuntu2.diff.gz10:22
seb128pitti, you have the bug reference in there ;-)10:22
pittiah :)10:22
seb128(easier when the uploadis in the queue than searching though launchpad)10:22
* pitti dupes it then10:23
kamstrupdpm: Just a heads up - I just added a string freeze exception rq on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/+bug/75442410:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 754424 in Unity Foundations "Dash: only returns first 5–6 "available to download" results; misleading because many more are in the Software Centre" [Medium,In progress]10:23
seb128pitti, thanks10:24
rodrigo_lucazade, oh, before typing 'c' in (gdb) prompt, please type this: 'set logging on'10:24
pittiSweetshark: bug updated (it's a bug fix, not an FFE)10:24
rodrigo_lucazade, that would save the output to gdb.txt10:25
rodrigo_lucazade, so that you can pastebin that10:25
lucazaderodrigo_ ok10:25
mvoglatzor: it looks like its trying to run the debconf preconfigure stuff in the wrong directory (i.e. not in the chroot)10:27
mvoglatzor: let me check further10:27
GunnarHjpitti: Hi Martin!10:31
GunnarHjpitti: Could you please sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gdm/profile/+merge/57218 ? kirkland was supposed to do it, but he seems to have got busy with other stuff, and I'm  worrying about "Main Release Freeze". (It's about changes to three lines of code, so it shouldn't take long.)10:31
pittihey GunnarHj10:31
pittitest -f "$HOME/.profile" && ( . "$HOME/.profile" ) && . "$HOME/.profile"10:32
pittiGunnarHj: hmm -- would you mind changing that to just || true?10:32
pittifirst it only takes half the time, second there might be stuff in .profile which doesn't get along well with being run twice10:32
glatzormvo, the debconf message are fine. it just cannot open the passwords.dat - but this is just a warning10:33
GunnarHjpitti: You are the third person who suggests that. ;-)  I succeeded in convincing kirkland that it's not working. Pls see comments on the MP.10:34
mvoglatzor: ok, I have in the chroot log "required operation requires superuser priviledges" (from dpkg). so something with the wrapper, I'm digging10:35
glatzormvo, ahhhh I know10:35
glatzormvo, thanks for pointing me to this10:35
pittiGunnarHj: right, just ( . profile) won't work, that's a new shell10:35
pittiGunnarHj: I thought about10:35
pittiset +e10:35
pitti. profile10:36
pittiset -e10:36
dpmkamstrup, thanks for the heads up. Do you think you could give me an updated .pot file I could manually upload into LP, so that translators don't have to wait for the upload and can start translating straight away?10:36
mvoglatzor: ok, cool - what is it :) I'm curious as well!10:36
pittiGunnarHj: sourcing .profile twice sounds error prone, I'm afraid I'm not willing to merge this that late10:36
pittiGunnarHj: wrapping in +e/-e sounds safer to me10:36
kamstrupdpm: possibly - i'm just checking with the release team whether they +/-1 it10:36
dpmkamstrup, ok, when/if you get the confirmation, just ping me with the template if possible and I'll upload it and send a notice to translators10:37
glatzorin the aptdaemon.test.Chroot.setup() method the dpkg-wrapper is configured. but aptdaemon, which is launched in the background, cannot access the apt_pkg.config object in the actual test file10:38
kamstrupdpm: sure thing10:38
rodrigo_lucazade, everything going all right? let me know if you have any problem10:38
lucazaderodrigo_ still building!10:39
rodrigo_lucazade, ok :)10:39
GunnarHjpitti: If you hesitate about patch 43_..., it's the change to patch 36_... I'm anxious that it gets uploaded.10:42
GunnarHjpitti: But set +e sounds like it should work, so I can change to that.10:42
GunnarHjpitti: If I do, should I really "set -e" afterwards, considering that -e is not set in Xsession by default?10:42
pittiGunnarHj: oh, it's not? why does it fail then?10:42
pittioh, due to syntax errors, not failed programs10:43
seb128kamstrup, you might want to ask about your ffe on #ubuntu-release10:43
pittiGunnarHj: set +e won't help with syntax errors indeed10:43
vishpitti: no need UIFe either for Bug 753584 ?10:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 753584 in humanity-icon-theme (Ubuntu) "New Libre office icons are used in the launcher but not in Nautilus / Dash search results" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75358410:43
vishpitti: i think Sweetshark meant to tag it UIFe instead of FFe10:43
pittiGunnarHj: but I don't think we should penalize everyone by running stuff twice just to try and guard against broken .profiles IMHO10:43
pittivish: still, it's a bug, isn't it?10:44
pittiat least I consider it as that10:44
lucazaderodrigo_ ... failed at the end : "Now signing changes and any dsc files...10:44
lucazadeCould not find a signing program (pgp or gpg)!10:44
lucazadedebuild: fatal error at line 1256:10:44
lucazaderunning debsign failed10:44
vishpitti: not a bug,IMO, its just something new and shiny they want to have ;)10:44
lucazadebzr: ERROR: The build failed.10:44
rodrigo_lucazade, yeah, don't worry about that, the .deb's are under ../build-area10:44
GunnarHjpitti: Ok. Would it be possible for you to upload only the 'safe' revision, or should I remove the .profile part from the MP?10:45
vishpitti: icons are already there, but they wanted to use the new LibO icons10:45
pittiGunnarHj: as you prefer; if I merge it and drop the xsession stuff from it, it will appear as merged although it isn't really, but I guess it doesn't matter?10:45
GunnarHjpitti: Aha, think I change it then. Easily done. :)10:46
GunnarHjpitti: Getting back in a few minutes.10:46
lucazaderodrigo_ installed... i've tried without gdb for the moment and the issue is no more present.. it looks like it is something in ubuntu patches.. now i'm going to use gdb10:50
rodrigo_lucazade, wait, can you please try a few times to re-confirm?10:50
rodrigo_lucazade, then, if you have time, enable patches one by one10:51
rodrigo_lucazade, well, I'll let you know some patches that can be enabled safely, to save you some builds10:51
rodrigo_lucazade, well, I don't want to steal lots of time from you, so do you have time to do the rebuilds (5 or 6)?10:51
lucazademaybe not now, in the afternoon I can do some tries10:52
seb128no need to do a new build each time10:52
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, let me find the safe patches10:52
seb128you can go in the build dir, apply a patch and run "debuild binary"10:52
seb128it will not clean and build again but just do "make" and "make install" again basically10:52
rodrigo_seb128, ah, cool, and that creates the new .deb's?10:52
rodrigo_seb128, ah, great10:52
rodrigo_lucazade, ^^10:53
seb128it just start from "make" rather than doing it all over10:53
pittidpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc -nc10:53
pitti-nc -> "no clean"10:53
seb128pitti, "debuild binary" is easier to type ;-)10:53
lucazadeapply a patch in series file ?10:53
pittithis is so exceptionally useful that I have a "dreb" alias for it :)10:53
pittiseb128: ^ not for me :)10:53
seb128ok, you win ;-)10:53
rodrigo_and how does he apply a patch on the build dir?10:53
seb128lucazade, you can usually just patch -p1 < debian/patches/num_patch10:54
rodrigo_ah, ok10:54
lucazadeseb128 ... ok good to know I'll try10:54
lucazaderodrigo_ anyway Im doing some reboot and logout ... system is stable10:55
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, so you can safely enable 01__xrdb.patch, 02_fix_randr.patch, 02_missing_libs.patch, 03_maintainer_mode.patch, 05_disable_corner_tapping.patch, 05_use_xrecord.patch, 07_dont_display_autostart.patch, 12_monitor_network_fs.patch, 30_pkgconfig-path.patch, 91_update_gvc_source.patch and 92_datetime_fixups.patch10:56
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, let me know what you find out, I'll have a look at the other patches myself in the meantime to see what might be wrong there10:57
rodrigo_I guess the guy complaining about the bug being in debian is because debian doesn't have the upstream fix10:57
* rodrigo_ checks10:57
lucazaderodrigo_ ok ... I'll let you know asap10:58
rodrigo_lucazade, no hurry, and thanks a lot for your help :)10:58
rodrigo_lucazade, oh, and btw, no need for the gdb part of the instructions for now, just enable the patches, and when you see the problem again, let me know which patch and we'll do some debugging if I can't find the issue myself, ok?11:01
rodrigo_lucazade, that would make things quicker for you11:02
lucazaderodrigo_ yes, of course..11:02
rodrigo_ok, thanks again :)11:02
lucazaderodrigo_ first issue! "Applying patch 92_datetime_fixups.patch11:03
lucazadepatching file plugins/datetime/gsd-datetime-mechanism.c11:03
lucazadeHunk #1 succeeded at 628 (offset -241 lines).11:03
lucazadeHunk #2 succeeded at 639 (offset -241 lines).11:03
lucazadeHunk #3 FAILED at 891.11:03
lucazade1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file plugins/datetime/gsd-datetime-mechanism.c11:03
lucazadePatch 92_datetime_fixups.patch does not apply (enforce with -f)11:03
lucazademake: *** [debian/stamp-patched] Errore 111:03
lucazadedpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 211:03
lucazadedebuild: fatal error at line 1335:11:03
lucazadedpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc -b failed11:03
lucazadebzr: ERROR: The build failed.11:03
rodrigo_lucazade, yes, start from the 1st patch, since the patches build on each other11:03
rodrigo_well, some patches like this one do11:03
lucazadei've enabled all the patches you told me were ok11:04
rodrigo_ah, right11:04
rodrigo_ok, disable that one then, it needs some previous ones11:04
pittikamstrup: responded to the bug with some alternative suggestions how to avoid the string break11:09
GunnarHjpitti: Ok, dropped the .profile stuff. https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gdm/profile/+merge/5764811:18
pittiGunnarHj: merged and uploaded, thanks!11:20
GunnarHjpitti: Thanks! Think I'll still look into the +e idea. I'll let you know.11:29
glatzormvo, mei was für a schwere geburt. aber jetzt sollte der test laufen :)11:29
pittiGunnarHj: it will help with the most common problem of having failing program calls, but if you say that Xsession already isn't set -e, it won't help11:29
glatzormvo, I wonder why I get the unbalanced action groups warnings11:30
pittiGunnarHj: you wanted to guard against syntax errors, right?11:30
GunnarHjpitti: Right. But my assumption has been that there are occurrences of configurations that somehow makes Xsession run with -e being set, even if the Xsession code does not include it. Otherwise I don't understand bug 678421.11:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 678421 in gdm (Ubuntu) "Error in ~/.profile halts the X startup" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67842111:34
pittiGunnarHj: in this case it would help11:35
GunnarHjpitti: That's what I thought. But what about my assumption? Does it make sense to you?11:36
lucazaderodrigo_ applied patch 6-appindicator and the issue is now present (going to check again)11:38
rodrigo_lucazade, yeah, that seemed the culprit to me, so looking at the code11:38
rodrigo_lucazade, can you just enable the rest and leave that one disabled to check it's indeed the culprit?11:39
lucazadeyes yes was going to do11:39
rodrigo_lucazade, ok11:39
pittiGunnarHj: off the top of my head I wouldn't know how, unless you also modified the Xsession script11:39
GunnarHjpitti: Maybe, In that case, I should just ask a question to the bug reporter and set the status "Incomplete"?11:41
pittiGunnarHj: that bug talked about syntax errors, not failed program calls11:41
glatzormvo, a simple             with self._cache.actiongroup():11:42
glatzor                pkg.mark_install() results in an unbalanced action group error11:42
GunnarHjpitti: Yes. Not sure what you mean now. I'm also talking about syntax errors.11:42
ftapitti, hi, any idea what bug 759635 could be about?11:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 759635 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "apport ERROR: hook /usr/share/apport/package-hooks//chromium-browser.py crashed" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75963511:43
pittiGunnarHj: right, and set -e doesn't help you there :)11:43
pittior set +e11:43
GunnarHjpitti: As far as I understand, as long as -e is not set, syntax errors does not make the process stop.11:44
GunnarHjpitti: Doesn't +e disable -e, so to say?11:44
pittiGunnarHj: right11:45
pittiGunnarHj: syntax errors always kill the program, as you can't even parse the shell script then11:45
pittiGunnarHj: try e. g.11:45
pittiecho begin11:45
pittiecho ${HOME/m/x/}11:45
pittiecho end11:46
pittii na file11:46
pittiin a file11:46
pittiand then run it with bash (works) and dash (fails, as ${x/from/to} is a bashism)11:46
GunnarHjpitti: Will do. Getting back in a while.11:47
pittiGunnarHj: it does fail, it was just an example to point out the difference between a failing program call and a syntax error11:47
GunnarHjpitti: Does it mean that my examples in the comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gdm/profile/+merge/57218 actually tested for failed program calls, not syntax errors?11:50
pittiGunnarHj: calling "wrongsyntax" is not a syntax error, it's just a failed program call11:51
pittiwhich set +e would ignore11:51
pittiGunnarHj: so there a set +e/set -e wrapper would do fine (but shouldn't be necessary really as Xsession isn't set -e)11:52
pittiGunnarHj: the original bug mentioned a bashism in ~/.profile11:52
lucazaderodrigo_ enabled all patches but #6 ... no issues11:52
GunnarHjpitti: I see. Then I give up. For now, that is. :)  Thanks for the lesson!11:52
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, looking at the code, so as soon as I have some fix, I'll post a link to a package on the bug11:53
rodrigo_lucazade, so not stealing more time from you anymore :)11:53
lucazaderodrigo_ ok .. I'll look at the bug report, ask me if you need testing11:53
rodrigo_lucazade, yes, I'll need some testing as soon as I've got a fix, as the issue does not happen to me11:54
rodrigo_lucazade, but yes, just keep track of the bug, so thanks again for your time11:54
lucazaderodrigo_ ok see you!11:54
rodrigo_lucazade, bye!11:54
kamstruppitti: thanks! I added a reply11:56
pittikamstrup: me too :)11:56
Sweetsharkvish: ping?12:01
rodrigo_hmm, I remember jcastro posting some URL for unity tricks, does anyone know where is it? also, is that where we should redirect people?12:02
rodrigo_didrocks, ^12:02
didrocksrodrigo_: which kind of tricks? his video or shortcuts?12:02
didrocksrodrigo_: there were something else IIRC on askubuntu with a "unity tag"12:03
rodrigo_didrocks, shortcuts and other things, iirc12:03
rodrigo_oh, will try askubuntu12:03
rodrigo_ok thanks12:04
rodrigo_I guess the best thing is to send people to http://askubuntu.com/questions/tagged/unity12:04
rodrigo_seems to have a lot of stuff12:04
didrocksthat's what he pointed12:05
didrocksseb128: the accessibility icon beeing the generic "unknown icon" in gdm is a known issue I guess?12:13
vishSweetshark: pong12:18
seb128didrocks, yes12:20
didrocksseb128: ok thanks12:20
seb128didrocks, there is a fixed package in the queue waiting for the freeze to relax12:20
didrocksok, excellent then :)12:20
Sweetsharkvish: I will ask about getting bug 753584 sponsored from https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release any final words about that one?12:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 753584 in humanity-icon-theme (Ubuntu) "New Libre office icons are used in the launcher but not in Nautilus / Dash search results" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75358412:22
vishSweetshark: nope, we just need to point the changelog to Natty and release :)12:22
Sweetsharkvish: great!12:24
seb128rodrigo_, what patch is creating the gsd issue?12:25
rodrigo_seb128, the appindicator one12:25
seb128rodrigo_, are we sure?12:25
rodrigo_seb128, I think the keyboard one, still checking12:25
rodrigo_seb128, lucazade enabled all patches but that one and it works, but with that one enabled, he sees the problem again12:26
Sweetsharkvish: about bug 758854 and related issues: IMHO the icons in our humanity theme in LO and outside of it should be the same. So if there are new icons in humanity-icon-theme, the same should also be updated to the LO theme. Right?12:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 758854 in humanity-icon-theme (Ubuntu) "Humanity does not support document type distinction by color" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75885412:26
seb128rodrigo_, ok, weird, did he get a stacktrace of where it hangs with it?12:26
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rodrigo_seb128, no, didn't want to steal more time from him, but I will ask him again in the afternoon if I don't see where the problem is12:27
Sweetsharkvish: (not for natty, but for O)12:27
seb128rodrigo_, ok, thanks for investigating it12:28
rodrigo_seb128, thanks go to lucazade :)12:28
vishSweetshark: right now, its not an issue they are same.. actually he got confused by the first bug and thought we needed to create new icons for humanity in LibO colors.. not sure if we will be changing those icons too much, but if we do i'll let you know12:28
vishSweetshark: the humanity icons in libO package are mainly rendered png versions of what we have in humanity, just that it is a PITA searching and using the right icons names :D12:30
Sweetsharkvish: indeed.12:33
ftapitti, ping12:38
seb128fta, you should better ping with context, he's taking a break but other people might be able to reply12:39
ftaseb128, it's above, melted within a thread :(12:40
seb128the chromium apport bug you listed?12:41
ftaapport hooks (bug 759635)12:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 759635 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "apport ERROR: hook /usr/share/apport/package-hooks//chromium-browser.py crashed" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75963512:41
ftano idea what's going on there12:41
mvoglatzor: maybe something for juliank?12:43
chrisccoulsonfta - you seem to be misusing the second parameter to add_info in your script12:58
ftachrisccoulson, yep, just figured it out12:58
chrisccoulsonthat's not a string, but is an object that allows you to interact with the user (ask questions, and stuff like that)12:58
chrisccoulsonah :)12:58
ftait's a apport.ui.HookUI instance (now?). i wonder why it worked before12:59
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure why it worked before. perhaps that changed, but i don't think so :/13:00
seb128"We're Sorry. Firefox had a problem and crashed."13:04
chrisccoulsondid you get the crash dialog? (i assume so)13:05
seb128it's still on screen13:05
chrisccoulsoncan you submit it?13:05
seb128I'm pondering telling mozilla or not13:05
chrisccoulsoni want to make sure it's nothing to do with me ;)13:05
seb128I don't like much sending browser datas over the internet13:05
seb128"Submitting your report" has a "broken icon" icon btw13:06
seb128I submitted the crash but the stupid thing didn't give me an url about where it landed or anything13:07
ogra_is the broken icon on gdm for a11y already reported somewhere ?13:07
chrisccoulsonseb128 - that's ok. if you go to about:crashes, you can get the URL from there13:07
seb128ogra_, yes13:07
ogra_(while you talk about broken icons) :)13:07
ogra_ah, great, thanks13:07
seb128chrisccoulson, https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/pending/f61a67ff-f55d-4863-b2d8-28e67211041413:07
seb128well it's spinning and has a retry counter13:08
seb128I did ctrl-W while in the natty queue with a filter on shotwell if that's of any use13:08
seb128there was no other tab open13:09
seb128chrisccoulson, https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/f61a67ff-f55d-4863-b2d8-28e67211041413:09
chrisccoulsoni really need to start generating breakpad symbols from gtk and glib, and submitting those too13:09
chrisccoulsonunfortunately, it's crashing on a thread with no symbols at all :(13:10
seb128there is no apport crash or anything I can deal with it locally?13:10
chrisccoulsonno, it's blacklisted in apport13:11
glatzormvo, mpt: I made a small path which would allow to overwrite the lintian warning if a package of bad quality should be installed13:15
mvoglatzor: ok13:15
chrisccoulsonseb128 - oh, i see some gtk criticals on shutdown if i do ctrl+w with a single tab on the natty queue13:17
chrisccoulsoncould be a clue ;)13:17
chrisccoulson(firefox-bin:8216): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_clipboard_get_for_display: assertion `!display->closed' failed13:17
rodrigo_ok, lunch time, bbl13:18
glatzormvo, lp:~glatzor/software-center/force-bad-quality13:20
mvothanks glatzor, looking13:25
cyphermoxogra_, broken a11y icon: I think it's supposed to be in the queue too, or at least the fix would have been yesterday, if it does fix it ;)13:26
ogra_cyphermox, yeah, i just wanted to know if i should file it13:26
cyphermoxogra_, it was filed already13:27
seb128pitti, ok, sorry to ask but do you have any clue when uploads might start being reviewed and get in? any likely it will be today?13:39
pittiseb128: not yet, as we are still testing; I certainly hope/think tonight13:39
chrisccoulsonpitti - can i get an ACK for bug 758895? :)13:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 758895 in mozjs (Ubuntu Natty) "couchdb needs rebuilding" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75889513:42
pittichrisccoulson: ack for what? it's just a bug fix?13:48
tjaaltonhm, what have I broken since the unity menu search doesn't find anything13:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, i wasn't sure whether i should ask, or just go ahead and upload it :)13:49
pittichrisccoulson: go!13:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i had a look at the greasemonkey menu issue yesterday (the multiple separators)13:50
chrisccoulsonit looks a pain to solve with my current menu design :(13:50
chrisccoulsoni might have to leave it that way for natty ;)13:50
tjaaltonand super-key stops working13:51
pittitjaalton: as a first measure, try unity --reset ?13:53
pittiit seems there's still a lot of churn - for me, tiling broke again13:54
=== KenEdwards is now known as KenEdwards-afk
pittichrisccoulson: would you mind having a quick look at http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team.html#chrisccoulson ?13:56
pittichrisccoulson: "Figure out how to provide system-wide settings in /etc in the new world" seems we should postpone this or just drop? (I remember that you said that it's not really supposed to work that way)13:56
chrisccoulsonpitti - i can guess we can close that one as DONE. i've already figured it out, i just haven't implemented it yet ;)13:57
pittiheh, it says "figure out", so fine :)13:57
chrisccoulsonthe mozilla-devscripts one can be postponed13:57
chrisccoulsonand i guess i should probably fix webfav13:58
pittiwas about to ask, is that actually necessary?13:58
chrisccoulsonprobably not, now we got rid of most of our extensions13:58
pittiwe just ship packaged extensions for e. g. langpacks, which seems fine?13:58
pittichrisccoulson: so feel free to switch to DROPED13:58
pittiDROPPED, too13:58
chrisccoulsondoes anyone actually use webfav?13:58
chrisccoulsonnobody reported a bug about it not working13:59
pittiwe used to in the past on netbook13:59
pitti-- natty/main armel deps on webfav:13:59
pitti-- natty/universe amd64 deps on webfav:13:59
chrisccoulsontbh, i've not been tracking extensions that much this cycle (they aren't on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Natty/Firefox4/XULRunner20Transition)13:59
pittithat's it13:59
pittiI'm looking at http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-desktop-team.html#mozillateam now14:00
pittiand wonder if I can just kill the ones without rdepends14:00
pittimicahg: ^14:00
chrisccoulsonwe can kill libgtk2-mozembed-perl14:01
tjaaltonpitti: didn't help, plus now the launcher is stacked below every window :)14:01
chrisccoulsongtkmozembed has been removed from mozilla now anyway14:01
chrisccoulsonwhich means, anything using gtkmozembed will be disappearing next cycle14:01
pittichrisccoulson, micahg: libjavascript-perl, ubuntu-it-menu, mediatomb, libgtk2-mozembed-perl have no rdepends whatsoever, can I kill?14:02
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chrisccoulsonpitti - libjavascript-perl and libgtk2-mozembed-perl can definitely go14:05
chrisccoulsoni'm not so sure about mediatomb. i think some people are still using that14:05
chrisccoulsonand i'm not sure about ubuntu-it-menu.14:05
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'd get rid of it. it's easily available from addons.mozilla.org14:06
chrisccoulsonit doesn't really fit the criteria for keeping it in the archive :)14:06
chrisccoulsonit's also easily discoverable from the addons-manager14:07
chrisccoulsonoh, nice. i did a search for "ubuntu" in the addons manager and got this: http://www.webgapps.org/addons/askubuntu14:07
chrisccoulsonjcastro ;)14:07
mterrytedg, morning!14:10
pittichrisccoulson: actually, what's the problem with mediatomb?14:11
mterrytedg, just FYI for today's releases hopefully: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/indicator-datetime/update-after-resume/+merge/57574 and https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/indicator-applet/global-desc-update-callback/+merge/5753314:11
chrisccoulsonpitti - i don't want to make myself too unpopular ;)14:11
pittichrisccoulson: no, I mean, I don't actually see a xulrunner 1.9.2 dep14:12
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, ok. i'm not sure why that's on the list then :)14:12
tedgmterry, Cool, definitely!14:12
pittichrisccoulson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/594001/14:13
chrisccoulsonhuh, why is conkeror on there? i thought that was done already, unless someone reverted it14:13
mterrytedg, look at that second one especially, as I would imagine it would cause problems all the time, instead of the relatively rare crash, so I might have not understood something14:14
* kenvandine grumbles at how long it takes for dh_girepository to run on dbusmenu14:14
pittituxguitar loks fine as well14:14
chrisccoulsonyeah, tuxguitar was fixed with the swt-gtk change14:14
mterrykenvandine, I have a testing version of the packaging that strips out a lot of the packaging, including the gir packages for dbusmenu  :)  Runs super fast14:14
kenvandinei am sure :)14:14
kenvandineit takes much longer on dbusmenu than any of the others i build regularly14:15
chrisccoulsonpitti - moonlight-plugin-mozilla is bogus (there's a recommend on xulrunner-1.9.2, but it depends on firefox)14:15
chrisccoulsonthat should probably be cleaned14:15
chrisccoulsonmozplugger is ok. that depends on firefox | xulrunner-2.0 | xulrunner-1.9.2 (plus many others)14:16
pittixulrunner-1.9.2 <- libjdic-java <- paros (only user of libjdic-java)14:16
pittilibgtk-mozembed-ruby1.8 is real, though14:17
pittilibgtk-mozembed-ruby1.8 has no real rdepends (just the libgtk-mozembed-ruby metapackage)14:17
pittiso in theory we could just drop this entirely, or at least ignore for natty14:17
pittichrisccoulson: want me to do a mozplugger upload with dropping the recommends?14:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - from popcon "34884 paros                            308    13   248     8    39 (Unknown)"14:18
chrisccoulsoni'd probably just drop that ;)14:18
pittifine for me14:19
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, feel free to do a mozplugger upload to drop the recommends14:19
chrisccoulsoni can do a moonlight upload to drop the recommend there too14:19
pittichrisccoulson: sorry, mozplugger is fine14:19
pittino recommends14:19
pittijust alternative depends14:19
chrisccoulsonah, yes14:19
pittichrisccoulson: also a non-default recommends, so no worries14:20
chrisccoulsonconkeror is also ok - those are alternative depends too14:20
pittithe wrong way around, but yeah14:21
pitti(it should depend one the latest one first)14:21
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, i need to fix that then14:22
chrisccoulsonconkeror users should be installing the latest version14:22
pittichrisccoulson: so by and large it's eclipse now, right?14:23
rickspencer3hello all14:23
pittichrisccoulson: webfav doesn't depend on xulrunner -- is the problem that it doesn't work with ffox 4.0?14:23
pittihey rickspencer314:23
chrisccoulsonpitti, right14:24
chrisccoulsonit probably just needs maxVersion changing, it's quite a simple extension14:24
didrockshey rickspencer314:24
rickspencer3hey didrocks14:24
rickspencer3pitti I hear there were some hickups overnight with building a couple of ISOs?14:25
seb128hey rickspencer314:25
pittirickspencer3: yes, the DC pretty much broke down due to some hw failures, so building the latest images got delayed quite much; but all fine now14:25
rickspencer3heya seb12814:25
rickspencer3pitti thanks man14:25
rickspencer3what's the word on the street regarding beta 2?14:26
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pittinothing OMG any more, AFAICS14:26
kenvandinelooking pretty good to me14:26
pittichrisccoulson: want me to fix conceror, and you look into webfav?14:27
chrisccoulsonpitti - sure, can do14:27
pittichrisccoulson: uploaded, I'll send the fix to Debian14:30
chrisccoulsonpitti - webfav tested and uploaded14:39
chrisccoulsonoh, assuming i can upload that :/14:40
chrisccoulsonoh, i can. that's ok14:41
chrisccoulson"Archive Upload Rights for ubuntu-mozilla-uploaders: archive 'primary', package set 'mozilla' in natty" \o/14:41
chrisccoulsoni'd like to get bug 709125 fixed :)14:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 709125 in AptUrlRedirector "User agent doesn't include Ubuntu in it so apt.ubuntu.com doesn't work" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70912514:43
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
pittichrisccoulson: splendi!14:45
pitti... d14:46
chrisccoulsonheh :)14:46
edwardcpitti: happy birthday ! # just got notification from skype ;)14:49
chrisccoulsonwtf - on the firefox-4 blueprint, someone has requested feedback from me "I am a user, have Linux on 3 computers in daily use, I find some of the changes in Firefox not convenient,in particular the location of the tab bar, it is more difficult to useand not at all logical. Also the date and time app has lost it's temperature setting..."14:49
pittiedwardc: oh, thanks :)14:49
seb128natty on the 10v ssd starts is 29:7814:49
seb128it was like 15 seconds in lucid14:49
pittiseb128: it's hilarious, isn't it?14:49
pittiseb128: we had it down to 10.3 in the best case..14:49
chrisccoulsonasking for help on a blueprint is strange enough, but what on earth is the last sentence about? it seems a bt random14:49
seb128pitti, right, for some definition of "hilarious"14:50
chrisccoulsonseb128 - lucky you. i can go and make a coffee whilst my laptop boots in natty14:50
seb128chrisccoulson, it's about indicator-datetime not doing what the GNOME clock was doing ;-)14:50
chrisccoulsonit seems that startup time on rotary disks has regressed quite significantly :(14:50
chrisccoulsonit's slower than it has ever been ;)14:50
seb128well not only rotary14:51
seb128like it's twice slower on the 10v ssd14:51
chrisccoulsonthat's pretty bad14:51
kenvandinehumm... smoking fast on this thinkpad14:51
seb128it's start to gdm in 10s and desktop in 20 seconds14:51
seb128we were down to like 6 seconds14:51
chrisccoulsonyeah, desktop start is the real killer for me too14:52
seb128bah, I don't like the u1 indicator integration14:53
seb128like when enabling my account on a new install I get 3 system user lines in the indicator14:53
seb128which don't really make sense14:53
mterrychrisccoulson, If a debian package has "Depends: iceweasel | firefox | abrowser", do we change that in Ubuntu to anything?14:55
pittididrocks: "Remerge the Quickly template with new API" -- can we safely consider this "postponed"?14:55
pittimterry: not necessary to have a delta for it, as we don't have an iceweasel package14:55
chrisccoulsonmterry, no, there's no need to change anything there14:56
seb128kenvandine, bug #760680, have fun14:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 760680 in indicator-applet (Ubuntu) "Translations need to be exported and package needs to be rebuilt" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76068014:56
didrockspitti: yeah, the template is even not in ubuntu and we now have python places support, so it will be even better!14:56
mterrypitti, chrisccoulson: that's what I thought, cool14:56
chrisccoulsonmterry, which package is it?14:56
mterrychrisccoulson, pytrainer, some sport training app in universe14:56
pittididrocks: sorry, does that mean "postpone" or not?14:56
chrisccoulsonmterry, oh. that's doomed anyway14:56
mterrychrisccoulson, ?14:57
didrockspitti: yeah, postpone, can do that once natty is released14:57
chrisccoulsonmterry, it's using gtkmozembed, which is now dead14:57
chrisccoulson(it's been dropped from mozilla entirely)14:57
kenvandineseb128, oh joy14:57
mterrychrisccoulson, ah, right.  :-/  well, I can fix it for natty at least14:57
mterry(it's currently not launching on startup)14:58
seb128kenvandine, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/indicator-applet/+export14:58
pittididrocks: mind if I steal bug 595008  from you?14:58
ubot5Launchpad bug 595008 in gnome-pkg-tools (Ubuntu) "should port the GNOME cdbs custom rules to dh7" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59500814:58
seb128kenvandine, let me spare you searching for the url ;-)14:58
pittididrocks: (in oneiric I'd like to merge with Debian and add dh_translations to it)14:58
seb128kenvandine, oh, it was in the bug... anyway ;-)14:58
pittididrocks: and also update our cdbs rules to use dh_translations14:58
kenvandineyup :)14:58
didrockspitti: well, you did the work, so it's more than fair :)14:58
pittididrocks: all of this pretty much belongs together14:59
kenvandineseb128, need to figure out how to build the package with them...14:59
pittididrocks: this bug/WI is different from "write dh_translations", but related of course14:59
chrisccoulsonmterry, http://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/2038ba37a2e8 ;)14:59
seb128kenvandine, get ted to import them in trunk and roll a tarball?14:59
kenvandinethat sounds easy14:59
kenvandinetedg_, ^^14:59
mterrychrisccoulson, yeah, I remember hearing about it.  Just didn't notice this guy was using it14:59
didrockspitti: sure, but you did the hard part, so do not hesitate to pick this one :)15:00
pittididrocks: ok15:00
chrisccoulsonmterry, there's not much in the archive using it. the other thing is chmsee, but that is already buildable with webkit too15:00
seb128tedg_, kenvandine: you might need a LINGUAS file in the po dir which list the po available as well15:00
chrisccoulsonwhich is good, because i use chmsee :)15:00
pittiseb128: I think your WI on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-desktop-n-improve-photo-printing is probably done or obsolete or so; do you have a current status for this?15:07
seb128pitti, it's still somewhat on my list but I didn't found anybody who cared or had a clue to reply15:08
seb128pitti, so postponed I guess15:08
pittiseb128: ack, tahnks15:08
rodrigo_lucazade, around?15:23
dpmSweetshark, do you think you'll have the chance to look at bug 725746 after the beta? Do you need more info on the report?15:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 725746 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Missing language on LibreOffice -Catalan (Valencian)-" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72574615:24
lucazaderodrigo_ yes15:25
rodrigo_lucazade, have time for some gdb fun?15:26
rodrigo_lucazade, I think I know what the fix is (building a package for you to test), but if I could get confirmation from gdb, that would be great15:26
lucazadeok.. you have to guide me15:26
rodrigo_lucazade, yes15:26
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, so log out, and on a vt -> gdb /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon $pid_of_gdm_gsd15:27
rodrigo_lucazade, then (gdb) set logging on15:27
rodrigo_(gdb) c15:27
rodrigo_and then log in and inmediately switch back to the vt and CTRL-C + (gdb) thread apply all bt15:28
rodrigo_lucazade, then just send me the gdb.txt file you will get on the dir where you run gdb15:28
rodrigo_s/send me/pastebin15:28
lucazadeok I'll try15:29
rodrigo_ok thanks15:29
lucazadeI've to switch back to vt as soon as panels appear?15:29
rodrigo_lucazade, as soon as you can, so once you press ENTER on gdm login screen, switch to the vt15:30
lucazaderodrigo_ ok15:30
rodrigo_lucazade, it took a few seconds for the gdm's gsd to die, right?15:31
lucazademaybe 10sec15:31
rodrigo_lucazade, then no need to be superfast, but yes, switch asap15:32
lucazadeafter thread apply all bt?15:34
rodrigo_lucazade, no, before15:34
lucazadegdb is still running15:34
rodrigo_when you switch to the vt, you get gdb running15:34
rodrigo_so CTRL-C to get to the prompt15:34
rodrigo_and then ¡thread apply all bt' on the prompt15:35
rodrigo_'thread apply all bt', sorry15:35
lucazadeyep.. and I still have gdb prompt15:35
lucazadeshould I exit to get log15:36
rodrigo_yes, after some output, right?15:36
rodrigo_just press 'c'  to let it finish15:36
rodrigo_and then 'q' to quit gdb and yes, get the log15:36
lucazadeno output.. infact  gdb.log is empty..."the program is not being run."15:38
rodrigo_oh, empty?15:38
lucazadeyes, i meant gdb.txt15:38
rodrigo_no other files there?15:39
rodrigo_lucazade, you did the 'set logging on' right?15:40
lucazaderodrigo_ yes15:40
rodrigo_and no output at all when you entered 'thread apply all bt' ?15:41
lucazadewhen I start gdb i get this15:41
rodrigo_lucazade, ah, right, you need to run it with sudo gdb ...15:42
rodrigo_default in ubuntu is to not allow users to use gdb15:42
rodrigo_lucazade, so, can you repeat, please?15:42
lucazaderodrigo_ yes15:43
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, so on the vt: sudo gdb /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon15:43
rodrigo_(gdb) set logging on15:43
rodrigo_(gdb) c15:43
rodrigo_then log in and switch back and: CTRL-C and 'thread apply all bt' on the (gdb) prompt15:43
lucazadeand q?15:44
rodrigo_after 'thread apply...' -> 'q', yes15:44
rodrigo_lucazade, you're italian? :)15:45
rodrigo_where from?15:45
lucazadethis time I saw the output in gdb15:45
rodrigo_cool, that's ok then15:45
lucazadebut has not been written to txt15:45
rodrigo_lucazade, ah, probably it's in /root/ because you ran it as sudo15:46
lucazade"the program is not being run. Countinuing. [thread 0xb74dbb70 (LWP 1880) exited] program exited normally. quit15:46
lucazadethis is gdb.txt15:47
rodrigo_that's all?15:47
rodrigo_oh, are you running the gsd you built with the patches disabled?15:47
lucazadeonly 6 disabled15:47
rodrigo_ok, that's it then, you need to re-enable #615:47
rodrigo_or wait for my package to build in the ppa15:47
lucazadethis is why I don't gather the log?15:48
rodrigo_thus we can test if the fix does it15:48
rodrigo_lucazade, that's why when you get to gdb prompt the program is done, since there is no bug with that patch disabled15:48
rodrigo_yeah :)15:48
lucazadeis your package in building?15:49
rodrigo_yes, but I can push my branch, if you want to build locally15:49
rodrigo_i386 is almost done on my ppa, if you use that15:50
lucazadeok.. give me a link15:50
rodrigo_to the branch?15:50
lucazadeto ppa15:51
rodrigo_right, and it's now built, so https://launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/+archive/ppa15:51
rodrigo_that is -> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/rodrigo-moya/ppa/ubuntu natty main15:51
rodrigo_it's got 2.32.1-0ubuntu1515:52
lucazadeok thanks15:52
rodrigo_lucazade, please do the gdb thing again if possible, just in case the fix is not good, so that we can get the gdb stuff15:52
lucazaderodrigo_ ok understood15:53
rodrigo_lucazade, https://launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/+archive/ppa/+files/gnome-settings-daemon_2.32.1-0ubuntu15_i386.deb if you want to just download it instead of adding the ppa and apt-get update15:56
lucazadeugh... not fixed15:56
rodrigo_and what does gdb says?15:57
rodrigo_lucazade, ok, so it's in the spot I thought (xrandr plugin) but not in the exact one16:02
rodrigo_lucazade, looking for a better fix, mille grazie again16:03
lucazadeno problem16:03
rodrigo_it's gconf blocking it seems :(16:05
mterrytedg_, when were you planning on doing a dbusmenu release?16:15
tedg_mterry, I was just getting started on it... do you have a patch planned?16:18
tedg_mterry, No API changes, so I can do things in any order.16:18
mterrytedg_, I feel kinda close to that xemacs fix...  I'll know more in a bit16:18
* tedg_ usually starts from the bottom of the stack and works up -- just an FYI16:18
tedg_mterry, Cool, I'll do it last then.16:19
mterrytedg_, it also may be indicator-appmenu, FYI16:19
tedg_both :-)16:19
mterrytedg_, if I don't get it, we might want to consider blacklisting it?16:19
tedg_mterry, Okay.16:21
rodrigo_lucazade, only thing I can find is a memory leak, which I'm not sure it would fix the problem, so can you build my branch and run it (no gdb)?16:26
rodrigo_lucazade, bzr get lp:~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/natty/gnome-settings-daemon/really-fix-64980916:27
lucazaderodrigo_ ok going to try16:27
rodrigo_lucazade, ok thanks16:27
seb128rodrigo_, why would indicator call hang?16:28
rodrigo_seb128, it doesn't it seems16:28
rodrigo_I thought app_indicator_set_status did some more work than expected, but that wasn't the problem16:29
rodrigo_now the memory leak is on gnome_rr_config, from gnome-desktop16:29
rodrigo_which has some gconf stuff, so maybe that's the issue, since we are leaking it in the patch16:29
lucazaderodrigo_ don't know if this help: I've tried to remove all indicator from panel but the problem persist16:30
seb128rodrigo_, oh ok16:30
rodrigo_lucazade, that won't help, since the indicator stuff is still used, even if you don't have the applet in the panel16:30
rodrigo_we should really check at runtime if there are indicators or not, but I guess that's not the problem here16:30
rodrigo_or everyone would see the problem16:31
rodrigo_as gdm doesn't have the indicator applet16:31
rodrigo_and I haven't been able to see the problem, not only once after 100s of tries16:32
lucazadestrange, is always reproducible on different machines here16:32
chrisccoulsonwhy-oh-why is mimetype handling in firefox such a mess16:35
lucazaderodrigo_ if I use autologin issue is not present16:35
rodrigo_lucazade, right, no gdm's gsd in that case16:35
seb128lucazade, do you set anything non standard on your boxes?16:37
seb128I never got it in any boxes there16:37
lucazaderemoved ubuntuone and some other things, nothing strange... ubuntu software center also16:38
seb128some other users mentioned not having ubuntuone either but I fail to see how that could be due to it16:38
lucazadealready tried reinstalling ubuntuone16:39
micahgpitti: good morning, mediatomb, I'm switching to mozjs185, libjdic-java if paros is unused, then drop both16:40
pittihey micahg16:41
pittimicahg: hm, I didn't see anything related to xulrunner in mediatomb16:41
micahgpitti: we disabled javascript in lucid which was what made it a xul rdepend, but now that we have mozjs, we can reenable it16:42
lucazaderodrigo_ tried your branch.. no luck16:44
mterrytedg_, ok, figured it out.  it's in dbusmenu, will work on a patch16:51
tedg_mterry, Woot!16:54
dpmtedg_, mterry, all set for your appdeveloper week sessions later on?16:55
mterrydpm, yeah16:56
tedg_dpm, I've changed the topic.  Can I talk about flower aranging?  ;-)16:56
dpmtedg_, only if you do a videocast :)16:56
tedg_"Zen of developing software through appropriately placed flowers"16:56
dpmmterry, awesome16:56
micahgpitti: BTW, I have gnome-web-photo, just having a little trouble w/DEP-5 in the copyright file, will try to finish it tonight17:07
jcastrorodrigo_: have those guys submitted any fixes to the gnome 3 stuff yet?17:07
rodrigo_jcastro, no, I had a merge proposal from jbicha, but he's not from that team17:08
jcastrorodrigo_: I'll send a follow up17:11
rodrigo_jcastro, ok17:11
mterrytedg_, what's your deadline?  I've got it half fixed, but now turns out something else is wrong with how emacs works.  I have a classroom to run in a half hour17:35
tedg_mterry, I don't specifically have one yet,  kenvandine?17:38
seb128mterry, well just distro patch the fix tomorrow?17:44
seb128mterry, it would gave you time for testing without blocking anything17:44
seb128we don't need every fix to be in today tarball17:44
mterryi thought today's was a more lenient push than future.  not that it isn't still a bug17:44
seb128mterry, well no hurry as well17:45
seb128I'm just pointing it that backporting a revision as a distro patch tomorrow is an option17:45
seb128but getting in today upload is fine as well ;-)17:46
Sweetsharklaunchpad says unity 3.8.8 was released 22 minutes ago. Does it fix bug 732412? There is no change to the bug yet although it is assigned to the milestone.17:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 732412 in unity "LibreOffice Writer has no icon in Unity and is labeled "LibreOffice Small Device Format Importer"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73241217:59
seb128no it doesn't18:01
seb128DBO, ^18:01
Sweetsharkshould I work around it by not shipping the "Small Device Format Importer" desktop file? LO still has one release ...18:05
seb128Sweetshark, it's basically your call, I would not bother18:07
seb128but for the record I don't see this bug on a stack beta2 install done today18:07
seb128libreoffice-writer is on the default launcher and starting it matches the icon18:07
seb128running it from the application place as well18:08
seb128if the binary which makes it bug is not installed by default it seems somewhat low priority and easier to fix later in an unity upload18:09
kenvandinetedg_, no big rush18:21
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mterrytedg_, I'm less enthusiastic about fixing this short term.  Maybe let's plan for a distro-patch or blacklisting18:51
mterrytedg_, the basic problem is that emacs is adding new submenus that are empty (I fixed a bug here where we didn't watch such menus for new items).  But having fixed that, emacs never seems to add more items and my attempts to force it haven't quite worked.  So I need to do some deeper digging18:52
tedg_mterry, Hmm, okay.  Fixing the empty items is good though.18:57
tedg_mterry, I'm sure someone else does that.18:57
mterrytedg_, it's actually a bit worse than that.  I don't believe we watch any submenus added in after the fact18:57
tedg_mterry, Hmm... yeah, that is worse.19:03
jbichaI got gnome-session 3 to work with the Ubuntu session but I'm having trouble with Ubuntu Classic19:06
jbichaI can get either gnome-panel or compiz to start, but not both19:07
bcurtiswxjbicha, any issues with empathy other than it not working with the me-menu yet19:11
jbichabcurtiswx: I don't really use empathy since it doesn't do IRC that well & I don't have need for other protocols these days19:12
bcurtiswxjbicha, OK.  np.  if you get a change to play around tho, please do and lemme knwo of any issues19:13
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Sweetsharkpitti: ping?19:25
pittiSweetshark: (on the phone)19:26
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mik3hi all20:48
pittikenvandine: hey Ken20:53
kenvandinehey pitti20:53
pittikenvandine: would you be able to sit in tomorrow's release team meeting?20:53
pittikenvandine: it will probably be a very quick one20:53
kenvandinepitti, sure20:53
pittikenvandine: but I'll be in a train tomorrow, with poor or absent connectivity20:53
pittikenvandine: thanks; I'll try to update the wiki page in the morning20:53
pitti(still busy doing b2 stuff)20:53
kenvandinepitti, 1500 UTC?20:54
=== tedg_ is now known as tedg
chrisccoulsonpitti - i postponed 2 of the remaining WI's on the firefox-4 blueprint now21:07
chrisccoulson(the eclipse one and the translation one)21:08
chrisccoulsonwe're not goint to get eclipse done, and we'll fix translations next cycle anyway21:08
pittichrisccoulson: ok, thanks21:08
* micahg would like to disable the internal browser in eclipse which would solve the problem21:09
* pitti yays the software-center upload, tackling 3 RC bugs21:11
pittitremolux: bug 723911 also has an aptdaemon task, that's also still RC?21:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 723911 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Natty) "deauthorize does not remove sources.list" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72391121:11
pittikenvandine: I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus21:12
pittikenvandine: might get some more bug fixes by tomorrow, of course21:12
kenvandinepitti, thx21:12
pittikenvandine: but I guess it'll only be a quick meeting tomorrow anyway21:12
* pitti waves good night, have to get up at 621:12
kenvandinegood night pitti21:12
pittichrisccoulson, kenvandine: in case someone asks, I'll be mostly offline tomorrow, I by and large spend the day in a train21:13
chrisccoulsongood night pitti21:13
didrocksgood night pitti21:18
* didrocks waves good night as well21:33
kenvandinegood night didrocks21:33
didrocksgood evening kenvandine!21:33
kenvandinehey ronoc21:37
sweezegnome3 ppa question:  noticed that LANG and GDM_LANG are no longer getting set upon login from GDM.  temporarily placed "export LANG="en_US.UTF-8"" in /etc/profile, but seems like that shouldn't be the right place to set it?  (no more lang chooser in gdm greeter looks like?)22:16
rickspencer3pitti was beta 2 like a birthday present you gave yourself?23:28

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