
airurandomorning all.09:51
slashtomgood morning!09:56
slashtomis it death to the ubuntu hour?09:56
airurandoha ha09:59
airurandoto be decided at a meeting I think09:59
airurandoshame really10:00
airurandoI can see both sides to the story10:00
airurandoUH is different in purpose to PoTD10:00
* slashtom suggests all those who vote to keep it turn up to the Ubuntu Hour10:00
airurandohowever that purpose doesn't seem to working here at the moment10:01
airurandoslashtom: good point but that is not always possible10:01
airurandoAs I see it PoTD is a social get together for uber linux geeks10:02
slashtomisn't that what Ubuntu Hour is?10:03
airurandoAs far as I know it's not.10:03
airurandoUH is a very social event for users or wamma be users of Ubuntu10:04
airurandofar less uber geeks10:04
slashtomok, PoTD is pretty much the same but for all Linux users not just the Ubuntu ones10:04
airurandodrop in event for folks to find out more about Ubuntu10:04
slashtomhas that happened?10:05
airurandoyeah but I'd argue that PoTD is a lot more intimidating to wanna be ubuntu users.10:05
airurandohas that happened? no you are absolutely right10:06
airurandoand that is the problem10:06
airurandomaybe we haven't promoted it right?10:06
airurandomaybe Irish folks are not interested enough to attend one?10:07
airurando maybe Irish wanna be users are to shy or not confident enough to attend one?10:07
airurandolots of possibilities10:07
slashtomor people who want to find out more or solve their problems are using the internet?10:08
airurandoas I said slashtom I see both sides.10:08
airurandoIt's not working for us at present for whatever reason.10:08
airurandobut UH is a seperate type of event to PoTD.10:09
airurandoslashtom: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour10:19
airurandofirst line states what UH should be.10:19
slashtomif you want to be different to PoTD...10:32
slashtomwhy not a coffee shop, first saturday of the month or something10:32
airurandoaye indeed10:33
airurandoslashtom: Its not that I or we want to be different from PoTD.10:34
airurandosimply UH is an event with a different purpose.10:34
airurandothats all I'm saying10:34
airurandospeaking as one of those lesser geeks UH was more apealing to me that PoTD.10:36
ebelhmm, regular weekend coffee shop...10:39
airurandoanyone going to oggcamp?11:20
ShaneMairurando: Yep12:04
airurandoHi ShaneM12:28
airurandogood for you.12:28
airurandodo you know modes of transportation from Gatwick to Farnham12:28
airurandoin fact does anyone know the best way to get from Gatwick to Farnham?12:30
airurandothanks slashtom.12:31
ShaneMairurando: I've no idea to be honest.12:31
ShaneMairurando: I'm going to try and get a flight from Cork.12:31
slashtomi would have thought heathrow would be better12:32
slashtombut out of the cheap airports, gatwick would be much better than luton or stansted12:32
airurandoShaneM: I'm mulling over the possibility12:32
airurandoslashtom: really?12:33
slashtomunless you get a hire car from gatwick12:34
ShaneMairurando: I haven't really looked at anything yet to be honest.12:34
ShaneMProbably will at the end of the month or so12:35
ebelgatwick is a larger airport12:36
ebeland has a trainstation12:36
ebelyou can get from gatwick to the center of london on the gatwick express for something like £15 ?12:36
slashtomheathrow is not bad either12:36
ebeltrain station is right in the airport12:36
ebelheathrow has a tube station in it12:37
slashtombut best to avoid luton and stansted12:37
slashtomit does12:37
ebelbirmingham airport also has a train station in it, real easy to get into birmingham city centre from the airport12:37
airurandorudimentary understanding of the map of the area.  Thought Gatwick would be best.12:37
airurandoso long as transport was available to farnham12:37
slashtomairurando: from gatwick you're going via central london12:38
slashtomeven by car, it's longer as you would be going via motorway12:39
slashtomi don't know about heathrow12:39
* airurando knows nothing 12:40
airurandonot sue I can swing it yet12:41
airurandoneeds to be cheap12:41
slashtomyou know skyscanner.net?12:41
airurandoI am off work for the first time and the flights currently look cheap...hmm12:41
airurandoslashtom; no I don't.12:42
slashtomremember, no hand luggage ;)12:42
* airurando dashes off to collect the youngest kid from school12:50
ebelairurando: i.e. fly with a budget airline and only take hand luggage13:35
ebelmakes the flights might cheaper13:35
airurandoI see the Zorin OS guys are branching into hardware.15:06
airurandoGood luck to them.15:06
airurandoebel: if I'm going that was my plan it's just slashtoms last statement said remember, no hand luggage ;)15:10
airurandopresume that was just sarcasm?15:11
ebelhehe he probabaly mistyped15:11
ebelMy mum fly *loads* of times with a check in bag. twas silly15:11
ebelonce the bag-on-wheels weighed 7 kg.15:11
ebelshe was paying €20 for that.15:11
ebelsometimes people can forget about these things...15:12
slashtomaye, my mum gets no choice... i book her flights15:15
slashtomebel: your sister is just as bad15:15

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