
* iheartubuntu enters ggzgamingzone chess server via glChess00:24
iheartubuntuif there are any soccer fans here... LA Galaxy and David Beckham are playing now... http://www.justin.tv/dysreflex#/w/107962403202:44
kevin5574i'm typing this from natty beta202:45
iheartubuntumy laptop is 10.1002:46
iheartubuntui cant handle unity02:46
iheartubuntui went to ubuntu classic in natty02:46
kevin5574what's wrong with unity?02:47
iheartubuntukevin see if your flash works... http://www.justin.tv/dysreflex#/w/107962403202:47
iheartubuntula galaxy game02:47
kevin5574i just have to learn how to invert colors02:47
kevin5574iheartubuntu: i'm using 64bit02:48
kevin5574and trying to install now02:48
iheartubuntuu have no flash?02:48
kevin5574hopefully there's enough room on liveusb, otherwise i may have to install to hdd02:48
kevin5574iheartubuntu: nope, i'll have to get another usbstick before i try to get that working02:51
kevin5574oddly, there really isn't much flash content that i think would make natty a deal breaker02:51
nhaineskevin5574: hate to break it to you, but beta 2 doesn't exist yet.02:57
iheartubuntuhe can dream right?02:58
kevin5574nhaines: i guess not officially03:01
kevin5574supposedly it'll be out tomorrow03:01
nhainesThe full CD set (desktop/install/server/alt install/netbook images) for all supported versions of Ubuntu, with latest point releases only of LTS releases comes to 59.5GB.03:10
iheartubuntuwhy so big?03:13
iheartubuntuohh ok all supported versions03:13
nhainesiheartubuntu: from 4.10 to 10.10.03:14
nhainesand tomorrow I'll grab all the beta 2 images for 11.04.03:14
kevin5574hears where i got the beta2 iso:  http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/546003:15
nhainesThere are no beta 2 images at that site.03:16
kevin5574why do you say this?03:17
nhaineswe're probably looking at about 18 hours until Ubuntu 11.04 beta 2, and it'll be available at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing03:17
nhaineskevin5574: because the release manager hasn't announced a beta 2 release, and it doesn't exist until then.03:17
kevin5574nhaines: it says "we are currently tsting candidates for Natty Beta 2"03:18
kevin5574furthermore, this iso boot, the one @ releases.ubuntu.com did not03:18
nhaineskevin5574: "candidates" == "not beta 2", plus http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ has beta 1 images and does not have anything to do with the qa site.03:19
kevin5574nhaines: it's a beta 2 candidate03:19
* kevin5574 shrugs03:19
nhaineskevin5574: it's not beta 2.03:19
iheartubuntuits not beta 2, its beta fish03:20
kevin5574nhaines: i hear ya'03:20
kevin5574the iso @ releases.ubuntu.com wouldn't boot from liveusb on my system03:20
kevin5574not sure what changed03:20
kevin5574i was thinking i wouldn't be able to install natty03:20
akkDoes the livecd back down to unity2d on systems that don't support 3d? That could be the problem.03:25
akkI know I've had trouble with earlier ubuntu livecds not booting because they assumed 3D/DRI and wouldn't work without it.03:25
nhainesakk:no, it doesn't, but it should fallback to Ubuntu Classic.03:25
nhainesoneiric will fallback to Unity2D.03:25
akkBut it does try to detect if X didn't start or had a problem, and fall back automatically?03:26
nhainesInstalling Ubuntu 11.04 and then installing Unity2D will cause "Ubuntu" to fallback to Unity2D, and "Ubuntu Classic" is still available.03:26
akk(historically ubuntu hasn't checked, it just assumed)03:26
nhainesakk: no, Unity is a Compiz plugin and X will run with or without 2D.  If X can't run it falls back to a recovery prompt.03:27
kevin5574when does unity start in the boot process?  before gdm?03:27
nhainesUnity is a GNOME Session, so it starts after you log in after gdm.03:27
akkI always got failure modes of total system hang -- X would try to start and hang the system.03:27
kevin5574yeah, it wasn't a unity problem then03:27
nhainesYou can run '/usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p' to see whether Unity is supported or not.03:28
kevin5574akk: what video card?03:38
akkkevin5574: Most of the hard hangs I got were on an old laptop, S3 Savage video card.03:39
kevin5574akk: that is interesting, so you're problem sounds specific to the video card03:40
akkNo 3d, and trying to enable it freezes the kernel, but Ubuntu didn't have any no-DRI option.03:40
kevin5574mine is probably with the quirky bios on this system03:40
kevin5574my notebook has 3d, but it is *very* far from spectacular03:40
kevin5574not that i'm ungrateful for it :/03:44
akkYeah, my current one supposedly has it and I know the card can do it, but 3d apps mostly seem to be doing software GL, super jerky and slow.03:44
kevin5574basically, compiz stuff works fine03:47
kevin5574but like, 3d games run jerky03:48
kevin5574and i mean old real time strategy games, like total annihilation03:48
kevin5574what kind of video card do you have on your current one?03:48
kevin5574so, there is some hardware acceleration, just not as much as with the big 203:49
kevin5574when i bought this notebook, i didn't buy it for games though03:50
kevin5574speaking of which, i should probably reboot, bbl03:50
Algo'sup dudes?03:53
Algoand gals03:53
=== KB1JWQ is now known as Corey
MarkDudehttp://wiki.creativecommons.org/San_Francisco_Salon 15th at HP07:03
iheartubuntufiling natty bug reports is good for karma health :)16:42
* sn9 initially read that as "nasty bug reports"16:44
nhaineshttp://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ lists beta 2 but the release hasn't been announced yet.17:40
iheartubuntui think OMG announced it17:40
nhainesIt's coming very soon but it's best to wait until the announcement, to allow the mirrors to sync up and reduce the load from the Ubuntu servers.17:40
iheartubuntu30+ Ubuntu Hour flyers went up yesterday... http://yfrog.com/h0obbewj17:41
nhainesOMG announced it before it has been released, once again.  All of their links are broken.17:41
iheartubuntuIve had 4 people already email me confirming the location! :)17:41
iheartubuntuOMG announced the Humble Bundle before that was announced too (ggggrrrr)17:42
iheartubuntuit was a chore finding boards to staple these flyers around caltech. very pristine university there17:43
iheartubuntusome of them said NO STAPLES and had tacks available which i used17:43
akkIt's funny how sites announce things that haven't actually been released. I guess it's a good way to get page hits ...17:43
iheartubuntusome of the areas had glass with tape being used, so i stapled the flyer on the bottom of another flyer :)17:43
akkYeah, I guess you have to carry stapler, pins, tacks and tape if you want to cover all the bases.17:44
iheartubuntucal tech had a student protest yesterday. the school wants to place "trained psychologists" into EVERY dorm so they can monitor students17:45
iheartubuntustudents are PO17:45
nhainesiheartubuntu: how does that make them feel?17:48
nhainesakk: tell me more about lol17:50
nhainesHmm, that's strange, why would there not be a 32-bit alternate install image for beta 2?  Hopefully they're still staging.17:50
akknhaines: Why do you want to know more about lol?17:50
nhainesakk: haha17:50
iheartubuntuask Dr. Sbaitso17:53
jtatumakk: Does it please you to believe I want to know more about lol?17:53
akkjtatum: Does lol remind you of your father?17:53
iheartubuntukeep it up everyone and i will start blasting some Adam & the Ants and head to my room17:54
jtatumakk: What else comes to mind when you think of your father?17:55
sn9does your father make you rofl?17:57
sn9how do you feel about your father making you rofl?17:57
sn9ever rofl without your father?17:58
sn9how do you feel about others who rofl?17:59
sn9do you ever ponder life without rofl?18:00
sn9do you ever have rofl for breakfast?18:01
* akk wants a cinnamon rofl now18:04
sn9lmao zedong18:09
iheartubuntuhello? dr. sbaitso?21:38
iheartubuntuvery nice thank you erichammond22:13
* erichammond nods22:14
iheartubuntui never knew that it existed22:16
iheartubuntuhi jbermudes - hope to see you tonight?22:18
erichammondiheartubuntu: I list http://LAtechCalendar.com and other LA resources on http://LAgeeks.org22:21
iheartubuntunice simple site22:24
erichammondiheartubuntu: I like making one page sites.  http://Perl.LA22:28
jbermudesiheartubuntu: yup! :)23:03
kdubnyan cat23:06
iheartubuntuso exciting!23:07
kevin6888ay everybody23:08
iheartubuntuaye matey23:08
kevin6888i matey23:09
iheartubunturavi shankar is going to be at caltech i think i saw... this friday?23:09
iheartubuntukevin6888 http://us.artofliving.org/losangeles23:11
iheartubuntuactually not at caltech... somewhere in LA23:12
kevin6888who's that iheartubuntu ?23:12
iheartubuntuhe is the sitar player that taught george harrison23:12
iheartubuntuor introduced them to sitar anyways23:13
iheartubuntuthe beatles23:13
kdubwasnt that a band or something?23:14
kevin6888ah, sitar, he's the dude on the link23:16
kevin6888i see23:16
kevin6888ay, check out this stuff from tokyohackerspace.org:  http://blog.rdtn.org/2011/04/14/a-little-of-what-weve-been-up-to/23:19
kevin6888it's a "radiation detection hardware network" device23:19
iheartubuntuwait... :) its not the same guy23:21
iheartubuntuthe ravi shankar from the beatles era would be like 75-80 yrs old23:22
kevin6888never heard of either one23:23
kevin6888what do they teach?  happiness?23:23
iheartubuntusomeday, 60 years from now there will be some linux user in a webchat talking about a guy named mark shuttleworth... a different one. :|23:23
kevin6888mark shuttleworth jr.23:23
iheartubuntu"My vision is of a world that is crime-free, stress-free and violence-free." - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar23:24
iheartubuntuthey even have grad programs23:24
iheartubuntumaybe you can hook up with them on doing a yoga/hacker thing23:24
kevin6888visions are easy23:24
kevin6888i have a vision of superman like flight23:25
kevin6888batman like resourcefulness23:25
kevin6888and aquaman like irrelevance23:25
kevin6888i'm not sure how i  would set that up?  do you know them?23:26
iheartubuntu"I have a vision of superman like flight, batman like resourcefulness and aquaman like irrelevance." - Sri Sri Seidos23:26
iheartubuntuthat quote is good. it should be on your facebook23:26
kevin6888i'll tweet it23:27
kevin6888my tweets go to facebook23:27
kevin6888i hope aquaman fans don't get ticked23:27
kevin6888oh wait, there are no aquaman fans :(23:27
iheartubuntui prefer plasticman23:28
kevin6888i'm actually more of a marvel fan myself23:29
kevin6888but a marvel super hero that flies that is memorable escapes me23:29
iheartubuntukinda flies23:30
iheartubuntuyou mean without help23:30
kevin6888ah, actually there was "cosmic spiderman" briefly23:30
kevin6888there's archangel23:30
kevin6888but his wings are kinda' obnoxious23:30
kevin6888jean grey flies23:30
iheartubuntuare you a TMNT fan of the original comic?23:30
kevin6888pretty cool23:30
kevin6888i never collected the og comic, but i did watch the cartoon23:31
iheartubuntui have several keepers. like superman dies in the black plastic amongst others23:31
kevin6888superman makes a cameo on TMNT?23:31
kevin6888ohhhhh, the Doomsday thing23:31
kevin6888yeah, that is cool23:31
kevin6888i gave my comics to my nephews23:31
iheartubuntuEastman & Laird i think was the name of the writers that put out the original TMNT... i have only one 1st printing... worth some bucks, but ive got a bunch 2nd printings not worth much23:32
kevin6888when i was a kid i thought comics were a way to make money23:33
kevin6888now, not so much23:33
kevin6888i downloaded some comics off of torrents23:33
kevin6888kind of cool23:33
kevin6888but they aren't formatted very well23:33
kevin6888to fit the screen23:33
kevin6888i was thinking of making some stencils, i wonder if it's possible to spray paint on cloth and how well that would stick23:35
kdubsounds like a $7 experiment to me :D23:38
kevin6888i estimated it at about 3x that23:38
kevin6888but i really value my threads23:38
iheartubuntukev - it works great23:40
iheartubuntui did it back in the day23:40
iheartubuntuthe stencil really needs to be tacky on tacked to the cloth material though, otherwise you'll have bleed through/overspray23:41
jamaltaso we're going to have some visitors from the FL team in town for Google I/O.. (my old team)23:42
jamaltaI'm going to be trying to get together with them somewhere in town, anyone else interested for the 10th or 11th?23:43
jamaltato meet some of the FL peeps, that is.23:43
crashsystemsjamalta: is that on the weekend?23:43
jamaltajtatum: hey, you should come up if you can!23:43
jamaltacrashsystems: no, unfortunately :(23:43
jamaltanot sure how long they'll be in town23:43
crashsystemsbah, I won't be able to make it then23:43
jamaltabut if you want to do a weekend thing to meetup that would be awesome too23:43
jamaltai'll come to that at least23:43
jtatumwhat, huh, what? :)23:43
jamaltamaybe we can get jtatum to come too23:43
jamaltajtatum: hey, some people from the FL team are going to be in SF for google i/o23:44
crashsystemseven better would be a meeting in san jose :D23:44
jamaltawe're thinking about doing a get together of some sort, maybe for dinner or something23:44
jamaltacrashsystems: i guess i could do that, does caltrain go to san jose?23:44
jamaltai don't have a car anymore23:44
jamaltayeah, it's a tuesday and wednesday23:44
jtatumlooks good on my calendar23:44
jamaltai know it's annoying since it's in the middle of the week23:45
crashsystemsI'm actually in sunnyvale, so for going to sf it makes the most sense to go to the mountian view stop23:45
crashsystemsI think it goes to sj though23:45
jamaltacrashsystems: ah, if it's a friday or something i can just work from SV (probably) and ...23:45
jtatumcrashsystems: caltrain, not vta :)23:45
jamaltawell the annoying thing would be figuring out how to get back to SF lol23:45
crashsystemsyeah, there is a light rail and caltrain stop at the same place in mountian view23:46
jtatumindeed… but there's a caltrain stop in sunnyvale too :)23:46
jtatummy brother just moved to the worst part of san fran23:47
crashsystemsI think I've been to that one actually, though it involved busses23:47
jtatumbeen having fun making trips up there23:47
kdubwhat's the worst part of san francisco?23:48
jtatumthe tenderloin23:51
iheartubuntuwhat makes it bad23:51
jtatumthey put up a twitter: http://twitter.com/ofarrellwebcam23:51
iheartubuntui dont think ive ever been through there actually23:54
iheartubuntui wonder what the rents like... cant be too high... but it is still SF23:55
* kdub wonders if SD or SF has higher rent23:56
jtatumthey are splitting a room. $1100. tiny23:56
jtatumyeah, for that neighborhood… i think they're getting robbed actually23:56
iheartubunturight now?23:57
iheartubuntuohh the apt23:57
jtatumjamalta or pleia2 can probably speak more to the rents in general23:57
kdubi like that area up by the giants stadium, embacardo, i think23:58
kdubfor apartments23:59

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