[01:06] What the fuck Ponzi bullshit is occurring behind us? [01:07] snap-l: join in now to make huge a return!! [01:07] We're selling services [01:09] It is talking every fiber of my being not to turn around and say that this is a huge load of horseshit [01:11] Bwahahahaha [01:11] they were talking about verizon microcell type boxes/etc earlier [01:13] Gee, either they're like Amway, or they're just talking shit [01:13] Perhaps I repeat myself [01:14] here's the hard sell [01:14] I hope they sell shovels, because this is hip deep [01:15] my BS detector is screaming [01:18] Blazeix: https://launchpad.net/~rharding/+archive/ppa [01:38] Dear God... [01:40] I'm missing some fun times at CHC, eh? [01:41] I'm generally really good at blocking people out while working. But not with these guys. [01:41] yea, we're surrounded [01:41] 'STFU' and "ooh, VOIP FTW!" [01:43] Someone is selling some bullshit VOIP shit [01:50] when does beta 2 come out? [01:51] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule [01:53] tomorrow [02:04] I'm going to blow up from all of the bullshit flying around. [02:04] 25.6 trillion in revenue? That's pretty impressive [02:04] A TRILLION DOLLARS! [02:05] I think they'd make more money selling each other shit on Amazon using each other's referral codes. [02:51] devinheitmueller: http://vimeo.com/19465332 [02:52] http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=node.js+v8+debugger [12:48] wow, 4yrs later: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/174449 [12:48] ok, well 3.5 [14:02] apt-cache searches the *cache*, not some remote online database [14:02] Seriously? That took 3.5 years? [14:03] >_> [14:06] :) [14:16] g'morn [14:16] I'm a litle bit pissed [14:17] I just got told that our web services gateway needs \r\n, not just \n [14:17] in an expression that gets sent to it [14:17] and that I should really use wireshark to test this out beforehand [14:18] Considering a) I'm on a unix machine, and \n is damn fine enough without adding the carriage return, and b) it's https, so wireshark is pretty much useless, that recommendation was tried [14:19] heh [14:23] wireshark? for what? [14:23] So, now to tell this group that requiring \r\n is anachronistic [14:23] Milyardo: To debug the soap request we were sending [14:49] Apparently they're correct. It's in the RFC and everything [14:50] so essentially the W3C is anachronistic. [14:50] <_stink_> huh - when i was sending soap to a horrible windows stack server, it handled \n just fine. [14:50] <_stink_> and this product was/is horrible. [14:50] between the request bondaries? [14:51] <_stink_> i never built a \r\n anywhere. [14:51] <_stink_> by request boundaries, do you mean something like many requests in one TCP connection or something? [14:51] considering I downloaded this from another source, I tend to agree. [14:51] Yeah, attachments [14:52] <_stink_> ah, ok. i may have never done that in particular. [14:53] That's OK, it doesn't seem to work anyway. [15:16] snap-l: dang RFC's laying down the law [15:16] (they're the closest thing we have to laws on the web) [15:18] Well, what I loved was how snotty this person was about it [15:18] and in the end, it still doesn't work [15:18] well if you were hoping the tech team shoots down unity, not likely: http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2011/04/unity-environment-in-good-shape-on-track-for-ubuntu-1104.ars [15:18] asked him if he actually ran the code [15:18] lol [15:19] but of course not, why would you go through all that trouble [15:19] He came off as a real dick of "if you haven't done something so simple, I can't be bothered to help you" [15:25] grr [15:26] GRR? coming here for a visit? [15:27] :) [15:48] i hate macs. [15:49] they mouse accel is all fucked and the home and end keys do the wrong thing. this old dog will be windows and linux 4 ever. [15:49] + .5 [15:49] <_stink_> haha [15:49] if 11.10 goes further with teh mac direction and changes the mouse adn home/end, I'm changing distro :) [15:49] and that is the start of my troll bait for today. [15:49] lol, take my window manager, but leave my home/end keys [15:49] snap-l sounds too busy to fight back today [15:50] but his angst levels might be elevated, could be a good time if he arrives [15:51] jrwren: you have home and end keys? [15:51] and a mouse? [15:51] Acutally, I agree that home / end on a mac are kind of screwed up [15:52] was one thing that really didn't make sense. [15:52] rick_h_: So, neener neener. ;) [15:52] lol [15:52] booooo, that wasn't entertaining [15:52] at least the ide I'm in does emacs ctrl-a, ctrl-e, but after 6yrs of home and end, i'm having a rough time adjusting [15:53] rick_h_: shall i attempt to make snap-l's angst levels rise further? [15:53] The mac mouse profiles are different than Windows [15:53] I'm trying to train myself away from home/end [15:54] it's too far away [15:54] I think they're smoother, not necessarily better. [15:54] I got away from ctrl-a for home on the command-line because of screen. :) [15:54] but ctrl-e is a godsend [15:54] rick_h_: 6-10 yrs ago I was home/end free... i was all emacs & vim and could easily switch between those two env. [15:54] but i lost that skill :( [15:55] snap-l: you don't ctrl-a a [15:55] i type ctrl-a a more than ctrl-a for BOL and so I often get ^A when i'm outside of screen :) [15:55] heh === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [15:56] I don't use screen as much as I should [15:56] so I've not started to work around it's shortcuts [15:56] I think Byobu's shortcuts are better. They use the Fn keys. [15:57] so Fn2 is new screen [15:57] But Ctrl-A still works, though [15:57] bah, it messes me up for some reason. Something fails for me, tring to recall what [15:57] <_stink_> just remap screen's prefix to `. [15:58] Leave it to GNU utilities to screw up keybindings between programs in the termial [15:58] I keep trying byobu but end up back to screen [16:02] ok, I just tested ctrl+a and ctrl+e in vim, and uh, that was amazing. ctrl-a added 1 to any number I was on and ctrl-e copied whatever was below/above to the line I was one [16:02] greg-g: Yes, repeat after me: vi is not emacs. ;) [16:02] i hate byobu shortcuts. [16:02] i use byobu for the nice bottom bar, but I still use they screen keyboard [16:02] i want to figure out how to turn off the byobu Fn keys. [16:02] snap-l: oh, it was emacs they were talking about [16:02] * greg-g hangs head [16:03] Well, bash command line in emacs mode [16:03] which is more sensical than the vim shortcut mode [16:03] and this is from a hardcore vim user. [16:03] greg-g: bash starts in emacs mode by default on most distro. type a line in bash adn try ctrl-a ctrle there. [16:03] psh, zsh + vim mode == heaven [16:03] rick_h_: Yes yes, we know. [16:03] snap-l: agreed, although I have played with the bash vim mode and decided that it would be very sweet if I were a sysadmin [16:04] jrwren: Agreed [16:04] did I mention zsh > bash? [16:04] :) [16:04] i didn't discover bash vim mode until after I left sysadmin world :( [16:04] zsh is BARELY > bash [16:04] hahahahahahahahahahaha [16:04] and given bash is more ubiquotous, i'll stick with being able to run my scripts more places. [16:04] bash feels like logging into cmd.exe [16:04] note: I stole that argument from jam for perl > python :) [16:04] who said anything about scripts [16:04] I mean in just usage [16:05] i spike scripts at the cmd line all the time. [16:05] zsh, type less:do more (I should start an ad campaign) [16:05] then ctrl-a echo ' and ctrl-e ' > startofnewscript [16:05] type less? well, I do like ot type less. [16:05] 0 == shorter than ctrl-a [16:05] $ = shorter than ctrl-e [16:05] meh, esc 0, you ahve to get into mode. [16:06] so its 2 keys to 2 keys. [16:06] it accepts the same alias I use in vim, jj, it supports D, dw, d4w, etc [16:06] or 4 keys to 3 keys [16:06] yes yes, bash vim mode does all that too [16:06] And now we have our morning flamewar. :) [16:06] nope, bash does not allow you to map a custom esc [16:06] there we go! flame on! [16:06] you mean change meta? [16:06] sure it does. [16:07] https://github.com/mitechie/zshrc for the nice lovely list [16:07] no, I mean allow me to say "map jj to esc when in insert mode" [16:07] because its not actually ESC, its meta... and in bash it comes from readline, so just set meta to what you want in .readlinerc. [16:07] bindkey "jj" vi-cmd-mode [16:07] what do you use for your meta? [16:07] jj? [16:08] wtf is jj? [16:08] meta lol [16:08] it's an easier to hit home row combo to change modes [16:08] like literally typing hte j key twice? [16:08] yes, in rapid succession [16:08] how rapid? I htink I might hate that. [16:08] "double click the j key" [16:08] rol [16:08] lol [16:09] much nicer than the esc key, or ctrl-] and such [16:09] so shell matches vim == win [16:09] without doing any meta/etc remapping [16:10] indeed that is sweet. [16:10] you use teh same thing to toggle modes in vim? [16:10] right [16:10] " Maps for jj to act as Esc [16:10] ino jj [16:10] cno jj [16:11] <_stink_> aren't there some Icelandic words with adjacent 'j's? [16:11] <_stink_> what if you needed to type them? [16:11] yep, thankfully I don't care since I'm american and hate the rest of the world with a fiery passion [16:12] I do sometimes need j's and you have to slow down [16:12] it has a timeout where if you don't hit a second key, it just types a j [16:12] the rest of the time I can switch modes much faster from home row so it's a worthwile tradeoff [16:15] I hear the Hajj is nice this time of year. [16:16] <_stink_> Blazeix++ [16:16] lol, how long did that take to pull up? [16:17] http://www.digibarn.com/collections/screenshots/xerox-star-8010/index.html [16:18] loading...loading...loading... [16:18] <_stink_> yeah, dns times out here [16:18] I think it's getting slashdotted [16:18] cache comes up sans images [16:19] came up very quickly for me just now [16:20] hm, all of the links are purple like i'd already visited them [16:23] wow, they had email and non-English letters back then [16:23] Yeah, pretty radical. [16:39] Grr, I hate it when I'm wrong [16:39] ruh roh [16:40] Yeah, apparently \r\n is needed [16:40] and the XML I was sending was messed up [16:40] It's positional, not a list like I thought it was. [16:40] blargh [16:41] On the plus side, I have something working. :) [17:16] \r\n ? [17:16] on linux? :( [17:16] Somebody didn't get the memo [17:18] http://www.rabbitmq.com/resources/RabbitMQ_Oxford_Geek_Night.pdf [17:21] what memo? [17:21] * wolfger didn't get a memo :-( [17:23] Is running a 300 wat recommended graphics card on a 250wat psu a bad idea? [17:28] Yes [17:28] The card will perform incorrect math when under-voltage [17:28] Strange glitches and etc. [17:28] Alright, sweet thank you! [17:28] np [17:35] uh... [17:35] wouldn't that actually be under-current? [17:35] <-- nit-picky [18:11] wolfger: V=IR, decreasing voltage decreases current since R is constant [18:24] Milyardo: P=IE. If a 250W power supply provides 5VDC (or 24VDC, or whatever), the full load amps is constant. If a device requires 350W, it's not asking for higher than normal volts, therefore it must be asking for higher than available amps [18:25] there is such a thing as a current supply, where the current is constant and the voltage varies, but I've never seen such a thing in a computer. Pinout specify the constant voltage supplied, amps is variable depending on the draw. [18:40] for a second I thought I accidently was looking in #hamradio [18:42] <_stink_> hah [18:53] http://www.baekdal.com/media/facebook-deemphasizing-twitter-and-brands [18:53] Bah [18:54] http://www.baekdal.com/media/facebook-deemphasizing-twitter-and-brands/32F41CE1F5434A37949409815D8978F9AE71601BBCC80153B99E26BDACFD7218 [18:54] Need the hash in order to not get pestered to subscribe [18:55] a multi-network client like hootsuite gets around that problem [18:56] Frankly, it's yet another example of how Facebook changes the terms of what they'll allow on their site [18:56] Don't worry, it will get worse. [18:58] i hate facebook [18:59] I do too. I deleted my account a while ago [18:59] But, Facebook is moving more and more toward social activity over social presence. It is not enough just to follow somebody. You also have to hug them. [18:59] jrwren: can i send zuckerberg a flaming bag of turds? i know you have opinions about who does and doesn't deserve one [19:00] snap-l: http://www.androidcentral.com/top-htc-thunderbolt-accessories for the wife [19:00] Figures that the second purchase is an expanded battery [19:01] THis sucker LOVES the battery [19:03] yea, I've had the extended battery for a while now and love the difference it makes [19:03] though a year in it's starting to wear down a bit [19:55] ah damnitall. we hired a guy to help set up 3d modelling. he is now asking me how to sum a column in excel [19:56] maybe you shouldn't have hired the guy who showed up w/ the book "3d modeling for dummies" [19:57] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_J6GPB38gQ&feature=related [19:58] jjesse: boss's brother [19:58] awesome [21:03] snap-l: digging the industrial OMC episode (yes, i'm behind in actually listening to them) [21:28] greg-g: Cool! Glad you're enjoying it! [21:55] my boss walks in, asks whether I wear the headphones to listen to music or to make people think I listen to much. I say "both." She then asks what I'm listening to. I should have plugged OMC, but, I don't think she would have understood the term "industrial" :) [21:57] <_stink_> so what did you say? [21:58] heh [21:58] bethoven [22:00] One of my bosses got a taste of Frederik Thorndendal's Special Defects [22:00] She said it was acid music [22:04] "internet radio" [22:05] Bah, that's overbroad [22:05] <_stink_> cop out [22:05] <_stink_> "sounds" :P [22:05] Waveforms that are pleasing to my earholes [22:05] <_stink_> hah [22:06] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5FxKow-LJM <- You need to take the opportunity to expand their mind