
akgranerhey y'all..release parties - anyone planning one?03:04
akgranerIf you are in the Triangle area and can make it  - plans are being worked on for a release party on the 28th...03:06
akgranerwe are trying to get a number together to let a venue know how many to expect03:06
akgranerjack_, Nivex ^^^03:07
akgraneroh the venue is in Chapel Hill03:07
Nivexsay what now? I don't have to deal with Raleigh traffic?03:08
Nivexaww, no pgraner. was just going to mention: most of the features I care about in the next release are all upstream kernel stuff :)03:09
akgraner:-) nah - he'll be in London for release week there03:12
akgranerThis is his busiest time of the year03:13
akgranerhe is at ELC this week, Texas Next week, London the following week  Portland after than then one to UDS from there...  it's crazy03:15
NivexI'm a little concerned about my desired switch to Xubuntu.  I brought my test VM back up and my panel doesn't show up. xfce4-panel is running, but it's not visible03:26
Nivexand I finally got to the panel prefs manager and the config for it is gone anyway :/03:29
_marx_Nivex: i think the new xfce panel hides by default10:10
Nivex_marx_: yeah but I had customized the heck out of mine12:37
Nivexthe settings had been mangled.  I'm not gonna lay any blame yet since it's a not well maintained test environment12:37
Nivexbut at some point I'll look into it12:37
_marx_i used to always have a hardware test env but...only vm's available now12:53
_marx__only two computers, how does one live w/o 3 or 4 ;-)12:54
jack_akgraner: i haven't made any plans or talked to anyone about it. :O13:59

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