
Kilosmornin superfly  and other peeps06:37
superflyheya Kilos06:43
kbmonkeymorin Kilos and superfly and all. have a good day all :)06:43
Kiloshi kbmonkey 06:43
superflyheya kbmonkey06:44
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:51
* Maaz washes some mugs06:51
KilosMaaz, move it06:51
MaazDon't rush me Kilos . Making decent coffee is an art06:51
superflyMaaz: coffee please06:52
Maazsuperfly: Okay06:52
Kiloshows the family superfly 06:52
superflysame ol' same ol'06:52
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and superfly!06:55
superflythanks, Maaz06:56
Maazsuperfly: Sure06:56
KilosMaaz, ty06:57
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure06:57
sakhimorning superfly and everyone07:25
sakhiMaaz: coffee please07:25
Maazsakhi: There isn't a pot on07:25
nlsthznsakhi: coffee denied :)07:25
superflyheya sakhi07:36
inetprogood morning everyone08:42
nlsthzninetpro: hi... Mr. Kilos was worried about you... seems you have been missing for a while...08:43
Kilosyes nlsthzn stretching data as much as possible08:44
Kilosso offline most of the time08:44
Kiloslo inetpro 08:44
inetpronlsthzn: sup08:51
inetprohi Kilos08:51
nlsthzninetpro: not to much... thanks :)08:55
superflynlsthzn: how's the LoCo?09:00
nlsthznsuperfly: slowly starting to take shape... will be having a first IRC meeting this coming Sunday, to discuss some logistics etc... several passionate people in the loco currently... looking good09:01
Kilosstinking help09:05
Kiloshow do you boot a win 7 pc into dos mode or command line mode please09:05
nlsthznKilos: have you tried F8 at boot-up?09:05
Kilosboet says it does nothing09:06
Kilosi told him try that09:06
nlsthznKilos: I haven't tried it with win 7 ... but if memory serves that still worked in vista...09:08
* superfly hasn't used anything beyond XP09:08
Kilosi used it with all of them up to xp. dunno what win7 has doen09:08
Kilosboet put his win7 on his daughters laptop and didnt go register within 30 days09:13
nlsthznKilos: but surely he should still be able to do it...?09:16
Kilosit wont let him in because it has expired09:17
nlsthznnot even to activate?!09:17
nlsthznKilos: that is silly... expected but silly09:19
Kiloswinsucks as usual09:19
Kiloswhats wrong with chatting here instead of onna forum09:40
* Kilos refers to lists09:41
inetproKilos: huh?09:41
Kilosthey talking about starting a new forum09:42
marcoglet them start one, if it works out great09:42
nlsthznKilos: who?09:42
Kiloswe have even chatted about hoenders here09:42
marcogirc is very different09:43
marcogand some people don't like the barrier of mailing lists09:43
inetprothey don't even have to start a forum09:43
inetproforums exist already09:43
inetprowell they did last time I checked09:43
marcogyeah, i know, but they want their own domain09:43
marcogdont ask why :/09:44
inetproand nobody was using them09:44
inetpros/nobody/very few/09:44
Kiloswikus and christof and maia and more peeps09:44
* inetpro will continue using irc09:44
* marcog too09:44
Kilosirc is kiff and you can always go private for other info09:44
inetprothere's nothing wrong with forums though 09:45
inetprofrom irc it's easy to link to anywhere09:45
marcogit also seems a reason for them wanting a forum is so they can ask off-topic questions09:48
marcogthey feel a mailing list can't solve that09:48
nlsthznmy only issue with IRC is it feels fleeting... always nice to go back to a forum and search for a specific topic... specific info... feels more lasting09:50
marcoghttp://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ logs are public09:50
inetpronlsthzn: it would be nice if people had more time to summarise and structure information for later reference09:54
inetproI don't have the time for sure09:54
nlsthzninetpro: info on the IRC logs you mean?09:55
inetpronlsthzn: even that09:55
nlsthzninetpro: sure, I have found on some of the better forums that many members will condense info into very handy how-to's brining the info of many threads into one handy place for all... but that needs time and commitment to be sure09:56
inetpronlsthzn: doesn't matter what medium is used, lots of information is available in bits and pieces all over the show09:56
marcogstack overflow solves that problem really well09:56
inetpromarcog: stack overflow?09:57
marcogand there's an askubuntu.com which uses the same engine09:57
marcoginetpro: look at askubuntu.com09:57
nlsthzninetpro: google helps a little with that... but only a little09:57
marcogit's a Q&A site, rather than forums09:57
marcogand that works really well for bringing everything together09:58
inetpromarcog: hmm... I've seen it before and still have not really used it so much09:58
marcoginetpro: haven't used askubuntu myself, but i use stackoverflow heavily09:59
marcogi'm in about the top 2% of users09:59
inetpromarcog: nice10:00
inetprogood to know that10:01
marcogmost questions are answered within 10 minutes on SO10:01
inetpromarcog: so the idea is just to shoot with a new question regardless whether someone has asked it before?10:02
marcoginetpro: better to search for duplicates, but users are quick to mark duplicates if they find one10:03
marcogand 5 votes and the question is closed10:03
marcogit can be quite brutal for n00bs, but the end result is high quality10:03
* nlsthzn hasn't been a fan of askubuntu... but stackoverflow sounds interesting10:10
* nlsthzn sees it is specific for programmers... :/10:10
marcogthere are loads: http://stackexchange.com/sites10:11
nlsthznmarcog: wow... that is a big list...10:15
inetprohmm... a simple search for 'Huawei E1820 ubuntu' presents useless results on both sides10:19
confluencyI don't search for answers on a specific site.  I don't really get that.  I do a Google search, and see what looks relevant.10:35
confluencyFor a start, if you have a problem with an app on ubuntu, is it an Ubuntu problem, a Linux problem or a problem with the app?  If you don't do a search that's general enough, you may be excluding the best sources of information.10:36
confluencyIt's like walking up to random people and asking "hey, can *you* help me with my problem?"10:37
marcogheh, i hate that10:37
confluencyIf I ask a question, I usually ask in the app-related forum.10:37
nlsthznhowever, on a ubuntu forum... asking ubuntu questions is a great way to get pointed in the right direction at least10:38
confluencyUbuntu is big enough that if there's a problem with app + Ubuntu the app people are likely to know about it, but not all apps are big enough that random Ubuntu people will know anything about them.10:38
confluencyI would rather stab myself in the head with a fork than ask a question on the ubuntu forums.10:38
nlsthznconfluency: sure, technical questions will not get much love their... but is great for us mere mortals just wanting to play back an mp3 file and such :p10:40
confluencyBecause the first five answers are going to be "Hey, i have no idea, but [here's a page of unrelated general instructions / here are my thoughts about a totally different app / here's how you do it on Windows]".10:40
confluencyUnhelpful is always unhelpful, and bad advice is always bad advice.10:40
confluencyBad advice is *worse* when it's given to non-tchnical people.10:40
confluencyIf a newbie user cheerfully follows the first solution they find, and it happens to be a page of horribly convoluted instructions for doing something in a really hacky way, that is bad.  Because two years later they will have no idea what they did, and neither will anyone else trying to help them.10:42
confluencyAnd there is basically zero quality control on the Ubuntu forums to stop that kind of thing from happening.10:43
nlsthzntrue... I see what you mean...10:44
marcogthis is why i prefer Q&A sites, the bad advice is downvoted and the good advice floats to the top10:47
Symmetria*sigh* waiting for this stupid array to background init 10:48
Symmetriaand heh, initializing arrays takes.... ages10:48
SymmetriaOngoing Progresses:10:48
Symmetria  Background Initialization: Completed 8%, Taken 733 min. <== like, wow10:48
Symmetriaat that rate, 152 hours :P10:49
confluencyNo matter what system you use, you need to have enough knowledgeable people using the site.  If you had a Q&A site populated entirely by newbies, they'd keep upvoting stuff that worked even if it was a terrible idea, and you'd have the same problem.10:51
marcogyes, and SO really excels in that regard10:52
nlsthznconfluency: I suspect that is the price you pay being so widely adopted by the masses 10:53
marcognlsthzn: not if the site is moderated effectively10:54
nlsthznmarcog: hmmm... true... wonder if it is feesable on a forum the size of uf though?10:54
inetprowb Squirm11:13
Squirmhey inetpro11:13
inetprohmm... how can I search my tweet history?11:17
marcogit doesn't go very far back though11:19
inetpromarcog: it doesn't go back far enough11:19
marcogi'm not aware of anything that goes any further back11:20
* inetpro looking for old stuff11:20
inetprosad that I can't even search my own tweet history, should perhaps keep a local backup11:21
inetproahh, snapbird is what I need http://snapbird.org/11:25
inetprothen again, it's useless11:29
inetprocan not even find the word reminder anywhere in my tweets11:30
inetprofortunately friendfeed looks like a good friend to have11:32
* drubin shudders13:23
* sakhi wonders13:24
drubinforums vs mailing lists.13:27
drubinmarcog: who is adrian on irc?13:28
drubinconfluency: like all for forums, problem is we have them no one uses them13:28
marcogdrubin: adrian frith?13:28
drubinmarcog: ya13:28
marcogdrubin: htnl13:28
drubinirc nick?13:28
confluencyIt doesn't really matter what protocol you're using as long as you have critical mass.  If you don't have critical mass, you can complain about the protocol as much as you want, and people will continue not to use the one you prefer.13:29
Symmetriahrm, is there a way to manually set the modification time of a file?13:41
Owkkuritouch maybe?13:45
Symmetria*nod* found it, touch -m13:45
Symmetriatrying to fix an rsync that went wrong so I don't have to resync an entire archive13:46
Symmetriaugh whats the regex with sed to search and replace only the first 3 instances of something on a line13:53
Symmetriarather than the entire line13:53
superfly^.{3} or something like that13:58
Symmetria root@mirror:/diskspace2/opensuse/opensuse/repositories# sh /diskspace5/touchscript.sh14:14
SymmetriaTouched 20 thousand files14:14
SymmetriaTouched 40 thousand files14:14
Symmetriaheh wheeeeeeeeeee14:14
Symmetriathis is gonna take a while14:14
Symmetriait needs to go through 580 thousand files :p14:14
Symmetria200k down so far14:15
Owkkurimass timestamp violation14:18
Symmetrialol, fixing an rsync that went wrong, I ran the wrong rsync command and it didnt keep the modification times when transferring between disk arrays14:18
Symmetriawhich resulted in a major fuckup :) 14:18
Symmetriabecause now when you rsync from the source it wants to redownload everything14:19
Symmetriaso resetting all the time stamps to the source time stamps14:19
Symmetriaheh, its down 400k so far 14:19
Symmetria180k to go14:19
Owkkurinot doing too bad14:19
Symmetrialol, fast machine14:19
SymmetriaI did an rsync -r blah.blah::blah/ outputted the results to a text file, ran some sed/awk shit on it to turn it into a touch script and just running the touch script now14:20
Symmetria500k down, 80k to go :P14:21
Symmetriathen I retry the rsync from the source and hope I havent screwed that entire mirror doing this14:21
Symmetriawill find out in a second14:21
Symmetriacertainly be faster than trying to resync a 1.2 terabyte mirror14:22
* Symmetria starts the rsync again :P14:23
Symmetriaand now I pray lol14:23
Symmetria:P well, encouraging so far that it aint tried to download EVERYTHING again so far :P lol, will se when it gets to the point where I cancelled the rsync last time14:26
Symmetriait seems to have worked14:33
Owkkuricongrats :)14:35
Symmetriaheh, so apnic officially goes into v4 soft landing policy because they outta space14:44
* Symmetria waits for the chaos to start14:44
=== Superhuman_ is now known as noctem
=== Superhuman_ is now known as noctem
Symmetriawoot, heh, fixed 3 more mirrors with bad timestamps using that touch method15:15
SymmetriaOngoing Progresses:15:21
Symmetria  Background Initialization: Completed 11%, Taken 1008 min.15:21
SymmetriaI am probably going to kill the perfomance on mirror slightly and crnak up that speed15:21
mazalEvening all17:09
mazalI am having a little problem with my OO17:09
Kilosmazal whats the prob18:20
Kilosmaybe we can ask maaz18:20
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:21
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:21
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:25
KilosMaaz, dankie18:25
MaazGroot plesier Kilos my vriend18:25
Kilosaw he be gone18:27
=== acherv_ is now known as acr
=== acr is now known as acherv_
nuvolari_*cough* forum or mailinglist?20:33
nuvolari_g'evening btw :P20:33
nuvolari_bah! when will quassel have a CLI client?20:46
inetpronuvolari_: hiho20:48
inetpronuvolari_: you can always try something other than quassel20:49
nuvolari_inetpro: like?20:49
nuvolari_hello btw :P20:49
nuvolari_I'm having a 2nd look at irssiproxy20:50
nuvolari_but that is a lot of work compared to quassel20:50
inetpronuvolari_: I guess what you want is to connect and be able to see the history?20:50
nuvolari_inetpro: correct :P20:51
inetpronuvolari_: just connect with irssi or weechat via a server that is always on20:51
inetprowith gnu screen20:51
nuvolari_ye, used that in the past20:52
nuvolari_hmm, wonder how lag is these days 20:52
nuvolari_I connected via GPRS the last time I tried 20:52
inetpronuvolari_: IRC does not use all that much of data so even GPRS can be workable20:55
nuvolari_inetpro: not the data usage, it's the lag20:55
nuvolari_o.O server update. Hope everything is still ok.20:55
inetpronuvolari_: true, can be very frustrating20:56
nuvimobnot so slow after all20:57
nuvimobI'm impressed actually20:58
nuvimobit used to be terribly slow20:58
=== nuvimob is now known as nuvolari_
inetpronuvolari: wb21:05
nuvolari_inetpro: thanks21:05
nuvolari_just struggling to get my outojoin working21:05
inetpronuvolari: weechat?21:05
nuvolari_inetpro: ya21:06
inetpronuvolari: /set irc.server.oftc.autojoin "#channel1,#channel2"21:07
nuvolari_inetpro: I just noticed that I'm running on a very old distro here... :O21:08
nuvolari_so I only have 2.6 available21:08
nuvolari_yo Squirm21:19
nuvolari_hmm. upgrade or bed?21:19
panphriedhi all . i should possibly lurk/listen a bit longer, but for those of you who have tried 11.04 -  what are your thoughts?21:46
Symmetriahaven't played with it21:47
Symmetriaall my stuff is server based, so its all on LTS versions21:48
Symmetriathat and I try and avoid upgrading things that are working :) 21:48
panphriedsure :)21:48
Symmetriabut generally speaking, the LTS versions do what they are meant to, I mean, mirror.ac.za runs the LTS version and we've had no issues21:49
Symmetria(well, not since we put in the new hardware, but I think the old hardware had serious issues)21:49
panphriedyes, i've come across issues with older hardware too, i think 21:50
Symmetriaheh, the 32 bit version was fine, but the 64 bit version was *NOT* happy21:50
Symmetriabut it seems to be fine on the new system 21:51
panphriedhmm. k . thats good to know21:51
Symmetriatalking about mirror, I need to mirror more stuff21:52
SymmetriaLOL upgraded the disk space because we were running low, but the disk space upgrade was so large I now need to find some way to use SOME of it :)21:52
Symmetria:P I have 33 terabytes of free disk space right now21:52
SymmetriaUsing 31 TB 21:53
Symmetriaoh, 3221:53
panphriedso how large is a ubuntu mirror ?21:53
Symmetria(machine has 65TB total)21:53
Symmetriaubuntu? *hrm* lemme check21:53
Symmetria1009 gigs for the entire thing21:54
panphriedk. ta21:54
Symmetriaso heh, 15 gigs shy of a terabyte21:54
Symmetriaits not bad, sourceforge is the biggest of the mirrors21:54
Symmetriathink sourceforge is 13 or 14 terabytes21:55
panphriedwhats on the 31TB at mirror.ac.za21:55
Squirmthere's a local sourceforge mirror?21:55
panphriednoobish. sorry21:56
panphriedwent and saw. 21:56
panphrieddoesnt seem to be a sourceforge21:58
SymmetriaSquirm errr yeah21:58
Symmetriathere is 21:58
Symmetriaif you try and download from sourceforge21:59
Symmetriayou will be redirected local21:59
Symmetriatenet.dl.sf.net is an alias for sourceforge.mirror.ac.za.21:59
Symmetriatenet.dl.sourceforge.net is an alias for sourceforge.mirror.ac.za.21:59
panphriedah, not on mirror.ac tho?21:59
Symmetriapanphried its an automatic redirect when you actually pull the files 22:00
Symmetriait gets redirected to mirror.ac.za22:00
Symmetriaheh it took an insane amount of work to get that organized :)22:00
Symmetriafor such a hugely popular download source, they are... more than a little disorganized and slow when it comes to sorting things out :)22:01
Symmetriatrying to see how big that mirror is now, but LOL, the du is taking one hell of a long time22:02
Squirmis the website also hosted there? or just the files. cause it comes up with page not found when I enter sourceforge.mirror.ac.za22:02
panphriednot related .. but arent they closed infrastructure as well?22:02
Symmetriasquirm, just the files, sourceforge never hosts its website anywhere but centrally22:03
Symmetriathey host the central website then do geographic redirection for file downloads22:03
Symmetriahttp://sourceforge.net/projects/vlc/files/1.1.9/win32/vlc-1.1.9-win32.exe/download <=== try browsing there, and you'll see it will redirect you to the local mirror22:04
Symmetria*hrm* panphried what do you mean by closed infrastructure?22:04
Squirmcool, just doesnt work too well if you're stuck on local bandwidth without being able to browse their site22:05
Symmetriabasically, to be a sourceforge mirror you apply, stating bandwidth, size of hardware, location, etc, etc, then you go through this hectically long process that requires a lot of paperwork that drags on for 6 months or so, and eventually if they approve the mirror, they let you start synching it22:05
Symmetriaroot@mirror:/diskspace5# du -sm /diskspace4/sourceforge/22:05
Symmetria11537152        /diskspace4/sourceforge/22:05
Symmetriaactually slightly smaller than I thought, only 11.5 TB 22:06
Squirmstill fairly large22:06
Symmetriaheh still the largest mirror on the box, but only JUST22:07
Symmetria11058528        /diskspace4/hg/22:07
Symmetriathat one is coming up on its heels fast :)22:07
Symmetria(human genome project mirror)22:07
SymmetriaI suspect that the astronomy dataset mirrors will overtake both of those though soon, to the point where I suspect we're going to have to triple or quadruple the disk space in the system22:08
Symmetriascientific data is insanely huge :)22:08
Symmetriadev/sda3             532G   35G  470G   7% /22:08
Symmetriadev/sdc               13T  9.1T  3.8T  71% /diskspace322:08
Symmetriadev/sdd               26T   23T  3.2T  88% /diskspace422:08
Symmetria^^^ thats our current disk space22:09
Symmetria(preceeding / stripped so that irc doesnt try make those all commands)22:09
panphriedwhats cern's size?22:09
Symmetriadiskspace3 is due for an upgrade to 39 odd terabytes at the end of the year, won't do that before the 3TB drives are available for those arrays though22:10
Symmetriaheh all the LHC data?22:10
Symmetriamultiple petabytes 22:10
panphriedheh, so not many mirrors of that then :) 22:10
Symmetriaheh, to mirror the complete LHC data, I'd need a minimum of 4 racks with nothing but disk space in them22:11
Symmetria(I can do approximately 312 terabytes per rack)22:11
panphriedjust checking how many zeros in a peta. ..22:11
Symmetriapetabyte = 1024 terabytes 22:12
Symmetria(so 1024*1024 gigabytes) 22:12
panphriedk. so not too many orders of magnitude greater ..22:12
Symmetriaheh, you could put together a really decent petabyte system with proper performance and decent hardware for about 3.3 million rand :P22:13
Symmetriathats with the raid cards and san boxes etc, to allow you to connect a petabyte to a single server without using NFS or other such bullshit22:14
Symmetriabrb :) smoke22:14
panphrieddo you use zfs for that22:14
Symmetriausing xfs22:18
panphriedoh yes, no  zfs on linux .. yet22:19
Symmetria*shrug* xfs works pretty well for us22:19
panphriedi remember, ... if it aint broke :)22:20
Symmetriahad no catastrophic failures on it yet :)22:20
inetproSymmetria: how do you handle making backups of all that data?22:21
Symmetriawe don't 22:21
Symmetriaits a mirror 22:21
Symmetriaif it dies, we resync 22:21
Symmetria*shrug* its not like we're short on the bandwidth to resync22:22
inetprowhat if something goes wrong at the source?22:22
SymmetriaI mean, we synched the entire sourceforge in 3 days 22:22
Symmetriainetpro use another source :) 22:22
Symmetriabacking up a mirror is pointless, you want your mirror in sync with the primary, if you restore from your own backup its not in sync anymore 22:23
inetprosure, was just wondering22:23
Symmetriabesides which, the disk arrays in mirror.ac.za is heavily redundant anyway (they are all running raid-5 + hotspare)22:23
panphriedlots of mirrors.. is there versioning with mirrors.22:23
panphriedi mean, is there any versioning at the source22:24
Symmetriadepends on what you're mirroring, I mean, mirrors do get outta sync on occasion when something goes wrong with the sync process, but the bigger projects have mechanisms to poll the mirrors to let you know if something is broken22:24
Symmetriasourceforge runs constant polls on our system and if it disappears they pull it from rotation automatically22:25
Symmetriaand ubuntu emails me if our mirror becomes unavailable to its poller pretty quick22:25
panphriedif source is poisoned .. do all the mirrors sync with that .. such that data is lost ?22:25
Symmetriapanphried pretty much yes :) then its up to the source to fix itself so the rest of the mirrors can sort themselves out22:26
Symmetriawhich is why primary sync mirrors for things like sourceforge are so heavily restricted, if you aren't an official mirror you arent getting anywhere near it22:26
inetproWhat's the noise? 22:26
inetproOh it's my pillow calling...22:26
Squirmanyway, gnight22:27
inetprogoodnight 22:27
Squirmim off too22:27
Symmetriagnight :)22:27
panphriedoh. i hear that too. good night22:27
panphriednight all22:27
Symmetriaheh :) sleep well guys22:27
SymmetriaIm off to read a book while I wait for maintenance ot start22:27
SquirmSymmetria: have fun watching you script22:28
panphriedenjoy :)22:29

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