
RAOFDBO: Woot!  I have an identifiable difference in the working/not working case - the set of server reads/writes to the gdk client is different when it breaks.00:07
RAOF(When it hangs in Undecorate, the i/o is missing an Xserver read from the gdk client)00:12
SaammI updated unity to 3.8.8 and now search from dash has stop working00:17
SaammI found a pattern for this problem...As soon as you log in, search from dash does not work. But once you try searching in any files or places lens, search starts working in dash as well00:19
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OmegaDaekdroom: ping01:47
DaekdroomOmega, pong01:57
DaekdroomYeah, I know, 10 minutes late.01:57
FloatingGoathi unity people02:09
FloatingGoatI love unity02:09
OmegaFloatingGoat: Unity loves you <302:14
FloatingGoatby the way unity 2D developers are doing a fantastic job02:15
FloatingGoatone thing I am missing from the original version of unity 2d, though, is when you searched for an application with the dash, even if it wasn't installed, it popped up.02:19
FloatingGoatbut its fine, I can just go to the applications lense. :)02:20
FloatingGoatin the "launchers and menus" it says "show the launcher when the pointer; pushes the left side of the screen, touches the top left of the screen" now even though I have the first option checked off, it still only shows the launcher when I touch the top left.02:23
FloatingGoatis unity going to have regular updates even after natty final?02:33
FloatingGoathmmm, what version of unity comes with ubuntu 11.04 beta 2?02:50
FloatingGoatunity 2D *02:50
RAOFHAH!  Compiz has a server grab!02:51
RAOFWhich is why switching the Display that you call stuff on to the Compiz Display works!02:53
RAOFDBO: We may have a winner!02:53
RAOFDBO: If you happen to be online at 10pm :)02:53
DBOwhere is compiz getting a server grab from?02:54
DBOI looked for that02:54
RAOFI don't know yet.02:54
RAOFBut I've got compiz to wedge in poll from gdk_window_set_mwm_hints, and there's an active server grab.02:55
DBOXLockDisplay I mean02:58
OmegaWhat the reason that unity and gnome-shell currently can't live side by side?02:58
DBOOmega, different base level library versions02:59
RAOFActually, that's not strictly speaking true; there's a *pending* server grab; serverGrab is GrabKickout, which indicates that someone has called XGrabServer but it hasn't yet finished being processed.02:59
DBOUnity is built on an older set of g* libraries than gnome shell is02:59
FloatingGoatOmega: haven't tried gnome shell, I like unity though.02:59
FloatingGoatcant wait for the next version of unity 2D.02:59
OmegaAh, DBO are you guys planning on porting to the newer version for another release?03:00
DaekdroomGTK3 for the win!03:00
DaekdroomHow does GTK2 compare to GTK3 anyway? I know 3 deprecated some stuff and such, but does it improve anything?03:01
OmegaExcept for their new "hardware-like toggle"03:01
DBODaekdroom, not much improvement yet03:01
DBOOmega, so Unity gets built on whatever set of libraries are released at the time Ubuntu goes into library freeze03:02
DBOor whatever we call it03:02
DBOGNOME Shell continued to update their base library requirements long after that03:02
DBOand thus the runtime requirements for GNOME Shell are not in Ubuntu03:03
DaekdroomDBO, even if GTK3 was released in time, wouldn't all GTK2 apps have to be ported?03:03
DaekdroomThe LiveCD can't fit GTK2 and 303:03
DBOnothing is ported yet anyhow03:03
DaekdroomEarly Oneiric is going to be such a breakage in that matter..03:04
DBORAOF, so if I were to call XGrabServer, then XUngrabServer03:05
DBOthen made an X call on another display...03:05
DBOcould *that* cause this?03:06
RAOFDBO: It *shouldn't*03:08
DBOso what you're saying is somehow we are getting03:08
RAOFI guess unless the connection hasn't been flushed.03:08
OmegaDBO: So, it would be possible to have a ppa with gnome-shell and a glib3 unity?03:08
DBOXGrabServer (display1); XSomething(display2) LOCK; and then the code is theoretically going to call XUngrabServer (display1)03:09
DBOOmega, we would have to make changes to unity03:09
DBOso not easily no03:09
OmegaWell, good night!03:09
DBORAOF, so what, call XFlush whenever you XGrab/UngrabServer03:10
RAOFAs far as I can tell, the X server's current state is: A client has called XGrabServer(), which has set grabState to KickOut.  But that hasn't actually been *processed* yet, because we're waiting in WaitForSomething()03:10
RAOFThis doesn't make a lot of sense.03:11
DBOwell, there are not *that* many XGrabServer's in compiz03:11
DBORAOF, maybe something like this is going03:12
DBOCompizDisplay calls XGrab then XUngrab server, commands are sitting in FD03:12
DBOgdk make X call03:12
DBOX begins processing calls, processes XGrabServer, then the X call from gdk comes in, it blocks03:13
cjohnstonwho is responsible for unity.ubuntu.com?03:13
DBObut then the XUngrab would still be in teh queue03:13
DBOcjohnston, why?03:14
DBOI think Jono and Jorge03:14
cjohnstonthere are some issues with the site03:14
DBOwhat kind of issues?03:14
cjohnstonits using the wrong favicon, the main-nav color is wrong03:17
FloatingGoatis there any way i can change unity 2D auto hide manually?03:18
FloatingGoatso apparently typing unity into the terminal herp derps everything, ill take not of that03:21
DBOFloatingGoat, dont know anything about unity2d to be honest03:25
FloatingGoatI cant run 3D :(03:26
DBOwhy not?03:26
DBO3d is where its AT03:26
FloatingGoatI dont got proprietary drivers for my card :'03:26
DBOwhat card?03:27
FloatingGoatATI raedon 720003:27
FloatingGoateven though I can to all the snazzy effects like teh cube and stuff03:27
DBOmaybe you should spend 5 bucks and get an upgrade03:27
FloatingGoatno unity 4 me :'(03:28
FloatingGoatI only have an AGP port on this mobo03:28
DBOso you can pick up a radeon 9800 pro03:28
DBOfor 5 bucks03:28
FloatingGoatwhat will that give me?03:28
DBOhopefully, unity03:28
FloatingGoatproprietary drivers? (HAPPY FACE)03:28
FloatingGoatAGP? (MOAR HAPPY FACE)03:28
DBOwow video cards are huge these days03:30
DBOnewegg still sells AGP video cards03:30
FloatingGoathmm it seems as though the one you linked to my is 67 more dollars than you predicted03:31
DBOyeah it is03:32
DBOthe cheapest upgrade for you I see is this03:32
DBOemail them and offer them 20 bucks03:32
DBOsee what happens03:32
DBOdual head: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413046503:33
DBOdouble the VRAM: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413332803:33
DBO$30 after mail in rebate: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413045203:34
FloatingGoatyou are opening my eyes to new opportunities that I have not seen be fore03:35
FloatingGoatare these all ubuntu compatible?03:35
FloatingGoatwith nice drivers for gaming and all?03:35
DBOthe nvidia ones get a 6xxx or newer03:35
DBOati I can check with03:35
DBOati I think supports only back to like the HD 3xxx series03:36
DBOso they dropped AGP support from the fglrx driver03:36
FloatingGoatit seems as though i am running a mixture of unity 3D and 2D03:41
RAOFBah.  The dispatch code is not a model of clarity and poise.03:42
FloatingGoatDBO: hey, what is the best AGP that i can get with full ubuntu compatibility?03:42
DBOFloatingGoat, let me looks for you03:42
FloatingGoatDBO: thank you friend03:43
DBOFloatingGoat, this would be a killer upgrade: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681412528103:45
DBOand I was wrong, that is fglrx compliant03:45
DBORAOF, any clues?03:47
FloatingGoatDBO that runs on the same port as my current03:49
RAOFI don't yet see how X can block in WaitForSomething *and* have grabState == GrabKickout *and* know that there's a client that wants to be processed.03:49
RAOFAs far as I can tell, the client that wants to be processed should cause WaitForSomething to return, then the dispatch loop should see GrabKickout, change it to GrabActive, and then halt processing of the client's commands.03:50
DBOI wonder why we even call XGrabServer...03:50
RAOFThat's a fair question :)03:52
RAOFIt appears to be to ensure you get atomic state.03:52
DBOokay the one in screen.cpp probably doesn't matter03:53
DBOthat only happens on init03:53
DBOthe one in compWindow does it a LOT03:53
RAOFYou know, in addition to trying to understand this, I might just throw an XSync() after each X{Grab,Ungrab}Server and see what happens.03:55
FloatingGoatDBO, so that last one you linked works with linux?03:55
DBOFloatingGoat, the best person in the world to ask is right here with us03:56
DBORAOF, yeah do that03:56
DBOlets see what happens03:56
DBORAOF, also can you confirm for FloatingGoat that this card will work with Natty: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681412528103:56
RAOFShould work fine with both the open source drivers and the proprietary drivers.03:57
FloatingGoatthat lin is herp derpin everything03:58
RAOFBah!  Could X please have fewer crazyarse macros?04:11
DBORAOF, no04:11
DBOmy reddit lens is so awesome04:12
ajmitchDBO: a reddit lens? that's worrying :)04:15
DBOno sir04:15
DBOits awesome04:15
ajmitchI must see this04:16
DBOjust dont type anything into it that you dont want rule-34'd04:16
* ajmitch has made a brief start on a launchpad lens04:16
DBOnot complete yet04:16
DBOits at lp:reddit-lens04:16
ajmitchI shall have to try that this evening04:17
DBOI am going to make the search box say "Narwhals and Bacon" by default04:17
DBOits only right for reddit04:17
DBOalso, got my first 100 link karma04:18
DBOat long last!04:18
FloatingGoatokay back04:23
FloatingGoatever since I clicked that link everything derped to the herp04:23
DBOderping the herpa derpa04:25
FloatingGoatDBO why isnt that card on this list? :'( http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx04:26
DBOi dont know really04:28
FloatingGoathttp://www.gigabyte.us/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3088#dl doesnt look to be there either04:35
DBOit really should be supported04:37
DBORAOF, how does the XSync love go?04:38
RAOFDBO: Built and trying it now.04:38
RAOFnb: dpkg isn't any faster on a 4-disc btrfs raid than it is on a 1-disc btrfs system.04:39
DBOisn't that largely due to btrfs still being shit?04:40
RAOFYes it is.04:41
RAOFApparently on non-rotating media it's not a pile of fail.04:41
RAOFSo they say.04:41
FloatingGoatguys I have a joke04:42
DBOi thought it was a pile of fail everywhere04:42
FloatingGoatokay, you got fresh a mac install, and fresh ubuntu install, no internet. who writes a paper faster? oh wait.. that's right, macs don't come with a word processor XD04:42
* DBO is not entirely convinced handwriting is slower than open office04:43
FloatingGoati've done all my projects for school with open office, no hassle04:44
RAOFDBO: XSync looks to be good; I'll keep maximising/restoring for another couple of minutes to be sure.04:46
DBORAOF, okay perfect04:46
DBOship it!04:46
DBOso XSync at the end of any method that grabs/ungrabs the server04:47
DBOthen call it good?04:47
RAOFActually, I'm just calling XSync immediately after every grab/ungrab call.04:47
RAOFI'd also like to work out what's *actually* going wrong, though :)04:47
FloatingGoatso i can get ubuntu CD's from local people now?04:48
FloatingGoathow do i find my loco team?04:48
DBORAOF, wouldn't it work just to do it at the end of the responsible methods?04:48
RAOFDBO: Maybe? :)04:50
RAOFHey, there's a fun bug!  Each restore/maximise cycle moves the window ~1px to the right!04:50
RAOFOk.  That's enough clicking.04:51
RAOFI'm going to declare the XSync a success.04:51
* DBO hugs RAOF04:52
DBOthank you for doing that RAOF04:53
DBOI owe you beer04:53
RAOFNo problem :)04:53
DBO(but I am still going to call you Fabio)04:53
RAOFWell, I do have /fabulous/ hair!04:53
RAOFWould you like what I've got, or a sync-at-end-of-method test?04:55
DBOsync at end04:55
bitshifternzIf I wanted to attach to unity with gdb and add some breakpoints, what's the best way to go about that?05:13
bitshifternzssh from another machine?05:14
RAOFSwitch to a VT and run gdb from there should work.05:15
RAOFIt's not like X where VT switching makes signals happen :)05:15
bitshifternzof course if I want to trigger a breakpoint by doing something in unity I'll need a 2nd machine right? Do I need debug symbols for compiz or anything?05:16
RAOFYou'll want debug symbols for compiz, yeah.05:16
RAOFYou shouldn't need a second machine (although that might make it easier) - just trigger what you want to happen, the screen will freeze, and switch back to the VT with gdb.05:16
bitshifternzis there a deb with those or build it locally?05:16
RAOF(Nearly) Every binary package in the archive has a -dbgsym package associated with it, containing the debugging symbols.05:17
* DBO looks at RAOF05:18
bitshifternzcheers. and I just attach to the compiz process?05:18
RAOFbitshifternz: Indeedy.05:18
RAOFDBO: Sync at end semes to work, too.05:18
* DBO goes to yell it from the mountain05:18
DBOlets get sam to patch that shit!05:18
RAOFDBO: Go to bed :).  I'll run some extra checks, like ensuring I can still reproduce it *without* the XSyncs and stuff. :)05:19
bitshifternzuptil now I've been using g_debug messages to debug. gets painful quickly05:19
DBORAOF, not until the ball is rolling to get this from this point out to users05:19
DBOthis bug is teh last thing that I consider a "blocker" for unity05:19
DBObitshifternz, what are you debugging?05:32
* RAOF should really have written a program to repeatedly maximize/restore a window :)05:32
bitshifternznothing right now, I'm at work. But I was trying to make focus respect minimised windows.05:34
bitshifternzIf you click on an app that has multiple windows then minimise all it's windows and click the launcher icon again, it should spread I think, but it doesn't it just unminimises everything again05:35
bitshifternzI was wanting to look into that amongst other things05:35
RAOFOk.  Can reproduce without the XSyncs, can't reproduce with the XSyncs.05:37
RAOFsmspillaz|z: Be more paranoid about XGrabServer :)05:38
DBORAOF, can you email the dx team list your findings?05:45
RAOFDBO: Email is dx@lists.ubuntu.com?05:45
RAOFOr ayatana-dev@lists.ubuntu.com?  I'll certainly do that for you.05:46
DBOyou are not a dx member?05:46
DBOcc me, neil, and sam, just in case the dx list hates on you05:46
DBORAOF, if it means anything05:52
DBOI am now looking through other codebases which use XGrabServer05:52
DBOand they all XSync after05:53
DBORAOF, I am going to go now, before I never get to have sex again05:53
DBOwell... you know, except with Neil05:53
RAOFDBO: :P05:53
RAOFDBO: Sleep well.05:53
DBObut please do send that email05:53
RAOFDBO: It's underway.05:53
DBORAOF, just so you know, I never got an email from you05:55
DBOyou might want to check your address book for me05:55
RAOFJason.Smith@canonical.com, right?05:56
RAOFThat was just me making a typo before :)05:56
RAOFIn IRC.05:56
RAOFUrgh.  Sorry for that.05:56
DBOI dont know why your emails never reach me05:57
DBOmaybe it's just not meant to be05:57
DBORAOF, i *just* got your email from yesterday06:04
RAOFHow about *today's* email?06:05
manveruanybody here knows the easiest way to try unity on archlinux?07:21
RAOFFire up the browser and download an Ubuntu live cd? :)07:22
RAOFBut if you wanted to package it or grab it for arch (which definitely *won't* be the easiest way ☺) you'll need to walk the dependency stack.07:22
RAOFThat'll be *indicat*, the GTK patches, dbusmenu, etc.07:23
manveruhttp://unity.ubuntu.com/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana don't point to any iso07:23
manveruoh, ubuntu itself?07:24
RAOFYeah, ubuntu itself.07:28
didrocksgood morning07:46
MacSlowhi there everbody08:02
didrockshey MacSlow!08:03
oSoMoNgood morning08:05
MacSlowhey oSoMoN08:06
oSoMoNhey MacSlow!08:07
ubot5Ubuntu bug 761201 in unity (Ubuntu) "prelight of items in dash" [Undecided,New]08:18
zniavreyou should check the screenshot i did not know good words to explain the small bug08:18
manverui don't think that was unity...08:38
manverulooked just like gnome 208:39
zniavrealt+f2 does not working anymore08:43
cdbszniavre: working in my case08:46
cdbszniavre: Can you try running ps aux | grep unity-applications-daemon and pastebin the output?08:46
zniavrewith today s update ?08:46
cdbszniavre: yes08:46
zniavrefor sure wait  a sec08:46
ubot5For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:47
zniavreho sorry it works again ....08:48
* zniavre slaps himself with a large trout08:48
LLStarksnot good. dash is hanging forever with 3.8.808:53
LLStarksnot hanging, but not handling queries or commands08:53
zniavrei just asked for that and few sec after it works as a miracle08:54
LLStarkszeitgeist better not be borked08:58
didrocksLLStarks: can you exit the dash09:08
didrocksLLStarks: then, click on the button (rather than pressing super)09:08
didrocksdoes it work now?09:08
didrockscdbs: I think I have a fix09:08
didrocksjust building :)09:08
didrocks(will backport to natty today)09:08
didrockscdbs: do you think you will be able to fix bug #761201 in the couple of coming hours? (I want to sneak the fix in before the week-end)09:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 761201 in unity (Ubuntu) "In dash search filter drop box, black text is on a black background when item is selected" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76120109:14
manveruoh, unity needs 3d?09:17
manveruwell, would've been nice to know before i downloaded the iso :)09:20
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kamstrupmanveru: there is a 2d version as well, from a ppa09:40
kamstrupmanveru: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity2D09:41
ryehi, is it ok that windows are maximized at another workspace if they are more than half (in any direction) off the screen of the current one?10:18
didrockscdbs: around?10:34
SNail_my Unity 2D panel in VirtualBox look like Windows 9811:34
SNail_what can i do to fix it?11:35
manveruyou want win xp?11:36
FloatingGoatSNail_: try installing guest additions11:37
SNail_FloatingGoat: ok. thank you )11:40
FloatingGoatSNail_: you're welcome. :)11:41
SNail_manveru: no. my main OS is Windows 7 because i use .NET Framework for my job.11:41
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cdbsdidrocks: back12:09
cdbsdidrocks: sorry, had gone for friday prayers12:09
cdbsdidrocks: snatch it away! no problem12:09
didrockscdbs: no worry, gord fixed it already :)12:11
SNail_FloatingGoat: installing guest additions don't fix my problem.12:22
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JarekJ83hi there12:35
JarekJ83i have a question bout Ubuntu Unity..is there gonna be new login screen soon? i know its not possible in 11.04 but in 11.10 it would be cool cause current is not so good..there should be new look, plus new options like login with cam, fingerprints..12:36
UndiFineDI totally agree with Jarek, there should be something done to the login at least to make it accessible12:46
UndiFineDwe have blind users mailing the accessibility list that they cannot switch to classic, because orca is not running12:46
spikebgah, i wish unity had a show desktop button heh13:09
akshatjspikeb, there is Ctrl+D13:09
akshatjerr, super+D13:10
spikebthat works :)13:10
dale_i need help i am trying to get unity to work on my disk top it just go's to classic13:56
stefano-palazzokenvandine, are you around?13:58
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dale_i am needing som help13:59
stefano-palazzodale_, what do you need help with?14:00
dale_i am trying to get unity to work on my disktop it just go's back to classic14:01
stefano-palazzodale_, this isn't the right place to ask this kind of question14:01
stefano-palazzodale_, I recommend you go to the ubuntu forums or http://askubuntu.com and explain your problem there14:02
stefano-palazzomake sure to include lots of detail, like what type of graphics card you have and so on14:02
dale_im on the ubuntu help web page and this is what i got14:03
dale_i clicked on contact14:03
stefano-palazzodale_, yeah - this channel is where the developers hang out, but it's not the right place to get help14:03
stefano-palazzodo check out askubuntu.com, it should only take a few minutes until you get an answer there14:04
dale_i need a link to a ubuntu  help channel14:06
dale_that is what says http://unity.ubuntu.com/contact-us/14:07
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
smspillaz|zRAOF: I believe XGrabServer is a synchronous call and XUngrabServer isn't14:10
* smspillaz|z would be very concerned if XGrabServer was just a racy thing that didn't do what it was supposed to until the X server has gotten around to it14:11
smspillaz|zhowever, XUngrabServer is asynchronous since the design is that the server is supposed to finish processing stuff in your command buffer first before opening up other connections14:11
smspillaz|zand the assumption is that there is one connection per app14:12
smspillaz|zperfeclty reasonable14:12
smspillaz|z...except in our case14:12
zniavregood afternnon sometime a strange behavior of appmenu make think it's a bug > it gives menu of the desktop (like globalmenu does) how can i explain this if i report a bug ?14:19
sensezniavre: bug #733050 might help you a bit14:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 733050 in Unity Foundations "appmenu-gtk 0.1.96-0ubuntu1 prevents desktop global menu (desktop appmenu in unity panel) from appearing" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73305014:22
kenvandinestefano-palazzo, hey14:24
zniavresense,  im going to check it thank you14:24
stefano-palazzohi Ken :)14:24
kenvandinestefano-palazzo, what's up?14:25
stefano-palazzokenvandine, can you give me the latest news on this bug? I'm stumped14:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 758839 in AskUbuntu Lens "Lens doesn't start on login" [Critical,Confirmed]14:25
stefano-palazzoI've no idea what to do14:25
kenvandinestefano-palazzo, i haven't looked again, we should get kamstrup to look14:26
kenvandinethe error i saw was the section_model isn't a dee model14:26
zniavresense,  in fact i thought the bug was it does not appears ...   :o)14:26
kenvandinekamstrup, you around?14:26
sensezniavre: We want to have a menu in the top panel when the desktop is focussed. It's on purpose. :)14:27
zniavreok that s fair14:27
jcastrokenvandine: maybe lazy loading fixed it, I'll try it now14:28
stefano-palazzokenvandine, that reminds me of the early Dee bugs; do you know if any other lenses are affected?14:28
stefano-palazzo(I can finally reproduce it reliably by the way)14:29
kenvandinestefano-palazzo, actually i think the google books lens maybe14:29
kenvandinei get a crash on load for that14:29
stefano-palazzothat makes sense, the books lense is built on my code base (which in turn is built off example code)14:30
davidcallestefano-palazzo, my startup bugs were mostly (and weirdly) related to utf-8 stuff.14:31
davidcallestefano-palazzo, it's working 99% of the time at startup now.14:31
stefano-palazzodavidcalle, do you have a traceback of this kind of thing handy?14:31
davidcallestefano-palazzo, I usually look at cat /proc/<pid>/fd/1 when it crashes14:32
stefano-palazzodavidcalle, I was thinking, maybe I know what the problem is :)14:33
davidcallestefano-palazzo, oh :)14:33
stefano-palazzoI've been porting things to python 3000, so I'm very familiar with "ordinal not in range" type of errors14:33
davidcalleI've seen those in nightmares a few nights ago :P14:34
stefano-palazzousually your best bet is the response object from urllib, sometimes the headers contain an encoding,14:36
stefano-palazzoif everything else fails, you need to do trial and error, try to convert from X to unicode where X is every possible encoding in order of likelyhood. It's a pain (but firefox does it this way too)14:36
davidcalleYes, I try to sanitize it. And I've discovered you shouldn't "print" everything...14:37
davidcalleOh, I now have a PPA if you want to see if we can smash common bugs together.14:38
stefano-palazzonice! adding that now14:40
davidcallestefano-palazzo, I've seen pics of a reddit lens. We should make a Lens team on Launchpad, with a handy mailing-list.14:41
stefano-palazzolike "Lens developers"?14:41
davidcalleSeems perfect.14:41
stefano-palazzoyeah why not14:42
stefano-palazzothere's slight overhead with Unity, but sure I'm in14:42
jcastrobummer guys, still doesn't work even with the latest unity.14:51
jcastrodavidcalle: actually, I'd like to have lens discussions on ayatana-dev, at least for a while since that's where the DX people are that can help us out14:51
davidcallejcastro, what doesn't work? Yeah, you're right, I always forget about ayatana-dev.14:53
jcastrothe AU lens14:53
jcastrowhen I log in it's blank14:53
jcastroI have to manually start it up14:53
davidcallejcastro, have you tried my ppa, to see if you have the same bug? The code base is very similar.14:54
jcastrooh good idea14:55
jcastrook so I logged in and out like 5 times14:59
jcastroit's totally racy, depending on my random dice roll one, both, or neither lens loads14:59
stefano-palazzodavidcalle, how long does your lens take to start up?15:00
stefano-palazzoin other words, do you download big chunks of data on startup, like me?15:01
davidcallestefano-palazzo, not on startup.15:03
davidcallestefano-palazzo, ok, now when I kill the process, it automatically restarts... Didn't have that yesterday. :/15:07
stefano-palazzoby the way davidcalle, your lens is amazing. It even find my old philophy techer's book :D15:07
stefano-palazzodavidcalle, I just noticed the same thing15:07
davidcallestefano-palazzo, :)15:08
stefano-palazzoI guess I must read it now :)15:08
njpateljcastro, it should only start the lens when you click on the ubuntu button, i.e. at log-in no unity-*-place should be running15:08
njpatelalso, why do we not ship with Faenza as default icons? They match Unity so well15:09
davidcallenjpatel, :-)15:09
jcastronjpatel: even clicking on them doesn't load them15:10
njpateljcastro, what about the files/apps place?15:10
jcastrothere is something odd going on in there15:10
njpatelis the .service file correct for dbus activation?15:10
jcastrofiles and apps work fine15:10
jcastroit's just the 3rd party lenses15:10
njpatelor, the python lenses?15:11
njpatelmaybe there is something wrong going on there15:11
stefano-palazzovery possible ↑15:11
njpatel(apart from them being in python ;)15:11
jcastrokenvandine can reproduce15:11
njpatelso happens with gwibber too15:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 758839 in AskUbuntu Lens "Lens doesn't start on login" [Critical,Confirmed]15:11
jcastrosee his comment there15:11
kenvandinenjpatel, no, working fine now15:12
njpatelso the daemon is running15:12
njpatelbut the objects are not exported over dbus?15:12
njpatelor is dee failing?15:12
kenvandinenjpatel, if i start the AU daemon manually then setsid unity15:12
kenvandinei see assertions like DEE_IS_MODEL15:12
kenvandineon the sections_model15:13
kenvandinejust that one model15:13
kenvandinethe gwibber one is working fine now though15:13
kenvandinebut i had been having similar issues with it a week or so ago15:13
njpateldo you see the place entry?15:14
njpatelwow, it does happen15:14
njpatel** (<unknown>:4083): WARNING **: Unable to call GetEntries() on: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: No such interface `com.canonical.Unity.Place' on object at path /net/launchpad/askubuntuplace15:15
davidcalleI had this one a few hours ago. Can't trigger it reliably.15:16
jcastro"wow, it does happen" <-- thanks for trusting us!15:17
njpatelcould it take so long to start up that the request is timing out?15:17
njpatelkamstrup, would probably know best15:18
stefano-palazzodavidcalle, hey I get no Icons for the books - lots of IconLoader errors "operation not supported"15:18
stefano-palazzoyou know, I do download stuff before registering with dbus15:18
stefano-palazzomaybe I should switch it 'round and see if that makes a big difference, maybe my lens is blocking others _somehow_15:19
davidcallestefano-palazzo, I know, it happens 50% of the time.15:19
om26ersmspillaz|z, ping!15:22
om26ersmspillaz|z, seems like i have the steps to reproduce bug 76043615:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 760436 in unity (Ubuntu) "Window display shifted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76043615:22
ubuntunope. doesn't make a difference15:25
akshatjubuntu, ?15:25
ubuntuoh my xchat settings are gone!15:25
ubuntuhow is that username not taken?15:25
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stefano-palazzoanyway, downloading files after registering with dbus doesn't solve the problem. It doesn't seem to be related to the long startup time15:27
njpatelstefano-palazzo, is there a long startup time?15:28
stefano-palazzonjpatel, yeah about two to three seconds, depending on your internet connection15:29
njpatelSorry, I might have crashed gdm15:32
stefano-palazzoa second before you crashed:15:32
stefano-palazzonjpatel, yeah about two to three seconds, depending on your internet connection15:32
stefano-palazzoI'm downloading things I don't expect to change between reboots15:33
smspillaz|zom26er: ah, can reproduce it really reliably with that dude!15:45
smspillaz|zthanks for those instructions!15:45
smspillaz|zI will get on to it at the start of next week15:45
om26ersmspillaz|z, good ;)15:47
FLOZz`[Unity]om26er: hi ?15:53
om26erFLOZz`[Unity], hello15:54
FLOZz`[Unity]hello om26er, you marked bugs lp:760436 and lp:761811 as duplicate, but I think they are not related15:55
om26erbug 76043615:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 760436 in unity (Ubuntu) "Window display shifted" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76043615:57
om26erbug 76181115:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 761811 in unity (Ubuntu) "The first letter of a tooltip is repeated at the end of the tooltip in the dock (dup-of: 761822)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76181115:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 761822 in unity (Ubuntu) "The first letter of a tooltip is repeated at the end of the tooltip in the dock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76182215:57
om26erthose i had already reverted them15:57
om26ermy mouse was doing some weired things15:57
FLOZz`[Unity]ok :)15:58
FLOZz`[Unity]I haven't see the change :)15:58
om26erFLOZz`[Unity], launchpad sends a delayed reply15:59
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akshatj_perhaps anyone here can answer this question http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/ubuntu-11-04-beta-2-released/#comment-18449915217:27
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vishakshatj_: which Q?18:08
akshatj_vish, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/ubuntu-11-04-beta-2-released/#comment-18449915218:08
vishakshatj_: pah! i know the link, but wondering which is the right Q..18:09
* vish not used to DISCUSS18:09
akshatj_vish, the question Anthony Bloomer asked18:10
vishakshatj_: ask him to read release notes, under the hood can mean several things, right from kernel to whatever.. :)18:10
vishakshatj_: or ask him to be specific about which hood he wants to look under ;p18:11
vishheh, the comments section is like a group auditioning for "Last Comic Standing!"18:15
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kenvandinesladen, are you already sponsoring bug 753584 ?18:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 753584 in humanity-icon-theme (Ubuntu) "New Libre office icons are used in the launcher but not in Nautilus / Dash search results" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75358418:54
sladenkenvandine: I have uploaded it.  It's in the queue18:58
sladenkenvandine: pester your local release-manager/archive-admin18:59
kenvandinecool, thanks... SweetShark was asking me18:59
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LLStarksdash is still dead with latest updates. zeitgeist isn't kicking in or something.19:53
LLStarkscan't press enter or anything19:54
LLStarkscan't enter commands19:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 762092 in unity (Ubuntu) "Dash no longer responsive after 3.8.8 update" [Undecided,New]20:00
kenvandinetedg, is there any vala app that uses libindicate?20:05
kenvandineif they do, they must be embedding their own vapi file20:06
kenvandinecheader_filename = "Indicate-0.5.h"20:06
kenvandinecheader_filename = "Indicate-Gtk-0.5.tmp.h"20:06
* kenvandine fixes20:06
tedgkenvandine, I think that indicator-sound did, and he did.  But I don't believe that he does anymore with the MPRISv2 stuff getting done.20:09
kenvandinepino includes a heavily modified indicate.vapi20:10
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tedgkenvandine, Interesting.20:12
kenvandinewish people would just file bugs instead of copying20:13
daniel_Hello, I'm testing Ubuntu 11.04 beta2, it works more or less OK, but I have a question about unity... Does anybody know how do you change the text color of the global menu when you use a dark theme?20:15
daniel_Well, I found that by changing the text color for text boxes  on gnome-appearance-settings changes the color of the global bar.20:18
rr0hitplease set importance to unity bug 762001 . Watch the attached Video to understand the problem properly.20:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 762001 in unity (Ubuntu) "Maximizing/unmaximizing a window by double clicking the title-bar shifts the window towards right" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76200120:35
kenvandinetedg, so libindicate-gtk uses the same namespace and prefix as libindicate?20:35
tedgkenvandine, Yeah, it's just a couple helper functions that pull in the extra deps.20:35
kenvandinelooks like it completely hoses gir20:35
kenvandineif import it in python, all i get is the gtk helper functions20:36
kenvandineindicate that is20:36
kenvandineyeah, and if i remove the indicate-gtk gir i get all the libindicate functions20:36
kenvandinemore to fix ...20:37
tedgHmm, that's funny.20:37
tedgChoose which functions you like more.20:37
kenvandineif they use the same namespace, gir and vala won't be able to choose20:39
dotblankHello all.. If I develop a plugin for compiz++ will it be compatable with the unity WM?21:23
=== davidcalle is now known as davidc3
sensedotblank: Unity is just a Compiz plugin.22:22
kenvandinetedg, i pushed fixes for the libindicate vapi22:25
kenvandinebut i haven't figured out the right thing to do with indicate-gtk22:25
tedgkenvandine, Hmm, okay.  I thought we did the same thing for Dbusmenu, no?22:25
kenvandinethe problem seems to be the namespace and prefix22:25
kenvandinethey are the same22:26
kenvandinei can do a rename like we did for appindicator22:26
kenvandinebut is that useful?22:26
kenvandineindicate-gtk is just a couple add-on functions right?22:26
kenvandineyou wouldn't create a IndicateGtk.Indicator object22:27
kenvandinemy immediate need was to fix building against the libindicate vapi22:28
tedgYeah, I don't think that makes sense.22:28
kenvandinebut then i discovered that even having gir1.2-indicate-gtk-0.5 installed breaks gir for indicate-gtk22:28
tedgwe could leave indicate-gtk broken?22:29
kenvandineno... we should remove it or fix it...22:29
kenvandinemaybe we can make gir1.2-indicate-0.5 Breaks/Replaces gir1.2-indicate-gtk-0.522:30
tedgkenvandine, Then just include the indicate headers in the gtk one?22:31
kenvandinethat's an idea22:32
kenvandinewell, i proposed what i have... feels a little bit like a hack22:34
kenvandineit adds listener.h as the header for everything22:34
kenvandinebut listener.h includes the other headers22:34
kenvandineit seems to work22:34
kenvandinefor the override, it looks like i can only specify a single header for a namespace22:35
* kenvandine is wiped, eod and cold beer for me :)22:35
tedgkenvandine, Okay.  Thanks, have a good weekend!22:36
=== davidc3 is now known as davidcalle

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