
yofelshadeslayer: remember if there's a KDE bug for lp 760632 ?00:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760632 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "Resizing Konsole crashes the whole system" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76063200:08
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c2tarunktorrent is crashing on configuring shutdown. is anyone else facing this problem?03:38
c2taruncan we upgrade from 32bit kubuntu 10.10 to 64bit kubuntu 11.04?07:22
ulyssesnope, you have to reinstall07:31
bambeewhat about kchart for koffice-2.3 ? see bug bug 761380 (reproducible on natty too)07:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 761380 in Kubuntu PPA "kchart package missing files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76138007:49
bambeeit was accidently dropped, I think ... the kchart package is still present in debian/control but no debian/kchart.install found ...  (I can be wrong)08:01
bambeein fact I've no ideas...08:04
markey_nokiaanyone know how to get a newer version than Qt 4.7.0 for Maverick?08:29
markey_nokialatest stable is Qt 4.7.208:29
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
dpmhi Riddell, good morning. I'm trying to see that KDE templates are in shape for Natty in LP. We went through some of them at the rally, but there are still a bunch that need to be approved. Could you give me a hand and tell me which ones can be approved straight away (i.e. new modules) and which ones might require more investigation (i.e. moved to another source package)? -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/594394/09:41
jussifor anyone thats interested, meego runs well on netbooks (I have it running off a usb stick here)10:43
Riddelldpm: yes will do (sorry being a bit slow this morning)10:43
dpmRiddell, no worries, thanks!10:43
Riddelljussi: wasn't the meego netbook stuff out a year ago?10:43
jussiRiddell: yes, was *out*, but it now *works* :D10:44
jussiIm looking forward to seeing the gtk free 1.2 version10:45
Riddellthey're redoing the netbook UI?10:46
valoriejussi, what is the advantage of meego on a netbook?10:49
valorieover Kub, I mean10:49
jussiPasi Nieminen said a few months ago: All MeeGo activies are now converging nicely towards Qt (MeeGo 1.2, is now dropping GTK+ / Clutter)10:50
valorieso basically, nice WIP10:50
valorieI'm thinking I will stick with Kub. Natty on my netbook10:51
jussivalorie: meego is more a smartphone/tablet style OS, similar to android, but you can enjoy it on the netbook also10:51
valoriemy netbook isn't touch screen10:51
valorieso that probably wouldn't be an advantage10:51
valoriemy android phone is still kicking my ass10:52
jussivalorie: you can run it from usb, so you could give it a try ;)10:52
valorieor actually, my brain10:52
jussiPasi also said: The arguments about MeeGo being not mature are not true, these things are all over already. All pieces are in place, and the integrated next release of MeeGo 1.2. will give very solid basis for the products now.10:52
valoriethat's true!10:52
jussiyou can see his blog (~2 months old) here: http://cannedbypasi.blogspot.com/10:52
valoriei want to make a multi-boot usb key10:52
Tm_Ta bit offtopic, but, Nokia <3 http://www.flickr.com/photos/timojyrinki/5621490336/in/photostream10:53
valoriegads, why' do' people' do' that'?10:56
dpmmorning apachelogger, I'm about to write the blog post about the UADW upcoming sessions - do you want me to put anything in particular as the description of your Phonon one?10:57
apacheloggersuppose so10:57
jussiapachelogger: rocks phonon, com join his fanclub <- description done :P10:58
apacheloggerdpm: The lead developer of the Qt/KDE multimedia library Phonon will tell you about the awesomeness that is Phonon and how it achieves ultimate protability so that it even is running on vending machines, how to create a video player with 3 lines of code (or in 30 seconds without any code) and much more.11:06
apacheloggerany complexity in that sentence is a result of permanent brain demage from graphics filter implementations :P11:07
jussidpm: remember to include that last line :P11:08
apacheloggerright :P11:08
dpmapachelogger, awesome, thanks! (still considering whether I should add the last line)11:15
apachelogger    merge(millenniumFalcon, 2, princesLeia);11:17
apachelogger    dft(princesLeia, princesLeia, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT);11:17
apachelogger    mulSpectrums(hanSolo, princesLeia, hanSolo, DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)11:17
apacheloggerall I need to say :P11:17
apacheloggerthere is a guy sitting next to me who now changed his chair the 5th time in like an hour :O11:35
Riddelldpm: what's the mailing list for launchpad translators again?12:23
dpmRiddell, for Launchpad Translators it's launchpad-translators (at) lists (dot) launchpad (dot) net, for Ubuntu Translators it's ubuntu-translators (at) lists (dot) ubuntu (dot) com 12:25
Riddellincoming for ubuntu-translators then12:30
dpmRiddell, hm I cannot see anything on the moderation queue yet, will wait for some minutes...12:34
Riddelldpm: kdeartwork kscreensaver/kxsconfig/hacks.pot   should be blocked (it gets used in generating kxsconfig.pot)12:52
Riddelldpm: kdevelop po/kdevokteta.pot should not be blocked, it's a normal .pot file12:52
Riddellthe rest are fine to approve12:52
Riddellfilelight used to be standalone so there might be something to copy over there12:53
Riddellkdesdk okteta used to be part of kdeutils so there too there might be something to copy over12:53
rbelemhi Riddell 12:58
Riddellhi rbelem 12:58
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | final bugs http://goo.gl/jzgZC | Add specs to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O | Maverick KDE SC 4.5.5 testing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/757065
rbelemRiddell, we need to create a script to run in oem post install12:59
rbelemRiddell, where should we put it?13:00
RiddellI'm not entirely sure I understand that, what does oem have to do with anything?13:00
markey_nokiaRiddell: hey, do you know where to get Qt 4.7.2 for Maverick?13:01
rbelemRiddell, we need to run a script to set the configuration in /etc/default/nodm in the first boot of kubuntu-mobile13:01
Riddellrbelem: oh to a different user?13:02
rbelemRiddell, yup13:02
Riddellrbelem: but what does oem have to do with it?13:03
Riddellmarkey_nokia: I don't think there are any such packages13:03
markey_nokiaoh, hum13:03
rbelemRiddell, in the first boot oem-config runs13:03
Riddellrbelem: do you know why oem-config runs?13:04
rbelemRiddell, no idea... i discovered that it was running after installation testing the betas images13:05
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Lots to do https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | final bugs http://goo.gl/BKRCm | Add specs to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Specs/UDS-O | Maverick KDE SC 4.5.5 testing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/+bug/757065
Riddellrbelem: what installer does it use?13:07
rbelemRiddell, it uses ubiquity13:08
Riddellrbelem: what image did you test and what hardware did you install it onto?13:09
rbelemRiddell, i tested the i386 image, i had to run manually ubiquity13:10
Riddell   * Added plasma-widgets-workspace to mobile13:10
Riddellrbelem: kubuntu-mobile-meta just uploaded ^^13:10
Riddellrbelem: and it ran oem-config after the reboot?13:11
rbelemRiddell, this package adds some missing widgets.13:11
rbelemRiddell, yup13:11
Riddellrbelem: did you have to run oem-config-prepare?13:11
rbelemRiddell, GrueMaster reported that oem-config runs in the first boot on omap images too13:12
rbelemRiddell, nope13:12
Riddellhmm, well I'm not too bothered about kubuntu mobile actually being installable, it's enough to me that it runs and can be previewed13:14
Riddellbut ev would be the guy to talk to about how to get oem-config to run a script13:14
rbelemRiddell, i just talk to cjwatson we he said where the script must be installed13:16
rbelemRiddell, where should i put this script?13:17
rbelemwhich package?13:17
rbelemi mean13:17
Riddellrbelem: where should it be installed?13:19
Riddellbut yes if it's just putting a script into a directory then kubuntu-mobile-default-settings would do13:24
rbelemRiddell, /usr/lib/oem-config/post-install/13:41
dpmRiddell, apachelogger: while accepting templates I've noticed a conflict: po/phonon_gstreamer.pot in 'phonon-backend-gstreamer' <- used to be in 'phonon', has it moved?13:59
* apachelogger moves out to whip developers13:59
apacheloggerthey are hiding well14:00
apacheloggerdpm: yes and no14:00
apacheloggernot with approval of kde l10n anyway14:00
dpmapachelogger, not quite sure I follow. What should I do with the templates in LP? Which is the correct srcpkg/template combination?14:01
* apachelogger does not know14:02
apacheloggerdpm: I'll have to talk to some people14:02
apacheloggerdpm: generally speaking though the one from phonon-backend-gstreamer is more up-to-date hence I suppose we want that one14:03
Riddellapachelogger: is phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.5.0 worth the risk of a post-beta update?14:04
dpmapachelogger, ok, thanks. I think I'll go for that: move phonon/phonon_gstreamer.pot to phonon-backend-gstreamer/phonon_gstreamer.pot, so that at least one can be exported in langpacks and people get the translations14:05
apacheloggerRiddell: yes14:05
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-office
dpmRiddell, apachelogger, we've got the same situation with the phonon-backend-xine templates. There are duplicate templates in phonon, and I'll just move them to phonon-backend-xine14:17
apacheloggerthis is no upstream issue14:17
apacheloggersomeone must have messed with my suprerior magic scripts for translation extraction stuff14:17
bambeewhat about kchart-2.3 btw ?14:49
Riddellbambee: I've not heard of that, is it getting a release separate from koffice?14:51
bambeeRiddell: I am talking about bug 761380 :)14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 761380 in Kubuntu PPA "kchart package missing files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76138014:52
yofelwas just looking at that too14:52
bambeethe kchart package installs nothing except copyright and README => for maverick and natty14:52
dpmRiddell, I'm nearly done accepting the templates, but I've got another conflict: po/plasma_applet_newspaper.pot in kdebase-runtime <-- This one moved from kdebase-workspace, is that correct14:52
Riddelldpm: checking..14:53
yofelbambee: I can at least confirm that, just getting the source14:53
Riddellyofel, bambee: quite possibly it's been removed by upstream14:53
bambeeRiddell: no for koffice-2.3, I have checked the source this morning and libkchartcommon should be built and installed14:54
Riddelldpm: yes that has moved from kdebase-workspace to kdebase-runtime14:54
yofeldidn't find a changelog entry about us editing the install file though14:54
bambee(however the kpart is not built anymore)14:55
dpmRiddell, cool, thanks14:55
bambeeyofel: mee too14:55
yofeluh... there isn't even an install file anymore, only a control file entry, so it'll obviously be empty14:55
bambeeyofel: I am not the best one to check CMakeLists.txt, could you confirm that libkchartcommon is installed ?14:56
* yofel looks at the build log...14:57
bambeegood idea...14:57
yofelbambee: the only kchart related file that's actually installed for maverick at least is:14:59
yofel-- Installing: /build/buildd/koffice-2.3.1/debian/tmp/usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/kchart_konqi.desktop14:59
yofelI'll take a look a the natty log too15:00
bambeestrange o_O15:00
yofelsame for natty, so we probably should disable the package in the control file too if there's nothing to install15:01
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-office
ScottKdebfx: Any chance you could work on fixing the grub boot color for us today?  Looks like it's possible now: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/696915/comments/415:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 696915 in plymouth (Ubuntu Natty) "make it possible to configure grub background color in a usable way" [Medium,Fix committed]15:02
yofeland most of kchart has been disabled by upstream it seems15:04
bambeeyofel: nothing depends on kchart ?15:05
yofelonly koffice and koffice-dev from the packages side, which can be dropped15:06
yofelaah, the 2.2.80 changelog has something:15:08
yofel* Not including KChart application but rather the chart shape plugin.15:08
yofelso I guess kchart was dropped there15:08
Riddellthat's what I said, you didn't believe me :)15:12
bambeeRiddell: Indeed, you're right :P15:16
debfxScottK: i'll have a look at it, though sometimes I wonder why we even have such things as ff and user interface freeze ;)15:19
ScottKdebfx: True.  I think we're doing a bit better than we used to.  The main reason for U/I freeze is so docs people don't have to redo screen shots all the time.  Not likely to be one of those for a grub boot change.15:21
ScottKWe're certainly doing much better about it than Ubuntu this cycle.15:21
Riddellwe don't even have docs so who cares about UI freeze15:25
* Riddell nudges DarkwingDuck 15:25
ScottKThat too.15:25
shadeslayeryofel: nope15:27
shadeslayernot that i know of15:28
yofelk, jonathan reassigned that to X anyway15:28
shadeslayeralright, it's a very critical bug imo15:28
Riddellapachelogger: can I get rid of kubuntu_01_fix_codec_installation_crash.diff in phonon-backend-gstreamer15:29
Riddellapachelogger: it seems to be upstream now but I'm not quite sure15:29
debfxalso I wonder if there will ever be a stable release of the plasma networkmanagement widget15:29
debfxor at least a bugfix-only branch15:29
ScottKIt is working better these days.15:30
debfxyes, if you are lucky and download a snapshot at the right time15:31
ScottKHopefully we did that this cycle.15:31
Riddellupstream network manager is a moving target so there's not much point in a stable release of it15:31
dpmRiddell, ok, all kde templates approved, Kubuntu should be in good shape translationswise now, but it would be great to get some user testing after the next natty langpack15:31
shadeslayerwell.. it works for my WPA network and tethers to my phone 15:31
Riddellnetwork manager 0.9 is something to look out for next cycle15:31
ScottKdebfx: Another thing you might be able to look into is it seems that brightness management has changed in 4.6.  I'm seeing the brightness level pop-up even for automatic brightness changes now.  That seems wrong to me.15:32
Riddelldpm: I did testing for beta 2 and didn't notice any big problems, but then I'm an English speaker so I won't be the best tester15:32
yofelwell, nm works fine here, except with my mobile phone, but that's a modem-manager issue it seems15:32
shadeslayeryofel: what's the problem there? i mean all i have to do is enable tethering on my phone and everything just works15:33
yofelshadeslayer: for me modem-manager tries to open /dev/A<something> and  a few seconds later closes it again saying it couldn't open the modem. Wvdial works fine15:34
yofelthat's with my n900 connected over sub15:34
shadeslayerhuh ... weird .. one sec15:35
shadeslayerwhat was that package that provides default configurations for modems15:37
debfxScottK: I guess that's a result of switching to the upower backend15:37
apacheloggerRiddell: yes15:38
yofelshadeslayer: mobile-broadband-provider-info ?15:39
shadeslayeroh yeah that15:39
shadeslayeryofel: do you have that?15:39
yofelshadeslayer: it does configure the connection fine, it just can't actually connect to it15:39
shadeslayeryofel: well ... i guess the config file is wrong in that case?15:39
yofelthat's why I said it's a modem-manager issue, as from what I see NM works fine15:39
yofelshadeslayer: could be, my provider isn't listed, but even if I set the information by hand, it still fails15:40
shadeslayeroh ... 15:40
shadeslayerRiddell: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ << No kubuntu logo ? :(15:42
shadeslayerin the blue area on the top15:42
Riddellshadeslayer: no, feel free to fix15:44
shadeslayerRiddell: how does one do that :P15:45
shadeslayerfile a bug?15:45
Riddellshadeslayer: edit kubuntu.css 15:46
Riddellwhich is in the something repository15:46
shadeslayerwell i'm no good at CSS, but still lets try :p15:47
shadeslayerRiddell: is that a LP repo ? 15:50
shadeslayeror rather ... bzr repo on LP15:50
Riddellshadeslayer: unfortunately I don't remember immediately15:50
shadeslayerokay .. i'm searching as well :)15:50
Riddellshadeslayer: I think it's not in bzr, I just edit it directly on the server15:51
shadeslayeroh .. well .. i don't have write access to that now :P15:52
Riddellno but if you give me a diff, I do15:52
shadeslayerone sec on the phone15:54
Riddellrelease meeting time15:55
RiddellScottK, rbelem, GrueMaster: what was the verdict on our ARM images?15:55
Riddellany other comments from beta 2?15:56
debfxScottK: actually the byKeyPress parameter of brightnessChanged() has been removed15:57
GrueMasterThe kubuntu-desktop images passed with issues.15:57
GrueMasterBugs were filed.15:57
ScottKMy view on mobile tends to be "Meh. It's a tech preview".15:57
GrueMasterThe mobile images are not good on multiple levels.  They will not work without a lot of hacking.15:58
GrueMasterOn armel.15:58
GrueMasterFirst, you have to graft it onto an SD that is pre-partitioned with a boot loader & uboot files.  Then you have to make several tweeks to the config files for it to load plasma-mobile.15:59
GrueMasterTo me, it is incomplete when compared to other preinstalled armel images.16:00
RiddellGrueMaster: well that's ok, it's why we call it a tech preview16:01
RiddellGrueMaster: but what config files need tweaked to load plasma-mobile?16:01
GrueMaster/etc/default/nodm and also plasma-mobile.desktop needs to be moved to /usr/share/autostart16:01
RiddellGrueMaster: that's after install though?16:02
GrueMasterAfter oem-config runs it's course, the system dumps you down to a text login.16:02
RiddellI really don't get why oem-config runs16:03
GrueMasterI would assume that these images are generated from the same cdimage scripts that generate the other pre-installed images.  That would be why oem-config is installed.16:04
RiddellGrueMaster: so the installation method for pre-installed images is to copy it somewhere then have oem-config run?16:05
GrueMasterThe preinstalled images don't copy anything.  They are built with a compressed filesystem, which gets resized during first boot by jasper-initramfs.16:06
GrueMasterOtherwise the rootfs of the preinstalled images is identical to an x86 oem install.16:06
ScottKBad yofel.  Not filing ISO testing bugs ...16:13
ScottKRiddell: You've got the release meeting covered?16:14
yofelI filed the one about d-i being purple, just forgot about that one since it wasn't annoying enough :S16:14
yofelwhich reminds me I need to check todays alternate image16:14
GrueMasterbtw:  I tried filing bugs against kubuntu-mobile-default-settings for the config files, but the network was down at the time.16:14
RiddellScottK: yes16:15
ScottKOK.  Great.16:15
ScottKyofel: It's odd that DI is purple and debconf isn't.  I thought they were controlled by the same switch.16:16
RiddellDI is an operating within itself16:16
yofelScottK: cjwatson fixed that yesterday, it seems the switch was there, the iso building scripts just ignored it16:17
shadeslayerRiddell: i fail at editing CSS :P16:19
ScottKProbably distracted by exams.16:22
yofelhm, todays image is still purple, let's hope tomorrows isn't. (lp 760089 btw.)16:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760089 in Ubuntu CD Images "background color of d-i is purple on the kubuntu alternate images" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76008916:27
c2tarunanyone using kubuntu 11.04 beta2 64-bit?16:39
yofelc2tarun: what's the problem?16:40
c2tarunyofel: can you please tell me how did you install flashplayer for firefox16:40
yofelthe 32bit one is in flashplugin-instaler, the other one is16:41
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava16:41
shadeslayerc2tarun: i just download the flash so from adobe's site and put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins16:42
c2tarunshadeslayer: that libflashplayer.so file?16:43
c2tarunok I'll try that.16:43
c2tarundont know how, but I automatically got a pop up and it is installing flash :/ so I am letting it install it first.16:44
yofelthat'll probably install the 32bit one + nspluginwrapper. Should work fine too usually16:45
shadeslayerRiddell: okay a friend helped me out and here's the diff : http://paste.kde.org/1232116:49
shadeslayercleaning it up a bit .....16:50
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/12324 << all your's16:57
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/12325 << the previous one won't show the folder icons17:07
DarkwingDuckRiddell: ping17:08
shadeslayerhttp://paste.kde.org/12330 : more cleaning up :P 17:13
RiddellDarkwingDuck: hi17:22
DarkwingDuckRiddell: Yo17:22
DarkwingDuckRiddell: I'm still waiting to hear back from nixternal about the buillding of the packages. Other then that and a possible merge of about and welcome docs the docs are finished.17:22
shadeslayerRiddell: hey, final diff here : http://paste.kde.org/12336 :)17:23
RiddellDarkwingDuck: did nixternal say he'd sort the building?17:23
DarkwingDuckRiddell: Yes. I have his number so I'll text or call him today and get an update on that.17:24
Riddellshadeslayer: that's not the css file17:24
shadeslayerRiddell: that's a diff 17:24
Riddellshadeslayer: but not of kubuntu.css17:24
shadeslayeroh.. i've modified the html part17:24
shadeslayerRiddell: well .. it's not working on just  http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/17:25
yofelhtml? you edited the wrong file I think17:25
shadeslayerit works fine everywhere else17:25
DarkwingDuckWhat's up with website stuff?17:25
yofelDarkwingDuck: see the page, no logo at the top17:25
shadeslayeryofel: i just downloaded that page and fixed it manually in the source17:25
Riddellshadeslayer: it's http://releases.ubuntu.com/include/kubuntu.css which is the issue17:25
yofelshadeslayer: the page source is the html file sure, but not the style file (CSS)17:25
* DarkwingDuck open the css17:26
DarkwingDuckIs this the same html and css files we have been using?17:30
hiemanshushadeslayer: 17:32
shadeslayerright so hiemanshu was helping me fix stuff :)17:32
shadeslayerhiemanshu: http://paste.kde.org/12337 << backlog17:33
* hiemanshu *clicks*17:34
DarkwingDuckI'm trying to figure out why <h1> doesn't like the styling...17:34
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: what styling are you trying to add to <h1> ?17:35
DarkwingDuckI'm not....17:35
DarkwingDuckI'm trying to figure out why it's not working...17:35
DarkwingDuckIIRC from CSS <h1> has to do with text itself... so adding a BG to a header wont work. What I think you have to do is add the background to an attribute in a <p> tag. yofel shadeslayer 17:37
RiddellDarkwingDuck: presumably the directory is wrong17:37
RiddellDarkwingDuck: you can add a background to anything17:37
DarkwingDuckEven a header? I've had issues in the past wit that.17:37
* ScottK adds a background to Riddell.17:37
RiddellDarkwingDuck: yes, look it works here http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/natty/17:37
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: <div id="header"><a href="http://www.ubuntu.com/"></a></div> that tag is missing17:38
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: which is why h1 isnt working as well17:38
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: adding that tag to the html I downloaded worked just fine for me17:38
DarkwingDuckyofel shadeslayer Riddell ^^^17:39
droidslayerMeh power outage17:40
droidslayerYeah, they'll just get more frequent since summer is here17:41
DarkwingDuckdroidslayer: that sux17:42
droidslayerYep ...17:42
Riddellas I've said it's not a problem in the HTML, the URL needs to be made absolute not relative17:42
hiemanshuwait, let me host the code on my server17:42
droidslayerDarkwingDuck: one of the many disadvantages of living in a 3rd world country17:42
hiemanshudroidslayer: we hardly have power cuts, come to BLR17:43
droidslayerBtw did anyone take up PIM yet? If not, I can do it tomorrow17:43
DarkwingDuckdroidslayer: it's not much better in the US. San Diego has been dealing wiht brown outs17:43
droidslayerhiemanshu: this is delhi :P17:43
droidslayerDarkwingDuck: brown outs? 0.o17:44
DarkwingDuckdroidslayer: Power outages to save money... 17:44
DarkwingDuckdroidslayer: the US is going through a lot of money and states/cities are flat broke17:45
DarkwingDuck*money issues17:45
droidslayerThat's a bit different .. that's voluntary right ... we otoh have unscheduled powercuts17:45
DarkwingDuckNo, it's not voluntary17:45
DarkwingDuckI don't like it when my power goes off... Its a city thing.17:46
DarkwingDuckPlus my server box hates it.17:46
DarkwingDuckIt's not as bad but, it's not just a third world country thing either17:47
GrueMasterrbelem: I filed a bug against kubuntu-mobile-default-settings for the nodm * plasma-mobile.desktop issues.  Bug 761959.17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 761959 in kubuntu-mobile-default-settings (Ubuntu) "nodm & plasma-mobile.desktop need postinstall processing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76195917:48
droidslayerAtleast my phone keeps my connected now17:48
DarkwingDuckdroidslayer: you have a way to teather your laptop to your phone?17:48
GrueMasterFor tracking purposes.17:48
droidslayerDarkwingDuck: yep17:48
DarkwingDuckdroidslayer: that is good.17:49
droidslayerDarkwingDuck: my laptop’s battery is dead .. and the charger doesn't work :P17:49
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: droidslayer uploading the page, give me a sec17:49
DarkwingDuckohhhhhhhhh back to the sux comment again.17:49
DarkwingDuckhiemanshu: I was just trying to locate the issue for them. :)17:50
GrueMasterDarkwingDuck: Most cell phones have been able to be used as modems for a while.  My old Motorola flip phone had that feature 4 years ago.  My Droid now does tethering via usb & bluetooth (if I pay extra $$$ for the service).17:50
hiemanshudroidslayer: http://hiemanshu.fedorapeople.org/kubuntu.html17:50
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: ^^17:50
hiemanshuwell it works now17:50
hiemanshuGrueMaster: its free in India17:50
DarkwingDuckGrueMaster: Oh I know. My droid is rooted and so I use that function on the road17:50
hiemanshuGrueMaster: I pay like $4 for .25G of 3G data17:51
* GrueMaster would like to visit India.17:51
hiemanshuthat can be tethered17:51
hiemanshuor you can pay $2 for 2G data for 2G of data17:51
GrueMasterI think tethering is an additional $25/month here (on top of the $40/month for unlimited data).17:51
hiemanshuRiddell: http://hiemanshu.fedorapeople.org/kubuntu.html <-- that works, I can upload the code for you17:51
DarkwingDuckThe US carriers charge extra for teathering unless you go around the blocks17:51
DarkwingDuckGrueMaster: Depending on the who your service is with.17:52
GrueMasterBest of all evil in the US.17:53
hiemanshuwell calling or text is really cheap in India, I pay like 1 cent per minute for a call17:53
DarkwingDuckGrueMaster: that's who I use too17:53
hiemanshuand about the same for 100 texts17:54
DarkwingDuckBeen with them for 10 ears17:54
GrueMasterSame here.17:54
GrueMaster(but I'm keeping my ears).17:54
DarkwingDuckI'm still stuck with the Droid 1 :)17:54
hiemanshuI knwo most people will hate me for this but Android sucks17:55
GrueMasterI just upgraded from Droid 1 to Droid 2 Global.  Faster.17:55
hiemanshutoo slow, laggy, and well no proper updates is a deal breaker17:56
GrueMasterhiemanshu: It really depends on wht the basis for comparison is.  There is always room for improvement in any smart phone os.17:56
hiemanshuGrueMaster: true17:56
DarkwingDuckGrueMaster: what did you do with your Droid 1?17:56
GrueMasterAs to updates, they have to grom Google to the manufacturer to the carrier.17:56
GrueMasterMy droid 1 will be going to my son.17:57
DarkwingDuckAhhhh Got ya17:57
GrueMasterAs soon as I can afford to add him to the data plan.17:57
* hiemanshu feels young 17:57
DarkwingDuckGrueMaster: you ever root your phones?17:57
Riddellhiemanshu: now I have to work out how that page gets generated17:57
droidslayerhiemanshu: can you paste the link again?17:57
GrueMasterNo.  Can't live without them if I accidently brick them.17:57
hiemanshudroidslayer: http://hiemanshu.fedorapeople.org/kubuntu.html17:58
droidslayerGrueMaster: rooting is actually quite safe now :P17:58
hiemanshuRiddell: yeah, just do a diff from my page and see the difference17:58
GrueMasterI could root my droid 1, but I have a beagle & beagleXM so not much benefit.17:58
DarkwingDuckGrueMaster: Funny thing about that... I've tried to brick my droid 1... I can't do it.17:58
Riddellhiemanshu: yes I see it thanks, I need to find the script that generated that HTML and update it17:58
hiemanshuRiddell: np17:58
DarkwingDuckGrueMaster: For my, running gingerbread on an overclocked CPU to 1.3Ghz was worth it.17:59
Riddellfolks, I'm away until Monday evening, have fun17:59
GrueMasterRiddell: Have a great weekend.17:59
DarkwingDuckRiddell: I'll talk with nixternal and see if we can't get that finished.17:59
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: how big is the hit on the battery17:59
droidslayerRiddell: have fun :)17:59
yofelRiddell: cu18:00
DarkwingDuckhiemanshu: Not bad, there is an app called set CPU that allows me to scale it back as well... So it's only 1.3Ghz on demand. When screen is off it sits at 400 Mhz18:01
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: but why do you need so much CPU power? I have an iPhone, I would underclock it instead18:01
DarkwingDuckIt's runs everything smoother... I do a lot of expirimental things.18:02
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: that one reason why I am going to wait till I get an android, its very laggy :/18:03
DarkwingDuckhiemanshu: it's not that laggy its just smoother.18:03
droidslayerhiemanshu: yeah, I just had to reboot to get my system to respond again18:03
droidslayerCM 7 lags for me :(18:04
hiemanshuDarkwingDuck: when you use an iPhone, everything seems really really laggy :P18:04
DarkwingDuckdroidslayer: what you running CM7 on?18:05
droidslayerDarkwingDuck: a htc desire18:05
DarkwingDuckdroidslayer: I'll ask Cyanogen about that.18:06
droidslayerDarkwingDuck: you know him personally or sth?18:06
DarkwingDuckI work with him extensivly.... I'm one of the testors and bug people for the CM7 Droid 1 18:07
DarkwingDuckcvpcs (He used to run the Gem ROMS) went to work with Cyanogen with the Droid 1 as well... He and I know each other personally18:08
droidslayerAh.. Well .. I haven't done a clean install .. Just upgraded from older nightlies18:08
bambeeRiddell: apparently it's not possible yet to write a kauth helper in python...18:09
bambeeso : 1) we need to write a kauth helper in c++ and keep the rest in python. OR 2) we need to write a dbus helper in python like language-selector does...18:11
droidslayerAh well, cya tomorrow :)18:15
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-office
* apachelogger needs someone to ask questions for his phonon talk18:43
rbelemGrueMaster, i just assigned the bug to myself18:47
rbelemthanks GrueMaster :-)18:47
GrueMasterLet me know when it is fixed and I'll pull a daily to test it.18:48
GrueMasterAlso, on your n900 wiki it talks about creating a swap partition.  We have found that reads/writes were much faster using a swap file on the rootfs due to sd write alignment issues.18:49
GrueMasterThe image already has it set that way.18:49
rbelemGrueMaster, nice! i will update the wiki18:50
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
kps_foohi guys.. I need a little help....my kde unstable build environment crashes at the splash screen....I have no clue why?19:06
kps_fooI am using Kubuntu 10.1019:06
kps_fooI followed all the directions at techbase.kde.org, I have made a separate user for the build environment....19:07
* yofel resigns and overclocks his n90019:09
yofelkps_foo: checked kde-devel/.xsession-errors?19:10
kps_fooyofel: Ok, will check it out, thanks :)19:12
kps_foo@yofel: I am getting some errors19:43
kps_fooyofel: I checked my .xsession-errors file and here is its output, http://paste.kde.org/12367/19:44
kps_fooyofel: Need a little help deciphering the errors....19:44
yofelkps_foo: hm, I can't really see what goes wrong here either :/  - maybe ask in #kde-devel if nobody else has an idea19:50
kps_fooyofel: I am already asking them :), thanks anyways.19:51
afiestasRiddell: ping21:45
DarkwingDuckafiestas: Riddell is out till monday.22:09
ScottKIt would be nice if someone still running maverick would install 4.5.5 from maverick-proposed and comment in Bug 757065.23:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 757065 in plasma-widget-yawp (Ubuntu) "Tracking bug for SRU update of KDE to 4.5.5 in Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75706523:14
ScottKAlso if some of you (maco) are on #kubuntu you might ask people there to test.23:15
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