
cpOK Thanks.00:00
cpThis issue is on maverick... I had a power failure and X/kdm isn't coming up.  I tried reinstalling the kernel, which rebuilt the nvidia module, but no help.  How can I invoke kdm startup to give me a better clue what package might be corrupted?00:00
James147cp: start kdm with "sudo start kdm"00:01
cpOk, I'll try it.  Thanks.00:02
valorienobody has any hints on my silent laptop?00:16
Daskreechvalorie: I know that anytime skype does something on my computer that it mutes the sounds for everything else00:17
Daskreech I would assume it's a pulseaudio thing since as far as I know that's all Skype uses00:17
valorieit doesn't work though00:19
valorieno sound in skype, and now no sound in everything else00:19
valorieI guess i didn't try pavucontrol yet00:19
James147valorie: also you look at phonon ?00:23
valoriethe test sound -- no sound00:23
valoriepavucontrol is just the same as veromix00:23
James147valorie: what happens if you loginto a new user? ... I have had problems with the config files in my home before00:24
valorieI tried adding a new account Guest00:24
valoriebut how to log into it without logging out here?00:24
James147valorie: I would suggest login out ^^ best way to make sure nothing is capturing the sound device00:25
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valorieok, see ya later00:26
Daskreechvalorie: across everything?00:34
valorieI forgot to add a passw for guess00:34
Daskreechheehee :)00:34
valorieyes, complete silence00:34
valoriewhy does kde keep asking to remove devices?00:35
valorieit's so annoying00:35
* James147 wonders if a reconfigure of alsa or pulse might help00:35
valorieI see nothing obvious in either00:36
link_Does anyone know why the KDE session stops showing up after you start using another session such as xfce00:38
James147link_: stops showing up?00:39
link_The option to use the KDE session at the login screen.00:39
James147:S that shouldnt happen00:40
James147link_: I would check to see if kubuntu-desktop is still installed00:41
link_Yes I have it under /usr/lib/tasksel/info/kubuntu-desktop.preinst00:42
link_Yes I have it under /usr/lib/tasksel/info/kubuntu-desktop.preinst00:43
link_Are there any Cisco people out their?00:55
valoriedaskreech and James147, thanks for the help, even though I've had no success01:09
valorieI have a meeting to prepare for, and will bbl01:09
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jcgshi :) does anyone know where the "passwords and encryption keys" tool is? I'm trying to make a pgp key and the launchpad guidance doesn't appear to have any information for kubuntu :(01:41
James147jcgs: kgpg?01:42
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jcgsJames147: thanks, i did it using gpg in terminal. kgpg doesn't exist because i'm using natty :S02:12
fayazi'm not able to do anything on my apt02:13
fayazon doing an apt-get upgrade02:13
jcgsfayaz: what command did you try?02:13
James147!info kgpg natty02:13
ubottukgpg (source: kdeutils): graphical front end for GNU Privacy Guard. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 873 kB, installed size 1884 kB02:13
fayazi get this:02:14
James147jcgs: ^^ it seems to exists in natty :S02:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:14
jcgsJames147: orly? can i get it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/594295/02:15
fayazi get this: http://pastebin.com/EfFpY3PH02:16
James147jcgs: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kgpg" says what?02:16
fayazsimilar error occur on apt-get installs too02:18
fayazkpackagekit simply pretends nothing happened02:18
James147fayaz: what does "sudo dpkg --configure --pending" say?02:20
* fayaz trying that02:20
jcgsJames147: It's working ^_^ Cheers02:21
fayazJames147: no output at all. but the issue is still there02:22
James147fayaz: hmm, and dpkg --configure -a  ?02:22
slinker1fayaz could your drive be full by chance?02:22
* fayaz is checking for both02:23
fayazslinker1: 4.4GiB free02:24
fayazJames147: no output02:24
fayazbut :(02:25
slinker1oh well was worth looking anyway :)02:25
James147fayaz: hmm, try running an "sudo apt-get clean" and then trying again02:26
* fayaz trying02:26
fayazJames147: some more downloading taking place02:27
James147fayaz: yeah ^^ clean will delete the cached .deb files02:27
fayazJames147: still didn't work :(02:30
James147fayaz: :s https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+question/131789 ^^ dosnt look good :(02:34
fayazJames147: it's likely to be the same issue here...02:37
fayazhave suffered a lot of power outages lately...02:37
James147fayaz: then reboot to a licecd and fsck your disk02:38
fayazJames147: anyway i could do it from this installation itself?02:39
James147fayaz: you should fsck a mounted partition02:39
James147shouldbnt ^^02:40
James147shouldnt ^^02:40
fayazJames147: even in a runlevel 1?02:40
James147fayaz: umm, possibally ^^02:41
fayazthanks for the help...02:41
fayazlet me see what i can do with my damaged hw...02:42
* fayaz is leaving02:43
bertmanphxanyone have blogilo working with Joomla 1.6, posting articles?03:21
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diandesJust installed Kubuntu 11.04 Beta 2. The Wifi connection manager ("Configure - KDE Control Module"), even if I select a wifi connection, click "edit", and enable "Connect automatically" never remembers it. I press "OK" to exit the dialog box, for example, but if I reopen with "Edit..." immediately later it still shows that connection as not automatically connecting.06:29
diandes(This is especially an issue with suspend/resume because the connection doesn't auto-restore on resume as a result.)06:29
diandesIt's completely consistent and repeatable.06:30
Tm_Tdiandes: hi, beta support is done in #ubuntu+1 (:06:31
diandesAh, alright06:31
c2taruncan we upgrade from 32bit kubuntu 10.10 to 64bit kubuntu 11.04?07:27
Daskreechc2tarun: I suppose07:32
DaskreechIt would take a long time and would be quite a bit faster to reinstall but if you  really really really wanted to I guess you could07:33
valorieit's a different ISO, though07:35
valorieI don't see how it could work07:35
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo08:10
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bigbrovarSo there are some graphic regressions affecting intel graphic chip on Kubuntu 11.04, for starters blur does not work even though same worked fine on 10.10 :S10:33
Peace-bigbrovar: wait for the release10:47
Peace-there is some trick for that10:47
marcelChello, anyone used kubuntu lucid, and maverick? I am courios how was the splash screen or if there is any difference10:53
marcelCdid you guy;s experienced an DARKER BLUE bootscreen/splash and a LIGHTER BLUE?10:54
marcelCit;s strange, I installed / reinstalled ubuntu & apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and installed kubuntu & apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, but there are some differences between the shades of the polymonth bootscreen/splash10:58
jussimarcelC: please dont repeat in other channels at the same time10:59
marcelCjussi,  okay I was hoping get a positive feedback, solve this curiosity faster11:00
jussimarcelC: Im pretty sure those things are available to be set, and depend by default on the first installed desktop11:00
jussithe kubuntu should be blue/white,  ubuntu purple... wait "aubergine" and white/orange iirc11:01
marcelCyes, indeed they are so11:01
marcelCbut yesterday when I was first installing ubuntu and apt-get install kubuntu-desktop the kubuntu boot screen11:02
marcelCwas with a darker blue /11:02
marcelCdarker shade11:03
marcelClike this one: http://www.novaksblog.com/pictures/photoshop_tutorial_ocean_wallpaper/06_gradient_blue.gif11:03
marcelCin this morning I installed kubuntu and the bootscreen / spalsh shade11:04
jussioh, no idea11:04
marcelCnow it's like this: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSOoGgWcduUoqNfhP_NeR_cVFfIGC2C08akC8VQWHmpTgrNA0ALkw11:04
marcelCthere is a little diffrence11:04
marcelCand I can't figure out why, is there some settings in gdm / themes11:05
marcelCor in the maverick / lucid11:05
marcelCor in installing ubuntu and apt-get install kubuntu desktop vs. installing kubuntu and apt-get install ubuntu-desktop11:05
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* nx15 is away: Gone away for now11:15
jcgshi does anyone know what to do if kpackagekit hangs?11:23
ct529hi there! I have to search for a string inside some MS Office file in a directory. Can I do that from command line?11:29
bigbrovarI intend to, but isn't the very idea of using the development release to beta test? I was just trying to notify kubuntu developers of the regression. I went into great length creating the bug report, testing it on another laptop with a different intel card and getting a friend online to test with his laptop (with same intel graphic chip as mine)  if we all wait for final release before using using a release we just postpond the testing phase imho11:29
bigbrovarPeace-: .11:29
Peace-bigbrovar: you can of couse11:40
Peace-bigbrovar: but not here11:40
Peace-bigbrovar: there is a wiki page and bug reports for taht11:40
Peace-bigbrovar: you can find it11:40
bigbrovarPeace-: thats assuming I didn't already file a repor :)11:41
bigbrovarTwo to be exact, one against kwin and another against the Intel X driver11:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 761539 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Does Blur work with Intel Arrandale Graphic Chip on Kubuntu 11.04" [Undecided,New]11:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 761530 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "Does Blur work with Intel Arrandale Graphic Chip on Kubuntu 11.04 " [Undecided,New]11:42
Peace-bigbrovar: whta i mean is this , here there are not developers11:42
Peace-bigbrovar: so you speak without results ...11:42
Peace-if you want tell them11:42
Peace-what you have found11:42
Peace-bigbrovar: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NattyNarwhal/Beta1/Kubuntu/Feedback11:42
Peace-bigbrovar: i am nowardev for example11:43
pider55anyone know if there is a driver for this webcam : ID 041e:4055 Creative Technology, Ltd Live! Cam Video IM Pro12:33
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rolandsomewhy the 5.1 output profile doesn't want to stay in use in phonon. every time I press pause or next I lose subwoofer output13:09
hoseinhi there13:50
dthackerhosein: hello13:51
hoseini have problem with freezing gnome and kde in kubuntu10.1013:51
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hoseinany idea?13:52
dthackerhosein: sorry, dashing out the door to $work.   Give some specific errors you are seeing and someone will try and help you.   If Gnome is freezing too, you may have better luck in #ubuntu13:52
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RyanZimanyone know how to use an lg gw305 mobile phone as a wireless modem with kubuntu14:27
goodtimeyes pay more on you bill it would ony cost you like 10 bucks amounth more14:35
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Bauldrickhow can I get default "system settings" I seem to have lost 'user management' under 'System Administration'16:54
kdehi ,someone has tried to install ugnome shell on ubuntu 10 lts?16:56
Picikde: Best ti ask in #ubuntu for gnome questions.16:57
kdehummm, ok thougt here was a good place to start with16:57
Pici#kubuntu? for gnome shell?16:58
kdein fact i tried to install in kde16:58
kdeand the most strtange thing is that i succeded16:58
kdei installed gnome shell onto kde, a mix of desktops16:59
kdebut it was the beta version not the final one16:59
kdei know there are repos for ubuntu 10.10 and 1116:59
kdewhich i can install gnme shell final from17:00
kdebut i have ubuntu 10 lts17:00
kdeso, thats why i asked here17:01
kdeanyway i think gnome-shell is very good17:01
kdeand less resource comsuption than kde,17:02
kdedke is more windows style17:02
kdegnome its more mac style17:02
kdeanyone here knows how to connect to gnome channel ¿?17:02
andreasHallo kde team......17:03
Picikde: /join #ubuntu17:03
kde /join #ubuntu17:03
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francois_hi there17:33
francois_I'm experiencing a weird issue that a long google search did not solve: with desktop effects enabled, my taskbar is only transparent when switching between desktops17:34
francois_I'm using the 'Air' theme and the radeon driver17:34
francois_has anybody experienced a similar issue ?17:35
IIVQanyone here having any experience with palm and kubuntu?17:50
LogicallyDashingThe theme I'm using puts a white cloud behind filenames. I want that cloud to go away. What do?17:50
IIVQLogicallyDashing, what theme are you using?17:56
francois_if someone ever reads this: the blur desktop effect is causing the plasma panel and K menu not to be transparent17:57
LogicallyDashingIIVQ, it's Aya17:57
IIVQnever heard of that18:00
LogicallyDashingI found it in the "Get new themes" window18:01
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poppy76bghello, i have  a question19:18
poppy76bgdoes someone know how to catch someone's facebook's ip adres on linux ubuntu?19:24
BluesKajpoppy76bg, this is not the channel to ask such questions19:26
poppy76bggive me some channel where i may ask19:27
BluesKajgo look for one19:27
=== techampere is now known as Chris_H
Chris_HHi, what is the normal boot time for Kubuntu (from grub to login)?19:31
BluesKajChris_H, about 15secs here19:33
IIVQless here19:33
IIVQabout 7 seconds I'd say19:33
Chris_HI am using Maverick and mine is about  9 seconds19:35
Chris_HGuess its not that slow19:35
BluesKajthat's good19:35
* BluesKaj wonders if there's a startupmanager for kde ...trying to stay gnome free19:36
Chris_Hthere is autostart19:36
BluesKajthe gnome startupmanager let's one configure grub menu boot selection and add or delete OSs/Kernels ...this takes place at boot not after login19:38
Chris_Hoh, I first think which struck my mind was the gnome startup thingy which lets you handle the startup applications. (after login)19:41
BluesKajsorta bugs me that gnome gets those nice littles goody apps that kde lacks19:43
Chris_Hwhich apps?19:44
BluesKajI mean it will probly run fine on my pc but I'm trying to stay kde pure , and I'm finding it difficult :P19:44
Chris_Hhmm, I have uninstalled most of the kde applications because I don't use them at all.  I frequently use Chrome and Quassel and everything else doesn't matter much to me.19:47
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hiteshhello guys can anybody help me to solve problem on my latest installed Kubuntu Desktop.. ?20:18
hiteshIt is using tons of CPU memory and hence slowing down my pc and hang.20:19
hiteshand this is happening often20:19
Chris_HIt might be the graphic drivers, hitesh20:25
hiteshyes i have installed Beta 270 linux drivers from NVidia website20:25
hiteshstill its not working properly and my resolution is does not remain same it changes everytime i reboot my system20:26
Chris_HIf its the drivers, try here is a quick fix (might work, if not, revert to the old version). Go to desktop effects --> Advanced --> replace OpenGL with Xrender compositing.20:28
Chris_HIf everything speeds up, its an issue with Graphic driver20:28
Chris_HIf not, its something else20:28
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masesei bought a kodak digital camera but i don't know how to view/download pics on kubuntu 10.0421:08
maseseanyone to help?21:12
BlaXpiritwell, i really don't know that thing..21:12
masesewhich thing?21:13
BlaXpiritdigital camera21:13
Walzmyn masese do you have an SD card reader?21:13
maseseno i don't21:13
BlaXpiritmmhh, i think KPackageKit went crazy... its tray icon appears randomly all the time21:14
BlaXpiritnot it just hangs there, "not responding"21:14
BlaXpiritwhat can I do to fix this?  :/21:14
BlaXpirit*now it just hangs there21:14
WalzmynOK, you'll have to use the USB cable, masese21:14
masesei've connected it to the laptop21:16
Walzmynmasese: plug it in, turn the camera on and it should show up as a mass storage device21:16
BlaXpiritcan you see any notification in bottom-right corner of the screen?21:16
BlaXpiritoh no, ubuntu left us21:16
Walzmynmasese: digikam and picasa can auto-import the pictures, or you can just open the camer's SD card in dolphin and drag and drop21:17
masesethe camera screeen showing some script reading "open my computer and locate the kodak downloader to run the software"21:19
BlaXpiriti think, ignore ur camera21:19
BlaXpiritlet kubuntu do the thing21:20
masesei guess that should be windows program21:20
Walzmynyeah, masese, does it show up as mass storage in the device notifer?21:20
Walzmynmasese: if it does, just ignore the camera21:20
Walzmynmasese: what kinda camera do you have?21:20
Walzmynmore spcific21:22
masesecoming up in Home folder as kodak downloader.21:22
Walzmynif you open that do you see your pictures?21:23
Walzmynwhat is in there?21:23
masesewindows setup programs21:26
Walzmynmasese: what is the specific model of camera you have?21:26
masesekodak easyshare M53121:27
Walzmynmasese: hang on21:27
Walzmynmasese: i used to have an easyshare, and I can't remember if I ever got it to work as mass storage or not21:30
Walzmynmasese: google has gots several people saying it's a PITA to get it to work that way and it seems like the easiet thing to do is get an SD card reader21:31
Walzmynmasese: they're only like $421:31
maseseyou mean then i view the pic using card reader?21:32
Walzmynmasese: one other option, look and see if you have libgphoto2 installed. If not, that might work to read the camera21:32
Walzmynmasese: yeah, you'd stick the SD card in the reader, then it would just show up as mass storage, simple like instead of dealing with the ceramas goofy operating system21:33
Walzmynmasese: best to you, I have to go21:34
reaglehi, trying out kubuntu natty, with upgrade to 4.6.2 as well. I used to have 3 desktops through wich I could cycle when my mouse moved to the top or bottom edge (up and down), now my left/right edges are the sensitive ones. How/where is the setting for which edges are active? Don't see it in window behavior or desktop effects, but I might've missed it.21:34
BlaXpiritjust press Kickoff button    or w/e it is21:35
BlaXpiritand search for  "edge" i guess21:35
reagleBlaXpirit: ah, I see that in kickoff. And I do get an active screen edgeds, but is that for just the corners?21:36
reagleyea, that's for the corners... not the cube rotate or slight21:38
BlaXpiritmaybe it's kwin effects21:38
BlaXpiritAHHHHH i think i know21:41
BlaXpiritreagle, go to pager plasmoid settings21:41
reaglehuh, here they show edges with the edges and corners, mine only had corners http://genek.net/LinuxAdventures/installsetup/dtop.html21:41
BlaXpiritset row count = desktop count21:42
reaglewhere are pager plasmoid settings?21:43
reagleoh, in the panel, i see21:43
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reagleyes, so 3 desktop21:43
reagleyes, so 3 desktops21:43
BlaXpirit3 rows21:43
reaglei don't see row count21:44
BlaXpiritit's in other tab21:44
BlaXpiritthe "default" tab that is open when u start pager settings21:44
reaglei alt-click on pager, see General, Virtual Desktops, Keyboard Shortcut, and Share21:46
reagleUnder general, I can set the number of columns (presently 1)21:46
BlaXpiritchould be 121:46
BlaXpiritshould be 121:46
reagleyep, it is 121:47
BlaXpiriti have "rows"21:47
FloodBotK1BlaXpirit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:47
BlaXpiritbut  different version..21:47
reagledo you have rows and columns?21:47
BlaXpiritjust rows21:47
BlaXpiritbut it's 11.1021:48
BlaXpiritlol no21:48
reaglehuh, well, gonna log out and restore an older .kde21:48
reaglethanks for trying! :-)21:48
jcgshi does anyone know how to make ktorrent connect to more peers? it just seems to be ignoring some on the tracker :S21:58
rosco_ycan anyone direct me to a good quality pac-man game?21:59
rosco_ywell, I'll be they exist in windows, I can fire up a virtual machine I suppose....22:01
lovrehi all22:17
lovrewhat do i need to install for ark to work properly, i installed rar, but what else22:17
lovreis unrar another package?22:17
marxjohnsonlovre: when you say "work properly", what exactly are you trying to do with it?22:19
lovremarxjohnson: create/extract archives (zip, rar, tar, 7z, the common ones)22:21
lovremarxjohnson: because out-of-the-box it just says: cant find rar in PATH22:21
lovremarxjohnson: should i just install one by one manually?22:21
marxjohnsonIf  you're trying to create and extract RARs you'll need both rar and unrar, yes22:21
marxjohnsonI think one of them is proprietary, so they're not packaged together22:22
lovremarxjohnson: i see. And others installed separatly also?22:22
marxjohnsonIt should do zip, tar, gz and bz out of the box22:23
marxjohnsonIm not certain about 7z but it's open source so i guess it does22:23
marxjohnsonif not install p7zip an p7zip-full and you should be OK22:26
genii-around!info pacman22:35
ubottupacman (source: pacman): Chase Monsters in a Labyrinth. In component universe, is optional. Version 10-17ubuntu2 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 160 kB22:35
westmianyone here know how to install minecraft ?22:37
westmii've got a mincraft.jar file and don't know what to do with it22:38
westmidownloaded from mincraft site22:38
lovremarxjohnson: thank!22:43
lovremarxjohnson: thanks!22:43
marxjohnsonlovre: np22:43
basyhi, how to change KDE menu icon in KDE 4.5.1???22:52
maco<ScottK> It would be nice if someone still running maverick would install 4.5.5 from maverick-proposed and comment in Bug 757065.23:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 757065 in plasma-widget-yawp (Ubuntu) "Tracking bug for SRU update of KDE to 4.5.5 in Maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75706523:15
jordan_im having problems with rhythmbox find my iphone23:17
jordan_i have ifuse libmobile etc23:18
BluesKaj-denjordan_, ask in #ubuntu23:18
jordan_i have kubuntu though23:19
jordan_kubuntu 10.1023:19
jordan_i can pull photos off it23:19
jordan_i want to sync music23:20
BluesKaj-denI finally configured wpa-supplicant and /etc/network/interfaces to donct thru the router to the 9internet not just with the lan , but it was strange because the wifi wouldn't connect past the router 'til after I sshd into another linuxbox and open a browser . After I closed the ssh connection thai pc connected thru the wifi ...I shrug and shake my head at the weirdness.23:23
* BluesKaj-den repeats with corrections: I finally configured wpa-supplicant and /etc/network/interfaces to connect thru the router to the internet,not just within the lan , but it was strange because the wifi wouldn't connect past the router 'til after I sshd into another linuxbox and open a browser . After I closed the ssh connection this pc connected thru the wifi ...I shrug and shake my head at the weirdness.23:26
nsh22hey you knowthe version for wubidoesnt work23:27
nsh22http://pastebin.com/NCBK8Gm4 <i get these errorstrying to use it23:28
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