wallyworld_ | sinzui: me and thumper are sick of each other's company in mumble. you around? | 00:09 |
sinzui | 2 minutes please | 00:09 |
wallyworld_ | ack | 00:09 |
thumper | sinzui: time's up | 00:12 |
abentley | lifeless: I can't QA this. I need henninge. | 00:14 |
lifeless | abentley: thanks for trying | 00:14 |
abentley | lifeless: np | 00:15 |
lifeless | abentley: is it possible to check it doesn't break anything (vs fixing the issue) ? | 00:15 |
abentley | lifeless: I don't believe so. | 00:16 |
lifeless | ah well, ok. | 00:16 |
lifeless | I will mail henninge a ping | 00:16 |
abentley | lifeless: To check it doesn't break anything, I would need to get it to display the thing I changed, and that's what I need hennninge for. | 00:17 |
lifeless | abentley: is it a permissions thing, or knowledge? | 00:29 |
abentley | lifeless: knowledge | 00:29 |
lifeless | k | 00:29 |
lifeless | I might see if I can figure it out later today, and if so qa it | 00:30 |
wgrant | lifeless, abentley: https://translations.qastaging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/gnome-applets/+pots/gnome-applets-2.0/bs/+translate, down the bottom. | 00:33 |
wgrant | Doesn't seem to be fixed. | 00:34 |
lifeless | wgrant: have you left rosetta experts etc? | 00:37 |
wgrant | lifeless: I logged out. | 00:38 |
wgrant | Actually, I guess this might be a different bug. | 00:38 |
wgrant | Since the bad string still shows up under Shared when I'm logged in. | 00:38 |
abentley | wgrant: the english when logged out is "To prevent privacy issues, this translation is not available to anonymous users, | 00:39 |
abentley | if you want to see it, please, log in first.", which is correct. | 00:39 |
abentley | wgrant: the fact that it says the bit about dummy translations under "shared" is another issue. | 00:40 |
abentley | wgrant: the bug was not exhibited when users were logged out. AFAIK, they were always getting ""To prevent privacy issues, this translation is not available to anonymous..." | 00:41 |
abentley | wgrant: it was logged-in users without write access who were getting the issue. | 00:41 |
wgrant | abentley: As an unprivileged user I see the contributions. | 00:43 |
wgrant | But same on production. | 00:45 |
abentley | wgrant: I don't see how that could happen. Do you see entry fields where you could put translations? | 00:47 |
wgrant | abentley: No. | 00:47 |
wgrant | It's read-only. | 00:48 |
wgrant | Oh. | 00:48 |
wgrant | Hmm. | 00:48 |
wgrant | Do suggestions count? I guess they probably do. | 00:48 |
abentley | wgrant: they do. | 00:48 |
wgrant | Ah. | 00:49 |
wgrant | I guess I can make it read-only if I change my licensing settings. | 00:49 |
wgrant | Apparently not. | 00:50 |
abentley | wgrant: I believe that will prevent you from seeing it at all. | 00:50 |
wgrant | I no longer have suggestion widgets, but the contributions are still there. | 00:50 |
abentley | wgrant: my steps to reproduce involve setting the pillar to "closed" translation permissions. | 00:51 |
sinzui | lifeless: skype again? | 00:55 |
wgrant | abentley: I might revert the fix from DF, close Ubuntu there, and see what happens. | 00:56 |
lifeless | sinzui: please | 00:59 |
lifeless | sinzui: 5 minutes first, gotta ring a supplier | 00:59 |
sinzui | okay, 5 minutes | 00:59 |
wgrant | lifeless: Still can't reproduce :( | 01:05 |
lifeless | sinzui: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/745512 | 01:36 |
_mup_ | Bug #745512: product-release-finder broken <qa-untestable> <regression> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by lifeless> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/745512 > | 01:36 |
poolie | lifeless: the privacy banner thing makes me think it would be nice to have a scope that matches user-agent | 02:22 |
wallyworld_ | lifeless: do you know why lp/app/widgets/configure.zcml is not listed in canonical/launchpad/configure.zcml? hence it is not being loaded :-( | 02:28 |
wallyworld_ | i added something to lp/app/widgets/configure.zcml and took me a bit to figure out why it wasn't working | 02:29 |
lifeless | poolie: it would | 03:02 |
lifeless | wallyworld_: well | 03:03 |
lifeless | I'd expect lp/app/configure.zcml to list it | 03:03 |
lifeless | wallyworld_: I don't know why it isn't listed | 03:03 |
wgrant | OK, now why is buildout crashing with an assertionerror... | 03:04 |
wallyworld_ | lifeless: np. i'll add it. just wanted to check if there was a known reason for omitting it | 03:04 |
lifeless | wallyworld_: not that *I* know of, but I'm not as cluey as say gary or curtis | 03:04 |
lifeless | whee | 03:05 |
lifeless | 771 Time Outs - yesterday | 03:05 |
lifeless | 6926 Exceptions | 03:05 |
wgrant | Heh, yeah. | 03:05 |
wgrant | grar | 03:06 |
lifeless | ? | 03:06 |
lifeless | also | 03:07 |
lifeless | sob | 03:07 |
lifeless | SourcePackage.setpackaging() now deletes an existing Packaging record and creates a new one, if one exists, | 03:07 |
lifeless | -> index bloat. | 03:07 |
wgrant | Yay | 03:07 |
lifeless | looks like we can deploy to 12821 | 03:10 |
wgrant | lifeless: Can you make compile on natty? | 03:13 |
wgrant | I could until this morning :/ | 03:13 |
lifeless | wgrant: I don't know | 03:13 |
lifeless | wgrant: (because I develop on lucid, our deployment environment) | 03:23 |
wgrant | lifeless: Ah, of course. | 03:24 |
LPCIBot | Project windmill build #177: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 3 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill/177/ | 03:30 |
james_w | poolie, was bug 761327 supposed to be against launchpad? | 03:34 |
_mup_ | Bug #761327: would like a feature flag scope on browser user agent <feature-flags> <launchpadlib :Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/761327 > | 03:34 |
poolie | oops yes | 03:41 |
poolie | 'too many matches' fail | 03:41 |
LPCIBot | Yippie, build fixed! | 04:20 |
LPCIBot | Project devel build #640: FIXED in 5 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/640/ | 04:20 |
StevenK | wgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/drop-psc/+merge/57807 | 06:10 |
StevenK | lifeless: It doesn't matter. staging should get everything due to the DB restore, and if qastaging if missing some changelogs, we don't care. | 06:11 |
wgrant | StevenK: Let's not drop it yet. | 06:12 |
wgrant | StevenK: Leave it running for a week to make sure we don't miss anything. | 06:12 |
StevenK | Meh, it was five minutes work, it can wait. | 06:12 |
wgrant | It's possible (although rather unlikely) that there is still bad stuff being created. | 06:12 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
lifeless | StevenK: I had a similar migration I turned off eagerly. | 06:15 |
lifeless | StevenK: then it broke staging | 06:15 |
lifeless | StevenK: *trust* me on this. | 06:15 |
StevenK | And DF | 06:15 |
StevenK | :-) | 06:15 |
lifeless | once all systems have either caught up on their own or been restored to it safe to nuke | 06:15 |
LPCIBot | Project windmill build #178: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill/178/ | 08:04 |
StevenK | Rargh, now it's rvba! | 08:33 |
rvba | StevenK: ? | 08:33 |
StevenK | rvba: There's a 'hello-rvba' in dogfood's NEW queue! | 08:34 |
StevenK | I think it's your doing! | 08:34 |
rvba | StevenK: right ... nice it went through. | 08:34 |
StevenK | Well, it's in NEW, what do you want me to do with it? | 08:34 |
StevenK | wgrant: Can haz a hand? | 08:34 |
rvba | StevenK: would be great yes ... and you could update df while you've at it? | 08:35 |
wgrant | StevenK: 'sup? | 08:35 |
StevenK | DF has been updated for 15 minutes. | 08:35 |
rvba | StevenK: ok then, I'll be able to qa yesterday's work | 08:35 |
StevenK | wgrant: I'd like to force a maverick build record into NEEDSBUILD without it building. | 08:35 |
StevenK | rvba: What I mean is that hello-rvba is blocking my QA -- shall I accept it, or reject it? | 08:36 |
wgrant | /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/buildd-manager stop | 08:36 |
rvba | StevenK: accept it please | 08:36 |
StevenK | wgrant: No such file or directory? | 08:40 |
adeuring | good morning | 08:41 |
StevenK | wgrant: Right, buildd-manager killed | 08:41 |
StevenK | rvba: Accepted, er, about 4 minutes ago | 08:42 |
StevenK | rvba: I've only process-accepted, so it's out of the ACCEPTED queue | 08:42 |
wgrant | StevenK: Hm, maybe it's just in plain /srv/launchpad.net. | 08:43 |
wgrant | I can never remember. | 08:43 |
rvba | StevenK: anyway, I'm stuck because the page https://dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+localpackagediffs is borked | 08:43 |
StevenK | wgrant: Tis | 08:43 |
StevenK | wgrant: Anyway, what's the next step? | 08:43 |
wgrant | StevenK: Set one to NEEDSBUILD. | 08:43 |
wgrant | SQL is your friend. | 08:43 |
StevenK | wgrant: In BPB, right? | 08:43 |
wgrant | StevenK: BFJ | 08:44 |
StevenK | Bleh, BFJ has no distroseries | 08:44 |
wgrant | PB | 08:45 |
wgrant | Er. | 08:45 |
wgrant | distroarchseries is on BPB, yeah. | 08:45 |
wgrant | You'll need to join BPB->PB->BFJ | 08:45 |
lifeless | or merge them | 08:48 |
dpm | hi all, could someone give me a hand? I'm trying to use the API to manage the import queue entries in Ubuntu. While on the web UI I can change any entry's status, I don't seem to have the permissions when trying to do it with launchpadlib -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/594384/ Perhaps I'm not changing the status the way it's supposed to be done. Any ideas? | 08:51 |
wgrant | dpm: Is import_into set? | 08:55 |
dpm | wgrant, what's import_into? I cannot find it in the api docs, and I did not set it | 08:56 |
wgrant | dpm: An import queue entry can't be approved until it has somewhere to be imported into. I'm not sure you can set that through the API. | 08:57 |
dpm | wgrant, ah so perhaps the setStatus call is missing an import_into parameter, you think? | 08:58 |
dpm | (I mean in the api) | 08:59 |
dpm | or the import queue entry is missing the attribute | 08:59 |
wgrant | dpm: Well, you'd need to set the target POFile or POTemplate. | 08:59 |
wgrant | Which means we'd need to export those two onto the API, which isn't done yet. | 09:00 |
dpm | ok, thanks wgrant, I think I'll file a bug, then | 09:01 |
henninge | wgrant, dpm: that is correct | 09:01 |
henninge | (missing API export for approval) | 09:01 |
henninge | And "Good morning" ;) | 09:01 |
henninge | Hi lifeless | 09:01 |
henninge | lifeless: looking at that QA | 09:02 |
dpm | thanks henninge, and good morning ;) I'll file a bug then - any additional info I should mention there? | 09:02 |
lifeless | henninge: thanks! | 09:02 |
henninge | dpm: "Enable queue approval through API" should be enough. You can mention what wgrant just said about being able to set potemplate and pofile | 09:03 |
dpm | ok, thanks henninge | 09:04 |
henninge | dpm: but there may be more to it because POTempalte and POFile entries might need to geet created during approval. | 09:04 |
dpm | ok, I'll add all the info | 09:05 |
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews | ||
dpm | henninge, ah, I've just noted I had filed a very similar bug a while ago, so I've just updated the info (bug 671329) | 09:20 |
_mup_ | Bug #671329: Enable translation import queue approval through API <api> <lp-translations> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> <Ubuntu Translations:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/671329 > | 09:20 |
dpm | *noticed | 09:20 |
LPCIBot | Project devel build #641: FAILURE in 5 hr 14 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/641/ | 09:34 |
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha | ||
allenap | adeuring: Are you in the mood for performance branch? It's a bit big, but reasonably straightforward... I hope :) https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/localpackagediffs-performance-bug-751321-queries/+merge/57778 | 10:11 |
adeuring | allenap: sure, I'll look | 10:12 |
allenap | adeuring: Thank you :) | 10:12 |
lifeless | mrevell: you have mail | 10:37 |
mrevell | Thanks lifeless! | 10:38 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
lifeless | mrevell: re the downtime | 10:50 |
lifeless | mrevell: do you mean to say 'rob, you should tweet on identi.ca on monday morning about this' | 10:51 |
lifeless | mrevell: or 'cannot do monday as there isn't enough warning' ? | 10:51 |
mrevell | lifeless, Sorry that I wasn't clear. I meant that I am happy to announce this for Monday, if that's when you want to do it, because I think that a full weekend's notice is plenty for such a short and localised disruption. | 10:54 |
danilos | adeuring, hi, got time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~danilo/launchpad/remove-primary-duplicate-reason/+merge/57839? | 11:21 |
adeuring | danilos: I'll look at your mp when I've finished a review for Gavin | 11:22 |
danilos | adeuring, cool, thanks | 11:25 |
danilos | adeuring, fwiw, this one is 40 lines, so shouldn't be too hard | 11:25 |
adeuring | allenap: very nice work, r=me. Just one details puzzled me: There are two XXX comments in a template "this cell needs 0 QUERIES per row". Zero queries doesn't sound like a bug ;) | 11:36 |
allenap | adeuring: Yeah, I left those there for completeness, but if they're puzzling then I shall remove them. Thank you for the review! | 11:37 |
jml | https://answers.launchpad.net/testresources/+addquestion is 34 queries for me. wtf. | 11:47 |
adeuring | danilos: r=me | 11:47 |
danilos | adeuring, thanks | 11:48 |
jml | lifeless: I've got a guy asking questions about testresources on an old blog post. He has asked a question that's a bit tougher than I'm willing to help with right now. Which forum should I direct him to for help? | 11:49 |
jml | http://code.mumak.net/2008/10/testresources-some-examples.html fwiw | 11:54 |
LPCIBot | Project windmill build #179: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 1 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill/179/ | 12:13 |
bigjools | jml: got a minute to talk about testtools? | 12:39 |
jml | bigjools: in a few minutes, need to grab some sandwiches from the kitchen first. | 12:40 |
bigjools | ok - just trying to work out how to use MatchesStructure and failing hard | 12:40 |
jml | bigjools: ah ok. | 12:45 |
jml | bigjools: I haven't used it before. Taking a look now. | 12:46 |
jml | bigjools: What are you trying to do? | 12:46 |
bigjools | jml: ok I think I got it now. The docs are wrong I think. | 12:46 |
jml | bigjools: what's the prob? | 12:46 |
bigjools | http://readthedocs.org/docs/testtools/en/latest/for-test-authors.html#matchers | 12:46 |
bigjools | it says: | 12:46 |
bigjools | matcher = MatchesStructure({'a', Equals(1), 'b', Equals(2)}) | 12:46 |
bigjools | I had to use = MatchesStructure(a=Equals(1), b=Equals(2)) | 12:47 |
bigjools | seems like I am the first to use this matcher in LP :) | 12:47 |
jml | wouldn't surprise me :) | 12:47 |
bigjools | it's very handy though | 12:48 |
jml | mwhudson wrote it for some Linaro stuff he was doing | 12:48 |
bigjools | I can use it to test new model objects | 12:48 |
jml | a thing that I often do with matchers is make new ones using lambda | 12:48 |
jml | IsAThing = lambda x, y: MatchesStructure(a=Equals(x), b=Equals(y)) | 12:49 |
jml | bigjools: just landed a doc fix. thanks. | 13:07 |
bigjools | jml: cool, thanks :) | 13:07 |
bigjools | it was invalid syntax anyway :) | 13:07 |
jml | hah, yes. | 13:12 |
jml | just goes to show that the best documentation review is from someone who's trying to figure something out. | 13:13 |
lifeless | mrevell: thanks please do | 13:16 |
lifeless | jml: anywhere I chat on | 13:16 |
adeuring | gary_poster: again a question about canAcess(): How can we say in the @operation_parameters decorator that the object can have more or less any schema? (I tried "obj=Reference(schema=Interface)", but that's a bit too naive...) | 13:23 |
gary_poster | adeuring...I don't know. :-/ benji, any ideas? | 13:24 |
* benji looks. | 13:25 | |
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: adeuring, bac | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews | ||
bac | hi adeuring | 13:27 |
adeuring | hi bac! | 13:28 |
benji | adeuring: I'm not certain, but I think using IField will give you a parameter that can take any value | 13:38 |
adeuring | benji: let me check again, but I think I tried that too,. just a second... | 13:39 |
adeuring | benji: InvalidInterface: Concrete attribute, IField | 13:40 |
benji | hmm, let me look at it a little more | 13:40 |
adeuring | benji, gary_poster: but I think meanwhile that we could as well use obj.canAccess(user, attrs), instead of user.canAccess(obj, attrs). All we need then is a simple mixin class | 13:41 |
adeuring | ...and no hassles with a "generic object" parameter | 13:42 |
benji | adeuring: oh, it wants a schema field, not an interface; if you still want to try something try using an instance of zope.schema.Field | 13:47 |
adeuring | benji: Ah, thanks! | 13:47 |
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan | ||
adeuring | benji: "@operation_parameters(obj=Field())" results in "zope.interface.exceptions.InvalidInterface: Concrete attribute, Field". Or did I misunderstand your suggestion? | 13:54 |
benji | That was my suggestion, unfortunately. | 13:55 |
benji | adeuring: if the parameter is an object, I'm pretty sure this will work: @operation_parameters(foo=Reference(schema=Interface, title=_('Foo'))) | 13:58 |
adeuring | benji: zope.interface.exceptions.InvalidInterface: Concrete attribute, Field | 14:00 |
benji | that's really strange because LP uses code like that all over the place | 14:01 |
benji | I wonder if your getting that error from something else; try commenting out the method that you're working on and see if the error persists. | 14:02 |
benji | s/your/you're/ | 14:03 |
adeuring | benji: can you give me an example where Reference(schema=Interface, title=_('Foo') is _really_ used? That's quite often used to avoid circular imports; the schema is later changed, I think | 14:17 |
benji | adeuring: you may be right; I had forgotten about the "change the interface later" thing we do | 14:18 |
abentley | henninge: https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/sharing-spinners | 14:20 |
abentley | henninge: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=exploratory-testing+upstream-translations-sharing&field.tags_combinator=ALL | 14:31 |
jcsackett | benji: are you the right person to bother if i'm hacking on launchpadlib? | 15:27 |
benji | jcsackett: most likely, what's up? | 15:27 |
jcsackett | benji: do you know if the docs in launchpadlib are just intended as examples of usage, or if they actually run as doctests? b/c they don't appear to be pulled in when you run bin/test | 15:28 |
benji | jcsackett: unfortunately the docs are not tested; I would love for that to change though. | 15:29 |
jcsackett | benji: ah. dig. that is a shame, as the docs looked like the right place for me to add a change for what i'm doing. i'll just add a unit test then. | 15:29 |
jcsackett | thanks! | 15:29 |
benji | np | 15:30 |
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away | ||
abentley | adeuring or bac: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/sharing-spinners/+merge/57888 ? | 16:11 |
adeuring | abentley: I'll look | 16:11 |
abentley | adeuring: thanks. | 16:11 |
abentley | adeuring: I noticed a conflict. Updating... | 16:12 |
adeuring | ok | 16:12 |
abentley | adeuring: updated. | 16:18 |
* adeuring is looking | 16:18 | |
jcsackett | adeuring, bac: can one of you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpadlib/add-questionset/+merge/57891 | 16:23 |
bac | yes | 16:23 |
bac | jcsackett: done. easy peasy. | 16:27 |
jcsackett | thanks, bac. | 16:28 |
* jcsackett wonders what the landing procedure is for launchpadlib... | 16:31 | |
bigjools | commit, pray | 16:31 |
jml | jcsackett: yeah, that's an interesting question, isn't it. | 16:32 |
jcsackett | jml: it is. i worry that bigjools is right. it looks like you just commit to a checkout version and push... | 16:32 |
bac | adeuring: so we don't step on each other's toes would you be sure to hit the 'claim review' button? | 16:38 |
adeuring | bac: whoops... ok | 16:38 |
bac | thanks! | 16:38 |
bac | jcsackett: are you going to update the version of launchpadlib LP uses? i see we're way back on 1.9.2 | 16:39 |
bac | er, 1.9.3 | 16:39 |
jcsackett | bac: er, i haven't thought about the version that launchpad uses. | 16:40 |
benji | jcsackett: https://dev.launchpad.net/HackingLazrLibraries#Landing%20your%20branches | 16:40 |
jcsackett | thanks, benji. | 16:42 |
bac | jcsackett: sorry, lost my internet | 16:43 |
bac | jcsackett: it isn't required but we should bump it at some point | 16:44 |
jcsackett | bac: dig. | 16:44 |
adeuring | abentley: r=me | 16:54 |
abentley | adeuring: thanks. | 16:54 |
jcsackett | sinzui: have some time to mumble? | 16:59 |
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch | ||
sinzui | jcsackett: sorry, screen locked up | 17:05 |
jcsackett | sinzui: all good. | 17:05 |
sinzui | jcsackett: I think my session is corrupted. I need a few more minutes | 17:08 |
jcsackett | sinzui: ok. | 17:08 |
jcsackett | sinzui: i could hear you. i think you cannot hear me? | 17:11 |
* jcsackett sees sinzui disconnected. | 17:11 | |
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno | ||
beuno | I can't assign bugs to people | 18:08 |
beuno | is that a known problem? | 18:08 |
jml | beuno: no, it's not a known problem. | 18:51 |
jml | beuno: it works for me. | 18:51 |
beuno | jml, can I debug somehow? | 18:52 |
beuno | I click on the person and nothing happens | 18:52 |
jml | beuno: what browser? | 18:52 |
beuno | jml, FF 3.6, stock 10.10 | 18:52 |
jml | hm. | 18:53 |
jml | beuno: that's just weird. | 18:53 |
jml | beuno: I'm in a bad position to help you right now. | 18:53 |
jml | beuno: sorry. | 18:53 |
beuno | jml, np | 18:53 |
jml | g'night all. | 19:24 |
jml | Will see you around. | 19:25 |
abentley | bac: could you please review https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/sharing-overlay-buttons/+merge/57935 ? | 19:55 |
bac | abentley: sure, you'll be next | 19:55 |
abentley | bac: thanks. | 19:55 |
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
abentley | bac: resubmitted due to missing prerequisite branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/sharing-overlay-buttons/+merge/57938 | 19:59 |
bac | abentley: looking now | 20:48 |
abentley | bac: ack | 20:48 |
bac | looks fine abentley | 20:52 |
abentley | bac: thanks. | 20:52 |
abentley | bac: Can you do one more? It's real short: https://code.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/fix-branch-precondition2/+merge/57945 | 20:53 |
bac | sure | 20:53 |
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews | ||
lifeless | moin | 21:22 |
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