
MTecknologyisn't there something like a https://launchpad.net/+me/+editsshkeys?00:09
MTecknologyso you can give a logged in user a link and have them go right there00:09
spivMTecknology: yes00:10
spiv(Some pages on help.launchpad.net use it for example)00:11
MTecknologythanks :D00:11
wgrantmaxb: It normally takes about 40 minutes.00:18
wgrantmaxb: The publisher runs at :03, stuff is marked Published in the first couple of minutes, and the master mirror sync normally finished around :45.00:19
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exarkunis launchpad broken?01:49
exarkunmy girlfriend is trying to do launchpad-login and getting a pycurl error about an invalid TLS packet01:49
mwhudsonexarkun: seems to work for me01:51
jcgsHi :) what do i do if I've found a mistake in some documentation?01:54
lifelesstell us ;)01:54
exarkunmwhudson: I guess it was transient01:54
mwhudsonexarkun: or some router between you and lp was having a moment, i guess01:55
jcgslifeless: the mistake is here https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey01:55
lifelessjcgs: a little more detail may help :)01:56
jcgslifeless: if you search for "step 11" then look at the line that says "Make a note of the pub id" the id should have the bit before the slash removed01:57
jcgslifeless: gpg doesn't like ids in the format given, only ones that just look like 1234567801:58
lifeless... slllllow wiki is slow01:59
lifelessthere we go01:59
jcgslifeless: thanks--impressively quick :)01:59
lifelessthanks for pointing it out01:59
jcgslifeless: another thing, if you go down a little bit to the next step, the command appears to work better if entered as "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys 12345678" rather than what's given, which will send they keys to keys.gnupg.net, because for some reason gpg treats everything after --send-keys as a key id :S02:05
jcgslifeless: cheers :)02:10
poolieboth register-merge and the project code homepage oare timing out02:51
poolieand https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1931K7002:52
pooliebut only once02:52
lifelesspoolie: disk io probably03:04
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ApsfHello I'm trying to use the LaunchPad_Temp_GUI.exe to use the demo program on the board but it says Please, select the COM port that your LaunchPad is connected to. - it won't let me do anything05:23
Apsfi don't understand what im supposed to do05:23
spmApsf: you're asking about a http://e2e.ti.com/support/microcontrollers/msp43016-bit_ultra-low_power_mcus/f/166/t/86652.aspx ? this channel is for queries regarding the launchpad.net website05:26
Apsfhaha oh05:27
Apsfi just assumed this was the official channel05:27
Apsftopic didnt seem too far off either05:27
Apsfsorry about that05:27
tsimpson"this channel is for launchpad, not launchpad" ;)05:27
lifeless'it is the official channel' :P05:59
pooliei'd like to ask about Sydney parking meters (which also claim to be powered by Launchpad)06:08
pooliedon't you have a lot of mission creep?06:08
lifelessthey do?06:16
poolieit just seems to be a commonly reused name06:22
philip_stoevhi, I just got "bzr: ERROR: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~maria-captains/maria/5.3/.bzr/repository/packs/d5e8e1da65e9025baf5293b8ab6dc7fd.pack is redirected to https://launchpad.net "08:09
philip_stoevare there any service issues?08:09
StevenKI've seen that once before08:16
StevenKWhat we think happened is the branch was being repacked as you were checking it out, so that pack results in a 404.08:16
StevenKIt should work fine if you try it again.08:16
lifelessthere is a bug open on this08:17
lifelesson both bzr and lp08:18
mrevellHow is Launchpad today?08:57
sorenI'm missing an e-mail here and there from a mailing list on Launchpad. Could I possibly pursuade someone to verify that it actually was sent before I attempt to get in contact with the gmail folks?09:26
lifelesssoren: is it in the list archives?09:28
lifelesssoren: and not sent during the switch failure we had 24 hours ago09:28
* soren checks the archives09:29
sorenI imagine so. Other people on the list got it.09:29
soren...and replied to it, which is how I know about it.09:30
lifelessthen it was sent09:30
lifelessif it was between 24 and 36 hours ago09:31
lifelessthen it may have been bitten by the switch failure we were suffering09:31
lifelessshould have store-and-forwarded09:32
sorenOk. I'll try and see if I can get the gmail folks to hunt it down.09:35
sorenlifeless: If the delivery failed for some reason... Where would the rejection message go?09:39
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lifelessit would come back in09:41
lifelessbut we have a high priority bug to sort out our reverse path09:41
lifelesslosa will know more09:41
mthaddonwell, gsa would - losas don't have too much visibility on that09:42
azmis there some metapackage for building from source ?09:48
azmlike libtool, autoconf09:48
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faganWho made the launchpad-reviews app?11:27
* fagan wants to hug them 11:27
fagan(and maybe add some code to it for the next release)11:28
faganThe funny thing about it is its in the repo and all but there isnt a lp project11:30
fagan(that I could find)11:30
wgrantIt's not part of lptools?11:30
faganwgrant: it seems to be a seperate thingy11:30
faganit looks like some quickly thing made in no time11:31
faganbut it could be improved a bit with a indicator or something11:31
faganor a nice notification11:31
* fagan is doing a lot of code reviews so it would be awesome to get it a little bit more usable 11:32
faganwgrant: so do you know who made it?11:46
faganits in the software center called launchpad reviews in the developer tools section11:46
faganwgrant: it is in lptools11:50
jmlfagan: I think dobey is largely responsible for lptools, but that lots of people made the various bits11:54
jmlfagan: poolie has often expressed interest in working on it.11:55
sorenIt says "# Author: Rodney Dawes <rodney.dawes@canonical.com>11:55
sorenIt's not working for me anymore, though.11:56
sorenTypeError: __init__() takes at least 4 arguments (3 given)11:56
faganjml: well ill ask dobey about it then and take it off his hands11:57
fagan(as a side project)11:57
jmlfagan: yay12:02
jmlI also really want LP to get some way of pushing notifications of events12:02
faganjml: it wont be hard to add in a notification...etc12:02
jmlbut tbh have no idea how to make that happen.12:02
faganjml: a lense :)12:03
fagando a nice lp unity lense12:03
faganits what the cool kids are doing12:03
jmloh no, what I mean is pushing events from the server so that client side apps don't have to poll.12:03
faganjml: ah now I get you. That would be interesting and a lot less strain12:04
jmlmaybe one day I'll wake up and lifeless & wgrant will have done it while I slept.12:04
faganjml: very wishful thinking12:04
sorenIf I have a build record (in a PPA) that refers to a source package that I've deleted... It'll just fail, right?13:12
exarkuneight new irrelevant bug notification emails in my inbox this morning13:15
exarkunI would like it a lot if https://bugs.launchpad.net/apport/+bug/755025 were fixed13:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 755025 in Apport "apport generates bug reports against the twisted project instead of a more relevant project" [Undecided,New]13:15
lifelessexarkun: thats an Ubuntu bug; I would like it fixed too, but you need to talk to e.g. pitti in #ubuntu-devel about it13:18
facundobatistaHi all!13:58
facundobatistaquestion: have bug #680128 that says "This bug report was marked for expiration 33 days ago."... how can I know when it will expire?13:59
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 680128 could not be found13:59
facundobatistaah, is private... anyway13:59
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smoserwhat permissions are needed to un-subscribe someone ?19:14
smoseri subscribed 'ubuntu-sponsors' to http://pad.lv/588725 [accidently] and need to remove them19:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 588725 in linux-ec2 (Ubuntu Natty) "instance had no console output" [Medium,Confirmed]19:15
smoseri dont see a way to do that.19:15
james_wsmoser, membership of that person19:16
smoserthats what i figured. seems possibly like the person who did the subscribing should be able to unsubscribe also19:17
smoserjames_w, can you quickly do the same on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mountall/+bug/65561619:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 655616 in mountall (Ubuntu Lucid) "Press S or M does not work for more than one partition on error" [Medium,Triaged]19:17
smoser(yes, i completely realize this is the wrong channel for that request)19:18
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
kikobac, ping?21:01
bachi kiko21:01
kikohow are you doing?21:01
kikogood to hear21:01
bacwonderful weather, friday afternoon...21:01
tedgSo I'm trying to use the LP API for modifying if a milestone is active.21:05
tedgThe docs imply there is an "is_active" property on the milestone object.21:05
tedgThough I get an error when I try to use that.21:05
tedgIs there some Python magic or something weird going on with this property?21:06
james_wtedg, what error do you get?21:06
tedgjames_w, Property doesn't exist21:07
tedgI tried to use it like "if milestone.is_active:21:07
james_wtedg, there's no magic I know of21:07
james_wit may be broken if it was added to the API in the last week or something21:07
maxblp.projects['bzr'].active_milestones[0].is_active works fine here21:08
james_wtedg, it's not "NoneType has no property is_active" you are getting is it?21:08
tedgLet me set up another test, I unfortunately closed the terminal.21:10
maxbIt must be a local problem - I just used the API to deactivate https://staging.launchpad.net/bzr/+milestone/2.0.721:11
tedgIt seems to be when I set it: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/594617/21:14
tedgjames_w, ^21:14
tedgFYI, the branch is here lp:~ted/ubuntu-dev-tools/inactive-milestones/21:18
tedgmaxb, What did you change?21:20
maxbSo, my tentative theory is that something is broken about milestones retrieved via product_series.milestone21:21
maxbIf I lp.load() the same milestone, it seems to work21:21
maxbAt which point this starts to go beyond my knowledge of wadllib & friends21:22
maxbI mean product_release.milestone21:23
tedgmaxb, The fact that you know the name of the lib is more knowledge than I have ;-)21:23
tedgmaxb, So if I do "lp.load(product_release.milestone_link)" it should work?21:24
maxbthat does sound plausible21:24
maxbDefinitely worth trying21:24
* tedg tries21:24
maxbSeems to work21:25
maxbWhat a weird bug21:25
maxbI should learn more about this stuff21:26
tedgmaxb, Cool, that works.21:28
kirklandwhy does launchpad always seem to timeout when i try to convert a bug into a question?23:54

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