
Unit193Hello juanantonio02:05
juanantonioIa m very happy with lubuntu 10.10, I'm using it in a 800 Mhz PIII with 256 Mb RAM (no graphics card), and lubuntu made it usable ;)02:07
juanantonioIn this moment I'm even trying to run daemons as the one of amule02:08
juanantonioand it is working, althoung Kad net it is not as stable as it is with the program02:09
juanantonioI am thinking of transposing to a 2,4 Ghz PIV PC that I have also02:10
Unit193What's it currently running?02:15
juanantonioThe PIV PC? Nothing, it has no RAM02:16
juanantonioand it is empty02:16
juanantonioI have a Q6600, it is my main computer with Kubuntu Lucyd64, I can have these ones to download and make a net with NFS02:17
juanantonioI tried and got once02:17
Unit193Don't try Kubuntu on your first computer ;)02:18
juanantonioNo, in fact I used SuSE 902:19
juanantonioand that's why I tried another distro based in KDE02:20
juanantonioI found it very logical, very easy to understand02:20
Unit193first computer = 800MHz PIII02:21
juanantonioAh, ok. No, I heard of lxde (in fact, I installed it in the K64 bits; it flied ;) )02:22
juanantonioand I thought it was a really perfect choice02:22
juanantonioNow I can tell it is02:24
juanantonioThe only thing I have to do is to try to configure an AGP 64 Mb Ati 7000 graphics card that I found02:26
juanantonioDo you thing it will be difficul to do it?02:30
juanantonioOk, I will tell you when I get it02:33
Quintindoes lubuntu menu auto update with newly installed programs?03:17
Quintinubuntu is too fucking slow on mom's bf's laptop03:17
Quintinso I'm going to try lubuntu.  should be super awesome right?03:17
Quintinor would netbook edition be better? :o03:18
Unit193Ick, Unity...03:18
Unit193Lubuntu would be better03:18
QuintinI figure I'll put lil icons on the menu for whatever he does, should be golden...03:19
QuintinI put lubuntu on mom's laptop... after struggling with normal installer not working, got it installed with text-mode.  reasonably fast... certainly faster than XP that was on it03:19
biffbaxtersometimes menu items might not show up if they are set gnome only, etc.. easily edited and fixed however.03:21
Quintinwoh woh hey now03:22
QuintinI don't want to edit anything, and they're certainly not bright enough to do so :P03:22
QuintinI should make a custom window manager for mom03:22
Quintinone button.  click it and it boots farmville03:23
Unit193biffbaxter: Did you see your OS in Linux Journal?03:23
biffbaxteryeah...that was nice03:23
Quintinwut.  biffbaxter is behind this craziness?03:23
biffbaxterlooks like there will be a followup article also03:23
Unit193Quintin: No, he has another one03:23
biffbaxterI maintain wattOS03:24
Nightshade_hello, i am new to lubuntu, just to clarify all thats different is that it has different packages and desktop installed right?03:24
biffbaxter#wattOSLinux here on freenode :)03:24
Unit193That's it... I went for #wattos03:24
Quintinit's ubuntu with ubuntu repos03:24
Quintinjust has lxde for the default wm03:25
Quintinand less cruft03:25
Quintinif you want your cruft back you can easily install it from apt I guess03:25
biffbaxterha :)03:25
Nightshade_thats what i thought, thanks ^_^03:25
Quintinsudo apt-get install ubuntu-common-cruft03:25
biffbaxterHA...thats a great apt-get command :)03:25
biffbaxterI think I might tweet that...hehe03:26
Nightshade_i dont mind LXDE but its not as easy to customize as gnome03:26
Nightshade_agreed that is a great command03:26
QuintinI asked Keith how his laptop was working and he said it was ok.. but slow sometimes... I think it ought to scream with lubuntu03:28
Nightshade_sounds like it03:28
Nightshade_i havent tried ubuntu on this netbook but lubuntu is very fast on here03:29
biffbaxterTweeted it :)03:30
biffbaxterha...made me laugh03:30
Nightshade_woot for epic tweets03:30
Nightshade_i have a twitter but no followers lol03:30
QuintinI hope I was credited :D03:30
Nightshade_agreed credits need to be given where credits is due03:31
Nightshade_i think im going to install irssi instead of using xchat03:31
Nightshade_i used to love irssi on ubuntu03:31
Quintinirssi is pretty win03:33
Nightshade_are there any other good ones?03:34
Nightshade_i like getting personal opinions instead of searching through mountains of threads on the subject03:34
Quintinto quote homer simpson:  why eat hamburger when you can have steak?03:34
Quintin(I'm vegan, but yea)03:34
Quintinbitch-x is ok03:34
Nightshade_ill have to check that one out, and thats cool03:35
Nightshade_i know theres a lot of positives to veganism as long as you get your protein03:35
Nightshade_i however love meat too much :-P03:35
Quintinenjoy your torture slavery and murder :P03:38
Unit193Some like WeeChat, I used to use Finch (more for IM)03:39
biffbaxterHey quintin i ran out of text to credit you but since I have an account :) - throw me one and I will tweet whatever you want..hehe03:42
Quintinhow would I reset mouse buttons system wide?  linux is not using the mouse buttons on this laptop properly03:43
Nightshade_i shall quintin i shall ^_^03:48
Nightshade_and also is there a way to set ctrl+shift+arrow to move to the different desktop with the currently selected window like in ubuntu?03:49
biffbaxterQuintin  gpointing-device-settings from repo or synclient might help (not knowing HW)03:51
biffbaxterNightshade - link to a nice Openbox keyboard binding guide http://urukrama.wordpress.com/2008/07/22/my-openbox-keybindings/03:53
Nightshade_thank you ^_^ i found myself doing that all the time and being like shit.....its not workin03:55
biffbaxterthe default for the lxde-rc.xml to shift desktops is ctrl-alt-arrows - easy to change however03:56
Nightshade_but i want the currently selected window to follow03:57
biffbaxteroh...alt-shift-arrows will move to desktop and bring current selected window03:59
Nightshade_thanks, i forgot that on my old ubu machine i changed it to ctrl -alt-shft-arrow XP04:00
Nightshade_just for future reference where is the keybinding file?04:01
biffbaxter/home/username/.config/openbox/lxde-rc.xml (at least in wattOS :) )04:03
Unit193lubuntu-rc.xml for Lubuntu04:04
biffbaxterThere you go :)04:05
Nightshade_once again thanks you guys are being unbeliveably helpful04:06
bioterrorBitchX is old04:08
bioterrordoesnt work what comes to mystical marks and letters like öÄÅ :D04:08
bioterrorno utf-8 support04:08
biffbaxtergotta head - nice chatting with you all - take care....04:09
Nightshade_okay, later biff04:09
Unit193Have a good one!04:10
biffbaxterthanks guys! go linux....stay light!04:10
Nightshade_and thanks bioterror i was about to download and install from source, saved me the pain of uninstalling it04:10
Nightshade_linux is THE BEST!!!04:10
Unit193Nightshade_: Are you looking for one with a GUI?04:10
bioterrorto be honest, there's really not that much of text based irc clients that can handle utf-804:13
Unit193irssi seems to be able...04:14
bioterrorirssi and weechat04:14
Nightshade_no gui is not necissary04:14
bioterrorI used to be a die hard ircII EPIC user04:14
Nightshade_oh i tried epic once04:15
Nightshade_im using the default right now but its pretty bland04:16
Unit193irssi, weechat and finch is what I would try (finch = pidgin)04:17
bioterrorif you dont have a pidgin, finch will fetch lots of dependencies :D04:17
Unit193...that it doesn't really need04:18
bioterrorhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/594316/ with --no-install-recommends04:19
Nightshade_it came with pidgin :-P04:19
Nightshade_but ill check them out, theyre all in the repos right?04:19
bioterrorshould be04:19
Nightshade__weechat looks a lot like irssi05:07
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as MrChrisDruif|AFK
=== MrChrisDruif|AFK is now known as MrChrisDruif
=== Timo__ is now known as Timo_
=== Nightsha1e is now known as Nightshade
Nightshadehello everyone20:22
Nightshade_i was here yesterday asking around for some good terminal irc clients, does anyone know any good GUI?20:27
Nightshade_oh hey bioterror20:28
bioterrorpeople seems to prefer xchat20:28
Nightshade_i dont like xchat, it wont let me use commands like when i try to do "/whois" it doesnt do anything20:29
Nightshade_i want one that i can use commands with20:29
Nightshade_or are those only terminal clients?20:30
bioterrorhttp://quassel-irc.org/ how about that?20:30
Nightshade_oh that looks quite good20:32
Nightshade_installing now20:36
Nightshade_just finished20:46
Nightshade_its not showing up in the menu20:47
Nightshade_just used the run command20:51
head_victimwhois works for xchat, it just shows in the server tab usually22:03
Unit193head_victim: Nightshade isn't here anymore...22:07
head_victimYeah, I was thinking that myself actually22:07
bioterrorhi sz23:32

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