
pittiGood morning06:40
RAOFGood morning pitti!06:43
* pitti yays about the flawless usb network support for phone tethering06:44
RAOFMy phone's bluetooth/USB tethering seems to have been disabled by android 2.2.  Fortunately, it's still perfectly happy to act as a wifi gateway.06:45
pittiRAOF: ah, I'm running cyanogen, and they tend to have some extra geeky features06:45
* bryceh_ waves06:48
pittiSweetshark: I don't see a LibO upload on chinstrap; can you just ping me and seb128 once you want us to sponsor?06:49
pittihey bryceh_, good evening06:49
bryceh_pitti, thanks for handling the upower fix so quickly!  that's a nice bug to get rid of, I'd been scratching my head over that one (and its dupes) for some time06:50
pittibryceh_: ah, yw; yeah, must have been a nuisance to debug this, thanks for that06:50
pittibryceh_: oh, btw; did you ever get auto-dupes for X.org freezes yet?06:51
bryceh_pitti, partly06:51
bryceh_pitti, I have some evidence it seems to be working for a portion of the bug reports, but there's still plenty I'm having to handle manually still06:51
bryceh_pitti, is there a way you can get a listing of bugs it is successfully able to dupe to existing bugs?06:52
pittibut at least it is working in general?06:52
pittibryceh_: we can look at the dup db, hang on06:52
pittibryceh_: what's a good string to search for in the dupe signature?06:53
bryceh_there's some classes of bugs I'm seeing MUCH less frequently now, and am curious if it's because they're getting duped, or because the bug no longer exists06:53
bryceh_pitti, "GPU lockup"06:53
bryceh_"GPU lockup.*EIR: 0x00000010" is one of the ones I'm particularly curious about06:54
pittisqlite> select * from crashes where signature like '%GPU lock%';06:55
bryceh_oh wait06:57
bryceh_looking at the script it only sets the signature to the error codes06:57
bryceh_so, look for "EIR: 0x00000010 ESR: 0x00000010"06:57
pitti(EIR: 0x00000010 ESR: 0x00000010 PGTBL_ER: 0x00000003 IPEHR: 0x01000000)|741431||2011-03-24 03:30:2806:58
pitti(EIR: 0x00000010 ESR: 0x00000010 PGTBL_ER: 0x00000100)|741653||2011-03-24 13:37:0006:58
pitti(EIR: 0x00000010 ESR: 0x00000011 PGTBL_ER: 0x00000002 IPEHR: 0x01000000)|757791||2011-04-11 22:42:1606:58
pitti(EIR: 0x00000010 ESR: 0x00000011 PGTBL_ER: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x01000000)|759542||2011-04-13 08:10:3706:58
pittibryceh_: bug 741653 got some dupes06:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 741653 in udev "[i965gm] GPU lockup (EIR: 0x00000010 ESR: 0x00000010 PGTBL_ER: 0x00000100)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74165306:59
bryceh_ahh, nice07:00
bryceh_how about (ESR: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x02000011)?  That should be another common one07:01
pitti03/28/11 08:14:20: checking #742663 for duplicate07:01
pitti03/28/11 08:14:34: Report is a duplicate of #741653 (not fixed yet)07:01
pitti^ that's from the dup checker log07:02
pittiso it seems to work in general07:02
pittibryceh_: above four results are all matches of "EIR"07:02
pittinow I actually need to get the dup checker back up, seems it's crashing right now07:03
bryceh_in general I'm not running into bugs with large quantities of dupes attached07:03
bryceh_so, I guess I can interpret all of this as that the quantity of gpu lockups people are having is diminishing in general (good)07:03
pittithe dup db gets the signatures from all reported bugs, even the ones without dupes07:04
pittiI haven't had a single lockup in natty, I think07:04
bryceh_I have ideas on how to construct signatures that'll dupe up more reliably, however I don't want to fiddle with it any further this release07:04
pittiall of these were compiz freezing and restarting :)07:04
bryceh_since if I change how sigs are calculated, it'll break the duping currently in place07:05
pittibryceh_: isn't it nice how we finally got freeze bug handling really well, now that we hardly need it any more?07:05
bryceh_seems like it always works that way07:05
bryceh_but you know, same thing happened with the xserver crash hook07:06
bryceh_by the time we got the hook working reliably, the frequency of crash reports took a nose dive, and these days we hardly ever get them07:06
bryceh_but...  I don't think those two factoids are unrelated ;-)07:07
pittiyou mean once you get good bug reports, it's much more likely to get them fixed efficiently?07:07
pittithat would at least be the positive interpretation :)07:08
bryceh_seems like if you make it twice as efficient to fix a given type of bug (crash, freeze, whatever), it pays off with like a >10-fold rate of bugfixing07:11
pittiwow, exponential efficiency07:12
bryceh_well, exponential effectiveness at least07:13
bryceh_it's like switching from a hand saw to a power saw07:15
bryceh_ok now I'm just babbling.  night!07:15
RAOFGood bug reports are surprisingly difficult to come across.07:15
RAOFbryceh_: Night!07:16
bryceh_RAOF, 'tis true.  It's insane how much time it takes to pry the necessary info out of reporters07:16
bryceh_I think next cycle I'm going to try to put some multiple-choice stuff into the apport hooks07:16
bryceh_"Did you experience an actual system lockup that required rebooting?"07:17
pittibryceh_: good night, sleep well!07:17
bryceh_"Has this happened more than this one time?"07:17
RAOFThat's not a bad idea, as long as there's an obvious way to short-circut and say “I know how to report bugs, thanks” (the kernel's hook doesn't)07:17
pitti"Are you willing to spend some time running test packages to get this fixed"? (and not filing if they say no) :-P07:18
bryceh_mmm, yeah07:18
pittiRAOF: well, TBH I actually like how the kernel does that07:18
pittimeans I don't need to know about their tagging policy du jour07:18
RAOFYeah, that part's good.07:19
pittithe lecturing about "have you tried upstream" etc. becomes redundant quickly, of course07:19
RAOFSome parts like “have you checked against the upstream kernel” (no, because I know that the aufs bug I'm reporting is in Ubuntu sauce ☺)07:19
pittiRAOF: so it clearly doesn't happen with an upstream kernel :)07:20
RAOFAh, but that's not the question: it's have you *tested* against the upstream kernel.07:20
RAOFAnd, um, no, I haven't :)07:20
pittiI'll go offline for a bit, will check in regularly, though07:44
didrocksgood morning07:46
RAOFOh, oh.  Has anyone else noticed banshee crashing on startup?08:11
RAOF*Man* there's a lot of SIGABRT crashes there.08:18
kamstrupmvo: good morning sir08:18
mvogood morning !08:19
kamstrupmvo: I was wondering if you could enlighten me about how apt-xapian and s-c extracts terms to index?08:19
kamstrupmvo: the case is that I am working on adding CJK support to xapian08:19
kamstrupmvo: and if you only use TermExtractor then I don't need to add public API, whereas if you use custom tokenization I may need to add some CJK routines to the public API08:20
kamstrupmvo: and I hoped you could save me some hours of scrutinizing source code :-)08:20
mvokamstrup: we don't do a custom tokenier08:20
kamstrupmvo: if you just use TermGenerator I am gonna kiss you!08:21
mvokamstrup: just the axapian.TermGeneator08:21
mvokamstrup: next uds ;)08:21
kamstrupmvo: w00t!08:21
mvokamstrup: let me double check inside s-c, but I'm pretty certain about it08:21
kamstrupmvo: my fear was that if I needed to add public CJK routines the upstream review would be so much harder to go through08:22
mvokamstrup: could you fix the issue that "-" is a split char too while working on the tokenizer (if its not much work)08:22
mvokamstrup: we use index_text_without_positions() and the spelling flag, so nothing fancy08:23
kamstrupmvo: sweet!08:23
kamstrupmvo: if you don't split on - then the search foo wouldn't match foo-bar ...08:24
kamstrupmvo: sorry, meant bar-foo08:24
RAOFchrisccoulson: You here old bean? I'm pretty sure I've got the compiz freeze malarkey figured out, and would like a hypothesis confirmed.08:29
mvokamstrup: hm, right08:29
Cimihi pitti, I'm not gettinf the symbol table/retrace as usual, so bugreports are useless for me08:36
Cimipitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/overlay-scrollbar/+bugs?field.tag=need-amd64-retrace08:36
kamstrupmvo: in zeitgeist-fts I use the trick of converting a few of the chars I don't want to split on into _ to obtain a mangled version that wont be split08:38
kamstrupmvo: then just do the same mangling on all queries and you're set08:38
chrisccoulsonhi RAOF, i'm here now08:43
RAOFchrisccoulson: Sweet.  So, just next time you get compiz to hang, could you attach to X - you'll need to ‘sudo gdb Xorg $(pgrep X)’ due to the vagries of our wrapper stuff - and print the value of grabState?08:44
mvokamstrup: heh :) we do something similar too, funny08:44
didrocksRAOF: you have weird greetings :-) "attach gdb"08:45
RAOFdidrocks: Even gdb needs hugs!08:45
didrocksRAOF: btw, Jason told me about the track (and I saw the bug report), nice work! ;)08:45
RAOFOr, occasionally, to suck the lifeblood of processes.08:46
chrisccoulsonRAOF, sure, can do08:47
RAOFdidrocks: It is excellent that today is Friday, and I can retire for the weekend secure in the knowlegde that it's *probably* not my fault :)08:48
didrocksRAOF: heh, yeah, a better way to really enjoy the week-end, I can understand you :)08:48
and471mvo, did you have anything to do with why apt-get update is so blazingly fast in maverick? :)08:50
mvoand471: not sure, but I will just claim it anyway :)08:52
mvo(maverick is … 6 months ago!)08:52
didrocksstone age!08:57
jbichahi, anyone want to look at these before the weekend? https://code.launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+activereviews08:57
pittiCimi: you mean that they are broken, or nonexistant?08:59
pittiCimi: I just revived the retracer an hour ago or so08:59
Cimipitti: not existant09:02
pittiCimi: ah, then they should catch up soon09:02
Cimipitti: tnaks09:02
Cimipitti: I just realized how important is your bot :-)09:02
* mvo just got a merge review for lp:~paulliu/flash-kernel/mx5 and wonders how that made it into his inbox09:04
pittihey rodrigo_09:29
rodrigo_hi pitti09:31
didrockshey rodrigo_, pitti09:32
rodrigo_hi didrocks09:32
pittibonjour didrocks09:32
pittiseb128: bonjour Monsieur09:36
seb128hello desktopers09:37
pittiyou look very natty today!09:37
seb128hey pitti09:37
seb128lol, thank you ;-)09:37
rodrigo_bonjour seb12809:37
pittiseb128: two things09:37
seb128quite some upgrades this morning, I was already a bit late to start and I decided to not run IRC before being done with upgrades and restart...which has been taking a bit longer than I though it would09:37
pitti(1) the apport dup finder is running again09:38
seb128was it broken?09:38
pitti(2) I had to reject your shared-mime-info upload, it reverted the MultiArch: flag09:38
seb128oh crap, thanks for catching that one up09:38
pittiseb128: I thought it crashed a few days ago on consolidation?09:38
seb128I copied the control from my previous on disk version but I didn't think about this one at all09:39
seb128pitti, well, I think I've uncommented the crontab job again to try earlier in the week before going to bed and that it worked09:39
seb128pitti, did you have to fix anything?09:39
pittino, it just worked09:40
seb128pitti, it might not have been crashing, but it's taking over an hour to consolidate09:40
pittiyes, it does09:40
seb128which was over my timeout waiting for retraces I needed09:40
seb128so I stopped it, declared it buggy and started the normal retracing ;-)09:40
pittiah, then I misunderstood09:40
seb128I'm wondering if we could do a db cleaning09:41
pittiit indeed takes very long because there are a large number of inconsistencies09:41
pittiI need to look at that, but not today when I'm in a train09:41
seb128pitti, you are in a train today? do you want me to cover for the meeting later?09:41
pittiseb128: I already updated the report, and Ken said he'd sit in it09:42
pittiit'll be a quick one anyway, I guess09:42
seb128ok great09:42
pittiseb128: yes, en route to Augsburg, to hopefully sign the rental contract today :)09:43
pittianyway, going offline again for a while09:44
pittiwant to save some battery power, and I can use some uninterrupted attention time for some upower hacking :)09:45
pittiif anyone wants me to come online, please ping my mobile phone09:45
rodrigo_ping mobile phone :)09:45
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, you marked https://code.launchpad.net/~rodrigo-moya/ubuntu/maverick/json-glib/fix-756426/+merge/57474 as merged and then as needs review again, is it uploaded now?10:03
seb128rodrigo_, cf my comment on the bug10:04
rodrigo_ah ok10:04
seb128rodrigo_, I got some issues on my 10.10 install so I bounced it back in the queue10:04
seb128I will fix that over the weekend10:04
rodrigo_what issues?10:04
seb128rodrigo_, btw can you take on a new bug?10:04
rodrigo_seb128, yes10:05
seb128rodrigo_, I mixed some non 10.10 versions in the install and it's a bit messed up and fail to build things now10:05
rodrigo_ah ok10:05
chrisccoulsonhi everyone!10:05
seb128rodrigo_, bug #75033410:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 750334 in gnome-settings-daemon "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGABRT in raise()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75033410:05
seb128rodrigo_, there is a clear description of the issue in the bug10:06
seb128rodrigo_, i.e what is wrong in the code10:06
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:06
rodrigo_seb128, ok, taking it10:06
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?10:06
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm great thanks, what about you?10:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - pretty tired! i was up quite late investigating bug 760644 last night10:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 760644 in firefox "Architecture-independent .DEB packages (_all.deb) not connected to software-center" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76064410:07
seb128did you manage to fix it?10:07
* mvo hugs chrisccoulson for working onthis one10:09
* chrisccoulson hugs mvo10:09
chrisccoulsonthat's better ;)10:09
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i figured it out, and know pretty much how to fix it. but i'm not sure i want to fix it for natty. this code is incredibly fragile and has no automated tests, and seems to break everytime someone touches it ;)10:10
chrisccoulsonbasically, it's meant to fallback to looking up a handler by extension name if the mimetype isn't registered, but that's completely broken :(10:10
seb128it might be better to fix in a sru10:11
seb128it gives you the sru testing time and the possibility to discard the update if it shows issues10:11
chrisccoulsonyeah, possibly10:12
seb128hey mvo10:12
mvohey seb12810:12
seb128mvo, do you have code in update-manager that could force installation of i.e the unity places?10:12
mvoseb128: yes and now :) I just uploaded a new version that deals with #759262 but I can add more code if needed to special case unity10:13
mvoseb128: that should be "yes and no"10:13
mvoseb128: the bug above seems to be about a guy who disabled recommends10:13
seb128mvo, ok, thanks, I'm still unsure how those users land without places but it seems that quite some user run into it10:14
seb128but it's perhaps unstable cycle installability issues10:15
seb128that should stop happening at beta time10:15
mvoseb128: yeah, give the interedependencies of unity I would point to installability issues during alpha/early beta10:16
mvoseb128: I guess I should add code to apt that makes it fail (or warn loudly) if a new recommends can not be installed10:16
seb128that would be nice10:16
seb128what would be nicer is to keep it flagged as a "suggest to install in a next dist-upgrade if it gets installable"10:17
kamstrupanyone knows which process starts zeitgeist on login - it's defnitely not unity (since 3.8.8 that is :-))10:25
kamstrupah, turns out to be zeitgeist-datahub that starts zeitgeist-daemon... :-/10:28
seb128kamstrup, zg-datahub has an autostart desktop in the xdg dir10:28
seb128kamstrup, but seems you figured it ;-)10:29
kamstrupseb128: yeah, that makes sense, but I was just expecting that the datahub didn't start the daemon before it was necessary10:29
glatzormvo, hello. I can now reproduce the "could not locatett-mscorefonts-installer" bug. see lp #71382910:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 713829 in aptdaemon "programming error in aptdaemon - I seem to have a program running some where that I cant find - I dont know if its XAMPP or the previouse download of WINE that I couldnt get to go through - how do I correct this? I cant use Synaptics and when I try to download from the manager it says I have to remove a program but it gives me an error when I try to romove." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/713810:35
glatzormvo, run apt-get install ms-ttcorefonts-installer but kill the terminal window during the EULA debconf question. the apt-get/dpkg/debconf processes will hang in the background. reboot et voila!10:37
mvoglatzor: woah, thanks!10:48
glatzormvo, I also committed some more bug fixes to aptdaemon trunk this morning10:49
mvoglatzor: I did a big of triage this morning, looks good afaict, I noticed one more unicode issue (#761386) and a funny overflow error10:49
mvoglatzor: the overflow one is a bit odd as it seems space is > 2gb?!?10:49
mvoglatzor: thanks, awsome, I have a look10:50
* mvo hugs supuer-glatzor10:50
glatzormvo, I love third party packages ...10:51
mvothey are "interessting" ;)10:52
mvoI prepare a update with your fixes now10:52
mvoglatzor: I get some lunch know, let me know if anything new comes up11:01
didrockslool: do you have the unity places daemon running?11:01
didrockslool: hey btw ;)11:01
faganmvo: ping11:04
faganIm having a bit of a problem with the recommended thing in the software center it doesnt seem to be easy to click on the first try11:05
faganits very strange11:05
faganIm wondering if its a bug or not11:06
faganhmmmm its working fine now thats very strange11:07
mvofagan: could you try under non-compz? I had some odd issues with compiz and passive grabs11:08
mvofagan: I will read scrollback, off to lunch now11:08
pittirodrigo_: ping> was that just a test, or need anything?11:10
pittiI'm in a train with power now, :)11:10
looldidrocks: I don't see it running11:10
loolWell I ran "ps fauxww|grep places"11:10
rodrigo_pitti, no, just a joke :)11:10
looldidrocks: Maybe it crashed?11:10
rodrigo_pitti, sorry, bad joke :)11:10
didrockslool: ok, it's a dup of bug #76122511:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 761225 in unity "unity-applications-daemon doesn't start up on login." [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76122511:11
seb128pitti, hey11:11
faganmvo: well ill give it a try after work and get back about it11:11
didrockslool: just fixed it in trunk, I'll distro-patch soon11:11
looldidrocks: Cool; thanks!11:12
pittirodrigo_: no problem :)11:12
didrockslool: yw ;)11:12
looldidrocks: I could only consider switching to Unity with alt-f2 in place, and this bug was basically making it unusable again for me  ;-)11:12
didrockslool: meanwhile, you can start the daemon by hovering the place icons in the launcher11:12
didrocksthen, it will start the application place11:13
didrocksand you will get alt + F2 back :)11:13
looldidrocks: Ah, I just tried running it by hand and that hadn't worked11:13
didrockshum, it should as we listen on the name, but well, anyway, just do that ;)11:13
looldidrocks: Indeed; awesome!11:13
loolhovering over places fixed it, launching it from an xterm hadn't helped11:14
didrockslool: ok, there is something missing on reactivation then, well, the main case is covered at least (just uploaded the fix)11:16
loolThere is one small thing which I'd like to fix, but I didn't manage to configure it: when the static workspace switcher is displayed, I can not easily see which workspace I'm currently on; it's only clear if there are windows on all workspaces (as the windows are shaded on inactive workspaces), but empty workspaces are very similar to the current one as they have a non-shadowed background11:16
loolI found some preferences in compiz to tweak the "background" colors but that didn't seem to affect the background image in workspaces11:17
didrockslool: yeah, the static switcher plugin is quite buggy in that regard, we have plans for oneiric, not for natty though11:18
Sweetsharkpitti, seb128: I have uploaded libreoffice_3.3.2-1ubuntu3 to chinstrap for sponsoring. I am still walking trough the translation wiki pages updating their status and verifying everything to be right in the patch. I still have to recheck writer, startcenter and math. If this is time critical you can sponsor now, if not: I will report back when I have verified and updated all wiki pages.11:18
loolOk; thanks, was hoping I was missing obvious11:18
pittiSweetshark: I think it would be fine to upload on Monday11:18
pittiSweetshark: if anything breaks, then we rather don't want to deal with it over the weekend, I think11:19
Sweetsharkpitti: I dont think it will break, I am just rechecking for copy paste errors.11:19
dpmhi Sweetshark, do you think it will be possible to add the ca-xv language pack as per bug 725746 before release?11:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 725746 in libreoffice "Missing language on LibreOffice -Catalan (Valencian)-" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72574611:23
Sweetsharkdpm: do you know the status of the translations? how complete are those?11:25
dpmSweetshark, they should be as complete as the main 'ca' language pack11:25
dpmwhich means very good11:26
dpmand also good community support11:26
Sweetsharkdpm: Well, the change itself is trivial. If it does not break anything -- sure.11:33
dpmSweetshark, if that works out, it'd be awesome, thanks!11:34
didrockspitti: when you get a chance to have a look, there are good fixes to get before the week-end of beta2 test in compiz/nux/bamf in the queue.11:59
pittioh, again?11:59
pittiah, indeed; I already accepted a bunch this morning11:59
didrockspitti: right, small/big fixes after the last update that will get nice to avoid dups12:00
didrockswas yesterday evening?12:00
didrocksoh ok :)12:00
didrocksdidn't see the bug report updated12:00
pittigtg, train stop coming up12:01
didrockspitti: ok, you can wait for bamf finally, there is another latest minute fix12:03
didrocksnjpatel is asking this so kindly you can't refuse ;)12:03
pittididrocks: too late :)12:18
pittididrocks: it's not that last minute, we at least have another week for fixes12:18
didrockspitti: right, I just expect that this week-end, with beta2, a lot of people will test :)12:18
didrocksso, we have a nice compiz fix waiting, just pending if they want one additional fix or not.12:19
* Sweetshark has all wiki pages updated.12:21
didrockspitti: so, there is new design changes coming, do you want me to drop the bug number there? (I subscribed the release team normally to them)12:24
Sweetsharkdpm: is bug 725746 only about l10n or also about the help package?12:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 725746 in libreoffice "Missing language on LibreOffice -Catalan (Valencian)-" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72574612:24
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
pittididrocks: subscribing u-release is fine12:25
didrocksok thankss :)12:25
didrocks-s, one is enough12:25
Sweetsharkdidrocks: http://bash.org/?400459 ?12:26
didrocksSweetshark: heh :)12:26
dpmSweetshark, I believe so, but let me ask...12:28
Sweetsharkdpm: according to http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Translation_for_3_3 both are at ~88%12:30
dpmSweetshark, yep, the translator confirmed that help should also be packaged12:33
Sweetsharkdpm: k12:34
dpmSweetshark, thanks a bunch!12:34
dpmSweetshark, sorry to be a pain, but the translator tells me that we should leave it and _not_ include the ca-xv translation. He meant to request the inclusion for 3.4, as he's not very happy with the quality of the 3.3.2 translation. Sorry for the noise and the extra work, but in case you've already started, could you undo any changes? I.e. not include the ca-xv package12:40
Sweetsharkdpm: I was just about to push it.12:46
* Sweetshark reverts12:46
dpmSweetshark, sorry about that, and thanks anyway12:47
* pitti waves BBL12:49
dpmSweetshark, for future reference, where do you check which languages to create an l10n package for? I just want to make sure whether I should close the bug or leave it open to request the inclusion of ca-xv for 3.412:51
Sweetsharkdpm: I mostly do what debian does ;)13:10
dpmSweetshark, ok, I'll ask the debian guys then :-)13:11
Sweetsharkdpm: oh, you mean where you see which pack we build?13:11
dpmSweetshark, yeah, I mean if there is a new language available at upstream, which is the criteria to package it? I'm wondering why for example the Icelandic translations were not included and translators had to request it.13:13
Sweetsharkdpm: I assume that mostly an oversight. The translation might have not been as good/complete before ...13:14
Sweetsharkdpm: I think a translation covering at least 60% might be worth considering, below that not really.13:15
dpmSweetshark, ok. So in the ca-xv bug, what's your recommendation? Shall we just close it and the translations will just be included in 3.4, or shall we leave the bug open for 3.4?13:16
Sweetsharkdpm: Its not too bad to let translators file a bug when they feel the translation ready. They know best.13:17
dpmSweetshark, ok, I'll add a comment, leave it open and re-ping you for 3.4. Thanks!13:18
Sweetsharkdpm: I would leave it open. Being very naive still when using launchpad: Is there a way to set it as a target for 3.4 (milestone?)13:18
Sweetsharkdpm: great!13:18
seb128why is firefox so stupid when it comes to open text files it download?13:36
chrisccoulsonseb128 - why, what's it doing?13:44
seb128it tries to open those with " " which obviously doesn't work13:44
seb128I have to save them on my desktop and double click on the file which is annoying13:45
chrisccoulsoni haven't seen that problem before :/13:46
seb128well I guess that's when it doesn't get the correct mimetype from the server or something13:49
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kenvandineseb128, there was a papyon release that fixes some bugs that upstream really wants us to have, they said the debian package will be uploaded tonight14:28
kenvandineseb128, should i update it or just sync it tonight when they get it uploaded to debian?14:29
seb128kenvandine, update please14:29
seb128syncs bypass the queue so you would need a bug with a debdiff asking for a sync14:29
seb128it's likely less work for you to just upload14:29
kenvandinewill do14:30
seb128hi abhinav-14:34
abhinav-seb128: hi :)14:34
seb128seems rodrigo is not online, he might be at lunch, but I will ping him when he's back14:34
abhinav-sure. I will be here14:34
rickspencer3hey all14:51
rickspencer3pitti, thanks for beta 2 yesterday! I like getting gifts from people on their birthdays14:51
seb128hello rickspencer314:52
rickspencer3hiya seb12814:52
rickspencer3all ...14:52
rickspencer3I am so stoked with 11.04 Desktop right now14:52
rickspencer3it's purring like a kitten for me14:52
rickspencer3seb128, didrocks how do the incoming crash reports look?15:04
didrocksrickspencer3: they look quite good, we didn't get a lot of new crashers15:05
seb128rickspencer3, quite low earlier today but not sure how many users had upgraded, I'm about to do a new review round15:05
didrocksrickspencer3: the ccsm "unactivate" plugin is almost fixed15:05
mterrytedg, three indicator-appmenu branches filed.   I may have more for dbusmenu, and emacs still isn't working perfectly.  :-/15:05
seb128rickspencer3, we got 2 crashes with the new version both fix commited in the hour they have been reported15:05
seb128hey mterry15:06
mterryseb128, hi!15:06
rickspencer3you guys are amazing15:06
seb128mterry, can you try to land those updates,backported commits to natty so they get testing over the weekend?15:06
tedgmterry, Okay, do you want me to review those right now, or wait until you have the total emacs picture?15:06
didrocksrickspencer3: there is a new compiz coming as well which fixes some annoying issues :)15:06
mterryseb128, yes...  for the two obvious ones.  one is risky and I want a tedg approval15:06
didrockshey mterry15:06
* didrocks just fixed the trash!15:07
mterrytedg, these 3 stand alone as bugs.  I'm going to wait on the dbus ones until I see the whole picture15:07
mterrydidrocks, hi!15:07
tedgmterry, Okay15:07
seb128mterry, well, I especially want the less non trivial one in before weekend to give it extra testing15:08
mterryseb128, OK15:08
seb128mterry, but sure, wait for ted reviews and to batch updates ;-)15:08
seb128we started receiving some libdbusmenu crashes for applications btw15:08
mterry doh15:09
seb128bug #752959 and bug #76111215:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 752959 in libdbusmenu "gimp-2.6 crashed with SIGSEGV in g_variant_is_object_path()" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75295915:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 761112 in libdbusmenu "kildclient crashed with SIGSEGV in menu_preferences_open_cb()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76111215:09
mterryI thought we fixed all those15:09
mterryseb128, ah yeah, I've seen the gimp one15:09
mterryCouldn't reproduce15:09
seb128mterry, it got 3 duplicates so maybe they have infosd15:10
mterryseb128, oh good, that's more dups than last I checked.  But the traces they had were not useful at the time15:11
* mterry goes back to emacs though15:11
seb128mterry, yeah I didn't mean to interrupt you15:11
seb128mterry, I will try if I find a way to trigger it or get a valgrind log15:11
seb128kenvandine, it could be nice to backport the fix for bug #75067115:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 750671 in indicator-datetime "Calendar entry's title should be trimmed in the Calendar" [Low,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75067115:13
kenvandineseb128, just did it :)15:14
kenvandinewell, testing now15:14
seb128kenvandine, excellent, I noticed it on my calendar as well today due to some incoming calls ;-)15:14
kenvandinei have several long ones too15:15
mvochrisccoulson: libnss3 is yours, right? we have a libnss3 2:something in dapper, so people with really old installs have trouble upgrading now15:23
chrisccoulsonmvo - yeah, that's sort-of mine ;)15:24
mvochrisccoulson: we probably need a epoch in natty as well or a special magic for this15:25
chrisccoulsonmvo - oh, that must have been built from another source package :/15:26
chrisccoulsonhow come we've never noticed this before? (it must have been an issue for dapper -> hardy upgrades too)15:27
pittirickspencer3: hey Rick15:27
pittirickspencer3: yeah, it was a nice gift indeed :)15:27
jibelchrisccoulson, because there's no package named libnss3 in hardy and it's been reintroduced in natty15:31
chrisccoulsonoh, yeah. that's because i renamed the package in natty15:34
chrisccoulsondang, that sucks15:34
chrisccoulsonmvo - so, people upgrading to natty still have the dapper libnss3 installed?15:35
mvochrisccoulson: well, there is a small chance yes, probably very rare15:42
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mvochrisccoulson: not sure we need to worry15:42
chrisccoulsonmvo - i think they need to be updating directly from dapper -> natty for it to be a problem15:44
chrisccoulsonas the old nss packages get removed at some point along the way (and replaced with the versioned libnss3-1d and libnss3-0d packages)15:44
chrisccoulsonbut they ship the same files15:44
mvook, if we force that via some conflict then thta should be fine15:44
chrisccoulsoni'll check that15:45
=== warp11 is now known as warp10
pgranerdidrocks, rickspencer3 suggested I talk to you, multi-head seems to have broke after todays update16:18
didrockspgraner: can you define what broke for you?16:18
didrocksI'm on multi-head and running unity16:18
pgranerdidrocks, I lost one monitor (desktop shows up on the left) and the monitors utility tells me they are both there and operational but I the right one thinks its one (blue light vs. orange when in standby)16:20
pgranerdidrocks, no errors in Xorg log16:20
didrockspgraner: do you have the same thing in the "classic" session?16:20
didrocksand "classic (no effect)"16:20
pgranerdidrocks, will need to log out and retry brb16:20
didrockspgraner: sure16:20
pgranerdidrocks, ok, got some weird results16:24
pgranerdidrocks, Classic was same as Unity session only one screen16:25
pgranerdidrocks, when I went into classic (no effects), I got both screens16:25
didrockshum, can be a compiz issue then16:25
pgranerdidrocks, I logged out, and then logged into Unity and then had both screens16:25
didrockspgraner: did you update compiz today?16:25
didrockshum… dunno then :/16:26
pgranerdidrocks, updated about an hour ago16:26
didrockspgraner: the last compiz update (before the one I just pushed so you can't have it yet) was few days ago16:26
pgranerdidrocks, I update everyday so I'm sure I have it16:26
pgranerdidrocks, from dpkg.log16:27
pgraner2011-04-15 09:44:50 status installed compiz 1:0.9.4+bzr20110411-0ubuntu216:27
didrocksok, there is one change here…16:28
didrocksand it's not related to it16:28
didrockspgraner: if you can reproduce it, like reboot16:28
didrocksand downgrade, reboot, make sure it doesn't happen16:28
pgranerdidrocks, sure, I have to step away for about 2 hrs, I'll file a bug and send you the number and I'll do several reboot tests etc...16:28
didrockspgraner: excellent, thanks!16:29
pgranerdidrocks, np16:29
dpmSweetshark, another l10n question: can we ship the localized LO product names as per the translations people submitted on the wiki? We talked about this the other day and translators are asking for it: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-translators/2011-April/004661.html16:31
Sweetsharkdpm: It would have required some more changes to the code, so I postponed it for now. Additionally, some translators translated the product name even in latin letters, while others did not. IMHO it would be better to get that consistent across languages before merging.16:39
dpmSweetshark, ok, ack with postponing. However, we won't get consistency across languages. All teams have got different guidelines: e.g. in Spanish they don't translate things such as «Software», whereas in Catalan and French it gets translated16:41
dpmSo we'll always have a situation where some languages will translate it and some won't16:42
pittiok, will spend the remaining time on some more hacking, have a nice weekend everyone!16:45
seb128pitti, thanks, you as well16:46
didrocksenjoy your week-end pitti!17:05
seb128mvo, oh!17:11
seb128mvo, update-manager stopped hanging when dismissing the password dialog, well done!17:11
mvoseb128: yeah!17:15
seb128mvo, that makes me unsure, didrocks was going to be my hero of the day but I'm pondering with you after noticing that one ;-)17:16
didrocksmvo: how can you steal that to me!!! :-)17:16
mvoseb128: what did he do? I know its enough that he just is :)17:17
seb128mvo, out of being awesome every day this cycle? he just fixed an unity crasher ;-)17:17
chrisccoulsoncan i be somebodies hero? i'm feeling left out here ;)17:18
seb128chrisccoulson, start by making firefox open files with a command different than " " ;-)17:18
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think you must have broken something in your config :P17:18
mvoseb128: heh, yeah, thats what I meant, its enough that he just is :)17:18
chrisccoulsonseb128 - have you got a link to the file that doesn't work?17:19
mvodidrocks: 1 day hero == mvo 364 days hero == didrocks17:19
didrocksmvo: I don't think that's it, TBH, even if I really would like to! :-)17:19
* mvo hugs didrocks17:20
* didrocks hugs mvo back!17:21
* didrocks hugs seb128 as well for his kind words17:21
* seb128 hugs didrocks17:28
* hyperair pokes didrocks 17:28
hyperairdidrocks: did you get the bug mail about librarywatcher?17:29
didrockshyperair: yeah, I saw the change17:29
hyperairdidrocks: er what change?17:30
hyperairdidrocks: it was a question directed at you =\17:30
didrockshyperair: not sure we are speaking about the same email then, let me look at it again17:31
hyperairbug #76090217:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 760902 in banshee "Banshee's Library Watcher should be disabled by default in Ubuntu 11.04" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76090217:31
hyperairyes or no?17:31
didrockshyperair: ok, was talking about17:32
ubot2Gnome bug 623590 in User Interface "Help user in showing how to import music into banshee" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:32
didrockswas pretty related ;)17:33
hyperairwell, i'd totally take the new patch, but the main issue is.. do we leave librarywatcher enabled or not?17:33
hyperairyeah it was17:33
didrocksTBH, I didn't use it so much extensively, I have no objection for the removal…17:34
didrocksbut it's what import from rhythmbox, isn't it?17:34
hyperairno it isn't17:35
hyperairlibrarywatcher is the inotify watcher17:35
hyperairthe inotify importer17:35
seb128check with dobey17:35
seb128rb was relying on it for get u1 songs imported17:36
seb128not sure if that's the case there as well17:36
seb128the way it worked is that they download the files on disk17:36
didrocksanyway, I think that disabling something is like a FFe, so rt should be aware of it17:36
seb128it relies on the library watch for those to be listed17:36
seb128not sure if that's a rb specific though17:37
seb128or if they push u1 songs to the library in some way17:37
dobeywell, in rhythmbox we insert a second library path17:39
dobeywe can't do that in banshee17:39
dobeythe inotify watcher doesn't help or hurt us in banshee17:40
seb128ok, so that's a "u1 doesn't need it"17:40
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, did you not turn off python-gtkspell in gnome-python-extras? do we have 2 source packages providing that now, or am i confused?17:40
chrisccoulsoni remember now17:41
seb128chrisccoulson, being confused, taking a penalty card17:41
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seb128mterry, bug #761990 btw just for your info it's low priority18:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 761990 in ubuntu-geonames "return non localized countrie names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76199018:12
seb128mterry, localized cities work now but the (Countries, ...) info are not18:12
mterryseb128, right...18:12
* mterry will have to check whether that's in the data or not18:12
mptseb128, does "Startup Applications" settings still exist in Gnome 3?18:19
seb128mpt, yes18:20
slomowhat's robert ancell's nick?18:35
kenvandineslomo, robbert_ancell18:37
slomook, not here apparently18:37
slomois it still possible to get changes into natty? he took an upstream change to gst-plugins-good that breaks a lot ;)18:38
kenvandineslomo, nope18:38
kenvandineslomo, depending on the bug, maybe18:39
slomowell, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64732618:39
ubot2Gnome bug 647326 in gst-plugins-good "[pulsesink] Produces crackling sound" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]18:39
slomoand i'm surprised that nobody else reported that yet to you18:39
Sweetsharkseb128, pitti: Anyone interested in sponsoring bug 753584? jasoncwarner found it important.18:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 753584 in ayatana-design "New Libre office icons are used in the launcher but not in Nautilus / Dash search results" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75358418:39
slomoit's very easy to reproduce and happens in many situations18:39
slomokenvandine: so, what paperwork needs to be done to get that patch removed? :)18:42
seb128no, just upload with a changelog describing the issue18:43
kenvandineslomo, weird not more people are reporting it18:45
slomoyes, no idea why nobody else reported this18:48
seb128Sweetshark, sorry not today but maybe kenvandine can help you18:48
kenvandineSweetshark, i can18:48
dpmhey ronoc, all set for the session? May I ask you to join #ubuntu-classroom-chat and #ubuntu-classroom-backstage as well?18:52
kenvandineSweetshark, is sladen already working on sponsoring it?18:54
Sweetsharkkenvandine: I dont know, sorry.18:54
kenvandinehe updated the bug 7m again18:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 7 in launchpad "Need help for novice translators" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/718:55
* kenvandine asked in #ayatana18:55
kenvandineSweetshark, if he isn't, i'll take a look18:55
didrocksenjoy your week-end!18:57
ronocdpm, grand18:57
Sweetsharkkenvandine: great, thanks.18:57
kenvandineSweetshark, sladen has already uploaded it18:59
kenvandineit's in the unapproved queue18:59
Sweetsharkkenvandine: k thx19:00
dpmronoc, cool, good luck with the session!19:01
ronocdpm, thanks19:01
hyperair /lastlog dobey19:09
vishhyperair: haha! now we know you spy on dobey  ;p19:19
hyperairvish: heh. ;-)19:19
hyperairvish: if you /lastlog dobey, you'll see that there are some responses relevant to me :-)19:19
hyperairre: u1ms19:20
hyperairand librarywatcher19:20
vishah! yea..19:20
hyperairi was waiting for a ping, but it never came, so i figured let's /lastlog19:20
abhinav-rodrigo_: Hi, seb128 told me to seek your help about this bug in tomboy: bug 757635 , the merge proposal hasn't been reviewed19:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 757635 in tomboy "Hitting delete key while focus in search box triggers deletion of note" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75763519:31
abhinav-rodrigo_: I also sent the patch upstream but the upstream developers haven't been able to look at it :) (I just talked to sand a few hours ago as well)19:31
mterrytedg, ok, a couple dbusmenu branches and an appmenu-gtk one for ya (with the sad sight of a blacklisted emacs).  I haven't totally given up on it yet, but I'm close.  :)20:02
mterrytedg, did you get a chance to look at my previous appmenu branches?20:03
tedgmterry, I'm actually reviewing them right now.  I dont' think the root changed is that risky.20:03
tedgmterry, I mean, it's using tested code.20:03
tedgmterry, It's slightly expensive as you noted, but I think that it's a reasonable approach.20:04
mterrytedg, yeah, that's what pushing and watching bug reports is for anyway  :)20:04
mterrytedg, I can prep distro patches for appmenu, dbusmenu, and appmenu-gtk then20:04
tedgmterry, http://i.imgur.com/y7Hm9.jpg  ;-)20:06
tedgmterry, You shouldn't need to do that, you can just merge from trunk.  I think that's better than putting stuff in /debian/patches20:07
mterrytedg, oh right.  you dx folks and your bzr20:07
* mterry prepares to screw up your history20:07
mterryI'll wait until you're done with reviews then20:08
* tedg feels confident bazaar can handle it. We're not using something fragile like git ;-)20:08
dobeytedg: i ♥ that image.20:17
tedgdobey, It's pretty awesome.  Hat tip goes to bueno there.20:18
tedgmterry, Could you review this one, and we can distro patch it at the same time: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/dbusmenu/lp761112/+merge/5789920:20
mterrytedg, hrm, the same checks should go into my https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/dbusmenu/activate-new-items/+merge/57939 merge20:22
tedgmterry, That's what I was just looking at :-)20:22
mterrytedg, let's merge yours first and I'll rework mine to use a function and call it from both places20:23
tedgmterry, okay20:23
tedgmterry, done20:24
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Sweetsharktedg: Well, LibreOffice/OpenOffice.org can easily make any SCM sweat, I guess.20:30
tedgSweetshark, Is LO using Bazaar?  I thought they were using git20:30
chrisccoulsondoes anyone else see these errors in their error console in firefox:20:33
Sweetsharktedg: LO is using git, OOo is using hg, and was using SVN and CVS before. Each having its own set of difficulties. SVN was the worst though.20:33
chrisccoulson"Error: uncaught exception: aPlacesNode must have _DOMElement set"20:33
mterrytedg, try lp:~mterry/dbusmenu/activate-new-items now20:33
tedgSweetshark, Ah, yeah.  SVN is fine, better than CVS, but I'm not a huge fan.  It seems like too little too late.20:34
tedgchrisccoulson, I don't.20:34
tedgmterry, Looking20:34
chrisccoulsontedg - thanks20:35
seb128chrisccoulson, dunno I gave up on firefox since it refuses to open my files, I'm using w3m rather ;-)20:37
tedgmterry, Looks good20:38
seb128(you will get an url next time it happens)20:38
chrisccoulsonyeah, that would be useful :)20:38
seb128but the "error" tab is empty in my firefox20:38
tedgkenvandine, Distro patch?  https://code.launchpad.net/~jbicha/indicator-sound/support-gnome-control-center-3/+merge/5743520:39
seb128chrisccoulson, the file was a json one if that matters, but well it's not the first time I run into buggy cases, I guess it gets confused when it's not a type it knows20:39
kenvandinetedg, looking20:43
kenvandinetedg, sure20:46
mterrytedg, so do I need paperwork to release new versions of these?20:47
chrisccoulsonhmm, this is annoying. i see these errors in firefox here but i can't recreate them when i have chromebug running20:47
chrisccoulsoni love heisenbugs ;)20:47
seb128mterry, the paperwork is to pay beers at UDS to you team mates there20:50
seb128mterry, those are bug fixes, just upload20:50
mterryseb128, sure, but didn't know if we were in some super freeze20:51
mterryI guess they have to be approved, but no paperwork20:51
chrisccoulsonmmmmmm, beeeeeeer20:51
seb128see, chrisccoulson has some highlight keywords ;-)20:52
seb128mterry, joke aside hard freeze is next thursday20:52
seb128mterry, until they people will review diffs from whatever is in the queue20:52
seb128mterry, if you break a feature or ui or string freeze you better have a bug to document that but fixes are fine to just upload20:53
seb128"until then"20:53
cyphermoxcould someone sponsor an update of m-b-p-i? https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu/natty/mobile-broadband-provider-info/20110415/+merge/5794620:54
robbiewmterry: I think you should propose DejaDup for main and the official backup application for desktop...really solid app my friend ;)21:09
rickspencer3 DejaDupe on the CD?21:10
mterryrobbiew, heh, thanks!21:11
robbiewrickspencer3: +121:12
mterryrobbiew, we've got time to squeeze it into natty right?  let me file an FFe  ;)21:12
robbiewgood luck with that21:12
rickspencer3robbiew, since jasoncwarner is gone, now's your chance to meddle with the desktop21:12
rickspencer3mterry, you could do an MRI and FFE by Monday, right?21:13
rickspencer3no problem21:13
robbiewmterry: you could do an MRI...but probably want an MIR...you know, unless you got something physically wrong that I'm not aware of21:14
rickspencer3that's what I mean, the medical procedure21:14
rickspencer3was there some ambiguity21:15
mterrytedg, ok, all merged and pushed to bzr/ubuntu.  now just waiting for approvals21:29
tedgmterry, Sweet!  Let the testing begin!  ;-)21:30
Sweetsharkjasoncwarner: ping?\23:52

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