
=== sconklin is now known as sconklin-gone
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelis there a way to extend https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/MultipleISOBootUSBKey for alternate images or is this way only possible with the desktop images?01:46
quentusrexAnyone here know how to get more detailed application profiling info? I have an application that runs 4x faster on CentOS Intel boxes as it does on an Ubuntu 10.10 AMD box(with more cores, and faster speed). 03:55
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
nelhageI'm trying to build a 2.6.39-rc2 kernel using make-kpkg and the config extracted from a mainline PPA kernel. The mainline PPA kernel boots, but mine doesn't. Is there anything obvious I might be doing wrong?04:08
nelhageMy command line is: make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --append-to-version nelhage2 --us --uc --initrd --bzimage kernel_image04:10
aakshayjjohansen, hi.. i am done with scull driver thoroughly now how can i start contributing the community? do i need to first study more? please suggest.. thanks04:38
jjohansenaakshay: which community?  aakshay are you more interested in anything kernel or ubuntu kernel04:50
jjohansenanything kernel -> http://kernelnewbies.org/04:50
aakshayjjohansen, yes.. i am intrested in ubuntu kernel development. :p04:50
jjohansenaakshay: ubuntu kernel, the place to jump in is kernel bugs04:51
aakshayjjohansen, ok... what bugs can i start with?  04:51
jjohansenaakshay: there is bug triaging and then there is taking any of the bugs associated with the linux package and working on it04:52
aakshayi have seen the list of bugs but was not able to select one. can u please help me choosing one for a begineer? :)04:52
jjohansenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BugTriage/BugDay 04:52
jjohansenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BugTriage/Process 04:52
jjohansenhttp://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam/?p=6208 04:52
jjohansenthose are triage links but bugs can be found in them readily enough04:52
jjohansenhttp://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/jfo/kernel-buglist-by-team.html 04:53
jjohansenthat is the hot bug list04:54
aakshayjjohansen, thankyou  so much but i am done with triaging.. i want to enter into the bug correction.. 04:54
aakshayso which bug can i start with?.. :p04:54
jjohansenaakshay: triage links don't need to be used for just triaging there are a lot of bugs in there04:55
jjohansenaakshay: anything that grabs your interest and isn't assigned04:55
aakshayjjohansen, ok... :).. 04:55
jjohansenwell you could work on some of the assigned ones too ;)04:55
aakshaythen i visiting the links and will try to find one bug for me... :p04:56
aakshayjjohansen, thanks a lot.. :)04:56
jjohansenaakshay: np04:56
aakshayjjohansen, and what to do if i would like to enter into the driver development or kernel development?.. 04:57
jjohansenaakshay: that is more upstream kernel work, identify an area your interested in04:58
jjohansensay its filesystems and maybe btrfs in particular04:58
jjohansenjoin the fs-devel mailing list and the btrfs mailing list, go to their wiki (if the project has one (btrfs does))04:59
jjohansenstart by following along, and maybe picking out a bug or something to work on04:59
jjohansensubmit patches, get feedback, rinse and repeat04:59
aakshayjjohansen, ok.. sorry but how to join the mailing lists? 05:00
jjohansenyou do it enough you become part of the project community and as you get more involved you know more what needs done05:00
jjohansenaakshay: it will depend on the project05:00
jjohansena good place to start is http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/docs/lkml/05:01
aakshayjjohansen, woow!!! it sounds more fun now....  05:01
jjohansenthat isn't every project but its a good start05:01
aakshayi am starting  with the links... 05:02
aakshayjjohansen, thanks for guidance.. :)05:02
=== michaelh1 is now known as michaelh1|away
* apw yawns06:24
* RAOF fills apw's gaping mouth with bees.06:25
apwwoh, harsh06:25
RAOFNo, they're stingless bees.06:26
RAOFNative Australian bees.06:26
RAOFThey make for a very nice gargle.06:26
apwharsh for the bees06:26
apwgargling with bees, thats an unusual game and no mistake06:27
RAOFThey're deliciously tickly.06:30
apwsmb`, hey ... whats the status of the fix for bug #53946708:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 539467 in linux "SATA link power management causes disk errors and corruption" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53946708:09
=== smb` is now known as smb
smbapw, morning08:11
apwmorning :)08:12
smbapw, I think there was some blacklist fix going somewhere for one specific nvidia chipset08:12
smbbut I have not checked about that upstream08:12
smbor I cannot remember to have08:13
smbAnd any other affected controllers would need to extend that blacklist if it is there...08:13
smbapw, ... in theory "libata: Implement ATA_FLAG_NO_DIPM and apply it to mcp65"08:15
apwit doesn't seem to be in mainline then so far sm08:16
smbGuess then I need to ask, it went to Jeff Garzik+linux-ide08:16
smbapw, I put you on cc08:21
jk-smb & apw: I've implemented 'patch update notifications' on patchwork.ozlabs.org08:24
jk-so the sender gets notified when the patch state changes08:24
jk-want me to enable this on ubuntu-kernel?08:24
apwi don't know how closly the stable team is tracking patchworks at the moment08:25
smbHonestly I am not sure how much in use patchworks is anymore08:25
smbapw, Stop saying my thoughs before me. :-P08:26
jk-yeah, there's a bit of a backlog there08:26
apwi think the lack of per release info has been a major blocker on it08:27
* jk- ponders08:27
apwsmb how is bug #63448708:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 634487 in linux "t1.micro instance hangs when installing java" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63448708:36
smbapw, Well I was not able to reproduce it with CentOS 5.5 + Xen (3.0.3 and 3.4.3) locally. So it really looks to me like something that is hidden in their host environment. Did not get much feedback to my findings though, so I have not followed up08:40
apwok thanks08:47
bj0_aufs not work in .37?09:28
eagles0513875_hey gusy not sure if you can help me but every time i try to connect to my wpa2 wifi connection natty kernel panics. my wifi card is an atheros card09:35
eagles0513875_gnomefreak: do you kn ow how i can file a feature freeze exception to get the kernel patched asap on natty09:52
gnomefreakdorry i ner not09:56
eagles0513875_ok :( this is an urgent fix that need to be included09:56
gnomefreakdamn my typing suck today. im not good with gum_carlies10:02
gnomefreakjust for the record all day yesterday i was unable too boot using 2.6.38-8-generic-pae it kept restarting and/or freezing up. ill be back another smoke would be great.10:05
eagles0513875_and im having kernel panic issues which i have a fix for10:05
eagles0513875_but nto sure who to talk to10:05
smbeagles0513875_, If you got a fix and a bug report going with it I would write an email to kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com pointing to those. There should be no need for ffe unless your fix is a whole new feature10:08
eagles0513875_no its a patch to the current kernel in natty10:09
eagles0513875_thanks smb  :) thats exactly the info i needed10:09
eagles0513875_will do that when i get home10:09
smbthat should be ok then. more a question is seeing trees in the forest :)10:09
apwyep, we will need a bug filed if there isn't one, and get the patch out.  make sure it says where the patch came from, or is properly signed off if it is new10:10
eagles0513875_i have the link of the patch as well :) 10:10
eagles0513875_courtesy of some kind people from upstream and the kernel channel :) 10:10
apwall the provenance information including the link is great10:12
eagles0513875_apw: ya its imho for those with atheros cards a big show stopper for natty10:14
bj0_is there a way to enable aufs support in .36 or .37 kernels w/out recompiling the kernel?10:17
apwbj0_, in the mainline kernels ?  aufs is not in those kernels10:35
bj0_apw: are the mainline kernels different than what ships with the releases?10:38
apwyes, they are mainline kernel sources without any ubuntu patches10:38
apwaufs is an out of tree driver, and included as part of the ubuntu delta, and therefore not in mainline kerenels10:38
bj0_do you know if it will be in the 11.04 release?10:39
apwbj0_, aufs2?  yes it is included in the natty kernels, needed for the CDs10:41
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=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
ogasawaraapw: I got ya covered for the meeting14:02
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-office
fairuzHi, I got "Suspending console(s) (no_console_suspend to debug" . How to disable the console suspend? I tried to add no_console_suspend to the bootatgs but no luck.14:34
hertonfairuz: how do you added no_console_suspend, eg. did you edited /etc/default/grub, added no_console_suspend to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, and run update-grub2?14:52
JFoapw / ogasawara let me know when you'd like to go over those bugs that Pete mentioned14:54
ogasawaraJFo: gimme 10min, I'm documenting it in the wiki for the release manager tasks14:55
JFook, I thought you might be :-)14:55
ogasawaraJFo: apw might be out and about for a while.  you and I can at least get a jump on the list and anything we have questions on we can craft an email.14:56
JFosounds good14:57
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-office
ogasawaraJFo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/linux/+bugs15:05
MrBeanAChi guys15:21
gondoiapw: I finally got a bug report created: #76180915:22
MrBeanACI habe a question: I installed the maverick backported kernel within Lucid Server. But I cannot find the corresponding linux-source-2.6.35 package... any idea?15:22
MrBeanACI also checked the mainline folders... a lot of versions do not include the source package... why?15:23
MrBeanACmodule-assistant i.e. needs that package15:24
=== herton is now known as herton_lunch
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=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
JFoback now16:21
ogasawaraJFo: almost done with my part in the release meeting, will ping you when I'm ready to resume going over the list16:21
JFocool :)16:21
ogasawaraJFo: ready?16:33
JFoI am indeed16:33
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
sconklintgardner: you made a commit to the maverick meta "Add compat-wireless-2.6.38 meta package", should that also be made to the ports metapackage?16:50
tgardnersconklin, I think LBM is only built for i386/amd6416:50
tgardnerfor Maverick. lemme check for sure16:51
tgardnersconklin, yep, thats the case.16:52
sconklintgardner: ok, thanks. Turning the crank.16:52
sconklinsevere weather here - if I drop that's why16:55
JFo<-grabbing lunch, back soon17:02
=== hallyn_afk is now known as hallyn
bjfJFo: you might be interested in: http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/1-day-new.html  http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/7-day-new.html   http://people.canonical.com/~kernel/reports/30-day-new.html17:45
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
=== sforshee is now known as sforshee-lunch
JFobjf, I am indeed18:15
JFooh, and bjf, on the not seeing mail from bugs, I hadn't noticed, but I will have a look to see if I am seeing the same18:16
JFothat 1-day-new report will come in really handy18:24
* tgardner --> lunch18:36
=== cmagina-afk is now known as cmagina-office
=== sforshee-lunch is now known as sforshee
smoserwill a rebase to (upstream stable) be done before release ?19:30
tgardnersmoser, no more rebasing, but is already applied to master-next19:32
smosermaster-next ?19:32
smoserfor -updates ?19:32
smosersorry for not understanding what that means19:32
tgardnersmoser, its the working branch, but typically includes the next stuff to be uplaoded.19:32
smoserso "no more rebasing". did that mean "this will not make natty release"?19:33
ogasawaraI believe apw is planning to do one last upload on monday which will include the patch set19:33
tgardnersmoser, I doubt if this will get uploaded before final release.19:33
tgardnerum, I sit corrected.19:34
smoserso the end result is that i would expect bug 662288  to be fixed19:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 662288 in linux "rt3090: freeze on module rt2800pci unload" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66228819:34
smoseras the opener says its fix is in
ogasawarawe can probably add the bug number to the changelog so it'll get closed automatically19:35
smoserwould it be appropriate to mark it "fix-commited" then ?19:36
smoseri'll eleave that to you.19:36
ogasawarasmoser: lemme just double check the commit is actually applied to master-next.  I'll fix up the bug status accordingly.19:38
smoserthank you.19:38
ogasawaratgardner: I'm gonna update master-next to shove the buglink in the commit message for 662288 so it get's closed by the janitor when we upload19:44
tgardnerogasawara, ack19:45
* jjohansen -> lunch20:55
quentusrexIs there any way to specify the kernel CONFIG_HZ option from the boot line?21:04
sforsheequentusrex, no, afraid not21:06
quentusrexIs there a tutorial for how to rebuild the stock server kernel and change only this option?21:06
quentusrexsforshee, I see tutorials on how to build the latest git repo, but I'm looking to just build the exact kernel package, but with one config change.21:10
sforsheequentusrex, not that I know of. The closest things I know of are the KernelMaintenance and Maintenance/Advanced pages at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev21:10
sforsheeyou'd have to edit the server flavor config file and edit it there I believe21:10
quentusrexThanks. I'm trying to track down a massive performance difference between Intel and AMD hardware, as well as a performance drop from CentOS 5.2 to Ubuntu 10.1021:11
quentusrexto the order of 4x as fast on Intel hardware, compared to AMD. And centos is about 2x as fast. 21:12
quentusrexsforshee, But I'm aware that the issue is probably in the software itself, but I'm trying to track down what in the software is causing the issues.21:14
GrueMasterWhat is the best way to get notified of sru kernel updates for armel?  I have yet to be notified of an available kernel until just before it gets deleted.22:13
hallynhey, what is the easiest way to install a maverick kernel on natty?22:59
hallyndpkg -i doesn't work on the stock package.  don't particularly want to compile my own, though that's starting to look easiest22:59
hertonhallyn: any error on dpkg -i? I think it should work, but I didn't tried, I remember a lucid kernel I installed for some tests on natty worked23:06
hallynherton: well, it just said23:07
hallyndpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-image:23:07
hallyn linux-image depends on linux-image-generic (=; however:23:07
hallynbut apt-get install -f didn't help23:07
hallyni suppose i should just extract the contents23:07
hertonhallyn: what's the deb file, is it the meta package or the linux-image...?23:07
hallynheh, the .deb i grabbed doesn't have te actual kernel anyway :)23:07
hallynyeah it's the meta package23:08
hallynsorry about that23:08
hertonah ok, np :)23:08

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