
cjohnstonanyone from the lc around? 02:14
seare there any links to download 02:50
sefrom the site it takes me 4 hours02:51
sewhich it shoukldnt02:51
cjohnstonFind a local server02:51
mhall119use bittorrent02:57
mhall119especially right after a release02:57
cjohnstonhes gone02:58
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb doesnt believe that im just a peon03:10
* ajmitch guesses we should probably try & get approved as a loco team to get shiny cds :)03:13
mhall119lol, cjohnston 03:13
mhall119ajmitch: or pool your money and buy a box03:13
nigelbmhall119: I can't belive a peon isn't as powerful as the CEO :P03:15
nigelbthat's how it works in govt offices here;)03:15
mhall119to be honest, I've seen how people drive over there, I can't say I'm surprised03:16
nigelbIf you're ever in Bangalore, remind me to take you on a bike trip :-)03:17
cjohnstonmhall119: I believe you made an error..03:17
cjohnstonIt should be:03:18
nigelbdid you see that post on planet?03:18
nigelb"If you ever go to Bangalore, don't forget to try some extreme sports like taking a cab or crossing the road. Adrenaline rush guaranteed."03:18
nigelbmhall119: ^^03:18
mhall119yeah, I remember that03:18
nigelbthis was on the planet :-P03:18
ajmitchbangalore sounds like a fun place to visit03:18
nigelbOh, it totally is :-)03:19
cjohnstonmhall119 can you find out who is responsible for unity.u.c03:19
cjohnstonim thinking the theme is ours, in which case, its borked03:19
ajmitchit doesn't look overly bad03:20
ajmitchexcept maybe the 'click here' links03:20
cjohnstonajmitch: the favicon is wrong03:20
cjohnstonthe main-nav color is wrong03:20
cjohnstonim sure i could come up with something else like the footer color probably being wrong03:20
mhall119yeah, looks like our old one, have you asked newz?03:21
cjohnstonhe never knows.. all these sites pop up that he knows nothing about03:21
cjohnstoni asked jcastro, and am waiting to hear from him03:21
mhall119heh, he's who I was gonna ask03:21
cjohnstonwe need an official list of sites that use our themes for updating purposes03:21
mhall119how about an installable package and a PPA?03:22
cjohnstongo for it03:22
mhall119though I'm not sure how to do that for wordpress03:22
cjohnstonproblem then is compatibility03:23
mhall119django is easy03:23
cjohnstoni.e. LD has special stuff... 03:23
mhall119LD's special stuff is in LD's code only03:23
cjohnstonya.. but like if the mothership stuff just appeared it would bork up03:24
mhall119we'd have to make sure additions like that didn't bork stuff03:24
cjohnstonwe arent that prepared03:25
cjohnstonwe bork stuff every few releases doing everything by hand03:25
mhall119that's what makes it fun :)03:25
cjohnstoni seem to remember something about summit borking03:25
mhall119yeah, my code too03:26
ubot4Factoid 'fail' not found03:26
cjohnstonsomeone change !fail to be "mhall119 borked summit!"03:26
mhall119I updated summit's code so that it didn't break in South 0.7, and ended up making in break in 0.603:27
cjohnstonwe need to get new souths!03:28
mhall119+1 on that03:28
cjohnstonmake them north!03:28
cjohnstoncan i submit an rt for it?03:28
mhall119if you feel like getting shot down, sure03:28
mhall119actually some internal stuff is using newer South already03:29
mhall119so it's possible03:29
mhall119we can also include a local copy if we wanted03:29
mhall119or use bzr_apps to pull it in03:29
nigelbmhall119: bzr_apps is like git submodule?03:31
mhall119I don't know, but probably not, since bzr_apps is only really for django03:31
cjohnstongit what?03:31
cjohnstonwhats git03:31
mhall119there used to be, once upon a time, a "forest" extension to bzr, which did sub-trees03:31
mhall119but I think that's long dead03:31
nigelbgit submodules are actually quite cool to pull in latest stuff03:32
mhall119I used hg subrepos, probably close to the same03:32
nigelbmhall119: didn't I tell you about adds.mozilla.org? they use git submodules to get their stuff up-to-date all the time03:33
mhall119nothing like that for bzr that I know of03:33
mhall119nigelb: never told me about it, no03:33
nigelbok, in that case, I just told you :-P03:33
nigelbapparnetly, the travel insurance I got isn't enough.03:34
mhall119enough for what?03:34
nigelbenough for europe03:35
mhall119cjohnston: sysadmins say to please file an RT about unity.u.c03:36
ajmitchyou need to pay more protection money to travel to dangerous places like europe?03:36
nigelbajmitch: no, I need to pay enough so that the insurance covers emergency travel back to my home country :\03:37
* ajmitch hates to think what it'd cost to cover a trip from europe back to nz03:37
cjohnstonmhall119: I need to get the theme completely ready03:37
mhall119cjohnston: there's a newer WP theme already isn't there?03:38
nigelbajmitch: not much actually, its only in the case of health emergency.03:38
cjohnstonwe are seperating the "community" theme from the "official sites that use the community theme" theme03:38
ajmitchnigelb: yeah, but it's a long way back to NZ :)03:38
mhall119cjohnston: um, why?03:38
mhall119just cause of mothership?03:38
cjohnstonto add mothership among other things03:38
mhall119that means a minimum of 3 different theme branches to keep in sync03:39
nigelbajmitch: like I guessed, the premium is < 25 aud ;)03:39
cjohnstoni know03:39
nigelbmhall119: yay03:39
nigelbthat sounds like nightmare :)03:39
cjohnstonuntil we can get the mothership a pull thing03:39
cjohnstoncan you work on that03:39
mhall119nigelb: no kidding03:39
mhall119mothership a pull thing?03:40
cjohnstonwhere the mothership is hosted in one place, and pulled by all sites that use it03:40
cjohnstonnewz and i have talked about it03:40
nigelbwhat is mothership and why is it called so?03:40
cjohnstonnigelb: the white bar at the top03:41
mhall119I actually have a task to do that for main-nav on isd sites, so I'll be figuring out how to do this kind of thing03:41
nigelbcjohnston: ah :\03:41
mhall119cjohnston: it's no simple thing though, because the web sucks for this kind of thing03:42
cjohnstonyou can change it to do mothership too!03:42
cjohnstonjust an include!03:42
cjohnstonim off for the night03:42
nigelbI can help I think03:42
nigelbI seem to end having experienc in this kind of tricks :p03:43
nigelbmhall119: you're up for 5 pm tomorrow right?03:43
mhall119still planning on it, yeah03:45
* johnc4510 greets channel :)04:03
johnc4510long time no talky04:03
YoBoYgood morning06:41
dholbachgood morning08:27
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u_dpanyone awake08:46
YoBoYu_dp: hi, yes, have you something to ask ?08:55
u_dpjust got back from my first ubuntu event09:03
YoBoYgreat, where?09:05
u_dpsan jose, ca09:05
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== daker_ is now known as daker
paultagmorning mhall119 13:23
mhall119morning paultag 13:23
paultagmhall119: having a tough time with that ctrl +a, dude13:23
paultagtried it like 3 times13:23
mhall119that's because Chrome isn't an email client dude13:23
paultag(says the newly employed web developer)13:24
mhall119technically I've been employed as a web developer most of my career13:24
mhall119and I never once wrote an email client in HTML13:24
paultagI did, for shits13:25
paultagit was pretty bad13:25
mhall119well, there was that one email form in Perl that let people pass spam though our servers, but I was young and experimenting with new things13:25
mhall119it turns out that "elite hackers" can view the source of the form and change the "To" field....13:26
YoBoYwhat you do with the ctrl+a ?13:26
paultagYoBoY: mhall119 was trying to get me to delete my inbox (so I can get to inbox 0), and he suggested ctrl + a, delete13:27
paultagYoBoY: which is all fine, but I use gmail13:27
YoBoYok ^^"13:27
mhall119I use gmail too13:27
mhall119they have a great IMAP option13:27
mhall119which works well with *real* email clients13:27
paultagI use that for my phones :)13:28
nigelbmhall119: imap++13:28
paultagbut not my desktop13:28
nigelbpaultag: you sir, fail :p13:28
paultagI don't like any of the email clients that are there now13:28
paultagthey suck so much13:28
paultagnone of them work in any sane way13:28
nigelbThunderbird -> sucks the least.13:28
paultagI just keep my phone next to my computer, and use that as my notification system, rather then a 10 minute lag on new mail13:29
paultagand the fact that they are so hacked and kludgy really makes me not ever want to use it13:29
paultagnot to mention gawd-aweful local sync times13:29
paultagmhall119: so patch up one to not suck, and I'll use it :)13:29
paultagin the meantime, gmail + chrome, q.e.d13:30
paultagnigelb: morning :)13:30
mhall119paultag: you can write your own13:30
paultagmhall119: I have, but they all suck13:30
paultagmhall119: because the IMAP protocol kinda sucks13:30
paultagbetter then POP, but it sucks13:30
paultagwe need push-imap13:30
paultagwhere you keep a long-poll socket running13:30
nigelbmhall119: also, now we know paultag has a dinner date :p13:30
mhall119or a new, better protocol all together13:30
nigelbmorning mhall119 btw :)13:30
paultagmhall119: sure do, with a professor :)13:30
mhall119nigelb: lol13:30
paultagerm, nigelb 13:31
mhall119hot for teacher huh?13:31
paultagnigelb: my real dinner dates are in my gcal, too many things to keep track of13:31
paultagafter all, gcal is BETTER THEN LOCAL CLIENTS.13:31
paultagmhall119: hehehe13:31
paultagmhall119: one of my best friend's moms is a professor13:31
paultagshe cooks for the out of towners13:31
YoBoYthere is local calendar clients ? :O13:31
mhall119man, this goes from bad to worse13:31
nigelbpaultag: I'm jealous :p13:31
paultagYoBoY: evolution13:31
paultagnigelb: aye :)13:31
YoBoYevolution... yes but... not for me13:32
nigelbone of the creators of ardunio board is in town13:32
mhall119YoBoY: Lightning/Thunderbird_+Calendar extension13:32
paultagYoBoY: See!! see!!!13:32
paultagYoBoY: you and I agree13:32
nigelbtoday I'm meeting him  :)13:32
paultagnigelb: woo :)13:32
mhall119nigelb: nice13:32
paultagnigelb: speaking of arduinos, how's that app coming? >:D13:32
nigelbpaultag: didn't get hacking time yet :p13:33
paultagnigelb: oh boo :)13:33
nigelbpaultag: probably tomorrow :)13:33
paultagnigelb: woo, send me a screenie :)13:33
* mhall119 likes to have offline email and calendar13:34
paultagmhall119: if you're offline, you're not writing fscking emails, why would you, you're *offline*13:35
mhall119paultag: not writing, but *reading* I can do13:35
paultagmhall119: meh, if an email is not sparkly enough for me to remember it in the 2 seconds I have to decide if it's spam or not, it's not worth my thyme13:36
mhall119nor your parsley13:36
mhall119but seriously, just because we call it spam, doesn't mean it's edible13:37
paultagjeeesus, you're worse then carrot top13:37
mhall119whaddya want, I haven't even had my first cup of coffee this morning13:37
paultagmhall119: having mine now, it's a sub-par blend of stale grinds left in the storage room of an on-campus bagel place13:38
mhall119you didn't even read that, you just had "BOO!!!!!" already written waiting to his enter as soon as I said something13:38
paultagah, the high life13:38
paultagmhall119: yarp, sure did13:38
paultagOh ffs13:38
paultagmy netbook batery died13:39
paultagI mean, actually died13:39
paultaglike it's not charging13:39
mhall119I bought a new laptop battery the other day, I'm saving it for my plane trip to Budapest13:39
paultagheh, aye13:39
mhall119my current one is on it's last legs, doesn't get more than 30 minutes13:40
paultagone sec, testing my power readings. if all goes well, I'll shut down13:40
paultagone moment, plox13:40
paultagyarp, hard shutdown13:42
paultagtime to get this battery rebuilt >:(13:42
paultagthere's a place in cleveland that rebuilds batteries for dirt cheep13:45
paultaglike 6 bucks13:45
paultagor I wonder if I can ebay that shit13:45
paultagOK, who wants to donate me a battery?13:45
mhall119I didn't know rebuilding was even an option...13:46
paultagmhall119: yeah, it's pretty kickass13:46
mhall119I got mine off ebay for $30 new13:47
mhall119at a battery store or from Dell, it would have been $15013:47
mhall119but I may have to look into this rebuilding thing13:47
paultagmhall119: one of the guys at the clinic was showing me server internal backup batteries that were all "broken", and he just got tons broken on eBay, then sent them to get them rebuilt -- keeps our medical records online13:47
paultagmhall119: it's pretty awesome13:47
mhall119I wish laptops would come with a smaller internal batter that would run it for maybe 5 minutes, so you can swap out the primary13:48
paultag+1 there13:48
paultagOK, BBL. School type stuff13:48
paultagone love13:48
mhall119have fun13:49
czajkowskiAloha 16:12
u_dphi czajkowski16:12
dakerRonnie, just pushed a new version https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/loco-directory/pixie-plugin/+merge/5598116:14
IshwonCan someone please tell me how to join the locoteams and start one? We're planning that for Mauritius.16:50
YoBoYhi Ishwon 16:51
IshwonWe're actually several LUGs around the island meeting up. Till now, I haven't seen an existing Ubunu Locoteam for MU. 16:51
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto should have some good info on the topic16:51
dholbachalso if you have more specific question here's a good place to ask questions16:52
dholbachor on loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com16:52
IshwonThanks YoBoy. I went through that page. But the process seems long. That's why I preferred contacting you guys on irc. I work as a Unix Admin & I'm a part-time student @ University of Mauritius.16:53
IshwonThe students union is planning to hold a Linux Seminar and run a workshop to introduce Linux to the general public.16:54
YoBoYIshwon: yes the process is long, but you can request now some ressources to start, the ndd for example, or a mailing list, or a forum...16:55
dholbachthe most important thing is to get people together and get them excited about doing something, over time you'll quickly get organised - have a look at what other teams are doing and ask them if you have questions :)16:55
IshwonI do have a group of Linux enthusiasts here, and our meeting place is a local cybercafe. Mauritius isn't a 'big' country, so it's kind of easy for anyone to just drop there in a couple of hours.16:56
YoBoYif you need french ressources you can also contact the french locoteam16:56
IshwonDuring the workshop we're also planning to launch a website & forum, for people to access info in our local language.16:57
dholbachvery nice16:58
IshwonMauritians are bi-lingual, so we use both english & french to the same extent.16:58
Ishwon...well, I'm thinking this workshop will be a good opportunity to register members and officially get an Ubuntu Locoteam.16:59
YoBoYit's a good idea16:59
YoBoYand a good start16:59
IshwonMy existing group comprises of Ubuntu, openSUSE and Mint users mostly.17:00
IshwonWhat I'd like to do is make this group a formal one and get Ubuntu users together.17:01
YoBoYit's not a problem, you have to see the ubuntu mauritius locoteam like a meta user group, composed of people from lot of other groups17:01
Ishwonyep...kinda like that.17:01
YoBoYit's the way we see it here in France17:02
IshwonOnce, this is done, I can forward a project file to the University of Mauritius and get their support for the seminar.17:02
IshwonThey've agreed to sponsor us with their conference hall that can accommodate some 500 people, which is very helpful.17:03
paultagIshwon: :)17:04
IshwonThrough some other contacts, I've managed to get a coverage by our local TV channel; because this will be the first Linux event of MU.17:04
Ishwonwell... So, according to the wiki, I should first create a page about my team, right?17:05
paultagIshwon: sure should17:05
paultagIshwon: be sure to follow naming conventions for minimal headache :)17:06
IshwonYep... Reading the instructions :)17:06
paultagIshwon: let me know if you need any guidence :)17:06
paultagIshwon: did you create emirateslocoteam  :)17:08
paultagerm, sed s/:)/?/g17:08
paultagoh my jeez17:09
Ishwonwhat happened, paultag?17:10
paultagIshwon: sorry, I misread your loco when you first posted in the channel. You just avoided a bit of a whine :)17:10
paultagIshwon: Oh, nothing. It's just non-standard17:10
IshwonWhat's the fastest way to register a Locoteam, though? 17:11
IshwonI see a lot of documentation on the wiki, but can't find how to create a page.17:12
paultagIshwon: just go to a new page and it'll ask you to make it17:12
paultagIshwon: be sure to be logged in17:12
IshwonI'm logged in...17:13
Ishwonbut still...no sign of where to start a page.17:14
IshwonGuys, still can't find the create page.17:24
Ishwonwent to wiki.ubuntu.com17:24
IshwonWent to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuYouth/Howto/CreateWikiPage as well, but it seems the page needs some update.17:25
paultagIshwon: just go to a page that does not exists17:26
paultagIshwon: and hit `create page'17:26
Ishwoncool :)17:26
Ishwongot it now!17:26
IshwonThanks paul.17:27
paultagIshwon: righto17:27
Ishwonalrite, creation of a small wiki page done. i'll update it later with some customizations.17:54
Ishwonwhat's the next step. hmm...17:55
YoBoYlink of the wiki page ?17:58
IshwonWill need some ideas of what kind of domain we should select for the LoCo Team site, etc.17:59
YoBoYNitinSookun ?18:01
YoBoYha ok it's your name ^^"18:02
YoBoYI was expecting a team page :p18:03
Ishwonoh...not now, i'm still planning the event...18:04
YoBoYyou should put also a link to your launchpad page 18:05
Ishwonwe initially scheduled it for May... i'm working on Linux contacts, and another team working with local contacts to get support, like i mentioned tv & radio channels.18:06
u_dphello locos18:06
Ishwoni think we're getting press coverage as well.18:06
YoBoYhi u_dp 18:06
u_dpinterested in switching to ubuntuz18:12
nigelbpaultag: tonight your time? :)18:13
IshwonOk YoBoy, launchpad added.18:13
YoBoYu_dp: ubuntuz ?18:14
Ishwoni also subscribed to loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com18:14
paultagnigelb: humms?18:16
u_dpyes ubuntu18:17
nigelbpaultag: screenshot :P18:17
u_dpwith a 'z'18:17
paultagnigelb: oh, woot!!18:17
paultagnigelb: can't wait :)18:17
=== daker is now known as daker_
YoBoYu_dp: haaaa ok18:18
YoBoYu_dp: just dl a live CD, boot on it, try it, and install it if you like it :)18:19
u_dpbut i don't have a cd drive :(18:20
Ronnieu_dp: you can also create a bootable usbstick18:25
u_dpbut my usb ports are epoxied for air gap :(18:26
Ronnieu_dp: your making it difficult...18:26
Ronnieu_dp: you can do an network install, but that requires more knowlegde18:27
YoBoYu_dp: card reader ?18:27
Ishwonguys...i'm kinda stuck with 'loads' of info in front of see. can you please help me register for a LoCo Team?18:27
Ishwoni'm turning round n round the wiki.18:28
u_dpso how would i do a network install18:31
u_dppxe boot or something?18:31
leoggIshwon, what do you have so far? wiki?18:32
IshwonI read the instructions on wiki & created a personal page.18:34
IshwonI have a group of Linux enthusiasts, we got a common meeting place here.18:34
leoggIshwon, link to the wiki?18:35
IshwonWe intend to register a LoCo Team, to represent Ubuntu in a Linux Workshop at the University of Mauritius. I'm a part-time student there, and a Unix Admin by profession.18:35
YoBoYhttps://launchpad.net/people/+newteam << you can start by creating the team ubuntu-mu (it's mu ?) on launchpad 18:36
IshwonYeah, that's right YoBoy. It's MU for Mauritius.18:36
IshwonOk, doing that right now.18:37
leoggIshwon, YoBoY, yes, it's -mu18:37
u_dpRonnie: any suggestions for network install?18:39
leoggIshwon, I sent you an invitation to join https://launchpad.net/~locoteams18:44
Ronnieu_dp: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer19:04
Ronnieor you can switch your harddrive to another computer, install ubuntu and switch the hdd back19:04
u_dpmy harddrive is soldiered to my motherboard :/19:10
mhall119it's what?!?!19:11
YoBoYu_dp: change your computer ^^"19:11
mhall119+1 YoBoY 19:11
mhall119$20 says it's a Sony19:11
u_dpno man it's for security purposes19:11
u_dpit's also a solid state disk19:12
u_dpi think the easiest way to install ubuntu would be to desolder the usb connector and attach a usb cable with a usb stick directly19:13
YoBoYyou can clean the usb connector ?19:13
u_dpclean it?19:14
locodir-usercan anyone tell me where i find the norwegian ubuntu community on irc?19:15
YoBoYlocodir-user: try #ubuntu-no19:17
cjohnstonhttp://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-no provides you with a link to the chat19:17
locodir-userI have a problme.. Want to open a file - installation file in console19:20
locodir-userHow do i do that19:20
u_dpis it a script?19:23
locodir-user"open konsole in Transformation Pack director"19:23
locodir-userwrite "chmod +x install.sh"19:23
locodir-userVistar7 Transformation Pack for Kubuntu19:26
u_dpso once you do that command19:30
u_dp"chmod +x install.sh"19:30
u_dpyou can do "./install.sh"19:30
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* locodir-user test20:39
cjohnstonmhall119: what ever happened with getting the django-openid-auth thing merged20:45
Ronniemhall119: is planning to make a ppa of it, so it can be applied on the server20:46
mhall119cjohnston: I'll check on it and see what's the holdup20:46
mhall119probably it's just that nobody's gotten around it it yet20:46
cjohnstoncrack the whip20:47
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