
=== lubotu2` is now known as lubotu2
Tyroneneed help here03:01
Knightlustwhat's the problem Tyrone?03:04
Tyronecan you speak bisaya?03:05
Tyroneor tagalog only?03:05
Knightlustnot visaya though03:06
Tyronei have a problem in my ubuntu03:06
Knightlustplease describe your problem03:06
Tyronemeron ako ubuntu tapos layout ng internet ko ganina modem ubuntu tapos switch then pc03:08
Tyroneang prob is yong pc na naka connect sa switch tapos switch inyo ubuntu ayaw magka internet03:08
Tyronei tried everything pero ayaw parin03:09
Knightlustvia ethernet?03:09
Knightlustnaka-setup ba router/modem mo as dhcp? or static ip?03:10
Terminushmmm... could be NAT misconfiguration, dhcp, or dns.03:10
Knightlustanong modem? from pldt ba?03:10
Knightlustthe same one that i have, pero i don't think it supports dhcp by default, i have to use a router03:11
Knightlustunless you hack it, are you sure na switch gamit mo? hindi router?03:12
Tyronepero yong ubuntu ko meron internet03:12
Tyroneswitch po03:12
Tyronemodem router na daw kasi tong modem ng pldt03:12
Knightlustyeah, pero supports only one connection at a time03:13
Knightlustit can't handle multiple connection without a switch03:13
Knightlustso ung setup mo ganito: internet->modem->switch->ubuntu03:13
Tyronenope internet modem ubuntu switch03:13
Knightlust*it can't handle multiple connection without a switch03:13
Knightlust*it can't handle multiple connection without a router03:14
Tyroneganun ba03:14
Knightlustok, so kelangan mo lang ng routing application03:14
Knightlustso ung ubuntu mo na ang magiging router where other pcs would connect via switch? right?03:15
Tyronepaano yon?03:15
Knightlustif that's the case, then try installing firestarter or guidedog03:16
Knightlustit'll handle your nat requirements03:16
lubotTiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/qzfe5 (URL by Knightlust)03:17
Tyronena try ko na po yan ayaw parin eh03:17
lubotTiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/5ujdgvw (URL by Knightlust)03:17
Knightlustna-try mo na firestarter's nat?03:17
KnightlustTerminus: any ideas?03:17
Knightlusti don't have firestarter or guidedog installed, so i can't walk you through03:18
TerminusKnightlust: no easy ideas. i'd just throw iptables inside rc.local, configure dhcpd and named. and switch on ip forwarding. =)03:19
Knightlustbut it might be overkill for Tyrone 03:20
Tyronei try ip forwarding ayaw eh03:20
TerminusKnightlust: that's why i said no easy ideas. =)03:20
Knightlustfirestarter's the easiest i've tried back then, 3yrs to be exact03:20
KnightlustTyrone: try mo muna basic setup ng firestarter03:20
Knightlustit should connect03:21
TerminusKnightlust: the first question would be, is the modem a zyxel p-600? is configured as a bridge or nat? you might end up with a double nat.03:21
Tyroneyes zyxel p60003:21
Knightlustmy p-600's configured by default as bridged03:21
Knightlustwe need to hack it to enable nat, which pldt doesn't support03:22
Terminusthe zyxel p-600 can also be configured as a router (not nat) but i wouldn't expect that on a home connection.03:22
TerminusIIRC, the password for the zyxel is just 1234. XD03:22
KnightlustTyrone: ung pcs mo na naka-connect sa switch, configured ba to connect via dhcp? can it ping the ubuntu machine?03:23
Tyronei can access the pldt 03:23
Tyronestatic po03:23
Tyroneinternet cafe kasi to03:23
Terminusah... so it has a static IP address. does it require PPPoE authentication or not?03:24
Knightlustheh, this conversation's reminiscent of my at&t call center days03:25
Tyronein my general in wan03:25
Tyronename internet03:25
Tyronemode routing03:25
KnightlustTyrone: ok, so it can ping the pldt box? then it's configured as a router03:25
Tyroneencapsulation ppoe03:25
Knightlustkasi kung naka-bridge yung pldt modem mo, hindi mo dapat mapi-ping yan e03:25
Tyronetapos in nat setup naman03:26
Terminusyep. business dsl still use pppoe auth i think. we definitely use it here.03:26
Tyronenaka active network address translation tapos SUA only03:26
TerminusKnightlust: manually configuring the ip address while in bridge mode will allow you to access the CPE. =)03:27
Terminusyep. you'll end up with a double NAT if you use the linux box for NAT as well. not really the best thing to do.03:27
Knightlustyeah, but won't xyzel automaticall revert to router-mode once you ping(ed) it?03:27
TerminusKnightlust: nope. i've used it to fool around with the modems at home and here at the office. =)03:28
Tyroneany luck than i can use the ubuntu ?03:28
Tyroneby the way03:28
TerminusPLDT didn't leave me the PL number and password so DOM inspection to the rescue! XD03:28
Tyronei want to ubuntu to ack as a squid proxy server03:29
Knightlustheh, good ol' google did it for me. but i did void the warranty03:29
KnightlustTyrone: if you remove the ubuntu machine, can the other clients connect to the internet then?03:29
Knightlustok, so router-mode nga sya03:30
Knightlustthen you'll need to read up on iptables03:30
Tyronenose bleed na ako sa ip table na yan03:30
TerminusTyrone: there is, but the configuration may be more complex. worst case scenario, you'll have to configure pass-through pppoe and have the linux box do the dialup.03:30
Knightlustif so, then why would you need a proxy server?03:30
Knightlustexactly, it'll be easier that way03:31
Knightlustor, are you trying to instead setup dansguardian?03:31
Tyronebecause here in our internet cafe the online games will lag if somebody use youtube03:31
Knightlusti see03:32
Tyronei have just install squid03:32
Tyronematanong ko lang pwd naba install teamviewer dito sa ubuntu 10.10?03:33
Knightlusthave you tried guidedog? it may be more effective than firestarter03:33
Tyronepapaacess ko sana sainyo to check if the setup is right03:33
Knightlustafaik, there's a teamviewer client for ubuntu03:33
Knightlustcan't at the moment, am currently at work03:33
Knightlustbut if you setup the ubuntu box for ip passthru, would squid work?03:34
Knightlustthat's beyond me right now. i'll be at home by 6PM, i'll try guidedog or firestarter later03:36
Tyroneyour from manila?03:36
Tyroneahh cool03:37
Tyronedati ako sa olongapo city03:37
Tyronepero dito na ako sa cagayan de oro03:37
Knightlustnice. so, how's the weather? 03:37
Knightlusthot, i assume03:38
Tyronenot that hot..\03:38
TyroneKnightlust:  by the way in my eth0 gawin ko ba dhcp? tapos yong eth 1 naka static tama po ba?03:38
Terminusgood bandwidth control is typically a very complicated thing.03:39
Knightlustonly if eth0 is the one that's connected to the modem03:39
Tyroneyes eth0 is connected to it03:40
Knightlustcan the clients ping the ubuntu box?03:41
Knightlustok, have you tried checking the their netmasks?03:41
Knightlustor subnet, or whatever term windows uses these days03:42
Tyroneang ginawa kong ip ng eth1 is sub gateway wala..03:43
Knightlustthat may be the problem you have03:43
Knightlustok, anong subnet ng clients mo? i would assume it's the same thing03:43
Knightluster... any firewall installed on your ubuntu box?03:43
Knightlustanother question, can the clients ping other clients03:44
Knightlustalso, can the clients ping the pldt modem *with* the ubuntu box connected between the modem and the switch03:45
Tyronethey cant03:45
Tyronethe client ip add is
Knightlustcan the clients ping each other?03:46
Tyronehndi ko pa na try03:46
Tyroneisang pc palang kasi ni try ko kinabit eh03:47
Knightlusti see, nvm then03:47
Knightlustwait, lemme think this through03:47
Tyronesorry for disturbing you03:47
Knightlustnp, still compiling anyway03:48
Knightlustok, let's try basic troubleshooting03:49
Knightlustif only we could get the client to ping the ubuntu box03:50
Knightlustthen methinks we'll be halfway through setting up your proxy server03:50
Knightlustbut i see no reason not to be able to ping the ubuntu box, since it doesn't block icmp packets by default03:51
TerminusKnightlust: you're doing C++ dev?03:53
KnightlustTerminus: c++, php, java, python03:53
Knightlustbut at the moment, i'm compiling mariadb03:53
KnightlustTyrone: can you post the output of ifconfig -a03:54
Knightlustalso netstat -rn03:54
KnightlustTyrone: er.. use pastebin pala03:54
TyroneKnightlust:  can you use teamviewer to access my ubuntu?03:57
Knightlusti can, but not at the moment, i'm still at work03:58
Tyroneah kk03:58
TerminusKnightlust: ah... was wondering why you were compiling. =)03:58
Tyroneanong oras pwd?03:58
Knightlustmore or less, depending on my workload03:59
Knightlustpero at the moment, i don't think it's an ubuntu config problem03:59
Knightlustmore like misconfigured settings04:00
Tyronewalang prob sa ubuntu04:00
KnightlustTyrone: if you use eth1 to connect to the modem and internet via dhcp, can it connect?04:01
Tyronesa settings lang ata to para ma access ng ibang pc yong internet04:01
Knightlustok, did you use network manager to setup the static ip address?04:01
Knightlustwait, i think there's a setting in nm that you need to check04:02
Knightlustopen it up, go to the ipv4 settings tab, click on the routes button04:03
Knightlustand then there's one little checkbox option at the bottom, forgot what it's called04:04
Knightlustgoogle images fails me04:04
Tyroneok wait04:05
Tyroneil turn my ubuntu04:05
Knightlustayun, check the "use this connection for resources on its network"04:05
Tyronekk im using my laptop04:05
lubotTiny URL: http://tinyurl.com/3f6ey83 (URL by Knightlust)04:05
Knightlustthen try pinging the ubuntu box one more time04:06
Knightlustkung talagang ayaw, i'm out of ideas na04:06
Tyronekk access mo lang mamaya ubuntu ko try ko install teamviewer para makita mo setup ng network interfaces ko04:08
Knightlustsee you later then, late na pala ako sa meeting04:09
Knightlustlater guys04:09
Tyronekk thanks04:11
TyroneTerminus: youthere?04:13
TerminusTyrone: yes?04:24
Tyronemy modem router mode is routing not bridge04:25
TerminusTyrone: yep. i got that earlier. your configuration may require reconfiguring the modem as well.04:26
Tyroneah ok04:27
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TyroneKnightlust: you there?09:29
zakameI wonder if natty is good for NAT :P10:02
rstacruzwhy wouldnt it be?10:04
Tyronehello zakame 10:04
Tyronethanks god your here10:04
Tyronesir pa help naman10:05
zakamehehe yeah it would be bad for natty if it couldn't do nat10:05
zakamesure what's the prob?10:05
Tyronemeron ksi ako ubuntu 10.1010:05
Tyronetapos setupko internet modem ubuntu switch then pc10:06
Tyronekasu yong pc ayaw maka internet yong ubuntu lang10:06
zakameubuntu as a switch? is the ubuntu a desktop or laptop?10:07
Tyroneintel board xeon proc10:08
Tyronegagawin ko kasi sana proxy server10:08
Tyronedito sa cafe namin10:08
Tyronepara yong mag youtube hndi mag lag online games10:08
Tyronepwd po kita ma private chat?10:09
zakamelooks like you want to do a network gateway10:09
zakamenot just a switch10:09
Tyroneparang ganun na po10:09
Tyronekasu nose bleed na ako eh10:09
zakameand maybe some traffic shaping too10:10
Tyronesir gusto mo po ma kita meron teamviewr ako10:10
zakamepwede but I'm on mobile lol10:10
Tyronehndi pala pwd ma install teamviewr sa ubuntu10:11
Tyroneganun po ba..10:11
zakameno as in I'm on IRC via my phone hehe10:11
zakameI could give you a few pointers though10:11
Tyronemeron thn nag sabi sakin na maganda daw traffic shaping..10:11
Tyroneahh kk.. cgi2 il try10:12
zakamethe first thing you have to make sure is that your ubuntu box is ready to do IP forwarding10:12
Tyronehow to know if its ready sir?10:13
zakameso you have to see that in /etc/sysctl.conf there's a line10:13
zakamealternatively you can check on a root prompt10:14
zakamee.g. sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward10:14
zakameit has to be set to 110:14
zakameso your ubuntu box can forward packets between interface10:14
Tyrone0 po lumabas sir10:15
zakamethat means your box doesn't forward yet10:16
Tyronehow can i make it 1 sir?10:16
Tyronesorry im new in ubuntu...10:16
zakameset it via sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=110:16
Tyronedone sir10:17
zakamecheck it again10:17
Tyroneits now 1 sir10:17
zakameedit /etc/sysctl.conf to have that line (I think it is there already, just commented out)10:18
zakameso you don't lose that setting across reboots10:18
Tyroneits set to 1 sir10:19
Tyronenabuksan ko na conf 10:19
zakamethen next up is setting up iptables10:20
Tyronenose bleed ako jan..10:20
Tyroneil just do my best...10:20
Tyroneano next sir10:20
zakameiptables by itself is hard, but there's a bunch of packages in debian/ubuntu that ease it somewhat10:20
zakamewhat we use in the office here for example is shorewall10:20
Tyronepwd yan rin gamitin ko10:21
Tyroneo hndi pwd?10:21
zakameyeah you can use that, there's a package10:21
Tyronewhat's the command sir to install it?10:21
zakameapt-get that, and in a little while you should have a simple shorewall running10:22
zakameapt-get install shorewall10:22
Tyroneby the way sir meron na pala na install na squid nito10:22
Tyroneok lang ba?10:22
zakameno prob10:23
Tyronedone installing10:23
zakamenow here's a quickstart guide to set up a two-interface firewall doing forwarding from the modem to your lan: http://shorewall.net/two-interface.htm10:24
zakameI suggest you read it thoroughly first, then try it on the ubuntu box10:25
zakameyou probably need to to set up dhcpd and a dns server later on that same machine as well10:25
zakameso your client pc boxes can get IP addresses and resolve remote domains10:26
Tyronenose bleed nanaman ako nito10:26
Tyronenaka static ip mga pc dito sir10:26
zakameah no need for dhcpd then10:26
Tyronelike from pc 1 to 15 ip nila then
Tyroneyan naka setup sakanila sir10:27
zakamelooks like a 192.168.1/24 subnet10:27
Tyroneprang ganun sir10:27
zakameyou'll need that info once you set the masq10:27
Tyronesir kailangan ko ba type lahat andun sa site na binigay mo?10:29
zakamenot really, like i said, read throughly and find what's really needed :)10:31
Tyronethank you..10:31
zakamemost important is that you set the /etc/shorewall/{zones,policy,masq}10:32
Tyronekk il look for that10:34
Tyronesir in eth0 wher the internet connected kailangan ba naka dhcp? then yong eth1 static?10:35
Tyronesir yong setup pala ng pldt modem is routing tapos pppoe10:40
zakameI think you'llneed to replace eth0 then to use pppoe10:43
zakameif that in another interface10:43
zakamewhat does ifconfig -a say?10:43
Tyronesir marami naka sulat eh10:44
Tyronemeron eth0 and eth1 10:44
Tyroneano po kailangan nyo makita sir para yon nalang lagay ko dito10:46
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Tyroneayaw parin11:23
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TyroneweEeeeEe love ubuntu hehee16:38

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