
=== aronxu is now known as happyaron
artnay16:52      CIA-7 : ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r351 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (334 files in 7 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.15:16
artnaythat was ~30 min ago15:16
serfusthat's great, i was afraid the translation wan't done on time15:21
serfusartnay, where is this information from?15:21
artnayserfus: #ubuntu-installer15:25
artnaybut that's just slideshow, not ubiquity itself15:25
serfusgood, i am referring to the slideshow15:26
serfusunfortunately i had only enough time to do the ubuntu slideshow and on the others15:27
yurchorHi! It seems Kubuntu team decided to import some dozens of templates from KDE trunk (~600 messages in total).21:36
yurchorThese messages are already translated in KDE trunk, but they falied to import translations somehow.21:36
yurchorCould this be fixed?21:37
yurchor^Can this be fixed? Sorry...21:37
yurchorProminent example: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/kdepimlibs/+pots/libkcalutils/uk/+translate21:38
yurchorIt would be good if breaks of this kind will never happen in the last week before translation deadline.21:43

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