
jtatumi'm addicted to their twitter. it's nice sitting in my quiet house in a quiet neighborhood reading about hookers and crack :)00:01
jamaltasorry i'm back00:02
jamaltatenderloin has a lot of gov't housing00:03
jamaltakdub: but that area is pretty expensive, my guess at least...00:04
kdubi dont know, i live down in the silicon waffle00:05
jamaltawaffle, lol..00:05
kdubi'm still not sure how funny that joke is00:10
* kdub wants a condo overlooking the padres stadium and the harbor00:11
kevin6888what santa monica?  the silicon beach?00:14
kevin6888blah, *is00:15
kdubsan diego, sandiego, sandy eggo, sandy waffle00:15
kdubsilicon waffle00:16
kevin6888santa monica, santamonica, santam onica, silicon beach?00:20
kevin6888ohhhh, silicon monica00:23
kevin6888silicon angel00:23
kevin6888reminds me of the radiohead song "fake plastic trees"00:24
kdubhah, at any rate, i don't think that joke will make it to my open mike night routine :P00:44
quicksilver_Nothing works at open mic nights.01:18
quicksilver_Poor souls are left tending to crowds waiting to hate them.01:18
iheartubuntugreat ubuntu hour turnout today in Pasadena! 8 people02:58
nuboon2agehey all.  Ubuntu Hour: San Jose is now  aaditya aak pleai2 crashsystems1 outofjungle03:05
akkIt is? oops, I didn't even hear about this one ... but I can't come, running an IRC gimp building session at 8.03:10
aadityanuboon2age: would have been nice to attend, but I got caught up with tons of work this week.03:18
pleia2san jose is always too far for me to go, but particularly today ;)03:19
pleia2flying home saturday *sniff(03:20
pleia2vacationing in puerto rico03:21
jtatumoh, i had it backwards!03:21
pleia2MJ is here for a conference (which ended yesterday)03:21
jtatumi was just thinking, pleia203:21
jtatum's been so quiet03:21
pleia2actually today we went up to one of the forts in old san juan and did lots of touristing03:22
pleia2anyway, near bedtime :) night all03:24
nuboon2agenighty night pleai203:25
akkNight, pleia2 --glad the vacation is going well!03:25
nuboon2agejtatum i and utkarsh ravi met last wee03:27
nuboon2ageweek and im her again with Utkarsh Ravi Dan and Kartic03:28
akkHi everybody! :)03:28
nuboon2agehey akk! ;-)03:30
nuboon2agepleia2 the prez of SJSULUG is requesting we supply a  bunch o U intu disks. they will be the driving for e behind this U untu Hour SJ03:39
nuboon2agethey cross posted about tonight on their facebook site and got put yheir peeps tonight03:41
nuboon2agethey had previously requested disks from ubuntu but had gotten red tape answer03:42
nuboon2agethey gave out all the server copies i have them last week!03:43
nuboon2agethey are really on the ball03:43
akkThat's great!03:47
nuboon2ageokay that was fun04:02
nuboon2age im out04:03
jtatumenjoy the launch tonight socal folks04:17
jtatum9:24 PM04:18
jtatumunless it's too windy04:18
jtatumi'm gonna give it a shot from sunnyvale. there's a slight chance depending on visibility that i'll be able to see something04:19
nuboon2agemaylin says hi04:41
* akk waves05:01
jtatumabout 5 minutes to launch, not scrubbed yet05:18
akkRocket launch, not natty beta launch, right?05:21
jtatumsorry about being confusing akk :) yes, rocket launch05:31
akkDid it launch?05:32
akkDid you get to see it?05:32
jtatumit launched. i guess i need to get somewhere higher, darker, and with less treeline next time. got spoiled by living a stones throw from cape canaveral05:35
akkThat must have been amazing!05:35
akkI've only seen 1 or 2 rocket launches and they were all from quite far away (just a big contrail going up)05:36
jtatumit's pretty great. i hope we get back to manned spaceflight quick.05:50
AlgoSup dudes and dudettes!07:13
The_Letter_MHello All08:56
=== dannyp_ is now known as d4nnyp
kevin6888gasho all17:36
kevin6888i will say that i like the search dealy in unity17:37
kevin6888the panel reminds me of docky17:37
kevin6888how are you u_dp_ ?17:41
u_dp_i'm great thanks17:41
u_dp_looking into moving to ubuntu17:41
kevin6888cool, have you tried it out yet?17:42
u_dp_investigating alternative window managers17:42
u_dp_yea, but it was a long time ago17:42
u_dp_i didn't feel it was well enough developed then17:42
kevin6888what do you use your computer for?17:43
u_dp_world domination17:43
u_dp_but i'm interested in doing more automation17:44
u_dp_so looking for something nicer than17:44
u_dp_dos batch scripting :)17:44
kevin6888world domination?  can't really help you with that17:45
u_dp_i thought ubuntu specialized in this discipline17:46
akkubuntu is great for scripting, though17:46
akkthen the world domination part is just up to how well you write your scripts :)17:46
u_dp_what wm's do you guys use?17:47
kevin6888i've used pretty much all of them17:47
u_dp_i'm looking at Xmonad17:47
kevin6888fluxbox, xfce, lxde, kde, gnome17:47
kevin6888well, haven't tried that one17:47
kevin6888i used compiz stand alone for a bit17:47
kevin6888i don't like poison17:48
u_dp_generally or this wm?17:48
kevin6888generally of course, hehe17:48
kevin6888never tried ratpoison17:48
akkI use openbox./17:49
akkI don't like maximizing windows, so ratpoison isn't for me17:49
u_dp_ok from what i remember fluxbox and openbox were very similar17:49
akkI like to multitask and see 2-3 windows at once17:49
u_dp_you can see 2-3 windows at once with ratpoison17:50
u_dp_it just makes sure there is no gaps between the windows17:50
akkI thought it wanted everything maximized or at least tiled.17:50
u_dp_well it doesn't seem like what you want17:51
u_dp_so how do flux and open differ?17:51
akkI don't know, I confess. I like openbox's flexibility and focus handling, and also the community and support17:51
akkso I haven't spent much time with fluxbox to compare it.17:51
u_dp_i see17:51
iheartubuntunice to see you again last night kevin6888 - sorry i had to split early17:52
kevin6888iheartubuntu: no problemo, i hung around for an extra 5 min but then left as well17:52
kevin6888i really get the feeling that the LUGs at the Universities are pretty exclusive17:53
kevin6888chromium is acting funny...17:54
iheartubuntuit wasnt too bad. i would have liked a period of time where the LUG could work with newbies and help them with their computers17:54
iheartubuntui realize this IT recruiter had a big speech to give... but 2.5 hours long was getting boring17:55
iheartubuntumaybe other meetings they dont have talkers and people just mingle and do the comps and help each other17:55
kevin6888yeah, and i'm all for finding a job, but while i was sitting there, i couldn't help realize that there was no way he would find me one17:55
kevin6888well, it's in a classroom, the venue kind of restricts the options17:56
kevin6888a hackerspace it is not17:56
kevin6888which kind of makes sense, i think it's supposed to be more social...but...still, classrooms aren't really the best venues for promoting socializing17:57
kevin6888i'm not complaining, i'm just looking for something different i think17:58
akkA lot of LUGs (and other clubs too) have the "one person gives a speech" format instead of "everybody sit around and hack".18:03
akkI guess maybe it takes pressure off, people can just veg out and listen, but I always thought a more participatory meeting would be more fun.18:03
u_dp_aak, i'm hosting an event which is more of a collaborative environment this saturday18:05
u_dp_this particular event is for mobile app development18:05
akkI was in a car club that had a format of "announcements and club business, then a couple members talk about current projects for 5-10 minutes, the adjourn to the parking lot and stand around for another hour talking about whatever".18:05
akkWorked really well, but I haven't seen a science/tech club that does it that way.18:06
iheartubuntuwish we found those tunnels :D18:07
* akk has fond memories of the caltech steam tunnels18:07
kevin6888iheartubuntu: i couldn't live in them anyway, unless i figured out a way to forage for food :P18:07
iheartubuntuunderneath caltech :)18:08
iheartubuntukevin6888 there are foraging websites now to find all sorts of food on public land :)18:08
u_dp_what steam tunnels???18:08
kevin6888iheartubuntu: i think you were right, we should have just explored the campus looking for the steam tunnels18:08
kevin6888i wanted to do the responsible thing though, and actually show up18:08
kevin6888akk: i have no memory of caltech steam tunnels :(18:09
kevin6888iheartubuntu: link?  the public land would have to be walking distance from me to be sustainable :|18:10
iheartubuntuakk - u went to caltech?18:12
iheartubuntukev - will find u the links... two good sites18:12
akkiheartubuntu: No, but grew up in Alhambra and hung around with friends at Caltech.18:12
iheartubuntubusy doing day job... bean counter18:13
iheartubuntuohhhhhhhhh cool! so u know the area18:13
akk(had a boyfriend whose dorm room was just around the corner from a steam tunnel entrance :)18:13
kevin6888i'm starting to think i won't be a big fan of the steam tunnels now18:15
iheartubuntuaaaaahah!!!! so there are tunnels18:16
iheartubuntuwas walking by the dorms the other night with my wife posting flyers.... had a couple making out and ripping their clothes off :) haha18:17
kevin6888were they secretly you and your wife?18:18
iheartubuntuthat was later, in the bushes18:18
* kevin6888 covers his eyes18:18
* iheartubuntu covers his eyes too18:19
nhainesHmm, I should flesh out my Upscale talk and do the LUG circuit again.18:36
u_dp_sounds cool18:38
u_dp_links to preso?18:38
nhainesHmm, you know, I don't think I put it up.  :)  But I should.  I should get the video online and the presentation up.18:39
u_dp_thumbs up :D18:39
nhainesLet me get you a link to the presentation.18:39
nhainesu_dp_: Advocacy for Advocates: http://ubuntuone.com/p/mt6/18:40
u_dp_thank you sir18:41
u_dp_hm, is the file really 86k?18:42
nhainesSure, it's an OpenDocument Presentation file with only one graphic, and that's just an xkcd comic.18:42
nhainesIt was a 5-minute talk, each slide auto advanced after 15 seconds.  A lot of fun to do actually.  :)18:43
iheartubuntukevin6888 here is one site... http://neighborhoodfruit.com/18:44
kevin6888iheartubuntu: this oughta be good...18:45
The_Letter_MGood Morning everyone18:45
u_dp_:) sounds like um.. ignite talks18:45
iheartubuntuthere is another better one but i cant seem to find it18:45
iheartubuntuhello Letter M18:45
kevin6888iheartubuntu: looks like it isn't quite there yet18:46
kevin6888gasho The_Letter_M18:46
nhainesu_dp_: yeah, that's just what UpScale was modeled after.18:47
The_Letter_MSo I went and bought me a Net Top just for Ubuntu18:47
The_Letter_MIt runs really well18:47
* iheartubuntu eats own dog food (peanut butter flavor)18:47
u_dp_i think i'm gonna buy a used thinkpad for ubuntu18:47
nhainesI'm waiting for a compelling tablet.18:47
iheartubuntunet top from sys76?18:47
The_Letter_MIt's the new Acer Veriton with the Nvidia Ion 2 GPU18:48
u_dp_The_Letter_M: which model did u get18:48
The_Letter_MIt came with Win 7 Pro, would I contact Acer or MS about getting money back on it18:49
nhainesThe_Letter_M: Acer.18:49
nhainesThe_Letter_M: as far as Microsoft is concerned, you are not their customer at this point.18:49
u_dp_yea acer is required to dump it on computers per their agreement18:49
nhainesThe OEM (Acer) also has to provide any tech support.  :)18:49
nhainesIt's not so much that Acer must install it, just that an OEM with a volume license has to act as the point of contact for the customer.18:50
nhainesThat's why retail boxes are so much more expensive--you're paying for support from Microsoft as well.18:50
u_dp_well you're covering the overhead costs of the software licenses too18:51
The_Letter_MTrue dat18:51
The_Letter_MHere's a link of what I bought: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Acer-PS.VBH03.006/1557187318:54
The_Letter_MNewegg doesn't have it on their site right now for some reason18:54
kevin6888iheartubuntu: are you literally eating dog food?18:55
akkiceplant is edible? 8-o18:55
u_dp_from what i know it's an invasive plant that's pretty hard to get rid of18:57
u_dp_it's good for soil retention though on18:57
akkThey don't mention the one native thing I know I can eat here, miner's lettuce ... maybe that isn't so common in SoCal.18:57
akkThere's not much on that list that would sustain a person for long, though.18:57
kevin6888hmmm, snails...i wonder how many snails i'd have to eat to survive18:57
iheartubuntu24 a day. one per hour18:58
iheartubuntui have eaten dog food before, yes18:59
kevin6888i think it's safe to say, if you don't have your own land, you're going to have to eat other animals18:59
kevin6888why would you do that iheartubuntu ?18:59
iheartubuntutry BG... Before Grain... excellent dog food!18:59
iheartubuntuit is designed to mimic the foods dogs would eat if in the wild19:00
kevin6888how mysterious19:00
kevin6888so it tastes like caribou or something?19:00
iheartubuntuthere are some other very good natural dog foods... EVO is another one19:00
nhaines"Before Gain" sounds better than "Kitties and Grass".19:00
kevin6888or scavenged lion meat?19:00
iheartubuntuprice wise.... dog food is an excellent value for the money and it saves me a ton of money on TP19:01
iheartubuntuok ok everyone im joking around :)19:02
kevin6888i would think a bag of beans and bread would be cheaper19:03
kevin6888quality dog food is pricey19:03
kevin6888unless it's the dried stuff19:03
kevin6888i wonder how hungry i would have to be to eat dog food19:03
iheartubuntuif only it had more flavor19:04
kevin6888probably 2 days is my limit, before i'd pretty much eat anything19:04
kevin6888when you're hungry, anything edible tastes good19:04
iheartubuntuwe are taking IRC to a whole new level19:06
nhainesDogs don't have a strong sense of taste and gain most enjoyment of their food by the smell, which is why dog food is aromatic but bland in taste.19:09
u_dp_i'm having fun pretending to be extremely paranoid on #ubuntu-locoteam19:14
u_dp_i explained that i didn't have a cd drive to install ubuntu19:16
u_dp_and that my usb ports were epoxied for air gap19:16
jtatumtrolling on irc is not cool :(19:16
u_dp_how is it trolling i'm just curious to see who is more security minded than me :(19:17
kevin6888maybe you should try #ubuntu-security u_dp_19:17
u_dp_will do19:17
The_Letter_MOn the Aniverse IRC I once made the mistake of calling an Op an A-Hole19:18
The_Letter_MI was then banned for several months19:18
kevin6888i doubt you have a level of paranoia that they won't be able to solve19:18
nhainesThe_Letter_M: thus learning a valuable lesoon.19:18
jtatumbecause people are taking their unpaid time out to help you with your fictitious problem19:18
u_dp_fiction is awesome though19:18
kevin6888wait, i don't see the connection between cd, usb, and paranoia19:19
kevin6888actually, some fiction is not awesome19:19
u_dp_well i air gapped my desktop with a faraday cage19:19
iheartubuntudid it work19:19
u_dp_hypothetically yes19:19
u_dp_but my question is what's the best way to install ubuntu then19:20
kevin6888hypothetically i can fly19:20
iheartubuntuatt tech support once told me to build a wooden cage around my wifi box to fix my problems19:20
jtatumyou claim you don't see how that's a troll, but i think you're trolling me too :)19:20
iheartubuntui built a wooden cage around my wifi device19:20
iheartubuntuit worked19:20
u_dp_apparently trolls are people who ask you how to be creative in solutions19:20
iheartubuntumaybe i created a faraday cage around it19:21
u_dp_it worked to do what iheartubuntu?19:21
u_dp_wooden boxes aren't faraday cages tho..19:21
iheartubuntuan offshore worker from india told me to build a wooden cage around my wifi. i guess thats what they do there?19:21
iheartubuntuanyhow, it worked19:21
u_dp_it worked to do what? make it extremely hot and not block emr?19:22
iheartubuntufor several years in fact, until i got an all in one DSL/wifi box19:22
iheartubuntuit was a cage, not realyl a box19:22
u_dp_what else did you store in your wooden cage?19:22
iheartubuntumy children19:22
iheartubuntui fed them dog food. in a tunnel.19:23
iheartubuntui love IRC19:23
u_dp_all this hypothetical stuff must be trolling19:23
u_dp_The_Letter_M: i just saw the rating of that device 1 star :O19:24
The_Letter_MIt's because the moron didn't know what they were buying19:24
iheartubuntubut i did build a wooden cage... http://sixty8doors.deviantart.com/gallery/?offset=48#/danxns19:25
The_Letter_MYou can even see in the picture there is no optical drive19:25
iheartubuntumy bad... it was the dsl router, not the wifi19:25
The_Letter_Mit's mostly Wal-Marts fault for not actually writing a description but copy/pasting one19:26
u_dp_iheartubuntu: <319:26
The_Letter_MLike they wrote that it has a DVD Combo Drive and PS2 ports for the mouse and KB19:26
u_dp_i admire both your art of irc manipulation and your woodwork19:28
u_dp_The_Letter_M: you should one up that sad lonely star19:29
u_dp_(and comment)19:29
The_Letter_MI did19:29
The_Letter_MI gave a 5 star review and explained what people should know19:30
The_Letter_Mbut it has to go through a review process before it's public19:30
The_Letter_MAnyone else think Twitter is like a large passive IRC room?19:32
u_dp_crap, i see iheartubuntu's brother built the box19:32
u_dp_The_Letter_M: yeah, it's a testament to an increasing detachment from humanity19:33
u_dp_when irc was, at inception a tool for connection for humans19:33
akkThe_Letter_M: I view twitter in xchat via bitlbee, so it IS an IRC room to me.19:33
The_Letter_Mbut it does make sense19:33
u_dp_still, that's an abstraction19:34
u_dp_has anyone done any twitter bot work?19:35
iheartubuntuhigh radiation levels across the board in america now compared to when the earthquakes & disasters first hit19:36
nhainesiheartubuntu: define "high"19:42
nhainesNo, better: what are the radiation levels?  :)19:42
iheartubuntui meant higher19:42
iheartubuntui dont know if thats it19:42
iheartubuntumost all of those were in the low teens19:43
iheartubuntuim seeing 30s 40s and some 50s now daily19:43
iheartubuntuthere is another link my brother in japan sent me... cant find it anytmore. a US gov site showing the daily radiation clouds coming from fukishima19:44
iheartubuntui also read a report than european health commission is advising people in europe not to eat euro meat or drink cows milk for 6 months.19:46
iheartubuntuthey are a lot further away than we are19:46
u_dp_thats crazy19:47
nhainesWhat unit of measure are they using?19:51
kevin6888it is interesting, if things really went to hell in a handbasket how long would it take for the rest of us to find out?19:53
The_Letter_Miheartubuntu, do you listen to Alex Jones?19:56
iheartubuntui have before yah19:57
The_Letter_MHe's been talking about that19:57
The_Letter_Mabout veggies and milk in Europe and they won't eat them for 6 months19:58
iheartubuntuactually he in a round about way got me into ubuntu19:58
The_Letter_Mand we're closer to Japan and our govt pretends everything is fine19:58
kevin6888watt?  that's mysterious19:58
kevin6888let me grab another cola, do tell iheartubuntu19:59
iheartubuntuit was after katrina. someone sent me a video about bush/katrina.. it was an AJ video19:59
iheartubuntuwoke me up to the government19:59
akkI'm a lot more worried about mercury and antibiotic resistance than about radiation from Japan. But worrying about things the gov't is ignoring is too much like a full-time job.20:00
iheartubuntui dont trust any gov now :)20:00
iheartubuntui cant listen to alex all the time though20:00
iheartubuntuhe gets pretty hyped up20:00
iheartubuntui like katherine albrecht a lot20:00
iheartubuntuim also interested in the gov controlling my food supply20:01
iheartubuntuand me growing my own food20:01
The_Letter_Mbut what about AJ got you into Ubuntu?20:01
iheartubuntuhe talked about ubuntu and linux a few times back in 2005 i think it was20:01
iheartubuntui dont hear him talk about it anymore when i tune in20:01
kevin6888i'm a libertarian socialist, i'm not sure i trust anybody :|20:01
kevin6888except you guys of course20:01
iheartubuntui didnt get into ubuntu though until 0620:01
The_Letter_MThose contradict each other20:02
kevin6888'06?  i didn't get into it until '0820:02
The_Letter_Mthe Libertarian Socialist thing20:02
kevin6888you've been using ubuntu longer than i have...20:02
nhainesI got into Ubuntu in May 2005.20:02
kevin6888i used to think that too The_Letter_M20:02
u_dp_i was into bsd before ubuntu was born20:02
iheartubuntui like the dont tread on me philosophy. let people be20:02
kevin6888i tried BSD when i was a teenager, couldn't get x working and abandoned it20:03
iheartubuntudid we get anyone from cal state LA last night?20:03
kevin6888it didn't like my trident video card :(20:03
kevin6888was chris from cal state la?20:04
The_Letter_MI got into Linux in 96 with Mandrake 6.020:04
iheartubuntui think he was from another planet20:04
The_Letter_MI had a copy of Slackware and Turbo linux sometime before that, but never tried them20:04
iheartubuntuwhats wierd is it felt like i had met him before in a past life20:05
kevin6888i installed linux for the first time in like 2000 when i was network admin/ a/v jr. engineer at a small company i worked for20:05
u_dp_what meeting were you guys at?20:05
kevin6888so cal here, LA20:05
u_dp_i see20:05
u_dp_i was at one last night to, san jose, ca20:05
kevin6888iheartubuntu: that is mysterious20:05
kevin6888u_dp_: did you see Drew?  i haven't met him, but he seems cool20:06
u_dp_yes i met him :)20:06
u_dp_i wasn't sure it was the same guy20:06
u_dp_he had cornrows instead of big hair20:06
kevin6888i was in SF for a little while, i should've went to another meet up aside from just SF20:07
u_dp_what's his alias on here?20:07
u_dp_just Drew?20:07
kevin6888but i was worn out20:07
u_dp_there's one next week in mountainview20:07
kevin6888i dunno, he hasn't been on in awhile.  it used to be nuboon2age i think20:07
akkhe was on as nuboon2age yesterday or the day before20:08
The_Letter_Mkevin6888, you never explained your Libertarian / Socialist thing20:08
kevin6888akk: ah, maybe i just haven't been paying enough attention20:09
kevin6888well, i wasn't on last night20:09
The_Letter_MLib want small minimal govt and Soc want big govt that micro manage everything20:09
kevin6888The_Letter_M: i got it from Noam Chomsky, pondered it, and was like "hey yeah."20:09
The_Letter_MCare to pass it on then?20:10
The_Letter_Menlighten us20:10
kevin6888hmmm, i'm not really sure that i can20:10
kevin6888i think i just see it as something flexible and adaptable20:11
u_dp_i don't think it's as categorical as you're making it The_Letter_M20:11
kevin6888the rigidity of politics is one of the problems20:11
kevin6888i have considered that "libertarian socialism" is simply "anarchy", but that doesn't quite work20:12
u_dp_i just see socialism as the flattening of heirarchies20:12
kevin6888i might call it "pragmatism" but that is boring20:12
kevin6888nobody cares if you say "pragmatism"20:12
kevin6888besides, finding out what actually works is probably somewhat painful20:12
kevin6888u_dp_: interesting.  hadn't heard that before20:12
u_dp_well what i mean is20:13
u_dp_instead of it being: libertarian minimal govt & socialism big government20:13
iheartubuntuthere was a communist chinese at my wifes accounting meeting the other day and they were having a discussion... he says big companies like facebook should be nationalized and no one really said anything except my wife20:13
u_dp_it seems to me it's20:13
iheartubuntuwho grew up in SU20:13
iheartubuntusoviet union20:14
The_Letter_Mnot I20:14
The_Letter_MI'm from the East Bay20:14
The_Letter_Mborn and raised20:14
iheartubuntuso the chinese guy was saying when companies get THAT BIG they should be sharing the wealth20:14
kevin6888well, something like facebook should be given to the people...20:14
kevin6888how to do that is the problem i guess20:15
kevin6888i dunno, i don't really think much on politics anymore20:15
kevin6888it's a whole lots of "blahs"20:15
iheartubuntuif i built my own company and made billions, i would not be thrilled with someone taking it from me20:15
u_dp_cuz you're capitalists20:16
The_Letter_MI can handle giving money to charity20:16
The_Letter_Mbut I can't handle the govt taking my money and calling it "charity"20:16
nhainesThe_Letter_M: you've been voluntold.20:17
iheartubuntueven Ubuntu being free, has a business plan20:17
iheartubuntuits great that it is free, but in order to sustain itself it needs other revenue sources20:18
The_Letter_MWhenever I hear about govt getting into an industry like healthcare20:18
iheartubuntuand i think it works out great actually.20:18
The_Letter_MI think of those angry mexican women at the DMV who don't speak much english and treat me like crap20:18
iheartubuntucloud computing like U1 is smart20:18
u_dp_what do the mexican workers at dmv have to do with healthcare?20:19
nhainesiheartubuntu: you're thinking about Canonical, not Ubuntu.20:19
iheartubuntui dont really think about mexican people.20:19
The_Letter_MI picture them at the front desk when I go to the hospital20:19
iheartubuntuour jobs are going to chinese people who make $1 a day20:19
The_Letter_Mand they just walk away saying "I'm on break, talk to somebody else"20:19
iheartubuntuim not worried about mexicans or other nationalities here trying to make a living20:19
kevin6888canonical is a subset of ubuntu20:19
The_Letter_MI'm not trying to single them out20:20
u_dp_3 conversations 1 stream, threading, priceless20:20
nhaineskevin6888: no it's not.20:20
The_Letter_Mbut when I got my drivers license, I went to the DMV in Pittsburg and they have all these latina women that work there20:20
kevin6888nhaines: i hear you20:20
nhaineskevin6888: no you don't.20:20
u_dp_that's all because of capitalism20:20
The_Letter_MMy dad was there renewing registration and had been in line for 3 hours20:21
u_dp_how are you going to convince some american workers to go work at a dmv for min wage20:21
The_Letter_Mhe was next in line and it hit 6 o'clock20:21
u_dp_yeah that's a government organization issue20:21
The_Letter_Mso she shut the window in his face and was like "screw you"20:21
kevin6888i'd work at dmv for min wage20:21
kevin6888people don't realize how high min wage is, until they don't have anything to eat20:21
u_dp_so do it20:21
kevin6888they aren't hiring20:22
u_dp_i don't understand the indignation of outsourcing when no one is willing to work for that wage there20:22
kevin6888i would20:22
kevin6888$10/hr is great when you've been unemployed for as long as i have20:22
u_dp_who said anything about $10 an hour20:23
kevin6888but for some reason, companies aren't hiring at that rate20:23
The_Letter_MAverage pay where I live now in Utah is $9 an hour20:23
kevin6888that's what an indian with a degree in comp sci makes on average20:23
kevin6888i think my experience and degree in info sys is equivalent to that20:23
u_dp_yeah that has a masters degree20:23
kevin6888not what i heard20:23
* kevin6888 shrugs20:23
kevin6888could be though20:24
u_dp_i think about that in terms of volume20:24
u_dp_they gear their youth for primarily one of two positions20:24
u_dp_engineering or medicine20:24
The_Letter_Mor call centers20:25
u_dp_and at their volume, think of how much it compares to here20:25
kevin6888competition is crazy there20:25
u_dp_yeah i think that stuff filters out of having large numbers of engineers running tech companies20:25
kevin6888i heard something on npr, when i was interviewing at Disneyland20:25
u_dp_we have like some small percent of our micro population compared to there20:25
kevin6888it was like the interview, just to ween out the rest, was like something out of jeopardy20:25
u_dp_yea think about testing in a 98 percentile of the number of applicants they have20:26
kevin6888that's why i wish i had taken food sources more seriously20:26
kevin6888if they have the jobs, they probably get the food too20:26
kevin6888which just increases the cost of oil...20:28
kevin6888but then, i'm not really a fan of importing food either, doesn't seem sustainable20:28
u_dp_but many things increase the cost of oil20:28
kevin6888not without renewable energy20:28
u_dp_which is leveraged by war deb20:28
u_dp_(and paid for)20:29
kevin6888maybe the goal is to have 1/2 the population working for DOD20:29
kevin6888oh, debt20:29
kevin6888i see20:29
kevin6888i'm going to check dmv's website, just for the hell of it20:29
u_dp_yeah importing is a luxury in some cases20:30
u_dp_i wonder if logistics companies know the real cost of their transportation20:30
u_dp_i mean i think we all sort of do20:30
u_dp_just like our own transportation20:30
u_dp_but we don't think of it outside of aggregates20:30
u_dp_in individuals the contributions are seemingly miniscule20:30
buddyjrwe don't think of it until it directly affects us20:32
kevin6888it directly affects me, so i think about it20:33
iheartubuntuthere is a DEB for war?20:36
kevin6888iheartubuntu: yeah, the total annihilation rts20:37
kevin6888i forget what it's called already20:37
kevin6888the package, that is20:37
iheartubuntukev - i used to a have a friend whos sister worked at disneyland... she never had a reg work hour. she had to call every night before to see if she was on the work list for the next day20:37
kevin6888iheartubuntu: yeah, i think i heard that20:38
kevin6888well, gives me more time to meditate20:38
kevin6888speaking of which, i should get my move on20:38
iheartubuntuto where?20:39
kevin6888to locations within this room20:40
iheartubuntuok :)20:40
iheartubuntuat high speed?20:40
kevin6888nah, probably not20:40
iheartubuntunatty seems more stable after recent updates20:41
iheartubuntui still cant get my invest panel app working20:41
iheartubuntuahhhh mcdonalds20:44
iheartubuntuahhhhh now i cant breathe20:44
iheartubuntui think the lug helped the turnout of the pasadena ubuntu hour20:46
iheartubuntuwhat, 4 of us were from ubuntu here, 3 from the lug mailing list and 1 guy somehow found us on the net or from the flyers20:47
u_dp_that last guy could have been from the steam tunnels whilest escaping from their wooden faraday cage whose job was outsourced for $1 to workers in china20:51
iheartubuntuwe could start an ubuntu/foraging/tunneling meetup20:52
iheartubuntuthat pretty much summed up this chat u_dp_20:52
kevin6888i would be interested in this iheartubuntu20:52
kevin6888"parkour at caltech"20:52
iheartubuntuyesterday included topics such as ravi shankar and yogi mystics20:53
kevin6888oh yeah, i realized something aquaman is good for.  flow.  :)20:53
u_dp_as in vaginal or digital?20:54
u_dp_i don't know the context of this aquaman20:54
kevin6888as in oceans and seas20:55
kevin6888The Aquaman20:55
u_dp_like the hero?20:55
u_dp_well the operative word i was working on was "flow" not aquaman20:55
u_dp_as it should be assumed that aquaman is based on the dc character of the same name20:56
kevin6888well yesterday i said aquaman was irrelevant20:56
kevin6888relative to superman's flight and batman's resourcefulness20:56
kevin6888wrt something iheartubuntu said about 'vision'20:56
u_dp_i thought mcguyver was resourceful20:56
kevin6888Deadpool realized he was in a comic book20:56
kevin6888what if we are too :o20:57
u_dp_is that even a question20:57
kevin6888oh yeah, didn't he have an ipad?20:57
iheartubuntui will be attending a new tv show taping tonite. i have no idea what its about20:57
u_dp_seems so rhetorical it must be true20:57
kevin6888there is no ?20:57
kevin6888iheartubuntu: ok20:58
iheartubuntuit better be good20:58
u_dp_kevin6888: must be true20:58
kevin6888all right, new project, unless i forget in the next 10 min while working on my bot:  get wireless set up without nm-applet20:58
iheartubuntumaybe i can give some ubuntu discs to the actors and actresses20:58
u_dp_what bot?20:58
kevin6888u_dp_: we better start learning what it is we're fighting for then20:59
kevin6888u_dp_: some perl bot20:59
kevin6888without nm-applet = without gnome20:59
iheartubuntui saw a corel painter at the bookstore the other day. does ubuntu have anything similar? krita maybe?21:00
kevin6888painter?  how is that different from gimp?21:00
iheartubuntuyou can have a clean desktop if you turn off your computer!21:00
iheartubuntuapparently corel painter has realistic brushes an such21:00
iheartubuntui have never used it21:00
kevin6888ah, realistic brushes, interesting21:01
iheartubuntumaybe there are extra brushes for gimp out on the net21:01
kevin6888so, say tomorrow ubuntu gets 99% market share21:01
iheartubuntuim listening21:01
kevin6888would then all the hardware companies fork it?21:01
iheartubuntufork you21:01
kevin6888there is no fork21:02
iheartubuntuall companies would have to, right?21:02
kevin6888i dunno, but they may want to21:02
kevin6888hmmm, maybe not21:03
u_dp_are you trolling?21:03
* iheartubuntu hates when people give me youtube links that go full size21:04
* iheartubuntu hates trollers21:04
iheartubuntutro lo lo 'ers are ok tho21:05
kevin6888i don't ever troll, actually21:05
u_dp_sounds convincing21:06
kevin6888i think trolling requires intent21:06
u_dp_someone just gave me some salesforce app programming book21:06
kevin6888you couldn't get flash working in natty iheartubuntu ?21:06
u_dp_what do you guys think of the cloud stuff ubuntu is getting into?21:07
iheartubuntu"I want this song to greet me when I go to heaven"21:07
u_dp_i just read a little about it last night21:07
iheartubuntui use ubuntuone21:07
u_dp_it's kinda like dropbox + mobileme?21:07
kevin6888i dunno why, but this dude reminds me of human trafficing21:08
iheartubuntuhe invented tro'lling :)21:08
kevin6888iheartubuntu: i think you found the new "rick rolled" video21:08
iheartubuntui want this song to come on when i receive mail in my inbox21:09
kevin6888i gotta' find something like the alarm i have on my phone21:09
kevin6888it's all peaceful and junk21:09
kevin6888makes me think i'm laying on a beach in Cuba or something :P21:10
iheartubuntuthe tro lo lo man is almost a form of meditation seidos21:11
iheartubuntuif you too sing along you can become one21:11
iheartubuntuho ho hoo!21:11
* iheartubuntu needs to download tro lo lo man and put the video on loop21:11
iheartubuntula la laaaaa la laa la21:12
kevin6888er, that is some object of meditation you got there iheartubuntu21:12
kevin6888unfortunately, if you're away from your computer...21:12
iheartubuntuyou can always walk down the street singing it21:12
iheartubuntuim ure you would put a smile on peoples faces21:13
kevin6888hey, cool, "always on top" + resized terminal is like an "omni bar" of sorts21:13
iheartubuntuthen, hand them an ubuntu disc21:13
kevin6888i really better not21:13
kevin6888people don't want to hear acapella music21:13
iheartubuntuok, we can sing together21:13
kevin6888especially from me21:13
iheartubuntuwe can get an entire community to sing it all at once. it could be the next thing21:14
kevin6888well...perhaps not especially21:14
* iheartubuntu will use tro lo lo singing in next ubuntu ad21:14
kevin6888i will forget the lyrics21:14
iheartubuntuis using clipgrab to capture the vid and will loop it the rest of today. im curious if my co-workers will get sick of it21:15
kevin6888hmmm, i should download a debian iso21:16
kevin6888i wonder if i could make a live usb from it21:16
kevin6888using startup disc creator21:16
iheartubuntuthe one in ubuntu?21:17
kevin6888that's the only "usb startup disc creator" i know of21:19
buddyjri tried dd, but i've never gotten that to work21:20
kevin6888buddyjr: shhh21:20
akkdd works with fedora but not with ubuntu.21:20
buddyjrit's worked for you personally, akk ?21:20
kevin6888i didn't know you used fedora akk21:21
kevin6888you do it with the iso file, right?21:21
akkI needed a live usb stick, and fedora let me create one, ubuntu wouldn't.21:21
kevin6888i don't understand21:21
akkThe ubuntu ways all assume you're running a gnome desktop of the same ubuntu version you're trying to burn.21:21
kevin6888so all you had was a terminal, and you got the fedora one working21:22
u_dp_lunch time peeps21:22
akkyep, just a simple dd and I had a bootable usb stick.21:22
kevin6888i did this:  dd if=F12-Live-i686.iso of=/dev/sdb1 bs=8M21:23
akkLast time I tried to do that with ubuntu I spent about 4 hours trying 3 different methods and finally gave up.21:23
kevin6888whoa, that's weird21:23
kevin6888fedora 12?21:23
akkcan't remember -- it was probably a little under a year ago21:23
kevin6888i got that off the fedora website21:23
akkI thought I remembered dd to /dev/sdb, not sdb121:24
akksince it needs a boot block21:24
kevin6888hmmm, that would explain why the original was "sdX" or something21:24
kevin6888i'll try that21:24
kevin6888i'm going to see about installing debian first though21:24
kevin6888thanks akk21:24
kevin6888for the info21:25
kevin6888i'll thank you again if it works :)21:25
akkyeah, there was no 1. Here's what I did: http://shallowsky.com/blog/linux/install/fedora-live-usb.html21:25
kevin6888yeah, saw that21:39
kevin6888i'm going to try it after i look at these dmv exams21:39
kevin6888it looks like i don't have enough experience to be a dmv custodian :|21:39
iheartubuntuLake Arrowhead sounds like a nice place to relax this weekend21:44
* iheartubuntu is curious what The_Letter_M stand for21:45
kevin6888the Letter M was a movie21:47
kevin6888German foreign flick21:47
iheartubuntukevin what was this genius movie??21:47
kevin6888"real genius"21:48
kevin688880s flick21:48
kevin6888one of my favorites, really21:48
iheartubuntui will have to watch it again21:48
kevin6888yeah, if you have time21:49
kevin6888have you ever gotten wireless working from a terminal iheartubuntu ?21:49
iheartubuntuive never tried21:49
kevin6888i am thinking if i can get that working, i should be able to configure my own iso21:49
iheartubuntuwhat would be on the ISO21:50
kevin6888i've tried, never succeeded21:50
kevin6888i think it may have something to do with my wireless chipset21:50
kevin6888the packages i like to have installed on ubuntu21:50
kevin6888i'd like to install from alternate iso, then install packages i want, then build the iso21:51
jtatumkevin6888: jockey is the restricted hardware tool. it can be run from command line21:51
iheartubuntui just received a phone call.. Salem OH (1234567890)21:51
iheartubuntui didnt answer21:52
iheartubuntuthat cant be a real phone # :)21:52
kevin6888jtatum: i'll look into that21:52
akkThe arch wiki has a great page on wireless from the commandline: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_Setup21:53
akkI have a python library/script for wireless config, and I found that page very helpful while writing it.21:53
iheartubuntui was shocked houston didnt get a retiring space shuttle21:53
buddyjrakk: cool, thanks21:55
jtatumi still like jockey's cli, lets you enable and disable wireless and video drivers21:55
kevin6888cool, i just avoided a quagmire21:56
kevin6888oh wait, i'm swampy, i'm supposed to enjoy quagmires21:56
kevin6888demarest = "from the swamp"21:57
erichammondiheartubuntu: It's not impossible to fake the caller id ;-)21:59
buddyjrkevin6888: no you didn't22:01
* buddyjr pats "swampy" on the head22:01
kevin6888buddyjr: you're lucky we're buddies22:01
kevin6888hi u_dp_22:03
kevin6888so i just had a realization, it seems the unity launch bar should be at the bottom of the screen when viewing the screen wide22:04
u_dp_hey guys, do you know much about vitualization?22:05
kevin6888i've used vbox22:07
kevin6888that's about it, so no, not really22:07
kevin6888mental note, don't delete stuff until i have an out of space message :|22:07
u_dp_does that include irc logs with mental notes?22:08
u_dp_so um22:08
u_dp_how do you guys keep irc logs?22:08
kevin6888buddyjr: :|22:08
u_dp_i never got in the habit22:08
kevin6888what client do you use?22:09
u_dp_is it up to my client mainly?22:09
kevin6888oh well there's irclogs.ubuntu.com22:09
u_dp_well at this very moment i'm logged in with webchat.freenode.net web client22:09
u_dp_but, i mean in the future when i'm on my own server22:09
akkxchat has a preference to save logs, or not.22:10
u_dp_well technically i'd be on my own server, using an irc client22:10
u_dp_anyone use irssi?22:10
u_dp_http://www.irssi.org/documentation/manual   search:Logging22:11
buddyjrhey u_dp_ what does your nickname mean?22:11
u_dp_i'm not really sure22:12
u_dp_my initials are dp22:12
u_dp_dp was taken22:12
u_dp_and i'm on the ubuntu site22:12
buddyjrhow funny, my bot has a !dp command22:12
u_dp_and since i'm logged in here twice i have an underscore after my name22:12
kevin6888it's not your bot buddyjr, it's mine22:12
u_dp_(i'm also on #ubuntu-locoteams22:13
u_dp_is this the perl bot you were referring to?22:13
kevin6888i thought maybe you had found me from #buddhism on undernet or something22:13
u_dp_no, but i do have that interest22:13
u_dp_and i have lived on undernet for a brief period22:14
kevin6888you are interested in the dhammapada?22:14
u_dp_not currently, mainly because i read most of it22:14
u_dp_but yes :)22:14
kevin6888i haven't "lived" on undernet22:14
kevin6888i just started there like a year ago22:14
iheartubuntuhas anyone heard of meat glue before?22:14
kevin6888a friend of mind recommended their philosophy channel22:14
u_dp_it sounds disgusting.22:15
u_dp_and that link isn't working for me :(22:15
u_dp_oh there it goes22:15
u_dp_this doesn't look promising22:15
kevin6888have you guys heard of mechanically separated meat?22:16
u_dp_isn't that called modern meat processing?22:16
=== erichammond1 is now known as erichammond
buddyjri thinks msm would be a subset of mmp22:17
kevin6888dammit, i should minimize that22:17
u_dp_i can't finish watching it22:17
kevin6888i didn't bother to wait for it to work22:18
kevin6888i'm trying to fix my bot's script, i added variables for his nickname and my nickname22:18
u_dp_what's it do?22:18
kevin6888syntax error at /home/metta/src/perl/buddy.pl line 130, near "'!'$verse"22:19
kevin6888just the usual stuff, factoids on buddhism22:19
u_dp_what's the !dp command do?22:19
kevin6888responds to some messages22:19
kevin6888it pulls a random verse from the dhammapada22:19
u_dp_does it stand for any set of two words that are vulgar that i am regularly subjected to?22:19
kevin6888i'd show you, but i don't know if that would annoy the folks in this channel22:20
u_dp_you can show me via direct chat?22:20
kevin6888no, it stands for dhammapada22:20
kevin6888we would have to be in a channel i think22:21
kevin6888i haven't tried direct chat22:21
u_dp_i should get on a real irc client22:21
u_dp_then i could chat it up22:21
kevin6888whatever works for you22:21
projectdphello :)22:22
projectdpwhere to kevin?22:22
kevin6888we could go to #buddyjr-test22:23
u_dp_i'm there22:23
iheartubuntuu-dp_ there is xchat. im using empathy chat client, which handles IRC pretty good IMO22:31
iheartubuntueven pidgin can do IRC22:31
u_dp_i see22:32
u_dp_got a few too many chat windows open heh22:33
u_dp_aak, i am reminded of your comment about bitlbee + xchat & twitter22:34
u_dp_sounds interesting, any insight into its use?22:34
kevin6888oh empathy...22:34
* kevin6888 weeps for empathy22:34
akku_dp_: http://shallowsky.com/blog/tech/bitlbee.html22:35
kevin6888u_dp_: thanks for the testing, gave me some insight :)22:36
u_dp_yes but do you have access to insight? :D22:36
kevin6888hmmm, perhaps a tiny bit22:37
projectdpalright guys i'm switching to this account from now on :)22:49
kevin5293akk: looks like that did the trick, i'm in fedora14 now :)22:58
akkyay kevin529323:07

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