
jamaltajtatum: dantalizing and zbrown are i think00:05
jamaltanot sure about anyone else00:05
jamaltajtatum: would tuesday work for you?00:06
jtatumsure, works fine00:06
dantalizingjtatum youre in sf?00:33
jtatumnah, south bay00:34
dantalizingclose enough00:34
jtatumthe polk city to san francisco's orlando ;)00:34
dantalizingi dont know where polk city is00:35
jtatumhaha, nobody does00:35
jtatumi'm about 40 miles out. 00:36
dantalizingclowe enough00:38
dantalizingclose even00:38
jtatumsure! i like visiting the city anyway00:38
jtatumi mean aside from getting robbed for parking :)00:39
dantalizingcrap that remnds me. still need to book a hotel00:39
jamaltajtatum: oh parking is so awful :( we actually shipped our car back to the parents-in-law in FL00:53
jamaltadantalizing: where are you planning on staying? i was going to ask whether tuesday evening would work for you00:54
jtatummy brother's girlfriend has hers parked in my driveway. dunno what the long term plan is00:54
jamaltadantalizing: not sure what your travel plans are, or zbrown's for that matter, but i'm up for any evening00:54
jamaltajtatum: wow, that makes it hard to use lol00:54
dorganwhere is "connect to server" in unity?00:56
dantalizingjamalta: not sure where. someplace close00:59
dantalizingjamalta: we are all on tripit, no?01:00
dantalizingi arrive on 7th01:00
dantalizingleave on 12th01:00
dantalizingi'm also good any night...so far.... need to meet another friend who is attending finnovate as well01:01
dantalizingdorgan: good question01:02
dorgan:) I am installing gnome301:02
dorgannot worth it....not feeling the unity interface01:02
dorganif it aint broke dont fix it01:02
dorgani think this is canonicals windows vista01:02
dorgansorry if that offends anyone01:03
dantalizingunity prob works well as a consistent env mobile -> desktop, g3 is a much better dektop imo01:03
dorganmaybe on a tablet01:06
dorganpersonally even on a netbook it would annoy me01:06
dantalizingi'm not sure why (havent investigated) but gnome3 is different on my maverick and natty installs01:08
dantalizingmaybe just a setting...dunno01:09
dantalizingbut one has a dock and the other has a menu01:09
dantalizingor maybe diff ppa..01:10
jamaltadantalizing: i am, and i know you are.. don't think i have zbrown on tripit01:16
dantalizinghes there not sure if he uses it01:17
dantalizingcrashsystems wont use it until they get end to end encryption01:18
crashsystemswhat is tripit?01:18
dantalizinga travel organizer01:19
crashsystemsI don't think I'd need a travel organizer01:20
dantalizingthey parse your confirmation emails and build your itinerary01:20
crashsystemsdon't confirmation emails include itineraries?01:21
dantalizingfor instance send a flight and hotel and car rental and they'll show you a single serialized view01:22
crashsystemshmm, interesting01:22
dantalizingi'm probably understating01:23
dorganbrb have to reboot01:23
dantalizingi like it01:23
dantalizingplus they track your contacts to see if they are nearby01:23
dantalizingi wouldnt have known my friend was gonna be at finnovate unless tripit told me01:24
crashsystemshow did tripit know where they would be?01:25
dantalizingshe forwarded her flight info01:26
dantalizingshe lives in tx01:26
dantalizingbut flying to sf on 9th01:26
dorgangnome3 is just as bad as unity02:16
dorganno desktop and no connect to server02:17
dorgananyone around?02:20
crashsystemsI've not had an opportunity to try gnome3 yet, but I'm loving unity02:46
mhall119I think "crashsystems wont use it until they get end to end encryption" may be a true statement regardless of the context02:55
dorganyeah so i uninstalled gnome3 and now am using ubuntu classic :)03:06
dorgannot liking either of them03:06
dorganAT ALL03:06
mhall119dorgan: Xfce03:08
dorganyeah never liked that either03:09
mhall119when was the last time you tried it? It's come a long way in the last few years03:09
dorgani'll try installing it this weekend....does it have connect to server?03:18
dorganthats my biggest gripe...that and desktop icons03:18
dorganok gotta run...have a nice night everyone03:18
jtatumGreetings, Chat159504:23
jtatumfirst time on IRC?04:25
jtatumyes, hello04:27
jtatumyou found the chat room for the ubuntu linux florida team :)04:28
jtatumwell, that was.. 04:31
rrobhi all12:21
rrobpls, after battery shutdown my notebook with ubu 10.10 didnt boot, told me that have problem with disk, i boot from liveusb and try e2fsck -fyv /dev/sda1 but he told me that device is busy. i restart from liveusb again with same result, when i did lsof | grep sda1 shows me 4 lines with sda1 pid 374 user root pds: cwd rtd txt NOFD12:25
Jake2|cflitnet7:  or anybody:  I dl'ed AVG Rescue and burned it.  Startup brings a boot: prompt. No menu. How start?19:21
ropetinHola one and all, long time no see and all that19:40
mhall119hey ropetin, it has been a while20:06
ropetinSure has, works been keeping me busy20:50
ropetinas you can see by my 50 minute response time20:51
ropetinHow is everything in here, still fighting the good fight?20:51
mhall119ropetin: yup, a little slower than it used to be though21:12
ropetinThat's cool, thats the ebb and flow of life though21:12
DammitJimwhen is the new version of ubuntu coming out?21:13
ropetinDid a regular thing ever get set up for SoFla?21:13
mhall119DammitJim: April 28th I think21:13
mhall119what munz_werk said21:13
munz_werki can be helpful...sometimes21:14
DammitJimoh cool21:14
ropetinYou mean Natty?  I thought that was out already, no?21:14
* ropetin is so out of the loop21:14
munz_werkbeat 2 just came out21:15
ropetinSo will there be release parties planned?21:17
munz_werkthink on the 30th21:18
ropetinAre there any regulars from Miami/Fort Lauderdale these days, or still just me?21:20
munz_werkno to my knowledge, inet in the space coast... not sure if any is further down21:21
mhall119reya, govatent, Chloric (I think)21:22
mhall119are all in the miami area21:22
* mhall119 was in the miami area last weekend21:22
mhall119but just passing through on my way to the keys21:22
munz_werki was in sobe last 2 days21:23
munz_werkwife wanted to see gaga21:23
ropetinApparently it was an awesome show21:24
ropetinNot my bag though21:24
mhall119probably more fun than my flat tire on US 27 just outside Miami21:25
munz_werkyea, not mine really, but the show was pretty good21:25
munz_werklol mhall119 21:25
munz_werkit's fun to see all the girls dressed up like gaga21:25
ropetinAnd now, home time!21:26
munz_werkflat tire :( what were u doin in the keys? vacation of work?21:27

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