
RAOFThe wishlist bugs session sounds like a good one to me.00:00
bryceh_RAOF, ok I'll craft a blueprint00:06
bryceh_RAOF, meanwhile it seems one of monday's updates introduced a regression - see bug 75796800:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 757968 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "[i965gm] GPU lockup (IPEHR: 0x14000000) - Black screen (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75796800:06
bryceh_RAOF, any ideas offhand?  If the user can repro it, I'm going to have them individually downgrade mesa, xserver, -intel, and compiz to see which causes it.00:08
RAOFbryceh_: looking.00:08
bryceh_if I were to bet, I'd guess mesa.00:08
RAOFMe too.00:09
RAOFIf it's reproducible, and downgrading mesa fixes it, it shouldn't be too hard to identify the bad commit.00:10
* bryceh_ nods00:13
bryceh_alright, sounds like a plan00:13
bryceh_RAOF, btw I have a suspicion the libdrm patch ickle gave us is bad00:16
RAOFThe even-more-relaxed-tiling fixes one?00:16
bryceh_I've got 2-3 similar-ish bugs that I've got traced to regressing around the time that patch went in00:16
bryceh_so far one test of downgrading it indicates that without that patch it freezes less often (maybe there's another freeze bug)00:17
bryceh_the bugs are freezes and/or black screen issues00:18
bryceh_so, if I can gather some more solid evidence I might revert that patch...100_intel_remember_named_bo.patch00:18
bryceh_RAOF, I do note that debian took a couple other patches along with that one for 2.4.23-3, so perhaps one of them corrects issues that this patch brought?00:20
RAOFFun fact: ‘break WriteToClient if who=0x14f92d0’ is *very importantly* not the same as ‘break WriteToClient if who==0x14f92d0’ :)00:20
Sarvattthat or there were more parts of 2.4.24 needed too00:21
RAOFbryceh_: Possibly?00:21
RAOFThe other parts of 2.4.24 *claimed* to be about older kernels, and certainly looked that way.00:21
bryceh_if I can confirm that downgrading solves these issues, I can also see about having them test against the newer version if it's in a ppa somewhere00:22
Sarvattthese time zone differences between us all suck :)00:23
bryceh_anyway, thinking we should hold off on 2.4.24 until these regressions are better understood00:23
bryceh_Sarvatt, howso?00:23
RAOFI can upload 2.4.24 into X staging pretty easily.00:24
bryceh_ok, that sounds like a good step00:25
bryceh_I'll have folks test against that00:25
* RAOF turns on the coffee machine and sets to uploading.00:32
RAOFUploaded to ubuntu-x-swat.00:51
RAOFAAaand built.01:14
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tjaaltonbryceh_: whoopsie daisy.. done07:22
njpatelRAOF, I loved seeing that email in the morning....thank you for your work helping to track this down :)09:07
RAOFnjpatel: It's a nice thing to end the week on :)09:08
njpatelIndeed :09:08
aragood morning tseliot09:34
tseliotgood morning to you ara :)09:34
seb128bryceh_, some of the duplicates of the "intel_tex_image.c:726: intelSetTexBuffer2: Assertion `!texImage->Data' failed" have apport infos if that's useful10:45
bradmhi, is there anything I can do to help with bug 727620?  I have to reboot my laptop 5 or 6 times, and then log into and kill X about the same before I get a usable session11:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 727620 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "[Radeon HD 5650 and 5470] Driver crash during recovery boot and in normal boot (Regression from 2.6.38-3 to -4) (affects: 9) (dups: 1) (heat: 58)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72762011:46
tjaaltonbradm: why don't you use the workaround mentioned in comment #2612:21
bradmtjaalton: I did try that and had some issues, should give it another go I guess.  it'd be good to have the bug fixed though12:24
tjaaltonbradm: strongly in the upstream territory though, it needs kernel changes that won't get in 2.6.3812:26
tjaaltonfrom what I can tell anyway12:26
bradmtjaalton: right, I suspected that might be the case but its not really 100% clear in the bug thats whats happening12:26
tjaaltonbradm: have you looked at the upstream bug?12:27
bradmtjaalton: I did12:28
tjaalton"The switcheroo code12:28
tjaaltonneeds more work to switch properly on some systems it seems."12:28
bradmyes, there's a lot of it seems, and supposition, was just wondering if I could do anything to help clear it up12:29
bradmits not clear to me whats happening now with the bug12:29
tjaaltoni can confirm it if you like12:31
tjaaltonthe bug report, not the bug happening12:31
bradmwell, it does say status incomplete, made me think something was missing12:32
bradmcool, thanks12:33
bradmits definately still happening for me at least12:34
tjaaltoni don't doubt that12:34
bradmoddly I couldn't see anything in my bios to tell it to just use the radeon, but it is downrev a bit12:35
bradmbut it needs windows to do a bios update :-/12:35
tjaaltonit's updated from windows?12:37
bradmall HP provide is a windows .exe12:37
bradmits possible there's a way of flashing from linux but its not obvious from the time I've spent looking 12:37
bradmwhich, admittedly, hasn't been an enormous amount12:38
tjaaltonit's usually just a self-extracting zipfile12:42
tjaaltonuse unzip to extract it12:42
tjaaltonthere are docs for creating a bootable cd that you can use for flashing your bios12:43
bradmnope, its not a zip file12:44
bradmah, its a cab file12:45
tjaaltonhave a link to it?12:45
bradmI've found some references that say the bios is encrypted by one of the dlls provided12:50
tjaaltonright, that tool really needs windows..12:55
bradmvery much so12:59
bradmmy next laptop won't be a HP :)12:59
BlackZSarvatt: I filed a bug for the issue I described you the other day: bug #76171813:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 761718 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Can't start Ubuntu default session properly (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76171813:57
tseliotBlackZ: what happens if you downgrade to the previous version of nvidia-current  and reboot?14:07
BlackZtseliot: this is what I was just trying ;)14:08
tselioteverything seems to be ok, BTW14:08
BlackZyeah, looks quite weird14:08
BlackZtseliot: downgrading to the previous version doesn't help at all14:44
BlackZ(and I was having the problem what that version as well)14:44
tseliotBlackZ: I suspected that. It means that something else busted your system. Maybe unity?14:44
BlackZtseliot: I don't think so. Even the classic Ubuntu session doesn't start properly14:45
BlackZtseliot: I can only start the one without any effect14:45
tseliotBlackZ: it's probably compiz then14:45
BlackZtseliot: yeah, I think so14:46
tseliotBlackZ: see if you can find something interesting in your ~/.xsession-errors after you reproduce the problem14:46
BlackZtseliot: unfortunately no, I can't14:47
tseliotBlackZ: can you reproduce the problem if you start the classic session without effects and then type: compiz --replace14:48
BlackZ_tseliot: bingo! the problem is compiz..14:57
BlackZ_tseliot: it seems to crash at "Starting unity-window-decorator"14:57
tseliotBlackZ_: ok, please update the bug report and assign the bug to compiz14:58
BlackZ_tseliot: will do! thanks :)14:58
BlackZ_tseliot: btw I still can't figure out why it works with the nouveau drivers..15:00
bjsniderwhy don't the other nvidia users have th is bug?15:18
bjsniderme, for example15:18
BlackZ_bjsnider: no clue, this is really really weird15:51
cndbryceh_, got a bug fix for evdev pushed to git for bug 57300619:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 573006 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Touch screen driver clicks at wrong location (affects: 8) (heat: 52)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57300619:45
cndplease upload when it's convenient19:45
bryceh_cnd, ok will do19:49
cndbryceh_, got a fix for synaptics bug 754470 pushed to git too :)20:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 754470 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu Natty) (and 2 other projects) "syndaemon consumes 100% CPU (affects: 65) (dups: 4) (heat: 342)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75447020:44
tjaaltoncnd, bryceh_: pushed the reverted patch for bug 757972 to git21:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 757972 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Easystroke doesn't recognize button release (affects: 5) (heat: 30)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75797221:44
cndtjaalton, thanks!21:45
tjaaltoncnd: sorry for just throwing the ball on your court yesterday ;)21:45
cndtjaalton, np :)21:46
cndit's a bit of a lull right now21:46
cndand it very well could have been caused by some of my patches21:46
tjaaltonheh, well your patches were, for the most part, already on our tree21:47
tjaaltonaanyway, seems that there are less bugs flowing in that I feared21:48
tjaaltonbeta2 and all21:48
tjaaltonsome freezes yeah, but could just as well be compiz ones21:50
tjaaltonand i really hope/believe that bug 507602 is finally fixed by libx11 1.4.221:53
ubot4tjaalton: Bug 507602 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/507602 is private21:53
tjaaltonbug 50706221:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 507062 in libx11 (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "synaptic assert failure: synaptic: ../../src/xcb_io.c:385: _XAllocID: Assertion `ret != inval_id' failed. (affects: 407) (dups: 267) (heat: 2474)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50706221:53
tjaalton267 dupes..21:54
tjaaltonthere's more, I'm sure21:54
tjaaltoni ran the test code on the upstream bug for an hour or so, and couldn't reproduce it21:55
tjaaltonthough I should probably try it on beta1 too, to see if the code actually works21:55
mvotjaalton: I think I saw a similar one for software-center recently, same pattern21:58
tjaaltonmvo: yeah, many of those are from s-c21:59
mvobug #76197221:59
ubot4mvo: Bug 761972 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/761972 is private21:59
mvowhy my stuff? synaptic, software-center? *grumpf* ;)21:59
tjaaltonah well22:00
tjaaltonso it's a fresh one, probably didn't fix it then22:00
bryceh_mvo, you're not alone.  Many times I've gone to report an emacs, xterm, firefox, etc. bug only to end up finding out it's actually a friggin X bug.22:01
mvoat least I'm not alone!22:01
tjaaltonthere are also some interesting commits on the libxcb tree, but it's a risky business pulling those. there really should be a reliable way to trigger this, but I'm afraid that's asking for too much..22:02
bryceh_yeah, we've been burned with xcb cherrypicks in the past.  quite a fragile library22:13
bryceh_reboot time. bbiab22:13
tjaaltonbest to try it via an sru22:13
tjaaltonor oneiric..22:13
tjaaltonmost likely22:13
brycehcnd, [ubuntu/natty] xserver-xorg-input-synaptics 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu12 (Waiting for appro22:19
brycehcnd, [ubuntu/natty] xserver-xorg-input-evdev 1:2.6.0-1ubuntu12 (Waiting for approval)22:19
cndbryceh, ta!22:19
Sarvattdarn, i started packaging up a new libxcb but gave up halfway through the 100+ new symbols. guess i should finish it :P22:28
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