
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
nlsthzn-worknuvolari_ salute06:30
superflymorning nuvolari_ and nlsthzn-work06:39
nlsthzn-worksuperfly: hi :)06:40
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:44
superflyheya Kilos!06:44
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:44
* Maaz flips the salt-timer06:44
nlsthzn-workMorning Mr. Kilos 06:46
Kiloslo nlsthzn-work  you well?06:47
nlsthzn-workKilos: sure, thanks for asking... all well in ZA land?06:47
Kilosyeah ty06:48
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:48
KilosMaaz, ty06:48
MaazYou're Welcome I'm sure06:48
nuvolari_morning superfly , oom Kilos , nlsthzn-work 07:06
Kiloslo nuvolari gaan dit goed boet07:06
Kilosals goed hier07:07
* nlsthzn-work waves...07:10
Kilos-lo sakhi 07:43
Squirmgood day12:54
nlsthzn-workit is pretty good12:56
sakhihi Squirm 13:11
* nlsthzn-work wonders if the #ubuntu-za logs will shrink in size with about 80% if all the greetings are removed...?13:19
sakhiafternoon nlsthzn-work ;)13:20
nlsthzn-worksakhi: :D13:20
inetpronlsthzn-work: no, it will shrink by 80% if all the joins, parts and quits are removed13:39
inetproand another 15% for the greets13:39
nlsthzn-workinetpro: also true :)13:44
nuvolari_lo oom Kilos 15:34
Kiloslo nuvolari 15:34
nuvolari_my tyd is bietjie wrong15:34
nuvolari_10:34:50    nuvolari_ | *verkeerd 15:34
Squirmhello nuvolari 15:43
nuvolari_hi Squirm 16:09
nuvolari_lo |3o|3 16:09
Symmetriaanyone awake?18:17
Kiloshi Symmetria 18:52
Kiloswhats news18:53
Symmetriatrying to hack together a mac accounting script19:14
Symmetrianow that I have the regex to match the correct data (thanks froztbyte), it should be pretty simple19:14
Kilosis unity gonna be a prob on old pcs guys19:26
Kilosreading lists frightens me some19:27
superflyKilos: no, it shouldn't... if you can't get 3D, it'll drop back to a 2D version which is light and fast19:29
Kiloswhew. ty superfly 19:30
Kilosi actually dont understand the 3d bit. screen kinda flat19:30
superflyKilos: it refers to the capabilities of the graphics card, not how it looks on the screen19:31
Kiloswas scared it gonna make the screen bulge in places19:32
inetproKilos: it's the inside of the screen that can be turned & twisted :-)20:19
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:58

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