
CardinalFangWas lee__ trolling us?00:38
jonorodrigo_, around?00:39
jonoFYI: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/UbuntuOne/FAQ/HowDoIDeleteACouchDBDatabase doesn't work00:52
jonothe how do I remove a desktopcouch db so I can have it synchronize again?00:54
karniCardinalFang: hehe possibly01:10
karnio hai, SnickersĀ®!01:10
karniokey, I managed to generate couple of HTTP 500 responses in way to short period. I shall leave this for.. later today.01:40
karniGood night!01:40
duanedesigno/ karni01:40
karnio hai duanedesign01:40
karniduanedesign: how are you?01:40
duanedesigndoing good. Got a few bugs triaged today01:41
karniduanedesign: awesome job01:41
karniduanedesign: I'm poking around REST API and putting my fingers where it hurts.. wait, that didn't sound well :P01:41
duanedesignand I got to help a user this morning in here. Been awhile since I got to do that. Was noce01:41
karniAnyway, just generated few 500 responses so I shouldn't continue with that, will constult tomorrow [today]01:42
duanedesignkarni:  :D01:42
karniduanedesign: oh, that's nice01:42
karniduanedesign: All righty, pretty late here, I'll be going now :) Take care, my friend!01:42
duanedesigni am looking forward to playing around with the libsyncdaemon API01:42
karniduanedesign: :)01:42
duanedesignok good night01:42
karniNight #ubuntuone!01:43
karnihi fagan09:02
faganhey karni09:03
faganMorning everybody09:03
ryekarni, ping09:05
karnirye: pong09:05
ryekarni, i was wondering whether you can access the headers of the response when you receive INTERNAL SERVER ERROR?09:05
ryekarni, while testing the REST interface09:06
karnirye: hmm I can try09:06
karnilet me see09:06
ryekarni, you may be interested in the header called X-Oops-Id which should contain the OOPS-ID that can be looked up later and see why the server application returns the error09:09
karnirye: ok!09:09
ryeubot4, thanks!09:09
ubot4You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:09
karnialmost done09:09
karnirye: hehehehh09:10
ryeeven though the oops urls mentioned are launchpad ones and u1 neither has nor needs access to these09:10
karnirye: X-Oops-Id: 1931appserverZbaADFCFCFfFdEeafIfaJHIBdecbCDBda84130 (I don't think I have access to oops infrastructure)09:11
ryekarni, ok, will poke you when logs finish syncing :)09:12
karnirye: awesome, thanks!09:12
karnirye: I'll ask beun-o for access later, we might use oops'es for the Android app as well one day09:12
ryekarni, NoPermission: UDFs can not be nested.09:35
ryekarni, that's for your latest oops09:36
karnirye: I should have followed with another Oops that tries to delete a UDF (which isn't there!) ;<09:36
ryekarni, if you tell me which bug you were testing with that I can put the oops info there09:37
karnirye: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/76127809:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 761278 in ubuntuone-servers "Internal Server Error when creating already existing UDF (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]09:37
ryekarni, feel free to test and report the oopses, the longest part in this process is to wait for the log sync, everything else takes under 10 seconds09:37
karnirye: thanks, I'll do just that09:38
karnirye: one you add the Oops info, I'll comment on the bug as well09:39
ryekarni, oops info in this case is 2 lines, no unexpected exception needing the traceback09:40
karnirye: ah already there, thanks09:41
JamesTaitHappy Friday, everyone!09:46
faganJamesTait: good day to you too09:47
karniJamesTait: to you as well!09:49
karnivds: note my comments to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/759848 - I'm starting to think this can equally be an Apache HttpClient/Request bug, if you won't be able to tell anything from the server perspective.10:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 759848 in ubuntuone-servers "Creating a directory under a volume fails (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]10:10
ryekarni, internal server error?10:12
vdsrye, we get a 40510:12
karnirye: no, we're struggling with Method Not Found :<10:12
ryevds, karni ah, no, boring. no oops10:13
karnirye: I know :< vds has added more verbose logging to the server10:13
karnitoo bad it's not oops10:13
vdskarni, what is funny is that I tweaked web_api_tool to return the headers, doing a PUT I get a 405 but PUT is one of the allowed method...10:14
karnirye: vds: I broke my U1 yesterday after setting up local u1 instance - you mind giving me a hand how can I fix? http://paste.ubuntu.com/594402/10:14
karnivds: aha, so it's not client side.. that's the same thing I just posted as comment to the bug. I make a PUT, and get 405 though PUT is allowed10:14
ryekarni, does python ... import ubuntu_sso work?10:14
karnirye: you tell me ;P10:15
karnirye: I can only say we were setting up the server, upgrading, etc etc. And now it's broken :<10:15
* karni cries10:15
ryekarni, i keep a separate vm for the server environment and it is really awesome10:16
vdskarni, you miss ubuntu sso?10:16
ryeeven though i want to build a lxc image10:16
karnirye: yeah, I could do that. but I would have to set up developer envrironment from scratch, and we didn't have much time10:16
ryevds, he has ubuntu_sso but... in a weird way10:16
ryekarni, what is your host system version?10:17
karnirye: 10.0410:17
* fagan gives emacs a go for a week10:33
faganvds: is it ok if I bug you for emacs for a day while I get started10:37
mandelChipaca: look: http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/Python/Windows/pyExcelerator/pywin32-214/win32/test/handles.py.htm10:38
vdsfagan, as long as I can help, every time you want!10:38
faganvds: cool thanks :)10:39
fagangot to say emacs is completely different to vim in some ways10:48
* fagan spent 5 minutes trying to work out how the interface worked 10:48
* fagan stops using emacs 10:59
karnifagan: XD11:18
fagankarni: yeah I wanted to slap rms when I stopped :)11:20
duanedesignmorning all11:49
duanedesignemacs ftw! :)11:50
faganmorning duanedesign im back using vim11:58
duanedesignfagan: sounds like me and vim12:19
duanedesignfagan: once you get used to one, it is hard to pick up the other12:19
faganduanedesign: well I just dont like how emacs looks12:26
faganvim at least I didnt expect much12:26
karnihi duanedesign :)12:37
fagandobey: ping?12:40
duanedesignhello karni12:48
* duanedesign is catching up on the Ubuntu One posts in the forums12:50
karniralsina_: one feedback question - when you first launch the app, you probably had to wait a moment/while for the volumes to start showing up. how did that feel, was it bareable? way to long? just ok?12:50
ralsina_was ok, but I was on wifi12:50
karniralsina_: thanks! (we're changing policy here, moving to REST. you'll see the list almost immediately, but it won't be auto loading rest of the content before you view it for the first time)12:52
lisettefagan: hi there13:22
faganhey lisette having any problems?13:25
faganlisette: ?13:28
lisettefagan: just did a tiny bit of css, but every time i reopen the thingy, it seems to open the first style.. but IĀ“ve uploaded the style (I think) I edited to U1 - Design work from Ivanka Majic  / Windows / CSS13:28
faganlisette: Ill have to see what you mean ill be up in a sec13:29
dobeyfagan: if that ping is about that links not opening correctly when banshee isn't already running, it's not getting fixed for 11.04 release13:35
fagandobey: nope this is a different thing13:37
ralsina_lisette: cool, I can try that already13:37
faganI wanted to know what is the story with that app that shows the merge requests for specific projects13:38
fagandobey: ^13:38
dobeyit doesn't show it for specific projects13:40
dobeyit shows all merge proposals related to you13:40
fagandobey: then why is there a preferences thing13:41
fagan(that gives the projects...etc(13:42
dobeythere isn't13:44
dobeyuse trunk, not what's in the archive13:44
fagandobey: in the repo there is :)13:44
faganah ok13:44
faganwhere is the branch?13:44
fagandobey: thanks ill have some merges probably soonish13:49
dobeypor que?13:50
fagandobey: Id like to make it better13:53
fagana little bit13:53
* fagan wants to have some tools to make everything easier for himself13:53
dobeyso would i, but i haven't had any time to work on that stuff. what exactly do you think would make it 'better' ?13:53
fagandobey: well I havent tested the one in the branch but id love notifications and something in the messaging menu that lists the things needing review13:54
faganif you dont already have it done13:54
dobeythere is a separate tool that does notifications, although it isn't up to par with the treeview windowed app. and tedg has a branch that does some indicator integration, but i'm not sure it applies to trunk any more, and i'm not sure it's quite what i want, or what the messaging menu is intended to be used for13:57
fagandobey: just for the list being viewable on the fly and for the little blue thing to say there is something to do13:58
=== clarita_ is now known as clarita
faganits actually pretty useful13:58
dobeyIt's not a question of usefulness14:01
fagandobey: well its intended to be used for not having to open the app to get to the merge list14:03
faganand its intended to be like getting a nice notification of work to do really and a link to it14:03
fagansince the thing does turn blue and you can get the link to the bug in the menu14:03
fagansame as any other message14:04
faganbut for merges14:04
fagan*merges not the bug14:04
dobeyrye: ping14:07
dobeyCardinalFang: did you see my comment on your defer-dbus branch?14:08
CardinalFangdobey, seen it.  I don't understand it yet.14:09
dobeyCardinalFang: it seems like Python is keeping the modified module in memory, and the test getting run later fails, because the previous tests didn't clean up properly.14:10
dobeyCardinalFang: it seems like the fail_if_called and pass_if_called in test_ubuntuone_pairing.py perhaps also need to be updated to deal with the argument changes for pair_with_ubuntuone (). though i'm surprised the pass_if_called actually seems to work as-is14:12
ryedobey, pong14:17
dobeyrye: for the music library utf-8 issue, can you verify what charset encoding the page is using?14:18
ryedobey, it uses utf-8, but based on what i dumped from the code the filename and the sting from the page are not quite the same14:21
dobeyrye: can you show those differences in the bug comment?14:23
ryedobey, i have since emptied the /tmp folder I had the changes in; Once we are done with CouchDB authentication I will try to reproduce this14:28
* alecu hates the DBus python bindings14:55
dobeyalecu: what now?15:03
alecujust weird behaviour. DBus errors that sometimes are not returned as errors, and a method published on the bus that mysteriously makes its process die15:07
dobeynot sure that's dbus-python but eh15:08
dobeyprobably with dbus-python is that it's too easy to use15:08
dobeyand GDBus in Python is not so easy to use, afaict15:09
karniCardinalFang: Have a minute? Want to shortly brainstorm.15:25
karniCardinalFang: I'm thinking of using an IntentService now that we move to REST. Question is, how this will impact your photo-sync service needs. You mentioned you want to simplify some things?15:25
karniCardinalFang: Ok. I'm *sure* we want to use IntentService. Now there's nothing (such as connection) keeping us with self-management of the service lifecycle. Let's let Android do it for us.15:27
CardinalFangkarni, I just need a way to call some code occasionally, or keep a process running with an Observer on a Cursor.15:29
karniCardinalFang: do you want to keep it running even if the app is not running as well?15:30
karniCardinalFang: (don't worry about calling the code, that's my part ;) )15:30
karniCardinalFang: we could register an alarm for you, but would it be the same? IIRC you kept your Observer as long as my SyncDaemon was running, right?15:31
karniCardinalFang: That's approximately as often as the app is on-going (possibly in foreground), before it is killed.15:31
karniCardinalFang: I understand that how fast pics are synced depends on how often and long is your observer registered? If it's not on-going, it won't detect new pics before next run, right?15:32
karniCardinalFang: I'm thinking that a lightweight PhotoCatcher service particularly for your purposes is a good idea. STICKY one. Which starts on boot, after few minutes.15:33
alecudobey, I've managed to reproduce the "method published on the bus mysteriously makes its process die"15:34
CardinalFangkarni, if the user wants photos uploaded, then it should try to discover new photos not long after photos are taken.  Instant feedback would be best, but if you can schedule something to call a scanning function every so often.  ... Yes15:34
dobeyalecu: it's unclear to me what that means exactly :)15:34
alecudobey, and it looks like a python-dbus issue... let me show you.15:34
alecudobey, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/594493/15:35
alecuoh, that won't fail.15:35
aleculet me repaste15:35
alecudobey, if I return an object path that does not start with "/" from a method that expects a "o" as return value, then the whole process dies15:37
alecuit's been driving me nuts15:37
dobeyalecu: ok, sounds like you hit two bugs, one of which is your own :)15:38
karniCardinalFang: Ha! I've got it. We make a default choice for the user, but let them change this behaviour as well in Settings. "Immediately after I take photos [service]" "Soon after I take photos [inexact alarms (Android recommended) with service]". Let's stick with PhotoCatcher service and implement inexact alarms when we're happy with the rest. How about that?15:38
karniIf somebody doesn't like the initial, persistent PhotoCatcher service, they can disable Photo sync alltogether (no sync for them).15:40
alecudobey, hahahah, yes.15:43
dobeyalecu: and i guess the other is that DBus doesn't return you an error when the service you're calling crashes in that case15:43
dobeyalecu: although i guess it does timeout15:44
dobeysince the service failed to return a value15:44
=== clarita_ is now known as clarita
dobeyoff to lunch16:35
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
faganewwww if you click the folder in the u1cp over and over again it spawns crap loads of windows17:23
* fagan can sort it on monday 17:30
dobeyfagan: stop clicking the button17:40
fagandobey: hah17:44
fagandobey: I got it on my computer because my computer is slow so I clicked it 3 times17:44
Chipacafagan: which folder?17:44
faganChipaca: any foler17:45
faganclick it over and over again and it keeps spawning17:45
Chipacafagan: fun!17:47
faganChipaca: I just stay in on a friday night clicking that button its that fun :)17:48
dobeyyes, well. we can't fix that in the control panel17:48
fagandobey: well we can just have a var with what was the last thing that was open and im pretty sure you can poke something to check if its still open17:49
faganI know that there are other apps doing something to stop it17:50
dobeyfagan: actually, no, we can't17:51
fagandobey: hmmmmmm17:51
dobeyfagan: if you want to stop it, change your nautilus settings to spatial mode17:51
fagandobey: well I can avoid it since I know about it but still it probably shouldnt do it in the first place17:52
faganalthough its not exactly a high priority bug that needs to get fixed or loads of people will complain17:53
dobeyfagan: there is no current way to do it, other than to fix nautilus to be spatial mode by default17:53
dobeywe had this same issue with the old applet we had17:53
dobeywe couldn't fix it then, and we can't fix it now :-/17:53
faganah ok17:54
faganI suppose its only really a bug in slow computers17:56
* fagan is on a msi wind so it happens 17:56
faganAnyway its 6PM so IRC is going off :P17:58
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
dobeycan i get some reviews please?19:33
dobeyhttps://code.launchpad.net/libubuntuone/+activereviews :)19:33
dobeyCardinalFang: care to do some reviews on https://code.launchpad.net/libubuntuone/+activereviews ? they're all almost exactly the same patch, except for the lucid one where the changed code is oh so slightly different20:30
CardinalFangdobey, sure, I'm game.20:32
CardinalFangOoo, encoding.  This is my field anyway.20:33
CardinalFangdobey, is there any chance that filenames could have some other encoding than UTF-8?20:52
CardinalFangI expected libxml to try UTF-8 by default, too.  Hrm.20:53
dobeyCardinalFang: maybe, but they would be broken on the web page as well, and that is a much harder issue to deal with. but i highly doubt it will happen20:54
dobeylibxml is dumb, i think it's doing ISO-8859-15 by default, because there's no encoding specified in the HTML20:54
dobeyso we have to pass in the right one20:54
CardinalFangdobey, does no HTTP header say the encoding either?20:56
CardinalFangThat's overkill to code here, probably.  Just curious.20:56
CardinalFangdobey, the right answer may be "who cares? UTF-8, bitches!".20:57
dobeywell "UTF-8 or the highway!" is the right answer20:59
dobeyCardinalFang: but libxml doesn't care about HTTP stuff, and getting all the HTTP bits out of webkit is a lot more work, when we control both sides of the fence already anyway21:00
CardinalFangdobey, this is right.  All approved.21:04
dobeyCardinalFang: did you look at that issue with the desktopcouch tests any further? were you planning to make another upload to ubuntu?22:35
CardinalFangdobey, I did.  I wanted to understand it better, but I'll just continue soon.  Yes, I hope to upload to Ubuntu.22:38
dobeyCardinalFang: ok, cool. if we want to get an upload in for release, it pretty much needs to be made asap (before monday)22:40
dobeywell i'm getting off of here. have a good weekend!22:50

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