
dailyfareheya im a newb at xubuntu and i'm trying to set up a logitech gaming controller...i've used wine to install the logitech software and no dice, i've looked for the jscalibrator in terminal it no dice...suggestions?00:11
dailyfaresorry, looking for help installing logitech gamepad00:12
dailyfareheya can some one help me with a game controller install issue?00:18
eedeep I just up upgraded xubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10 and now my keyboard shortcuts won't work...most importantly the run program dialog! I've been googling but to no avail...anyone seen this before?00:30
faryshtadailyfare, usually gamepads are plug and play.00:33
faryshtadailyfare, in order to use a gamepad you need to plug it before starting the  game console/emulator00:33
faryshtadailyfare, then just check if any "joysticks" are recognized in the gamelog.00:34
dailyfarek ill try that , thank you fayshta00:37
dailyfaresorry faryshta!00:37
philippe_I need some help01:06
eedeepdon't we all01:06
philippe_I have just installed xubuntu on my old laptop01:06
Unit193+1 eedeep01:07
philippe_t30 with a radeon mobility 7500 graphics card01:07
philippe_Now when I login for the first time it says I am using a software rasterizer under openGL01:07
philippe_but when I log out and back in again it changes to MESA DRI r10001:08
philippe_How can I customise it to use just the software rasterizer all the time? (as it plays nicer with my external monitor with a high res)01:09
philippe_Anyone there?01:27
eedeepphilippe_: yeah I'm here but sorry I don't know how tohelp you on that one01:27
philippe_I think  I need to disable DRI but I dont know how01:28
Unit193!x | philippe_01:28
ubottuphilippe_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:28
philippe_thanks for that ubottu. I have actually got the right resolution using xrandr01:29
philippe_But because my graphic card is so old when it is used as the renderer I get tearing at 1680x1050 res01:30
philippe_But it's fine when software rasterizer is implementing the 3d acceleration01:31
philippe_So I want to know how i can disable 3d accel without purging anything and breaking my distro01:32
philippeok I fixed it02:04
philippeI added Disable "dri" under module in xorg.conf02:05
philippeSo now I have a smoooooooth flowing fast distro on a 7 year old laptop :)02:06
philippeat a lovely high resolution I forgot to add :D02:07
philippeJust having a play around with xubuntu and it's lightning fast on this old thing02:12
philippeWas on ubuntu before but definitely can see the difference on XFCE02:13
Unit193CPU & RAM?02:13
philippe1.8Ghz 1gb ram02:14
philippeI dont feel like it's going to crash on me like Gnome :D02:16
philippeI have been an ubuntu user since feisty fawn, but when I saw what they are doing with the natty and the unity GUI enough was enough02:19
* Unit193 hasn't use Ubuntu since 6.1002:20
Unit193K/L/Xubuntu all the way!02:20
philippeRight I am off to catch some ZZZZzzzzz's02:25
philippeTake care Xubi's!02:25
philippeSee you around I'm sure :)02:25
xiaoshenhi all^03:14
xiaosheni want to install wine03:19
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:19
xiaoshenlikemindead, how to do it?03:20
xiaoshenapt-get install....03:21
Unit193sudo apt-get install wine03:21
likemindeadJust follow the above link(s).03:21
xiaosheni search wine in sypnatic and it shows a lot of wine name there, which one should i choose?03:27
Unit193xiaoshen: There should be one just named "wine" or "wine1.2"03:28
likemindeadREAD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine03:28
xiaoshenUnit193: which one shpuld ichoose  wine or wine1.2?03:30
Unit193It says in the link likemindead posted, wine03:31
likemindeadWork with us here...03:32
Unit193I didn't even read it, all I had to do was skim...03:33
xiaoshenwell i read that wine's description is dummy package and wine1.2 is binary emulator and library03:41
wereyodabcit seem irssi goes to same server and channel using different name than xchat by default which is nice07:09
wereyodabcxubuntu is over gnomebuntu imho   ;)07:10
quupIḿ using the us dvorak international layouts10:31
quupbut itś different layout depending on what keyboard I use, like on my laptop itś with no deadkeys but on my external keyboard itś with10:31
quupvery confusing10:31
quupI have even removed the with deadkeys from the keyboard layouts10:31
quupfiddled with the keybaord type options a bit and by chance i now got one that works on both :)10:32
wereyodabcget new keyboard man ;)10:33
wereyodabcand change dvorak layoat by you self..10:34
xubuntu420SHIT THE HELL FUCKIN YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:57
knomexubuntu420, please watch your language.10:57
xubuntu420i have a calico siamese cat that enjoys partaking in cannabis with me10:58
buff27my display flickers under the pre-release of 11.04 gnome...... I hope to xubuntu one doesn't get the black fickering issue11:59
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
attackulzanyone around for some help?14:33
charlie-tcaPlease ask your question all in one line. All of us are volunteers and will attempt to answer if we know.14:33
charlie-tcaattackulz: most of us have given up trying to figure out issues when the question is not asked.14:34
attackulzI installed Xubuntu on an older computer and have had ubuntu on my new laptop for quite some time now.  I have a linksys wireless G network card for the older desktop. when I plug it in it powers up but xubuntu cannot find any wireless networks. or even show that its working. however when I plug the wireless adapter into my laptop it works perfectly.  so A. is there a way to get this network adapter to work on xubunu. and if not can I harvest the dr14:35
attackulzivers from this machine to the other14:35
attackulzcharlie: i was typing it all in one line.14:36
charlie-tcaDid you have to install drivers for the laptop to work?14:37
attackulzplug in and play14:37
charlie-tcaThen those drivers should already be installed14:37
attackulzI figured it might be becuase I already have an active internet connection on this machine14:37
charlie-tcaWhat version of Xubuntu?14:37
attackulzthe latest14:37
attackulzdownloaded last week14:37
charlie-tcaYou could try unplugging the wired connection with the wireless card in the desktop14:38
charlie-tcamany times, it will look for wired only, if there is a cable plugged in.14:38
charlie-tcaI have to tell my wireless card which network to connect to, here.14:39
attackulzthere was no wired connection in it14:39
attackulzmy building shares a router. I have no access to any ethernet cord on this level14:40
charlie-tcaDo you get the icon on the panel?14:40
attackulznot the wireless14:40
attackulzonly has the option for wired and vpn14:40
attackulzthe power light on the adapter does come on when its pluged in however14:41
charlie-tcaThe desktop is not seeing the adapter?14:41
charlie-tcawhat does lspci show for the wireless card?14:41
charlie-tcain the desktop, of course14:41
attackulzyeah the desktop does not see the the adapter14:42
attackulzand one sec gotta go to other room14:42
attackulzshows that something is pluged into usb14:45
attackulzbut I dont think it knows what14:45
attackulzother then that for network devices all its showing is my ethernet14:46
attackulzthanks for the help by the way!14:46
charlie-tcaI am not able to help more, though.14:48
charlie-tcaI can suggest either waiting for more knowledgeable people here or trying #ubuntu-beginners14:48
charlie-tcathe -beginners has some very knowledgeable people in it when it comes to getting these working14:49
attackulzhow about moving the driver from this laptop to the desktop?14:49
charlie-tcaIt won't make the adapter show up14:49
charlie-tcafirst you have to make the desk14:50
charlie-tcadesktop see the adapter14:50
charlie-tcaIf it sees it, it will probably work14:50
attackulzit sees there is somthing pluged in14:50
attackulzbut it doesnt know what14:50
attackulzso if I somehow get the drivers from here14:50
attackulzI think it should work14:50
charlie-tcahm, Is that by any chance a USB 2.0 adapter on a 1.1 port14:50
attackulzno checked that14:51
charlie-tcaIf you have a driver for a device the computer does not recognize, it won't do anything. The driver is built into Xubuntu14:51
charlie-tcaYou have many printer drivers, too, but you won't see it list all the printers, because it doesn't see them as hardware14:52
attackulzsee i know for a fact too that if I had windows on here, with that software installed then ran xubunutu as a seccondary OS it WOULd find the drivers14:52
attackulzalright thanks for the help14:53
attackulzyou suggested that already and I told you I have NO wired connection14:54
quupcan I make a keyboard shortcut to toggle always on top?15:23
quuplooking at the xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts/xfwm4 settings I just get confused15:26
quupthe property is stuff like alt+F12 but the value is an action15:27
charlie-tcaright, when it says action, do what you need to make it happen15:27
quupI aded a new property15:29
quupthat did the trick15:29
drcIf I have a browser open on desktop 1, and click on a link in an app (say, xchat or thunderbird) on desktop 2, the link is opened in the running browser, but the browser is moved to desktop 2.  Is this 1) Feature, 2) Bug, 3) A clear sign that I'm crazy because it never happens on anyone else's machine?15:33
charlie-tcaquup: not to intuitive, when it comes to the ACTION, huh?15:34
quupcharlie-tca: not at all :)15:34
charlie-tcafeature of firefox, drc15:34
charlie-tcaHowever, you can control it somewhat with Xubuntu15:34
charlie-tcadrc: Settings -> Window Manager Tweaks -> focus, when a window raises itself, do nothing15:36
charlie-tcaalso there is a setting if Firefox, Edit -> Tabs, uncheck When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately15:37
charlie-tcaquup: there is bug filed in xfce bugzilla to get some better help text on the ACTION part15:38
drccharlie-tca: Thanks.15:38
ljsoftnethow do i fix my boot up problem, it just shows a bunch of text with no xubuntu logo16:17
quupsometimes that upper panel goes black18:00
quupand I have to put a windows always on top and use it to force a redraw or something18:00
quupalso now I have two volume indicators, or one volume thing and the other is the indicator plugin, but they look the same but are not the same18:01
drcquup: I use Settings>Session and Startup>App Autostart and uncheck Volume Control (Show Desktop Colume Control) to get rid of the non-Indicator one.  I don't think you can get rid of the Indicator Plugin one w/o getting rid of the Indicator Plugin (and thus NM :(18:04
quupok, one is good :)18:05
drcquup: Just make sure you don't uncheck the XFCE Volume Daemon18:06
quupwhere do i start debuging if suspend dosen't work?  it looks like it is suspending just fine, but when I try to activate it agian it just reboots18:07
drcDunno...I don't use suspend/hibernate...I'm either at the computer or it's off :)18:08
drcUsually at....18:08
quupI plugged in external drive, and it mounted automatically18:43
quupbut I don't have permission to unmount it from the file manager18:43
quuphrm. now it worked.... dunno what was going on there18:43
drcParential Controls?18:45
drcquup: all external drives or just that one?19:01
quupI don't know, I can't reproduce it19:01
quupcould have just been weirdness19:01
drcWell, let's call it a bug, just so the Xubuntu Team won't feel like they have nothing to do (i.e., smug :) on beta2 ?19:03
drcWoah....Just rebooted after daily update...Now only <one> desktop...trying to increase the number in Workspaces does nothing.  <sad>Worked this morning in b2</sad>19:34
likemindeadRunning 11.04?19:34
drcyes b219:34
drcTrying Windows-Problem-Solving-Techniques...i.e., re-boot :)19:36
drcDouble Woah...now 1) All open windows act like Unity (global menus?...overlay the top panel with theor menu bar); 2) Window Manager (and Tweaks) window opens but displays nothing.19:42
drcOk...11.04b2...updated just a few minutes ago via Update Manager.19:44
* drc says: "NOOOOOOOOO, I just re-installed last night." :) Goes out for a smoke to calm down.19:47
drchttp://img862.imageshack.us/i/screenshot0415201101532.png/  http://img641.imageshack.us/i/screenshot0415201101540.png/  http://img31.imageshack.us/i/screenshot0415201101543.png/  http://img15.imageshack.us/i/screenshot0415201101550.png/20:00
* drc only hopes this is something <he's> done to his box....That's easily fixed.20:10
charlie-tcadrc: you have no windows title bar?20:12
drccharlie-tca: Because <you> know what you are doing....20:12
charlie-tcaAlt+F2, xfsettingsd20:13
charlie-tcaand it won't really work in terminal, for some reason20:13
charlie-tcadid it work?20:15
drccharlie-tca: You really need to change your nick...I type 'cha' and alsways get Chanserv :(20:15
drcNope...do I need to re-start something?20:15
charlie-tcano, let's try something else20:16
drcI think scary-charlie was good.20:16
knomedrc, or you need to change your client - irssi remembers the last used nick when you type in c[tab]20:17
knomedrc, then it fills out charlie-tca if you used that the last time20:17
charlie-tcaalt+F2, xfce4-settings-helper20:17
drcknome: But it's easier (for me :) if someone else does the work.20:17
drc charlie-tca nope20:18
charlie-tcaNever occurred to me that would give you Chanserv20:18
charlie-tcaAlt+F2, xfce4-session20:18
charlie-tcawhat did you do to this thing?20:19
charlie-tcamaybe it is broke bad20:19
drccharlie-tca: I have no idea.20:19
drcI'm trying to think what I have dome this past hour or so since the last re-boot20:20
drcLuckily, most of it was back data up to my archives :)20:21
charlie-tcaAlt+F2, xfwm420:22
charlie-tcaAlt+F4, xfdesktop420:22
charlie-tcaAlt+F2, xfdesktop420:23
drcBingo (on the xfwm4)20:23
charlie-tcaHad to be one of them20:23
drcNow, What cold I have possibly dome to bork it that bad?20:23
charlie-tcayou got xfwm not to start20:23
drcBeside not knowing how to spell/type?20:23
charlie-tcaI went a long time having to go through those every restarty20:24
drcAnyway, Thanks...I'm going to have to drink and entire six-pack for you tonight :)20:26
drcThank me tomorrow when you have a headache.20:27
* drc sometimes feels like the Swedish Chef.20:28
charlie-tcahuh? Swedish chef have to drink a six-pack too?20:29
drcno.   Bork, Bork, Bork.20:29
* ArjenTM tips his hat20:44
philippeI need some help20:50
knomephilippe, ask and we'll help if we can20:51
philippeWhat is the best Email notification for xubuntu that runs in the taskbar, so I don't have to have thunderbird open all the time eating up CPU and RAM?20:51
philippe64 online and not a squeak. Where's that xubuntu mouse when you need him eh?20:56
ArjenTMHaha. :]20:58
charlie-tcahm, I would think no one really has an answer for you20:58
charlie-tcaI hate those things in the taskbar, so make sure I turn off all of them20:59
ArjenTMI also had a question. I was trying out 11.04 b2 on an old laptop. Things were fine until the power got cut while I was installing updates after. After that I couldn't get past GRUB. :<20:59
charlie-tcaYou can reinstall grub, if it is what is sticking20:59
philippeDid you back everything up Arjen?21:00
ArjenTMIt was a clean install21:00
ArjenTMSo no worries there21:00
charlie-tcaotherwise, boot to the recovery mode and choose fix packages21:00
philippeThanks for the replies. I need to head out now.21:01
philippeSee you around my fellow Xubi's!21:01
ArjenTMI'll try that next. Right now it's just reinstalling after repartitioning via the live CD :<21:01
charlie-tcaSometimes when that happens, you have to go to recovery mode a couple of times, and then reboot a few times21:01
quupxfce terminal has some very weird behaviour21:01
quupAfter this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be used.21:01
quupDo you want to continue [Y/n]? Y^Hn21:01
charlie-tcaArjenTM: that works too :-)21:01
quupI did Y changed my mind, then n21:01
quup= yes21:01
charlie-tcaquup: if you told it y first, that sticks21:02
quupcharlie-tca: not if backspace is backspace and not ^H21:02
ArjenTMI'm just a noob, but all the googling seemed to suggest that it fuxxed something on my swap, and I couldn't fsck that. D:21:02
ArjenTMAnd I couldn't find out how to format the swap during the install xD21:03
muay-guyhey guys, I'm having some issues with my eeepc, No sound whatsoever21:04
muay-guyeverything else works fine21:04
charlie-tcaArjenTM: if you use an existing swap partition, it is automatically formated21:05
charlie-tcamuay-guy: install pavcontrol21:05
charlie-tcapavucontrol ?21:05
muay-guyI'll check it out21:05
charlie-tcaI think pavucontrol21:05
ArjenTMThat's really odd. :/ Is there anything it doesn't format with a "erase natty and reinstall xubu 11.04"? Because I tried that before this, but I still couldn't boot. :[21:06
muay-guycharlie-tca, it's installed, and it seems to be working21:06
muay-guyI'm watching this video and the bar moves and all21:07
muay-guybut I still hear no sound21:07
charlie-tcaArjenTM: yes21:07
charlie-tcathat should not touch your /home files21:07
charlie-tcaI usually pick the "erase entire disk" option21:08
ArjenTMHmmm. Is there anything there that would give me the "recursive error, reboot needed" error? :/21:08
charlie-tcabut if you can't get it to work, you have to remove ~/.cache and maybe ~/.config21:08
muay-guyweird thing... and I try with the headphones and i still can't hear anything21:09
drcmuay-guy: Sounds obvious, but...you haven't got the mute on somewhere by chance?21:09
ArjenTMWell, right now it's reinstalling completely, I formatted the whole drive to NTFS, now back to ext4 & swap... *crosses fingers* =)21:10
muay-guydrc, no man... I haven't21:10
charlie-tcaAnytime things get interrupted, it ís possible an error will happen like that21:13
ArjenTMThanks for the answers, charlie-tca x]21:13
charlie-tcano problem21:14
* ArjenTM dances oZ-< ... Almost theeere. xD21:15
ArjenTMI've spent way too much time on this today, bwahah. :P21:15
muay-guywhere do you guys think I could check for an answer to my audio probloems?21:16
charlie-tcaMIght be more help for that in #ubuntu-audio21:17
charlie-tcaThey are the sound experts21:17
muay-guycharlie-tca, lol, you're kidding me, right?21:17
muay-guyI'm the only one there21:17
charlie-tcaLet me look, maybe I got it wrong21:18
charlie-tcamuay-guy: I am sorry, gave you the wrong channel. Try #ubuntu-audio-help21:19
charlie-tcaI seem to have missed the -help that time21:19
charlie-tcaIs that better?21:19
muay-guyno prob, cool. I get my leg pulled a lot on irc21:20
charlie-tcaI try not to do that. I hate sending someone where they can not get help21:20
muay-guythis is a freak bug though,.. I had no sound problems with any other os on this computer21:21
charlie-tcaSometimes sound can be really hard to make work, on some hardware.21:22
* ArjenTM cries.21:33
ArjenTMI'm just frozen on a purple (guessing grub) screen. :<21:33
charlie-tcaokay, what did you see right before that?21:34
ArjenTMNo grub screen21:35
charlie-tcaArjenTM: and it is still purple?21:35
ArjenTMIt is21:35
charlie-tcaokay, When the computer starts, you should see a purple screen with a couple of symbols at the bottom. hold right-shift right after bios checks to try and get the grub menu21:36
ArjenTMOkay. I see the grub menu now.21:37
ArjenTM2.6.38-8 generic, recovery mode, and the memtests.21:37
charlie-tcapick recovery mode21:37
charlie-tcalet's see what it does21:38
charlie-tcait should grind a bit, then stop at another menu21:38
ArjenTM:< The same error as before.21:38
charlie-tcawhat error?21:38
ArjenTMend trace, then the "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!"21:38
charlie-tcaArjenTM: reboot, run mem test21:41
ArjenTMO.O I picked memtest and it rebooted.21:44
charlie-tcathat's not your hardware, that's a software issue21:45
=== Thermi is now known as thermi
* ArjenTM wipes his forehead. Okay.21:45
charlie-tcaback to recovery mode21:46
charlie-tcathat's natty, right?21:46
ArjenTMI can't seem to input anything in recovery mode though.21:47
charlie-tcadid it get to the menu?21:48
charlie-tcarecovery mode has a nice menu , if you get that far21:48
charlie-tcayou use arrows to move up and down through the menu items21:48
=== thermi is now known as Thermi
ArjenTMIt didn't21:50
ArjenTMIt seems to just freeze after that one line21:50
ArjenTMThe end trace <string here>, then the "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!"21:50
ArjenTMI'm confused what the problem is and why it's there since it booted before =\21:52
charlie-tcaI can not find an easy fix to it either.21:56
charlie-tcaappears to be either bios or hardware, though.21:56
charlie-tcaHave you powered it down completely and restarted?21:57
ArjenTMI have21:57
ArjenTMI'd already removed the battery21:57
ArjenTMAnd I have to power it down before I can reboot since it's 'stuck' before it gets to the recovery console21:57
ArjenTMJust a blinking cursor. :(21:57
charlie-tcaAre you using an external drive?21:59
ArjenTMNo external drive, just the lappy one21:59
charlie-tcaThe only thing I seem to be able to find on this is to try 10.1022:04
charlie-tcaanyone got any ideas how to fix the "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed" error?22:06
metroid1if i want to upgrade to the 11.04 beta what is the best way to do it?22:11
metroid1is update-manager -d recommended, as it is for ubuntu?22:13
charlie-tcayes, as is reading the release notes22:15
metroid1aside from the usual disclaimers how stable is it right now?22:18
ArjenTM:( This makes me sad.22:36
drcTurn that frown upside down...beer usually works.22:42
ArjenTMI'm having a smoke, also cheers me up. But I'm still sad I can't get it to boot.22:45
drcWell then, I'll drink a beer for you...let's see, that's 6 for charlie-tca  and 1 for you...time for a beer run.22:53
ArjenTMHaha :)22:53
* ArjenTM makes some paper and some books, then continues to build a bookcase.22:53
=== Thermi is now known as thermi

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