SilverSpace | jutrooo | 08:07 |
SilverSpace | brutala od Vettela :) | 08:17 |
PsyTrance | jutro | 09:19 |
PsyTrance | nikako ne mogu skuziti automatsko micanje banova na eggdropu | 09:20 |
PsyTrance | ne znam koji je to mod, probao sam vec sve | 09:20 |
PsyTrance | znaci, bot mi pocisti sve banove s kanala | 09:20 |
PsyTrance | citao sam help i man, nisam skuzio | 09:21 |
PsyTrance | ako netko zna.. | 09:21 |
darkwood | pozdrav, dali neko od vas ima mozda iskustva sa memcachedom? | 11:07 |
ivoks | cjohnston: why Dubrovnik? :) | 12:18 |
ivoks | kvragu i Dubrovnik :) zar je to jedina reklama koja se vrti po svijetu? Prodjes zidine i sto onda... Opet proci zidine :) | 12:22 |
SilverSpace | :) | 12:23 |
ivoks | jao, pa znam tog lika | 12:23 |
ivoks | :D | 12:23 |
SilverSpace | ivoks: kakvo je vrijeme kod tebe | 12:47 |
ivoks | u zagrebu sam | 12:50 |
ivoks | treba ispratiti zavrsnicu hokeja | 12:50 |
ivoks | ode baterija, a punjac u uredu... pozdrav | 12:50 |
SilverSpace | eh | 13:06 |
SilverSpace | :) | 13:06 |
Mmike | jeps | 14:11 |
Mmike | dubrovnik je ok, al' je skup za popizdit i uopce los :) | 14:11 |
Mmike | odo jest | 14:11 |
lizard_ | pozdrav svima | 14:33 |
ivoks | ma dubrovnik sucks | 15:38 |
ivoks | :) | 15:38 |
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky | ||
hbogner | pozdrav | 20:01 |
Mmike | nji | 20:01 |
Mmike | maxtor diskovi - bucni diskovi | 20:06 |
jelly-home | wd green su prilicno tihi | 20:19 |
HmmZ0r | ssd je jebeno tih, uopste ga nema. | 20:25 |
hbogner | ssd je jebeno skup | 20:43 |
SilverSpace | :) | 20:49 |
hbogner | neznam koliko je ssd, ali wd green od 2 tera za kunu dobijem 3 giga, koji je omre kod ssd-a | 20:54 |
hbogner | a ovo je samo storage :D | 20:54 |
rsedak | jutro | 20:54 |
rsedak | imali tko iskustva sa sas diskovima i kontrolerima? | 20:55 |
jelly-home | #define iskustva | 21:11 |
SilverSpace | LN | 21:53 |
MmikeDOMA | forum ne radi planski :) | 22:03 |
=== MmikeDOMA is now known as Mmike | ||
Mmike | jel' se pripremate za utrku sutra? | 22:14 |
hbogner | je, za utrku u ispijanju pive/vina i prezivanju | 22:41 |
cjohnston | ivoks: Dubrovnik was a recomendation my wife received from someone who had been there.. Why do you ask? | 22:41 |
Mmike | cjohnston, it's pretty expensive there | 22:42 |
cjohnston | We've booked to stay at Hotel Dubrovnik already. | 22:44 |
Mmike | For how long are you going to stay? | 22:45 |
cjohnston | 3 nights | 22:45 |
cjohnston | Arriving Thursday evening, leaving Sunday afternoon | 22:45 |
cjohnston | Do you live in Dubrovnik? | 22:46 |
cjohnston | I believe we got the hotel for less than $100 a night.. which isnt bad for our standards | 22:46 |
Mmike | $100/night is quite ok, I'd say | 22:47 |
Mmike | I live in Zagrb. | 22:47 |
Mmike | Zagreb | 22:47 |
Mmike | How will you be arriving to Dubrovnik? | 22:47 |
cjohnston | plane | 22:48 |
Mmike | And departing also? | 22:48 |
cjohnston | yes | 22:48 |
cjohnston | We leave Florida Wednesday morning, arrive in Budapest Thursday morning, then Thursday afternoon we leave Budapest for Dubrovni | 22:48 |
cjohnston | k | 22:48 |
Mmike | Quite a trip :) | 22:49 |
cjohnston | :-) | 22:50 |
cjohnston | We are excited | 22:50 |
Mmike | :) | 22:50 |
Mmike | I love to travel, also :) | 22:50 |
Mmike | Where in Florida are you? | 22:50 |
cjohnston | Would love to meet someone from the Ubuntu community while we are there if possible | 22:50 |
cjohnston | Orlando | 22:50 |
Mmike | Chaky is near dubrovnik | 22:50 |
Mmike | Or in Dubrovnik | 22:51 |
Mmike | chaky, ping! | 22:51 |
Mmike | chaky, get your lazy ass over here, pronto! | 22:51 |
cjohnston | lol | 22:51 |
cjohnston | I've heard.. I pinged him yesterday | 22:51 |
Mmike | cjohnston, wo-ha! :) I was in Orlando once :) | 22:51 |
cjohnston | Cool | 22:51 |
cjohnston | When | 22:51 |
cjohnston | Go to disney? | 22:51 |
Mmike | Uh, ages ago. 2001, I think. Yeps, disney, universal studios, and Kennedy Space center. | 22:52 |
cjohnston | cool | 22:52 |
cjohnston | I love KSC but havent been there since a kid | 22:52 |
cjohnston | I can see shuttle launches from my back yard | 22:52 |
Mmike | or was it 2000? Not sure... I know I wanted to go all the way to Miami, but that kid Elian Gonzales (i think that's the name) was found, or something happened, so there was a lot of people on the streets in Miami and we decided not to visit Miami :) | 22:53 |
Mmike | Huh! Neat! Can you hear it? | 22:53 |
cjohnston | No... I can't hear it | 22:54 |
cjohnston | It is pretty awesome though.. I got my daughter up for the last night launch that they had and she thought it was really cool | 22:55 |
cjohnston | Will we find that English is widely spoken in Dubrovnik? | 22:56 |
Mmike | I missed the launch when I was there... i think that the launch was scheduled like two weeks after I was there :/ | 22:56 |
Mmike | well, I guess | 22:56 |
cjohnston | :-/ | 22:56 |
cjohnston | that really sucks | 22:57 |
Mmike | A lot of tourists visit Dubrovnik, so yes, I'd say you'll be able to speak english there. | 22:57 |
cjohnston | Cool | 22:57 |
Mmike | cjohnston, we expect a lot of photos! :) | 22:57 |
cjohnston | :-) | 22:57 |
cjohnston | If chaky ever wakes up, I'm sure my wife would love it if he would atleast recommend, if not take us to a nice resturaunt while we are there | 22:58 |
cjohnston | try some good local food | 22:58 |
Mmike | but next time, if (when?) you come, you need to see Plitvice, | 22:58 |
cjohnston | Ok.. Looking | 22:59 |
cjohnston | I think someone recommended that yesterday | 22:59 |
Mmike | If not, ping me, I have a frined, she lives in Dubrovnik too, and she is some tourist guide or something, so I think she can recommend sometihng | 22:59 |
Mmike | In fact, I'll send her a message now | 22:59 |
cjohnston | Awesome..Thanks | 22:59 |
Mmike | she's my friend on facebook, and I can't remember her name | 23:00 |
Mmike | :) | 23:00 |
cjohnston | Is anyone from Croatia going to UDS? | 23:00 |
cjohnston | lol | 23:00 |
cjohnston | That's funny | 23:00 |
cjohnston | How far are you from Dubrovnik? | 23:01 |
cjohnston | I don't know much about Croatia | 23:02 |
Mmike | ok, I got her :) | 23:02 |
Mmike | I think Ivoks is going to UDS | 23:02 |
Mmike | not sure, though | 23:02 |
cjohnston | cool | 23:03 |
Mmike | I'm far from Dubrovnik :) At least 6-8 hours by car | 23:03 |
cjohnston | wow | 23:03 |
Mmike | In fact, let me see | 23:03 |
Mmike | this auto-route stuff tells me from my home to entrance to dubrovnik walls - 6 hours 20 minutes | 23:04 |
Mmike | I don't belive that, i think it's more like 7 hours | 23:04 |
cjohnston | thats quite a drive | 23:05 |
Mmike | yeps | 23:05 |
Mmike | and you don't have highway all the way :) | 23:05 |
cjohnston | That's always the bad part | 23:05 |
Mmike | it's cca 600 km | 23:05 |
Mmike | :) I'm realy looking forward to hear on your experiences from Dubrovnik :) | 23:06 |
cjohnston | Me too... | 23:06 |
cjohnston | lol | 23:06 |
cjohnston | We were debating between Rome, Athens, and Dubrovnik.. And she chose Dubrovnik | 23:07 |
Mmike | The last time I was there was like 15 years ago :) Although I spend my summers on island of Korcula :) (When you get to mainland from the island, it's like 90 minutes drive to Dubrovnik) | 23:07 |
cjohnston | ok | 23:07 |
Mmike | Huh. Haven't visited neither Athens or Rome. :/ | 23:07 |
cjohnston | Nor have I.. | 23:07 |
cjohnston | She got a recommendation from a friend on this one.. So that swayed it | 23:07 |
Mmike | :) Gut :) | 23:08 |
cjohnston | Last year after UDS we went to Paris | 23:08 |
CrazyLemon | both are places with ruines..nothing interesting :D | 23:08 |
cjohnston | I agree CrazyLemon.. lol | 23:08 |
cjohnston | yall need to get sponsored to UDS in October and come vist me | 23:08 |
Mmike | Yeps, I should visit USA, haven't been there a long time :) | 23:09 |
Mmike | If I ever get filthy rich all I'd do would be - traveling | 23:09 |
cjohnston | I agree | 23:10 |
cjohnston | bbiaf | 23:10 |
CrazyLemon | not me..i'd go to zanzibar and relax 24/7 :D | 23:11 |
Mmike | Ha! I was on Zanzibar! :) | 23:11 |
CrazyLemon | oh really? well now i'm jealous :D | 23:11 |
Mmike | After 10 days of Kenya/Tanzania we went to Zanzibar and - relaxed :) | 23:11 |
CrazyLemon | i kazes da nisi filthy rich ha :)) | 23:12 |
Mmike | eh :) | 23:12 |
Mmike | da sam bar :) | 23:12 |
Mmike | cjohnston, message sent to that firend of mine, when she gets back to me i'll get back to you. Is there some other way I can reach you? | 23:17 |
* Mmike opet mrzi mysql | 23:22 | |
Mmike | New forum is up! :) | 23:36 |
CrazyLemon | yay! :D da vidimo to cudo :) | 23:37 |
CrazyLemon | nije los :) | 23:38 |
Mmike | :) pa hvala :) | 23:41 |
Mmike | meni se osobno ne dopada previse, al' brijem da je to samo stvar navike | 23:41 |
hbogner | nice work Mmike | 23:42 |
Mmike | hbogner: all the credits go to sale | 23:42 |
CrazyLemon | a meni se bas sviđa design..samo jebote koliko imate razlicitih foruma..malo previse za moj okus :) | 23:42 |
Mmike | CrazyLemon, :) eh :) sale je tu gazda, on ce znati vise o tome :) | 23:42 |
Mmike | skroz dobro radi serverche | 23:44 |
sale | CrazyLemon: da, dosta su razgranati podforumi, moglo bi se to malo bolje organizirati | 23:48 |
CrazyLemon | slažem se.. al nismo ni mi dosta bolji..kod nas traje cca. 12 mjeseci da netko nesto naredi :) | 23:49 |
Mmike | jos ivoksa da uhvatim i dam mu 2 gige rama za stroj, i milina | 23:50 |
Mmike | mirni smo neko vrijeme | 23:50 |
Mmike | prijevod foruma je malcice cudan :) | 23:55 |
CrazyLemon | mene je nasmijao onaj ČPP haha :D | 23:56 |
hbogner | Mmike, je, zato sam predlozio da ga popravimo i posaljemo popravak | 23:56 |
hbogner | pretraznik | 23:56 |
Mmike | hbogner, ja se slazem! | 23:57 |
Mmike | mislim da bi na naslovnici, tamo gdje su ona curka i lik s ubuntu-laptopom , trebalo staviti civiju i chakyja kako se drze za ruke :) | 23:57 |
hbogner | pitao sam kom se trebamo javit sa korekcijama, ali se jos nitko nejavlja | 23:57 |
sale | Mmike: lol | 23:57 |
Mmike | sale, dal' ce raditi veza izmedju worpdressa i foruma? | 23:58 |
Mmike | hbogner, phpbbovce? | 23:58 |
sale | Mmike: koja veza? | 23:58 |
hbogner | Mmike, da | 23:58 |
Mmike | sale, na naslovnici, desno, ispod tweetera, postoji dio gdje su friski postovi sa foruma | 23:59 |
Mmike | hbogner, kul | 23:59 |
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