[11:23] cjohnston: :) [12:33] nigelb is playing with the ubuntu category in #ubuntu-trivia if anyone wants to join in [17:39] JFo, you talked to hoof yet? [17:39] aloha [17:39] I called them and left a message... [17:39] hey czajkowski! [17:39] I'll see what's being done for them and then see what we can do to help... [17:40] for those of you who know Chris Van Hoof (he's a Canonical guy as well) he lost his condo this weekend.... [17:41] tornado dropped an industrial AC unit through their roof [17:43] they were in the condo, but they and the pets made it out .. :-) [17:46] wow [17:46] nods [17:47] I've known Hoof for a while now [17:48] 10+ years or so now [17:48] this makes so sad...but I am happy they are ok [17:55] glad to hear they are ok [18:02] nods [18:02] me too! [19:35] does somebody know if a date was set for the next global jam yet? [21:01] akgraner: the radio news here also talks about tornadoes in several US states [21:02] 40 people killed? :-/ [21:03] I haven't heard 40.. Last I heard was 17 JanC [21:03] I dunno tho [21:04] I think I want to cry... [21:04] Cause you cant wait to see me? [21:05] no, that can definately wait. [21:05] :P [21:05] oh hush [21:05] anyway, not very happy with the election results here. :/ [21:05] o? [21:07] I heard something about the ultra-nationalist/extreme-right "real finns" party [21:08] "true finns" [21:08] ~0% of the vote [21:08] ~20% of the vote [21:08] typos ftw [21:09] yeah, our nutter parties are very pleased [21:09] anyway, off to bed to pretend its all a bad dream, check it out in the morning [21:14] * popey tucks jussi in [21:41] jcastro: the ask ubuntu lense still crashes on me