
=== matata_ is now known as bassem
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
=== Guest64239 is now known as Icar0
Icar0is there a channel where users talk about new features?19:30
Tm_T#ubuntu-offtopic perhaps? don't know19:30
Icar0or for just chilling around?19:30
Icar0will check thanks19:31
Icar0what do you talk about in this channel?19:31
Tm_Tabout maintaining irc channels and other related19:32
Icar0oh... I see! not much activity I guess?19:50
serfusIcar0, nope. you can try #defocus as well (not ubuntu related)20:06
JanCIcar0: if you mean new features in natty, you can go to #ubuntu+120:08

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