thafreak | canthus13: I think the lice VD is commonly referred to as crabs... | 01:48 |
canthus13 | thafreak: :D | 01:56 |
BiosElement | Hmm, is this 'too' gaudy? >.> | 02:11 |
BiosElement | I think it's at least better then the default | 02:11 |
Unit193 | Better then default | 02:12 |
BiosElement | hah, | 02:14 |
canthus13 | BiosElement: Gaudy? Nah... pretentious, though. | 02:46 |
BiosElement | hah | 02:46 |
canthus13 | bah. I totally mangled that spelling. | 02:47 |
BiosElement | canthus13: Nice going. Decided to leave it default, design my own in time heh | 02:50 |
canthus13 | Heh. | 02:50 |
BiosElement | Though, I'm impressed with >.< | 02:50 |
BiosElement | Decent price for some good themes heh | 02:50 |
BiosElement | More fun to design my own though, Once I get the friggen typography down | 02:51 |
* canthus13 is happy with Piano Black. :) | 02:51 | |
BiosElement | Hah | 02:52 |
Unit193 | +1 canthus13 | 02:52 |
BiosElement | Yay, header fixed, now I just need to finish up the background and I'll be content for now | 03:22 |
Unit193 | BiosElement: Don't tell him, but I was PMing q66 and he told me his side of the story, would you mind if at some point I got yours? | 03:28 |
BiosElement | Unit193: Ahh, if you like. The latest post on the site pretty much sums it though. | 04:04 |
BiosElement | Unit193: | 04:06 |
Unit193 | BiosElement: This I did see... | 04:08 |
BiosElement | Unit193: Well if you have any questions, feel free to pm me or ask them here, but really I think it's just a matter of different goals and different values, too different to work. | 04:10 |
dmcglone | Unit193: you here? | 18:01 |
Unit193 | dmcglone: Yeah | 18:01 |
dmcglone | I've been playing with Drupal :-) | 18:01 |
dmcglone | I'm liking it better so far :-) | 18:01 |
Unit193 | Theme install didn't sound so great... | 18:02 |
* Unit193 read up #cubecreate | 18:02 | |
dmcglone | all I had to do was copy the theme to the themes dir. Only reason I couldn't install is because I don't have an ftp server configured :-/ | 18:02 |
Unit193 | Eh, Joomla is manageable... | 18:04 |
Unit193 | I still may try Drupal | 18:04 |
dmcglone | you should try both to see how much different they are | 18:04 |
dmcglone | drupal is so much easier to manage IMHO | 18:05 |
dmcglone | lot more documentation from the community | 18:05 |
* Unit193 needs to find a nice theme for it... | 18:05 | |
Unit193 | Like my Joomla one... | 18:05 |
dmcglone | I was able to achieve a theme that I was trying to get with drupal just this morning, but with joomla it took me at least 4 days and I still didnt accomplish it :-/ | 18:06 |
Unit193 | Theme was real easy with Joomla | 18:06 |
Unit193 | All I had to do was goto Install theme and upload the zip | 18:07 |
dmcglone | look here | 18:07 |
Unit193 | Not bad, but not my type :/ | 18:08 |
dmcglone | Not mine either. I'm thinking of clients :-) | 18:08 |
Unit193 | I don't have to think of clients :D | 18:09 |
dmcglone | eventually in the future, I'm going to try and not write code, but instead just customize a CMS | 18:09 |
dmcglone | 100% faster | 18:09 |
dmcglone | also in drupal, when in administration mode, you directly edit the page without having to use a backend, that way you can see your changes on the fly without having to have an extra site open | 18:11 |
dmcglone | I'm sold on Drupal :-) | 18:12 |
Unit193 | <--- might work | 18:16 |
Unit193 | canthus13: Drupal theme | 18:18 |
Unit193 | dmcglone: If you happen upon a theme that looks like my Joomla them, let me know? | 18:20 |
canthus13 | Unit193: Cool. | 18:21 |
Unit193 | dmcglone: What web server do you use? | 18:24 |
dmcglone | I'm using apache | 18:45 |
dmcglone | Thats a nice clean theme | 18:46 |
Unit193 | It's also the theme we use for Wordpress | 18:52 |
Unit193 | I just like the other theme better... | 18:54 |
dmcglone | port it :-) | 18:59 |
Unit193 | Hmmmm, do you know how to link to another section of the site in the Main Menu? ( without using | 19:12 |
dmcglone | in joomla? | 19:13 |
Unit193 | Na, that was normal link style | 19:14 |
Unit193 | Drupal wont take /wordpress or wordpress/ | 19:14 |
dmcglone | If you want to remove ** then you have to put wordpress in the root of the server | 19:15 |
Unit193 | It's at | 19:15 |
dmcglone | right, because wordpress isn't in the root, but if it was in the root then ** would do the trick | 19:16 |
dmcglone | you can't have a sub-domain without the domain :-/ | 19:16 |
Unit193 | That may be the drupal killer right there... | 19:17 |
dmcglone | it's that way everywhere, even on the WWW | 19:17 |
Unit193 | No, I can link to /wordpress in normal html and Joomla | 19:17 |
dmcglone | oh you want to link to is, I thought you wanted to make it the *root* of the site | 19:18 |
dmcglone | create a link (or whatever the folder name is that wordpress is in) | 19:19 |
Unit193 | Yes, I'm looking to link to that without using (so I can use it internally) | 19:20 |
dmcglone | if it's in a different folder on your server, you have to use http://..... | 19:21 |
Unit193 | Joomla it is then... | 19:21 |
dmcglone | is wordpress in your drupal folder? | 19:22 |
Unit193 | No, I have /joomla /wordpress and /drupal | 19:22 |
dmcglone | thats why the links will not work. | 19:23 |
dmcglone | if you put /wordpress inside /drupal then a link /wordpress would work | 19:23 |
Unit193 | The link works in Joomla... I don't really want to put wordpress in drupal just so I can get drupal to see it | 19:24 |
Unit193 | Drupal is being dumb, this may fix it: | 19:25 |
dmcglone | that might work, or have you tried using ../<file> | 19:28 |
Unit193 | Sweet idea, but no go... | 19:30 |
Unit193 | That also didn't work in Drupal 7 | 19:30 |
dmcglone | dang | 19:36 |
Unit193 | dmcglone: I think I'm going to have to dump Drupal | 19:56 |
BiosElement | Unit193: /whatever should work fine if it was at the root, but otherwise that's how the web works. | 20:01 |
Unit193 | BiosElement: I know you know more about this then I do, but /wordpress should work even if I'm in /drupal | 20:02 |
Unit193 | That's why when I'm in /joomla that link still works... | 20:03 |
BiosElement | Unit193: Pretty sure it shouldn't. I suspect Joomla rewrites the URL. Drupal has modules to do that, but really is it that big a deal? Just write the URL. >.> | 20:03 |
Unit193 | Also works in hand coded html. I need the site to work with the internal address and external (different ports) | 20:04 |
BiosElement | ./wordpress should make it relative to the root as in, wordpress/ will make it relative so if you're in drupal/ it'd go to drupal/wordpress/ (I 'may' have mixed them up but it should work.) | 20:06 |
dmcglone | Correct BiosElement :-) | 20:07 |
BiosElement | Yay. Sometimes I get it backwords dmcglone >.< Too many hours staring at bloody urls | 20:07 |
Unit193 | /wordpress ./wordpress ../wordpress ../../wordpress ../../../wordpress all failed (and so did wordpress wordpress/ just for the heck of it) | 20:08 |
dmcglone | Unit like BiosElement said joomla is rewriting the URL to<folder> | 20:10 |
dmcglone | really there's not difference between /folder and The latter is better and safer anyway | 20:11 |
BiosElement | dmcglone: +1 | 20:11 |
Unit193 | dmcglone: No it's not, I checked using my dyndns address (router redirects the external port to 80) | 20:12 |
BiosElement | Unit193: Not sure what that has to do with anything. >.> | 20:12 |
dmcglone | Unit it's using mod_rewrite You can't see it in the URL | 20:12 |
BiosElement | Open up your drupal settings.php | 20:12 |
BiosElement | Look for drupal's base url setting, make sure it has the subfolder in it, as I recall that should fix it. | 20:13 |
dmcglone | mod_rewrite rewrites URL's on the fly | 20:13 |
BiosElement | Also Unit193, the Pathalogic module also rewrites URL's akin to Joomla: | 20:14 |
dmcglone | excellent example BiosElement | 20:15 |
BiosElement | Heh, Drupal makes things easier. I actually would be driven nuts if Joomla decided to rewrite my beautiful URL's >.> | 20:15 |
dmcglone | BiosElement: check this out: | 20:16 |
BiosElement | Hah, Nice | 20:17 |
Unit193 | So if that is true, mod_rewrite would have to be enabled? | 20:17 |
dmcglone | I hacked up a javascript enabled template | 20:17 |
BiosElement | If you have clean URL's, mod_rewrite is already enabled | 20:18 |
dmcglone | Unit193: mod_rewrite can work on the web server without having to enable | 20:18 |
Unit193 | As in the httpd.conf? | 20:18 |
dmcglone | all depends on how you got your apache set | 20:18 |
dmcglone | I use webmin to admin my server, so I can't remember where it's at | 20:19 |
* Unit193 doesn't like CMS... | 20:19 | |
dmcglone | are you referring to webmin? | 20:20 |
Unit193 | No, Joomla+Drupal... | 20:20 |
dmcglone | Oh. any particular reason? | 20:21 |
Unit193 | +wordpress | 20:21 |
BiosElement | You hate them now, but next time you search for docs on the wiki, you're loving them :P | 20:22 |
Unit193 | All this crap... and wordpress works with the internal IP, but not the external ip:port... | 20:22 |
dmcglone | wordpress is a CMS also, just not on a scale as Drupal or Joomla :-p | 20:22 |
Unit193 | BiosElement: I'll like them only if I don't have to configure them... | 20:23 |
dmcglone | That'll never happen anywhere :-/ | 20:23 |
Unit193 | And you can comment out mod_rewrite and it doesn't disable it | 20:23 |
dmcglone | they can't read your mind | 20:23 |
dmcglone | did you restart apache? | 20:24 |
Unit193 | dmcglone: I'll go back to using html | 20:24 |
BiosElement | Unit193: If you don't want to learn how to use them, then really you probably shouldn't be setting them up. >.< There is no such thing as a fire and forget CMS, you'll have to learn something with every new thing. | 20:24 |
Unit193 | BiosElement: I was planning on learning them and keeping them up... just don't think I get it at all | 20:25 |
dmcglone | Unit193: This is probably my 5th attempt working with Joomla and Drupal | 20:25 |
dmcglone | the more I play around with it, the more I see how things work :-) | 20:26 |
Unit193 | I just don't get how wordpress can work on internal but not external (when Joomla and Drupal do...) | 20:26 |
dmcglone | I understand what you mean by "external" | 20:27 |
Unit193 | Internal = -- External = | 20:28 |
dmcglone | then how does that make Joomla and Drupal the culprit when they are doing what they are intended to do | 20:30 |
Unit193 | It doesn't, wordpress fails here... | 20:31 |
Unit193 | s/wordpress/me | 20:31 |
dmcglone | You got me lost :-/ | 20:33 |
Unit193 | Issue 1. I didn't get Drupal to link to wordpress -- Issue 2. Wordpress can only be reached by internal IP (where Drupal and Joomla work with both) | 20:34 |
BiosElement | Welp, enjoy your static html pages. :) | 20:34 |
Unit193 | BiosElement: Looks like I fail with everything else ;? | 20:35 |
dmcglone | I showed you how to link Joomla to Drupal, it works the same way with wordpress | 20:36 |
dmcglone | let me install WP and see if I am able to use my IP to connect to it | 20:38 |
Unit193 | Na, don't bother... | 20:38 |
BiosElement | It's a misconfigured site root in the settings | 20:38 |
BiosElement | That's pretty much the only thing it can be | 20:38 |
dmcglone | thats what I'm thinking | 20:38 |
Unit193 | Not that I don't think so; How exactly does that allow it to work on local network? | 20:40 |
dmcglone | I'm looking into it now :-) | 20:43 |
Unit193 | dmcglone: Don't bother, it's just me | 20:44 |
dmcglone | I got it, it works here :-) | 20:46 |
dmcglone | how do I get the blogroll to display on the index page? | 20:47 |
Unit193 | I would tell you, but I can't seem to access it at all... | 20:48 |
dmcglone | check this out: You will notice I added a menu item "joomla" | 20:50 |
dmcglone | and it's a default install, so I suspect there's something going haywire with your server config | 20:52 |
dmcglone | is your server port open? | 20:52 |
Unit193 | Yeah, as I said, Drupal and joomla both work on the same server... | 20:53 |
* Unit193 just fails hard... | 20:53 | |
dmcglone | Ok when you create the link in wordpress, are you using the IP or a domain name from dyndns or somewhere? | 20:54 |
Unit193 | I made the link to joomla as /joomla | 21:05 |
Unit193 | (Working link) | 21:06 |
dmcglone | it's progress :-) | 21:10 |
dmcglone | BiosElement: do you remember anything about creating pages in drupal? | 21:45 |
BiosElement | Yes, | 21:46 |
BiosElement | Ask away ^_^ | 21:47 |
dmcglone | how come when I create a page, I can't add images, it'll only add images if I create an article | 21:47 |
dmcglone | I'm gonna go eat | 21:54 |
BiosElement | dmcglone: It's CCK field related | 21:57 |
BiosElement | You need to edit the page node type and add an image field | 21:57 |
dmcglone | k I'll try that | 22:07 |
dmcglone | Hmmm I can't find a way to edit the page node type :-/ | 22:11 |
BiosElement | It's in structure | 22:11 |
BiosElement | You'll also need to make sure the cck module is enabled, I forget exactly what it's called | 22:12 |
BiosElement | It's default tho | 22:12 |
dmcglone | Got it :-) | 22:16 |
dmcglone | Drupal is dang confusing now | 23:11 |
dmcglone | why do they have to make it so hard to create a page and stick content on it? | 23:12 |
BiosElement | dmcglone: It isn't, they make it so darn simple to have a custom CMS. If all you want are pages and pictures, go with wordpress | 23:18 |
dmcglone | hehehe wordpress???? | 23:55 |
dmcglone | ;-) | 23:55 |
BiosElement | What about it? >.< | 23:56 |
dmcglone | my problem is I can't get more than 1 image on a page. thats what is frustrating me | 23:59 |
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