
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelI can confirm that the patch does make kwin work fine again on my 945GME00:56
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
=== lilstevie|lagche is now known as lilstevie
Sarvatt-    if (strstr((const char *)renderer, "GEM"))20:27
Sarvatt+    if (strstr((const char *)renderer, "Intel"))20:27
SarvattRAOF: I think that'd be a better option, Intel is not in the gl renderer string if DRI2 isn't used since swrast would be used instead, and that will work with future mesa updates as well. what do you think?20:28
Sarvattregarding http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27094220:28
ubot4KDE bug 270942 in compositing "Direct Rendering is wrongfully disabled on Intel graphics since mesa 7 10 1" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:28
SarvattGEM was in the gl renderer string to differentiate between KMS and !KMS but !KMS no longer works with x-x-v-intel anyway20:32
Sarvatt(which is why it was removed, its bogus and has been for over a year)20:33
ScottKWell unfortunately kwin was depending on it being there.  We can fix that in KDE 4.7 for oneiric, but it'd be heplful if we got it back for now.21:02
ScottKSarvatt: ^^^21:02
kklimondahey, any idea why did I loose Two-finger scrolling some time ago in natty? It has worked fine till then.21:09
kklimonda(I still see the related option in gnome-mouse-properties, and I can choose it, but it doesn't seem to change anything)21:10
tjaaltonScottK: why can't you make the same change for natty?21:17
ScottKtjaalton: Upstream says it would be too invasive for a point release update.22:23

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