
mgariepygood morning everyone15:20
highvoltagegood morning15:28
JasonOHi. I would like to join the edubuntu team.20:36
alkisgJasonO: as a member? or as a developer?21:01
JasonOalkisg As a member21:02
alkisgYou mean this one? https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-members/+members21:03
alkisgOr you mean "join the edubuntu community in general and offer whatever you can"?21:03
JasonOalsig I want to contribute.21:03
JasonOHelp with the project.21:03
alkisgNice. I guess a good start would be to introduce yourself a bit, tell people what you can do, and stick around in the channel for a while because not all people here are on the same time zones21:04
JasonOalkisg Okey, thanks.21:05
JasonOINtroduce myself on irc or mailing list?21:05
alkisgI think people here will read the backlogs anyway21:05
JasonOalkisg Okey, thanks alot.21:05
alkisgSo even if they don't answer right now because of their timezones, they'll still read what you say afaik21:05
* JasonO Going afk thanks alot alkisg21:06
highvoltageJasonO: hey!22:12
highvoltageJasonO: you're wlcome to join the project. feel free to introduce yourself on the mailing list too22:13
highvoltageJasonO: we usually talk most on IRC though (some days are very busy and some are quite quiet)22:13
stgraberhighvoltage: bug 746028 (Kate doesn't consider it an Ubuntu issue ... I guess we'll need some convincing)22:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 746028 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu Natty) "Edubuntu: Wallpapers are not updated on upgrade to Natty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74602822:28
highvoltagestgraber: well, the bug did occur in Ubuntu as well- as we saw on your machine22:30
highvoltagestgraber: I guess they'll care with the next release if there's a more noticable change in wallpaper22:30
stgraberhighvoltage: I'll do another test install of maverick + upgrade with screenshot of gdm and session wallpaper before upgrade, then after upgrade22:30
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