
saesneghi :)00:13
saesnegcan anyone help me get my power button working on lubuntu?00:14
saesnegi want it to bring up the log out menu00:14
saesnegcurrent its doing nothing00:14
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest44281
=== Guest44281 is now known as zkriesse
MrChrisDruifHai zkriesse00:30
zkriesseYo is a word iPod!!!! Damn you!00:33
zkriesseYo man00:33
MrChrisDruifHow's it going?00:33
MrChrisDruifBesides the iPod not recognizing Yo as a word? :P00:34
zkriesseIt's going man00:34
wizonesolutionsMrChrisDruif it downloaded OK and checks out. Yay.01:23
MrChrisDruifGreat :D01:23
wizonesolutionsThe link to the torrent you gave me did work, that's what I used01:23
MrChrisDruifThe torrent?01:23
MrChrisDruifAlright :)01:24
MrChrisDruifFor 10.04 right? Somehow the torrent didn't connect to mine afaik01:25
wizonesolutionsMrChrisDruif: Yeah, for 10.0401:40
MrChrisDruifWeird...I was seeding <_<"01:40
MrChrisDruifWhen you've got the file on your computer and share it with the world, that is called seeding :)01:48
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as IAmNumberFour
=== IAmNumberFour is now known as MrChrisDruif
wizonesolutionsah ok01:50
=== MrChrisDruif is now known as IAmNumberOne
wizonesolutionsFinally running the installer yay02:04
IAmNumberOneGreat :)02:06
IAmNumberOneWith me it gave an error this afternoon, but it might be an older iso02:06
IAmNumberOneIt eventually ran, so I didn't really mind it02:07
IAmNumberOnewizonesolutions: Good luck, I'm calling it a night :)02:11
wizonesolutionsIF you're still there...do you know if ext4 is "ready" yet?02:11
wizonesolutionsOr should I stick to ext3, or maybe reiser? I now have the choice :)02:12
wizonesolutionsMaybe time to move into the 21st century02:12
IAmNumberOnewizonesolutions: I've used it for months, never had an issue :)02:12
wizonesolutionsMaybe I will give it a shot. I've got backups anyway. Thanks!02:12
wizonesolutionstake care02:12
IAmNumberOneI've never used reiser02:12
IAmNumberOneBut progress of reiserFS has deceased afaik wizonesolutions, so I would go with Ext4 :)02:13
IAmNumberOneIt's a good FS :)02:13
wizonesolutionsYeah, he umm...got in trouble didn't he02:13
IAmNumberOneYeah, but people are free to work on it afaik, but no-one really does or something?02:14
wizonesolutionsI'll try ext4 then, seems safe enough02:14
wizonesolutionsI heard there was some big bug in the beginning02:14
wizonesolutionsBut I guess they fixed it02:14
wizonesolutionsI think it was some rare edge case anyway02:14
wizonesolutionsI'd probably never hit it02:15
IAmNumberOneProlly won't :)02:16
IAmNumberOneBtw, I'm one of those people that if you see me online...then I am "online" :P02:16
wizonesolutionsOK, good to know. Cuz I'm so...not. Though I try to nick change, but sometimes I forget02:18
wizonesolutionsAh interesting, XFS is good for large files. Looking into the different filesystems a little bit though I know I'm going with ext402:23
wizonesolutionsSome dude was telling me about ZFS which sounded awesome, seriously awesome, but I think it requires Solaris or something...02:24
IAmNumberOneI don't know...I've got some link somewhere...hold on02:25
wizonesolutionsJFS seems good all around but I think I read that it doesn't recover as well as ext and only journals some things02:26
wizonesolutionsseems like XFS would be good if I was ever planning to store some large files somewhere, good to know02:26
wizonesolutionsHeh, nice, thanks for the link02:28
IAmNumberOneYour welcome :)02:28
IAmNumberOneNow I'm really off...good luck wizonesolutions :D02:29
wizonesolutionsooh, I've got to keep an eye on btrfs...looks like a big contender...02:31
UBuxuBUgood morning Lords of the Code...06:53
UBuxuBUyo MrChrisDruif08:15
ubuntulubuntu is the shit!09:30
bioterrorin a good or in a bad way09:30
ubuntugreat way!09:30
=== ubuntu is now known as LAcan
MrChrisDruifGreat to hear LAcan :)09:33
bioterrorand someone is tooo slow09:34
MrChrisDruifWhy bioterror?09:35
bioterrorbecouse he quit before you pressed enter09:35
MrChrisDruifOw....my IRC plugins stopped from showing it to me....makes a lot of channels more clean...no unnecessary sign-in/out :D09:37
bioterrorhey joe!11:50
mark76Hey leszek12:11
craigbass1976Can anyone recommend a nice lightweight alternative to gpicview that prints?14:48
craigbass1976leszek, thanks.  This has been dirving me crazy for months and I keep forgetting to fix it.14:50
craigbass1976leszek, hey, where's print?14:52
leszekFile -> Print !?14:55
craigbass1976It aint there14:57
leszekhmm... isn't implemented then I guess14:57
leszekyou can always pull eog but that might also pull down some gnome dependencies aswell14:58
craigbass1976I'm all set on that...14:58
MrChrisDruifI've heard of one...brb14:58
MrChrisDruifI don't know it dependencies, but here: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/viewnior-lightweight-image-viewer-for-gnome-update/15:00
leszekMrChrisDruif: it has no printing support I guess15:02
MrChrisDruifI don't know...I haven't used it :)15:02
leszekgthumb has also printing support15:03
craigbass1976Offtopic alert: So I'm running Lubuntu here at work to most stuff, but need a windows box to design kitchens.  I'm updating now, and keep getting reminded to install the "Malicious Software Removal Tool" but I'm scared.  If I install that, won't it delete windows?15:11
craigbass1976See you later15:20
ericyI need support for .rar compressed files, either a stand-alone or extension for pcmanfm.16:08
szczursudo apt-get install rar file-roller16:11
szczurand then you're got to go :)16:11
szczurready to go*16:12
szczurmeh, i suck at oneliners :)16:12
curtleeif I run startx I get a default L16:19
curtleeif I run startx I get a default LXDE session instead of Lubuntu's LXDE session.  Does anyone know a way to have it start Lubuntu's LXDE session?16:20
bioterrorcurtlee, you need to tell to use profile18:12
curtleehow can I do that?18:13
bioterrorwhat's your .xinitrc like18:14
curtleeI don't have one18:14
bioterrorlxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE18:15
bioterrorthat's the execute command18:15
curtleeso I guess it would be using /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc18:15
curtleebioterror: thank you18:15
curtleeI will try that now18:15
curtleeworked like a charm, thank you bioterror18:16
bioterrorcheck if your pcmanfm works like a charm18:17
bioterrorfinds usb pendrives and so on18:17
curtleeno, "Not Authorized"18:17
curtleewhy is that?18:18
bioterroroh yeah18:19
bioterrordbus-launch --exit-with-session startlubuntu18:20
bioterrordoes that make sense18:20
bioterrorI have no idea in which order lubuntu launches certain stuff18:21
curtlee$ dbus-launch --exit-with-session startlubuntu18:23
curtleeOnly one lxsession can be executed at a time18:23
bioterrorquit first18:24
bioterrorfrom the graphical interface18:24
curtleeso I should run it before startx ?18:28
bioterrorthat should start the x18:29
curtleeit doesn't start X18:37
curtleeany ideas?18:50
szhHow can I allow ssh (and other network) connections to my Lubuntu machine from outside of my home network? Right now, I can only connect from within my home network. When I attempt to connect from a remote location, I get a " Connection refused" error.21:38
szhI have ufw disabled21:39
curtleeyou have to forward port 22 on your router to the computer you want to connect ot21:40
curtleenot a lubutu thing21:40
szhI have Static NAT so that all connections should be forwarded.21:40
szhMaybe it's a problem with my router or ISP.21:41
curtleewith a NAT you have to forward a specific port to a specific computer behind the nat21:42
szhOkay. I'm trying that now.21:42
curtleewhen someone connects to port 22 at your public ip it is connecting to port 22 on your router21:42
curtleeso it has to know which computer to forward that connection to21:43
szhNow I'm getting "ssh: connect to host <hostname> port 22: Bad file number"21:44
szhWhat's that about?21:44
curtleecould you pastebin your command and output21:47
szhFrom a Windows Git Bash: http://paste.ubuntu.com/595682/21:49
curtleeI see your error a lot on google21:55
szhI couldn't find anything that helped on Google.21:56
curtleehave you tried testing the connection first with something like putty21:56
szhI'll go download putty21:57
curtleewe should go to #lubuntu-offtopic or you private message me21:57
szhcurtlee: I'm on #lubuntu-offtopic now21:59
wizonesolutionsHmm, how come df is failing at math? What happened to the other ~14G? Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on22:01
wizonesolutions/dev/sda1             291G  3.7G  273G   2% /22:01
MrChrisDruifHai wizonesolutions22:01
wizonesolutionsMrChrisDruif Hey22:01
MrChrisDruifI don't know wizonesolutions22:03
LAcancan anyone help me get sound running on lubuntu 10.10?22:06
LAcaneverything seems fine, normal, and installed, i just cant get ANY sound, lol22:06
bioterrorcheck alsa-mixer22:07
bioterrorif you have anything muted22:07
bioterrorMM tells it's muted22:07
LAcandid and dont22:07
LAcanwell headphones are muted, but none are plugged in right now22:08
LAcanis there a command for just a systemp beep?22:08
LAcansorry im back22:12
LAcanso yah, everything looks fine in alsamixer and elsewhere but I can't get any sound out of this realtek card22:12
canllaithLAcan: ensure alsamixer has the right device selected?22:20
canllaithSometimes there's a generic or 'meta' device as well as the real one22:20
canllaithF6 lets you select a sound card22:20
LAcancanllaith, ye it also lists an Intel22:20
canllaithYeah, mine has intel & nvidia but my nvidia HDMI out doesn't work in linux so that caught me to start with.22:21
canllaith(silly nvidia optimus)22:21
LAcanwhen i pick the intel nothing changes22:21
canllaithWhat model card is it? lspci will tell you if you don't know22:22
LAcan00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 04)22:23
canllaithoh, and one more thing you possibily have already checked - sometimes 'speakers' isn't the volume you need to turn up, 'front' is.22:23
LAcanto clarify: the default is the HDA Intel and the chip is Realtek ALC889A22:24
LAcan(its also the only one I can pick with F6)22:24
LAcanhrmm where is the option for front normally?22:25
LAcanwhile im at it i might as well test my headphones22:31
LAcanok! headphones is banging!!22:32
LAcannow if i can just get these damn speakers to work22:32
canllaithHrm, I can find a similar problem on the internets but ... only in really old versions of ubuntu22:33
canllaithin the kernel you're using, they should have been fixed for ages22:33
canllaith( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=747054 )22:33
canllaithHere are some Ubuntu specific instructions that mention forcing the chipset name to the module22:34
canllaithsince lubuntu is based on ubuntu it's a good chance it will help22:35
LAcanty for help, reading now22:41
LAcanwhen i execute 'alsa force-reload' will that change be saved on boot?22:46
LAcanlike if i reboot it will stick to the reloaded settings or whatever?22:47
LAcanonly one way to find out, lol22:48
LAcanTADOW! Success!22:54
LAcanmy headphones no longer work, but fkit22:54
wizonesolutionsho ho, Alsa, huh...I thought Ubuntu came with PulseAudio now? Or did they switch back?22:57
MrChrisDruif....I just don't know wizonesolutions, but we always direct to alsamixer...I don't know if that's the same as alsa, might be it can also control pulseaudio?22:58
canllaithalsa is the underlying kernel-level driver23:00
wizonesolutions2Ah, I see.23:00
canllaithpulse audio is the replacement for the ESD that gnome-based desktops used to use23:00
canllaithIt's a bit more complicated than that, as there's still OSS legacy applications, applications that want to use ALSA directly but then get directed to pulseaudio that then uses alsa for it's kernel interface...23:02
LAcanis firefox 4 a turd on lubuntu? I loaded it before but its pretty crusty...23:02
canllaithsound on Linux is a bit chaotic =)23:02
canllaithLAcan: it's great on ubuntu? I'm afraid I haven't done much with my lubuntu installation yet23:02
LAcanya its awesome in.. gasp.. vista.. too23:03
canllaithtrying to configure an 11" macbook air may have been a little ambitious for my first lubuntu install ^_^23:03
LAcanbut on lubuntu it suxored bad especially compared to chrome... itd just be nice to use the sync between by 895 different devices23:03
canllaithAh ok23:03
canllaithI only use firefox 4 at work, for personal stuff I use chrome so I'm afraid I'm not much help23:04
canllaithbut our webmail & timesheeting app require ffox23:04
LAcanman, im so new i might just installed it wrong or been missing a dependency23:05
canllaithThere's an ubuntu repository I used, that should also work on lubuntu23:06
LAcanok on to the next thing.... how do i get transparencies to work on panels in the desktop? I have xcompmgr loaded23:06
wizonesolutions2Firefox 4 is awesome, eh? Reminds me...I gotta try it23:07
=== wizonesolutions2 is now known as wizonesolutions
LAcanwizonesolutions, wont run firesheep tho, lol23:07
wizonesolutionsAlways cautious about upgrading cuz I'm a Web Developer so it's like...will I have my plugins :D23:07
wizonesolutionsLAcan: Shame on you.23:07
canllaithbut caveat emptor and all that, it might not work as well23:08
canllaithLAcan: https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable23:08
LAcanlolz. im only running lubuntu for one reason: raw packets lol23:08
canllaithThat package is designed to replace your system firefox23:08
canllaithso if you need firefox 3.6 don't do it :)23:08
LAcancanllaith, what i did was install 3.6 from synaptics and then upgraded to 4.023:08
canllaithah ok23:08
LAcanwow, i added that launchpad repository to synaptics.. beautiful! im learning so much stuff today!23:14
LAcanhow can I get panel transparency to work in lxde?23:19
* canllaith is afraid she can't help with that one23:21
canllaithWell, actually I can23:22
canllaithif you're using xcompmgr, you can do it from the command line using xcompmgr set23:22
canllaithsorry, transset23:22
canllaithYou can type 'transset .25' and then click on the panel, for example23:23
canllaiththat will set the panel to 75% transparency (25% opacity) although you probably want to use something more like .75, come to think of it23:23
canllaithbut there may be a better way within LXDE itself23:23
* canllaith hopes that wasn't X crashing23:24
canllaithwelcome back23:28
LAcannote to self, xcompmgr does not like being stopped23:28
canllaithLAcan: have you seen this thread? http://forum.lxde.org/viewtopic.php?t=412&f=823:29
LAcanhrmm no but thx for the link23:30
LAcanlxpanel preferences... where do i find that?23:30
canllaithright-click on the panel it seems23:30
LAcanya, if its what i think it is i already enabled trasnparency to no avail23:31
LAcani was thinking its an opengl thing.. like using my nvidia on the desktop23:32
LAcancuz if u look in that screenshot, his panel is transparent... mine are always opaque23:33
LAcanhave u ever messed with compiz?23:34
canllaithNot for years. Most distributions do that kind of thing out of the box now so I'm very out of date on how to tinker with the underpinnings.23:34
LAcanwell i might as well give it a go, cuz this is making me mental23:35
LAcanhrmm on one of these forums it points tp pcmanfm being the problem23:39
LAcanim assumin nitrogen replaces pcmanfm?23:40
LAcanis replacing pcmanfm a good idea?23:45

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