
=== nlsthzn-work changed the topic of #ubuntu-ae to: FOSS in the UAE, alive and kicking | http://www.meetup.com/EmiratesLoCo/ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmiratesTeam | Next IRC meeting: Sunday 24 April 2011 @ 20:00 (GMT+4)
nlsthzn-workubuntulo1_: morning03:10
nlsthzn-workdoh... it is a bot :)03:10
nlsthzn-workTime to go home :D03:38
bassem_lapjjk_saji, Josef?04:29
jjk_sajiHi , yesterday I had tough time04:30
jjk_sajiwas not able to join04:30
bassem_lapjjk_saji, no probeml! anyway next meeting will be at 8pm04:30
jjk_sajiWill we post the conversation04:30
bassem_lapjjk_saji, already posted I think04:31
bassem_lapjjk_saji, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3788421/2011-04-17_Freenode.txt04:32
jjk_sajithanks read it, I will make sure next time . I wont miss it04:38
hadenxMorning guys ..05:28
hadenxbassem, nlsthzn05:28
nlsthznhadenx: morning...05:29
hadenxnlsthzn , like it...05:30
nlsthznhadenx: done05:31
hadenxHello jjk_saji05:32
nlsthzngreetings jjk_saji05:32
jjk_sajiI am joseph JOhn05:33
jjk_sajiI was away from the PC05:33
hadenxHello Joseph .. Good morning05:33
hadenxHello ubuntulo1_05:34
nlsthznjjk_saji: Mr. Joseph, welcome :)05:34
nlsthznhadenx: ubuntulo1_ is a bot... :)05:35
* hadenx facepalm05:35
hadenxbtw , jjk_saji , I am very keen on your plan on promoting Ubuntu to schools..05:38
jjk_sajiYou can help me,05:38
hadenxjjk_saji , sure .. I'm sure all of us here can contribute in some way or the other05:39
jjk_sajiright now I am working on NI model school, last saturday I went there meet pricipal, head masters05:39
jjk_sajiright now I want support in creating a document why a  school should  select Ubuntu for its educatinal need05:39
hadenxJjk_saji I'm actually working on that ...05:40
jjk_sajialso I need support in helping the IT support staff over there in there ubunut doubts05:40
jjk_sajiI will ask them also to be a part of IIRC and take help05:40
hadenxThis weekend I'll be busy cos of church activities ... Next week I can have a documentation n presentation ready ..05:41
hadenxjjk_saji , yeah sure ... We can help them out on IRC .05:42
nlsthzngents... I have to go sleepy now... one more night to go :)05:44
hadenxBtw , jjk_saji , you have these Linux training session right ?05:45
hadenxWhere do they take place ?05:46
jjk_sajiyou mean destinationopensoure.com05:48
jjk_sajiNo fixed place, I ask any office near me for the space for free, if they give I conduct there some where near to my office, place varies depending on the availablity05:49
hadenxjjk_saji are any sessions going on at the moment ?05:50
jjk_sajiNext batch it is going to start by June 1'st week for 20 hours05:50
jjk_sajithe present batch classes are over and candidates are supposed to do the assignments05:51
hadenxthat's great .. Have a friend who is interested ..05:52
hadenxanyway jjk_saji , can you give a brief idea on what we might be targeting at ?05:57
hadenxOr what you plan introducing to the Schools admins ?05:58
jjk_sajidestination training and school activities are both different05:59
jjk_sajiDOS session is open to IT support guys from the industry for are not knowing how to use LINUX05:59
jjk_sajimy Scholl activity is different , there I am  trying to co-ordinate with the "it staf" and install Ubunut over ther06:00
hadenxjjk_saji , server side or the client machines ?06:01
jjk_sajiat school client machine first , in DOS server side has priority06:01
hadenxjjk_saji , you have any clue as to what the current major applications on server side at schools are ?06:03
jjk_sajiFile sharing + some application developed on .net for school admin06:03
hadenxFilesharing we can manage .. .net apps is a problem ..06:04
hadenxWas going through edubuntu the other day , there's a great free application for school admins to use...06:05
jjk_sajiFirst we have to bring ubuntu to the lab06:07
jjk_sajichanging admin software which they had purchased will be tough06:08
bojicasis preparing the MoM for our first IRC meeting06:50
hadenxmorning bojicas06:50
bojicasgood morning, hadenx06:50
hadenxbojicas , you didn't like the facebook page :)06:52
bojicasjust now ... got online. all things in order. i don't find the Meetings subpage on our wiki, i remember it was there before06:53
xnixanHi, Good morning everybody!06:56
bassem_mobilexnixan: hi06:57
bassem_mobilemorning :)06:57
xnixanbassem, fine06:57
xnixanbassem_mobile, , fine06:57
bassem_mobilexnixan: :)06:58
xnixanbassem_mobile, where are you from?06:58
hadenxbojicas , pages are case sensitive06:59
bassem_mobilehadenx: morning06:59
bassem_mobilehadenx: did you welcome the bot?07:00
bojicashadenx, yes, i know, found the meetings link on the bottom - from that subpage i'll go further deep with logs and mom07:00
bassem_mobilebojicas: morning07:00
hadenxbassem_mobile , yes I did .. First thing in the morning ..07:06
hadenxBtw , this Is the official ubuntu bot right ?07:07
* bassem I'm here :-)07:08
bassemhadenx, yes, it's the official one07:09
bojicasI would like to change a link in our wiki menu: Meetings => https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmiratesTeam/Meetings07:12
bojicasdo you agree?07:12
bojicasIRC meeting log: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetinLogs2011041707:14
bassembojicas, thanks07:29
bassemxnixan, did you attend any of our LoCo meetings?07:30
xnixanbassem, yep!07:30
xnixanbassem, second one :)07:31
bassemxnixan, what is your name?07:31
bassemxnixan, is it the first time here in the channel?07:32
xnixanMy name is Ahmad07:32
xnixanbassem, you are welcome!07:32
hadenxxnixan , bojicas http://m.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-Emirates-Team-LoCo/18586792145921407:33
hadenxPlease like our facebook page..07:33
bojicashold on, a sec... hadenx, working on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary2011041707:33
bassemxnixan, Ahmad Hamada ?07:34
xnixanbassem, yes!07:34
bassemxnixan, ah :-) welcome Ahmad07:34
hadenxxnixan , Ubuntu enthusiast or newbie ?07:35
xnixanbassem, Linux/Unix newbie, since 1996 ;)07:37
bassemxnixan, hadenx asked you not me!07:38
xnixanbassem, :)07:40
xnixanhadenx, what about you?07:41
bassemxnixan, did you try ubuntu cloud?07:46
bassemit's based on eucalyptus!07:46
bassemhadenx, what is that DOS server which you talked with Josef about!07:51
hadenxxnixan , been using ubuntu for almost 4 years now..07:53
hadenxbassem, DOS is destinationopensource07:54
hadenxThat's his website07:54
bassemhadenx, oh thanks god! I thought it's M$ DOS!!!07:54
hadenxlol bassem..07:55
hadenxBTW , bassem , have you used LTSP ?07:56
bassemhadenx, no, but I did network booting and remote login on linux before08:00
bojicaspartial MoM: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary20110417 Comments, pls08:02
bojicasI'll edit soon Actions/ToDos section08:02
hadenxbojicas .. Nice job..08:04
xnixanbassem, No, i did not!08:10
bassembojicas, thank you for your efforts, I will read it later08:10
xnixanhadenx, Desktop side or Server side?08:11
hadenxLTSP server side ...08:11
hadenxSetting it up..configuring etc..08:11
xnixanhadenx, any experience with Asterisk?08:12
hadenxxnixan , no not really ... But I've read through the documentation ..08:13
TokiWai~! New people!08:20
hadenxXnixan , how good are you at troubleshooting Linux issues ?08:22
xnixanhadenx, hehe08:24
xnixanhadenx, depending on the issue, do you have any?08:25
hadenxxnixan , we need people on IRC..08:25
hadenxHelp out those who have issues...08:26
xnixanhadenx, do you mean for support?08:26
hadenxHey Toki...08:26
hadenxxnixan .. Yes :)08:26
xnixanhadenx, i am in ;)08:26
Tokixnixan: Advanced support, or basic?08:27
xnixanToki, both, :D08:27
TokiTier 2 you are. :D08:28
hadenxxnixan , great .. Hope to see you often on IRC then.. :)08:28
xnixanhadenx, me too :)08:28
xnixani was a very active user @ eglug, till 200408:29
Tokixnixan: Shall we introduce ourselves? I'm the so-called 'community manager', attended all the meetups so far, though missed yesterday's meeting.08:29
Toki*IRC meeting08:29
TokiTier 1 support guy as well.08:29
hadenxxnixan , what happened to eglug?08:30
xnixanhadenx, Egyptian Linux Users Group08:31
hadenxOh ok.. How's the group going ?08:33
xnixanI am Ahmad Hamada, using Unix/Unix Like systems since 1996, fall in love with linux since 2000, working as Linux System Administrator for more than 8 yrs, attended one meetup (second one) tried to attend the rest but i could not :(, hope to see this community growing bigger and bigger :)08:33
Tokixnixan: We've met, though I don't exactly remember you/ :(08:34
xnixanToki, NP08:34
TokiYou should've attended the installfest.08:34
TokiWe had two laptops we had to return because of X problems.08:35
xnixanToki, i was dreaming of that, but it was out of my hand :(08:35
Tokixnixan: Hope to see you in the future events - your knowledge and experience would come in handy.08:36
xnixanToki, it would be always my pleasure :)08:36
xnixanToki, the best thing for this LUG is launching this Channel, a community without IRC is useless!08:36
Tokixnixan: Agreed, a simple discussion board just doesn't cut it.08:38
xnixanToki, yep!, IRC, faster and much more interactive ;)08:39
xnixanToki, what is your name?08:40
bojicasToki: Minutes of Meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary2011041708:40
Tokixnixan: Toki is my name. :)08:42
Tokibojicas: Thanks.08:42
xnixanToki, :)08:43
bojicasThe post on meetup is here: http://www.meetup.com/EmiratesLoCo/events/17261336/ or here: http://www.meetup.com/EmiratesLoCo/messages/boards/thread/1070992408:43
bojicashttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/04/18/%23ubuntu-ae.txt ;)08:52
bojicasthx, ubuntulo1_08:52
hadenxbecareful , what you guys say.. You are being monitored :)08:53
hadenxubuntulo1_ is a spy ...09:02
bassemxnixan, are you memeber of eglug?!!!11:35
xnixanbassem, yep!11:40
bassemxnixan, are you egyptina?11:40
xnixanbassem, sure! ;)11:42
xnixanbassem, and you?11:43
bassemxnixan, syrian! but I'm eglug member too :-)11:43
bassemxnixan, http://eglug.org/node/3831 I'm the second person on the left11:43
xnixanbassem, welcome!11:44
bassemxnixan, you welcome :-p11:44
bassemxnixan, me https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=416304615729&set=a.416301985729.212024.714035729&type=111:45
* bassem تجربة العربي على بوت التسجيل!!12:03
bassemhadenx, what is DOS? Destination Open Source ?12:19
hadenxI think destinationopensource.org12:19
bassemhadenx, yeah this one! what do you know about it?12:21
hadenxIt's Josephs website .. He conducts free Linux training sessions ..12:21
bassemhadenx, he's the trainer?12:24
hadenxbassem , yup..12:24
bassemhadenx, did you attend any?12:25
hadenxno.. I wanted to though...12:26
basseminteresting ...12:27
hadenxHe's pretty good I heard ..12:27
bassemhadenx, you know someone attended !12:32
hadenxNo.. Not really..12:33
bassemhadenx, oh btw, when Silviu updated this pag: http://www.meetup.com/EmiratesLoCo/events/17261336/#initialized12:36
bassemdoes it sent an alret to all the group or only the attenedees !12:36
hadenxbassem , only atendees..12:51
bassemhadenx, so we have to repost it again in the mailing list or message board!12:58
hadenxWe have to ask Toki to do that ...13:00
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
nlsthzn-workVery quiet in here tonight...20:14
xnixanGood evening all!20:57
bassem_lapxnixan, evening21:08
xnixanbassem_lap, are working in dubai?21:09
bassem_lapxnixan, yes21:10
xnixanbassem_lap, which in which sector your company is working in?21:10
bassem_lapxnixan, mobile apps21:14
xnixanbassem_lap, IPhone?21:14
bassem_lapxnixan, bb and android21:15
xnixanbassem_lap, business solution?21:15
bassem_lapxnixan, yes21:15
bassem_lapxnixan, yes?21:16
bassem_lapxnixan, sorry21:16
bassem_lapxnixan, you?21:16
xnixanbassem_lap, i am a System and Network administrator in driving center21:17
* nlsthzn-work waves as xnixan and bassem_lap 21:18
xnixannlsthzn-work, evening :)21:18
nlsthzn-workxnixan: welcome, not seen you on IRC yet :)21:20
xnixannlsthzn-work, thanks, i was here in morning!21:21
nlsthzn-workxnixan: ah, ok... sorry, I was sleeping then :)21:23
xnixannlsthzn-work, NP ;)21:24
xnixannlsthzn-work, since when you are using Linux?21:24
bassem_lapxnixan, Linux admin?21:26
xnixanbassem_lap, yep!21:26
nlsthzn-workxnixan: on and off since around 1998 actually... but mostly on windows... only a bit more permanent the last two years (and still Windows for gaming)21:26
bassem_lapxnixan, good, driving center with linux!21:27
xnixanbassem_lap, :), why not?21:27
bassem_lapxnixan, it's rare to see linux here!21:27
xnixanbassem_lap, our proxy, mail, dns, fw all are 100% Linux21:27
bassem_lapxnixan, great!21:28
bassem_lapxnixan, which school?21:28
xnixanAl Ahli Driving Center21:28
nlsthzn-workcool to hear :)21:29
xnixannlsthzn-work, :) thanks!21:29
bassem_lapxnixan, do you have any idea how it cost to attend the lessons ! the whole cost21:31
xnixanbassem_lap, LOL21:31
xnixanbassem_lap, i thought this is LUG IRC channel :p21:31
xnixanbassem_lap, any way, do you have driving license form Syria?21:32
bassem_lapxnixan, nope, I have to take all the lessons21:32
xnixanbassem_lap, did not get it21:33
xnixanbassem_lap, are you a student in any other institute ?21:33
bassem_lapxnixan, no, I don't have any kind of license21:34
xnixanbassem_lap, aha21:34
xnixanbassem_lap, around 4200-4400 AED21:34
xnixanbassem_lap, till you get your license in your hand ;)21:35
bassem_lapxnixan, oh, no! it's very expensive !!!21:35
xnixanbassem_lap, as far as i know, this is the lowest between all 5 driving centers!21:36
bassem_lapxnixan, one payment ?21:36
xnixanbassem_lap, the difference is not too much, but this is the lowest21:36
xnixanbassem_lap, if you paid the full amount you will get 10% discount21:37
xnixanbassem_lap, but you do not need to do so21:37
xnixanbassem_lap, just pay as you go through process21:37
bassem_lapxnixan, period ?21:38
bassem_lapxnixan, duration21:38
xnixanbassem_lap, if you take daily classes, (4-6)21:39
xnixanbassem_lap, after 10-14 days you will get your license21:39
xnixanbassem_lap, of course if you passed final test from first time21:40
bassem_lapxnixan, let's make it simple! can I pay it in two months ?21:40
xnixanbassem_lap, NP21:40
xnixanbassem_lap, the only restriction, do not stop taking lessons for more that 2 months21:40
bassem_lapxnixan, I live in Dubai marina and work near burj dubai! is there any near center?21:41
xnixanbassem_lap, sure, our HO @ Al Qouz21:42
* nlsthzn-work was very pleased he could just switch his licesnse in the UAE :p21:44
bassem_lapxnixan, how to go there, I don't have car!!!21:44
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, only switching!!21:44
xnixanbassem_lap, they will pick you and drop you back!21:46
xnixannlsthzn-work, from where you are?21:47
bassem_lapbojicas, thank you for the MoM21:50
=== bassem_lap changed the topic of #ubuntu-ae to: FOSS in the UAE, alive and kicking | http://www.meetup.com/EmiratesLoCo/ | Wiki: http://ubuntu.ae | Next IRC meeting: Sunday 24 April 2011 @ 20:00 (GMT+4)
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, it's ok like this? the topic!21:54
nlsthzn-workSunny South Africa21:54
nlsthzn-workbassem_lap: sure, looks good to me21:54
xnixanHave to go :)22:11
nlsthzn-workxnixan: cheers22:13
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, night :-)22:13
bassem_lapxnixan, , night :-)22:13
nlsthzn-workbassem_lap: night :)22:13
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, me too, but I'm listening to Om Kalthoom now!22:14
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umm_Kulthum22:14
nlsthzn-workbassem_lap: ah... enjoy22:15
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, http://www.last.fm/music/Umm%2520Kulthum?ac=Umm%20Kulthum%2022:15
nlsthzn-workbassem_lap: that's fine... not my cup of tea22:16
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, it's only one song, duration is about 1 hour and 20 mins22:16
nlsthzn-workbassem_lap: ouch...22:17
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, classic arabic22:18
nlsthzn-workbassem_lap: well if you enjoy it, enjoy it :)22:18
bassem_lapnlsthzn-work, thanks22:21

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