
dobeyhey guys, anyone around?00:55
dobeyi saw my ubuntuone-client upload got accepted, but i have a couple of merge proposals for libubuntuone and ubuntuone-control-panel that i'm concerned about getting in for tomorrow00:56
lifelessyou could talk to the pilot00:57
lifelessor main sponsors I guess00:57
dobeytopic says "Patch pilots: " :)00:57
lifelessschedule is on the wiki00:58
dobeynobody on the oz side of the planet for monday it seems. and probably not a good time for cnd or seb right now :-/01:03
RAOFThey might be a little bit asleep  :)01:04
Jerubwhat's that ubuntu bug reporitng thing called again?01:06
Jerubactually, nevermind.01:06
dobeywell i doubt cnd is asleep this early, unless he's travelling somewhere :)01:08
ajmitchwhen do they need to be uploaded by?01:09
dobeyMon 00:00 UTC afaik01:10
dobeyso i guess 10 minutes ago? :)01:10
dobeybut i proposed them on friday :-/01:13
* ajmitch can't upload right now, otherwise would sponsor them01:15
dobeyguess i should probably apply for motu soon01:20
dobeyand more specific package rights for main01:20
ajmitchwouldn't make a difference for this stuff in main01:20
ajmitchyeah, more per-package rights would help here01:20
dobeywould help with the ever-expanding suite of ubuntuone projects though, and initially getting them into ubuntu01:22
Jerubfacinating, removing python-apport removes ubuntuone01:31
JanCubuntuone-client depends on python-apport01:41
JanCI suppose that shouldn't be a hard dependency...01:42
dobeywhy would you remove python-apport anyway?01:43
JanCdobey: there might be no good reason to remove it, but I so no good reason for the dependency either?  ;)01:44
JanC*but I see*01:44
dobeyJanC: well it installs an apport reporting module for ubuntuone which requires python-apport01:45
dobeyi suppose it could recommends instead01:45
JanCyeah, a recommends would be reasonable, but a hard dependency seems a bit strong01:47
dobeyeh, we like to get useful information in our bug reports :)01:50
JanCdobey: most people won't remove it anyway01:51
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cnddobey, it's still sunday here, but even so I don't really have the powers you seek :)01:56
cndI only have upload rights for a very small set of packages01:56
dobeycnd: guess will have to wait for seb or someone to wake up :-/01:57
dobeycnd: thanks anyway01:57
JanCdobey: so Ubuntu isn't global enough yet?  ☺02:00
dobeyJanC: hrmm?02:01
JanCthe developers I mean  ;)02:01
dobeysure, but i don't know who to ping in oz right now to upload my stuff :)02:01
JanClike, 24/7 uploaders available02:01
stgraberdobey: what do you need uploaded ?02:02
dobeystgraber: i have 2 merge proposals pending. one to lp:ubuntu/libubuntuone and one to lp:ubuntu/ubuntuone-control-panel02:03
stgraberok, looking at it now. I'm really not familiar with these two packages, so I'm hoping it's not too big changes :)02:04
dobeyno, just a couple of bug fixes02:05
stgraberdobey: ok, they are both uploaded. You'll just need to wait for an archive admin to review them and let them through.02:12
stgraberdobey: just wondering, was there a need to re-generate the configure in libubuntuone ?02:12
dobeystgraber: new tarball release does that02:13
dobeystgraber: thanks for the uploads02:13
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RAOFkees: Rumour has it that you've got the full source of the archive unpacked somewhere to grep through.  Would it be possible to grep for the string “GEM” and “20100330”?  I'm interested in how many programs are checking the GL_RENDERER string for these values.03:51
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keesRAOF: it's just a full source archive but it unpacks quick enough. if you can produce a regex for me to search for, I can run it. takes a few hours04:20
RAOFTa.  I'll see if I can generate a suitably specific regex.04:22
RAOFkees: "([[:space:]]|\'|\")GEM([[:space:]]|\'\")" is the best I've been able to come up with.  Hopefully that won't generate *too* many false-positives.05:19
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pittiGood morning07:34
pittiScottK: p-d-e> seems someone already NMUed it, so seems alright; I'm really happy to see 2.7 in sid, I can finally upgrade calibre then :)07:41
dholbachgood morning07:51
didrocksgood morning07:55
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steveiredholbach: Is there an ubuntu release party in Berlin?08:42
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dholbachsteveire, yes: http://ubuntu-berlin.de/natty-release-party08:59
steveireAh, on Wednesday.09:00
steveireoh wait, that's next month :)09:03
bambeeIt's normal that I am able to bypass polkit auth with the language selector dbus backend ? (I just cancel the password request from the agent)09:07
bambeehello btw09:07
bambeetypically just try this program http://paste.ubuntu.com/595420/ , with "de_DE.UTF-8" as argument (for example) and don't enter the password (click cancel).  Then log you from tty1 and try "locale".09:10
bambee(I am on natty)09:12
JanCbambee: I can confirm that your test case works09:21
bambeeJanC: from the user point of view, he can reproduce this test case via language-selector-kde (which no longer runs as root and uses polkit only)09:27
JanCbambee: same for the GNOME equivalent09:36
bambeepitti: ping09:40
pittihi bambee09:40
bambeesee my test case above09:40
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debfxbambee: I think the backend just doesn't check the result of the authorization09:41
bambeethen look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/language-selector/ubuntu/view/head:/dbus_backend/ls-dbus-backend#L9409:41
bambeedebfx: it does not09:41
bambeeyou're right09:41
pitti*headdesk* good catch09:41
bambeethe fix is easy , just check the value returned by self._authWithPolicyKit() :)09:42
pittiI'll better check all instances of PK there09:43
bambeeor raise an exception... see an example at lp:bambi there is a userconfig repository.09:43
bambee(still in development, but polkit auth works fine)09:45
pittibambee: thanks; I actually know how this should work, I've done quite a bit with PK myself09:47
pitti(I didn't write the lang-sel code)09:48
pittithanks for spotting this!09:48
bambeeyw :)09:48
pittibambee: would you mind filing a bug about it? I suppose we'll need to fix it in stable releases, too09:58
bambeepitti: I will open a bug for that and also attach a patch (we could do nothing if the authentification fails..)10:01
bambeewhat do you prefer ?10:02
pittibambee: doing nothing at all is fine; avoids introducing a new dialog, and PK itself should already display "wrong password", etc.10:02
bambeeI agree, ok10:02
lifelesspitti: ping10:16
pittihey lifeless10:16
lifelesspitti: whats the right forum to discuss changing the way apport managings dupes and private bugs?10:16
pittilifeless: as it concerns everyone, I'd say ubuntu-devel@ ?10:17
lifelesspitti: but lets do a quick chat here if you have time10:17
lifelesscan take it to ubuntu-devel if you think it needs that afterwards10:18
lifelessbasically we get a query quite often - perhaps once every 2 days - where apport detects a dupe10:18
lifelessstrips the backtrace etc and marks it a dupe10:18
lifelessbut the master isn't audited yet, so is still private10:18
pittiright, I hear some complaints about that, too10:19
pittithe alternative is to leave the dupes private, too10:19
pittithat makes it harder to see which bugs already have been reported, though10:19
lifelesspitti: how would that fix it ?10:19
pittii. e. will lead to filing more duplicates10:19
pittilifeless: fewer people getting confused when looking at the public bug10:20
lifelesspitti: the people getting confused are the ones filing the bug10:20
lifelesspitti: so they will still be confused as they wouldn't be able to see the master.10:20
pittireporter yes10:20
lifelesspitti: if the master is private, users cannot read it and thus will still file duplicates.10:20
pittibut I don't see a way around that10:20
pittiwe can't just make all of them public10:20
lifelesspitti: could we:10:21
lifeless - file a public master bug with only the metadata needed to detect that its a dupe.10:21
lifeless - leave the raw data dupes private10:21
lifeless - and optionally not strip them at all.10:21
lifelessLP will know how many dupes there actually are for calculating heat.10:21
lifelessand bugcontrol + devs can read the raw data at their leisure (we could include a 'original filed bug with private attachments is bug 12345' comment which can explain that only Ubuntu developers can read that.10:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 12345 in isdnutils (Ubuntu) "isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234510:23
pittimore convenient for reporters, less convenient for developers10:23
lifelesspitti: I contend that dealing with confused reports subtracts from the convenience developers have10:23
pittiand it would mean that the retracer had to open the new master bug itself, so all bugs will appear to have been filed by apport, not by real people10:23
pittiwhich might be ok, just pointing out that it looks odd10:24
lifelesspitti: apport could open a new one and shuffle the attachments around, if that angle is important.10:24
lifelesspitti: (expanding) - open new bug to be private; move attachments to that bug; purge the original bug; make the original public.10:25
lifelessonce we have bug relationships this can be easier still10:25
pittishould be possible in principle, yes10:25
pittia lot of data downloading/uploading, so I hope that'll be robust enough10:25
lifelessits in the DC10:26
lifelessright ?10:26
pittibut that doesn't help much10:26
lifelessshould be fine; if its slow we can add an API to move attachments between bugs10:26
pittiit's slow and not transactional either way10:26
pittiI've seen it break way too many times to have a solid confidence in it, so error handling will be hairy :)10:26
lifelesspitti: thats true; OTOH the new bug is private, so you can start it with just apport viewing it, copy up the attachments one at a time, and only when its ready expose it.10:27
pittibut if attaching the data to the new private bug fails, we can just fall back to what we have now and leave the master private10:27
lifelesswe can also look at doing direct to librarian uploads.10:28
lifelesswhich we should do anyway for LP10:28
lifelesspitti: ok, should I take this to u-d@?10:28
pittilifeless: if we'll need LP changes anyway, would it be hard to do private attachments?10:28
pittiharder than moving them or re-linking attachments to a new bug?10:29
lifelesspitti: we don't necessarily need LP changes; doing privacy per-attachment would be a data model change at minimum, not to mention needing a whole new way to describe visibility.10:29
lifelessso yes, private attachments on public bugs is interesting but tricky to do well - and then there is the likelyhood of someone copying from a private attachment to the bug to make a point, and disclosure fail.10:30
lifelesss/tricky to do well/tricky to do -acceptably-/10:31
pittiwell, subscribed folks can just as easily make the entire bug public10:32
pittibut if it's hard to implement, then let's use what we hahve10:32
lifelessit is, yes.10:32
lifelesspitti: rightiho - so, does this need to go to ubuntu-devel ?10:35
lifelesspitti: I'll summarise and send there now if it does.10:35
pittilifeless: I guess at this point a bug report works as well10:35
pittibut there might be some more input on the changed workflow then10:35
lifelesspitti: whats the bugtracker for the backend?10:36
lifelessjust the package, or ?10:36
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hrwI have a question. on friday there were builds of gcc-4.4-armel-cross done and then upload was rejected by archive admin. should I get FFe for it?10:47
lifelesspitti: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport/+bug/76441410:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 764414 in apport (Ubuntu) "private master bugs are confusing and lead to more duplicate filings" [Undecided,New]10:49
lifelesspitti: I'll drop a note to u-d about this10:50
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ogra_TheMuso, still awake ?11:44
ogra_TheMuso, seems you miss one of the panda patches in your ppa build (i noted which one in the bug)11:45
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smosercjwatson, what do you think about bug 759545 ?12:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759545 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "user prompted to update unmodified grub configuration during Ubuntu server upgrade" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75954512:37
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stgrabermvo: ping14:27
tseliothi pitti, what do you think about bug #763331 , especially comment 2 ?14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 763331 in fglrx-installer (Ubuntu) "VA-API packages helper should be installed with the proprietary drivers" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76333114:27
stgrabermvo: I was wondering if you have any comment on bug 760035 and if you are going to include that in the next python-apt upload + push it to debian ?14:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760035 in python-apt (Ubuntu Natty) "Ubuntu.info template doesn't allow deb-src lines using archive.ubuntu.com on ports architectures" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76003514:29
mvohey stgraber14:35
mvostgraber: I have a look in a wee bit14:35
speakmanI'm creating a .deb package, but how do I specify some example files to go into /usr/share/doc/mypackage/examples/ ?14:36
speakmanIt's an autotools package, but the example files are just within the tarball and not installed during "make install"14:37
directhexspeakman, you can refer to them in your debian/install file14:39
directhexspeakman, i.e. you can say "foo/bar/baz /usr/share/doc/mypackage/examples/"14:39
tkamppeterpitti, hi14:41
geserdirecthex: wouldn't add them to debian/examples be better?14:41
directhexgeser, or that, sure14:42
speakmangeser: are there any example of an debian/examples file? /me is totally newb14:43
speakmandebian/examples was awesome! thanks!14:44
speakmanWhen making a new "version" of the package - do I always have to edit the changelog?14:45
speakmanAdding a new entry in it, I mean14:46
speakmanOr can I just change the version specified in the latest (and currently only) entry?14:46
speakmanIt's for testing purpose currently.14:46
speakmanare there any more similar files like "examples" which takes a list of files and make sure they're installed?14:49
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speakmanThere are so many great benefits with .deb packageing, but it's terribly difficult for a newbie to learch packaging from scratch :(14:59
geserspeakman: "man debhelper" contains a list of all those dh_* commands and a short summary of what they do. Some of them use files in debian/.15:04
speakmangeser: thanks! will look at it!15:07
directhexspeakman, you only need to worry about package versions when they are uploaded to an archive - for local testing the changelog's version doesn't matter15:13
directhexif you upload to a ppa, then the only thing that matters is a newer changelog version than the last upload15:13
directhexfor a real distro, the history matters. "dch -i" inserts a new log entry15:13
jjardonHi, currently lp:glib points to ~jjardon/glib/trunk instead ~vcs-imports/glib/trunk , how Can I fix this?15:16
mr_pouitmvo: thanks for xubuntu-meta ;-)15:27
mvomr_pouit: your welcome, sorry for the delay in looking properly at it15:29
ohsixhow can i get apport to re-send a crash report i dismissed earlier, it's insisting on full reports now for things and they're quite large; but i can submit them later when i'm not at home15:33
Mirvffe/bug #714861 is stuck in universe new queue, could someone let it through?15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 714861 in fgfs-base (Ubuntu) "ffe: Sync fgfs-base 2.0.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71486115:41
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tkamppeterpitti, around?15:57
Kurisutiancjwatson: I checked the ubuntu server install today and it still messes up with the btrfs installation. So the problem from the previous installation still remains....16:01
barrymvo: hi do you have some time to chat about bug 458872?16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 458872 in computer-janitor (Ubuntu) "Don't mark for removal manually installed packages" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45887216:09
brendanddoes anyone know if a usb-vga adapter or similar is going to show as having the USB 'Video' base class (0Eh)16:09
brendandfrom what i've read it looks like only input devices are given this class, but could be wrong info16:09
seb128jamespage, hi, you sent the milestone of bug #764391 to 11.10, is that wanted or an error? (i.e you want it for next cycle not this one)16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764391 in cobbler (Ubuntu) "cobbler fails to manage bind9 " [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76439116:09
jamespageseb123: no that's not what I mean't - should be 11.04 - doh!16:10
jamespageseb128: thanks for pointing that out :-)16:11
seb128jamespage, thanks ;-)16:11
seb128kirkland, seems like you maintain cobbler, do you want to upload jamespage's fix on https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/ubuntu/natty/cobbler/fix-764391/+merge/58112 or should I review it?16:12
seb128(you know the software better so you are probably best placed)16:12
jamespageseb128, kirkland: I think Daviey might already be on it - but I might be wrong16:13
cr3tseliot: hi there, regarding brendand's question above, I noticed you participated on this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=260863. might you happen to know how to distinguish usb video and usb capture devices from udev and/or sysfs?16:14
seb128Daviey, hey, ^16:14
seb128jamespage, thanks for the notice, I'm just doing sponsoring and I'm not in an hurry so I will wait for them to reply16:15
Davieyseb128 / kirkland, it is in the queue already16:15
seb128Daviey, right, which is why I'm asking, I'm piloting, I can upload but I would appreciate a review from someone who has a clue about the software16:15
seb128I don't fell qualified to decide if the template change is right for example16:16
tseliotcr3: no, sorry, I wouldn't know. If you have a look at the udev rules in /lib/udev/rules.d/ maybe you'll find something useful though16:20
seb128Daviey, doh, you meant natty unapproved queue, not sponsoring queue16:21
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Davieyseb128, Oh yeah... I've not long reviewed and uploaded it..  Thanks for looking out for it.16:21
Davieyseb128, Yes.. sorry - i should have been more verbose.16:21
seb128Daviey, would be nice to unsubscribe the sponsors or mark the bug fix commited when you upload to avoid someone else to duplicate work ;-)16:21
seb128Daviey, thanks16:21
Davieyseb128, i did mark it Fix Committed :P16:21
seb128which you did...16:21
seb128one less on the list ;-)16:21
seb128Daviey, kirkland, jamespage: thanks16:22
RoAkSoAxjamespage: correct me if I'm wrong, but .pc files and stuff should not appear in the branch. right?16:22
DavieyRoAkSoAx, No, they should IMO... Whilst it makes it harder to review... That is what dpkg-source -x generates for deb src 3 files16:22
DavieyIf you merge that into the real branch, then it'll be uncommited by james_w's bot.. and a new merge proposal raised.16:23
Davieyfugly yes, requires yes, ideal no.16:23
RoAkSoAxDaviey: right, but for example, because something was wrong and there were changes in .pc that weren't reflected in patches, then everytime a new patch was created automatically by quilt16:23
RoAkSoAxand that's just wrong16:23
RoAkSoAxDaviey: so the fix was to simply remove the "old" .pc16:24
RoAkSoAxand let quilt create new one16:24
DavieyRoAkSoAx, In that case, you'd need to commit in patch unapplied status16:24
RoAkSoAxDaviey: right, but that's what I'm saying. Isn't it the best approach to commit with a patch in unapplied status, and when debuild'ing, the .pc will be automatically updated by quilt avoiding situations as the one explained above?16:26
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Hmm.. i agree you can't really merge .pc files.. but overwrite.  So i do agree..  If you want to propose a workflow to ubuntu-devel, i'm sure people will have thoughts and comments on it.16:28
DavieyI do tend to suggest merge proposals in patch applied, with .pc files currently.. Happy to revist that if there is a consensus on work flow.16:29
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yeah, I preffer not have them in applied status, cause I've seen many cases on which .pc changes sometimes appear in debdiffs or simply, quilt creates new patches for changes that are in .pc that shouldn't be there... so the fix is really to cleanup .pc16:30
DavieyRoAkSoAx, Please write a proposal :)16:31
Davieyseb128, So, i didn't mark it as merged because i didn't think it was a clean thing to do - incase the release team nack the upload.16:32
* Daviey afk's16:32
RoAkSoAxDaviey: won't exactly write it as a proposal but rather I'll raise a discussion over it :)16:32
cnd@pilot in16:33
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Beta-2 released | Archive: final freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Patch Pilots: cnd
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mvobarry: sorry, was in a call, let me look at the bug16:51
keesRAOF: started the search. I'll email you the details when it's done. :)16:55
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robbiewev: ping17:04
evrobbiew: pong17:04
robbiewhey..any chance of getting some wordsmithing in the Installer for bug 42008017:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 420080 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Configure encrypted volumes destroys existing data" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42008017:04
evit's a bit late for that, no?17:05
evoh, Oneiric17:05
robbiewev: yeah17:05
evyeah, I don't see that being a problem for O17:06
robbiewev: agree...too late for Natty17:06
evfor a second there I thought you were going to have work for me to do :-P17:06
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robbiewev: heh17:07
robbiewev: thnx17:07
evany time17:07
robbiewev: got another for ya17:15
robbiewbug 76475017:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764750 in casper (Ubuntu Natty) "No shutdown/Restart menu on live session" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76475017:15
robbiewfixable now...or punt to Oneiric17:15
evyeah, I've been trying to sort that.  I put what I thought was a stopgap measure in place, but that doesn't seemed to have solved it17:16
evthere's another bug where Iv'e been tracking this17:16
evbut yes, I think it's o at this point17:16
evI can't reproduce it locally17:16
evand it seems to be intermittent17:16
eveither way, it's not that common17:17
evmost people go through the installer only session, I think17:17
evso they wont ever hit this17:17
evand presumably most people click "reboot now" in the installer anyway17:17
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infinityThat's an... Odd bug.17:17
robbiewjust checking to see if it was a "easy" fix17:17
robbiewif there is such a thing17:17
infinityI disagree on the "most people boot installer only" though. I know plenty of people that use the LiveCD as a LiveCD.17:18
evbut then they're likely not installing17:18
evubiquity is what's removing these items17:18
evfor the duration of the actual install17:18
infinityAt which point, a midding "reboot" menu option is confugin.17:18
infinityconfusing, too.17:18
infinityOh, it's dying during the install?  Okay, that's weird.17:18
evwell, ubiquity sets it for the file copy phase17:19
infinityThe bug implies that the menu item is missing after boot.17:19
evso people don't reboot their computer in the middle of that17:19
* ev re-reads17:19
evmaybe this is different17:19
infinityBurn -> Boot -> No menu item.17:19
evin the live session17:19
evnot the installed system17:19
infinityNo reboot item on a live system isn't world-ending, since the odds of data loss on hitting the reset button are next to zero, but it sure is confusing.17:20
evsure, I'd really like to nail this17:21
evbut I don't see that happening in natty17:21
infinityYeah, fair enough.17:21
infinityAnd, to be fair, the sorts of users that intentionally use LiveCDs as LiveCDs are also the sorts of users who know how to reset a computer.17:21
infinity(Unlike say, my parents, who literally would have NO idea how to reset/reboot their machine without a GUI button to do so, short of pulling the power)17:22
robbiewheh...good point17:22
infinityev: It's possible the bug reporter's intermittent issue was that he fired up Ubiquity and then cancelled the install?17:23
infinityev: That would be hard to reproduce if you forgot that's how you got there in the first place. :P17:24
evinfinity: it's an atexit call17:24
evso even that would catch it17:24
infinityUnless Python cores when you cancel.17:24
infinityJust saying. :)17:24
infinity(Or any number of other reasons an exit hook can get skipped)17:25
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kklimondadoko: hey, any idea what's happening with clang in natty? I can't build applications that include (directlry or indirectly) curl/curl.h: http://paste.ubuntu.com/595577/17:37
kklimondadoko: If I make a symlink asm-generic -> asm then it works fine.17:38
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bdmurraymvo: Are you still working on bug 683904?17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 683904 in grub2 (Ubuntu Natty) "natty: memtest86+ fails to run, reboots immediately" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68390417:49
mvobdmurray: I did not make any progress on this, sorry17:51
bdmurraymvo: okay, I just wanted to know where we stand17:52
infinitykklimonda: It's actually /usr/include/$gnu-machine-type/asm/ that you want.17:56
infinitykklimonda: I imagine clang isn't down with the New World Order there.17:56
macoev: afaict, accerciser gets very unhappy with sudo. i think i had to DISPLAY= to get it to even start, but it still wasn't playing nicely17:57
kklimondainfinity: ah, that makes sense. Thanks17:57
pittitkamppeter: I already ponged several times, didn't I? what's up?17:59
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evmaco: oh, I completely forgot.  So I do: sudo -u ubuntu DISPLAY=:0 python test_ubiquity.py18:00
evwhere test_ubiquity is:18:00
macoev: thank you!18:02
evsure thing18:02
tkamppeterpitti, sorry, did not see your pongs, something must have gone wrong. It is about several segfaults of CUPS, like for example bug 759031.18:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 759031 in cups (Ubuntu) "cupsd assert failure: cupsd: ../avahi-common/dbus-watch-glue.c:205: timeout_data_ref: Assertion `t->ref >= 1' failed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75903118:02
evlet me know if you're still having trouble, though I wont be able to do anything until tomorrow18:03
macoev: i'll be doing taxes tonight anyway ;-)18:03
pittitkamppeter: ah,  right; are there better patches available for the avahi integration?18:03
tkamppeterpitti, they seem to be all caused by the Avahi patches but I cannot say exactly as Apport retracing generally does not work with CUPS. In addition, I did not succeed to reproduce any of these crashes.18:03
pittitkamppeter: hm, that particular bug wasn't touched by the retracer at all as it seems; I marked it for retracing and will have a look what's going on18:04
tkamppeterpitti, What I have done now is asking twaugh about whether he has done fixes on these patches and he told yes and so I have regenerated our patch based on twaugh's newest version and there are indeed two small changes.18:05
tkamppeterpitti, Now I am thinking about replacing our patch in the hope that these two little changes cover some of the crashes.18:06
pittitkamppeter: as long as the effective delta is small and looks sane, that sounds ok18:06
tkamppeterpitti, that is the case. It is one addeed check for a variable, one forgotten "free()" added, and a variable initialized to 0 (so actually three).18:07
pittithese sound like good fixes18:08
pittitkamppeter: we have the cups-pdf apparmor fix queued as well, so we'll need another upload anyway18:08
tkamppeterpitti, I will add the updated patch ASAP.18:08
tkamppeterpitti, bug 754567 is another CUPS crasher ...18:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 754567 in cups (Ubuntu) "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in dbus_message_iter_append_basic()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75456718:09
JFomicahg, that plink error you reported against the kernel... it happens every time the chroot is destroyed?18:09
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tkamppeterpitti, and bug 711875 is even worse, as 8 people tell they are affected by it.18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711875 in cups (Ubuntu Natty) "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in main()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71187518:10
micahgJFo: yes, but I think it might be related to being in /dev/shm18:11
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JFomicahg, is that something you need to be in for building, or are you testing an alternative?18:13
pittiev: how can something be infinitively better than the old thing if the old thing wasn't completely broken? :-)18:13
* JFo knows next to nothing about aufs18:13
jibelmvo, we are currently receiving many duplicates of bug 76488318:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 764883 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu Natty) "<type 'exceptions.NameError'>: global name 'trans' is not defined" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76488318:13
evpitti: mind the hyperbole :-P18:13
mvojibel: yeah, a fix is uploaded, sorry for this18:14
JFomicahg, this aufs version seems wrong as well18:14
JFowell, wrong/different from ours18:14
mvojibel: aptdaemon 0.41+bzr646-0ubuntu218:14
mvo * debian/patches/01_fix_locking.patch:18:15
mvo    - cherry pick from evfool, many thanks (LP: #764422)18:15
JFomicahg, <tgardner> JFo, the file that the WARNING is coming from is only 396 lines in our version18:15
micahgJFo: well, jdstrand added a way to use sbuild in /dev/shm, so I thought I'd try it18:15
JFoah, I see18:15
micahgJFo: idk, I should be using the latest kernel18:15
jibelmvo, seems to be the version affected by this bug. Package: aptdaemon 0.41+bzr646-0ubuntu218:16
micahgJFo: 2.6.38-8.4218:16
tkamppeterpitti, new patch is pushed to the BZR.18:17
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tkamppeterpitti, can you have a look at bug 711875, bug 754567, bug 751770?18:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 711875 in cups (Ubuntu Natty) "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in main()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71187518:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 754567 in cups (Ubuntu) "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in dbus_message_iter_append_basic()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75456718:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 751770 in cups (Ubuntu) "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in dbus_connection_get_is_connected()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75177018:19
pittitkamppeter: hm, your commit will close all four bugs in the changelog, but that's not proven yet, is it?18:19
tkamppeterpitti, that is true. So perhaps remove the ":" or so.18:20
pittitkamppeter: ok18:20
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tkamppeterpitti, I only want to have the reference to the bugs in the changelog.18:21
pittitkamppeter: 711875 just got closed18:21
pittitkamppeter: ok, will upload, then we'll see how it goes18:22
tkamppeterpitti, I see, seconds ago.18:22
tkamppeterpitti, perhaps a fix in a library which CUPS uses.18:23
tkamppeterpitti, there are many bugs of the kind "cupsd crashed with SIGSEGV in dbus_...()" with different D-Bus functions. Looks like that something is wrong with the D-Bus library. Perhaps it formerly supported certain calls from CUPS which it does not support any more. Can be a problem of libdbus.18:25
pittiunlikely, though; we don't see a lot of dbus crashes in other parts of the system; most likely it uses dbus in a wrong way18:26
tkamppeterpitti, so seems that they messed up the D-Bus use in CUPS 1.4.6? Or CUPS used a deprecated way of using D-Bus all the time and now it does not work any more (and all other programs use D-Bus correctly).18:28
pittithe dbus api hasn't changed in ages really18:28
pittithe only changed thing I'm aware of is the avahi patch (and avahi uses dbus extensively)18:29
tkamppeterpitti, so we must hope that these fixes in the Avahi patch solve also these ones.18:30
tkamppeterpitti, more we cannot do in the moment as CUPS is not retracing correctly. This needs really to get fixed.18:33
SMGim sorry about this, I know this is not the place, but running out of options " can someone help me, i need to update the "ar" file under "binutils", because it causes "*** buffer overflow detected ***: ar terminated" while compiling anything, but I cant update binutils because of the same problem?"18:33
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pittidoko, chrisccoulson: seems doko's last upload of icedtea-web was against a previous  version and just reverted Chris' upload completely?18:44
pittichrisccoulson: I can sponsor it tomorrow morning if needed, but really need to run now18:45
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SpamapSthe new chroot support in upstart can confuse things a bit18:56
SpamapSschroot doesn't stop all upstart jobs.. so processes stay alive in the chroot even on exit because upstart respawns them18:57
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mvojibel: oh - that was supposed to be the fix19:21
mvojibel_: looking19:21
achiangdoko: ping19:23
SpamapSjhunt: ugh, just now got to your email from 9 hours ago. ;)19:41
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cyphermoxhi, could someone please review this? --> https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/ubuntu/natty/mobile-broadband-provider-info/20110415/+merge/5794620:49
stgrabercyphermox_: looks good.21:01
cyphermox_stgraber, thx21:01
stgrabercyphermox_: merged and uploaded. You just need to wait for an archive admin to review it.21:06
cyphermox_ok, thanks21:06
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phbhey guys, not sure if my channel fits here. I'm wondering if ALL of HAL (dbus) is deprecated, or only certain parts?22:09
ohsixok what do i do here. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/764874 a bug i posted earlier got marked as a dupe of a bug that's "resolved fixed": https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/711429 but it is still happening, the retracing service is the one that marked it as a duplicate; i don't know how it chooses to do that, but could someone manually confirm they're the same?22:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 764874 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke() (dup-of: 711429)" [Undecided,New]22:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 711429 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Medium,Fix committed]22:13
ubottuUbuntu bug 711429 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_closure_invoke()" [Medium,Fix committed]22:13
ohsixmoreover, it looks like an unrelated bug that was marked upstream as having solved it22:14
ohsixseb128: ping22:16
seb128ohsix, hi22:18
ohsixcan you look at the above? you marked it with the upstream bug22:18
seb128ohsix, it's fix commited22:20
ohsixit's happened twice today so i expect it to annoy me for some time :|22:20
ohsixyea it's happening again, presumably i have whatever fix was added then, or is it not included yet?22:21
ohsixthis is the second bug i reported that was marked dup of that one i think, but the last time i reported it was like 5 months ago; on mav, it started happening again today, though22:22
ohsixi don't know how to tell if i'm using packages with the fix included, or if it should be marked new again; or another bug should be filed for the same thing if it's a bug at the same site22:24
seb128ohsix, there is just a workaround in upstream git but it's not really a fix22:24
seb128ohsix, there is no fix in ubuntu22:24
ohsixoh ok22:24
ohsixa notice would be on the bug when a package is rolled with it, right?22:25
seb128the bug would turn to fix released22:25
ohsixok thank for the information22:26
m4n1shin which package is mozilla/ModuleUtils.h file contained?22:28
m4n1shthis is for upgrading a firefox extension for FF422:28
ohsixseb128: perhaps you can advise me on something else, i created a patch to restore functionality upstream dropped, and they are particularly brickwall about it; i want to get the patches included in more than my ppa, how do i do that? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/71360422:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 713604 in transmission (Ubuntu) ""Proxy" tab feature removed" [Wishlist,Won't fix]22:31
ohsixthey're even moderating their trac bug reports and removing comments on the related bugs22:32
seb128ohsix, no idea about how transmission upstream is working22:33
ohsixi contacted them a few days before i bothered with the patch and i was really surprised :[22:34
ohsixthe patch is small and it's a revert of a change that was made just before the 2.13 release was tagged; basically all that changed besides bug fixes in 2.12 -> 2.13 was removing the tab and the suppot22:35
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ohsixi tried contacting the packager but he hasn't replied yet, i just don't know the process of proposing it for inclusion22:36
ohsixneed a sponsor i guess?22:36
ohsixthanks again for your time, and as i've said before you've touched a lot of my bugs! i really want this patch in but don't know where to start22:40
ohsixargh the same person that's very very very very rude and also moderating their ticket comments is the driver/maintainer for the package on launchpad, i really need someone bigger than myself to work with them; i already tried to negotiate with them with an abundance of good will and politeness and they just brushed me off22:45
bloopswould there be any problems if I have two different versions of g++ installed on my system?22:45
ohsixseb128: is there someone with time to discuss these things available somewhere? or is patience and asking here all i can do22:47
seb128ohsix, you can open a bug with the diff and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors for review but we don't to no revert decisions from the upstream project22:50
seb128it's their code22:50
ohsixyea, in understand that; but they are being underhanded about accepting public comment, their public correspondence suggests they invited it but they are very very very rude if you even mention bringing it back22:51
ohsixtheres no other public discussion than the trac bugs either, and as i've said they're moderating them to keep discussion down; so on the one hand they say they want public comment, but also won't allow it to get through22:52
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ohsixit makes transmission useless for me, and 2.12 isn't packaged for natty; so it's a big deal, at least for me22:53
ohsixif they're not accepting public comment, even though they "are"; i need someone that frankly, matters; to ask them about it, so they will be as rational as you can get them22:54
ohsixseb128: i posted a diff on the original bug, should i open a new one just for it?22:55
ohsix(just for ubuntu-sponsors)22:56
seb128ohsix, if the bug is closed yes22:59
ohsixseb128: ok thanks23:00
ohsixseb128: any special things to put in the title? like [PATCH] or [FFe]23:01
ohsixk thanks23:02
ohsixseb128: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/765248 posted, i'm very interested in things i might do well to correct :D23:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 765248 in transmission (Ubuntu) "patch to add proxy support from 2.12 to 2.13" [Undecided,New]23:09
ohsixif you could add your weight to it even better! like i said, i wasn't even given the respect you think they'd give a human being23:10
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seb128ohsix, some extra context like the upstream commit reference and the upstream bug url would be nice23:11
ohsixthey're on the ppa summary page but i can add them there23:12
seb128that would be useful23:12
seb128you want to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to the bug as well23:13
ohsixoh i added it as a tag, not a subscriber :|23:13
ohsixi tried not to sound hyperbolic, but man you won't believe how i was treated :|23:14
ohsixadded the references from the ppa page to the bug23:16
ohsixon the plus side i learned all about how to package and upload things :]23:17
ohsixi'll have to find something to package!23:17
ohsixseb128: ooh just realized i left the window open; saved the log23:29
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