
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
michaelh1Hi there.  Natty 2.6.38-8 panics on me about once a day.  Where should I report this?02:31
michaelh1Yes, but where abouts?02:32
RAOFAnd, I guess you've reported it here, too.  Does apport not pop up suggesting you file a bug?02:32
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michaelh1No, the machine dies and there's no apport dialog when it comes back up.02:33
RAOF“ubuntu-bug linux” is the requisite incantation for bug reporting if apport's not catching it.02:33
michaelh1Ah, ta.  Running now...02:33
michaelh1I have a photo of the panic backtrace.  How can I attach it?02:34
michaelh1Ah, I see there's a browser window opening up...02:35
RAOFOnce the bug report is on launchpad, attach the file :)02:35
jk-now we just need to "close the loop" and get LP to fix the bug02:36
RAOFI'm all for creating a sentient bug-fixing launchpad.02:38
RAOFChop chop!02:38
lifelessbut does the strong anthropic principle apply?02:39
RAOFThat a sentient bug-fixing launchpad would only exist in a world filled with bugs?02:40
jk-sentient? I propose RAOF gets the job of holding his hand over the big red killswitch in case LP goes all skynet on us02:42
RAOFAny sufficiently advanced AI malevolent enough to require use of the killswitch is malevolent enough to remove the ability to press the killswitch :)02:43
jk-your job with the killswitch includes monitoring the killswitch02:43
* apw yawns06:56
RAOFWant some more bees to gargle? :)06:57
apwi like my women like i like my coffee covered in bees07:00
apwRAOF, hows things looking for release from your point of view07:02
RAOFBy and large, pretty good.07:02
apwthere are some bugs out there, even some nasty ones, but not a huge heap of them07:03
RAOFThere are some nouveau crazies, but for some reason laptop manufacturers like to put totally insane bioses on nvidia systems.07:03
RAOFThere's one big bug involving compiz freezing that I thought we'd fixed on Friday, but sadly not.07:03
apwthat is so helpful of them, you'd think that the nvidia would specify the bios really07:03
RAOFIt might be in the kernel (missing vblank events) or it might be in libx11.07:03
apwwhich grphics?  or is it all of them?07:04
RAOFNo one uses it.  It's pretty obscure :)07:04
apwyeah minor corner case07:04
* apw shakes head07:05
RAOFOh, and btrfs remains molasses-slow, but that's hardly news :/07:05
apwyeah, that one has yet to live up to its billing, though that is the common case of all new filesystems07:06
apwthey are really quick until the data loss bugs are gone07:06
apwext4 and ext3 went trhough being as fast as anything, but your data was on a knife edge07:06
RAOFWhich is a pity, because btrfs has some all sorts of awesome in it.  Once it's fast enough for regular use, I guess.07:07
apwyeah, it has a nice model if it can ever be made performant07:08
apwgreat for rollback and the like07:08
RAOFHot data migration for ssds would be nice, too.07:09
RAOFAnd nice schroots and such.07:09
apwso there doesn't seem to be anything for i915 at all in either (which is pending for the first SRU) or in the stable queue07:09
RAOFYeah, I don't think there's anything anywhere for it.  I'm not yet sure it *is* an i915 bug.07:10
apwtoday is our last window for an upload really, and right now there is nothing pending which warrents the risk of actually doing one as far as i can see07:38
apwRAOF, ^^07:38
RAOFapw: I concur.07:45
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* smb waves to apw08:48
apwsmb, moin, hows you08:48
apwsmb, do we still use the cve bzr thingy?08:48
smbapw, Good, just slow to get to work. :)08:48
* amitk read that as CVS bzr thingy and shivered...08:49
smbapw, I guess we use the bzr branch but more on a manual approach08:49
apwamitk, hehe08:49
apwsmb, ok so will update the branch then08:49
smbapw, I must admit I have not done much cve lately. Too much time spent on other things08:50
apwme also, just was updating the awsome tracker with some new cves was all08:50
smb*sigh* there is always new08:51
smbThe cking is back. :) Was it next week when you are on vacation?09:05
ckingsmb, no vacation as yet09:05
smbAh ok, saw it somewhere and was for some reason believing it would be this week09:06
smbAs this Fridays is a Good Friday. :-P09:07
ckingsmb, yep, may take wednesday off - electrician is doing the final wiring 09:08
smbcking, Good idea. Not good to have computers running while someone pokes around with a screwdriver09:09
smbSo You can move around Easter?09:09
ckingstill got to decorate the office - got to wait 5 weeks for the plaster to dry before I can apply paint09:10
smb5 weeks!? That is so close to torture... :-P09:12
ckingsmb, well it's dry-ish now, but if put modern paints on it now it the pain will trap in moisture forever09:19
smbcking, Understandable, though it feels very hard to have an office place that is connected and all but you have to wait for some plaster to dry.09:21
Davieyapw, Can you confirm that bug 747090 fix, will land in the next kernel upload?10:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 747090 in linux "wrong return address sometimes pushed for INT in kvm (not qemu)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74709010:36
apwyes that fix is committed and will be in the first SRU upload10:36
apwDaviey, ^^10:37
Davieyapw, ah, super - thanks!10:39
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eagles0513875what about bug 762496 what will happen if compiling the vanilla kernel fixes the issue10:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 762496 in linux "atheros wifi cards cause kernel panic when connecting to wpa2 secured wifi networks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76249610:53
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apweagles0513875, if fixes your issue then that is going to be released as the first sru for the kernel11:12
apwwhich is normally 1-2 weeks after release11:12
eagles0513875ok there were some patches released to fix that issue for 11:12
apweagles0513875, and have you tested that they fix your issue?11:12
eagles0513875working on it as we speak11:13
apwwell thats good feedback if you can indicate which patches fixed the problem we can tag them and the bug will close out automatically when the SRU releases11:13
eagles0513875apw: any chance to get it in before the first sru release 11:14
eagles0513875as there are going to be tons of disgruntled people11:14
apwvery unlikely now, if this was raised a week ago before the freeze we might have gotten it in, though the fix was only available friday i believe11:14
eagles0513875ya i was talking to someone about that friday as it has been plaguing me big time11:15
apwthat is the problem with people waiting till the last minute to test, its all too late to do anything about11:15
eagles0513875no chance to file a freeze exception11:16
apwunless someone in the kernel team happens to have the h/w we simply don't find out11:16
apwthe problem is timing, a kernel rebuild takes close to 24 hours, and it has to be done before 9am tommorrow11:16
apwwhich is basically impossible now11:17
eagles051387524 hrs O_o11:17
eagles0513875im suprised canonical doesnt have a dedicated high end machine to cut down the kernel packaging and compilation time11:17
apwand then we have to respin the installer etc11:17
apweagles0513875, there are no such things as high end armel boxes11:18
apwwhich is why our freezes are loudly advertised, and pretty much hard11:18
apwand why testing early is sooo important11:18
eagles0513875then in that case whats the earliest one can get in on upgrading to the next dev release11:19
eagles0513875that isnt part of the canonical staff11:19
apweagles0513875, from the moment the archive opens,11:19
eagles0513875which is usually how long after11:19
apwthere is no special treatment for canonical staff11:19
apwusually less than a week11:19
apwbut even testing the alphas would be good11:19
apwthose appear very early in the cycle11:20
eagles0513875ya the problem for me is time atm :( 11:20
eagles0513875apw: mind if i pm ya a sec11:24
apweagles0513875, yep, a problem for a lot of people, but it means you'll likely have to wait a couple of weeks longer than the rest to upgrade11:24
apweagles0513875, ok11:24
eagles0513875im already on natty i just cant use the wifi at home11:24
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apweagles0513875, you might want to test the kernel which is in the pre-proposed archive11:37
eagles0513875i was gonna recompile as there are some default things which on a netbook i dont need 11:37
apwthat should be similar to the SRU kernel and contain the .3 fixes11:37
eagles0513875:) will give that a shot. is it possible if that has the fixes to get that pushed today before release11:38
apwthat is simply built from the tip of our tree, that is what is committed for the next upload11:38
apwi will discuss it, but i suspect we are unlikely to be uploading before release now11:39
eagles0513875the biggest prevention you have here is disgruntled users11:39
eagles0513875upon release11:39
apweagles0513875, i have to balance risk, known breakage for you and the (relativly) small number of atheros users against the risk of making any change which can affect all other users11:40
apwas esentially any change now invalidates all of the testing we have done to now11:40
apwnow in theory its low risk, but ... non-zero and we have been bitten by just recompiling breaking things11:41
apwi will try and get a specific kernel with those atheros patches today for you to test at least11:41
eagles0513875im trying the preproposed as you mentioned above if that containes the 38.3 fixes11:42
eagles0513875i dont think kde 4.6 is ready for prime time though im getting crashes left right and center11:42
apwyou are 64 bit yes ?11:44
eagles0513875all im noticing right now somethign is seriously up with networking stack all of a sudden here :-/11:44
eagles0513875maverick 64bit is rock solid11:44
eagles0513875is the pre proposed up or down?11:44
eagles0513875i ran apt-get update and im getting an error no address associated with hostename11:44
apweagles0513875, was there when i looked just now11:48
eagles0513875ok let me reboot im having some connectivity issues11:49
eagles0513875now for the moment of testing truth11:58
eagles0513875apw: what i did find funny in testing 11:58
eagles0513875if i leave my wired network plugged in and then connect to wpa2 connection it doesnt kernel panic11:58
apweagles0513875, odd indeed12:00
eagles0513875now knetworkmanager is crashing non stop for me12:00
eagles0513875apw: ill keep working on this later im off for lunch for now12:05
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apweagles0513875, can you test http://people.canonical.com/~apw/lp762496-natty/ and report back12:44
* apw drops for a bit12:44
M_gerorgehi.. i have written code to copy data from kernel to user space.. But its not showin the required output.. :(  code is on http://paste.ubuntu.com/595486/       ..... please suggest..12:58
fairuzM_gerorge: hmm.. to copy from or to user space you should use write and read function13:08
fairuzmodule_init will only be called once when you insert the module using insmod13:09
M_gerorgefairuz: ok.. but i have written these copy_[to/from]_user functions in read and write but they are still not called..13:10
fairuzyou have to have a write and read function in kernel space too!13:10
fairuzit's not magic :D13:10
M_gerorgefairuz: :D.... but copy_to/from_user are inbuilt or not?13:11
fairuzM_gerorge: Yes, but how you will call it from user space?13:12
M_gerorgefairuz: yes.. this is the basic which i am not getting. can you please tell me how can i explore about this more?13:12
fairuzM_gerorge: For me, a simple module needs to have at least 4 functions13:13
fairuzinit, exit, write and read13:13
fairuzhmm and also, open and release functions13:14
M_gerorgefairuz:yes..  as i am running the scull driver example it is simply loaded and exited.. but how can i use the functions scull_read and scull_write?13:14
fairuzYou need to have a device nod13:14
M_gerorgefairuz: is this the dev_t *dev?13:15
fairuzM_gerorge: no.. something like /dev/mydevice13:15
fairuzit's a file that you create with mknod13:15
M_gerorgefairuz: ok .. i can do this.. then what to do next?..13:16
fairuzhmm.. wait, I give a link13:16
fairuzfollow the tutorial here and come back if you encounter some problems :D13:17
M_gerorgefairuz: thanks a lot and i used this tutorial also. but not get my answer.. :(13:18
M_gerorgefairuz: in this the dev/memory is created13:18
M_gerorgebut how to use the memory_read and memory_write function?.. :(13:18
fairuzOk, I'll explain. (but remember that I'm not an expert myself and maybe it's a bit off course) :D13:19
M_gerorgefairuz: it wil be my pleasure to be taught by you..:)13:20
fairuzM_gerorge: Are you sure you followed the tutorial? I dont see any major number in your code13:20
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M_gerorgefairuz: yes.. actually thats is the normal code i wrote myself to use copy_functions13:21
M_gerorgefairuz: can i paste the other codes? :p13:21
fairuzto pastebin, sure :D13:22
M_gerorgethanks.. let me do this13:22
M_gerorgefairuz: please see http://paste.ubuntu.com/595492/13:24
fairuzM_gerorge: if you are new to device drivers, I afraid that's maybe a little bit complicated?13:25
M_gerorgefairuz: i will try my best to understand13:25
fairuzM_gerorge: Can you follow the memory device driver tutorial I gave you?13:26
M_gerorgefairuz: yes.. 13:27
fairuzCome back to me if there are something that you don't understand13:27
M_gerorgefairuz: i read it and understood it completely.. :p.. but it doesnt gave how to access the memory_read and memory_write functions.. :(..  while doing "echo -n abcdef >/dev/memory" and "cat...." these commands doesn't use these memory_read and write too... :(13:30
fairuzof course it does :D13:30
fairuzwhen you create a module, you associated a major number to it13:31
fairuzlet say 7013:31
fairuzAnd apart from that13:31
fairuzyou need to create a device nod using the same major number13:31
fairuzlet say /dev/mydev13:31
fairuzso in your module, normally you specify the file operations struct13:32
fairuze.g struct file_operations pmnc_fops = {13:32
fairuzwrite:  pmnc_write,13:32
fairuzunlocked_ioctl: device_ioctl13:32
fairuzso from user space13:32
fairuzwhen you write to the device nod, it's like you call the write function in the module13:33
fairuze.g when you do echo "123" > /dev/mydev13:33
M_gerorgefairuz: ok.... :p13:33
fairuzin the backend, it will call the write function of your module with "123"'s pointer as it's buffer13:34
M_gerorgeand same with the "13:34
M_gerorge"cat ..." it calls the read function13:35
fairuzfor read, it's the same principals13:35
fairuzthat is in command line13:35
fairuzbut if you want to use it user space program13:35
fairuzyou can open /dev/mydev like normal files13:35
fairuzthat use fread and fwrite functions13:36
M_gerorgefairuz: now one issue i found that i added printk lines for debugging.. and they dont get printed.. 13:36
M_gerorgeso i concluded that these functions are not called.. :P13:37
fairuzif you do dmesg | tail13:37
fairuzyou will found them :D13:37
M_gerorgemeans in "/var/log/message"13:37
fairuzor tail /var/log/messages13:37
M_gerorgeyes.. i dint find them in that.. :p13:38
M_gerorgebut i may be wrong.. i will check once more13:38
M_gerorgefairuz: let me check once more this13:38
M_gerorgeprintk commands13:38
fairuzM_gerorge: ok13:38
fairuzuse pr_info instead13:38
M_gerorgeok. thanks.. :).. let me try13:39
M_gerorgefairuz: it's called and shown too..13:48
M_gerorgefairuz: thanks a lot for giving me your precious time... :p13:49
M_gerorgefairuz: will come back to you if i will have more problems.. :D..13:50
M_gerorgefairuz: good bye...13:52
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JForebooting for updates... brb15:22
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tgardnerogra_, linux-meta-ti-omap4 accepted17:03
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ogra_tgardner, awesome !17:03
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JFothere may be an issue with either apport or ubuntu-but (I assume this is apport too?) as shown in bug 764341 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/76434117:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 764341 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/net/sched/sch_generic.c:256 dev_watchdog+0x213/0x220()" [Medium,Incomplete]17:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 764341 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/net/sched/sch_generic.c:256 dev_watchdog+0x213/0x220()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76434117:41
JFooh good, the bot is back :)17:41
ckingwho feeds and tends the bot?17:45
charlie-tcanobody, apparently. Thus it goes off on its own? ;-)17:49
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JFotgardner, ever seen this? bug 76427318:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 764273 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/ubuntu/aufs/plink.c:450 au_plink_put 0x4c/0xa0 aufs " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76427318:08
tgardnerJFo, I'm wondering why aufs is even loaded?18:09
JFounless he needs it for whatever he is building (mozilla maintainer)18:10
JFoI confess I know next to nothing about aufs18:11
JFotgardner,: <JFo> micahg, that plink error you reported against the kernel... it happens every time the chroot is destroyed?<micahg> JFo: yes, but I think it might be related to being in /dev/shm18:11
tgardnerJFo, well, that makes two of us. apw is a bit more familiar with it.18:12
tgardnerJFo, he's not even running our bits: aufs 2.1-standalone.tree-38-rcN-2011020718:13
tgardnerJFo, the file that the WARNING is coming from is only 396 lines in our version18:14
JFotgardner, <micahg> JFo: well, jdstrand added a way to use sbuild in /dev/shm, so I thought I'd try it18:16
JFohe says he is using the latest kernel: <micahg> JFo: 2.6.38-8.4218:16
jdstranduhh, I certainly am not using any other code. all I do is put the sbuild overlay in /dev/shm somewhere18:16
JFobut where would he have gotten that aufs?18:16
JFojdstrand, I think the aufs may be the issue18:17
JFobut no more than I know... that is like saying the stars are made of really hot cheese18:17
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=== bjf changed the topic of #ubuntu-kernel to: Home: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/ || Natty Kernel Version: 2.6.38 (Kernel is Frozen) || Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - April-19 - 17:00 UTC || If you have a question just ask, and do wait around for an answer!
apw_eagles0513875: did that kernel work?18:31
apw_bah got bounced18:33
JFodang, where has the day gone?18:39
apw_it's hiding in the shadowes18:40
tgardnerapw: I was just checking our aufs bits. The SHA1 in the BOM doesn't appear to be valid in the upstream repo.18:43
apw_will cjeck it out shortly, there is an algo, and two repos to che k18:44
* smb imagines apw_ trying to hit the softkeys while humping along...18:45
ckingthe mind boggles18:45
apw_yep not as easy as it could be, br in front of a stationary one shortly18:45
tgardnerapw: are you someplace weird?18:46
ckinghe was in France earlier18:46
tgardnercking, oh, a train?18:46
smbI guess a british trains counts as weird...18:46
apw_on a train for the next half or so18:46
tgardnerapw: ah, well it can wait.18:47
apw_yep woll look shortly 18:47
* tgardner --> lunch19:03
eagles0513875apw: hey quick question where can i download a newer version of knetwork manager19:07
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* bjf -> lunch19:20
apwJFo, that bug is mean to be removed from our kernel19:49
apw(as in the message)19:49
JFoapw, which?19:49
apwJFo, the plink one19:50
apwunless i messed up the kernel update last time19:50
JFook, anything in particular I need to do to it? 19:52
JFoor wait and see?19:52
apwJFo, oh its a different one, hrm19:57
JFoI'm on a full pot of coffee it could have been anyth.... OMG pwnies!19:58
apwJFo, heh i bet20:00
* jjohansen -> lunch20:00
JFothe sad part is, I didn't realize I drank the whole thing until I went for another refill :-/20:00
apwok tgardner this version of aufs seems to be the one in the tree i have; it seems to be a few commits behind which i can look over for sru but it does correspond20:03
tgardnerapw: you're looking at bug #764273 ?20:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 764273 in linux "WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/ubuntu/aufs/plink.c:450 au_plink_put 0x4c/0xa0 aufs " [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76427320:04
apwwell i was answering your previous comment that the BOM commit id didn't exist20:05
apw(which i contend it does) and that WARN_ON seems to be on that line in the natty source20:05
tgardnerapw: hmm, then one of us is doing drugs.20:06
apwCOMMIT: 65835da20b77c98fb538c9114fc31f5de132823020:07
apwis in the BOM20:07
tgardnerapw: agreed.20:08
tgardnerrtg@lochsa:~/proj/linux/aufs2-standalone$ git log -p 65835da20b77c98fb538c9114fc31f5de132823020:08
tgardnerfatal: bad object 65835da20b77c98fb538c9114fc31f5de132823020:08
apwcommit 65835da20b77c98fb538c9114fc31f5de132823020:08
apwAuthor: J. R. Okajima <hooanon05@yahoo.co.jp>20:08
apwDate:   Thu Feb 3 04:46:48 2011 +090020:08
apw    aufs: possible bugfix, exclude the freeing file20:08
apwahh yes, its not a direct commit id in that tree20:08
apwits the commit id as listed in the Changelog20:08
apwwhich is the id in the aufs main tree that the commit in the standalone tree was made from20:09
tgardnerapw: ok, I'll take your word for it. the real issue is that I don't think he's running _our_ version of aufs. 'WARNING: at /build/buildd/linux-2.6.38/ubuntu/aufs/plink.c:450 au_plink_put+0x4c/0xa0 [aufs]()' references a line number that doesn't exist.20:10
apwtgardner, the problem is that the primary tree is increadibly slow20:10
apwtgardner, in my tree here this is the plink.c:450 which look plausable20:11
apw        WARN(verbose && !list_empty(plink_list), "pseudo-link is not flushed");20:11
apwand the panic information looks like its 8.4220:11
tgardnerapw: ya know, I might have been on the wrong branch. shit.20:11
apwheh happens to the best of us20:12
ckingmore coffee required methinks20:12
apwmaybe soo indeed20:13
JFonone for me thanks... 20:13
* JFo has the jitters20:13
* apw slaps JFo ... 20:16
* JFo jumps 10 feet in the air20:16
apwnow that i want on youtube20:17
ckingdear bisected kernel, please don't misbehave, it makes bisecting very difficult...20:21
apwcking, i hate those days20:21
ckingjust when you think you've cornered it, it jumps out of reach20:22
JFodo we care about bug 763656 or should that go to skype?20:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 763656 in linux "general protection fault: 0000 [#1] SMP " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76365620:40
JFosince they were installing skype when it happened20:40
apwwell there is little we can actually do about it20:40
JFoI thought that might be the case20:41
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* JFo needs a bit of a break: bbiab21:39
bjfJFo, i've submitted a merge request for apport changes which remove all the user-input from the linux source package-hooks22:20
bjfpgraner, ^22:20
bjfJFo, pgraner bug #76517822:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 765178 in apport "remove user-input questions from linux source package hooks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76517822:20
pgranerbjf, ack22:28
bjfpgraner, by the way *I HATE BZR*22:29
pgranerbjf, :-D22:29

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