
=== asac_ is now known as asac
fta2micahg, ch lucid updated. no idea why bzr messed up, i really did the merge07:38
fta2micahg, maybe it got lost with those crazy 5 levels merges07:39
micahgfta2: ok, will have to upload in the morning, thanks, I need sleep now07:47
fta2micahg, ok, sleep well07:48
micahgfta2: thanks07:48
micahghi chrisccoulson, asac was having some trouble with the profile migrator freezing on upgrade from maverick08:56
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asacchrisccoulson: yeah ... it was freezing ... or taking ages ... not exactly sure11:30
chrisccoulsonasac - how big is your profile?11:30
asacchrisccoulson: .mozilla/firefox  is now 300M11:31
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i should have added a progressbar ;)11:31
chrisccoulsoni guess it was just taking a long time :(11:32
asacchrisccoulson: hmm. well. it felt really frozen ... after 4 minutes or so i tried to kill the dialog11:32
asacbut that didnt react as well11:32
chrisccoulsonah, ok11:32
asacthen i went to bathroom and it was gone11:32
chrisccoulsonhad it done anything?11:33
asacmy disk is slow, but that slow? maybe you use 1 byte copy?11:33
asacchrisccoulson: i think the profile is more or less complete11:33
asacdidnt see anything missing yet11:33
asacchrisccoulson: so the nightly icon is really nice11:36
asaci am now on 6.0 ;)11:36
chrisccoulsonasac - i need to upgrade :)11:36
asacchrisccoulson: problem is that those folks ignored my bamf patch, closed the bug, but its not fixed :/11:36
chrisccoulsoni guess the nightlies have broken now actually since some of my GIO patches landed last week11:37
chrisccoulsoni need to check the builds :)11:37
asacbamf still doesnt track things properly for desktop-file != wmclass11:37
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, that's not good11:37
chrisccoulsonhave you pinged them about it to remind them, or do they just not agree?11:37
asaci dont know11:37
asachavent tried11:37
asacbefore beta i was trying to push for my path, but jason said he will solve the world with his new approach in a more elegant way ... seems that didnt11:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 693231 in bamf "catch more cases for 'Keep in Launcher' by recognizing StatupWMClass from .desktop file" [Undecided,Fix released]11:38
asachttps://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/bamf/wmclass-matching -> that was their approach11:39
chrisccoulsonok, i pinged Jason about it11:39
chrisccoulsoni think you probably saw though ;)11:39
chrisccoulsonasac - we have some thunderbird guys coming to UDS again11:40
asacnice ;)11:40
chrisccoulson(m_conley_away being one of them)11:40
asacok thanks ... i will try to fix bamf if i get a second11:41
asachave to hop on calls now ;)11:41
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chrisccoulsonasac - who looks after mozilla-pfs.ubuntu.com btw?15:41
asacchrisccoulson: you!!15:45
chrisccoulsonheh, i thought you might say that ;)15:45
asacchrisccoulson: you can prepare an updated sqlite db before releas and i can copy it there ... later you should get all the powers15:45
asacchrisccoulson: do you know how to test locally?15:45
chrisccoulsonasac - thanks. yeah, i think i can figure out how to test locally. i'll ping you if i have any issues :)15:46
ftaI wonder if i should release the code for my ppa-stats..15:55
ftaif it's like the rest (ppa dashboard, drobotik..), i won't get any contribution :P15:56
chrisccoulsondon't take that as a bad thing. it just means that people aren't cool enough to contribute ;)15:57
ftauh.. not counting natty, i have over 100k users for the 4 chromium ppas16:12
ftaobviously, not counting the official repos16:12
fta~60% for the daily builds16:13
ftaand ~30% for the stable channel16:13
ftait means the latter don't want to wait for the SRU-my-*s16:13
ftai should blog about this16:14
alkisgHi, will Firefox 4 ever be available on lucid-updates?16:42
alkisgI think I once read some ubuntu-devs discussion about new browser versions coming in (series)-updates, due to their sensitive nature (bugs, security etc), yet only new chromium-browser versions appear in lucid-updates... that's a drawback for firefox in LTS versions.16:42
chrisccoulsonasac, i updated and tested the db now - http://people.canonical.com/~chrisccoulson/apt-plugins.sqlite17:58
chrisccoulsonseems to be working ok :)17:58
asacchrisccoulson: all frozen? all have still the Npp- control lines?17:58
asacchrisccoulson: you could sign that ;)17:58
asaci will scp it down17:58
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks17:59
micahgfta: so, for chromium lucid, it seems the NEWS file has the source package name cut off (romium-browser instead of chromium-browser)18:21
ftamicahg, *sigh*18:30
ftathat's what i get when i work on this after only 4h of sleep18:34
ftamicahg, fixed18:37
micahgfta: thanks18:38
debfxchrisccoulson: seeing there has been another firefox upload, I hope the kde fix is still on your radar21:59
chrisccoulsondebfx, it is now it's assigned to me ;)22:48
chrisccoulsoni might have to do another upload before final, as i haven't properly fixed a menu issue i thought i fixed with my last upload22:49
chrisccoulsoni'll merge your changes in to lp:firefox tonight though22:49
chrisccoulsoni may as well, i'm going to break it by turning on PGO anyway ;)22:49
chrisccoulsonb'ah, compiz just helpfully rearranged all my workspaces22:53
chrisccoulsoni'm suffering fta's bugs tonight ;)22:54
ftachrisccoulson, maybe my bugs are contagious ;)23:05
chrisccoulsonfta - wow, my notify-osd notifications appear in the middle of my screen now!23:05
ftathis one never happened to me23:05
ftabug 76508723:06
ftahm, still no bot?23:06
micahgit's been happening to me for a wihle23:38
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=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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