
Aginoryuck, snow00:17
Aginorsouth island?00:17
ajmitchsigh, lp doesn't make it easy to search all bugs via the api. understandable but annoying00:24
lifelessajmitch: how so ?00:27
ajmitchlifeless: searchTasks() is only available on a bug target, from what I can see00:28
lifelessajmitch: you might try launchpad.bugs.searchTasks00:29
lifelessif that doesn't work its an artifact of the api autogeneration not a deliberate limitation00:29
ajmitchyeah I'd tried it00:30
ajmitchAttributeError: 'BugSet' object has no attribute 'searchTasks'00:30
ajmitchlifeless: seems to be a limitation, I found the bug to 'me too'00:50
mwhudsonwhat's a good e-reader type thing for android?05:43
mwhudsonthat works with a nz phone05:43
mwhudsonoh kindle is available05:45
Atamirawhat one is good for an iphone clone05:48

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