
rwwoh lord. someone switched from Debian to Ubuntu by editing sources.list.04:38
rwwand, of course, is arguing that it usually works fine. even though it doesn't boot. hrm.04:39
Flannelrww: I drive with my eyes closed.  It usually works fine!04:41
rwwCan someone who's been idling in #debian check and see if quuxman's been asking support questions in there?04:42
gnomefreakthanks for bringing ubot2 back in #mozillateam09:02
ubottuIn ubottu, DJones said: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are _experimental_, _unstable_ and may break your system.10:19
Tm_Thmm, that would need some wikipage that explains what GNOME 3 is, I think10:20
=== LjL is now known as Guest10570
=== Guest10570 is now known as LjL
Piciabrotmann = LarsTorBen12:56
bazhangis that the guy who keeps asking the same thing over and over? also was Benlarstor iirc12:58
knomewhat is his question anyway? has anybody given him an answer? is if offtopic?13:10
Piciknome: It varies.  Its either whether he should use 10.04 or 10.10 or 11.04, or something about his 5400rpm harddrive.13:13
bazhangapparently saying please is rude13:36
jussioh yes, of course bazhang - I thought just being an op was rude? :P13:38
jussi</sarcasm> :P13:38
bazhangjussi, hehe yeah13:38
bazhangsensing trollery14:35
Picibazhang: Oh look, thats abrotmann, LarsTorBen too.14:36
bazhangPici, I need halp14:36
bazhangginbuntu is really pushing the limits today15:03
* IdleOne requests that bazhang be given op access in -offtopic15:03
* Pici too15:04
bazhangIdleOne, good thing I dont have it15:04
IdleOneagain I ask. How is that a good thing?15:04
bazhangfor my sanity's sake that is15:04
IdleOneshould kick him when he gets to 1 minute15:09
bazhangthat answer was wrong on several levels15:15
Picishould I upgrade that to a ban?15:15
bazhangdont ask me15:15
IdleOneI would15:15
IdleOneseemed it was on purpose with him saying 0 minutes15:15
bazhanghe's been prodding me for awhile so I'm far from objective15:15
Piciforwarding here.15:15
IdleOnelike he was daring someone15:15
bazhangthe warez talk, the nsfw link and then googleit/cursing15:16
bazhangwow I thought he quit. missed the kick15:17
IdleOnehe got kicked,rejoined and quit15:17
bazhangyep, re-read it and saw. lightning fast reflexes!15:18
bazhang* [Gurkeee] (~quassel@p57906F1D.dip.t-dialin.net): Gurke15:37
bazhangappears to be the larstorben fellow15:38
Gurkeeehello i want complain me15:46
Gurkeeebazhang pms all the timee!15:46
bazhangGurkeee, hi15:46
Gurkeeeand tells me lies15:46
IdleOnewhat lies?15:47
Gurkeeehe says that i have got many accounts15:47
Gurkeeebut here is a living flat15:47
Gurkeeeso we have got the same ips, not same persons15:47
IdleOneok, and?15:47
Gurkeeei dont like this please abusee15:47
* IdleOne abusees bazhang 15:48
bazhangit was a single PM for the record15:48
bazhangand its the same exact IP, he claims its a shared router15:51
hypatiathey both just happen to be trolling irc from the same house? hmmm.15:52
IdleOneand the entire household troll?15:52
charlie-tcashared router = shared computer too?15:57
bazhanghe said he knows them15:57
bazhanghalf a dozen nicks at at last count15:58
bazhang- at15:58
bazhangIdleOne, lets let pici or topyli handle this now15:59
IdleOneI am fine with them handling it.15:59
=== Gurke is now known as Guest38617
IdleOneGuest38617: How can we help you?16:29
Guest38617didnt know to be here16:29
ikoniaubot2 still joins #ubuntu-irc-helpers17:34
Picigood for it17:35
ikoniamaybe stop it doing that as it's a dead channel ?17:35
PiciProbably a good idea17:35
jussijpds: you may wat to remove it?17:35
PiciIts also Passover.19:45
rwwPici: "bisex" is a gender?20:25
LjLrww: don't tell me you've been checking "male" in all of those forms...20:27
charlie-tcaI don't think it is a gender, is it?20:27
* Pici shrugs20:27
rwwLjL: I'm starting to leave them unchecked. It amuses me.20:28
rwwcharlie-tca: no, it's a sexual orientation. I'm just annoying Pici :P20:28
charlie-tcaheh, is it working?20:29
PiciNo, but only because I'm not paying that much attention to IRC right now.20:31
rwwFlannel: you speak German, right?20:34
rwwCan I get a translation of anna's last message in #ubuntu? Google Translate thinks it's... problematic.20:35
Flannelrww: It's lude, yes.20:35
LjLrww: i won't translate that... just ban :P20:36
rwwLjL: yeah, I expect they'll be exiting shortly20:38
LjLsorry rww, evidently it really meant "good luck". my bad.20:43
* LjL rolls eyes20:43
LjLrww: Proxypoke said he speaks german and what she said really doesn't mean "good luck", and she replied asking him where he came from, somewhere in burkina fasu...20:45
* rww yawns, goes back to work20:46
rwwhave fun :320:46
rwwGurkeee from earlier today in here appears to be in #ubuntu-offtopic as Guest1738021:56
rwwThey are, unsurprisingly, not being normal.21:57
IdleOneginbuntu is ban evading in -ot22:54
rwwban ID?22:56
IdleOnehe is supposed to be forwarded here22:56
IdleOneban was set earlier by Pici22:56
rww(Dear BT developers: I love you for making BT usable in w3m.)22:56
rwwIdleOne: fixed. I'm multitasking though, so I won't be able to progress their ban if they end up here.22:59
IdleOnethey are still in the channel22:59
rwwI'm aware.22:59
IdleOne!language > lolmatic23:28

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