
henningeHi dpm!09:08
henningedpm: You assigned bug 758621 to German Translators.09:08
dpmhey henninge :)09:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 758621 in ubuntu-translations "Need German fallback message in gnome-session (affects: 1) (heat: 33)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/75862109:08
henningedpm: Do we know which package the string is in?09:09
dpmhenninge, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gnome-session/+pots/gnome-session-2.0/de/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=unity09:11
dpmit seems it has been translated already09:11
henningeyes, and not just yesterday ...09:12
dpmyeah, perhaps the translation is not being loaded somehow09:14
henningeI am just wondering if this is a translation bug or a code bug.09:14
henningebut I don't know enough about this kind of code to find out...09:15
henningeoh well09:15
andrejzgood morning from me too ;)09:15
henningehi andrejz ;)09:15
andrejzdpm, is ubuntu 11.04  going to use gnome 3.0.1?09:17
dpmhenninge, it's a desktop file. Traditionally, translations from .po files are merged into the textual .desktop file by intltool at build time. But in Ubuntu we've got a patch in glibc to load .desktop file translations from .mo files09:17
dpmhi andrejz09:22
dpmandrejz, 11.04 will mostly use 2.32.x, but there are some 3.0 modules, for which we probably are going to use 3.0.1 I'd say09:24
andrejzok, i was wondering if makes sense to translate some documentation for gnome 3.0 packages right now09:25
dpmhi happyaron, someone pointed me to the untranslated System Settings message in Unity in Chinese, thinking that it was a bug. I saw that it's not yet translated in Launchpad, perhaps you might want to have a look at it, as it's a very visible string: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/gnome-control-center/+pots/gnome-control-center-2.0/zh_CN/681/+translate10:31
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
happyarondpm: working on it now10:40
dpmhappyaron, cool :)10:41
dpmawesome :)10:43
happyarondpm: can't translators import upstream translations to Launchpad directly now?10:59
dpmhappyaron, they should be able to, they just need to put the X-Launchpad header in the PO file11:00
primes2hHi dpm, the two new strings in system-config-printer disappeared after Till import on April 14. In fact the number of  translatable strings  dropped off.11:02
dpmhi primes2h, we uploaded the template manually to speed things up. The subsequent upload should have contained the translations fix patch and end up with the same number of strings. Was there an upload without the patch?11:04
primes2hdpm: I don't know, I only remember there were more string ( about 7 hundred and something) last week https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/system-config-printer/+pots/system-config-printer11:06
primes2hdpm: in Maverick they are 74411:08
dpmprimes2h, we should stick to natty and not compare with maverick. I'm not sure how many changes there have been in natty11:08
primes2hdpm: It was just an example, When I contact you last week about the 2 string added, I remember there were more than 70011:10
primes2habout natty11:11
primes2hdpm: in fact those 2 are not present anymore11:11
dpmprimes2h, I'm not sure what could have happened. Looking at the sources, the patch is there, so the template should have been created correctly11:15
dpmprimes2h, do you think you could try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Internationalisation/Packaging#Testing%20the%20package%20locally with the system-config-printer package and see if the template generated locally contains all strings?11:18
primes2hdpm: sure, I'll try it asap. :-) Thanks11:19
dpmprimes2h, awesome, thanks. Let me know how it goes11:19
serfusthe ubuntu translation wiki is somewhat outdated...no monthly meeting were held since april of 2010?11:24
andrejzHello dpm, i noticed there were some string changes to kubuntu-user-docs within the last week. What does this mean for translations12:07
dpmandrejz, without more context, I'm not sure I can help. Which strings were changed and when? If they were indeed changed and you can point me to them, we can ask the kubuntu docs team to have a look at what's going on12:09
andrejzseveral strings in the kubuntu-user-docs packages within the last week12:09
andrejzall kubuntu docs packages were fully translated a week ago (on the non-langpack translations deadline)12:10
andrejzall but three packages were without any nontranslated strings12:11
andrejzthe same goes for kubuntu docs12:11
dpmandrejz, in the case of ubuntu-docs, we've got a bit of a strange situation, as they will not be ready for release. The docs team did not have time/resources to update them for Unity, and they are only providing an updated index page. There will be no time for translations because of this (better an untranslated unity page than no page at all), but translations will be picked up post-release. In the case of kubuntu-docs, I thought they would be st12:19
dpmable, so this is a freeze break that should be raised in order not to loose translations. Would you mind sending an e-mail to ubuntu-translators CC'ing ubuntu-doc, so that we can take it from there?12:19
andrejzok, sure12:23
andrejzi sumbitted the email, but it awaits moderator approval on ubuntu-docs mailing list12:38
andrejz@dpm: also i think this last-minute changes should be much better communicated since now a lot of strings were13:05
andrejzchanged and hence previous strings translated for 11.04 are not going to be used13:05
andrejzthis can be highly demotivational and should be avoided as much as possible13:06
primes2hdpm: the template contains just 543 strings, as launchpad has.15:29
dpmprimes2h, does it contains any strings from the .ui files? i.e. was the patch applied?15:31
primes2hdpm: hold on15:33
primes2hdpm: not at all, I mean, I checked some and they are not present15:43
primes2hdpm: although patch log file (65_correct......patch.level-1.log ) says that POTFILES.in has been patched.15:50
happyarondpm: when will be the last language pack update before release?16:07
happyarondpm: and/or the first update after the release?16:07
dpmhappyaron, the last langpack update before release will be after the 20th (LanguagePackTranslationDeadline)16:08
happyaronah, thanks16:09
dpmhappyaron, and after release: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/NattyLanguagePackReleaseSchedule16:11
happyarondpm: many thanks16:25
dpmno worries ;)16:32

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