
rballz75charlotte here01:39
holsteinasheville in the house :)01:40
adam_vollrathbrooklyn represent01:41
* holstein fist-bumps adam_vollrath 01:42
jack_^anybody in here using boxee on ubuntu? im trying to get it to run on my girlfriend's laptop but the interface runs like ass :/02:23
jack_^i think its a driver issue.  its using an intel card02:24
holsteinjack_^: it ran like ass for me02:26
holsteinon an ati card02:26
holsteinand i fiddled with other issues on that card02:26
holsteini switched to a better supported nividia card02:26
holsteinand installed the freedom-hating driver02:26
holsteinand the other things, and boxee are much better02:26
holsteinjack_^: does compiz run smooth on it?02:27
jack_^yeah compiz seems to be fine02:27
jack_^i had this same issue on my nvidia card with nouvaeu but after using the proprietary drivers it worked great02:28
jack_^im trying to update the package now. this is a livecd im trying to get it working oN :P02:28
holsteinjack_^: yeah, that nvidia card wasnt great with nouveau02:28
holsteinjack_^: it might be better on metal02:28
holsteinbut who knows02:28
holsteinprobably not that much better02:28
holsteinif youve got a gig of ram or so, thats probably similar to metal02:29
jack_^i have boxee running on 10.04 in my living room. this one is for the bedroom. it was running win7 but i cant stand that crap02:29
jack_^im only getting 10mbps network transfer between my storage server and the laptop. in ubuntu it jumps to 22mbps02:29
jack_^not that i _need_ that speed... but ya know02:30
jack_^it works fine in win7 was the point of that story02:30
rballz75charlotte here!03:05
holsteinrballz75: so where ya from ?03:06
holsteincan we just block chatmoshere?03:09
BugeyeDakgraner: what the heck do you know about satch?05:15
BugeyeDi've been surfing with the alien a long time now05:17
bacakgraner: yeah, we had no problems with the storm, not even very strong winds.  we had a break in the line as it passed by. thanks for asking.13:44

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