
pace_t_zuluchris4585: kde is definitely worth revisiting... especially in light of unity and gnome 304:25
chris4585pace_t_zulu, I'll have to download it sometime, I may install it on my laptop and play with it04:30
chris4585I'll give kubuntu a shot possibly to see how it is... but I much prefer playing with kde on arch04:30
pace_t_zuluchris4585: why wait on the download? you've got the bandwidth for it04:34
chris4585pace_t_zulu, I'm multitasking04:34
pace_t_zuluchris4585: throttle04:34
chris4585I'm only waiting because I'm not really ready to do that right now and I know it will only take a few minutes to download it04:39
pace_t_zuluchris4585: what makes kde better on arch?04:40
chris4585well kdemod on arch is highly regardless as the best KDE desktop on linux or KDE done right04:41
chris4585its just kind of universal that KDE on ubuntu is crap in comparison to every other major KDE distro04:42
pace_t_zuluwell i should check out a different distro then04:42
chris4585I haven't checked up on chakra lately but its an arch based distro with KDE mod, last time I looked at it was alpha04:43
pace_t_zuluchris4585: what's a stable distro that would have kde 4.6?04:46
pace_t_zuluchris4585: debian or fedora?04:46
chris4585opensuse is regarded as doing KDE right, KDE is the main desktop04:47
chris4585pace_t_zulu, have you been to ubuntu.com today?05:36
chris4585I noticed a gnome3 style banner05:36
chris4585kind of cool05:36
chris4585it was really out of place with the orange theme and bam a gnome3 type theme on the ubuntu website05:36
chris4585Chakra's release notes "Remember this is alpha software, it might eat your hamster!"07:35
chris4585pace_t_zulu, I think you should give chakra a shot, so far I'm impressed and its not even installed yet07:54
chris4585the installer has a nice option to install popular software like firefox, gimp, libre office, etc..07:55
cyberangerchris4585: cool disclaimer, what's it do to snakes07:57
chris4585lol I don't know07:58
cyberangerwell, I'm sure I can get one if anyone else wants to find out ;-)07:58
cyberangerjoke aside, Chakra Project looks intresting07:59
chris4585cyberanger, I've known about it since it was born about 3 years ago? so far I'm impressed with how KDE runs even on the livecd08:01
cyberangerwhich is really odd for me, I'm not much for KDE, but it's looks I could see being used by alot of people08:01
cyberangeryeah, and I judge Live CDs the hardest, cause they seem to be what really sways people into or out of linux08:02
chris4585the only technical thing anyone would have to know is partitioning, and it includes the KDE graphical partitioner, which is nice08:02
cyberangerif I recall right, that's just a frontend to parted08:02
chris4585yeah looks like it08:02
chris4585I'm not much for qt but it is rather sleek..08:03
cyberangerwhich means it's really simple, supports nearly everything08:03
cyberangergparted is the same way, frontend for parted08:03
chris4585I think I would die without parted / gparted08:03
chris4585gparted <308:03
cyberangershoot, dd may have earned it's nickname, 'disk destroyer' brb08:03
chris4585that doesn't sound good.. :/08:04
cyberangerfalse alarm, but the cd drive might be going quicker than expected (which is fine, that's accounted for, upgrade month)08:05
cyberangerusing it and netcat to migrate a machine off a laptop and into virtualbox08:07
chris4585ah cool08:07
chris4585never attempted that one before08:07
cyberangerthen probally scrapping bits08:07
cyberangerit's great, virtualbox includes a utility called convertfromraw which really works08:08
cyberangeryou have to get the whole hdd over for that, one of a few ways08:09
cyberangerdd over the network (with ssh or netcat) use gparted to copy it to an external drive08:09
cyberangeror stick the drive in an external enclosure08:09
cyberangerfirst two need a live disc for that08:10
cyberangerand I'm short on enclosures and drives, so dd & netcat was best08:10
cyberangerthis method puts a raw img file on my desktop, which virtualbox will convert into a vdi, then I just gotta create a virtual machine to use it08:11
cyberangerwindows is more of a headache than linux (not tried mac or heard of anyone who did, but I bet it could be done along the lines of a hackintosh)08:12
cyberangerlinux's kernal just sorta knows how to adapt08:12
cyberangerchris4585: this will be the first time I've done this on linux myself (used it with windows twice, to get somebody more involved in linux)08:13
chris4585I will have to remember that08:15
chris4585yeah thats one thing thats crazy about linux08:15
chris4585I've copied the file structure of a livecd onto a formatted partition once then installed grub manually and was able to get a working system that way08:15
cyberangerI'm sure there's other ways too, anyhow this keeps my install while still letting me blank that drive and ship it to a friend in a jam08:16
cyberangerthat works, another flexable trick of linux08:16
cyberangertry doing that with an XP disc08:16
chris4585I actually got that done using slitaz08:16
chris4585lol that would be wasted time08:16
chris4585did you hear windows 8 will run on flash drives? 16gb and up08:17
cyberangerreally, I just thought it would crawl to a BSoD08:17
chris4585well its a feature apparently..08:18
cyberangeryeah, I've heard that's one of their plans, but I'm not sure it'll work08:18
cyberangerunless they're ditching the NT kernel too08:18
cyberangerin which case it'll sorta be like Vista again08:18
cyberangerdriver issues, dragged heels to support it08:19
chris4585oh thats a surprise, KDE already has snapping windows?08:20
cyberangeryeah, they've had that awhile now08:21
cyberangerin knoppix at least08:21
chris4585I feel behind08:22
chris4585not saying that KDE is copying windows 100% but I don't think a clueless user would notice a thing..08:22
chris4585its on par if not superior08:22
chris4585well obviously I think its superior08:22
cyberangerwell, I think they may have had it before windows08:22
cyberangerI don't recall it when suffering through vista in college (thank grub for tri boots)08:23
cyberangerwhen I think it was in knoppix08:24
cyberangeractually, it may have been in windows 7, beta at the time (It was better than vista, classware needed windows) but between stable releases, predated windows08:25
cyberangerit's gotten much harder to remember08:25
chris4585that is a nice feature though08:26
cyberangerlol, it's funny, I've gone to excessive GUI features to CLI fanboy08:27
cyberangerbut that sorta makes sense, cause I know on anyone's system, hit ctrl+alt+f1 and login, I can do what I normally do, perfectly harmless and yet freak them out at the same time08:29
cyberangeror some quip dos is dead, and I quip back, so is your graphics card, logout and pull xorg back up08:30
cyberangerchris4585: ever notice that, ubuntu gets popular, people head to debian, gui's get more complex, people head towards terminal apps08:31
cyberangerfighting trends08:31
cyberangerI seem to be in that group to some extent, but on the other hand I got into linux more for it's server role anyhow08:35
cyberangerthe desktop was just the beginning, less computers so I had one perform both roles08:35
cyberangerand it did alot of server work08:36
cyberangerso idk, live discs were a stopgap when I couldn't install, but when I had a rig, better as a server really08:37
cyberangerand I aimed to learn quick08:37
cyberangerlook at linux now08:37
cyberangerit excells at everything really08:37
cyberangerexcept being noticed by avg. joe08:38
cyberangerand we're making progress on that even08:42
cyberangerchris4585: your home was recovered, yes?08:42
chris4585cyberanger, yes, ubiquity managed to somehow manage that, which I was hoping it would do08:43
cyberangerand your still using encrypted home?08:44
chris4585I believe so08:44
cyberangerls /home08:44
chris4585I've been working on organizing my files and I'm going to back them up08:44
cyberanger(I ask becuase now might be a good time to grab info in case of a repeat performance, backing up would be good too ;-))08:45
chris4585I have a .ecryptfs dir and buildd dir08:45
chris4585I'm slowly getting there..08:45
chris4585yeah its all still encrypted, but everything is back to normal08:46
cyberangershoot, speaking of which I think I nuked data on my server, went overboard on cleaning it out08:46
chris4585I'd just like to know why anything at all was encrypted to begin with08:46
cyberangerI did backup at least, before that spring cleaning of sorts08:47
cyberangerso I'm not screwed08:47
cyberangerchris4585: did you click fast at install08:47
cyberangerfde must be done from an alternate or netinst image, but $HOME can be done from any image now08:48
chris4585I don't think so08:48
chris4585who knows I might have tried the encryption option back when 10.10 first came out and totally forgot about it..08:49
* chris4585 shrug08:49
cyberanger(I intentionally do FDE without an addional encrypted $HOME, since I never let anyone that close to my laptop to muck my $HOME)08:49
cyberangerchris4585: I bet that's what you did, click yes vs no at install, and since it didn't metion it anywhere sense (till things go wrong) you would not have known08:50
chris4585I just wish it would sort of like informed me of whatever my passphrase(s) were..08:51
cyberangerit's literally one page, yes or no, I wish they'd improve that, encryption is security, but screwups happen, they need to do more08:52
cyberangerit never did, since as long as it didn't screw up, it was tied to your login08:52
cyberangerdo one, the other happens08:52
cyberangerby default that is08:52
cyberangeryou can seperate the two more, but the automated tool is flawed, it expects a perfect world08:53
cyberangerand in a perfect world, encryption is pointless, privacy respected, no need to ensure that08:54
chris4585well here is the funny thing, I tried a backup tool before any of this happened and just now noticed ~/.backup08:54
chris4585what little help it is when its encrypted as well..08:54
cyberangerthis is an imprefect world sh*t happens08:54
chris4585I may setup a computer for the specific task of keeping up with the files on this computer lol08:55
cyberangerhaha, lol08:55
cyberangerperhaps just a vbox setup08:55
cyberangerlike I'm doing now08:55
cyberangerrsync is doable08:58
chris4585does rsync do over network?08:59
cyberangerwhich reminds me, I need to help x with that08:59
cyberangeryes, that's what I use with my server and it's backup here08:59
chris4585I'd probably just do some bash script with scp or something08:59
cyberangerwhy scp over rsync09:00
chris4585for one I know the syntax and I'm simple09:00
cyberangermy server is fairly static, rsync is fairly simple if you know scp, main thing that changes on my server are iso's and logs09:00
cyberangerrsync only grabs the difference, not the whole file09:01
chris4585ah cool09:01
chris4585I might look that up09:01
cyberangerotherwise I'd hammer my server cap on the iso's09:01
cyberanger11.04 beta1 renamed to beta2, then an rsync, then repeat for a final09:02
chris4585I was shocked when I donwloaded beta2 at 1.2mbps (torrent)09:03
cyberangerthat's the trick I did for 10.10, jigdo it on the server (higher speed, in london, grabbed from the offical server every mirror uses all the jigdo and template files, then hit all the mirrors till the images were done, created a timestamp file to look for later09:04
cyberangerthen rename my iso's here to match, from rc to final, and did an rsync09:04
cyberangerI had the iso's quicker than alot of torrents and mirrors, and seeded them on both connections for a day09:05
cyberangerall automated with bash09:05
chris4585thats cool09:05
chris4585I got it downloaded in about ~15mins09:05
cyberangerit took about that for me on the final09:06
cyberangerwhich all servers are hammered more than a beta09:06
cyberangerand add to the fire, some use firefox, download stops, they redownload, instead of zsync, jigdo, a torrent, or even wget -c09:07
cyberangerfurther hammering the server09:07
chris4585I've had that happen, thats when I make sure I do wget instead09:07
chris4585at least with wget you can resume09:07
cyberangerand so few use repo mirrors, which have all the packages before the actual release, all you need is the jigdo and template files to make the iso09:08
cyberangerthey'll hammer archive.ubuntu.com's 5 (I think 5, around there at least) servers, when I can grab from any mirror, 2/3rds are neglected)09:08
chris4585nothing like being 600mbs into the download to have it stop and not being able to recover09:09
cyberangerit's nice to have options09:12
cyberangerthere really isn't alot for Windows09:12
cyberangerI did find wget worked for my Win7 Images, which cost 30 bucks and never really got used (I thought they'd be helpful for work, but never got to find out)09:13
chris4585I thought there was a wget for windows for free?09:14
cyberangeryeah, there was something along those lines09:15
chris4585or do you mean never got to use the win7?09:15
cyberangerI meant never really needed Win709:15
cyberangerI thought the Pro version would be handy for work (Domain Controllers)09:16
cyberangerused wget on ubuntu to download them09:16
cyberangerhad work and class in the middle, killed wget and continued09:16
cyberangerhad an md5sum, or equalvent09:16
cyberangerkinda found that funny actually, it was setup more for linux than windows downloading09:17
cyberangerI mean, out of the box, wget -c and md5sum for a windows image09:18
cyberangeras rare as downloading a purchased image at that time09:18
cyberanger(Microsoft EDU discount for online purchase, no box, 100% legit with .edu email address and 30 bucks, at first needed an .exe, waited for the .iso and did that)09:20
chris4585I love the verbose messages on arch in general09:22
chris4585Starting full system upgrade... there is nothing to do - Finished09:23
chris4585no bs with that ^ lol09:23
* cyberanger 3>'s Linux09:23
chris4585:o the search and launch desktop view on KDE is rather nice..09:27
chris4585welp I'm tired, g'night cyberanger09:30
cyberangerChat later then09:35
* cyberanger needs to get some sleep too, but that'll have to wait a little be09:35
wrstchris4585: how was your kde expirement17:12
pace_t_zuluchris4585: taking arch linux for a spin... been a while17:38
wrstpace_t_zulu: i think you will love arch!17:57
chris4585wrst, it was rather beautiful17:58
chris4585pace_t_zulu, thats cool, yeah I agree, arch is lovely17:58
wrstchris4585: did it work? i've always thought kde is attractive :)17:59
chris4585wrst, I was really impressed last night, I don't even know if I have the proprietary drivers active and it was just beautiful17:59
wrstmy problem has always been things like dolphin (which i think stinks as a file browser) just little things that gnome always does well for me18:00
chris4585I agree with the dolphin comment, I always liked konqueror18:01
wrstnautilus just does such a good job for me i hate to switch18:02
pace_t_zuluchris4585, wrst any recommendations on display manager and desktop environment for arch?18:03
wrstplus i think gnome3/shell has  kde nicely beat18:03
wrstpace_t_zulu: i'm loving gnome 3 i think its certainly worth a look at18:03
wrstkde in arch is also excellent18:04
wrsti also have fluxbox up and running18:04
wrstand lxde is kinda fun to play with18:04
pace_t_zului was taking e17 for a spin...18:05
pace_t_zulufigured i'd try something different18:05
chris4585you can't go wrong with anything on arch...18:05
wrsti've seen some beautiful setups with it and some people i know using arch love rat poison18:05
wrstbut pace_t_zulu what i like with arch you seem them all as intended18:06
wrstbut that also makes you appreciate what ubuntu has done with gnome 2 also18:06
pace_t_zuluwrst: yea... seems like arch is better for the hacker who wants complete control over the system18:07
pace_t_zuluand ubuntu is more clearly defined and refined experience18:07
wrstyes but it isn't that terrible to set up as long as you follow the wikis as I'm sure you are seeing18:07
chris4585its not all that hard and plus its all a beautiful process in my opinion..18:08
wrstchris4585: its helped me to understand a lot more about how things work now18:09
pace_t_zuluchris4585: is there a desktop environment you'd recommend (not gnome or kde)18:09
chris4585pace_t_zulu, LXDE is another beautiful alternative18:09
pace_t_zuluchris4585 would you recommend lxde ahead of elightenment (e17)18:10
pace_t_zuluchris4585: i'm looking for super lightweight18:10
chris4585hrm well both are great options, personally I like LXDE over e1718:11
wrstpace_t_zulu: i think lxde is kinda like that kde and gnome had an ugly child :) but its very "complete" and light i think18:11
pace_t_zulusound like lxde where i should play around then18:11
chris4585it is a complete desktop though18:13
chris4585I feel a bit out of touch, I had to wiki arch gnome 318:15
pace_t_zuluwhat display manager would y'all recommend for lxde?18:17
pace_t_zuluright now i have slim18:17
chris4585slim is actually what it used in the past but I believe LXDE uses something more similar to gdm but lighter..18:17
chris4585let me find it18:17
chris4585wrst, for nvidia is it just pacman -S nvidia ?18:19
chris4585I should probably wiki that too18:19
pace_t_zuluchris4585 wrst cyberanger - what shell do y'all prefer?18:22
chris4585simple ol bash, but I never played with anything else before either..18:23
pace_t_zuluchris4585 i recently discovered zsh18:25
chris4585I've heard good things about other shells though, I don't do enough to warrant a change18:25
pace_t_zulu'# sudo pacman -S lxdm' ... "error: 'lxdm': could not find or read package"18:26
pace_t_zuluchris4585: zsh's tab completion is more robust than bash18:26
chris4585wrst, did you use yaourt or something similar?18:28
wrstchris4585: i would follow the wiki depends on proprietary or open source18:28
wrstyes chris4585 I use yaourt its wonderful18:29
wrstand do an occasional yaourt -Syu --aur to update everything from the aur18:29
chris4585then pace_t_zulu try this guide https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Yaourt18:30
pace_t_zuluwouldn't the upside of lxde be avoidance of gnome bloat??? ... why do this instructions point the user to install so many gnome packages18:30
pace_t_zuluis yaourt better than pacman?18:30
chris4585pace_t_zulu, uh? lxdm doesn't depend on gnome is what I read18:30
chris4585yaourt is a frontend to access aur, its rather nice really18:31
wrstchris4585: for latest proprietar its pacman -S nvidia nvidia-utils18:31
pace_t_zuluchris4585: not talking about lxdm specifically... the wiki page suggests a lot of gnome packages18:32
chris4585yes, but lxde itself is just openbox + lxpanel + gtk (obviously) and pcmanfm18:33
chris4585I have to run to the store bbiab18:33
pace_t_zuluchris4585 thanks for the lxde architecture info18:35
pace_t_zuluhow do you install yaourt ?18:35
pace_t_zului'm following instructions from the wiki ... but it says i need pacman >= 3.518:35
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: dash18:36
wrstpace_t_zulu: have you upgraded your system since instally everything?18:36
pace_t_zului've got 3.418:36
pace_t_zuluwrst: i think so.... but perhaps not18:36
pace_t_zulujust ran "sudo pacman -Syu"18:37
wrsttry doing a full upgrade pace_t_zulu 'pacman -Syu' and be srue to update pacman when/if the option is given18:37
pace_t_zulunothing to upgrade18:37
cyberangerchris4585: ldxe does depend on some gtk libs I think18:37
wrsthmm i had that same issue and can't remember what i did, let me do some checking :)18:37
cyberangerif I recall18:38
pace_t_zului've got arch linux 2010.05 x86_64 ... is there a fresher base?18:38
wrstpace_t_zulu: I'm wondering if you might have  a mirror a little behind18:39
wrstpace_t_zulu: shouldn't matter after you update18:39
wrstwhen i install arch i always do the net install18:39
pace_t_zuluwrst: what mirror do you use... i've got vt18:39
wrstlet me check pace_t_zulu18:39
pace_t_zulugatech didn't resolve18:39
* wrst loves ssh in times like these18:39
* pace_t_zulu loves ssh at all times18:39
* cyberanger typed this over ssh18:40
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: what's the full uri?18:41
wrstpace_t_zulu: I'm using Server = http://lug.mtu.edu/archlinux/ftpfull/$repo/os/i68618:42
cyberangerI mean18:42
cyberangerhttp://www.gtlib.gatech.edu/pub/archlinux/ (force of habit)18:42
pace_t_zului'll try both18:43
pace_t_zulugatech first - because it should be faster18:43
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: is that what you had fail?18:43
wrstyes should be pace_t_zulu but with your speed.... :P18:43
pace_t_zuluthe failure is that pacman is 3.418:43
wrstpace_t_zulu: you might want to comment out the old one just to be sure18:44
cyberanger13:39:37 pace_t_zulu | gatech didn't resolve18:44
cyberangerdns error?18:44
pace_t_zulucyberanger: didn't bother figuring it out... just switched mirrors...18:44
pace_t_zulucyberanger: does gatech mirror work for you right now18:45
cyberangeryeah, but I can't say pacman agrees18:46
cyberangercentos with it is working18:46
pace_t_zulucyberanger: this is specific to pacman i reckon.... mtu and vt both work18:48
pace_t_zuluwrst: mtu does have pacman 3.518:48
wrstok cool if you update that should take care of your problems18:48
wrstsometimes mirrors go down or get long in the tooth pace_t_zulu one of the failings of arch18:49
pace_t_zulunow i get a "error: local database version is too old"18:49
cyberangerwell, two machines I can access here (well, linux rigs) are centos and ubuntu, their fine with that mirror, and the anl mirror18:49
pace_t_zuluwrst: maybe i should get more involved with the computer science department at vanderbilt and see if we can setup mirrors here... arch... ubuntu... etc18:49
pace_t_zulumaybe debian18:49
cyberangerdon't have arch here at work18:50
wrstthat would be neat pace_t_zulu18:50
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: that would be a good idea, esp with utk kinda dropping out of that18:50
wrstpace try a pacman -Syy to get everything in sync18:50
cyberangerwell, underequipped for that18:50
pace_t_zulufor the sake of ubuntu-us-tn ... it'd be good to be more involved here on campus18:50
pace_t_zuluwrst: ty for the suggestion18:51
wrstthat may or may not work, pace_t_zulu, pacman -Syu should do it but sometimes the Syy helps18:51
pace_t_zuluperhaps i could draw out some more middle tn ubuntu users18:51
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: I've been working on that myself, if they don't want to themselves, but allow us rackspace and bandwidth, presto18:52
pace_t_zulu"pacman-db-upgrade" fixed that error18:52
wrstahh cool pace_t_zulu :)18:52
cyberangerI haven't really been able to bring the mirror online due to that reason, bandwidth18:52
pace_t_zulucyberanger: i know some people around campus... and it'd be good to meet more folks... i know there is a neurodebian repo hosted here on campus18:53
cyberangerinternal domain or external18:53
cyberangerI know they have a two internal tlds18:53
cyberangerone for the hospital, one for the college18:54
pace_t_zulucyberanger, wrst and chris4585 can attest to the bandwidth available at vandy18:54
wrstyes i'm terribly jealous!18:54
pace_t_zulucyberanger dunno if you saw my speedtest results last week18:54
cyberangerno I didn't, but I can attest to it too, hospital end18:55
cyberangerand the university end was the same18:55
pace_t_zulucyberanger plus the argument could be made that a local mirror could be a positive thing for bandwidth (if users on campus utilize the local mirror)18:56
pace_t_zulucyberanger, furthermore - i reckon its positive advertising for the computer science department18:56
cyberangeryeah, and I've got some of the setup already18:57
pace_t_zululinux users have heightened awareness of certain institutions on that participate in mirroring linux distros18:57
cyberangerI could probally get access to the GA Tech Mirrors, rsync them to drives and take them to nashville to kickstart things18:58
pace_t_zulucyberanger: plus... if i could swing an ubuntu mirror - that would could certainly be a major item on our loco approval application18:58
cyberangeryeah, if it's loco backed18:58
pace_t_zulucyberanger: i reck vandy could rsync with gatech during off ours faster than you could drive the data back and forth.... but worth a look18:59
cyberangerthat's why I've been trying to get one going here18:59
cyberangeroh, no you couldn't18:59
pace_t_zulucyberanger: perhaps not18:59
cyberangerunless GA Tech shares a edu network they don't throttle19:00
cyberangerit's terabytes of data19:00
pace_t_zulucyberanger: internet2 connection19:00
pace_t_zulubut terabytes might be pushing it19:01
pace_t_zulucyberanger: how many terabytes are we talking?19:01
cyberangertrue, i2 is at both sites19:02
cyberangerwell, on the hdd or transfered over the network?19:02
cyberangerhdd for ubuntu is over 500GB, debian is around there too19:03
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: http://mirror.anl.gov/ (look at the bottom "About the Hardware")19:04
cyberangerLemme see here, I once had info on per-project amounts19:05
cyberangerrsync from upstream is minimal, grabs only the changes19:05
cyberangerit's the client utilization that really drives things19:06
cyberangerand some mirrors are under utilized19:06
pace_t_zulucyberanger: client utilization? you mean users querying the mirror?19:07
pace_t_zuluwrst: how do you pm with quassel? a simple "/msg user my message" doesn't open a pm chat19:08
cyberangerquerying, downloading, is more like it19:09
cyberanger700mb iso, 700mb of updates19:09
pace_t_zulucyberanger: yea... bandwidth utitlizaton19:09
cyberangerrepeat for arch19:09
pace_t_zulucyberanger: perhaps a mirror could initially be launched for local traffic...19:09
cyberangeryeah, client to the mirror, minor for mirror to mirror19:09
cyberangeryeah, kept in sync with anl19:10
cyberangerover i219:10
pace_t_zulucyberanger: and later global access could be evaluated19:10
cyberanger(Argonne National Lab is sorta the de facto US server, majority of the US mirrors are on the i2 network)19:11
cyberangerI wonder if i2 is more costly than regular access19:11
cyberangerif i2 is just flat rate, between that and regulated access (internal or otherwise restricted) idk why they're not already doing it19:13
wrstpace_t_zulu: just double click on the user in teh nick list19:16
pace_t_zulucyberanger: why who isn't already doing what?19:16
pace_t_zulucyberanger: vanderbilt doing mirrors?19:16
cyberangerwell, large scale, yes19:17
cyberangernot just one distro, but something on the scale of RIT, MIT GA Tech19:17
pace_t_zulucyberanger: that's what i'm thinking too19:19
pace_t_zulucyberanger: i see it as positive advertising for computer science at vandy19:19
wrstpace_t_zulu: how are you liking quassel?19:19
cyberangerRIT's is awesome, uncapped for i2 and RIT (shame I missed that chance last year, I know I have access there, if I ask the RC dept nicely)19:20
cyberangerthey cap for 'i1' though19:20
cyberangerfor their two i1 providers 150 mbit/s.19:21
cyberangercampus and i2 was 10GigE, nic blew up (and they aren't cheap, 500 a pop) but 1GigE is still sweet19:22
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: what speedtest server did you use?19:22
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: ah, here's what I was looking for, from RIT http://mirror.rit.edu/dirsizes.txt19:24
cyberangerI think ANL had one too, gonna take a 2nd look19:24
pace_t_zuluwrst: i like that it gives me a persistent connection like irssi... but i can enjoy gui basics (like clickable links)19:27
pace_t_zuluwrst: but the nickname tab completion issue is very annoying19:27
pace_t_zuluwrst: i suggested a quassel client written in cocoa over at #quassel ... they're a little apprehensive supporting a project that requires a platform specific developer19:28
wrstyeah i doubt they will go for that as they are from my understanding all big qt guys, did they have any solution to your tab issue?19:29
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: getting vanderbuilt to mirror would be ideal19:33
pace_t_zulucyberanger: i'm talking to my local admin about it19:35
pace_t_zuluwrst cyberanger chris4585 ... y'all notice that LXTerminal launches with SHLVL=2 ?19:38
cyberangerno, I hadn't19:39
cyberangerbut been awhile19:39
pace_t_zuluperhaps because i'm launching lxde from cli login19:40
pace_t_zuluweird... when i launch lxde from DAEMONS in /etc/rc.conf it is SHLVL=219:45
pace_t_zulucorrection SHLVL=3 ....19:45
cyberangerlast few times I ran LXDE was on Debian19:47
* wrst is wondering what SHLVL=3 is19:51
pace_t_zulucyberanger: recommendations on a desktop manager and desktop environment to experiment with on arch?19:55
pace_t_zulucyberanger: lightweight is the aim19:55
chris4585pace_t_zulu, did you get yaourt installed?19:55
pace_t_zuluwrst: SHLVL is the shell level19:55
chris4585also to upgrade pacman you have to pacman -Syu pacman19:55
chris4585I believe..19:55
pace_t_zuluif a SHLVL=1 shell spawns another shell -> the newly spawned shell is SHLVL=219:55
wrstchris4585: now all you have to do is pacman -Syu and it ask you if you want to upgrade pacman19:56
chris4585wrst, oh cool19:56
wrstok pace_t_zulu thanks :) I have learned something19:56
pace_t_zuluchris4585: wrst is correct19:56
chris4585its been a while19:56
cyberangerSubshell level19:56
wrstbut chris4585, your command will also still work very well19:56
pace_t_zulucyberanger: ty for the correction19:56
chris4585I was just going off memory19:56
wrstchris4585: i'm guessing at one time that woudl have been the case19:56
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: you were dead on with the concept, my book that's what matters more19:57
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: your using LDXE now?19:57
pace_t_zului have my zsh configuration include the SHLVL in my prompt if SHLVL>119:57
chris4585wrst, once I get arch started up I'm going to attempt gnome shell :)19:58
wrstcool chris4585 you will need to enable the testing repo to get it right now its not out to wild just yet20:00
wrstor atleast wasn't last week20:00
wrstchris4585: i think i read somewhere that maybe in extra by the end of april20:01
pace_t_zuluchris4585: yeah, yaourt is installed20:03
pace_t_zuluarch linux can be fun20:04
chris4585pace_t_zulu, I've learned with arch + yaourt you can pretty much install anything with nearly 0 questions20:05
chris4585unlike with ubuntu and adding ppas, its a hassle to me20:06
cyberangerchris4585: I've found PPA's rare and simple20:13
cyberangerTOR, Virtualbox & UbuntuGIS20:14
pace_t_zului'm frustrated with virtualbox... i had to stop using it20:15
pace_t_zuludoesn't properly support my new machines20:16
chris4585yes but with ppas you have to add them, then install the package, in arch you install yaourt once and you don't have to fool with adding extra repos20:16
chris4585pace_t_zulu, looks like I got the same issue you had earlier pacman 3.5 issue20:16
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: that's odd20:16
pace_t_zuluchris4585: yea... i noticed it when i was installing yaourt20:16
cyberangerchris4585: only a one time deal20:16
cyberangerand on top of that, a scriptable one20:16
pace_t_zuluwrst: running quassel client in lxde on arch20:21
wrstha ha cool20:21
wrstthat's the very cool thing i think pace_t_zulu  about quassel it runs anywhere on anythign20:21
wrsti am running quasseldroid on my android phone20:22
pace_t_zuluwrst: is there a cli implementation of quassel client?20:22
wrstpace_t_zulu:  irssi + screen :)20:22
wrstpace_t_zulu: i have asked that same question and pretty much told that wasn't really something they were interested in20:23
wrstsince there was a good solution20:23
pace_t_zuluwrst: but is there a way to connect irssi to a quassel-core?20:24
pace_t_zuluwrst: or they just say they don20:24
pace_t_zulu't do cli20:24
wrstno there is not a way to do it20:25
wrstfrom my research, not saying there isn't but don't think so20:25
chris4585I'm still having that pacman issue :/ can't seem to figure out the trick20:35
pace_t_zuluchris4585 eat one of the bigger dots... for a while the ghosts can't get you - and you can get them20:41
chris4585I actually played some pacman last night, lovely game20:45
cyberangerand I was playing a round of ms pacman before we got on this topic20:49
cyberangerwow, awkard timing20:49
chris4585I think I'm going to uninstall chakra and install basic arch21:03
pace_t_zulusup Xpistos21:15
pace_t_zululooks like some new icons are landing in natty21:19
cyberangerhey Xpistos21:19
chris4585pace_t_zulu, really? I'll have to update and check that out21:20
Xpistoshey cyberanger21:20
pace_t_zuluchris4585: not that significant... just a few21:20
cyberangerXpistos: still need assistance with Rsync & ssh?21:20
Xpistosuh yeah if you have time21:23
cyberangershould shortly21:23
cyberangerjust gotta clear my metaphorical plate first21:24
Xpistosjust let me kow21:24
pace_t_zuluwrst: different build of quassel client resolves the nickname tab completion issue21:27
wrstahh cool pace_t_zulu!21:28
pace_t_zuluwrst: may have spoken too soon...21:28
wrsta newer build of the .7 or did you have to go backwards?21:29
wrstoh :\21:29
pace_t_zuluwrst: it's working on the macbook pro... not the mac pro21:29
wrsthmm weird21:29
pace_t_zuluwrst: build of 0.7.2 linked against Qt 4.7.121:31
chris4585I was wondering the other day why update manager didn't appear to have any notify messages / alerts, you would think that would be something easy for them to implement21:31
wrston my wifes mac book i think i am still at .6.1 on it21:32
pace_t_zuluwrst: its the weirdest issue21:43
wrstyes that is strange but a real pain in the rear too21:43
pace_t_zuluwrst: there is something very weird about the same binary producing different behavior on 2 systems21:46
wrstyeah that's just odd could it be something with the setup on the two systems?21:49
* wrst is drawing at straws21:49
pace_t_zuluwrst: it is an interesting issue21:51
pace_t_zulucause now the machines have flipflopped21:52
wrstha ha oh my21:52
pace_t_zuluthe one that was working now doesn't ... and vice-versa21:52
pace_t_zuluwrst: now both systems work... i must have done something right ;)21:53
wrstha ha just keep up the good work pace_t_zulu!21:54
pace_t_zuluwrst: its weird... if i restart the quassel client - the behavior changes22:01
wrstyeah that's just weird you would expect it to be the same all the time22:01
pace_t_zuluwrst: just rolled back to 0.6.122:10
wrsthow is that working pace_t_zulu?22:10
pace_t_zuluseems like an issue with qt 4.722:10
pace_t_zuluworks fine22:10
wrstcool, i just about upgraded on my wife's machine, i won't now :)22:10
pace_t_zuluwrst: i'll keep you posted22:11
wrstok thanks pace_t_zulu :)22:11
pace_t_zuluwrst: wasted a lot of time with that :(22:12
wrstpace_t_zulu: isn't that half the fun?22:12
pace_t_zuluwrst: not when the outcome is downgrading22:13
wrstsounds like a open source blame game bug probably on that one pace_t_zulu22:13
wrstits effecting quassel but since its with qt 4.7 nothing will happen22:13
pace_t_zuluwrst: yup22:14
wrstthose things really hack me off about open source22:14
chris4585whoo success, I've been playing with adding menu options to icons on unity and its simple once you got the hang of it22:31
chris4585launcher I mean, when you right click22:31
chris4585 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/26419549/2011-04-18-173722_1024x768_scrot.png22:38
chris4585er I don't think dropbox was running..22:39
chris4585oh no nvm, I was just too fast :)22:40
chris4585wrst, check that out ^22:40
oriaslol scrot22:49
chris4585scrot is a good screenshot program :)22:54
chris4585cli type22:54
oriasfor some reason apt-get install scrot22:54
oriasdoes *not* make me want to see what it is22:55
chris4585that should work22:55
chris4585its actually nice just has a weird name22:55
* orias apt-cache searches for vulgar things now22:56
* cyberanger bets 10 bucks orias will find something too23:22
oriasnothing yet :(23:36

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