
MTecknologynewz2000: ya know.... we really should have the countdown banners out earlier :)06:35
MTecknologylike... 2 months to get excited06:35
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newz2000MTecknology: I've thought about that. I think sooner than we did this time is good but 2 months may be stretching it.14:28
newz2000somwhere between 1 and 2 months is good.14:28
MTecknologyThat'd be nice, it just feels like a whole lot of work is done for something that's barely used otherwise14:29
newz2000good point.14:29
newz2000The more time we have to show the banner the more work it takes because there's more images.14:29
newz2000Maybe we create a "Get ready for 11.10" that we show up until 30 days14:30
MTecknologyOh... there's 2 digits, start at 99. :)14:30
MTecknologyor that. I like that14:30
newz2000I'll put a note on my list to give this some thought around the time UDS happens.14:31
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=== daker is now known as daker_
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