
=== nlsthzn-work is now known as Ubuntu-work
=== Ubuntu-work is now known as nlsthzn-work
nlsthzn-workYippeeeeeeee for going home time is upon IR :D03:38
superflyyo sakhi07:49
drubinsuperfly: ++ not being a kde fanboi in his reply :)08:26
superflyjoo ask ze question, I answer ze question08:35
confluencyWell, that's not really surprising.08:56
confluencyWas anyone actually still using OOo?08:56
marcogit's not, but it's frustrating that they put all the barriers up against TDF and now are just letting OO die08:57
confluencyThe article says they're "ready to hand over control of the project to the community", whatever that means.  If it means signing over the ownership of the name, then I'd say the fork has "won" in every sense of the work.08:58
marcogbut will the community want to go back to the OO name?08:59
confluencyWell, if they don't, it means they like the new name better.  So what's the problem?08:59
confluencyThe possibility of creating hostile forks when the people in charge of the source are screwing with you is one of the major benefits of OSS.  And here I see it working exactly as intended.09:00
marcogtrue i suppose09:00
confluencyMkay, more talk from the opposite end of the trip to campus. :)09:01
Kilosmorning superfly and all others09:32
superflyhiya Kilos09:34
achervhi @all09:39
superflyhi acherv09:40
achervsuperfly: what's up?09:41
superflynothing much, just working09:41
* acherv would like to assit the new release in pretoria but he's newcomer in southafrica09:41
queerywho is org the RP in Pretoria?09:44
achervqueery: org?09:45
marcogqueery: nico?09:45
queeryorg = organise09:46
queerywhat's his IRC nic?09:46
marcogno clue09:46
achervqueery: i don't know who oarganise?09:48
queeryapparently nico is organising it09:49
marcoghe was the one sending the emails about it09:49
marcogmaybe just email him and ask how you can help?09:49
queerythanx marcog 09:51
queeryI gave acherv his email addy09:51
marcogareas where you might be able to help include: advertising (via mailing lists, word of mouth or posters), helping with the local repo, perhaps finding someone to give a talk, etc.09:51
* nuvolari_ tips hat09:52
achervmarcog: ML 09:54
rodemireAnyone know where i can download repos from the Internet and access them offline?10:41
marcogrodemire: http://tumbleweed.org.za/2010/10/09/release-party-ubuntu-mirror might help10:42
rodemireThanks marcog10:45
rodemireI think thats what i'm looking for10:45
rodemireCan i download the mirror or parts of it?10:47
rodemireThe thing is  I have a machine at home that does not have access to the internet and i want to keep it updated. I have access to the internet at work but i dont run Ubuntu at work. So i was wondering if i can copy parts of the repos and use them to update my home machine.10:50
marcogoh, for that have a look at apt-zip10:51
marcogthat lets you create a download script on your offline PC that you run on you online PC10:52
rodemirecan i perfom this on a pc that doesnt have ubuntu?11:00
marcogthe online pc can be anything that has wget, iirc11:01
marcogdunno if it works on windows11:01
marcogbut i'm pretty sure it'll work on any *nix pc11:01
nuvolari_rodemire: location?11:28
nuvolari_there's a guy here in KZN that carries around a hdd for such cases11:28
rodemireI stay in Jhb.11:33
rodemireI wonder how he manages the updates that occur in Ubuntu. 11:34
Kiloslo maiatoday hows ya12:12
Kiloslo nuvolari  rodemire  marcog 12:13
KilosMaaz, coffee on12:13
* Maaz flips the salt-timer12:13
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!12:17
KilosMaaz, thanks12:17
MaazKilos: Okay :-)12:17
nuvolari_lo oom Kilos 12:19
inetprogood mornings12:29
maiatodayhi Kilos12:31
rodemirejoin #ubuntu14:32
queeryonthoud die /14:33
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-work
Kiloslo all17:00
Kilosi dont need a windscreen wiper motor17:00
superflyhaha, well said Kilos17:02
Kilosthat kept the list alive for a while hey?17:03
nlsthzn-workhehe ... hi all btw :)17:06
superflyhey nlsthzn-work17:08
nlsthzn-workThe mailing list has been uber busy the last week or so :) More than the last year :p17:09
Kiloshi nlsthzn-work 17:12
* superfly had fun baiting all the Gnomies17:13
Kiloslol i noticed17:13
Kilosbut looks like we all gonna be forced off gnome17:14
superflyKilos: don't believe everything you read on the lists17:14
Kilosall i need is a ui that works and doesnt look like windows17:15
Kilosmight have been on kubuntu if the network manager worked as easy as ubuntu17:18
Kiloslo Squirm y17:18
* nlsthzn-work is likeing unity17:26
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kiloshmm family of maaz here17:50
Kiloshi mazal 17:50
mazalHi Kilos17:50
mazalAny Open Office experts around ?17:58
=== Sinjin is now known as Squirm
nlsthzn-workwww.ubuntu.ae :) the emirates team slowly forms :)20:55
marcogMaaz: nlsthzn++20:57
Kilosgo nlsthzn-work 21:15
nlsthzn-work:) thanks... decision was made last night in IRC meeting to become an official loco... I am pleased :D21:17
inetpronlsthzn-work: great, congrats!21:27
nlsthzn-workinetpro. Kilos, marcog - :) thanks 21:28
Kilosnight every one. sleep tight22:13

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