
travaleredbian: I am not sure but I don't think it showed up00:00
edbiantravaler: You can pastebin it.  paste.ubuntu.com00:00
edbianKnuxgen: what is virtual clone drive?00:00
travaleredbian I have no internet on ubuntu box :(00:01
Knuxgenedbian: used to mount a virtual drive00:01
octavio-rdzHi ppl I have a question ... I have 2 computeres a desktop and a laptop and I would like to connect remotely to the desktop using the laptop I  I had been able to connect by ssh -Y ....  but if I have an application runing in the desktop I would like to see that application in the laptop is there a way to do that?00:01
induzose-dkms and ose-qt are also coming with -ose00:01
edbiantravaler: Then you'll just have to read the output yourself :(00:01
edbianKnuxgen: What is a virtual drive?  (your harddrives and jump drives are physical)00:01
pfifoedbian, /dev/loop device for windows00:01
induzedbian, do i have to download some utilities too00:01
edbianinduz: no. the package should do it for you00:01
sl33k_10.04 hangs with a greyish screen. any workaround?00:02
Knuxgenedbian: it makes a virtual cd/dvd rom and mounts an iso file so you dont have to burn it00:02
edbianKnuxgen: neato00:02
HeimdalWKI am installing ubuntu 10.10 on a spare PC and I am stuck on the Who are you? screen  I filled out all the fields and I still can't press the forward button00:02
induzalso, edbian , do i need a DVD iso image as i have iso image on my HDD'00:02
edbianKnuxgen: this is not wubi.  (unless you start wubi) I don't think you'll be able to install Ubuntu because you won't be able to partition00:02
edbianinduz: not for virtualbox00:02
travaleredbian it is confirmed it does NOT show up, I simply compared the output with it pluged in vs. not pluged in00:03
sl33k_is there any fix when ubuntu hangs?00:03
edbiantravaler: lsusb00:03
induzedbian, thanks00:03
edbianinduz: sure00:03
Knuxgenedbian: i've made two partitions before to be ready for ubuntu00:03
Knuxgenit's just i can't install it00:03
AftermathHey, Ive installed preload, what else can i do to speed up ubuntu?00:03
travaleredbian yes it shows up00:03
edbianKnuxgen: Why can't you?00:03
travaleredbian as Belkin F5D6050 802.11b Adapter00:03
edbianAftermath: Use a light weight desktop like xfce or lxde.  Turn of compiz00:03
Knuxgenedbian: however i burn it, it gives me the screen i posted00:03
Knuxgenedbian: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_Tr3-Pi0d7LQ/TatmuiIp3fI/AAAAAAAAAJc/PKjjiKWEicI/s1440/IMAG0050.jpg00:04
edbianKnuxgen: link please?00:04
edbianKnuxgen: Oh yeah.  The image is bad.00:04
Knuxgenit seems so crazy strainght-forward00:04
edbianKnuxgen: Didn't we do this a while ago?00:04
sl33k_ is there any fix when ubuntu hangs?00:04
daftykinsoctavio-rdz: you'd have to use VNC00:05
Knuxgenedbian: we did, i burned again, md5sum is correct, dont know what else might be wrong00:05
SniperXPXHow do I modify my sshd_config or iptables so that only certain users are allowed to SSH into the box if they are localhost?00:06
pfifoKnuxgen, are you at that prompt now? (initramfs)00:06
edbianKnuxgen: mmm.  try the other CD drive?00:06
cybrhumanSniperXPX: changing iptables to only allow ssh from localhost should be straightforward, instead of ALL write 'localhost' I think00:08
SniperXPXcyberhuman: only for certain users00:08
multipasshi, i cant get into ubuntu or safe mode, it seems as though theres some big error with my usb devices.. the last thing i did was some stuff in oracle virtual box with usb (iphone).. anyone know if theres something i can do?00:08
SniperXPXcyberhuman: not for all ssh connections00:08
adacis there a way to increase inodes?00:08
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cybrhumanSniperXPX: aha, then I cannot help much I think, but I assume you need to look into some sshd config.00:09
bin_bashHello. I have a MBP 8,1 and I followed the instructions for making a bootable USB on OS X, but when I try to select the USB from the boot menu it doesn't show up.00:09
adaci would still have 40 gigs freem, but my inodes are full00:09
Knuxgenedbian: dont have any other :) i'll try to go with UNetbootin and we will see00:09
SniperXPXcyberhuman: wasn't sure if there was some inter-operability with iptables and ssh or something, pam perhaps, i don't know.00:09
Knuxgenedbian: thanks for your time00:09
edbianKnuxgen: good luck!00:09
edbianKnuxgen: I'm guessing you have a sata CD drive and Ubuntu is getting confused with your sata HDD and your sata CD drive00:10
multipasswhen is ubuntu 11.04 released? was it the 22nd00:10
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.00:10
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HeimdalWKInstalling Ubuntu10.10 I am stuck on the Usersetup screen I have filled out the fields but I still can not press forward00:11
pfifoadac, you can use tune2fs to do that, check the man page for specifics00:11
multipasshas anyone heard of usb devices making ubuntu unable to boot up?00:12
Seven_Six_Twomultipass, I have. I can't get past post if my usb external hd is plugged in00:12
pfifoHeimdalWK, make sure your username is in all lowercase00:12
multipassim almost to the point of reformatting, i cant get into ubuntu regular or safe mode00:13
HeimdalWKwow that was it00:13
adacpfifo, kk thank you!00:13
HeimdalWKThank you pfifo00:13
cak054_i need to learn about conky where do i go?00:13
leftistis there any way to access an iphone with 4.2.1?00:13
mickster04multipass: why don';t you just pull it out?00:13
OsmodivsWhy does Ubuntu Does NOT recognizes my PCI WIFI card? It has been acting weird, I only have one PCI slot, and I constantly switch my Soundcard and my WIFI, perhaps the PCI slot is damaged? Becasue it was working a day ago00:13
multipassive discnnected all usb devices and it still has problems00:13
multipassbut in safe mode it permemently scans for usb devices00:14
multipassif i plug one in it checks it out00:14
SniperXPXHow do I configure iptables or ssh so that only connections from localhost are allowed to be authenticated for certain users over ssh (ex: only user foobar may connect if source-address=localhost/ but root may login from ANY source-ipaddress)00:14
mickster04multipass: and then continues?00:14
Seven_Six_TwoI hate it when a perfect opportunity arises for a "that's what she said" joke, and I can't say it because it's not rated G00:14
multipassmickster04: no, it just stays there... i can keep unplugging and replugging and it will list the device00:14
luciferusна руском кто нибудь говорит?00:15
Seven_Six_Two!ru | luciferus00:15
ubottuluciferus: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:15
leftistis there any way to access an iphone with 4.2.1?00:15
_pg_leftist: ?00:15
leftisti cant access my iphone as a external device _pg_00:16
lenyemhow can I tell the PID of the shell I am currently running?00:16
multipassleftist: i used oracle virtual box and ran a xp box for my iphone00:16
_pg_leftist: try gtkpod00:16
OsmodivsLuciferus is not speaking Russian, he is speaking Kosovo00:16
leftistyeah multipass i know but i wanted to do it more native00:17
leftistok _pg_00:17
luciferus<Seven_Six_Two> People come here just for help?00:17
multipassyeah.. i tried that00:17
Seven_Six_Twoluciferus, yes00:17
Osmodivsluciferus, Nein00:17
Osmodivsluciferus, Niet00:17
luciferusi not need help00:17
OsmodivsI do need help00:18
leftistget the following error with just a normal insert DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)00:18
pfifolenyem, you can type 'tty' to get the name of you tty, and then 'ps aux' to cross reference the tty to a bash program with a PID00:18
Seven_Six_Twoluciferus, you could hang out in #ubuntu-offtopic00:18
chotazHow do I install easycam2 on Ubuntu 10.1000:18
luciferus<Seven_Six_Two> very uncomfortable and unusual client program, I'm sorry, I saw immediately00:19
_pg_on my ubuntu machine, i want to use sun java. i installed it, but still have something called "java". i have removed open jdk also00:20
mickster04_pg_: this is a problem because...?00:21
multipassim about to reformat.. should i go with 11.04 or 10.10?00:22
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leftisti think gtkpod works my iphone is empty of media but i will try it00:23
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_pg_mickster04: i want to know its using sun java not "java"00:23
_pg_im trying to play minecraft but its a real struggle00:23
chotazHow do I install easycam2 on Ubuntu 10.10=?00:24
Aginor_pg_, 'java' is the generic name for most java interpreters. doing 'which java' and 'java -version' should tell you more about the specific JVM you have installed00:25
Aginor_pg_, (in a terminal window)00:25
mickster04chotaz: is it in the repos?00:25
chotazmickster04 no00:25
mickster04chotaz: what file type is the installer available in?00:26
_pg_thanks :D00:26
chotazmickster04: I wanna get my NGS Spincam working00:26
chotazmickster04: *.deb00:26
mickster04chotaz: it should just work, have you tried cheese?00:26
mickster04!info cheese00:26
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 61 kB, installed size 260 kB00:26
chotazmickster04:  yep says no webcam was detected yet I run lsusb, and one device without name shows up00:26
chotazmickster04: that unnamed deviced disappears after unplugging the webcam from the computer00:28
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ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras00:28
mickster04chotaz: try that? otherwise i have no idea00:28
induzeok VBox is running now00:29
jessicaBRhello, I wonder if anyone has the same problem as I... Everytime I try to connect to a wireless network my ubuntu crashes... It completely freezes, no even Ctrl+Alt+F1 works... Any idea why? Wireless drivers problems?00:30
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antanthey guys. can I use aptitude or apt-get to find out what package contains a file I need?00:30
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arandantant: Use apt-file00:32
pfifoantant, i dont think it can search given the name of a binary, but its worth trying00:32
antantcheers arand00:32
zkriesseI'd roll with synaptic package manager myself00:32
zkriessequbit1: Hi00:33
octavio-rdzext4 or btrfs for a SSD disc?00:34
jessicaBRif someone knows how to help me, pls do it :) This problem is really freaking me out... :-(00:34
arandoctavio-rdz: ext4 is stable, btrfs not.00:34
jessicaBREverytime I try to connect to a wireless network my ubuntu crashes... It completely freezes, no even Ctrl+Alt+F1 works... Any idea why? Wireless drivers problems?00:34
vadi2When X server completely crashes, where to look for logs?00:35
zkriesse!wireless | jessicaBR00:35
ubottujessicaBR: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:35
jessicaBRzkriesse, what does that mean?00:36
jessicaBRubottu, thanks, going to read it00:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:36
jessicaBRi see00:36
pfifovadi2, /var/log has the Xorg logs00:36
vadi2Which ones are relevant?00:36
zkriesseLol sorry jessicaBR other than that link I cant think of much right off the top of my head :)00:36
pfifovadi2, the most recent00:36
jessicaBRzkriesse, np, that's great, going to read it00:37
vadi2Only has loading information as far as I acn see00:37
zkriessejessicaBR: :)00:37
edcruzEdson BR00:37
edcruztem alguem que tc portugues ai??00:38
sundjinnkariDoes anyone know if steam can run on linux?00:38
sundjinnkarior better yet, ubuntu00:38
pfifovadi2, yeah that its log, if it crashed there might be some info in dmesg or syslog, but usually you dont get much more than a backtrace00:38
Aginorsundjinnkari, using wine00:38
Aginor!wine | sundjinnkari00:38
ubottusundjinnkari: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:38
sundjinnkarihow well does it run in wine?00:39
pfifosundjinnkari, im pretty sure steam makes a linux version now00:39
pfifovalve rather00:39
aeon-ltdpfifo: they denied that a few months ago00:39
jessicaBRedcruz, eu :)00:40
pfifosundjinnkari, i got MW2 running in wine, steam works fine, the games are the problem00:40
Aginorsundjinnkari, it varies between applications, steam works pretty well though. it's what the appdb is for00:40
sundjinnkarithen again you get a game like Rise of Nations where there really isnt much documentation and a ton of problems.00:40
sundjinnkariWhich also burns me.00:40
sundjinnkaribecause I love that game.00:40
_pg_where should i put apps i install?00:43
ndxtganyone free? please help me fix this 7 line bash code: http://pastebin.com/Rs1sQtDK . I run "./runmount.sh u" to unmount but it gives error00:43
pfifo_pg_, /usr/local is mde for that /opt is available too00:44
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_pg_pfifo: any deeper in usr/local?00:45
Aginorndxtg, bash doesn't like spaces around the variables for assignments, also, variables don't use the '$' when they're being declared00:45
Aginorsundjinnkari, write the developer and ask them to release a native linux port of the game00:45
pfifo_pg_, no bins in /usr/local/bin libs in /usr/local/lib00:46
Aginorndxtg, http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/00:46
* _pg_ is a noob. where do i put apps, usr/local/xxx00:47
pfifo_pg_, apps = bin00:47
Ben64_pg_: how are you installing them00:47
pfifo_pg_, compile like this, ./configure --prefix=/usr/local && make && make install00:47
Ben64almost all of the time you would never put binaries in there manualy00:48
_pg_mostly just extracting zips, .jars, etc00:48
_pg_not compiling00:49
UbuntuN00b1is the ubuntu desktop edition that is installed with the netbook edition the same as the *original* desktop edition?00:50
antantanyone have any idea where I get '/usr/lib/libc.a'? I've tried apt-file and it came up with nothing00:50
ndxtgAginor: got it; it's fixed now, thank you00:50
pfifo_pg_, tthe binaries go in /usr/local/bin but if you have a package that wants everything in a single folder then you put it in /opt00:50
_pg_alright ill tr that00:50
multipasshi, my ubuntu 10.10 freezes shortly after running  /scripts/init-bottom -- any idea how i can fix this00:51
Aginor!find /usr/lib/libc.a00:53
ubottuFile /usr/lib/libc.a found in libc6-dev00:53
AftermathI want to stream to and from my Ubuntu laptop, what program will allow this? I use TVersity on my windows Machine.00:53
Aginor!find /usr/lib/libc.a | antant00:53
ubottuantant: please see above00:53
antantcheers aginor, but I got that installed00:53
Tunix2Okay so I want the sys group to have recursive read and write permissions on the directory /home/game i used: #chmod -R +rwx :adm /home/games00:53
Tunix2and it didnt work00:53
antantnot to me00:53
Tunix2i meant #chmod -R +rwx :sys /home/games00:53
pfifoAftermath, I havent found a solution myself, good luck00:54
chotazI conenct my webcan and when I do lsusb all i get is a device with no name on it, what can i do?00:54
Tunix2no such file or directory ':sys'00:54
Aftermathpfifo im looking at a guide on Maximum PC, ill link you if it works00:54
pfifoAftermath, dont bother with Red6 or FME neither worked out for me00:55
servidoralguem do brasil?00:55
Aginorantant, have you installed development-essentials?00:55
_pg_can i change perms on /opt? i cant put anything in there00:55
_pg_i mean i know i can, is it wise?00:55
Aginor_pg_, use sudo to work with it00:56
antantI'll try that, cheers00:56
pfifo_pg_, you should be installing system wide programs as root00:56
Aginorantant, what do you need the file for?00:56
_pg_is there like a sudo paste?00:56
antantbuilding OpenELEC00:56
doobienAftermath, i use minidlna and ps3mediaserver00:57
Baribal_pg_, a what?00:57
_pg_im just trying to move this stuff from downloads to /opt00:57
BaribalAnyways, hi. Where is the compiz effect configurator hiding, or what is its name these days?00:57
Aginorantant, install build-essentials, that should be a good start, then you might need to install a few more -dev packages00:57
_pg_because thats where programs are supposed to live im told00:57
mithridatesI was upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 that in the last stage I got hdd failure, I did "dpkg --configure -a" now when I boot it nothing happens, a black screen00:57
mithridateshow can I fix that ^00:57
Baribal_pg_, sudo cp or sudo mv?00:57
pfifo_pg_, best to use the cli, but you can try sudo nautilus00:57
antantgot build-essential00:57
fullerCan someone help me with the hcitool cc command00:58
antantit lists all the stuff that's missing, /usr/lib/libc.a was that last one on the list00:58
Aftermathdoobien, I found minidlna but see NO install directions00:58
chotazI get this in 'demsg' when I plugin my webcam: 'endpoint lacks sample rate attribute bit, cannot set.' what mgiht this be?00:58
ckwalshJust asked in #ubuntu+1 and didn't get a response. Is Unity the default for the normal desktop version of Ubuntu in 11.04?00:58
pfifockwalsh, yes00:59
mithridatesI was upgrading from 10.10 to 11.04 that in the last stage I got hdd failure, I did "dpkg --configure -a" now when I boot it nothing happens, a black screen00:59
Aginorckwalsh, as far as I know, yes00:59
mithridatesany idea ??? how can I fix it?00:59
Aginor!natty | mithridates00:59
ubottumithridates: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.00:59
Aginorantant, I'll be back in an hour or so, do have a look if that file really is missing01:00
_pg_bad magic number?01:00
chotazI get this in 'demsg' when I plugin my webcam: 'endpoint lacks sample rate attribute bit, cannot set.' what mgiht this be?01:00
_pg_exec format errer01:00
pfifo!wine | _pg_01:00
ubottu_pg_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:00
doobienAftermath, there is a easy to follow file that gives you examples in /etc/minidlna.conf01:00
sparrWMy firefox has somehow ended up using gnash instead of the adobe flash player. All three (firefox, gnash, flash) are installed from ubuntu packages. How can I fix this?01:01
_pg_its a nix app im moving01:01
antantCheers aginor. I found it in /usr/lib/linux-i386/ or somewhere like that so I just cp'd it in01:01
Aftermathdoobien, thanks01:01
pfifo_pg_, then it might be the wrong arch, or maybe 64bit and your on 32bit01:02
multipasscan anyone help? ubuntu 10.10 freezes after running /scripts/init-bottom, i cannot get into ubuntu01:03
pfifomultipass, did you put anything into init-bottom01:04
multipasspfifo: no, the last thing i was doing was using vbox i believe01:05
rhizmoecan i "eager load" my disk connections, like the sidebar bookmarks and desktop drive icons? They tend only to show up when I hunt down the drive manually.01:05
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pfifomultipass, so it hasnt always frozen?01:05
multipasspfifo: just started this morning when i turned the machne on01:05
jessicaBRguys, still having this problem, which makes my ubuntu crash 80% of the times I try to connect a wireless network... any idea of what might be the problem?01:06
pfifomultipass, boot without "quiet splash"01:06
steinerwhat could be the cause of my computer randomly freezing up?01:06
multipasspfifo: whats the command to do that?01:07
pfifomultipass, you just have to edit the kernel line manually when your in the grub menu01:07
Aftermathdoobien, may i please pm you for a moment?01:08
Aftermathpfifo, may i pm you for a moment?01:09
pfifoi guess01:10
chotazI get this in 'demsg' when I plugin my webcam: 'endpoint lacks sample rate attribute bit, cannot set.' what mgiht this be?01:10
liukunfengWhere are you come from ?01:11
=== aeon-ltd_ is now known as aeon-ltd
multipass_pfifo,  i removed the quiet splash, and it looks the same01:13
CptAnonIs this the only ubuntu chat?01:13
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:13
pfifoare you sure its froze? press ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to terminal01:14
pfifomultipass_, are you sure its froze? press ctrl+alt+F1 to switch to terminal01:14
multipass_keyboard access ceases, pfifo01:14
fr00gCan anyone tell me why emerald won't run?01:15
pfifomultipass_, boot into rescue mode with networking01:15
user__Hello all01:15
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user__Hi kaushal01:16
user__i have a question for the room..01:16
kaushalwhat are the different phases of development of new ubuntu releases01:16
CptAnonuser__, shoot01:17
kaushaland whats tested in alpha1 or alpha2 or alpha3 or beta1 or beta2 ?01:17
multipass_pfifo, how do i boot into rescue mode?01:17
user__I just installed ubuntu 10.10 on a laptop and I'm having issues connecting to my wireless network.01:17
pfifomultipass_, there should be an option for it in grub01:18
CptAnonuser__,  can you give any more detail?01:18
lolmaticwhere is xorg.conf located in ubuntu? i cant find it01:18
multipass_oh, i have been trying recovery mode, but it hangs after the init-bottom also01:18
kaushaluser__: please pastebin your lspci01:18
pfifomultipass_, both with and without networking?01:18
fr00gCan anybody help me with emerald? I type emerald --replace into a terminal, and the cursor starts to flash, but it's not wroking01:19
user__sure, i set up a connection and enter the WEP hex code, it sits for a while and then the connection window pops up again01:19
multipass_pfifo, im booting into (recovery mode), do i do something special to get networking?01:19
CptAnonThat happens to me when the code is wrong01:20
pfifomultipass_, it pops up a ncurses menu, you havent even got to that menu?01:20
user__I've checked the key several times01:20
user__checked show key...01:20
CptAnonand has it worked with other networks?01:20
rww!emerald | fr00g01:21
ubottufr00g: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.01:21
multipass_pfifo, im just in the grub menu atm, with ubuntu linux, ubuntu linux recovery mode01:21
pfifomultipass_, do reovery mode01:21
user__I have not tried other networks, but that is something  i will try01:21
multipass_pfifo, just hit enter? or edit the commands before booting?01:22
kaushallolmatic: sudo find / -iname xorg.conf01:22
pfifomultipass_, just enter01:22
multipass_pfifo, i have been, but it does the same thing and dies after init-bottom.. looks just like doing no silent splash01:22
pfifomultipass_, and you said you installed some virtualbox stuff?01:23
multipass_pfifo, yeah01:23
multipass_pfifo, i may have updated ubuntu a little yesteday too01:23
_SKiTZOhi! I have several hardware MIDI devices, and I am wondering how I can enumerate them to se that they are actually found by ALSA01:23
_SKiTZOany hints would be appreciated!01:24
pfifomultipass_, It sounds like you were given a bad kernel module, perhaps a version mismatch. You should reinstall to the latest version of ubuntu01:24
Fudgehi, how can i remvoe  a package without its dependency, trying to remove speakup but speechd-up wants to go as well but i want to keep speechd-up01:25
gaelfxafter I login, it takes a couple minutes for my panels to show up and none of my windows have borders, how can I fix it?01:25
multipass_pfifo, i was on 10.10 and was just upgrading some packages hmm01:25
pfifomultipass_, if you really wanted to you could try to locate the module, and delete it, but its going to be alot LOT quicker to just reinstall.01:26
multipass_pfifo, ah ok, thanks for help, trying one last thing at bottom of this page - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/43027201:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 430272 in upstart (Ubuntu) "karmic boot hung after /scripts/init-bottom" [Undecided,Fix released]01:27
user__hehe I cant try it or I'll disconnect from this room.. is there a known issue with wireless and 10.10?01:28
pfifomultipass_, seems to be for karmic, but its worth a shot01:28
gaelfxdo I need to reinstall ubuntu-desktop to get my borders back?01:29
gaelfxor is there a simpler way?01:29
pfifogaelfx, what borders?01:31
pfifoOHAI toad__01:32
gaelfxpfifo: the ones with the control buttons, close, mini, maxi01:32
toad__whats good01:32
pfifogaelfx, look in your themes settings see if theres anything it can do to restore them.01:32
gaelfxpfifo: I'll look at the customize options, thanks01:33
alex__My ubuntu 10.04 can't connect to a wireless network01:34
Extra-Titanianare your drivers installed correctly?01:34
user__alex___ I'm having the same issue with 10.1001:34
user__Extra-Titanian I'm a noob! how do i check?01:35
Extra-Titanianare the two ubuntu versions installed on the same computer?01:35
wingnut2626i need an older version of gfceu where can i get it?01:35
Extra-Titanianquick question, everytime I unplug my laptop, ubuntu shuts down01:37
airstrikeyour battery is kaput01:37
user__Extra-Titanian is your cooling fan running?01:38
UbuntuNoobExtra-Titanian: ubuntu or the whole laptop?01:38
pfifoExtra-Titanian, disable stuff in power options, it thinks your battery is broke and goes critical01:38
zee313Dr_willis:Plz tell me any solution to retrieve my flash free space01:38
Heylookitsbretanybody able to help me create a bridge in 10.10?01:38
yabukI cant transfer file from my ipod touch to ubuntu. my ipod opens like a usb disk, and I see files, I can copy, but the copy process never ends! hoe to fix it??01:38
Extra-Titaniancooling fan works, laptop is still pretty new01:39
zee313yabuk: this will be done through a software.01:39
apocaliptica61Icant use wirless conection on ubunto via vmware01:40
apocaliptica61someone could help?01:40
Extra-Titanianthe laptop goes into shutdown, like it does when i type shutdown, what's funny is, if it's not plugged in, everything works fine01:40
JWFoxJrapocaliptica61: use VirtualBox - it will allow you to bridge your wireless connection.01:40
apocaliptica61could tell me how?01:40
UbuntuNoobExtra-Titanian, I have a somewhat similar problem where it seems to hibernate or something, but it doesnt completely shutdown01:41
yabukzee313: what software?01:41
Extra-Titanianthat's weird01:41
Extra-Titaniangood thing it boots fast i guess01:41
zee313yabuk: lets allow me to check in my system01:41
pfifoExtra-Titanian, like i said, simply disable shutting down in the power options and it wont shutdown01:42
Extra-Titanianshutdown's been disabled since i did the install, still does it01:43
apocaliptica61thx i am  installing virtualbox01:43
pfifoExtra-Titanian, are you sure? there a "on battery" tab too01:43
steverinoQuestion: anyone know how to make Nautilus my default file manager in xubuntu?  Right now, it's Thunar.01:43
Extra-Titanianit was like, the second thing i did after i installed01:44
RealOptywhats that tool name that makes your current ubuntu 'install' to a remastered ubuntu CD?01:44
pfifoExtra-Titanian, then perhaps its your laptop01:44
Extra-Titanianwhich is weird because it all worked perfectly under 7.01:45
Extra-TitanianI'll have to recalibrate the battery tonight and see if that helps any01:45
pfifoExtra-Titanian, I always disable acpi all together on my laptops, blacklisting acpi would probbally fix it, you might not like not having acpi tho.01:46
NictraSaviossteverino: nautilus is part of the gnome desktop :) if you try to use it in xfce your gonna be in for a world of headaches01:46
zee313yabuk: you can use banshee media player.01:46
Extra-Titanianhaha, what'll be the downsides of disabling it?01:47
yabukzee313: thank you, i'm going try banshee01:47
steverinoNictraSavios: Oh . . .  I actually installed it via synaptic and launch it in the terminal.  Am I going to mess things up?01:48
Wolframnyabuk, banshee is really quite good. I like it better than Rhythmbox.01:48
pfifoExtra-Titanian, no debug info, if your battery runs out of charge it simply shuts off instantly.01:48
=== derp is now known as Zalgo
Extra-Titanianmeh, it only lasts like an hour anyway, I'll go give it a shot01:50
Extra-Titanianthanks for the help01:50
NictraSaviossteverino: I'm not saying you can't do it. Its going to be very inconsistant and spit out a billion errors tho. its also gonna rely on major parts of gnome themes and icon sets, so your gonna need them. Youll need to change a ton of stuff to get it working, the likes of which scare me. And ive made an arch Linux system with xfce... So you know your inffor some pain :P But, you can do it. It will not be easy... if you want me to help you,01:50
NictraSaviosill open a private convo for 3 reasons. One) this isnt the Xubuntu irc. 2) theres alot of work involved.01:50
NictraSaviossterverino: 3) i think the mods are alredy mad at me for going off-topic a few times lmao.01:51
zee313I hav 16GB Kingston Data Traveler. I made it a bootable by using unetbootin no my flash is showing its capacity only 2 GB. Plz solve my problem. How to format it?01:51
NictraSavioszee313: you made a big persistance file didnt you?01:53
pfifois there anyway to adjust the time that sudo allows between calls before asking for password again?01:53
NictraSaviospfifo: Yes, in the sudoers file. default is 15 minutes.01:53
apocaliptica61i just downloand ann isntall virtualbox the question is what i need to do run it ??01:54
pfifoNictraSavios, but do you know the line? My sudoers doesnt have it commented01:54
ouyeswhat version of ubuntu are you running? 10.04 8.04?01:54
NictraSaviosapocaliptica61: Read the virtual box website, they tell you everything. www.virtualbox.org (I think, might be .com)01:55
zaeryI've got a website on a server at my workplace, on port 8080, with a public, static IP. I could see the website using the local, in-building IP. Now that I'm back at my house, I can still ssh to that machine, but I get connection timeouts when i try to look for the website. Anyone Know what could be wrong?01:55
apocaliptica61ok thx01:55
zaery(All ports for that IP are forwarded to that machine, btw)01:55
NictraSaviospfifo:  hit the terminal, enter visudo (or if you want  EDITOR=gedit visudo)01:55
NictraSaviospfifo: i dont know the exact line, gimme  sec.01:55
zee313NictraSavios: Now I want to format it but here in ubuntu after format it shows my flash capacity only 2 GB. I want only how to recover my flash's original capacity????01:56
pfifozaery, you sure apache is bound to the right address?01:56
NictraSaviospfifo: its not in there by default. add this line to the end: Defaults timestamp_timeout=0 , where 0 is the number of minutes.01:57
zaerypfifo: yup01:57
NictraSavioszee313: Oh , i had this problem with  my 4gb baby blue. I know how to fix it, i have a problem on how to explain it to you... do you have a windows partition or full ubuntu?01:57
pfifoNictraSavios, thanks01:57
NictraSaviospfifo: No problem :)01:57
zaeryzee313: go to system->administration->disk utility. select your flash drive on the left. what do the partitions look like?01:58
yabukzee313: do you can save videos from you ipod touch with banshee?01:58
_pg_i have a script that enables 2 finger scroll. when i launch it in terminal it works. i cannot get it to run as a startup item tho. i have added it to the list and i have marked it execuatable via the checkbox in nautilus and chmod a+x01:58
NictraSavioszaery: ive had this problem before, i used a special hp formating tool in windows to do it, disk utility and the stock windows formater couldnt do it.01:58
pfifozaery, can you telnet to it on 808001:59
ouyeswhich version of ubuntu was running most ? 10.04 8.04?01:59
NictraSavios<_pg_> add this line to the start of the script: sleep 30 (or 60)01:59
zaerypfifo: nope01:59
zee313NictraSavios: zaery: i hav my PC dual boot . I have windows XP as well as ubuntu 10.1001:59
NictraSavios<_pg_> that will make it wait before executing.01:59
_pg_NictraSavios: is that seconds?02:00
inaxiomy rythmbox doesnt display song lengths for mp3s (dont know about other formats), what is the problem?02:00
pfifozaery, sounds like you have a firewall blocking it somewhere02:00
NictraSavioszaery:  okay, gimme a second ill upload a tool to media fire, it will solve it kay?02:00
NictraSavios<_pg_> Yep :)02:00
_pg_NictraSavios: do i need /bin/bash or anything in there?02:00
_pg_its just 4 lines that all start with synclient02:00
NictraSavios<_pg_> #!/bin/bash should always be your first line in a bash script02:01
_pg_what is to comment out in bash02:01
zaeryNictraSavios: a tool for zee313's flash drive issue, or a tool for my port blocked issue?02:01
gaelfxok, I'm having a really weird problem here. first, my panels take about 3+ minutes to appear after login, then my window borders are completely gone, and then when I open terminal, it takes about a minute to show up and it has some crazy garbage and then 'File name too long' before I even enter anything. what's going on with my install? (it's a fresh one)02:01
apocaliptica61so if i ahve undesrtand well we cant use wirless conextion on ubunto via vmware but only via virtualbox?02:02
NictraSavioszaery: for zee.02:02
NictraSavioszee313: http://www.mediafire.com/?exg1a1btybjlbub02:03
NictraSavioszee313: Windows program :)02:03
NictraSaviosgaelfx: So.... how much time do you got. Thats gonna take a while to fix. I have no idea what you did... but i have a few ideas. Your better off on a re-install.02:04
NictraSaviosapocaliptica61: Vmware on linux kinda sucks i must say, your better off using virtual box02:04
NictraSavios<_pg_> coment out in bash is #.02:05
NictraSavios<_pg_> coment out in bash is #  , no "." , just the #02:05
gaelfxNictraSavios: this is the reinstall, it was supposed to fix this problem02:05
mrproperCan anyone comment on what the best/easiest way to setup Ubuntu server as a VPN concentrator is?02:06
NictraSaviosgaelfx: you formated your partitions before (or durrin) reinstall?02:06
NictraSaviosmrproper: I dont know much about VPN, ill get a friend to help you tho. Ill call him over now. (hes only 10 steps away)02:06
gaelfxNictraSavios: only /, not /home02:07
jmwpcNictraSavios: Agree... I gave up on VMWare and switched to VBox. I have a windows server running as a guest with no problems.02:07
RealOptyhow can i make current ubuntu 'install' to a remastered ubuntu CD?02:07
mrproperNictraSavios: Thanks.02:07
NictraSaviosmrproper: He sent me a book mark > http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=13202902:07
NictraSaviosgaelfx: Hmm. Id try both. For that matter, if your gonna bother with partitons... I would set up one extended partition with a 200mb /boot , a 10-20gb / and a * /home02:08
mrproperNictraSavios: Wow that seems pretty simple actually02:08
pfifoRealOpty, yes02:08
gaelfxNictraSavios: what should I throw in the /boot? livecd?02:09
RealOptypfifo, how?02:09
pfifoRealOpty, theres a package for it02:09
NictraSaviosmrproper: I didnt even open it :P me and 7 roomates share a cluster... 7 computers hooked up to one big RAID Harddrive. , hes the network guy :P02:09
mrproperNictraSavios: Oh nice.  I was going to set up OpenSWAN or something but this looks easier02:10
NictraSaviosgealfx: when your installing ubuntu go to "manual" partitong, mount /boot in the 200mb one, / in the 10-20gb one and /home in the Whatever one.02:10
milkdee72hey. i was using ubuntu 10.10 tonight, and my laptop experienced massive slowdown. i restarted it, and i get to the screen where you normally log in, but my profile is not showing, so i can not log on. does anyone know whats happened? i would be forever in your debt. :D02:11
NictraSaviosgealfx: since  your gonna bother with a reinstall, i would read up on "MBR partitions" it helps to have seperate /boot /home and / ones. All in a big extented no less02:11
gaelfxNictraSavios: yeah, I know how to do it, but I just don't understand how to use a /boot partition02:11
kandinskiupgrading lucid to natty: good idea, bad, neutral?02:12
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.02:12
gaelfxNictraSavios: ah, ok. is there anything else useful I can put in there like a recovery iso or something?02:12
NictraSaviosgaelfx:  Ubuntu mounts grub and its images there. It means, even if you screw your system, it wont be unbootable.02:12
danielnatty is awesome02:12
pfifoRealOpty, I cant seem to find the right quesstion to ask google to get to more information02:12
danielbut how do i install gimp from the terminal02:12
RealOptypfifo, is it Reconstructor?02:13
mahfrkhi, i downloaded the Red Eclipse FPS game from here(source file for linux) http://sourceforge.net/projects/redeclipse/files/redeclipse_1.0/ . how to install it?02:13
kandinskidaniel: I meant upgrading lucid *directly* to natty from lucid without going through Maverick. I have bad bandwidth and a download cap.02:13
aeon-ltddaniel: sudo apt-get install gimp02:13
mickster04daniel: sudo apt-get install gimp<tab here)02:13
NictraSaviosgaelfx: Yes you can, now that you mention it, i myself keep a "puppy linux" in my /boot for recovery. Its a little more complex, because you have to install puppy, then reinstall ubuntu.... but it dose work.02:13
gaelfxNictraSavios: I normally separate / and /home, but I've never used /boot before, so I just wonder if there are any other neat little tricks I might do with it, so maybe I should make it larger?02:13
milkdee72anyone? :(02:14
gaelfxNictraSavios: do you just put an iso in there or what?02:14
danielkandinski, well mabey hop from oen to the other but unity is awesome and totoally worth it02:14
NictraSaviosgaelfx: But thats geting into a complexity. For your average user, like yourself. Its mainly used for multiboot setups. Say if you have Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Windows, and you wanna switch out ubuntu for open suse, but ubuntu is where grub is... well you can just format your /home and / and install suse there, and your bootloader remains untouched as long as you dont overwrite it.02:15
gaelfxNictraSavios: ok, fair enough, I'll just keep it simple I guess02:15
pfifoRealOpty, no there is an ubuntu official script for it that is really broken in 9.04 that i tried once and didnt work and after wards learned how to just create a custom livecd which is a better idea to begin with.02:16
NictraSaviosmilkdee72: sorry i didnt see, what was your porblem.02:16
NictraSaviosmilkdee72: problem*02:16
mrproperNictraSavios: Would you ask him if pptp uses split tunneling or no?02:17
RealOptypfifo, i just read up on that too. but nvm i know the solution im gonna take to my issue now. ty02:17
NictraSaviosmilkdee72: nvm, ohh that. Hmm... i got an idea for you. Press Cntl+Alt+f1 and logg in, youll be at a pure command line tho.02:17
milkdee72NictraSavios: I was adjusting audio seetings for Skype, and I encountered massive slowdown. I did a hard reboot, and now when I reach the log in screen, my profile doesn't show up, making it impossible to log in. any suggestions?02:17
milkdee72thanks, ill try iy02:17
NictraSaviosmilkdee72: press cntl+alt+f7 to get back to a GUI.02:18
mrproperNictraSavios: Actually looks like the documents address that02:18
NictraSaviosmrproper: Oh really, never thought to check, wanted to make sure he didnt brick gdm first.02:18
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?02:19
NictraSaviosmilkdee72: mrproper: ill let you take over from here then mrproper :P02:19
NictraSaviosbrightsparks System>Preferances>Keyboard02:19
gaelfxis there any advantage to logical partitions beyond getting more than 4 partitions on a single drive?02:19
pfifogaelfx, no its actuall going to tak up a bit more space too02:20
NictraSaviosgaelfx: I currently have a Windows 7, A fat32 shared for all my personal files and a ntfs for disk imges. Inside an extended i have ....02:20
NictraSaviosgealfx: 1 swap, 3 20gb / partitions and one 100gb /home.02:21
brightsparkNictraSavios, not for my session but the little menu below the password field at login.02:21
NictraSaviosgealfx: allows me to have 3 Linix distros and one windows... so theres an advantage.... :)02:21
milkdee72i managed to log in with the terminal, but when i switch back to the gui, my profile isnt showing up. thank you for getting me this far, im moderatly new to linux02:22
NictraSaviosbrightspark: That will fix that aswell :)02:22
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pfifoNictraSavios, I use 3 20's and a large home, all primary and have a nice swapfile on home02:22
gaelfxNictraSavios: I suppose, but this machine is pretty dedicated to my TV, so that's not so important for me :P02:22
NictraSaviosbrightspark: It might be in administration, im in Kubuntu right now... so i cant check.02:22
gaelfxpfifo: is it a noticeable difference? or just megs?02:22
pfifogaelfx, i think it is 8MB per partition02:23
NictraSaviospfifo: 8mb for what?02:23
milkdee72apparently.whats happening is pulse audio looping, making my login hang. anyone have the commant line for uninstalling pulseaudio for me? once again, I am a supernoob.02:23
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brightsparkNictraSavios, it adds them but doesn't remove them.02:23
NictraSaviosmilkdee72: try sudo apt-get purge pulse02:23
milkdee72*command, i suck at typing as well02:24
NictraSaviosmilkdee72: try sudo apt-get purge pulse-audio, and the like.02:24
pfifoNictraSavios, for a logical partition02:24
NictraSaviosbrightspark: reboot. they should be gone.02:24
edbianmilkdee72: I believe it's sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio   no hyphen02:24
NictraSaviosbrightspark: or if your really geeky , you can stop the gdm service. If you dont know how, you dont need to know :P.02:25
NictraSaviosedbian: Thanks :) ive never used pulse so i had no idea.02:25
edbianNictraSavios: sure02:26
milkdee72thanks again for all the help, everyone. i keep getting an error "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo apt-get --configure -a' to correct the problem"02:26
brightsparkNictraSavios, they aren't gone after a week's worth of reboots.02:27
edbianmilkdee72: run that command02:27
[[Mike]]How can I get information on my computer's graphics card?02:27
milkdee72cool beans. ill tell you how it goes02:27
NictraSaviospfifo: Oh an thats my internel harddrive. On the raid aray is my work OS. A Archlinux with Gnome GUI and Enough Pen-test tools to crack the CIA :P02:27
NictraSaviosbrightspark: Hmm... that worked for me when i addecently had the croatia keyboard ..... Well honestly  have no idea, maybe someone else dose, or google :P02:28
edbian[[Mike]]: sudo lspci02:28
NictraSavios[[Mike]]: sdo lspci | less02:29
milkdee72it ran seemingly well, i got the output "Unment dependancies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specidy a solution).02:30
NictraSavios[[Mike]]: sudo * That should make it easyer to veiw it, or try sudo lspci > sometextfilename.txt02:30
mahfrkhi, i downloaded the Red Eclipse FPS game from here(source file for linux) http://sourceforge.net/projects/redeclipse/files/redeclipse_1.0/ . how to install it?02:30
NictraSaviosmahfrk, go to the folder, right click and "open terminal here"02:30
NictraSaviosmahfrk, tell me when you got that far02:31
NictraSaviosmahfrk, if its in a tar.gz or somthing, youll have to extract it first.02:31
mahfrkNictraSavios: I navigated to the folder by using terminal. but what to do next?02:31
NictraSavios./configure && make && sudo make install02:31
NictraSaviosYour termainals gonna spit out messages at you like an angrey preschooler.02:32
almoxarifeNictraSavios: checkinstall is a better solution, a deb pckg is easier to remove02:33
mahfrkNictraSavios: after extracting and navigating inside the directory, when i run the command you told, i got 'bash: ./configure: No such file or directory'02:33
NictraSaviosalmoxarife: never heard of it :P Always been taught to use those commands, i even got em set on an alias.02:33
NictraSaviosalmoxarife: i always just moved the source folder to /usr/src when i was done, then if i wanted to remove it, went to it and ran "sudo make uninstalll"02:34
almoxarifeNictraSavios: ubuntu package 'checkinstall'02:34
gaelfxI hate to start this way, but I know I should google...is there any way to fix plymouth with the nvidia drivers? or will I always get a crappy 8-bit greeting when I boot up?02:34
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?02:35
NictraSaviosgaelfx: if this was arch linux i could telll you in 5 seconds.... but ubuntu dosent use rc.confg or mkiinit so not a clue.02:35
milkdee72I can log in. Thanks sooooooo much guys.02:35
pfifomahfrk, just type `make`02:35
NictraSaviosOkay i need to take a breather, typing is getting horrible.02:35
gaelfxg/l, thanks for the reading NictraSavios02:36
NictraSaviosmahfrk: Yep, try just "make && sudo make install"02:36
NictraSaviosDont worry im not going.... just need to get my head in order lmao.02:36
mahfrkpfifo: output: 'make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.'02:36
pfifomahfrk, go into the src folder and try again02:37
NictraSaviosmahfrk:  Hmm.... One secodn, ill download it and look for myself02:37
pfifoNictraSavios, take you a half hour or more02:37
mahfrkpfifo: okay. now it maked! but an error 'shared/cube.h:47:18: fatal error: zlib.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [shared/cube.h.gch] Error 1'02:38
NictraSaviospfifo: nah... it says 7 minutes :P02:38
NictraSaviospfifo: nah... it says 7 minutes :P02:38
NictraSaviospfifo: We have to have a hardcore internet :P 1GBps. Were a group of white hats.02:39
pfifomahfrk, you need to install its required dependacies, that one is `sudo apt-get install libz-dev`02:39
milkdee72im out of here everyone, but i really appreciate the help. thanks again.02:39
NictraSaviosmilkdee72: no prblem :)02:39
Cas07hi, ive just updated maverick to natty and i seem to have a package problem with libasound2 it wont upgrade without removing a large section of my applications02:40
almoxarifemahfrk: save yourself the grief , look here http://www.webupd8.org/2011/01/install-red-eclipse-successor-of-blood.html02:40
NictraSavioshow do i use that thingy again...02:40
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.02:40
mahfrkpfifo: now another error '/bin/sh: sdl-config: not found shared/cube.h:50:17: fatal error: SDL.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [shared/cube.h.gch] Error 1'02:40
almoxarifemahfrk: a packaged version02:40
NictraSaviosThere we go :)02:40
NictraSaviosCas07: !natty02:40
ubottuIt's way too early for it to be out; check back on the 28th.02:41
pfifomahfrk, libsdl1.2-dev02:41
NictraSaviosIts called beta2...02:41
mahfrkalmoxarife: ooh. i don't want to downlaod it again in my slow net connection. anyway thanks for poiting me!02:41
NictraSaviosnatty! Cas0702:41
NictraSavios!natty Cas0702:41
NictraSaviosDamg it.... i suck.02:41
Cas07NictraSavios: k02:42
NictraSaviosCas07: anyway.... go to that channel02:42
NictraSaviosCas07: #ubuntu+102:42
rww!natty | NictraSavios02:42
ubottuNictraSavios: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.02:42
rwwlike that :)02:42
NictraSaviosrww: Thank you.02:42
NictraSavios.... sorry.... too temping.02:43
multipasshi, is there a gnu linux imaging application?02:43
NictraSaviosIs there a channel where i can play with that thing? Yea im a freak XD.02:43
NictraSaviosmultipass: CloneZilla02:43
pfifoNictraSavios, pm it02:43
multipassNictraSavios, thanks ill check er out02:44
NomadicusHello . . . I am trying to install proprietary ATI drivers, but it looks like the installer is not configured to cooperate with the realtime kernel: [ kernel 2.6.33-29-realtime (x86_64)  ].  Here is a paste of the build make log: [ http://pastie.org/1805535 ].  What can I do to configure the driver to install with this kernel?  These are the steps I have been folowing: [ http://drpaneas.com/?p=66 ].02:44
leddsup everyone02:44
dd214What is the recommended anti-virus software for Maverick?02:44
leddwhere  are the program folders locted02:44
NictraSaviosdd214: None02:44
Jordan_U!virus | dd21402:45
ubottudd214: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus02:45
dd214NictraSavios why?02:45
NictraSaviosdd214: You dont need one bro! This is linux , ubuntu your talkin about. Antivirus is windows only .... as Jordan made ubbottu say.02:45
dd214I find that hard to believe, passive thinking?02:45
multipasshmm, does clonezilla.org work for you NictraSavios ?02:45
pfifoNomadicus, any reason you compiling over using the one in the repos?02:45
Nomadicusledd: /bin/bash02:45
dd214but Linux servers get hacked just as often as windows..02:46
Nomadicuspfifo: the repo will not install.02:46
van7huhello, when I do assign static ip for eth0 (via /etc/interfaces, I use IPv4), but when I restart network, do ifconfig -a, I just get inet6 addr and  not inet addr, is this normal?02:46
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?02:46
Jordan_Udd214: No viruses does not mean no vulnerabilities.02:46
dd214I'm new to LNX, but there is even AV for MAC02:46
NictraSaviosdd214:  We use sudo, so viruses cant do more then clear our your home folder, and even thats hard. Want proof? Go to wikipedia and look up "Windows viruses" and "Linux viruses" Note windows has to be catagorized.... linux all fit in one paragraph.02:46
pfifoNomadicus, maybe you should try to fix that problem instead.02:46
dd214Jordan_U ic..02:47
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NictraSaviosdd214: And on top of all that, There 1973487658735638753 diffrent linux, trying to make a virus for em is like trying to make a shirt that all blondes will wear... impossible.02:47
Nomadicuspfifo; I tried . . . continuing with is like going backwards for me now.02:47
NictraSaviosdd214: take it from a white hat.... Linux is too much a pain to make viruses for. And the people who do... well my hat goes off to em.02:48
pfifoNomadicus, you need the kernel-headers and build-essentials to build that package02:48
skjeggenanyone here who can help me get dual monitors running in seperate xscreens mode on natty narwhale? only twinview is useful atm02:48
mickster04!virus | dd21402:48
ubottudd214: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus02:48
mickster04!natty | skjeggen02:48
ubottuskjeggen: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.02:48
NictraSaviosskjeggen: I can :) I run a tri screen currentl.02:48
NictraSaviosOh forgot.... yea better go to Ubuntu+102:48
dd214Now that I got the AV settled, what about a good backup?  I'm not running RAID, but running a VMWare workstation for my primary Win dev env.. so, I'm covered there, but need something to restore my LNX env if it goes tits up/02:48
skjeggeni will tnx :)02:48
mickster04!ohmy | dd21402:49
ubottudd214: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.02:49
mahfrkpfifo: the same error exisys02:49
NictraSaviosdd214: I like deja dup personally.02:49
NictraSaviosdd214: Or when you get really advanced... Look into installing linux mints "mint backup" .... its a pretty decent.. but the Ubuntu support will disown you for using it.02:50
dd214NictraSavios thx02:50
pfifomahfrk, you installed libsdl1.2-dev? if so type make clean, and then make, and patebin as much of the end of the output as you can02:50
Nomadicusdd214; once you start to understand how Linux works you will realize that there are many fundamental differences that minimize if not eliminate major concerns.02:50
multipassbest of02:51
l_rwhat's a good desktop recorder with ZOOM and stop/start02:51
NictraSaviosWell i gotta be off... Classes tommorow... Also gonna try a gentoo install... hmm. anyway, cyahs.02:51
van7huis there a channel for networking discussion on freenode?02:51
rwwNictraSavios: if "Ubuntu support will disown you for" doing something, perhaps you shouldn't be suggesting it in an Ubuntu support channel ;P02:52
Nomadicuspfifo; ok, once I install them, I build the driver package again then try to install correct?02:52
rwwvan7hu: ##networking02:52
mahfrkpfifo: yes. i installed and done make clean. but now the output http://pastebin.com/35uHWDWR02:52
van7huthanks rww02:52
pfifoNomadicus, you might need a few other packages, installing is alot more complicated02:52
NictraSaviosrww: Oh dont worry, i dont really care who hates me :) I'm alredy banned from #linuxmint because i stole there tools, put em in ubuntu :P... LMAO.02:52
NictraSaviosAnyway, bye.02:53
Nomadicusl_r: record it now works.02:53
r1zaесть русские?02:53
r1zaможете в ЛС помочь02:53
l_rNomadicus, is there anything for the gnome desktop?02:53
l_rNomadicus, does recorditnow does zoom by itself or needs compiz?02:54
brightspark!ru | r1za02:54
ubottur1za: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:54
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?02:55
ubottuvan7hu, please see my private message02:55
dd214Nomadicus roger that, I've been running LNX for years as a firewall, "Smoothwall" or "IPCop", but never as a primary workstation.  Since virtualization, I've been able to make that change.. esp since trying out LNX (Mandrake, RedHat.. desktops when I tried them in since 1995).. but this Maverick is the sweetest thing I've ever seen02:55
r1zano im ban for russian canale02:55
Nomadicuspfifo: well . . . I have already been at it a couple of days . . . I might as well keep on trying.  Perhaps someone on #linux could provide some guidance.02:55
DrArkaneXI let my momma run Ubuntu, it's that good02:55
pfifomahfrk, thet isnt the same error :) that one is libsdl-image1.2-dev and i bet you the next one is libsdl-ttf2.0-dev and libsdl-gfx1.2-dev after that so might as well oneliner it ;)02:55
rwwr1za: #ubuntu is English-language only. Being banned from #ubuntu-ru doesn't exempt you from that :(02:56
pfifoNomadicus, compiling it is easy, its configuring X to use it that is harder.02:56
onelineroh ok, go on :)02:56
softcoderhello, install 11.04 64 bit in virtualbox (host is 10.10 64 bit)02:56
mahfrkpfifo: okay.hehe. please wait for me. i will install those and come back02:56
Fudgehi, is runlevel N 2 init 2? I tried changing telinit 5 so gdm3 starts but runlevel keeps saying N 202:56
softcoderbut after install, at startup it hangs02:56
pfifooneliner, ohh wow, sorry02:56
onelinerheh, nevermind, its in the namesake so its ok ;)02:57
softcoderjust sits there after it says checking battery state [OK]02:57
softcoder(i press esc at load screen to see console)02:57
softcoderany ideas what i can do?02:57
Nomadicusl_r: Take a look at this: [  http://recorditnow.sourceforge.net/index.html ].  I have been using it.02:57
pfifoid hate to be named sudo or apt02:57
Blue1pfifo: or yum02:58
l_rNomadicus, do you have compiz installed?02:58
pfifoBlue1, id never get highlighted, not in any fedora chans02:58
stOrmBlast    /MSG NiCK INFO stOrmBlast02:59
chubb16just switched over to xubuntu-desktop, cleaned out the ubuntu packages and reinstalling what i use now...02:59
NomadicusDrArkaneX: I put my mammy on Ubuntu also.  She loves it.  It is great to get the folks involved!02:59
softcodermy primary reason to get 11.04 is that I'm an author for the open source RTS megaglest02:59
softcoderand I just want to esnure it works ok on there02:59
rwwsoftcoder: /join #ubuntu+1 for natty discussion and support03:00
Nomadicuspfifo: no doubt . . .  X is a MUGG!03:00
itiliousare there any remot desktop options that are much more friendly for a "non-heavy" 3d computer?03:00
itiliousmy laptop can't keep up with the vnc connection and it used to not be this way with previous versions of ubuntu 10.1003:00
townesI hooked my usb up to my comp; I've used it for quite a while but yesterday it decided to be read only...anyway, I typed in some commands to make read and write...it would for about 5 seconds allow me to do something then go back to read only...any ideas?03:00
Aftermathdo i need anything installed to do smb:// in terminal/03:01
pfifoitilious, ssh is perfect for that03:01
quentusrexAnyone know how to disable the 'pretty' boot logo?03:01
Nomadicus l_r: Yeah, RecordItNow is able to capture all the compiz effects.03:01
quentusrexI want to watch as each service is started.03:01
Ben64Aftermath: i don't think smb://* would ever do anything in terminal03:01
quentusrexand when a disk check is done, I actually want to see the statistics.03:01
pfifoquentusrex, remove 'splash' from the kernel line03:01
townespardon me, I meant to type *psp. I'm not sure if it's psp specific or what (any other time a usb device was read only I could change it and it didn't switch back within 5 secs)03:01
quentusrexthanks pfifo03:01
Khisanthitilious: are you connecting to or from the laptop?03:01
mahfrkpfifo: now http://pastebin.com/C0JxvtG003:01
Nomadicussoftcoder: What was your inquisition?03:02
AftermathIm doing it in a run dialogue sorry ben6403:02
l_rNomadicus, i meant to ask: does the zoom feature require compiz to work with recorditnow?03:02
Aftermathis what i am trying03:02
itiliousKhisanth, yes03:02
pfifomahfrk, libsdl-mixer1.2-dev03:02
itiliousthe laptop has onboard video and can't keep up with remote desktop use03:03
Ben64Aftermath: thats from 200703:03
Ben64Aftermath: you could just go to Places -> Network03:03
Aftermathi know but i assumed it still worked03:03
Nomadicus l_r: I don't know, it does work though.03:03
AftermathIm on xfce, not gnome03:03
Aftermathi guess ill switch back to gnome03:04
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?03:05
itiliousi just install x11 and it seems to run smoother tho03:05
Khisanthusually you already have x11 if you are using vnc ...03:05
itiliousKhisanth, does x11 come with 10.10?03:06
itiliousthats where i got the guide from to do this03:06
Jordan_Uitilious: Don't use "x11" as a shorthand for "x11vnc". They are very different things.03:07
RealOpshould my swap partition be a logical or extended partition ??????03:07
yeqiangwhat's this?03:07
itiliousmy mistake03:07
townesmy usb device insists on being read only no matter how many times I try changing it. for a few seconds it will revert or at least appear to revert back to read and write, but then it becomes read only again. I tested it out on a windows machine; it works like it has always worked... anyone else exp this prob before?03:07
quentusrexpfifo, where is that kernel line? it isn't in /boot/grub/menu.lst any more.03:07
rwwquentusrex: /etc/default/grub03:08
rwwquentusrex: run sudo update-grub when you're done editing it03:08
Jordan_URealOp: It can be either logical or primary.03:08
yeqianghow many03:08
pfifoquentusrex, in grub2 its /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:08
itiliousis it possible to have x11vnc server run a script upon user connection?03:08
metroid1can usb-creator use dvd iso's or only cd's?03:08
RealOpJordan_U, I understand that but03:08
rwwpfifo: changes to /boot/grub/grub.cfg are overwritten on kernel upgrade or other invocations of update-grub03:08
RealOpJordan_U, the default setup is via 'extended' part.03:08
RealOpJordan_U, honestly whats the diff when using a extended partitions?03:09
rwwRealOp: an extended partition is a container for one or more logical partitions.03:09
rwwyeqiang: #ubuntu is the technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux.03:09
RealOprww,  ah ok ty03:09
pfiforww, yeah i know, but I always just change it there, never had any problems as it gets formatted on reinstall anyway.03:09
quentusrexrww, I don't see splash in that file. I'm trying to get back to the verbose boot up.03:10
rwwyeqiang: specifically, it's the English-language technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux.03:10
Jordan_U!cn | yeqiang03:10
ubottuyeqiang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk03:10
rwwquentusrex: It's on the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line for me.03:10
ghostrabbitcan any one help me  whis hardy03:11
mahfrkpfifo: now http://pastebin.com/vzdex0GK anything wrong? waht to do next?03:11
ghostrabbiti have 2 qwests03:11
Jordan_Upfifo: When helping others please don't recommend editing the grub.cfg directly as most users want their changes to be persistant and are using update-grub to keep their grub.cfg up to date (the default in Ubuntu) rather than writing it manually.03:13
pfifomahfrk, type one final make and then `echo $?` if it spits out "0" then your ready to play. you can just run it from that folder unless you want to install it.03:13
pfifoJordan_U, ok03:13
ghostrabbitnabbend erst mal03:14
mahfrkpfifo: echo $ outputs '$'03:15
hiexpohello all i embeded a terminal on my desktop using compiz so where would the bash history be stroed for it ?03:15
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?03:15
itiliousis it possible to have a vnc viewer have less display resources sent over connection?03:15
pfifomahfrk, `echo $?` you have to do it directly after make, it will tell you what error code make exited with, 0 is no error03:15
townesk... was trying to run the commands again to see if it actually goes back to read and write. I'm assuming this is an error. "chmod: changing permissions of `/media/psp': Read-only file systemchmod: changing permissions of `/media/psp': Read-only file system"03:16
townesoops, didn't mean to paste that twice03:16
Khisanthitilious: it could be made to require less bandwidth03:16
mahfrkpfifo: yes. it is returning zero. now how to run the application? is it installed now?03:16
Khisanthitilious: it depends on what you are willing to give up :)03:16
townesanyway, apart from formatting it (that seems to be a really popular answer on forums) what could be done to set this device back to read and write?03:16
pfifomahfrk, its not installed, but if you only have it for personal use you dont have to install it, you can just run it from there03:17
Nomadicuspfifo: for some reason I don't seem to be able to find kernel-headers for  kernel 2.6.33-29-realtime (x86_64) or build-essentials, perhaps I should just take a break and come back to this in a while.03:18
townesI'm pulling my hair looking at the ubuntu forums. I can't find a single thread describing this issue that actually has a fix03:18
pfifoNomadicus, sounds like you need a apt-get update, maybe its called linux-headers03:19
NomadicusWe can lose our minds together . . . right now . . . right here!03:19
townesgetting there mate03:19
rwwNomadicus: it's called build-essential03:19
mahfrkpfifo: thanks a lot man for all the help. now one doubt. how do you know all the dependencies to install?03:20
pfifomahfrk, im a programmer03:20
mahfrkpfifo: okay. how can i identify it from the make output?03:20
townesno one ?03:21
pfifomahfrk, the output will say your missing whatever.h and you find out what package whatever.h comes in03:21
utunbui installed windows 7 for an app that i cant get WINE to start, when i did i thought they would have a bootloader that can load a previous install of 10.1003:21
utunbuhow do i get back to my ubuntu?03:21
NomadicusIt appears as though build-essential is already the newest version.03:22
hydrox24what's the easiest way to monitor each cores temperature on a dual-core intel machine with conky?03:22
mahfrkpfifo: how to find that specific package name for each .h file?03:22
plightCan somoene tell me where the config files for the new IR stack in maverick are located?  Only the enter and back buttons are working on my remote.03:22
mahfrkpfifo: is there any manual available for learning these things?03:22
aeon-ltdutunbu: reinstall grub03:22
aeon-ltd!fixgrub | utunbu03:22
ubottuutunbu: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:22
apocaliptica61hello i have install ubunto via virtual box03:23
pfifomahfrk, normally they make a ./configure script that takes care of that kind of stuff, the developers of this game are just lazy03:23
apocaliptica61and i cant use my wirless card03:23
apocaliptica61some can help?03:23
hydrox24what's the easiest way to monitor each cores temperature on a dual-core intel machine with conky?03:23
pfifomahfrk, i usually resort to googleing whatever.h but after 5 years, they are all memorized03:23
Nomadicuspfifo: where can  kernel-headers be found?03:24
pfifoNomadicus, apt-cache search headers03:24
apocaliptica61somene know why i can use my wireless cars in ubunto via virtuelbox??03:24
rahul_can autocad run on ubuntu wine s/w???03:24
pfifoapocaliptica61, you could do it via vmware as well bbut you would have to do alot of configuring of your network by hand03:25
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?03:25
Jordan_Umahfrk: You almost never need to install something from source: http://www.playdeb.net/software/Red%20Eclipse03:26
apocaliptica61i was on vmware and someone told me that i need to do it under virtuelbox03:26
JoeRitchieit doesnt matter03:26
JoeRitchiewindows 7 is better anyways03:26
pfifoapocaliptica61, its alot easier todo it like that since its all donw for you automatically03:26
hydrox24brightspark: probably you can just delete them from System>preferences>keyboard and then under "layouts"03:26
plightIs there an IRW equivilent in Maverick's integrated IR module?03:27
apocaliptica61you mean via virtualbox?03:27
pfifoapocaliptica61, thats right03:27
JoeRitchiehello guys03:27
apocaliptica61i am on virtual box but both card are wired03:27
apocaliptica61even my wirless03:27
JoeRitchiei have a question03:27
Jordan_UJoeRitchie: Just ask it :)03:28
apocaliptica61it apear like word03:28
brightsparkhydrox24,  not for my session but the little menu below the password field at login.03:28
JoeRitchiewhy did the line adressed to me just appear in orange03:28
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pfifoapocaliptica61, thats right, vbox is VIRTUAL hardware03:28
Jordan_Uapocaliptica61: Virtual machines use virtual hardware. The cards that you see within a guest running virtualbox are not real physical hardware.03:29
cxoJoeRitchie, Intense. Isn't it.03:29
apocaliptica61so what i need to do to see it like wireless card03:29
apocaliptica61i need to use it for aircrakc-ng03:29
JoeRitchiejust trolling03:29
pfifoapocaliptica61, it cant do that03:29
JoeRitchieknow any good channel for this?03:30
* cxo trawls for trolls03:30
apocaliptica61so i need to install ubunto on hard drive no?03:30
apocaliptica61no via virtual machin03:30
Jordan_U!guidelines | JoeRitchie03:30
ubottuJoeRitchie: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:30
pfifoapocaliptica61, if all you want todo is run airocrack, you can get the airocrack livecd03:30
JoeRitchiek am out03:30
apocaliptica61really i dont understand what you want to say03:31
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pfifoapocaliptica61, if your intention is to install ubuntu and use it for airocrack, then you need to install ubuntu. if you dont want to install ubuntu, you can just run airocrack on a CD03:32
townesback. I'm still not having any luck making my usb device go back to read/write. any help?03:32
Shubuntuhello guys, can anyone help me fix a gateway problem with ubuntu 10.10 please? i've installed pptp using this guide and i cannot seem to be able to add the gateway for the private ip: >http://eran.sandler.co.il/2010/08/30/pptp-vpn-on-ubuntu-10-04-for-your-iphone-ipad/03:33
StefQuestion: (ubuntu 10.04 LTS)03:33
StefI've set up OpenSSH and putty which connects fine03:33
rahul_can i gjve shortcut key for specific file (e.g open office file)???03:34
Stefbut I can't su anymore as i used to when using user/login03:34
townesthe device worked fine a few days ago; it still works fine under windows. however, in ubuntu it refuses to revert back to read/write03:34
toneshiftersup all03:34
Stefcan I change that setting for OpenSSH key authenticication?03:34
pfifoapocaliptica61, check here, this will explain it http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=slitaz03:35
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?03:35
Jordan_UStef: How are you trying to use su? Remember that for running commands as root you should use 'sudo' as Ubuntu has no root password. Using 'su foo' for switching to some other user 'foo' should work fine though.03:35
townesI've been through the forums and have been trying every alleged solution I come across, but still nothing. <- frustrated03:35
cxoeven sudo -i03:36
Stefwith my actual config I can login as user ABC and then su to root03:36
Jordan_Utownes: What filesystem? What error do you get when you try to mount it?03:36
Stefwhen I use OpenSSH with keys, I can't su...simply ignored03:36
toneshifterdoesn anyone have an idea how to fix grub that doesn't see NTFS partition (fdisk does) grub-update just finds ext and last fat32 (that i told him to mount during instalation)03:37
Jordan_UStef: It's normal for su to root to only work from a physical tty. As having a root password set is not supported here though. Why can't you use sudo?03:37
toneshifterfdisk -l finds them all03:38
Jordan_U!details | toneshifter03:38
ubottutoneshifter: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:38
cxowell there is probably not boot record on the ntfs partition, thats why03:38
Jordan_Utoneshifter: Specifically, you need to be more spcific about what you mean by "doesn't see".03:39
townesJordan_U, I believe my device uses fat or fat32, off the top of my head I don't know. I don't get any errors at all when mounting it03:39
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)03:39
Shubuntu>hello guys, can anyone help me fix a gateway problem with ubuntu 10.10 please? i've installed pptp using this guide and i cannot seem to be able to add the gateway for the private ip: > http://eran.sandler.co.il/2010/08/30/pptp-vpn-on-ubuntu-10-04-for-your-iphone-ipad/03:39
toneshifterubottu: Problem: grub do not show /dev/sda1 on the list, running on lubuntu 10.10, tried right after installation and than after updates and grub-update, on the output i get only the message that he found linux, recovery mode & memtest03:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:40
toneshifterJordan_U don't see means i see the partition at fdisk -l03:40
Jordan_Utownes: Can you check what filesystem it is and try mounting it manually from the terminal and pastebin the output?03:40
townesyeah, I'll get back to you in a min. need to step outside, but I'll be right back03:40
toneshifteri just assumed that during installation of lubuntu it will automatically set correct grub.conf03:41
Jordan_Utoneshifter: What OS is in /dev/sda1? What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?03:41
toneshifteri mean it mounts it without problems but it doesnot show it at grub menu03:41
toneshifterJordan_U /dev/sda1 = windows03:42
pfifoShubuntu, whaat is the exact problem?03:42
utunbuwhen i boot into grub, there are 9 or 10 instances of Ubuntu03:42
utunbuhow do i fix that?03:42
Shubuntupfifo: when i create that private static ip and add the gateway as my eth0's gateway, everything goes wrong, i lose internet and i keep locking errors.03:43
zee313I hav a problem. with my 16GB Kingston Data Traveler. I used it as a bootable using uNetbootin . Now after format my flash  is showing 2 GB Capacity instead of 16 GB???????????????????03:43
toneshifterutunbu = just edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg manually03:43
edbianShubuntu: can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file?  (is that what you're editing?)03:44
toneshifterJordan_U cant check os-prober i worked on this laptop remotely03:44
pfifoShubuntu, can you pastebin these errors?03:44
edbianzee313: You probably just created a 2Gb partition.  You can only store stuff in a partition.  Open gparted and look at it03:44
taglasszee313:  reparition the usb key with Disk Utility03:44
toneshifterjust trying to set a plan for tommorow what to do at all03:44
Shubuntuedbian: yes, i'm editing /etc/network/interfaces and it's as simple as i described, in ubuntu 10.04 it was working just fine03:45
Shubuntuso i'm guessing it's a 10.10 issue03:45
edbianutunbu: there is a package for each kernel in synaptic.  Remove the ones you don't want.  Do NOT remove them all03:45
edbianShubuntu: what errors are you getting?03:46
toneshifterany ideas ?03:46
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Jordan_Utoneshifter: If Windows isn't listed at boot, it means it wasn't detected by os-prober. If it wasn't detected by os-prober then that almost always means that you don't actually have a bootable Windows install. os-prober searches for files that are needed for Windows to boot, if they are missing then Windows can't boot no matter what you do with grub.03:46
Shubuntupfifo: lockfile creation failed: exceeded maximum number of lock attempts03:46
=== Breninho is now known as Teacher
Shubuntuedbian: as i explained i will lose all internet connection when i set the privateip's gateway to be eth0's gateway03:47
Jordan_Utoneshifter: The other possibility is that your Windows partition couldn't be mounted properly for some reason (so os-prober couldn't check for the aforementioned files).03:47
edbianShubuntu: I'm not sure what is causing the problem03:47
pfifoShubuntu, make sure the lock file is writeable? Can you give me more of the output upto that point that really isnt what im looking for03:47
LinuxHack3rGuest10049: Welcome to Ubuntu!03:47
townesJordan_U: okay. it's fat32. when I manually mount it, it doesn't give any ouput03:47
toneshifterJordan_U i had an bootable windows install, during installation i did nothing to partition that windows was at, just set partitions for lubuntu at the other partition03:47
Shubuntupfifo:  no other output03:47
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Shubuntuand guys this is a problem of 10.1003:48
Shubuntunot 10.0403:48
=== Guest10049 is now known as thecynic
pfifoShubuntu, what command did you run to generate that output?03:48
Shubuntui haven't even changed one setting03:48
Jordan_Utoneshifter: Did you delete any partitions recently?03:48
Shubuntujust upgraded to 10.1003:48
Shubuntupfifo: just trying to edit anything03:48
Shubuntunano whatever03:49
pfifoShubuntu, only in nano?03:49
toneshifteri did delete second partition (not the one that windows was on) and created a new ones by using that space03:49
LinuxHack3rthecynic: here I am03:49
thecynicLinuxHack3r: oh ok03:49
toneshifterbut once again i didnt even touch the partition that windows was on03:49
Shubunturoot@ark:~# nano /etc/pptpd.conf  gave me: root@ark:~# lockfile creation failed: exceeded maximum number of lock attempts03:49
zaeryAccording to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3154546 I did ssh -X [my server] and then "firefox -no-remote" and it just complains that I didn't specify a display03:49
=== rawoctane is now known as buttholesurfer
edbianShubuntu: You already have that file open with another process03:50
toneshifterits still listed at fdisk -l (and it even have boot) flag03:50
Jordan_Utoneshifter: Was that second partition a small ( 1 GiB or less ) partition labeled "system"?03:50
zaeryHow do i get firefox to run on my display, but run on my server?03:50
Shubuntuedbian: that only and only and only happens when i do the gateway thing03:50
Jordan_Utoneshifter: Having the boot flag doesn't mean it's bootable.03:50
=== buttholesurfer is now known as diluted
edbianzaery: The machine you are on is the client.  The machine firefox is on is the server.  Does the client have a GUI installed?03:50
LinuxHack3rthecynic: In terminal, you can always use tab to complete things. Once you get the mindset, you can copy, delete, move, install things, etc etc faster in terminal (especially when using tab to autocomplete) faster than you can navigate various GUI's.03:50
Shubuntuand i lose all internet connection03:50
Shubuntui cannot ping anything03:50
zaeryedbian: yup03:50
thecynicLinuxHack3r: whatever yous ay03:51
edbianzaery: did you ssh with a capitol X  ?03:51
toneshifterJordan_U nope that was a full 30 GB partition, the one with 1GB or less (recovery) still exist to,03:51
edbianzaery: ssh -X you@computer  ?03:51
zaeryedbian: IIRC, yes, but lemme check03:51
Nomadicuspfifo: It is still not installing, even after making sure that the  kernel-headers and build-essentials are installed.  I am going to try contacting the maintainers of the realtime kernel.  I am using Lucid now because the same problem plus other driver issues happened with Mavrick using03:51
Nomadicus. . . Nvidia drivers.03:51
LinuxHack3rthecynic: Generally everyone here is pretty friendly, if you have any questions they'll be happy to answer03:51
zaeryedbian, yup, "ssh -X zaery@zaery.net"03:51
pfifoShubuntu, ok lets back up, you can run a command or script to create this error condition, that is the script I want to see.03:51
thecynicLinuxHack3r: aight03:52
edbianzaery: can you run xclock?  (it's a graphical clock app)03:52
Shubuntupfifo: let's forget about the lock ok?03:52
Shubuntuyou're missing the point03:52
Shubuntuthis is a networking problem03:52
Shubuntuit's a routing problem03:52
Shubuntuit's the stupid 10.1003:52
zaeryedbian: "Error: Can't open display: "03:52
Shubuntui swear i haven't changed a thing in the settings03:52
townesas a side note, running gksudo nautilus doesn't allow me to write to the usb device either, nor do changing the permissions seem to help any03:53
Jordan_Utoneshifter: So first I would try mounting the partition to see if you get any errors. If mount complains that it was not cleanly unmounted then you need to either run chkdsk from a windows install CD or add an entry to boot Windows manually to the end of /etc/grub.d/40_custom and run chkdsk from your windows system (then boot Ubuntu again and "sudo update-grub" should add a Windows entry automatically and you can remove your manual one).03:53
edbianzaery: look on the server in /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:53
edbianzaery: There is a property 'X11Forwarding'  is it set to yes or no?03:53
pfifoShubuntu, i think you should maybe take a break, come back later. You seem to be a bit upset by this.03:53
zaeryedbian: I just realised, my server is 10.04 and my client is 10.10, would that be a problem?03:53
edbianzaery: You can check the file using nano and ssh03:53
edbianzaery: That shouldn't matter03:53
natalie_This room doesn't involve Natty yet, does it?03:53
edbiannatalie_: not until the 28th03:54
toneshiftertried it already, it mounts perfectly, ok will try it :) thanks for support03:54
pentester123GRE: bad checksum from pppd?????03:54
edbianzaery: I x forward every day.  I've very confident we can get this working03:54
natalie_Would anyone know where to go for issues regarding Natty? IRC specifically.03:54
edbiannatalie_: #ubuntu+103:54
Shubuntupfifo: i've been dealing with this for the past 36 hours03:54
natalie_Awesome, thanks!03:54
edbiannatalie_: no problem03:55
zaeryedbian: X11Forwarding is on03:55
townesShubuntu, you should get some sleep mate03:55
Shubuntuyes i'm upset cause there isn't an oz of help on google, 10,10 has been out for ages yet they don't have one decent explanation of how they changed this03:55
Jordan_Utoneshifter: If there is no problem mounting the partition, and "sudo os-prober" still doesn't list windows, then run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 to help figure out what files are missing and ask in ##windows about how to restore them.03:55
KXTwoHey I have a scripting question outputting error if anyone is willing to help03:55
edbianzaery: If I ssh into my own machine without the -X flag I get 'Error: Can't open display:'  That is the error you're getting right?03:56
toneshifterroger that :]03:56
toneshifterone more time thank you for support03:57
edbianzaery: Can you copy/paste the command you're running on the client?  (you can omit / mask hostname if you want)03:57
toneshifterwill report tommorow03:57
zee313edbian: and taglass: i am thankful to you both. I have solved my problem using gparted03:57
edbianzee313: awesome03:57
Portocenthello i'm new on ubuntu, some body talk spanish03:57
zaeryedbian: xclock says can't open display, but firefox says no display specified, I'm using "ssh -X zaery@zaery.net"03:57
StefI have a user ABC which can SSH into ubuntu 10.04 lts with username/login and then change the session to root by using su.03:58
Stef 03:58
StefNow I established an OpenSSH connection with key authenticication and I can't use su anymore to switch over to root session. Is that a config of OpenSSH? I don't want the user ABC to have sudo rights.03:58
=== IHATEMACS is now known as KM0201
FloodBot2Stef: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:58
KXTwoif I put: let ag='ls -d [a-g]* | wc -l' into my script, it works great, but when there are no files begging within the field a-g I get the error message, which id rather not have displayed, I thought 2>> /bin/null would make it go away but its not working03:58
seaofteaany here dual boot ubuntu and another linux flavor with grub2? I'm dual booting ubuntu 10.10 and fedora 15 but I have to into ubuntu and run grub-mkconfig to get it to recognize new fedora kernels03:59
seaofteaalso the fedora splash screen doesn't show up nor does it properly label fedora kernels03:59
edbianzaery: hang on03:59
townesJordan_U, the heart of it is that the device, for whatever reason, won't allow me to change to read and write.04:00
taglassseaoftea: I do.  I install each distro's grub to the distros partition to avoid that problem.  It does however make you go through 2 grub menus to boot.04:00
MaRk-Iseaoftea: ubuntu uses grub2 and fedora grub afaik... maybe is better if you chainload fedoras grub instead of adding the stanzas directly into grub204:00
quuxmanstill hacking at this problem. I would just reinstall but I can't figure out how to get ubuntu on to a USB drive (don't have a CD drive)04:01
raidozaery: You do have a window manager on the client machine too right? You have to have that because the client is still the X "server"04:01
quuxmanlaptop won't boot entirely. It fails with: mounted-dev: main process (324) exited with status 104:01
seaofteathat's what the fedora ppl's say04:01
quuxmanor something like that04:01
KXTwoquuxman, just download the live cd and use the usb installer04:01
zaeryraido: yup, i'm in xchat on the client right now :)04:01
edbianzaery: try running shh -v -X user@host  (so it gives errors and it will say stuff about x forwarding)04:01
StarminnHow do you listen to radio stations? For instance, in Banshee, how do I obtain the stream URL to play it in Banshee?04:02
KXTwoif I put: let ag='ls -d [a-g]* | wc -l' into my script, it works great, but when there are no files begging within the field a-g I get the error message, which id rather not have displayed, I thought 2>> /bin/null would make it go away but its not working04:02
Jordan_Utownes: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/; sudo touch /mnt/test; dmesg"? (obviously replacing 'XY' and unmounting the partition first)04:02
pfifotownes, just as a thought there isnt like a write protection switch on the device?04:02
townespfifo, that was what i was hoping for...alas..not the case04:03
townesJordan_U, one moment04:03
quuxmanKXTwo: on the other hand, if I knew what package was broken, I could simply reinstall/reconfigure it. I can chroot in to the system04:03
Sadin56im having problems with installing Ubuntu 10.10 im at the screen where it asks who are you, entering my name username and desired password and what not, after entering all the information it asked me the forward button stays unclickable can anyone help me resolve this and finish the installation?04:04
seaofteaI'm gonna make them work together IDK why ubuntu and fedora can't be friends04:04
rwwSadin56: make the username lower-case04:04
KXTwoquuxman,  I dont think I could help you there except to booting to an old install, I know ubuntu keeps the previous 3 or so at least on my laptop.04:04
quuxmanKXTwo: none of them work04:04
Jordan_USadin56: Your username needs to be all lowercase.04:05
edbianSadin56: use all lowercase username04:05
edbianMaybe we should tell him some more!  haah04:05
KXTwoquuxman, id boot from usb then and see if you can fix, or really just do a fresh install to be honest04:05
Sadin56:D thanks lol i completely forgot LOL04:05
KXTwoseriously no help with my script! I always have the most problems getting help in here lol04:06
zaeryedbian: "/usr/bin/xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/zaery/.Xauthority" could that be the problem04:06
mickster04KXTwo: isn't there a bash channel about?04:07
edbianzaery: possibly.  Where did that come from?  The client or the remote machine?04:07
raidozaery: did you leave a running x session on the server machine under your username?04:07
edbianzaery: Did you!04:07
KXTwomickster04,  thank you I didnt know about that!04:08
KXTwoit seems kind of dead in there though04:08
zaeryedbian, raido, actually, i might've04:08
zaerywell, that'd explain it.....04:08
MaRk-Iseaoftea: you can make it work if you add the correct uuids for the kernels the problem is when you update fedora your grub2 won't change and have to do basically 2 grub updates04:08
edbianzaery: yes it would... hahaha04:08
raidozaery: not necessarily, cause I can do that and it works for me, but if you can, try rebooting the server machine so you wont have a x session running and try again04:09
jtannenbaumI have been getting stuff like this on my laptop: http://i.imgur.com/hyjY9.png04:09
zaerynow, If i did leave a x session running, I would have a virtual machine running on that, would "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" stop x, and not the virtual machine?04:10
edbianjtannenbaum: bug04:10
edbianjtannenbaum: nice background04:10
jtannenbaumhonestly something sees really screwed up with the graphic manager04:10
jtannenbaumif you help me fix my graphics in general I'll link you04:10
hiexpoi got a read only file trapeed in here and can't get rid of it  /root/.local/share/Trash/files/flash/boot/extlinux/extlinux.sys04:10
Jordan_UKXTwo: Try asking in #bash, but before asking anything there check the guide and FAQ in the #bash channel topic. Also be sure to state up front that you're working on homework (as you have here).04:10
raidozaery: is the VM running in a virtual term on your user account?04:11
townesJordan_U, http://pastebin.com/GetmiDxk (not a rocket scientist  but that doesn't look good)04:11
Jordan_Uhiexpo: What is the output of "lsattr /root/.local/share/Trash/files/flash/boot/extlinux/extlinux.sys"?04:11
edbianjtannenbaum: You'll link me?  I don't need links.  I'm up to my ears in links over here.04:11
zaeryraido: it's running in virtualbox04:12
raidozaery: did you start the vm from your X session04:12
zaeryraido, on the server, yes04:12
hiexpoJordan_U, ----i------------e- /root/.local/share/Trash/files/flash/boot/extlinux/extlinux.sys04:12
edbianJordan_U: again with that crazy thing!04:13
rwwJordan_U saves the day.04:13
jribedbian: heh...04:13
jtannenbaumI'll direct connect to you and send it to you if you want04:13
jtannenbaumI'll hand-deliver it on any electronic meidum04:13
raidozaery: then you will lose it. FYI, I run virtual box VM's from the command line as another user to avoid these issues04:13
ubottutasksel: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/04:13
jtannenbaumif you can fix this and the surrounding issues xD04:13
edbianjtannenbaum: You'll send what to me?04:13
van7hu!man tasksel04:13
jtannenbaumthe background!04:13
pfifotownes, unmount run dosfsck on the filesystems04:13
rwwhiexpo: chattr -i /root/.local/share/Trash/files/flash/boot/extlinux/extlinux.sys04:14
edbianjtannenbaum: hahaha.  I have a screenshot of it already!  Turn compiz off and the bugs will go away :)04:14
edbianjtannenbaum: Or use an older version of Ubuntu04:14
zaeryraido: yeah, i was going to get that set up, but then i found out the hard way that some of my ports are blocked, so I can't ssh into my virtual machine right now04:14
rwwhiexpo: erm, with sudo in front of it04:14
=== mathias is now known as Guest8403
natalie_My windows stutter when I move them with compiz enabled. Can anyone assist with this problem?04:15
hiexporww, still there04:15
raidozaery: if its not working on anything, its ok to kill it04:15
rwwhiexpo: tried deleting it again?04:15
hiexpolet me see04:15
KXTwoJordan_U, Ive gotten it taken care of and thank you.  Yes it is homework but it is above and beyond what was required AND my teacher has no issues with getting help in any way shape or form so I typically dont mention that it is hw or people think im trying to get them to do work for me04:16
hiexporww, thanks04:16
rwwKXTwo: You are trying to get them to do work for you :|04:16
townespfifo, okay... I'll be back once that's done04:16
townespfifo, would I just dosfsck /dev/sdXY ?04:17
pfifotownes, yes, makes certian its not mounted04:17
townesalright. appreciate it. be back when I'm back mate04:18
natalie_anyone available to help with a compiz/nvidia issue?04:19
=== LyNX is now known as Guest55277
edbiannatalie_: Ubuntu uses new software.  Because of that some things are buggy.  The only way to get ride of these bugs is to update to the newest version of Ubuntu when it comes out (and trade for new bugs) or use an older version (or different distro that uses older software) to have less bugs period.04:21
hiexporww, so what was the i flag with chattr04:21
stimoceiverso... im playing with ubuntu desktop linux after messing with fedora on and off for a while, nice distro, i have an nvidia video card and i notice that the various available video players all seem to use different methods to put full motion video on the screen04:21
edbiannatalie_: Actually fixing the bug you're seeing probably takes experienced system programming skill04:21
stimoceiveralso, i understand the difference betwen vdpau and vaapi...04:21
stimoceiverand what i notice is04:21
rwwhiexpo: the immutable extended attribute. "immutable" means "not changing"04:21
towneseek. pfifo, I'm getting 'fat32, lfn open: no such file or dir'04:22
hiexporww, oh ok04:22
natalie_edbian: That's understandable. It's not a make or break thing, just a small bug. It probably only affects my machine in the end. I'll try a new video card in there later and see if it helps. Thanks for your answers. :)04:22
fizyplanktonif i have 10.04 and i go to update manager and update to 10.10 and i decide i dont like it, can i downgrade back to 10.04 easily?04:22
stimoceiverthe only setting that really works in full screen mode that displays full motion video with any fidelity, is mplayer using "xv (1 - NV05 Video Blitter)"04:23
edbiannatalie_: Having said that.  You can try different compiz settings (try to figure out which plugin is causing the bug) and different nvidia drivers04:23
Ben64fizyplankton: i doubt it04:23
stimoceiver /s/mplayer/smplayer04:23
oscargotIs there any way to change the resolution of the command line terminals when you press ctrl+alt+F1?04:23
fizyplanktonif necessary, i have enuf harddrive space unpartitioned to make a backup of my partition04:23
pfifotownes, perhaps try using your windoows disk checking tool, im not really sure how but you seem to know your way around it.04:23
Ben64fizyplankton: well if you back up everything then yeah04:23
mickster04oscargot: not without changing buffer settings and rebooting04:23
mickster04try !tty04:24
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.04:24
stimoceiverand im trying to understand, what mode is 'xv 1 - NV05 Video Blitter" - does xv mean vaapi ?04:24
oscargotmickster04, thanks >: D04:24
Explodinpigletshow come xkill doesn't work?04:25
ExplodinpigletsIt has been 5 minutes since I xkilled my fireo04:25
Explodinpigletsit still hasn't closed04:25
stimoceiveri've also disabled frame dropping... videos look soooooooo much smoother in this mode whether fullscreen or windowed. every last other mode, fullscreen is flickery, choppy, or worse, and ultimately displeasing to the eye for watching a full length movie04:25
edbianstimoceiver: How do you disable frame dropping?04:26
DaPenguinExplodinpiglets: try ps aux | grep <appname>, then kill the pid04:26
pfifostimoceiver, sounds like mplayer04:26
ExplodinpigletsI have a revolutionary idea that you guys OBVIOUSLY haven't thought of before.04:26
townespfifo, okay. I appreciate your help. take care04:26
stimoceiveredbian: preferences - Performance04:26
pfifotownes, sure04:27
edbianstimoceiver: in mplayer?04:27
fizyplanktonsince i dont want to reboot my machine to back up my partition, if i create a new partition and copy / over to it, will that make a backup good enough to revert from 10.10 bakc to 10.04?04:27
ExplodinpigletsHow about you guys make sre your "advice" actually works before you give it?04:27
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:27
mickster04!volunteer | Explodinpiglets04:27
stimoceiverpfifo: it is mplayer, but what i dont get is, it also lists xv (0 - NV17 Video Texture)04:27
mickster04Explodinpiglets: eitherway choill out04:27
stimoceiveredbian: i installed the SMPlayer front end04:27
edbianstimoceiver: thanks04:27
mickster04Explodinpiglets: non of us are paid for this04:28
ExplodinpigletsExcuse me? mickster0404:28
stimoceiverpfifo: and the thing is that xv (0 - NV17 Video Texture) is so much crappier than xv (1 - NV05 Video Blitter)04:28
stimoceiverpfifo: that it has me wondering if it is possible to set this globally somehow for other video players04:28
mickster04Explodinpiglets: ps aux | grep firefox in terminal, then kill the pid04:28
pfifostimoceiver, basically just the lib used to display the picture, personally -vo sdl works great for me04:28
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:28
stimoceiverpfifo: yah sdl was decent too but still somewhat flickery on my nvidia card, xv (0 - NV17 Video Texture) was also flickery04:29
rwwExplodinpiglets: My scrollback has a noticible lack of people advising you to use xkill, so I'm not sure which advice you're talking about.04:29
stimoceiverpfifo: but xv (1 - NV05 Video Blitter) is frigging FLAWLESS04:29
Explodinpigletsit was several days ago rww04:30
pfifostimoceiver, there isnt a standard way to play vidoes in linux so at this point you cant set anything like that globally.04:30
stimoceiverpfifo: sure, but doesnt xv use vaapi?04:30
stimoceiverpfifo: like, i wouldnt mind being able to duplicate this kind of performance in VLC player...04:31
Sadin56i just finished my install for ubuntu 10.10 it told me to restart and i turned it back on and nothing happend im going to attempt to install again...04:31
pfifostimoceiver, im not sure. i think vaapi has its own option04:31
rwwExplodinpiglets: not seeing it. perhaps you use multiple nicknames. Regardless, as mickster04 said, the people in #ubuntu are volunteers, and not treating them snarkily tends to be useful.04:31
claygucon 10.01 the wireless symbol is gone, how do i bring it back?> i can't get online in ubuntu *(im in xp now)04:31
stimoceiverpfifo: i didnt see a vaapi option, what i see is a vdpau option, but vdpau is redundant for me since i loaded the VDPAU backend package for vaapi04:31
pfifostimoceiver, have you checkd vlc command line switches, i think you can set it xv04:32
rwwExplodinpiglets: and as DaPenguin said, kill it. If that doesn't work, kill -9 it. Your desktop environment may have a graphical tool for doing so; I wouldn't know.04:32
stimoceiverpfifo: yah i looked at it but im not seeing a way to enumerate these different xv options that SMplayer is showing04:32
claygucon 10.01 the wireless symbol is gone, how do i bring it back?> i can't get online in ubuntu *(im in xp now)04:32
pfifostimoceiver, then its probbally in a config file (possibly a non-existant one)04:33
pfifostimoceiver, vlc copied most of mplayer so it should be around somewhere...04:33
stimoceiverpfifo: well, im trying to look further into this, the smplayer gui lists 3 different xv modes: xv, xv (0 - NV17 Video Texture), and xv (1 - NV05 Video Blitter), in addition to vdpau04:34
quuxmanI think my problem is this used to be a debian system04:34
stimoceiverpfifo: and the performance difference for fullscreen between the 4 of them is nontrivial. =)04:34
mickster04quuxman: you have a problem, how long ago did you mention it?04:35
quuxmanAnd when I installed mysql, it depended on upstart, which conflicted with sysvinit, which broke it04:35
quuxmanubuntu doesn't use the sysvinit package04:35
rwwmickster04: about half an hour ago >.>04:35
mickster04!mysql | quuxman04:35
ubottuquuxman: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)04:35
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rwwquuxman: How did you get from Debian to Ubuntu? A reinstall or something else04:35
quuxmanmickster04: ?04:35
pfifostimoceiver, thats expected, they are all using different methods04:36
quuxmanrww: by modifying my sources.list04:36
stimoceiverpfifo: actually i might have found the setting for vlc... there is a "xvideo" entry under the "output modules" option tree under video04:36
rwwquuxman: That's not a supported action by either us or Debian, and is liable to hose your system. Reinstall.04:36
mickster04quuxman: why didn't you just install mysql the way suggested in ubottu's link?04:36
stimoceiverpfifo: which gives xvideo adapter number04:36
=== Guest55175 is now known as Corleone
quuxmanmickster04: that's not here and now04:37
quuxmanrww: it's not such an uncommon thing to do. It generally works, though it's a little tedious04:37
rwwquuxman: It is uncommon, it doesn't generally work, and your system is no longer supportable in this channel.04:38
quuxmanmy question is, what packages should I reinstall to get the boot process to work?04:38
stimoceiverpfifo: yah i just tried it. setting the "xvideo" adapter number to 1 sure speeds things up. (the default is -1, which i assume means something like, let vlc player choose.04:38
stimoceiverpfifo: but this is a fairly obscure setting. i am just curious about the difference between xvideo adapter 0 (= texture interface according to the smplayer gui) and xvideo adapter 1 (= blit interface.) from what i know about blit operations versus texture operations, it does make sense that blitting would be faster04:39
stimoceiverpfifo: what doesnt make sense is that the xv interface would default to using texture operations.04:40
pfifostimoceiver, I bieleve that what you are telling it todo is use a video overlay, which would have a substantial advantage over direct rendering, but I cant say 100% id have to lookup those libs docs04:41
stimoceiverpfifo: yeah, i guess what i am looking for is a way to set the xv lib to use this blit/overlay method by default insted of the texture method04:42
pfifostimoceiver, that makes perfect sense that it would default to direct rendering as most computers ship without a high end video card04:43
stimoceiverpfifo: anyway, i appreciate your following this with me... are there any apps or .conf files for tuning/adjusting xv defaults?04:43
stimoceiverpfifo: well maybe but i mean these days, most cards can probqably do overlay mode... when you say "most computers ship" i doubt any computer that is shipping today lacks this mode, even for shared memory video cards04:43
stimoceiver /s/card/subsystems04:44
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pfifostimoceiver, i have no idea if xv has config files, usually libraries do not.04:45
stimoceiverpfifo: it looks like it would be set in the xorg.conf04:45
Sadin56i tried to restart my computer after installing ubuntu 10.10 and all i see is a huge list of end_request: I/O errors, dev sdb  messages is that normal oh and it hasnt shutdown yet...04:46
pfifostimoceiver, yes however direct rending will always work, and overlay will generate uses giving feed back about mplayer being broken04:46
mcurranCan anyone tell me howto edit the sudoers file so that my user is equal to root, and doesn't need to enter password all the time.04:46
rwwSadin56: It's a bug, but nothing to worry about. Remove the CD-ROM and manually restart your computer with the case button.04:47
Sadin56alright thanks ill try04:48
stimoceiverpfifo: maybe in mplayer, but now that ive noticed this i need to find a way to change the default, cuz pretty much all video players bundled with ubuntu look unbearably crappy and flickery using xv device #0, wheras changing to device #1 makes it unbelievably smooth in comparison04:48
MaRk-I!root | mcurran04:48
ubottumcurran: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:48
Sadin56well rww should i do the same even if i used USB04:48
rwwSadin56: yes04:48
stimoceiverpfifo: the point is this is not a setting a typical new user is going to figure out, SMPlayer isnt even installed by default04:48
Sadin56k thanks04:48
mcurranwhatever, I'm sick of sudo and I don't care how unsecure it is.04:48
rwwmcurran: See "Remove Password Prompt For sudo" on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:49
stimoceiverpfifo: and only in the "video" output method selection dropdown of SMPlayer is it even enumerated with a name.... that or telling people to type "xvinfo" at the command line04:49
rwwmcurran: and note that any consequences of following those instructions, and the instructions themselves, are not supported by this channel.04:49
Sadin56rww ubuntu isnt starting up its at a blinking curser after i turn on my computer and still sitting there04:49
stimoceiverpfifo: so i guess i have a question now about how to set the default adaptor number in the xorg.conf or the x-video extension section of xorg.conf...04:50
pfifostimoceiver, unfortunatly, most of ubuntu ships without support for most video to begin with so a new user has alot more to worry about04:50
stimoceiverpfifo: how so? you mean if people dont know to install the proprietary nvidia or ati drivers?04:52
Sadin56ubuntu wont start after install just get a blinking curser anyone know how to solve this?04:52
edbianpfifo: I agree with you.  It is one more thing they have to worry about04:52
pfifostimoceiver, no there is legal issues around many of the popular codecs to where ubuntu cannot ship with them, there is only a handful of completly free codecs supported by default04:53
edbianSadin56: press shift to get to a grub menu during boot time.  When you get to the grub menu choose the first Ubuntu kernel and press 'e' to edit it'  add the option 'nomodeset' to the end and try to boot04:53
stimoceiverpfifo: so do you have any idea, what to put in xorg.conf to tell the X server to use "adaptor 1" instead of "adaptor 0" ?04:53
pfifostimoceiver, no, i dont, i always stick -vo sdl in mplayer.conf04:54
stimoceiverpfifo: regarding legal issues: isnt the codec issue the same 'proprietary' issue that prevents ubuntu being distributed with ati or nvidia proprietary drivers? i note that simply by enabling those package sources in synaptic, i was able to downlopad all of the above, vlc, codecs, and nvidia drivers04:54
Sadin56ebian pressing shift does nothing04:54
stimoceiverpfifo: yeah re: mplayer.conf: im trying to find a way to do the equivalent in xorg.conf04:54
Sadin56edbian ^^04:54
RealOptyi want my home folder on another partition thats on the same hdd. should i use a symbolic link or a hard link?04:55
MaRk-ISadin56: you have to press shift as soon as you see ubuntu starting... the 2 purple icons etc.04:55
ayakaare there any game cheat in linux?04:55
Sadin56i dont get there04:55
Sadin56it never gets to that part04:55
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mithridateshow can I resolve a dependency issue? how can I find the problem?04:55
Sadin56it sits at a black screen with white curser and does nothing04:55
pfifostimoceiver, alot of users get stumped about mp3's and xvid, most are used to installing via an exe and dont know where to look for them.04:56
XaseOverscan issues here... what can I do about them?04:56
stimoceiverpfifo: true. true. understood. i may have a wee bit more experience than that04:56
MaRk-ISadin56: then press is as soon as the bios finishes loading04:56
stimoceiverXase: what video card and what monitor/TV ?04:56
XaseI have an intel4500mhd04:57
XasePanasonic Viera, not sure on the model04:57
Sadin56MaRk-l tried that nothing :/04:57
edbianSadin56: I'm here sorry.04:57
stimoceiverXase: is that Panasonic a HDTV ?04:57
XaseHold for model stimoceiver04:57
XaseYes stimoceiver04:57
quuxmanHow do I disable a resume from disk?04:57
quuxmansay it's failing, and I want to just manually turn it off04:57
Sadin56edbian the shift thing does not work i never get to the ubuntu start screen just black screen with white curser04:58
edbianSadin56: You have to press shift before it gets to the white cursor.   Turn the machine off.  Boot the machine and as soon as the POST is done jam on shift like it's your job.04:58
stimoceiverXase: the issue has to do with the EDID data the monitor provides to the graphics adapter... im looking for a link04:58
Sadin56ok lol04:58
mithridatesany idea about resolving a dependency issue?04:58
XaseAlright stimoceiver.04:58
Sadin56edbian nothing :O shift simply isnt doing anything04:58
edbianSadin56: That was the fastest boot ever04:58
Sadin56yeah iknow...04:59
XaseAlso, are there any intel graphics tools available to Linux/Ubuntu, as I was aware from my research that Intel tends to be very friendly with the Linux community.04:59
Sadin56adbian should i try a power reset?04:59
quuxmanThere must be a flag somewhere I can turn off that's set to notify the boot process to resume from a memory image04:59
edbianSadin56: yes.  What other type of rebooting is there?04:59
Sadin56edbian should i try a power reset sorry keep typing your name wrong04:59
edbianSadin56: yes05:00
Sadin56lol k05:00
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:00
stimoceiverXase: i had the exact same problem with an nvidia card, the quick and dirty solution is to create a custom EDID file and tell the x server to use it... url here: http://analogbit.com/fix_nvidia_edid05:00
Baribal_mithridates, without more information: If in doubt, --fix-missing or --fix-broken.05:00
XaseThanks stimoceiver, is there a long and drawn out solution as well?05:00
stimoceiverXase: while there may be a simpler solution if you can find a directive for the "Device" section of the xorg.conf file to just tell it to ignore EDID05:01
mithridatesBaribal_: what kind of information ?05:01
Sadin56edbian i got nothing i dont know whats going wrong...05:01
stimoceiverXase: but that depends on the video adapter... the solution given at that url will for sure work for the problem you are having05:01
XaseWell this isn't the default device, so I'm sure it's not in xorg stimoceiver... at least when it's not plugged in.05:02
XaseAlright I'll check it out mate, thanks.05:02
Baribal_mithridates, for instance what the actual problem is.05:02
mickster04!who | Xase05:02
ubottuXase: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:02
RealOptyi want my home folder on another partition thats on the same hdd. should i use a symbolic link or a hard link to the new home folder? im thinking hard link ????05:03
mithridatesBaribal_: actual problem is that I'm in gnome right now but things are weird, graphic is not perfect, so I tried sudo apt-get install gnome that I got that dependency issue05:03
mithridatesBaribal_:  gnome : Depends: gnome-desktop-environment (= 1:2.30+7ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed05:03
Sadin56no one knows what to do when ubuntu wont start up and all you see is white curser blinking on white screen05:03
mithridatesBaribal_: and I can't get into Ubuntu Desktop, I'm in Ubuntu Classic Desktop05:03
Xasemickster04, Unfortunately I'm aware already, and I'm sure my target saw my response nonetheless, but thanks for being such a samaritan.05:03
pfifoRealOpty, i use a symbolic link if i cannot mount it where i need it.05:04
RealOptypfifo, ok ty05:04
Baribal_mithridates, "not going to be installed"? Any further information? Also, tried apt-get --fix-missing already?05:05
mithridatesBaribal_: yes, I got same exactly error05:06
mithridatesBaribal_: it's funny because it says this line is for more information05:06
symbiis there a way to get cds to mount in the same location every time? i go to install something from cd and then have the next cd expects the location to be the same05:06
mithridatesBaribal_: http://pastebin.com/79sUHyvT05:06
Baribal_mithridates, try running --fix-missing, *then* install gnome. If that doesn't work, I don't know.05:08
pfifosymbi, you can directly mount anything anywhere with the mount command05:08
Baribal_mithridates, are you running LTS or unstable?05:09
mickster04Xase: IT'S just that people joining the channel to help scan for nameless lines, then try and help out05:09
symbipfifo: i was looking for something which i change so that auto-mounting still works05:09
mithridatesBaribal_: natty (please don't tell me go to ubuntu+1) they don't answer05:09
pfifosymbi, auto-mount will still work, you can just mount it where you want it manually. as far as auto-mounting goes, I dont know if you can get it not to use the name of the cd.05:10
MaRk-Imithridates: you should try ubuntu-desktop   instead of just gnome05:10
symbipfifo: ok.. i'll keep looking. thanks.05:10
mithridatesMaRk-I: ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.05:11
MaRk-Imithridates: then you have gnome installed05:12
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rwwmithridates: #ubuntu is for released versions of Ubuntu only. The quietness of the channel you're supposed to be in doesn't change that.05:12
mithridatesMaRk-I: so why can't I login to ubuntu desktop?05:12
MaRk-Imithridates: what do you mean you can't log in?05:13
pfifoMaRk-I, natty comes with unity by default05:13
MaRk-Iand natty support is in #ubuntu+105:13
mithridatesMaRk-I: in login page we have: ubuntu, ubuntu desktop, ubuntu desktop safe, ubuntu netbook,....05:13
rwwmithridates: Go to #ubuntu+1, please.05:14
mithridatesrww: ok sorry05:14
optidudehello all05:15
optidudehow is everyone05:15
vaasuhi there05:18
DOokamihaaaaaah ,, hello everyone05:21
pfifoi have like 50 bastebin tabs open05:21
DOokamii tried sooo hard to find a way to "download videos from youtube" on ubuntu but non worked for me ,, can any one please help me05:21
GadsdenGraphicswindow right05:21
mickster04DOokami: try in !ot, this is ubuntu specific help, you are not asking something that ubuntu is supposed to be able to do05:22
GadsdenGraphicsCan anyone point me to a start here?  My touchpad is very sensitive and I get accidental preses - using Awesome WM.05:22
rww... what.05:22
pfifoDOokami, i think there are some firefox plugins for that05:22
stimoceiverpfifo: this is the kind of problem im up against trying to do this in xorg.conf: http://www.x.org/archive/X11R6.8.0/doc/xorg.conf.5.html#toc805:22
GadsdenGraphicsIn KDE ,Synaptiks gives me a config option to fix that - in Awesome, I'm lost.05:22
rwwmickster04: #ubuntu-offtopic is not a support channel, and Ubuntu has packages in its repositories for downloading from Youtube.05:22
DOokamipfifo, thanks man, i'll look them up right away05:22
mickster04rww: i did not know that05:23
rww!info youtube-dl | being the prototypical one05:23
mickster04rww: i didn't think his request was within the boundaries for ubuntu support tbh05:23
pfifostimoceiver, lol @ Nobody wants to say how this works. Maybe nobody knows ...05:23
ubottubeing: youtube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2010.08.04-1 (maverick), package size 28 kB, installed size 140 kB05:23
DOokamirww, thanks a lot ^^05:24
DOokamirww, i downloaded youtube-dl, but i didn't know how to actually use it ,, and "minitube" don't work at all as well05:24
DOokamirww, any ideas05:24
MaRk-IDOokami: lates Umplayer does that05:24
mickster04DOokami: man youtube-dl05:24
WolframnDOokami, what's wrong with video2mp3?05:25
GadsdenGraphicsI'm looking to disable my touchpad while typing, in Awesome.  Anyone?05:25
rwwDOokami: I haven't actually used youtube-dl. I use tinyogg.com instead for that sort of thing, but that's probably not what you're looking for.05:25
WolframnGadsdenGraphics, you do not have a fn-hotkey combination for that?05:25
GadsdenGraphicsWolframn: Not what I mean - I need it to shut off for .5 sec when typing.05:26
GadsdenGraphicsWolframn: In KDE, it's called "smart mode"05:26
trihopeNew to ubuntu, anyone interested in helping me get compiz fusion installed/running etc05:26
WolframnGadsdenGraphics, I am not familiar with that, sorry. >_>05:26
GadsdenGraphicskde-config-touchpad handles it well, and synaptiks does it as well.  In Awesome, I have no idea how to get this.05:26
GadsdenGraphicsWolframn: Thx anyhow ;)05:26
GadsdenGraphicswindow down05:26
=== jon___ is now known as skpl
Wolframntrihope, while we're here to help, and we're happy to!, do yourself a favor and learn of the Ubuntu wiki as well as how to use Google. Do you have a *specific* issue?05:27
vaasuDOokami: try downloadhelper firefox extension05:27
WolframnGadsdenGraphics, No worries! Sorry I can't be more help.05:27
GadsdenGraphicsMy "window down" was a weechat command.  The slash was skipped because my touchpad moved focus :(05:27
trihopewell, i was told it was already installed on the ubuntu, but not seeing the options05:28
Sadin56edbian oh i read up on how to access the grub menu i did not know you wanted me to hold down the shift key so i will try it again after re install :)05:28
mickster04!compiz | trihope05:28
ubottutrihope: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz05:28
Wolframntrihope, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion05:28
MaRk-IGadsdenGraphics: check on System > Preferences > mouse  "touch pad" tab05:28
rwwtrihope: The basic options for compiz are System > Preferences > Appearances > Visual Effects. More advanced customization is available through CCSM.05:28
rww!ccsm | trihope05:28
ubottutrihope: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz05:28
rwwtrihope: if you go to the Visual Effects tab and it's not set to "Normal" or "Extra" and you can't set it to one of those, your graphics drivers don't support 3D acceleration.05:29
Wolframntrihope, please don't think we're trying to be rude by referring you to links - it's just that "pro" users really are just adept at googling their own issues and only really asking for help when totally stumped. =P05:29
trihopek, thanks I'll check out the links05:29
mickster04trihope: on the plus soide, if it's an ubottu link it means lots of people have similar issues05:30
Wolframntrihope, let us know if you run into any glitches, etc and we'll be glad to help out! =D05:30
trihopebtw, what does this do?  "! ccsm"05:30
WolframnIn the chat? It tells ubottu (our bot) to provide the information05:30
rwwtrihope: ubottu is a fact bot. Messages beginning with ! are generally instructions to it to say something.05:30
mickster04trihope: ! means it's an ubottu command, and the bot will try and interpret it05:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots05:30
DOokamirww, i want to be able to download them in "good quality" and "convert them to mpeg4" which i know how right now ,, only the downloading part, thanks a lot :)05:30
Wolframn!shutup | pfifo ( =D )05:31
DOokamiMaRk-i, Umplayer ?05:31
ludicanhello everyone!05:31
rww!shaddap | Wolframn05:31
ubottuWolframn: :X05:31
DOokamiwolframn, it gives mp3, i need the Video05:31
Wolframn!hi | ludican05:31
MaRk-IDOokami: yes Umplayer05:31
DOokamimickster04, alright, thanks05:31
rwwanyways, enough with the bot abuse ;P05:31
WolframnHello ludican05:31
WolframnAlways a pleasure, trihope05:32
DOokamiMaRk-I , i don't know what it is ,, can i download it05:32
mickster04!info Umplayer05:32
ubottuPackage Umplayer does not exist in maverick05:32
MaRk-IDOokami: search in software center if not you can add the PPA for the newst version05:32
MaRk-IDOokami: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/umplayer-available-in-webupd8-ubuntu.html05:33
rwwwebupd8 :(05:33
Sadin56edbian, rww, MaRk-l thanks to all of u guys for helping me on my first ubuntu install :)05:36
fdvaleroSadin56 enjoy05:37
MaRk-ISadin56: yw05:39
Sadin56fdvalero thanks i will :)05:40
fdvalerowhere are you from05:40
babu__how to update vlc05:41
multipassis there much difference from ubuntu netbook and the new ubuntu with unity?05:41
fdvalerosudo apt-get install vls05:41
rwwmultipass: Yes. Unity is a ground-up rewrite in 11.04.05:41
fdvalero.... vlc05:41
multipassrww, isnt unbuntu netbook the same thing?05:42
babu__ya..i had already installed vlc...how to update it05:42
Falconspireok so05:42
Falconspirethere is a douche on ztecnet05:42
rww!ot | Falconspire05:42
ubottuFalconspire: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:42
pfifobabu__, sudo apt-get update vlc05:42
rwwmultipass: As I just said, no. The UNE interface was completely rewritten (using Compiz) for 11.04, and has a number of interface changes.05:42
fdvalerofirst add medibuntu repos05:43
babu__command s wrong..05:43
unityproblemany one here to help?05:43
babu__update will not take any arguments..it show error in command line05:43
pfifobabu__, sorry, sudo apt-get upgrade vlc05:43
MaRk-Ibabu__: if there's no update available you have to wait untill the update is released05:43
unityproblemunity is not loading in my pc on natty 11.04 beta 1  can you help?05:44
multipassrww, ah ok thanks, would you recommend 11.04 or netbook edition for my EEE netbook?05:44
fdvalerosudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list \05:44
MaRk-Iunityproblem: join #ubuntu+1 for natty05:44
babu__when i did upgrade ...it upgrades all the packages in ubuntu...i want to update vlc alone05:44
fdvalerosudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/$(lsb_release -cs).list \ --output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list05:44
rwwmultipass: 11.04 hasn't been released yet. I'd recommend waiting until it is and then using it.05:45
fdvalerosudo apt-get -q update05:45
babu__don't u understand my qn05:45
fdvalerosudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring05:45
unityproblemunity is not loading on my pc on natty 11.04 can you help??05:45
MaRk-Iunityproblem: join #ubuntu+1 for natty05:45
FloodBot2fdvalero: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:46
rwwfdvalero: stop that05:46
babu__pls reply05:46
fdvalerojust answer abut vlc05:47
babu__how to update vlc alone...pls reply for godsake05:48
rwwbabu__: sudo apt-get install vlc05:48
mickster04fdvalero: sudo apt-get install vlc05:48
rwwbabu__: if the package is already installed, the 'install' action updates it.05:48
babu__there's subtitle prob in vlc.....subtitle didn't appear when i loaded it..instead it appears as special char05:49
babu__there's subtitle prob in vlc.....subtitle didn't appear when i loaded it..instead it appears as special char05:51
kazagistarbabu__: did the subtitle work elsewhere?05:53
babu__ya..in miro05:53
murphyI have a computer with 512m memory, which ubuntu can I install?05:54
LewocoA particular version of the kernel is causing me hassles. Is there anyway to 'ban' a particular version so that aptitude will not upgrade to it, but still upgrade to later versions?05:54
doobienmurphy, any of em05:54
murphydoobien: what is em?05:55
doobienany of the buntus05:55
pfifomurphy, there all just about the same if your looking for a lightweight desktop you could use ubuntu netbook remix05:55
murphypfifo: thanks05:55
pfifo!pin | Lewoco this might work05:56
ubottuLewoco this might work: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto05:56
ranaquien puede hablar en espaÑol aquí?05:56
pfifo!es | rana05:56
ubotturana: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:56
ranagracias, eso es lo que busqué05:57
pfifopor favor05:57
pfifoor no that not it is it05:58
MaRk-Ipfifo: "de nada"05:58
pfifode nada05:58
AleiexI need to write some data in ntfs partition05:58
Aleiexbut can't05:58
Aleiexany help?05:58
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pfifoAleiex, whats the problem?05:59
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest40503
Aleiexpfifo permision05:59
Aleiexi need to use chmod on ntfs partition05:59
Aleiexbut dont know how05:59
Aleiexto write/delete in ntfs partition06:00
ajinhi, will "docky" this program make any sense under ubuntu11.04, since there will be unity launcher already06:00
rhizmoenot going to happen.06:00
KXTwoyou have an ntfs partition but dont have permission to it?06:00
rhizmoeAleiex: ^06:00
KXTwowhereever it is mounted06:00
hopeless8009hay there is a grapics program called compez is that the right thing i think i'm slightly off06:00
KXTwosimply use chmod on it to give write permissions06:00
rhizmoentfs doesn't use file modes06:00
pfifoAleiex, im not sure that would work, Im pretty sure youll have todo it as root06:00
rhizmoehopeless8009: compiz06:00
Aleiexpfifo but how06:00
Aleiexwhich command06:00
MaRk-Iajin: join #ubuntu+1 for natty questions/issues06:00
Aleiexsudo chmod ???06:01
pfifoAleiex, you use sudo to perform an operation as root06:01
hopeless8009rhizmoe, i typed that in my surch and it gave no results im on ubuntu 10.04 LTS06:02
pfifoAleiex, I dont think chown is designed to work on NTFS file systems06:02
SudoGhosthopeless8009, what search did you type that into?06:02
KyubeyIs this the channel were I would ask a question about Natty?06:03
hopeless8009the software center in ubuntu06:03
MaRk-Ikyle1: #ubuntu+106:03
pfifo!natty | Kyubey06:03
ubottuKyubey: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.06:03
SudoGhostKyubey, #ubuntu+106:03
KyubeyOh, thanks :)06:03
digitalfizhow do i find out via the cli what event my usb keyboard is?06:03
MaRk-Ioops kyle1 my bad kyle1 ... Kyubey ^^06:03
pfifodigitalfiz, use `xev`06:04
digitalfizsays unable to open display06:04
digitalfizim messing with a keylogger and i need to know which event it is in /dev/input06:04
hopeless8009SudoGhost, i typed it into the Ubuntu software center06:05
pfifodigitalfiz, ahh, no X available, I dont think cli supports all the extrakey, or atleast ive never heARD OF A PROGRAM ACCESSING THEM, SORRY06:05
KXTwoAleixei your ntfs partition should actuay show up right in your places06:05
KXTwoonce you click on it it will mount06:05
KXTwoand youa re good to go06:05
KXTwoI move files back and forth from mine all the time06:06
SudoGhosthopeless8009, I've never messed with Compiz, but I don't believe it's available in the software center.06:06
UbuntuNoobcan anyone explain to my what the point of the terminal is? it seems like theres a gui for all of the things it does06:06
AleiexKXTwo i know, I can acces, but can't write data in that partition06:06
rwwUbuntuNoob: There isn't a GUI for all of the things it does.06:07
pfifoUbuntuN00b, cli is all there used to be, gui is simply just a front end.06:07
pfifoi think i just got trolled06:07
StarminnUbuntuNoob: Sometimes it's easier in instances when you're doing something to a bunch of files (i.e. renaming a bunch of files), etc.06:07
UbuntuNoobpfifo: i wish i was trolling i dont really get it though. i more or less dont understand anything about it06:08
UbuntuNooblike ive used it to kill processes or to move files, but its much more convenient to just close the windows or move the files in the file manager window i think06:09
bazhanghopeless8009, no caps06:09
StarminnUbuntuNoob: That's good in terms of Ubuntu's goal, then. Just use whatever works for you. If GUI works for you then go for it. If you ever need a CLI then you'll use it when that time comes.06:10
macohopeless8009: have you tried the mobile broadband wizard in network manager? also, your caps lock is on.06:10
pfifoUbuntuN00b, what if you wanted a webserver that didnt have all the resouces being wasted on X and Gnome?06:10
rwwhopeless8009: I recommend you fix that soon.06:10
bazhanghopeless8009, then part the channel06:10
UbuntuNoobalright thanks guy06:11
StarminnUbuntuNoob: This will help you know a little bit about how to use the CLI: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/cli.html if you want. Then choose if you like it or not.06:11
hopeless8009hows this06:11
icedteaanyone know what package the kde control center is in?06:11
yektaCould someone please help me figure out why my wireless won't connect.  It sees the card & network, all my other mac's can join no problem, I've tried installing ndiswrapper with the correct inf driver and that was successful, ifconfig wlan0 up works...06:12
symbidoes anybody know how to share a cd writing device with rdesktop?06:12
symbii'd like to actually write cds06:12
symbii tried -r disk:cdrom=/dev/sr0 and -r disk:cdrom=/media/cdrom06:13
pfifosymbi, wouldnt you need physical access to the machine for that? to load the CD-R06:14
symbipfifo: it's connecting your local drive to a remote server so the answer is no.06:14
MaRk-Isymbi: so why don't just d/l whatever is in the remote server and then burn it?06:15
pfifosymbi, ahh the otherway around, sorry Im not sure about that then.06:15
symbipfifo: it's certainly possible in linux to do remote burning. i know in windows with rdp you can do it too.06:15
symbiMaRk-I: i'd actually like to have it because i want to install software which is being problematic without direct access. a normal share isn't doing the trick.06:16
symbiif it showed up as a device instead of a network share i'm sure the software would install. so technically i don't need to burn anything.06:16
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sadinok first time installing something on Ubuntu i downloaded Aptana IDE from aptana.com and it gave me a zip file what do i do?06:20
ajinanyone has the pogress information of AppStream?06:20
Afteraffekti know this is OT, but im trying to find it. there was a mod to gnome's bars that got so big they decided to separate the two projects and made the bar mod its on application. anybody familiar?06:22
icerootAfteraffekt: #gnome06:22
pfifosadin, for that program you will be on your own, check the zipfile for instructions06:22
accelI just logged into my ubuntu machine, and it says "SYSTEM RESTART REQUIRED" <-- wtf does this mean?06:22
accelI just logged into my ubuntu machine, and it says "SYSTEM RESTART REQUIRED" <-- wtf does this mean? [I logged in over ssh]06:23
sadinalright pfifo06:23
Seven_Six_TwoI have an odd error. I'm trying to install on a 64 bit machine from a 10.10 64 disc that I've used recently. The farthest I can get is a black screen that says "See :"06:23
icerootaccel: there was an update for the kernel or libc06:23
icerootaccel: and for that you need to restart the system06:23
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acceliceroot: but I havne't done an apt-get update06:23
acceloh well06:24
Seven_Six_TwoIt just booted a 10.04 x86 disc to the desktop, so I know the pc works06:24
pfifoSeven_Six_Two, perhaps you should see:06:25
Seven_Six_Twoand up till now, it has been running vista without issue. well, without expected issues  ;)06:25
pfifoSeven_Six_Two, does ctrl+alt+f1 work?06:25
Seven_Six_Twopfifo, no06:25
Seven_Six_TwoI don't even get a purple screen06:26
pfifoSeven_Six_Two, id check the md5sum even if it was recently used, thats the most obivous aside from a reboot06:26
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Seven_Six_Twopfifo, yeah. I should start downloading it again too. I'm trying to get the mini iso bootable from usb06:27
pfifoSeven_Six_Two, those cds barely last long enough to keep up with the releases06:28
bin_bashI'd like to know the proper syntax for rsyncing from an external drive to my home folder06:29
Seven_Six_Twopfifo, lol...06:29
icerootbin_bash: rsynv -av /path/where/to/sync/from/ /local/path/to/sync/06:29
Seven_Six_Twodoes anyone know if there is a known issue with using the mini.iso download with the startup disc creator?06:30
bin_bashiceroot: thanks06:30
icerootSeven_Six_Two: lauchpad knows06:30
icerootSeven_Six_Two: launchpad knows06:30
^Phantom^I won't break the filesystem on my NFTS-formatted backup drive by massively organizing the scattered mess of files into general categories will I?06:31
pfifoSeven_Six_Two, i dont think the mini.iso supports the proper features for a grub2 isoboot06:31
^Phantom^for example, putting all the files of general types (videos, audio, etc) into single folders06:31
Seven_Six_Twopfifo, alright. I'll waste the disc. Thanks06:31
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iceroot^Phantom^: i dont see a reason why (and please remove the ^ from your nick its not very nice on qwertz-layouts)06:32
pfifoSeven_Six_Two, last i checked its nothing but a kernel and initramfs tho so grub2 shoulld be able to atleast be told to boot them06:32
^Phantom^I mean, organize the contents under an ubuntu 10.10 system06:32
pfifo^Phantom^, i will always consider ntfs file support as expermental.06:33
ohsixwith ntfs-3g it's decidedly not06:34
^Phantom^pfifo, am I fairly safe?06:34
ohsixat one point in time there was only the in kernel one with read support and "experimental" write support though06:35
ohsix^Phantom^: if they are separate filesystems it doesn't matter what the pair of them are06:35
pfifo^Phantom^, its not suppposed to mess up anything anymore, if it does you can alyas file a bug report06:35
^Phantom^pfifo, ohsix: thank you :)06:36
pehdenQUESTION: why would my ubuntu local file transfer upload no faster then 1MBps06:36
pp7pehden: router/hard drive speed?06:37
pehdennew machines06:38
pfifo!details | pehden06:38
ubottupehden: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:38
* ^Phantom^ copies the files containing his taxes to a separate drive, just in case.06:39
nnoellI'm having a permissions problem with my camcorder on Ubuntu. I can do video capture if I run kino with gksudo, but cannot run it as a normal user (says that I can't read/write /dev/raw1394). I can get it where the normal user can run it by doing `chown root:disk /dev/raw1394` and adding the user to 'disk' group, but something is resetting the permissions on raw1394 each time I restart.06:39
ohsix^Phantom^: if you're really concernerd then there are no half measures; you should back everything up06:39
pehden10.10, im uploading of wifi G and the speed is capable of 54MBps and I can download at 10MBps local from the server but what could be preventing that in the upload06:39
pp7nnoell: sudo chmod 777 /dev/raw139406:40
Seven_Six_TwoI burned the mini.iso and I'm getting the same error. a black screen, with "See : "06:40
ohsixpp7: argh06:40
pp7ohsix: what?06:40
pp7ohsix: did i beat u to it?06:40
ohsixnnoell: if it's actually a disk when you plug it in you should report a bug; udev should be setting it up for you, and udisks should offer to mount it automatically06:40
pfifopehden, you could have a crappy signal strength coming from the client, but great signAL STRENGTH FROM THE ROUTER06:40
nnoellpp7, I don't want it world readable/writable and, as I said, the permissions are getting reset anyway.06:40
pfifodam  caps06:41
pehdenthe server is on LAN06:41
^Phantom^ohsix, heh already done.  the really important (and irreplacable) data is backed-up from my backup drive to my flash drive while I do this. :)06:41
pfifonnoell, make raw1394 owned by the firewire group and put the normal user in that group too06:42
pehdenand I know both my laptop and server are set at 100T06:42
ohsixnnoell: props for knowing what chmod 777 means, most people don't :]06:42
treebeennnoell: are you part of the video group?06:42
ohsixpfifo: udev/udisks should be doing this for you06:42
nnoelltreebeen, Yes.06:42
jamil_1Hello pp, I am trying our ubuntu beta version. I am having trouble with mouse...left click some time works and some time acts like click and track (the hand icon shows). any suggestion ?06:42
Roniga!natty | jamil_106:43
ubottujamil_1: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.06:43
^Phantom^ohsix, when I finally get a new job, I'm gonna buy a 1TB drive and use that as my "master backup drive"06:43
bin_bashI'm trying to rsync from my external to my home folder but /media/ubuntu/home/user /home/user/ is not working06:43
bin_bashAny suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong?06:43
pfifo^Phantom^, by that time 4tb will be a dime a dozen06:43
nnoellohsix, The device seems to be loading now (the kernel modules are loading automatically after I de-blacklisted firewire-ohci), but it's just resetting to root:root instead of root:disk.06:43
ohsix^Phantom^: backing stuff up is stilll tough, have to read the source every time, limiting how often you can do it based on the size06:44
^Phantom^lmao pfif06:44
bin_bashnevrmind. silly casesensitivity06:44
nnoell(root:root / root:disk ownership that is) ... what could be resetting the permissions like that? udev?06:44
^Phantom^ohsix, there's my problem right there06:45
treebeennnoell: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=105849506:45
ohsixnnoell: well, try getfacl on the device, an acl should be added when the session seat changes; the permissions don't change, also there are problems with ohci and suspend that i don't know if it got resolved in mav06:45
^Phantom^I never used a proper backup creation program, just copied over what I didn't want to lose in the case of primary HDD failure06:45
^Phantom^In the past, anywho06:46
ohsixdeja-dup is nice; will run missed backups when you plug in the backup volume, but its still not very cheap to do06:46
^Phantom^Now I'm finally up and categorizing the stuff into general categories06:46
ohsixlinux needs an fseventd so it can have a time machine06:47
pfifomy backup plan has always been to email it to myself if it seems important06:47
^Phantom^I learned the hard way, having to salvage what I could from a drive that started dying06:48
sarthorksDoes using "sudo apt-get remove --purge wine" delete all the files in the .wine folder?06:48
ohsixthats problematic if you have over 100megs of things to back up06:48
ohsixsarthorks: no06:48
^Phantom^until it finally made a really nasty sound and never worked again :(06:48
sarthorksohsix : then what does that command do?06:48
ohsixsarthorks: the extra purge step only removes what the package considers to be configuration files, usually stuff in /etc, sometimes elsewhere06:49
pehdenQUESTION: why would my ubuntu local file transfer upload no faster then 1MBps,10.10, im uploading of wifi G and the speed is capable of 54MBps and I can download at 10MBps local from the server but what could be preventing that in the upload06:49
ohsixthe package doesn't know about ~/.wine at all, programs in it create/use it06:49
Starminnsudo apt-get purge wine would also work. They're interchangable06:49
nnoelltreebeen, I'm not seeing anything on there that I haven't tried06:49
sarthorksohsix : so basically can i use this command to uninstall by current version of wine, and then install a newer version through a .deb file, WITHOUT affecting all the programs already installed under wine?06:50
doobienpehden, probably you ISP caps upload speed06:50
nnoellAnd the user is in the right group, it's the permissions on /dev/raw1394 that I need to make not reset on me06:50
nnoellBut I can't figure out what is resetting it.06:50
ohsixsarthorks: probably, but installing an untracked .deb isn't a great idea06:50
pehdendoobien it cant be that cause this is within the router/LAN06:50
ohsixnnoell: udev06:50
ohsixnnoell: theres' no static list of device nodes anymore with devfs06:51
^Phantom^iceroot, I would remove the ^ things, but the last time I did that, I got pwnd by an ircop06:51
nnoellohsix, OK, so nothing I change via /dev will remain after I restart the system right?06:51
doobienpehden, my internal network uploads go at full speed - so i don't know either06:52
nnoellI have to change config in udev to make static changes to /dev06:52
pfifonnoell, you can use mknod to make a permenat device node somewhere06:52
sarthorksohsix: ok thanks. I wanted to try the unstable wine1.3 to see if one of the games which is currently not working will work in it or not. How exactly do I remove this version if i want to go back to the stable wine1.2?06:52
ohsixnnoell: probably more prudent to look for, and if not found; file a bug, it should work automatically06:52
nnoellohsix, I definitely will file a bug. I'd just like to figure out as much as I can before I do, so that it's useful.06:53
^Phantom^ohsix, you've helped me in the past several times, now that i think of it.  thank you ^_^06:53
ohsixnnoell: are any sub devices created when you plug in the device or do you have to stick with the raw interface?06:53
pehdendoobien is there a certian thing i need to set of the wlan0 and lan006:53
ohsix^Phantom^: np06:53
nnoellohsix, This is what I get from dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/595384/06:54
ohsixnnoell: udevadm monitor might show extra devices being setup when you plug it in06:55
KXTwoso why is ubuntu better than arch?06:55
pfifo!ot | KXTwo06:55
ubottuKXTwo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:55
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^Phantom^ohsix, i have one drive (internal, 160GB) that is dedicated to torrenting and other high disk use operations, that is separate from my two main OS HDDs in this tower.  Good move?06:56
ohsixnnoell: i haven't had firewire to play with here, i don't know what proper behaviour is, but if permissions are wrong on the main interface i'm thinking v4l or whatever devices might be added on the fly with the proper permissions; but i can't say for sure06:56
nnoellohsix, Thanks, I didn't know about udevadm monitor ... here's the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/595385/06:57
Afteraffektwhat are some docky alternatives that are more customizable?06:57
pfifo^Phantom^, it depends on if your torrent disk is pata when it could be sata?06:57
KXTwoI knew some one would do it I freaking knesw it lol06:57
ohsixnnoell: k sec lemme look what udev would do with it06:58
switch10_Afteraffekt: awn06:58
^Phantom^I mean, is that a good idea, in the sense that it reduces unnecessary wear on the OS drives06:58
nnoellohsix, Thanks for your help.06:58
ohsix^Phantom^: sure i guess; there's not much wear anyways06:58
ohsix^Phantom^: only issue is heat, if you don't have enough cooling that the drive being on all the time will generate excess heat, that's the only problem06:58
rhizmoewhat is ubuntu's automounter called? or whatever dynamically mounts my different drives so that they don't always show up.06:59
pfifo^Phantom^, personally i would want high disk usage being done on my best drives... but I have a bit of linux server mentality that dosent apply to p2p06:59
rhizmoe^Phantom^: the chief benefit is that torrents exercise the drive with lots of tiny writes and reads, which gets in the way of other computery junk. the perf hit from that is much more noticeable than any physical wear.07:00
ohsixrhizmoe: udisks informs the automounter, try udisks --dump and see if it knows about your volume; you can also use Disk Utility07:00
rhizmoewould it be a matter of just moving stuff from there into fstab or wherever, leaving udisks to handle usb keys and such?07:01
^Phantom^rhizmoe, ah07:01
rhizmoeyeah, all my drives are listed07:01
ohsixnnoell: ok it looks like there's no special setup for video devices, just disks and audio07:02
^Phantom^Hey, I should have started organizing this drive a long time ago07:02
rhizmoewell, not "all my drives," but all that aren't my current ubu part07:03
ohsixnnoell: not that i can see anyways; it can be hard to look through these rules without plugging in something07:03
rhizmoe^Phantom^: never too late07:03
^Phantom^I found the html file containing all my bookmarks from the ubuntu partition on my old laptop, which has a dead mobo and display07:03
rhizmoethere you go07:03
^Phantom^i'm getting a bit offtopic here, so I'll quiet down a bit :)07:04
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».07:04
ohsixrhizmoe: you don't really get much by putting it in fstab except mounting it at boot, or mounting it somewhere than /media; with nautilus/udisks they'll be mounted on access07:04
nnoellohsix -- You showing me about udevadm has helped a lot. I think I'll be able to figure out a bunch from here. I'll try to learn more about what udev is doing with it first. be back in a bit. Thanks for the help!07:04
nnoellLet me know if you think of anything you'd check, and I can post the output07:04
rhizmoeohsix: thing is, they remount s o  s l o w l y07:05
ohsixrhizmoe: i had one volume i wanted mounted before i clicked on it, just so i could skip the step, i just told startup applications to mount it07:05
rhizmoeit's not "on access" if the file dialog doesn't know about them, basically.07:05
ohsixon access from the location sidebar or places07:05
rhizmoeso i go to /media, click on the volume, *then* it shows up in the app07:05
ohsixthey won't show up when you'd access where they'd be like autofs07:05
rhizmoeohsix: within apps07:05
pfifoirc  is used for filesharing?07:06
rhizmoein windows terms, i have to go OOB to My Computer before the D: drive shows up07:06
ohsixpfifo: historically07:06
rhizmoepfifo: for almost 20 years07:06
rhizmoeand i'm sure people used gopher before that07:06
kesorhow do i know if i am using Karmic or Lucid, GDM, KDM or Slim????07:07
* pfifo was trolling07:07
thegoodcushionWhat's the current 10.10 kernel version?  (With all current updates?)07:07
kesorhow do i know if i am using Karmic or Lucid, GDM, KDM or Slim???? (i dont know what any of those even are)07:08
thegoodcushionkesor: go to Terminal and type uname -a07:08
pfifothegoodcushion, it gave me 2.6.35 when i installed a week ago07:08
thegoodcushionkesor: post the result here07:08
bhaveshwhich is the best "Graphical Interface Design" app to make ubuntu softwares like Visual studio in windows ?07:08
thegoodcushionpfifo: ok07:09
thegoodcushionpfifo: thanks07:09
neonkidMan I wish I had a live CD right now07:09
thegoodcushionIs there any such thing as Ubuntu with HURD kernel?07:09
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:09
kesorthegoodcushion:  2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:00:26 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux07:09
huanhuanis there anyone from ningxia,china here?07:09
ohsixthegoodcushion: sure, i don't know personally what works though; theres kfreebsd too, same; they're debian upstream things07:10
thegoodcushionkesor: Ubuntu 10.10, Maverick Mererkat07:10
Seven_Six_Twobhavesh, bakery if you're using gtkmm07:10
thegoodcushionohsix: I think you have to go with Debian to get HURD07:11
kesorthegoodcushion:  i know but what is it Karmic or lucid, stuff?07:11
kesorthegoodcushion:  becuase i am following a tutorail and it sais "If you use Karmic or Lucid and have installed the Pekwm package from the repositories, you can skip this step. "    so should i skip?07:11
thegoodcushionkesor: You have Maverick, not Karmic or Lucid07:12
thegoodcushionkesor: note they are in alphabetical order07:12
pfifokesor, what is the step tell you to do?07:12
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kesorthegoodcushion:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=662204      "step 3"07:12
thegoodcushionkesor: you do not have karmic nor lucid07:13
pfifokesor, if you installed from the reposotories you can skip step 307:13
kesorpfifo: ok thanks07:14
kesorwhere i find "Sessions menu of your login screen" ?07:15
pfifokesor, you have t log out and there shold be an option for that07:15
kesorpfifo: ohh ok ill do it later07:16
ohsixkesor: on the login screen, after you've chosen your name to log in; the bar at the bottom07:16
bhaveshwell which Graphical Interface Design tool is much closer to VB? (this is not polling)07:17
fengIs there command line alternative for freerapid?07:18
pfifobhavesh, based on my experience with vb5 (yes five) i would say glade07:19
ohsixfeng: not really; but there is tucan07:19
fengohsix: tucan? let me google it.07:19
Seven_Six_Twobhavesh, glade-gnome07:20
bhaveshpfifo, Seven_Six_Two: ok ty07:20
ohsixfeng: or ask your package manager :]07:20
ohsixglade is deprecated i think, since gtkbuilder07:21
fengohsix: tucan, nice one, but it's gui07:21
ohsixfeng: ya, i qualified that with "no" to the command line thing ;]07:21
fengDASDDSDSDADSAEGD: stay there, i will be there soon07:21
fengDASDDSDSDADSAEGD: don't jump07:21
DASDDSDSDADSAEGDcan sb help me07:22
bhaveshjust ask your question07:22
fengohsix: thanks07:22
ohsixah gtkbuilder stuff finally landed in glade07:22
bhaveshO.O im downloading gblade :)07:22
ohsixit does the ui part; i'd suggest doing the rest in vala07:23
pfifoglade sux07:23
ohsixglade gives you some xml07:23
bhaveshglade sux...?07:23
pfifoi hate it07:23
rwwDASDDSDSDADSAEGD: best to just ask your question and see if anyone answers07:23
rwwall on one line.07:24
bhaveshwhat do u use then...? (again I am not polling :P) pfifo07:24
ohsixwhy do you have to use anything07:24
pfifobhavesh, i dont, I set it up manually07:24
pfifowelcometo linux development07:25
ohsixyou can use one of those rapid callaboration things to sketch stuff; then code it up07:25
bhaveshrapid collaboration things..?07:25
DASDDSDSDADSAEGDis ubuntu 10.10 better07:25
DASDDSDSDADSAEGDor 10.04 better07:25
pfifodraw it in gimp just to get pixel coordinates07:26
ohsixbut if you use the xml files and gtkbuilder you can change the xml and change the ui without changing the code07:26
bhaveshill have to try things first07:26
ohsixbhavesh: there are a few phases those builder things stuff together for the average user, the design/planning stage is one of them07:26
pfifoi use phpgtk so the xml by hand part just comes into play naturally07:27
ohsixoh and you can localize the xml files07:27
bhaveshdo u have to develop apps only in XML?07:27
ohsixso when your software is distributed it can be easily localized07:27
rwwDASDDSDSDADSAEGD: Depends what you're doing. In general, I'd say 10.04, because it's LTS. LTS releases only need to be updated every three years instead of every eighteen months.07:27
bhaveshI loved visual studio 2008 programming07:27
bhaveshis it only xml?07:28
ohsixthen you probably don't care for doing things properly, and the design step doesn't matter07:28
bhaveshI do07:28
pfifobhavesh, hes only refering to the gui being xml, the code is most likely c or python07:28
ohsixor vala, or anything07:28
bhaveshoh... got it now..07:28
bhaveshI thought u code in xml -.-07:28
ohsixvala is good to play up since it uses gobject introspection for its bindings, and trickles down to C code07:29
red2kicrww: Eighteen months?07:29
rwwred2kic: Non-LTS releases are supported for 18 months from release, yes.07:29
raven_how to disable fsck at startup? it hangs up every time i start and i checked it every time07:30
red2kicrww: Surely, you mean every six months!07:30
rwwred2kic: A new release comes out every six months. Each (non-LTS) release is supported for eighteen months.07:30
red2kicrww: Right. Scroll up and look what you said. I was just pointing it out. Sleep more. :)07:31
ohsixraven_: something is probably quite wrong if that's the case; and if it is you wouldn't want to skip it D:07:31
pfifored2kic, im reaading the statment as true07:32
rwwred2kic: I'm not sure what you're talking about.07:32
raven_ohsix, with previous systems there were no problems07:32
bin_bashIs natty supposed to be an LTS?07:32
rwwbin_bash: no. The next LTS will probably be 12.04.07:32
ohsixraven_: the previous systems didn't contain the disk with the trouble, did they?07:32
bin_bashI can't use 10.0407:32
red2kicrww: "DASDDSDSDADSAEGD: Depends what you're doing. In general, I'd say 10.04,  because it's LTS. LTS releases only need to be updated every three  years instead of every eighteen months.07:32
raven_ohsix, on the same disk07:32
red2kicbin_bash: Why not?07:33
bin_bashnot supported for this hardware07:33
rwwred2kic: Yes, and?07:33
bin_bashtook me 6 hours to get natty installed07:33
ohsixred2kic: you don't have to update anything, it's just about maintenance status07:33
red2kicrww: Every three years intead of every eigteen months? It's same. :)07:33
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rwwred2kic: eighteen months is 1.5 years07:33
ohsixred2kic: after the support period is over you won't get software/security updates07:33
red2kicOh I undestand it now. EOL.07:34
pfifome too07:34
red2kicrww: Ah. And I thought I spot a mistake. Sorry. :P07:34
rwwred2kic: No problem. And I do need to sleep more anyway ;P07:35
raven_ohsix, how to disable this07:36
ohsixraven_: you find out what the problem is and correct it07:36
raven_ohsix, i corrected it evry time07:37
ohsixraven_: then it shouldn't be trying to fsck it07:37
red2kicbin_bash: Six hours? Slow machine or slow download?07:37
raven_ohsix, how to disable it07:37
bin_bashred2kic:  i couldn't get it to read the CD, then it couldn't install grub, so then i had to delete all the partitions07:37
bin_bashbrand new computer07:38
bin_bashhardware not supported fully07:38
red2kicbin_bash: You only have one CD reader? My machine is a tad weird. I use the second CD reader to install stuffs.07:38
bin_bashit's a laptop there's no room for more than oine07:38
bin_bashI had to boot natty with a livecd and a liveusb07:39
Blue1bin_bash: did you md5sum check the download to make sure you had a good download?07:39
bin_bashof course07:39
DASDDSDSDADSAEGDi need an operating system07:39
pfiforaven_, to disable filesystem checks at startup you change the last number in /etc/fstap to a 0 on the line for the disk you are intrested in07:39
DASDDSDSDADSAEGDfor my new pc07:39
raven_pfifo, tnx07:39
bin_bashDASDDSDSDADSAEGD:  install gentoo07:39
pfiforaven_, /etc/fstab07:40
ohsixpfifo: :[07:40
pfifoohsix, it sounds like his filesystem is not being marked as clean by the check07:41
ohsixor theres another problem07:41
ohsixif it were just that it'd just be highly unlikely; but if it were something else, not so much07:42
bhavesh<DASDDSDSDADSAEGD> there are this many Linux OS for you : <DASDDSDSDADSAEGD>07:42
bhaveshthat chart is awesome07:42
Starminnbhavesh: Nice07:42
red2kicDASDDSDSDADSAEGD: Debian is really rock solid OS -- You wouldn't break anything -- Just stick with the repo and don't go for bleeding edges.07:43
ohsixeven the bleeding edge in debian (and ubuntu) is pretty darn nice07:44
ohsixit's really the difference between you wanting to file bugs at all or not07:44
bhaveshI dont understand gentoo website says it can be optimized for any application?07:44
ohsixthey mean "as applied" like to a kiosk or something, not applications in it07:45
pfifobhavesh, yeah it can, if you want to make a dwarf_fortress based distro gentoo would allow you07:46
ohsixit's not like it's a unique feature or anything; and it isn't really a decisive one as far as picking among a bunch of options either07:46
guge1234which country are U in?07:46
red2kicThe country that sings The Star-Spangled Banner.07:47
plumuh oh07:51
plumi left gparted open while it was working and expanding a partition of mine07:52
plumturned in some tax papers, and when i got back just now, gparted isn't open anymore07:52
plumi try to open it but it doesn't open07:52
plumam i screwed? i can't tell if it worked :(07:53
bin_bashopen it again07:53
bin_bashand see07:53
bin_bash<plum> i try to open it but it doesn't open07:53
bin_bashdidn't see that07:53
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bin_bashrun top07:53
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bin_bashopen a terminal07:54
bin_bashand type "top"07:54
plumalright, i see a bunch of things similar to a task manager07:54
plumno gparted in those though07:55
bin_bashopen up a new terminal07:55
bin_bashand try "sudo killall gparted"07:55
bin_bashtell me what output you get07:55
plumwill that kill any disk operations it's doing? i don't want to nuke my other partitions D:07:55
bin_bashtry instead typing "gparted" into a terminal07:55
bin_bashhey there ShapeShifter49907:56
plumi did that bin_bash07:56
plumit says07:56
plumBacktrace has 15 calls on stack07:56
pfifotry `ps aux | grep gparted`07:56
sb_laphi, quick question07:56
ShapeShifter499can someone explain why a local wired (router connected) file transfer between two computers is slowing down my internet speed07:57
plumpfifo: it says... root     13007  0.0  0.0   4008   760 pts/1    S+   23:56   0:00 grep gparted07:57
pfifoplum, it appears gparted exited, possibly abnormally07:57
plumi can't open it again cause it just closes... :/07:58
plumshould i try the sudo killall?07:58
bin_bashtry gparted -l07:58
bin_bashwhere l is lowercase L07:58
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pfifoplum, killall wont do anything07:58
plumit started it with gparted -l07:58
plumnow it says No devices detected at the bottom bar of gparted though07:58
sb_lapI just installed ubuntu 10.10 x6407:59
plumeven when i refresh devices07:59
RaisorShapeShifter: maybe QOS set to high between those two computers causing it to use the bandwidth07:59
sb_lapapt-get installed firefox 407:59
sb_lapand now flash videos don't have any sound07:59
bin_bashplum:  which release are you using?07:59
plumbin_bash: 10.1008:00
plumohhh of gparted?08:00
plumor ubuntu?08:00
plumi'm using gparted 0.6.208:01
bin_bashare you using a live disk?08:01
plumnaw, i'm on an install08:01
bin_bashokay open a terminal and try fdisk -l where l is lowecase L08:01
plumi have three partitions on my /dev/sda disk, they look like they moved and resized properly08:02
plum^ according to fdisk08:03
sb_lapah cripes08:03
sb_lapactually I have no sound at all in firefox 408:03
bin_bashplum:  okay08:03
Afteraffektwhat dock on ubuntu looks, acts, and feels just like mac os's dock?08:04
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plumshould i reboot and see if it worked okay, knowing that i might be screwed? or should i keep trying to get gparted to see my disks?08:04
bin_bashi reckon there's a program called docky08:04
Afteraffektdocky doesnt quite do it08:04
Afteraffektthere was one, that was nearly identicle, but cant remember the name08:05
pfifoplum, it may have just written that info to the partition table, you shouldn't count on it, i would run a file system scan on any existing file systems08:05
crackguyon a server with a 4 core 1 x Intel CPU 2.67GHz, what is the maximum number of VMs a Citrix XenServer can run without any major performance issues?08:05
plumpfifo: how would i go about running the file system scan?08:05
kazagistarAfteraffekt: have you tried Awn? I use it instead of gnome panel08:05
pfifoplum, e2fsck for ext2/3/408:06
Afteraffektkazagistar, awn doesnt have the eye candy that mac os has08:06
bin_bashAfteraffekt:  then use Mac OS08:06
Afteraffektim a broke foo08:06
kazagistarhmm? must have updated it since I used OSX 10.5 then08:06
rhizmoehey, rhythmbox just started downloading a podcast on its own for the first time. good show08:07
ubottuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information08:07
plumlooks like my ubuntu /boot partition is okay08:07
Linux-IRChow can i add panel , it's 11.04 ,08:07
plumthat is the only one that's ext though08:07
plumis there a way to scan ntfs/hfs+ partitions as well?08:07
Linux-IRCbottom panel08:07
kazagistarawn has cool bouncy/scaling icons, but also plugins like date/time and notification areas and menus08:08
NomadicusHello, what is a program that I can use to configure boot options.  Specifically what I want to do is: select a different kernel so that I won't have to press f3 at boot.  I had installed a program that was intended for this purpose on a different machine some time ago, but have since forgotten what it was titled.08:08
StarminnAfteraffekt: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/04/you-choose-the-best-dock-for-ubuntu-poll/08:08
pfifoplum, im not sure maybe someone else knows08:08
plumah okay08:09
plumi think i will try rebooting... says updates need me to reboot anyway08:09
plumcrossing fingers!  thanks a bunch everyone for the help though :)08:09
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icedteaanyone know what the command is to bring up the kde control panel?08:11
crackguyon a server with a 4 core 1 x Intel CPU 2.67GHz, what is the maximum number of VMs a Citrix XenServer can run without any major performance issues?08:12
bin_bashwho go klined08:14
pfifothat guy that just asked about VMs08:14
pfifo* crackguy has quit (K-Lined)08:14
bin_bashlol why?08:14
pfifoi dont think youll get a kline for anything less than breaking network rules08:15
bin_bashi didnt know VMs were agains network rules08:16
bin_bashinb4 kline08:16
ShapeShifter499I can connect just fine with all my computers to a wep protected router except my powerbook g4... why is that? am I missing something?08:16
ShapeShifter499this powerbook g4 has ubuntu 10.0408:16
pfifohe probbally was in another chan and got banned, then evaded, or cussed someone out08:17
Nomadicusicedtea: systemsettings -caption "%c" %i08:17
bin_bashShapeShifter499:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SupportedArchitectures#PowerPC08:18
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billy_where do I find a list of the packages available on ppa?08:20
ShapeShifter499bin_bash, um...08:20
helpme4can someone help me on how to change ubuntu into windows style?08:21
ShapeShifter499that still doesn't help me08:21
red2kichelpme4: Install Windows.08:21
Wingshelpme4: why do you need to do that?08:21
helpme4well really i just wanna get rid of the menu on the left08:22
ShapeShifter499red2kic, thats a horrid idea if you don't need to08:22
helpme4or turn it into a drop down08:22
ShapeShifter499helpme4 oh.. like everything in one menu?08:22
ShapeShifter499just like start08:22
helpme4yeah like the start menu in windows08:22
AfteraffektStarminn, thanks! found it! was called cairo!08:22
red2kicShapeShifter499: Installing Windows theme to confuse people is a terrible idea too. :\08:23
red2kichelpme4: Right-click on the panel. Add Menu.08:23
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ShapeShifter499red2kic, not really... install wine1.3 along with it and not too many will notice :p08:23
skplhelpme4: google mintmenu08:23
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jiltdilis there any way to enlarge the size of text in F1-F6 mode ?08:27
ShapeShifter499red2kic, any Linux  to look like windows and be able to run windows stuff too is a #epicwin considering (afaik) Linux isn't MS08:29
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Afteraffektwhats up08:35
Afteraffektlol - saying you need help doesnt get you help =]08:36
DASDDSDSDADSAEGD10.04 10.10 ?08:37
Afteraffektyes, the two current versions of ubuntu08:37
Afteraffekthow may i help you08:37
ShapeShifter499DASDDSDSDADSAEGD, go with 10.0408:37
ShapeShifter499more stable08:37
SugiHello all, I am having issues maximizing windows/applications on triple monitor setup.  Using Separate X [xinerama] + twinview.  I had it working prefectly with maximizing on dual monitor setup. :S ubuntu 10.10 x64 / nvidia08:38
AfteraffektSugi, whats the problem maximizing?08:38
SugiSorry, I didn't explain myself. It's maximizing to two monitors, instead of the just one screen. Though, It does not maximize to "xinerama screen" [This is ok].  But I would like to maximize a window / applications to that given screens, one given screen.08:40
SugiAfteraffekt: Forgot your name input08:40
Afteraffektare each screen extensions, or are any clones?08:40
SugiIf I understand you correctly, they are extensions...08:41
Afteraffekttheres possibly a setting that tells it to maximize to just one - all i can think of08:41
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:41
Afteraffektive never done more than two08:42
DASDDSDSDADSAEGDhow long can i use 10.04 ?08:42
Afteraffektdebd, we know...08:42
debdAfteraffekt: I know that you know08:42
SugiAfteraffekt: Well, this problem happens on dual screens as well.  Would you know how to go about fixing it?08:42
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AfteraffektSugi, in the application that i used, it was an option to choose08:43
kwtmDASDDSDSDADSAEGD: 10.04 will be supported for 3 years (5 years if you use the server edition, usually for more specialized users).  I'm using 10.04 myself and don't plan to upgrade until the next Long-Term Support edition, due in 2012.08:43
SugiAfteraffekt: Ohh, do you also use wine?  Right now, that's mine problem.08:43
AfteraffektSugi, so wine is expanding to two screens?08:43
kwtmDASDDSDSDADSAEGD: Hmm, your choice of nickname seems hard to remember, full of capital letters, and seems to have been chosen in a hurry.  Couldn't think of a suitable nick?08:44
heyguiseI feel like an idiot asking this question. But how do i change my clock? I went into "Change system time" and did that but when ever i reboot it goes back08:44
AfteraffektSugi, sorry i couldnt be of more help08:45
SugiAfteraffekt: Also, I could post my xorg, the old xorg was working on dual monitor setup, but now, triple monitors is having issues with maxizing.  Also a quick note, dual monitor, maxizing worked on one screen with twinview, but now, xinerama maxizing works on that screen, bu the twinview setup set to one video is now currently not working, as it maxizes to both screens of twinview instead of one.08:46
xekaphi all08:46
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damnoheyguise: did you try from the clock applet in the gnome panel?08:46
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SugiAfteraffekt: And yes, wine is treating my twinview as one huge resolution. :S08:46
heyguisedamno yeah08:47
twkmmdamno ^508:47
heyguisei think its set to automatically get the time, but i have it set for the wrong time zone. but im not sure how to change the time zone.08:47
Zombik1hi!, how would one create an USB stick which boots multiple versions of the ubuntu iso, but keeps the menus of the CDs?08:47
damnoheyguise: changed the time from therer?08:47
AfteraffektSugi, wine is a beast of itself, i really dont know from here, unless theres configuration of twinview/xinerama08:47
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damnoheyguise: and still doesnt work?08:47
SugiAfteraffekt: Ok, thanks anyways.08:48
AfteraffektSugi, I tried man lol, even googled the problem08:48
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SugiAfteraffekt: Ya, I have been googling this beast for the last couple of hours.  Though, I guess I am just lucky to get triple monitors working XD08:49
debii'am new ubuntu user08:49
damnodebi: nice nick ;)08:50
Fudgehi if a init script is failing would that stop a runlevel form changing? from 2 to 508:50
debithank u damno08:50
damnodebi: welcome08:51
afghanHi everyone !08:51
damnohow can I remove unnecessary items from the places drop-down menu?08:52
SugiDoes anyone know why I am having maxizing issues with multiple monitor setup, I want it to maxize to just one screen, instead across both.08:53
kesorHow do i know if i have a i686-based or x86-64 computer??08:53
Ben64kesor: look up the cpu08:53
kesorBen64 how?08:54
Ben64kesor: you don't know what cpu you have? try running "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i model"08:54
^NiNjASugi,  are you cloning your desktop to another monitor?08:55
mithranhi all, how can i create another user with super user privileges in ubuntu?08:55
Ben64mithran: that could be dangerous, why would you want to?08:55
mithranBen64: just as an experiment, ill delete it right afterwards, i promise :)08:56
plummy bootloader parition got obliterated apparently08:56
plumand in trying to restore it, now my gparted doesn't show any partitions08:56
plumon /dev/sda08:56
plumis all my data lost? i had three fine partitions on that08:57
Ben64plum: i suppose it's possible your drive died08:57
^NiNjAmithran,  if you have the root password you can sudo most things you need to do08:57
fairuz Hi, I have a weird problem. When I open gedit. It give me this on the console.  Giterdone: loading vcs interface GitInterface. And after that gedit hangs, and in htop i see some git process runnings. Is this normal? I tried to reinstall gedit but no luck08:57
Sugi^NiNjA: I am using SeparateX on gpu1, and twinview on gpu0. So, nope.08:57
damnokesor: run :   uname -a08:57
kazagistarmithran: make the user, then set their privileges using the Advanced Settings button, all from the user settings menu08:57
plumBen64: is there any way you know that i can attempt to recover my partitions?08:58
kesordamno: 2.6.35-28-generic #50-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 18 19:00:26 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux08:58
Ben64plum: parted might be able to08:58
^NiNjASugi,  You running an SLI or Crossfire?08:58
plumBen64: how?08:58
kesordamno: hehehehe i see it now myself , nvm08:58
damnokesor: there you get it: i686 GNU/Linux08:59
damnokesor: there you get it: i686 GNU/Linux08:59
Ben64plum:   rescue START END                         rescue a lost partition near START08:59
Ben64in the parted help08:59
damnokesor: lol08:59
Sugi^NiNjA: I am not running sli, just two video cards. geforce gtx 260 and gt 43008:59
mithran^NiNjA:  i am trying to create a user, so that when i try to do an administrative task, it will prompt me for my password...root will not prompt right? kazagistar: after making the user, how can i use visudo to give the user sudo privileges?08:59
ZShockgood evening09:00
plumBen64: i don't see that, how did you get to it?09:00
Ben64mithran: why can't you do that on the normal user with gksudo?09:00
plumunder Help i only see Contents and About09:00
Ben64plum: run parted, type "help" for help09:00
feng how do I unplug usb drive in ubuntu?09:00
Ben64plum: i'm talking about the command line parted09:01
plumah from terminal09:01
plumsorry my bad :(09:01
mithranBen64: in that case which users password will i have to enter?09:01
Ben64mithran: the current user09:01
mithranBen64: without him being a sudoer?09:01
Ben64he'd have to be in sudoers09:01
manish_ditisshelp on hpc kestrel package on ubuntu09:01
imran-ukdoes anyone know why, in ubuntu desktop, my local dns zone does not work properly. so if i have a zone foo.local, pinging the a rec for www.foo.local does not work but pinging www does?09:02
manish_ditissdnsmasq error09:02
imran-ukmanish_ditiss, is that to me?09:02
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SugiI am having issues maximizing windows/applications on triple monitor setup.  Using Separate X [xinerama] + twinview.  I had it working prefectly with maximizing on dual monitor setup. :S ubuntu 10.10 x64 / nvidia09:02
Sugi(02時38分49秒) Afteraffekt: Sugi, whats the problem maximizing?09:02
plumBen64: if i enter gparted into terminal, it launches the app09:02
^NiNjAmithran,  im not sure if i can help you here. the password prompt is a security feature to ensure only ssomeone with root or allowed privelages can make system changes09:02
plumand i can't type help into it anywhere :/09:03
Ben64plum: ........ parted09:03
Ben64plum: the g is for gui*09:03
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ZShockim having some problems with my computer's mbr, can someone gimme a hand?09:03
Fudgeanyone familiar much with inittab09:03
AnotherTestI need a channel for help on C++... Anyone know one?09:03
plumBen64: alright, i got to help09:03
damnoBen64: what does parted do? I mean what it's used for?09:03
manish_ditissimran-uk, have u idea about that09:03
plumwhat do i need to do now?09:03
Ben64damno: partitioning and stuff09:03
Ben64!grub | ZShock09:04
ubottuZShock: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)09:04
ZShockthank you09:04
imran-ukmanish_ditiss, i do, let me try disabling it09:04
^NiNjASugi,  not sure how you are running to cards without a crossfire or SLI setup. so best to let someone else take your issue  sorry man but im not familiar with your setup09:04
ZShockBen64 I've tried everything listed but I can't get it to work..09:05
Ben64ZShock: well whats the problem you're having?09:05
plumBen64: before my disks disappeared, i had tried to do a dd if= something something of = /dev/sda09:05
plumdo you think i can recover this from parted?09:05
Ben64plum: O_O why would you do that09:05
plumBen64: i had the files for my bootloader... some online guide told me to :<09:05
ZShockBen64: can you read a forum post I've made? I think I'll be able to show faster that way09:05
manish_ditissimran-uk, if i disable it hpc child node is state less09:06
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Ben64plum: can you find exactly what you did?09:06
Sugi^NiNjA: Not a problem, just a note you don't need sli or crossfire to get multiple monitors. As my setup proves this. :D  Though, I was wondering, does this same problem exist with sli or crossfire, is there a fix with that or working out-of-box?09:06
plumi was trying to overwrite the mbr09:06
Ben64plum: like... is it still in the bash history or anything?09:06
manish_ditissimran-uk, i mean 2 say image is not working09:06
plumit's not, but i have the link so i know what it is09:06
damnoplum: that shold be in the auth.log09:06
plumlike i know what i did09:06
damnoin general09:06
plumi'm in a live boot right now09:06
Ben64plum: well lemme see the page then09:07
Ben64did you type it in correctly?09:07
imran-ukmanish_ditiss, sorry i thought you were saying "dnsmasq error" as a solution to my probs. cant help right now, sorry09:07
plumBen64: http://inportb.com/2010/07/18/%EF%BB%BFinstalling-chameleon-using-linux/09:07
manish_ditissits ok09:07
plumaw dang09:08
plumshould've read the print09:08
plum"this will clean your harddrive dadada"09:08
AnotherTestI'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and I wonder if it's normal there are no icons in the System menu?09:08
Ben64plum: did you do the fdisk stuff too?09:08
plumno i didn't do that stuff, i just did the dd if... stuff09:08
fairuzHi, how to reset gedit's config or setting?09:08
plumthen rebooted, bad idea09:08
ZShockBen64: can you read this one post for me? it has everything ive done til the moment09:08
Ben64ZShock: ok09:09
ZShockBen64: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173228109:09
Ben64plum: stuff is probably still there then09:09
plumBen64: how can i get it to be seen by gparted again? :(09:09
plumcause i'm sure i didn't delete anything09:09
Ben64plum: why would you do that to a hard drive though? it seems like its supposed to be done on a usb09:09
SugiI am having issues maximizing windows/applications on triple monitor setup.  Using Separate X [xinerama] + twinview.  I had it working prefectly with maximizing on dual monitor setup. :S ubuntu 10.10 x64 / nvidia09:10
kwtmmneed help09:10
ohsixSugi: complain to nvidia for not supporting xrandr09:10
manish_ditissneed help on http://kestrelhpc.sourceforge.net/09:10
kwtmmneed help09:10
plumBen64: i think it's meant to be done to a hard drive, i did it successfully from my osx partition a while ago to save it09:10
ohsixSugi: you could try nouveau too09:10
plummight have been switched to GPT by gparted though09:11
kwtmmneed help09:11
Ben64plum: mess around with parted and the rescue command, see if you can get partitions back09:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:11
^NiNjASugi,  I have a dual head card. Its not two CPU's though despite what AMD/ATI likes to imply09:12
kesormy CD-ROM button dont work, whats the command to open it??09:12
ohsix^NiNjA: i've never heard anyone imply that09:12
marHello. I'm having problems with multi-monitor setup with newest beta. Screen external screen flickers and etc... Is it something I need to do after upgrade before I report a bug?09:12
manish_ditissimran-uk,create A record & Zone name09:12
kwtmmneed help09:12
Suginouveau, Never heard of it. Does it control applications within the x?09:13
ohsixmar: #ubuntu+1 for natty support09:13
kwtmmdont know if 10.04 or 10.10 1or 11.,0409:13
marohsix:  ok09:13
ohsixSugi: no, it's an open source nvidia driver09:13
^NiNjAAMD software shows the head as separate giving a false impression that they are hardware independent09:13
plumBen64: how do i know where to end in rescue...?09:13
Sugi^NiNjA: I am currently using dual heads on my 260 right now as well.09:13
kesormy CD-ROM button dont work, whats the command to open it??09:13
ohsix^NiNjA: there are multiple crtcs09:13
Ben64plum: do you know how your partitions were set up?09:14
ohsixand they're only loosely dependent09:14
kwtmmdont know if 10.04 or 10.10 1or 11.,0409:14
plumwhat do you mean? mbr or gpt?09:14
=== debd is now known as damno_
^NiNjAohsix,  regardless to a new user it can give the false impression09:14
Ben64plum: like how big your partitions were, and where on the disk09:14
plumi know around what size but not exact09:15
Ben64doesnt need to be exact09:15
^NiNjASugi,  so you run two cards, one at least with dual heads?09:15
plummy windows was 210gb ish09:15
ohsix^NiNjA: a new user with the idea of the false premise that they're separate gpus09:15
kwtmmdont know if 10.04 or 10.10 1or 11.,0409:15
Ben64plum: rescue start end      Rescue  a  lost  partition  that  was  located  somewhere   between  start  and end.09:15
kwtmmi need produtive os09:15
Ben64plum: see the 'somewhere'  :D09:15
plumahh nice09:15
kwtmmhello guys09:16
kwtmmdont know if 10.04 or 10.10 1or 11.,0409:16
kwtmmi need produtive os09:16
plumso i should do Start: 0 End: 210 ?09:16
fairuzhttp://pastebin.com/4hGxe80M  ... Any idea why gedit run git processes?09:16
plumor should it be like 21000009:16
SugiYep as following, gt 430 - Left Screen [separate X]. gtx 260 - Center Center [MAIN] and Right Center [twinview]09:16
Ben64plum: its in megabytes09:16
kwtmmdont know if 10.04 or 10.10 1or 11.,0409:16
kwtmmi need produtive os09:16
Ben64kwtm: 10.0409:17
^NiNjAohsix,  in my AMD CCC software if i use the overclock feature it gives me an option on which GPU, this again is a base lie there is only one GPU on my card.09:17
ohsix^NiNjA: you might have 2 gpus, some amd cards do09:17
ohsixit has nothing to do with the outputs09:17
ohsixsome nvidia cards do too, but they're bridged differently09:18
ohsixfairuz: why bash? probably a plugin09:18
^NiNjAMine does not but the option still shows. doesnt work but it shows09:18
kwtmmwait a minute before helping me09:18
kwtmmmust do an excretion/ a metabolite09:18
plumit found my windows partition Ben64 ! :D09:18
fairuzohsix: any way to reset this setting or config? deleting a config file maybe?09:18
Ben64plum: boo windows :P09:19
kwtmmi must to toilette, do an good excretion or metabolite09:19
plumhahahahaha i need it for school :(09:19
ohsix^NiNjA: sounds like a bug, can you interact with it? or is it just visible but disabled09:19
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ohsixfairuz: try the options09:19
kwtmmi must to toilette, do an good excretion or metabolite09:19
Ben64!repeat | kwtmm09:19
ubottukwtmm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:19
fairuzohsix: my gedit hangs now, I cant do nothing09:19
plumit's not finding my other two... bummer09:20
ohsixfairuz: /apps/gedit-2 in gconf, try gconf-editor09:20
fairuzohsix: ok09:20
Ben64plum: maybe you said too big for windows?09:20
SugiI am having issues maximizing windows/applications on triple monitor setup.  Using Separate X [xinerama] + twinview.  2 gpu setup right now, not sli. :S ubuntu 10.10 x64 / nvidia09:21
plumBen64: Information: A ntfs primary partition was found at 32.3kB -> 204GB.  Do you want to add it to the partition table?09:21
Sugiohsix: hahaha, I just read your comment.  I second that!09:21
^NiNjAohsix,  its just the way AMD software shows the separate outputs. It even shows both as having 512 of memory, but The card only has 512 of memeory total09:21
plumthat was my windows, i tried starting at 203000 and its not finding anytrhing else09:21
Ben64plum: how big is the drive09:21
plumBen64: 250gb09:22
ohsix^NiNjA: well it's no conspiracy to get you to say silly things on irc, it's a bug; report it09:22
Ben64keep changing the numbers, it's not perfect at finding stuff09:22
^NiNjAohsix,  its the same way in windows as well09:22
Kartagishow do I find out what my sshd version is?09:22
Ben64plum: did you just have one ubuntu partition? or a couple?09:22
^NiNjAand only on AMD CCC software09:23
ohsix^NiNjA: what card do you have?09:23
Ben64Kartagis: ssh -v09:23
^NiNjAits an AMD software issue09:23
Ben64Kartagis: sshd -v **09:23
plumBen64: i had my ubuntu /boot partition (grub) on /dev/sda but my ubuntu files are on /dev/sdb109:23
^NiNjAATI 2600 pro 51209:23
plumlong story09:23
ohsix^NiNjA: i thought it was a conspiracy to get everyone to think there are multiple gpus?09:23
Ben64plum: which drive got messed up?09:23
plum /dev/sda09:24
^NiNjAlol no just how I worded it09:24
Ben64plum: what else was on /dev/sda besides windows and /boot?09:24
plumBen64: my osx partition was on it09:24
ohsixit says that card does crossfire09:24
^NiNjAnot a conspiracy by AMD just a deliberate bit of BS they throw in09:24
plumlast i saw of it though, it was "unknown" format according to gparted09:24
ohsix^NiNjA: you just said it's not a conpsiracy, it is a conspiracy09:25
plumcause gparted decided to exit itself while moving all of my partitions around09:25
Ben64plum: well thats not too bad... /boot is probably small? so select a small range to recover09:25
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ohsix^NiNjA: ccc probably thinks you have crossfire for some reason; find out why09:25
plumtrue, i'll look in smaller ranges09:25
^NiNjAohsix, honestly it does not cause any problems09:26
ohsix^NiNjA: but it's a bug09:26
^NiNjAnot in ubuntu09:26
ohsixit caused me problems personally, only just recently though09:26
^NiNjAor debian09:26
kwtmmi must to toilette, do an good excretion or metabolite09:27
Ben64!language | kwtmm09:27
ubottukwtmm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.09:27
fairuzohsix: can i delete the gedit-2 folder so it can create a new one?09:28
^NiNjAthis has been the same way since i got the card. in windows or linux CCC just choses to show two heads that way09:28
fairuzor it will not create a new one ? :D09:28
plumBen64: i think i'll have to recreate the partition09:28
ohsixfairuz: you can recursively unset it09:28
plumas long as i have my windows files intact though i think it will be fine09:28
ohsix!resetpanel | fairuz uz09:28
ubottufairuz uz: To reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:28
ohsix^ just change the key09:28
ohsix^NiNjA: it's a conspiracy or it's a bug, if it's a bug report it09:29
fairuzohsix: it works. thanks09:30
jiltdilhow to increase or decrese font size in termonal mode F1-F6?09:31
plumok well i'm gonna try rebooting09:31
plumthank you Ben6409:31
plumi'll cya later09:32
awani'm newbie here...09:32
ohsixjiltdil: /etc/default/console-setup change the font & size09:32
kwtmmi must to toilette, do an good excretion or metabolite09:32
awangreat to meet you all..09:32
SugiI am having issues maximizing windows/applications on triple monitor setup.  Using Separate X [xinerama] + twinview.  2 gpu setup right now, not sli. :S ubuntu 10.10 x64 / nvidia  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10690096#post1069009609:33
kwtmmi must to toilette, do an good excretion or metabolite09:33
awani have join ubuntu...09:34
awanusing cloud09:34
kwtmm!ask | awan09:34
ubottuawan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:34
awanasl pls09:34
kwtmm!question | awan09:35
ubottuawan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:35
ashmew2awan: this isnt a chat room of Yahoo or something. ASL ?..09:35
ashmew2!seen ashmew209:36
ubottuI have no seen command09:36
kwtmmi need produtive os09:36
kwtmmdont know if 10.04 or 10.10 1or 11.,0409:36
ashmew2what is the seen command for this channel ?09:36
ashmew2kwtmm: what exactly do u need ?09:36
kwtmmi need help09:36
icerootashmew2: there is no seen here09:37
ashmew2kwtmm: I know that lol. I meant , is there some specific set of applications that you are looking for ?09:37
ashmew2iceroot: something similar ?09:37
kwtmmoh i do pidgin and libreoffice but the thing is09:37
icerootashmew2: no09:37
_zoom_hi, is there any available in ubuntu that might help building software webstore?09:37
ashmew2iceroot: k thx09:37
ohsixSugi: twinview fakes xinerama information so what you're asking should work; twinview is a mess though09:37
kwtmmUbuntu 10.10 identifies my PC right09:38
kwtmm10.04 wrong,09:38
kwtmm 09:38
ashmew2_zoom_ : you want to open up a webstore for selling Linux applications ?09:38
ashmew2kwtmm: So , whats the problem in using 10.1009:38
ohsixSugi: with nouveau and xrandr the monitor applet should work just like you expect, no creating your own xorg.conf09:38
kwtmm10.10 say by installing as my computer name "desktop-EL1850" EL1850 >> its the type of my pc !!09:38
kwtmmbut 10.04 dont say so, it only "desktop"09:38
ohsixSugi: you really should be talking to nvidia or their forums for information on how to make it work otherwise09:38
hiddensoulSugi, try xrandr that might be what you are looking for, I have had 4 screens running at one time with that09:38
_zoom_ashmew2: no other application, linux will be host of webstore09:39
Sugiohsix: Ya, I had it working with my dual-monitor setup perfectly.  In this link, I posted the same problem, but it includes my working xorg or the current non-working xorg. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173229809:39
ohsixhiddensoul: the nvidia binary drivers don't do xrandr09:39
kwtmmbut it doenst matter, i think09:39
hiddensoulthey dont, bummer09:39
ashmew2kwtmm: i am pretty sure that's not how you make sure if the system is identified.09:39
kwtmmyes i agree , so what do you recommend me, ashmew2, which ubuntu version09:39
ohsixxrandr 4 lyf09:39
kwtmmI have got ordered KDE and gnome CDS, only ubuntu 10.10 32 bit09:39
kwtmmbut i can download it !!09:39
ashmew2_zoom_ : By webstore you mean you want to set up some sort of dedicated linux server with your shop's database or something ?09:40
ashmew2kwtmm: Give 10.10 a try (Live session)...Do you have any pen drives/thumb drives with you ?09:40
Sugihiddensoul: Oh wow, I was under the impression getting multiple monitors working with xrandr was impossible or darn never close to it.  Do you have any documention you went off of to complete this task?09:40
sluethDo they have the ubuntu 11 cds yet?09:41
ashmew2kwtmm: Download the ISO from download.ubuntu.com , make a live USB / live CD..Give it a spi09:41
kwtmmthe other thing is ashmew2 does 11.10 have gnome09:41
_zoom_ashmew2: beside some scripts (php,perl whatever) to manage the version, rating, downloads ... and payments09:41
sluethYou can just install it.09:41
sluethBut i think they are using unity now?09:41
kwtmmin 1¹.04 you can chose09:41
kwtmmbit in 11.1009:42
ashmew2kwtmm: Ubuntu is bundled with a default set of software..You can always install what you want..like KDE on a gnome desktop09:43
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kwtmmso do you think 11.10 there is a meta packages09:44
kwtmm"gnome-desktop" to install09:44
kwtmmthat i can use gnome09:44
kwtmmor what09:44
ashmew2there would be , they wouldnt dare cut out gnome...bad for publicity09:44
ashmew2but 11.04...is it out yet ?09:45
ashmew2April 2809:45
ashmew2is the official release date...10 days to go09:45
ohsixashmew2: not to mention they can't09:45
kwtmmbut i have to install today so what should i install09:45
kwtmmoshix: why can not they ?09:45
ohsixashmew2: they may have unity but the other 99.9% is gnome09:45
soreau! 11.04 | kwtmm09:46
ubottukwtmm: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.09:46
ashmew2ohsix: Yeah , precisely ! ;)09:46
ohsixsame goes for gnome-shell09:46
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kwtmmyes so i have to remove unity @ohsix or what09:46
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kwtmmthen its ordinary desktop ?09:46
slueth1Anyone like unity?09:46
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ohsixktyou don't have to remove anything, just pick the desktop session you want at login09:47
kwtmmbut i have to install today so what should i install09:47
kwtmmfor productive machine :) cant wait 10 day before !09:47
Sugihiddensoul: Btw, how was it maximizing apps and windows to a single screen, were there any downsides to using xrandr with a 4 monitor setup?09:47
kwtmmso i need the computer pc today09:47
soreaukwtmm: Ask in #ubuntu+109:47
kwtmmwhy do you tell such a crap09:48
red2kickwtmm: 10.04 LTS.09:48
ashmew2soreau: He doesnt want to install natty yet. Its still beta.09:48
ohsixSugi: i thought the point of xrandr is to get around the downsides?09:48
kwtmmyes ashmew2 you right09:48
ashmew2kwtmm: Yeah , LTS would be a good choice..but before you surely want to give it a spin from the live session.09:49
red2kickwtmm: Because you said you wanted a machine for productivity. However, solid stable? Use debian.09:49
soreauashmew2: Oh, I thought he is asking how to install natty right now09:49
ohsixSugi: ie. getting rid of xinerama and static configuration09:49
kwtmmsolid stable ?09:49
ashmew2soreau: Nah , he's just asking for advice on what to :)09:49
kwtmmso do you think debian is good for me then09:50
kwtmmno i think stay ubuntu09:50
ashmew2kwtmm: There are different tools for different jobs..You wouldnt want to use a screwdriver to hammer a nail instead of using a hammer. OS choice depends on the use.09:51
kwtmmyes :D09:51
kwtmmashmew2 one question what do you use09:51
Sugiohsix: Ok, then what should I go over to, I'm a bit lost and heartbroken to say the less.  This problem is quite problematic09:51
ashmew2kwtmm: Fedora , Ubuntu , Sabayon , Mint , Win 7.09:52
coolmadmaxkwtmm, than use lts -- long term support 10.409:52
ashmew2im sort of an OS junkie , i dont really require production machines.09:52
kwtmmoh i dont like mint :D09:52
soreauashmew2: heh, you sound like me09:52
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ashmew2kwtmm: but you should be able to choose one that fits your needs best..09:52
ashmew2soreau : :)09:52
* soreau has Fedora, Ubuntu, Win7, Suse and Arch09:53
ashmew2i forgot Arch !09:53
ohsixSugi: shrug,  nvidia won't do xrandr, hope lies in nouveau, try a natty livecd, use the monitor applet09:53
ashmew2Pacman ftw :)09:53
soreauashmew2: I actually have a 5-boot machine with all of these installed :P09:53
ashmew2kwtmm: but for that we'll need to know what you're guna use it for..Precisely..and what do u mean by a production machine...put it in a shop ?09:53
red2kicYou forget Gentoo too.09:53
Sugiohsix: I am really hoping natty will bring some new light to this issue.  This is quite an old issue :SSSSS09:53
ashmew2soreau: same..i got 3 3 . on lap and on desktop :)09:54
soreaured2kic: Sabayon is close enough ;)09:54
kwtmmashmew2: no private ! ;)09:54
soreauashmew2: Ah, then we are in the same boat ;)09:54
ohsixSugi: it's just the nvidia binary driver; only mention natty because xorg-edgers stopped builds for versions older than natty, and it comes with nouveau09:54
kwtmmbut dont want to re install this every secondd09:54
ashmew2soreau: im glad :)09:54
FloodBot2kwtmm: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:54
ashmew2kwtmm: i didnt private you LOL09:54
kwtmmnooo i meant09:54
kwtmmi need it private @ashmew2 mthe  pc09:54
ashmew2kwtmm: haha , OK :P09:55
=== angel is now known as Guest73385
Sugiohsix: Aaa, btw do you have much experience with triple setup in windows envirnoment?  I have heard it's better, but at the same time, ati is winning in surround vision...09:55
kwtmmno its not better09:56
kwtmmonly install linux ubuntu09:56
ashmew2kwtmm: I have Win7 installed...from about 20 months or so..havent really needed to reinstall yet. You might wanna consider that..Same goes for Ubuntu as well though.09:56
ohsixSugi: it's worse, all you get is a framebuffer09:56
manialWitam ;)09:56
Sugiohsix: Sigh, that doesn't sound good :SSS09:56
ashmew2kwtmm: Debian sounds like a good choice...Just pre plan a bit about some exotic hardware.09:57
ashmew2Like some WiFi Cards and stuff which might have problems...Try running your config through here and google. And that should give you an idea if your stuff works on the OS or not09:57
ashmew2i meant previous msg :P09:58
kwtmmdebian netinstall ? live cd ?09:58
ashmew2well i gotta run now...Later guys09:58
ashmew2Live CD sounds better09:58
ashmew2consider Arch and everything , although it started without X afair.09:59
alexearthi use gvim --remote-silent to open a file in vim but the windows stays in the background, is it possible to give it focus?10:01
shomonhi, can I make my window decorations a bit thicker so it's easier to resize them?10:02
shomonI'm always 5 minutes and feel like I have hooves instead of a mouse pointer10:02
shomonin ubuntu 10.1010:02
andyccshomon, the window border size pretty much depends on the theme. If you're willing to change your theme for that, I suggest Equinox.10:04
jon___I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Optiplex 36010:04
mhazthoughts on unity>10:05
jon___but Gparted from the Ubuntu live cd can't find my partitions ...10:05
jon___any idea ?10:05
tuhinany Bengali speaking user here?10:05
shomonthanks andycc ! brilliant will try that10:08
shomontuhin I think there are various companion channels to this one for other languages... not sure for yours though10:09
tuhinshomon: i m in such a cheannel too10:09
tuhinbut not many users :(10:09
mhazubuntu community is dead. sad.10:09
redHello, I have problem installing suns java jdk\jre (to get netbeans working properly)10:09
icerootred: and what are the problems? sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk10:10
redEven though I have installed the packages, and apt-get removed openjdk-6-jre (and jdk) running "java -version" tells me OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.7) (6b20-1.9.7-0ubuntu1)10:10
tuhinshomon where r u from?10:10
redBooted already as well10:10
icerootred: there is an update-alternatives command (i dont remeber the correct syntax) for setting sun instead of openjdk10:10
red2kicred: sudo update-alternatives --config java10:11
redill try to google that10:11
redah, testing10:11
andyccred: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure sun-java6-jre or something like that10:11
red2kicred: It's also in !java10:11
niq1984or export JAVA_HOME :)10:11
redjava -version now reporting correct10:12
red2kicred: Nice. :)10:12
redwonder how it can use openjdk when I even uninstalled the packages though10:12
shomontuhin, it's a long story :)10:12
=== alexearth is now known as athit
red2kicred: It'll use Java JRE from this point on.10:12
tuhinhmm ur name sounds like u r a Bengali...10:13
shomon:) thanks - it's sanscrit I think...10:13
SugiI am using multiple monitors, and I am having issues maximizing an application / window to just one screen.  It spans across both monitors in the twinview.  I don't know how to fix this.  Ubuntu 10.10 x64, nvidia http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=173229810:14
tuhinyes BEgali came from Sankskritik10:14
tuhinshomon: do u type bangla in linux?10:14
kwtmmdont know if 10.04 or 10.10 1or 11.,0410:15
red2kickwtmm: 11.04 (Unstable, not officially released). It's out.10:17
shomonah brilliant... sorry tuhin I was away there... I am sure there is a way to do that in linux, but I wouldn't know it!10:17
red2kickwtmm: 10.10 (Latest stable, Ubuntu-like bleeding edge).10:17
kwtmmstop what does bleeding mean10:18
red2kickwtmm: 10.04 (LTS, It will be supported for long time).10:18
red2kickwtmm: Latest stuffs.10:18
tuhinshomon u can type bengali using Avro keyboard layout in ubuntu10:18
red2kickwtmm: Roll a dice. Make a pick.10:18
kwtmmred2kic do you use kde then10:18
tuhini was looking for help abt it10:18
red2kickwtmm: No.10:18
shomonI'm a buddhist, that's the connection... but I'm not sure about switching keyboard layouts to non standard. I have switched languages though, and it's always better to install linux directly in the language/keyboard of choice10:19
shomonor you end up with a mix (I have spanish and english on this one)10:19
tuhinnice to meet u shomon , where r u from and where living now?10:20
shomonchile, italy, scotland and now living in spain :)10:21
shomonwhere is the gd2 package for ubuntu 10?10:22
shomonor what is it called?10:22
llutz_shomon: libgd2-xpm?10:23
shomonllutz_, thanks10:24
shomonok I found one via synaptic...10:24
beevvyhi, which phonon backend is the default in natty? xine? gstreamer? vlc?10:25
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psypher246hi all, i need to log a bug about my SD card not working at all in ubuntu, any recent version, but I am not sure under which app i should log it, could anyone assist?10:27
=== crazymonkey is now known as flowkey
psypher246it's not detected anywhere10:28
ikoniapsypher246: define not working10:28
=== flowkey is now known as katkee
ikoniapsypher246: is it the card or the card reader ?10:28
shomontuhin, nice to meet you! good luck with keyboard layouts!10:28
psypher246not detected in dmesg, lsusb, nothing shows in syslods10:28
psypher246card reader10:28
psypher246ikonia: it works gine in windows10:28
ikoniapsypher246: ok, so it's probably not an ubuntu issue more an issue that your card reader is not supported in the linux kernel10:28
ikoniapsypher246: note "probably"10:29
tuhinshomon, how did u end up in chile?10:29
psypher246ikonia: ok, so must i log the bug at kernel level?10:29
ikoniapsypher246: personally, I wouldn't log it as an ubuntu issue10:30
psypher246ikonia: ok thanks10:31
psypher246ikonia: kernel.org right?10:31
kesorwhy i have problems with Startup Disk Creator?? i try to select archlinux-2010.05-core-i686.iso file but it doesent work???10:32
Ben64psypher246: not having a driver isn't a bug10:32
chammuai have error when i want open file file.exe: $: mono file.exe Cannot open assembly 'file.exe': File does not contain a valid CIL image. how to fix this error? pls!10:32
psypher246Ben64: ok then where do i begin, I have never haed issues with an SD card reader and this is a dell laptop10:32
psypher246very new10:32
Ben64psypher246: if i were you i'd google the model of the reader + ubuntu10:33
NickUKI've recently upgrade to 11.04 from 10.04 with no wireless issues in 10.04 or 10.10 while upgrading, however in 11.04 my Wireless isn't working. I've managed to get most of it working but when I goto install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer it gives mee an error code.10:33
mmjjkesor: just use dd, have a look at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Putting_installation_media_on_a_USB_key10:33
Ben64!maverick | NickUK10:33
ubottuNickUK: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101010:33
Ben64err... whoops10:34
Ben64!natty | NickUK10:34
ubottuNickUK: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.10:34
psypher246Ben64: i have tried looking for dell xps l701x and ubuntu but can't find anything, going to try find the model of the reader10:36
chammuacan u help me fix error when i tried open file.exe: http://cB5.upanh.com/21.495.28447034.Ooz0/errorpix.png   pls!!!10:37
Ben64chammua: you might want to try in #winehq10:37
kesormmjj ok thanks, but how do i unmount the usb first?10:37
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kesormmjj: it says "To install, first ensure the USB device is unmounted and then issue the following command: "10:38
kesorHow do i unmount a usb device??10:41
mmjj kensor: either eject it using nautilus in ubuntu, or use the command sudo umount /media/usbdisk10:42
kesormmjj: umount: /media/usbdisk: not found10:42
mmjjreplace usbdisk with the name of your disk10:43
TRideris it normal that windows cannot recognize a hd with ubuntu on it ? I need to transfer files10:43
kesormmjj: how am i suposed to install iso file on it, if ejected?10:43
psypher246Ben64: dell is not being much help, any susggestion as to how i can find the model number of the card reader?10:43
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Ben64psypher246: lspci might have it10:45
Ben64TRider: thats totally normal. if you search for something to read ext3/4 in windows you can access the files10:46
kesormmjj: i have unmounted it now, but i cant run he $ dd if=image.iso of=/dev/sd[x] command?10:46
TRiderext3/4. Ok thanks10:47
Ben64thats the file system, not the name of a program10:47
Ben64ext3 or ext410:47
DJonesTRider: Last time I used it, Windows didn't have built in support for ext3/4 partition types, I used http://www.fs-driver.org/ which let me access an ext3 parition from windows, but I'm not sure whether its up to date now, its been a few years since I used it10:48
psypher246whats the command to get help from ubotto?10:48
TRiderok I will search. thanks a lot10:48
psypher246Ben64: nothing on there standing out as card reader:10:48
DJonesTRider: I was using WIn Xp at the time as well, so vista & win 7 could be completely different10:48
coolmegoi have problem with grub usage.kindly refer me some link to use it10:50
Ben64psypher246: try starting ubuntu with a card in the reader10:50
psypher246Ben64: ah hah10:50
psypher246JMicron JMB389 Card Reader Driver For DELL XPS L701X (, A00)10:50
psypher246ok will try that too thanks10:50
psypher246but i found this somewhere else10:50
psypher246thanks dude10:51
FloodBot2psypher246: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:51
netsurf3hey guys concerned that my machine is doing something big and ugly. Can you guys tell me the ram usage you have for an open desktop with a web browser?10:52
psypher246Ben64: hmmm, jmicron site says any kernel from  2.6.18  should work10:53
netsurf3I'm getting readings of 1.6gb which seems far too high10:53
niq1984netsurf3: 64bit?10:53
netsurf3niq1984, yeah10:53
Ben64netsurf3: linux uses a lot of ram as cache, nothing to be worried about10:53
netsurf3Ben64, i realise this but this is actually memory used by something and not cache10:54
niq1984paste cat /proc/meminfo |grep Cache10:54
netsurf3Cached:          1613452 kB10:55
netsurf3SwapCached:         1304 kB10:55
netsurf3okay point proven10:55
niq1984it's normal10:55
kesoris there a usb iso creator program for linux i cant find one??? i want to install arch linux iso for bootable usb10:56
coz_kesor,  yes  hold on10:56
netsurf3niq1984, how can it be calculated the actual consumption of ram for programs?10:56
tuhinunetbootin kesor10:56
coz_kesor,  its called    imagewriter10:56
coz_kesor,  also  unetbootin10:56
kesorcoz_ wich one is the best?10:57
tuhinnetsurf3: use system monitor10:57
coz_kesor,  mm   well... unetbootin is less picky   but both work10:57
niq1984netsurf3: usually I merge free and cached ;)10:57
coz_kesor,  unetbootin will not reject an iso that is not ubuntu10:57
tuhinthere is another which lets u drag and drop kesor , forgot the name10:57
coz_kesor,  its not as "pretty"  as  imagewriter10:57
tuhinlool in pendrivelinux.com10:57
coz_kesor,  but it does work10:58
kesorcoz_ ok ill try10:58
red2kickesor: Refer to Archlinux Wiki. They have wiki/guides. Use dd.10:58
netsurf3niq1984, :)10:58
kesorred2kic i tried dd, i couldent figure out10:59
red2kickesor: What can't you figure out? Are you stuck or lost at that part?11:00
niq1984kesor: have u tried Startup Disk Creator?11:00
coz_niq1984,  ah I forgot about that one,, but it rejects non ubuntu iso's11:01
psypher246Ben64: yeah i know, i mailed them, not holding my breath on a response11:01
psypher246Ben64: trying to find more info11:01
yuskhanzabhello all, i want to ask have someone try the natty beta 2?11:01
red2kicyuskhanzab: #ubuntu+111:01
kesori am in UNetbootin now and trying to find my iso file to create disk, but i dont see list over my user, only root?11:02
icerootkesor: /home/username/11:03
coz_kesor,  ok there is a button on the right labeled  ......11:03
coz_kesor,  it has three dots  on the button ,, that will allow you to search where the iso image is11:03
niq1984coz_: Ops, u right, i don't know that before11:03
coz_kesor,   actually all you need to do with  this is find the iso image  and click ok  if you want this on a usb flash ,, all the settings  are already set for it11:04
kesorok i found it out, now i selected my archlinux file and tried to create a usb and it was doen in 1 sec, and i cheked what files what was on the usb devise and its only 100 kb why?11:05
kesorill try again11:05
Diukciao a tutti11:05
Diukhello to everybody11:06
coz_kesor,  ok just find the iso ,, with non other settings, , make usre under "Type"  it is the usb driver  then click OK11:06
netsurf3niq1984, thanks for the help i have doublechecked a couple of things and your right just being a hypochondriac :)11:07
hutchI can't get into #ubuntu+1 using /join #ubuntu+1 or right clicking on the link givenby kesor to yuskhanzab11:08
hutchThat's weird coz as soon as I pressed enter on that mssg it took me there11:08
BlouBlouanyone knows how to set a random-playlist with amarok?11:09
niq1984netsurf3: n/p :)11:09
HemebondI'm using 11.04 and it appears memory isn't being released when I close some apps and windows. How do I see exactly what is using the memory? Apparently 1.2GiB of memory is being used but the processes memory doesn't add up. Firefox with Flash was using almost 2GiB and that didn't go down much once I closed it.11:09
llutz_!natty | Hemebond11:10
ubottuHemebond: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.11:10
HemebondI have to go to #ubuntu+1? Okay.11:10
coz_kesor,  to be honest ,, it took me a couple trys to get it right with unetbootin but it does work especially with non ubuntu iso's11:11
gilaxdid anyone had kernel 2.5.38 on ubuntu ?11:11
erUSULgilax: why you ask ?11:12
llutz_most ISO came as hybrid-iso today (except *buntu), so why not just use dd?11:12
duolcgilax: it's so old11:12
gilaxok I'll try11:12
Diverdudeif i have a ascii file, how can i from console line count how many lines this file has?11:13
llutz_Diverdude: wc -l file11:13
Diverdudellutz, thx11:16
mithranhow do i find which process is keeping a file open?11:16
ejvmithran: `lsof` might assist11:17
coz_kesor,  did that work?11:17
llutz_mithran: or "fuser"11:17
duolc/msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER doulc lmjweifnbrlp11:17
duolc 11:17
kesorcoz_ it worked now, i had to install 7zip-full before to get unetbootin to work properly11:18
coz_kesor,  oh!! wow  ok11:18
rob_pduolc: You should change your password now! :)11:18
BlouBlourob_p: no need, it's just the verify command, not the password11:19
mithranllutz_:  i opened a file using vim, in 1 terminal windows, and $sudo fuser <filename>, but it lists nothing, any pointers?11:20
rob_pBlouBlou: ah, verify... missed that!11:20
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BlouBlouzhangcao: errr... what?11:21
zhangcaohow to use it?11:22
BlouBlouzhangcao: use what?11:22
zhangcaothe  irc11:22
BlouBlouzhangcao: you mean your client or commands?11:23
duolcrob_p: Thanks.11:23
ouyesI installed the thinkfan to manage the fan speed of my t400, but there seems a problem, the fan speed is so slow, that my laptop get more hot than usual, how to add a little speed to my fan ?11:23
BlouBlouzhangcao: join in #freenode, it's the main channel of this network, you'll get more info about this in there11:23
BlouBlouzhangcao: type '/join #freenode' and press enter11:23
BlouBlouUbuntulover: just ask your question11:24
zhangcaothanks i will try11:24
WobbleyAfternoon :o11:26
Ubuntulovermy question:11:27
Ubuntulover10.04 or 10 1011:27
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syriuxUbuntulover : 11.1011:27
Gdot_adminHello all11:27
BlouBlouUbuntulover: what do you prefer, the newst software, or a very stable OS?11:27
Ubuntulover11.10 ??11:27
Ubuntuloververy stable11:27
syriuxno 11.0411:27
BlouBlouthen 10.04 LTS11:27
Guest33053de que estais hablando11:28
syriuxrelase in 10 days11:28
BlouBlousyriux: anyways he wants to use LTS versions, as he said, he prefers stable software than newst one11:28
* BlouBlou prefers newst one :-)11:29
syriuxyeah sure but between 10.10 and 11.04, choose 11.0411:29
BlouBloum_101: hey11:29
blip-hi, I'm trying to secure delete stuff on my laptop.  I boot via Ubuntu LiveCD, I leave the laptop overnight and when I return it seems to be in standby.  I don't see any options for standby in the gnome power management - could it just be that the CD is slow and the screen was off- but not actually suspended to ram ?11:30
heyguiseHey guys, I'm looking for a program that'll let me stream to a shoutcast server. I'd like to have mic input but its not nessicary. Any suggestions?11:30
m_101i've got a problem with Kile: the menu doesn't answer anymore on Ubuntu 11.04 64 bits all update applied11:30
m_101i completely disinstalled the soft and reinstalled it11:30
m_101and still have the same problem, haven't found anything on Google :s11:30
syriuxwhat problem m_101 ?11:30
m_101Kile menu doesn't answer at all11:31
ashmew2heyguise: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1049920 offers any help ? Looks promising to me , although i dont have any experience with shoutcast.11:31
heyguisethanks ash11:31
chaos-cnwho can tech me how to use xchat11:31
syriuxtry uninstall with the synaptic option which remove the configuration file11:31
BlouBlouchaos-cn: #xchat 's folks :)11:32
syriuxchaos : you are using it11:32
chaos-cni'm a newer11:32
ashmew2chaos-cn: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CBoQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fxchat.org%2Fdocs%2Fstart%2F&rct=j&q=xchat%20tutorial&ei=KBOsTfzQGMXorQeQvpCnCA&usg=AFQjCNGDOIB9ZuODQvuI8h4kMI1qT1nnuQ&cad=rja11:32
BlouBlouchaos-cn: '/join #xchat' and press enter. Then ask in there, you'll get more help than in here11:32
m_101syrinx_, already did that ....11:33
syriuxm_101 : try uninstall with the synaptic option which remove the configuration file11:33
m_101already did that11:33
chaos-cnthamk you from my heart11:33
BlouBloum_101: it may be a GTK error, did you try to submit the bug to launchpad?11:34
syriuxm_101 maybe it's a problem with a library11:34
m_101it's the only buggy soft ....11:34
m_101so i doub't it's GTK+ but we never know ... :s11:34
zee313I have some Data that is in .iso format. When ever I required to use that  I used Ulata iso software for mounting the Files. Here when I mounted data It is shown in the virtual drive . Here I use the data. I there concept of virtual drive in Ubuntu?11:34
AnggaDj98chaos-cn: are you chinese?11:34
BlouBlouAnggaDj98: why?11:34
AnggaDj98BlouBlou: just asking11:34
BlouBlouAnggaDj98: not here please11:35
AnggaDj98BlouBlou: ok sorry11:35
syriuxdid you look for similar problems n google ?11:35
heyguiseHAHAHA this link "Server name: My Gay Son"11:35
mithranllutz_: when i do fuser /etc/passed it lists 2 pids, but if i open a normal file in a terminal and try fuser <filenam>, it does not list anything...please help!!11:35
SugiHow do I get the details for my monitor, I want to manual add it to my xorg?11:35
zee313Software for mounting .iso files (Virual Drives)?11:36
chaos-cnwhy do you use irc so well11:36
andycczee313: AcetoneISO?11:36
Juowill a program like ffmpeg or handbrake-CLI perform much faster if i compile them from source compared to apt-get install?11:37
blip-Does ubuntu LiveCD have suspend to ram enabled on a timer ?  when I leave the machine on for few hours and return - it takes time for it to get back.. i'm not sure if that's just CD-drive spinup time or return from s2ram11:38
SugiHow do I check the monitor details, like exact model name, horizsync, and vertrefresh?  So I can add these details manual to my xorg. ubuntu 10.10 x64, nvidia11:38
ShapeShifter499um am I seeing things or is it a glitch of google or this software (http://smestorage.com) I'm using to mount google mail as a cloud drive?11:38
ShapeShifter499it says I have 1tb of storage space in google11:38
ShapeShifter499after I mounted11:38
shomonhow do you install virtualbox in ubuntu 10.10?11:39
andyccshomon: search for it in the Software Center.11:39
ShapeShifter499SMEStorage is a cloud file system mounter for most OSes11:39
BlouBloushomon: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-qt11:39
shomonok cooll  thanks andycc11:39
BlouBloushomon: type that in a terminal (what I said before) and you'll get it installed11:40
shomonI'm hearing it's not the most up to date one... ?11:41
BlouBloushomon: you're right, it will be the newst one with 11.0411:41
shomonok thanks BlouBlou11:42
erUSULSugi: the nevidia tools do not detect the monitor?11:44
shomonBlouBlou, is that the 64bit one or regular cow's milk?11:45
BlouBlouNo idea, sorry11:45
SugierUSUL: I am having massive issues with the twinview thing, so I am currently trying to setup the xorg myself.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10690096#post1069009611:45
BlouBloushomon: you mean ubuntu or virtualbox? (64bits)11:46
ny3blpbcan someone help me with oracle database11:46
syriuxit's difficult to help someone with oracle on an ubuntu support channel11:46
shomon:) too many windows11:47
syriuxtry finding an oracle support channel11:47
gluondoes anyone use gwibber with google buzz? it doesn't seem to work on 10.1011:47
shomonny3blpb, I can tell you - it's hard! but rhel channel may be more of help11:47
ny3blpbbut i cant connect at theyr channel it says "Cannot send to channel"11:48
BlouBloushomon: http://www.unixmen.com/linux-distributions/4-ubuntu/1242-install-virtualbox-via-ppa-repository-in-ubuntu-1010-maverick-meerkat11:48
ny3blpbwith this what should i do ?11:48
BlouBloushomon: With that PPA, you'll get installed and updated, the newest version of virtualbox11:49
shomonthanks very much BlouBlou11:50
BlouBloushomon: You're welcome :)11:51
syriuxny3blpb : find a tutorial on google11:51
Evanescence2where is the Python buildin HELP document ? in env variable11:51
shomonny3blpb, ah you need to register your IRC nickname with freenode - not sure of the linky for that11:51
SugiHow do I check the monitor details, like exact model name, horizsync, and vertrefresh?  So I can add these details manual to my xorg. ubuntu 10.10 x64, nvidia11:51
shomonanyway, ny3blpb that is the red hat enterprise channel. they are just more used to dealing with closed source stuff. but not necessarily will the know or want to help...11:52
am4zinghi guys11:53
WobbleySo i type sudo tasksel and get throw into the menu. I press enter when i get to the lamp server but instead of doing anything it just throws me out? :S11:53
am4zingi;ve installed a debian package11:53
syriuxhi, u're amazing !11:53
Wobbleysyriux: I am dissapoint, you can do better then that! :P11:53
am4zingThe following packages have unmet dependencies:: linux-image-2.6.32-5-xen-amd64: Depends: linux-base (>= 2.6.32-31) but it is not installable11:53
am4zinghow can i remap that dep to the ubuntu or just have it be ignored?11:53
syriuxwobbley : i'll try to do better the next time then ^^11:54
prithvianyone know of a good alternative to iperf/jperf  on ubuntu?11:55
syriuxwher do the most people using ubuntu live ? USA ?11:55
BlouBlousyriux: #ubuntu-offtopic ?11:56
syriuxsorry u're right11:56
mithranhi all, i opened a normal file using vim, in 1 terminal window, and '$sudo fuser <filename>', but it lists nothing, when i did the same with /etc/passwds i got 2 pids, any pointers?11:58
dman_anyone know where i can get help on commandline commands11:59
jrphello. are there any packages I can install via apt that give me a default xen bootable vmlinux package?11:59
heyguisehey ashmew2 thanks dude. That worked perfect.11:59
jribdman_: here, just ask your question12:00
shomonis it easy/advisable to replace openoffice with libreoffice?12:01
BlouBloushomon: Why? I won't do it12:01
hiddensouldman_, here is a printable cheat sheet of Ubuntu CLI commands, a good place to get an idea of commands that you can research further http://fosswire.com/post/2008/04/ubuntu-cheat-sheet/12:01
dman_jrib: Okay I'm trying to use tree command on ipod. Wanted to know if I can ssh in and somehow run command on that connection12:01
llutz_shomon: easy yes (there is a ppa), advisable... no idea12:02
BlouBloushomon: OpenOffice works fine, why would I need to change it?12:02
shomonBlouBlou, well just reading today's news about oracle and ooo.12:02
shomonthey've discontinued it.12:02
shomonI think...12:02
dman_hiddensoul: Thanks, I think it will involve pipe |12:02
jribdman_: ok, that's really an ipod question not an ubuntu one, but you need to jailbreak your ipod and run an ssh server on it.  Then make sure tree is installed and run it12:02
Ubuntulover10.10 or 10.0412:02
mah454Ubuntu in very very BAD distro ... !12:02
BlouBloumah454: then don't use it12:03
jribmah454: do you have an ubuntu support related question?12:03
mah454Are you know why ?12:03
dman_jrib: Yeah I'm running ubuntu and use terminal to ssh connect to ipod which is already jailbroken. I'm just trying to get a copy of the filesystem on the ipod and maybe print it out.12:03
Ubuntulover10.10 or 10.0412:03
dman_tree | lpr       works on ubuntu12:03
jribdman_: save « tree » output to a file, and copy it to your desktop12:04
mah454why ubuntu switch gnome desktop environment to Unity Desktop in 11.04 ?12:04
jribUbuntulover: 10.04 is latest LTS (3 years support on desktop before you need to upgrade).  10.10 has more recent software (18 months support before upgrade required)12:04
Ubuntuloverjrib what do you use12:05
jribUbuntulover: 10.10 on my desktop and laptop, 10.04 on servers12:05
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Ubuntuloverand jrib when do you upgrade 11.04 ?12:05
hiddensoulmah454, unity will be the default desktop, but you will be able to switch to a "standard" gnome desktop if you want, or XFCE...KDE...E... or any number of others12:06
maccahi guys, am looking to install the beta alongside my windows system... whats the best way to do this?12:06
Ubuntulovermacco no beta install12:06
maccap.s. i dont already have windows12:06
Ubuntuloverand jrib when do you upgrade 11.04 ?12:07
maccai mean ubuntu12:07
maccais what i mean12:07
mah454why unity must be default desktop ?12:07
Ubuntulovermacca which version do you want then12:07
maccalets try that again 11.04 beta 212:07
maccaalongside my windows system12:07
Ubuntulovermah454: do not get on our nerves !12:07
jribUbuntulover: i upgrade when it comes out or shortly after12:07
Ubuntulovermacca: no  beta !12:07
ashmew2heyguise: glad i could be of help :)12:07
Ubuntuloveri can crashed your system12:07
hiddensoulbecause that is the design decision Canonical made, if you dont like it switch distros, it is really that simple12:07
jribmah454: that's not really a support question and this channel deals only with versions that have been released anyway12:07
maccawhy no betabeta?12:07
Ubuntulovermacca: its unstable, and if you have windows already installed it can be that it will be distroyed12:08
Ubuntuloverso let it12:08
jrib!natty | macca12:08
ubottumacca: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.12:08
Ubuntulovermacca which version do you want then12:08
maccaok then it doesnt matter12:08
maccai will wait12:08
ny3blpb /server12:08
Ubuntulovermacca: try ubuntu10.1012:08
maccaso the realease date is anytime basically?12:08
Ubuntulover28. april12:08
maccathats good12:09
Ubuntuloverso install now 10.1012:09
maccai will get that when it comes out12:09
Ubuntuloverupgrade in one mothn to 11.0412:09
maccathanks for letting me know of the start date12:09
Ubuntuloverno problem12:09
redDoes anyone know an IDE for Ubuntu that has PHP syntax hilighting and Subversion built in?12:09
Ubuntuloverred i do not know ...12:09
maccado you know if it is on scedule or not?12:09
Ubuntulover28. april12:09
maccathats very good thankyou12:10
Ubuntuloverno problem12:10
hiddensoulmacca, 6 month release cycle12:10
hiddensoulmacca, 4th and 10th months12:10
syriuxubuntulover : yes it's a good thing12:11
syriuxno don't install anything, wait 10 days and install 11.0412:11
maccaany recommended size allocation for a 10.10 wubi install, i am on limited space remaining12:11
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syriuxred : maybe code::blocks but i dunno...12:12
syriuxuse gedit12:12
maccaany recommended size allocation for a 10.10 wubi install, i have limited space remaining12:12
syriuxand the terminal12:12
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:13
hiddensoulred, dont know if it has subversion but have you looked at eclipse, it has modules you can develop just about anything in it12:13
redI know eclipse yeah, maybe ill give it a go12:13
rooks-livemacca, 20gb should be comfortable, 10gb will do but will feel cramped soon12:13
Ubuntulover10.10 or 10.0412:13
hiddensoulred www.eclipse.org12:13
BlouBlouUbuntulover: I told you before12:13
redWould have liked to use netbeans, but 3 hours of fighting and cant get aliasing working.. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2188345/netbeans_font_problem.png12:14
BlouBlouUbuntulover: You said me you wanted stable PC, then 10.0412:14
cazandobitsanybody can helpme with transmission daemon12:14
maccaso if i go 10 and do have masses of personal files it will still work?12:14
BlouBlou!anybody | cazandobits12:14
ubottucazandobits: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:14
maccaok 10.04 then12:14
cazandobitsok Im sorry12:14
syriuxcazandobits : there's lots of tutorials i suppose12:15
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airtonix:< ubuntu lucid fails at autofs nfs mounting :< :<12:16
sipiorairtonix: works fine here. did you have a question about it?12:17
maccaif i use the usb image alongside install, will it set up the dual boot for me12:17
Wobbleymysql is making me rage :(12:17
WobbleySomeone throw me some entertainment :p12:17
airtonixsipior: works fine on my maverick client but no on the lucid client.12:17
airtonixsipior: manually mounting the nfs export works on the lucid, but then that inhibits suspend to ram12:18
macca...as this is not clear in the setup instructions12:19
maccaand i dont want to compromise my windows12:19
airtonixsipior: sudo service autofs restart .... cat /var/log/syslog  >> reveals : automount[4672]: syntax error in nsswitch config near [ syntax error ]12:20
airtonixsipior: nsswitch.conf is default and identical to default maverick nsswitch12:20
AnggaDj98!patience | macca12:22
ubottumacca: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:22
hilmihi all. I installed natty beta2. before that I used 10.10 with 2.6.32 kernel since the default kernel didn't support my hardware. now I tried to do the same, installed old kernel, but the boot menu is different now. But it doesn't boot now. What can I do? I don't want to use linux without acpi support?12:23
UbuntuFanaticUbuntuFanatic> I need some help,12:23
UbuntuFanatic<UbuntuFanatic> ubuntuone-syncd is using a lot of CPU/Memory12:23
UbuntuFanatic<UbuntuFanatic> and I do not use the application.12:23
UbuntuFanatic<UbuntuFanatic> I'm on natty at the moment, but it happened when running Maverick too.12:23
FloodBot2UbuntuFanatic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:23
UbuntuFanaticOops. D:12:23
AnggaDj98macca: you can install ubuntu inside windows, using wubi.exe, ubuntu installer for windows12:23
UbuntuFanatichlimi, shift, I believe..?12:23
UbuntuFanaticOld Ubuntu versions --> pick a kernel12:23
UbuntuFanaticCan anybody help me out?12:24
maccayes but does wubi not have performance implications12:24
AnggaDj98macca: yes, but it slightly depend on your hardware condition12:24
AnggaDj98macca: like processor amount and speed per second12:24
UbuntuFanaticAny Ubuntu One devs here/12:24
macca2ghz, 2gb mem12:25
nesbitti recently changed the wifi settings on my router, and need to update it on all the machines in my house.  instead of manually going to each one and connecting to the wifi, is there a way i can just email everyone a config file, which they can run or load into network manager or something?12:25
AnggaDj98macca: 2gb ram? that's good enough, maybe boot will be up to 15~20 seconds12:25
ziyadbI can't use $git-clone, how should I do this?12:25
maccaso partition wont be quicker12:26
AnggaDj98it will be12:26
maccawell does it set up dual boot for me?12:26
AnggaDj98because it doesn't have dependency to windows12:26
AufwindHey guys, I don't know if the question is right in this channel. ;-) I have a webpage written in html and php and this page uses some python scripts. Is there something like a (free) visualization tool, in which I can visualize the code flow? It would be useful to see where it is best to expand the Project and plan ahead. I hope I explained my wishes well enough. ^^12:26
maccaif i use the usb installer12:26
AnggaDj98you have to partition your hard drive, and that's count as "compromising windows"12:26
maccahmm ok12:26
AnggaDj98unless you back up first12:27
maccaok but why cant i use 10.10 with wubi12:27
AnggaDj98whats wrong?12:27
ziyadbI can't use $git-clone, how can I git source code in ubuntu?12:28
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sipiorziyadb: why can't you use git-clone?12:28
maccaAnggaDj98: it wont let me get 10.10 with wubi12:29
ziyadbsipior "command not found"12:29
skplsudo apt-get install git12:30
sipiorziyadb: sudo apt-get install git-core12:30
AnggaDj98macca: shouldnt you be off downloading the iso, write it to a usb, then run it up on windows, and run wubi?12:30
UbuntuFanaticIt downloads it for you,12:30
Dr_Willismay be faster to get the iso first.12:30
maccaexactly, and it only downloads 10.0412:30
UbuntuFanaticbut if you wish to download/place it in an area where Wubi can find it without downloading12:30
UbuntuFanaticyeah. ^12:30
ziyadbsipior thanks, I'll try it out.12:31
maccai have the iso for 10.10 right here12:31
airtonixsipior: this is what i have tried so far : http://dpaste.com/533152/12:31
Dr_WillisI dont reccomend Wubi at all.12:31
AnggaDj98UbuntuFanatic: oh thanks for calling that out i never knew that :D12:31
UbuntuFanaticNo problem. :D12:31
AnggaDj98macca: right, you can use pendrivelinux or some similar program that runs on windows, to write the image file to USB12:31
maccabut did we not just establish i shouldnt do that?12:32
UbuntuFanaticWhat is maccas problem?12:32
UbuntuFanaticSorry, I didn't see.12:32
maccai want 10.10 with wubi but it wont appear12:33
AnggaDj98UbuntuFanatic: he would like to use Ubuntu with Windows (maybe within it), with USB12:33
maccain wubi12:33
AnggaDj98I don't recommend Wubi, BTW12:33
UbuntuFanaticVirtualBox then?12:33
maccano longer need usb based on what you said, just wubi12:33
UbuntuFanaticOr a dual boot..12:33
UbuntuFanaticOh, with USB.12:33
maccawell isnt that what wubi does12:33
UbuntuFanaticWhat now?12:33
AnggaDj98still its better if you partition it after back-uping windows, and you install it on that partition using USB or better, CD12:33
sipiorairtonix: both hosts have the same NIS domain?12:33
UbuntuFanaticWubi does a dual boot, and the performance impact is not *that* bad.12:33
airtonixmacca: wubi is fine as long as you understand that the linux file system depends on the health of your windows ntfs filesystem.. if you get a virus in windows that wants to nomnomnom your files and it happens to munch up the virtual-harddrive file that is wubi then you can say bye bye to your wubi-linux install12:34
maccahttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/21049253/Untitled.jpg this is what wubi does to me12:34
UbuntuFanaticairtonix, exactly.12:34
UbuntuFanaticThat is what is meant to happen.12:34
maccaairtonix: yes i understand that12:34
UbuntuFanaticPut in a user, and a password, and bam.12:34
UbuntuFanaticYou have to have a pass though. :P12:34
maccabut i have very good IS12:35
red2kicv[IS]ta -- My poor guess.12:35
maccainternet security package! with AV12:35
UbuntuFanaticWhat does that matter..?12:36
Alvohello, what is this process 'polkitd'? it is extensivewly busy, consumed 50 minutes cpu time over the last 5 hours12:36
airtonixsipior: to be honest, my maverick system doesn't even use YPBind. so i'm not sure why i have to use it on lucid12:36
maccayes but if you look at that screenshot it says 10.04 in the corner12:36
WobbleyAnyone know anything about MySQL and ubuntu and have a moment to help?12:36
UbuntuFanaticYou can upgrade.12:36
UbuntuFanaticWobbley, hello!12:36
red2kicmacca: Windows users will yell at you for not having AntiVirus on your system.  Linux users will yell at you for installing one on your system.12:36
UbuntuFanaticred2kic, exactly.12:37
red2kicWobbley: You want mysql channel.12:37
UbuntuFanaticWobbley, I can help though.12:37
WobbleyUbuntuFanatic: sure, thanks :p12:37
Wobbleyred2kic: There is a mysql channel? :P12:37
red2kicWobbley: There must be.12:37
sipiorairtonix: is that a no?12:38
maccaall i need is for wubi to install 10.10 instead of 10.04 now12:38
airtonixsipior: i wouldn't know becuase i did not set up a Network Information Service12:38
sipiorairtonix: also, what does "automount" report?12:38
hilmihi all. I installed natty beta2. before that I used 10.10 with 2.6.32 kernel since the default kernel didn't support my hardware. now I tried to do the same, installed old kernel, but the boot menu is different now. But it doesn't boot now. What can I do? I don't want to use linux without acpi support?12:38
Picihilmi : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.12:38
red2kichilmi: #ubuntu+112:38
UbuntuFanaticI said earlier,12:39
UbuntuFanaticShift-->Boot Menu-->Previous Ubuntu Versions-->Pick a Kernel12:39
UbuntuFanaticI had to do the same.12:39
PiciUbuntuFanatic: Could you ease up on using the enter key?12:39
airtonixsipior: automount creates the same error in syslog12:39
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sipiorairtonix: -d switch doesn't show anything more?12:40
airtonixsipior: no, using -d produces no stdout output12:40
sipiorairtonix: also, why did you add the automount: entry in /etc/nsswitch.conf? was that there to begin with?12:41
UbuntuFanaticPici, sorry.12:41
sipiorairtonix: ah, i see why you did that.12:41
airtonixsipior: no, i did that later on when reading bug reports on launchpad about lucid and autofs, after i googled the error about invalid nsswitch)12:41
maccastill says 10.04.1 whatever i try12:41
mithranwhen i execute command 'lsof <filename>', i get no result, then 'echo $?' gives 1, any idea why it could be failing or how i can find out why?12:41
jribmithran: what are you executing exactly?12:42
sipiorairtonix: i assume host edge has been configured to share this volume with your machine, and can resolve its name?12:43
airtonixsipior: i can mount it manually from the lucid machine using the mount command : ie $ mount -t nfs4 -o proto=tcp,port=2049 edge.home:/ /share/nfs/edge.home12:44
AnggaDj98macca: partition your hard drive, write the iso image to your USB stick, run it up on BIOS boot-up. Pick install Ubuntu, choose your drive to install it in, choose your time, choose your keyboard layout, choose your username, and wait.12:44
AnggaDj98dang he left.12:44
B9I am  looking for a Yellow Dog Linux ISO file for a PowerPC G4 but none of the mirrors are working for me, does anybody know where I can access the file from please?12:46
jribB9: this is #ubuntu12:46
B9jrib: i know, i am in #yellowdog as well, i was just hoping someone may know :-S12:47
PiciB9: try ##linux for 'general' linux help.12:47
bazhangB9, check distrowatch.com for mirrors12:47
AnggaDj98Pici, are you a bot or a human?12:48
bonhofferis there a way to have chromium as my browser that opens from links in terminal12:48
skplpreferred applications12:48
AnggaDj98bonhoffer: set chromium as default application12:49
AnggaDj98for web browsing12:49
Dr_Willisbonhoffer:  not your system default browser but jus for the terminaL?12:49
PiciAnggaDj98: I think therefore I am.  Also, why do I keep getting asked that?!12:49
AnggaDj98Pici, because, you write with capitals like bot12:49
AnggaDj98a bot12:49
bonhofferi guess i want to change my ubuntu default browser12:49
ThinkT510Pici: they admire your efficiency12:49
Dr_WillisPici of Borg.. :)12:50
AnggaDj98ThinkT510: agreed.12:50
Dr_Willisbonhoffer:  most of the browsers have a menu item/setting to set themself as the default. or they ask when you first run them.12:50
bonhofferDr_Willis, no for everything12:50
sipiorairtonix: do you really need to specify the port number?12:50
bonhofferDr_Willis, chromium is already installed12:51
kielanmatthow come there is no package for a k8 processor kernel anymore?12:51
AnggaDj98bonhoffer: System > Preferences > Prefered Applications > Web Browser > Pick chromium12:51
bonhofferAnggaDj98, thanks12:52
B9Pici: fanX12:52
AnggaDj98np bonhoffer12:52
B9bazhang: thanx12:52
kielanmattwhere could I get a k8 kernel package?12:53
sipiorairtonix: also, does adding the --verbose switch to auotmount add anything useful to your log file?12:53
airtonixsipior: i don't have to on the maverick machine when i manually mount it : $ sudo mount edge.home:/ /share/nfs/edge.home12:53
camer0n_Hi, having a problem when running sudo apt-get install -f: dpkg: "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-generic:12:53
camer0n_ linux-generic depends on linux-image-generic (=; however:12:53
camer0n_  Package linux-image-generic is not configured yet."12:53
sipiorairtonix: but you do on the lucid machine?12:53
kielanmattI am on 10.10 with the kernel and I want a k8 version, how do i do that12:54
airtonixyeah, otherwise i get : server denied connection12:54
kielanmattwithout compiling the kernel myself?12:54
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  I think thats you ronly option these days12:54
kielanmattDr_Willis: why?12:54
CarlFKwhat is the hotkey to lock the screen?12:54
kielanmattDr_Willis: there used to be packages for dapper?12:54
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  they eliminated all the special kernels..12:54
Dr_Willisor most of them :)12:55
niq1984camer0n_: try dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-generic12:55
red2kicCarlFK: Ctrl + Alt + L12:55
kielanmattDr_Willis: if I compile custom kernel... how do I get the updates?12:56
kielanmattDr_Willis: are there any non canonical repos you could get a k8 package?12:56
Dr_Willis!kernel | kielanmatt12:56
ubottukielanmatt: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)12:56
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  no idea. Im not even what a k8 is.. or why you feel you need one.12:56
camer0n_niq1984: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-generic12:56
camer0n_/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: linux-image-generic is broken or not fully installed12:56
kielanmattits optimized for my CPU12:56
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds12:57
Dr_Williskielanmatt:  and how much do you really think you will gain? 10%? 20%?12:57
ubottuThe Ubuntu Kernel gets updated in stages.  If you have the updated kernel, but do not have the corresponding restricted modules, you may be leaving yourself with no X when you reboot.  If you have compiled binary versions of your video driver, eg from the nVidia site, you will need to recompile them for the new kernel.  This is normal, and not a bug.12:57
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niq1984camer0n_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic12:58
airtonixsipior: http://dpaste.com/533162/12:58
ThinkT510!botabuse | kielanmatt12:58
ubottukielanmatt: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".12:58
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kesori have only wireless, and i have this other laptop what doesent have wireless, can i put a internet cable between this pc thats connected to internet to the other one and get a connection?12:59
camer0n_niq1984, Setting up linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic (2.6.35-22.35) ...13:00
camer0n_Running depmod.13:00
camer0n_Failed to run depmod13:00
camer0n_dpkg: error processing linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic (--configure):13:00
camer0n_ subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 113:00
FloodBot2camer0n_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:00
camer0n_Setting up linux-image-2.6.35-28-generic (2.6.35-28.50) ...13:00
airtonixsipior: i get same syslog entries on the maverick machine though13:00
Dr_Willis!ics  | kesor13:00
ubottukesor: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:00
Dr_Williskesor:  you may need a crossover cable. and instll a dhcp server..13:00
sipiorairtonix: any interesting log entries on the file server?13:00
camer0n_oops... might start using pastebin ;)13:00
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UbuntuFanaticWho was talking about me about MySQL again?13:01
rob_pcamer0n_: probably a good idea if posting more than 1 or 2 lines :)13:01
camer0n_rob_p, yeah... didn't realise there was that much :P13:01
bittinSomone know what time the 28th the next Kubuntu is released?13:01
bittinor if thats released some other day?13:02
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Picibittin: When its done.13:02
airtonixsipior: /var/log/syslog /var/log/daemon.log reveal nothing relevant13:03
BlouBlou!natty | bittin; surelly will be released at 18:00 GMT or something like that13:03
ubottubittin; surelly will be released at 18:00 GMT or something like that: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.13:03
m|kaelhello, i would like to add a site in apache2 for wildcard subdomains. kinda like *.dev.domain > /var/www-dev/* can anyone help me with it please, u use the lamp package which comes with ubuntu server13:04
sipiorairtonix: bizarre. i guess an upgrade for the machine isn't an option?13:04
niq1984camer0n_: still not ok?13:05
airtonixsipior: not until i confirm other xbmc users have flawless hdmi audio output with atom/ion2 motherboards13:05
ThinkT510m|kael: there is a #ubuntu-server channel, perhaps they are more suited to answer you question13:05
sipiorairtonix: fair enough. well, not sure what else to tell you, sorry.13:06
m|kaelThinkT510: thank you :-)13:06
ThinkT510m|kael: np13:06
sipiorairtonix: i assume the network setup is identical for the two machines?13:06
skpldoes anyone kow if unity will work with the i810 video chipset?13:06
camer0n_niq1984, yeah - laptop touchpad isn't as great to use. just got a mouse and will paste the error details into pastebin in a sec13:06
airtonixsipior: pretty much, they both get details from dhcp server and a bind9 dns server13:06
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niq1984camer0n_: ok13:07
camer0n_niq1984, http://pastebin.com/wjzJRq7J13:07
dman_Anyone know what I can use to run local commands on remote machine.13:08
Bipulhow to create a file via terminal13:08
YankDownUnderdman_, ssh13:08
airtonixdman_: ssh ?13:08
airtonixBipul: touch13:08
dman_remote machine doesn't have the same command....but yes ssh13:08
camer0n_dman_, maybe your thinking of something like screen or tmux?13:08
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)13:08
airtonixBipul: read up on touch and bash pipes and bash redirects13:08
airtonixBipul: $ man touch13:09
llutz_Bipul: >file13:10
dman_camer0n: will look at those thanks13:10
camer0n_niq1984, any ideas?13:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:12
niq1984camer0n_: no, but I see linux-image-generic depends to linux-image-2.6.35-generic, but this one is not configured, so maybe try dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.35-generic13:13
lampe2hey how can i install openjdk for only one user in his home folder?13:13
niq1984it's strange that apt-get install -f dosn't do it13:14
icerootlampe2: why not install it for all and only set for one user JAVA_HOME to openjdk? (e.g. in bashrc)13:14
camer0n_niq1984, sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-2.6.35-28-generic13:14
camer0n_/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: linux-image-2.6.35-28-generic is broken or not fully installed13:14
lampe2iceroot cause i got no root rights13:15
niq1984camer0n_: lol, ok, so apt-get install --reinstall this package13:15
apersonmy numberpad is controlling my mouse - I don't have any 'assistive technologies' turned on, what happened here?13:15
icerootlampe2: then you should build the openjdk from source in the home of that user13:15
apersonnevermind, I'm an idiot13:15
lampe2iceroot how can i do this?13:15
camer0n_niq1984, heh, sounds recursive13:16
icerootlampe2: download the source and have a look at the readme there13:16
lampe2iceroot thx i will look for it13:17
camer0n_niq1984, http://pastebin.com/hiMYPw5W13:18
lampe2problem nr2 i downloaded the newest eclipse and give it rights to run as app but i wont start ?13:18
pk__is there any application which can act as a proxy server and forward all requests to a HTTP[which allow CONNECT request to any port] proxy server??13:18
varunhello all. i am trying to access my windows 7 network files through my ubuntu computer. I installed samba. when i double click the windows network icon under networks, it opens, but shows up empty, even though i have shared files from my windows comp.13:18
jussiIm looking for an open source arabic font - can anyone direct me?13:19
hyperhello every one13:19
hyperi need help13:19
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Guest75879i need to enable paint screen with fire in my ubuntu 10.1013:19
Dr_Willisvarun:  windows can be picky and annoying. :) you did check your /etc/samba/smb.conf to make syre you are in teh same workgroup? also you may want to try entering the full address to the share: ctrl-l in the filemanager window and its like   smb://servernameORipNumber/sharename13:19
Guest75879how do i do it from synaptic manager13:19
bazhangGuest75879, try #compiz13:19
bazhang!ccsm | Guest7587913:20
ubottuGuest75879: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:20
Dr_WillisGuest75879:  theres extra plugins in the repos you may need to install.13:20
Guest75879i already have the compiz fusion13:20
Dr_WillisGuest75879:  use that 'ccsm' tool to enable it.13:20
bazhangGuest75879, apt-cache search compiz for the plugins13:20
camer0n_niq1984,  can i do a purge and remove the linux-image?13:20
niq1984camer0n_: ok, do depmod -A then apt-get clean and apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.35-28-generic13:21
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BlipInTheDataHello people.13:21
syriuxhello Blip13:21
Guest75879i dont have the fire option13:22
Dr_WillisGuest75879:  check package manager for the extra compiz plugins.. and install them13:22
Guest75879last time i did sumthing from synaptic manager with irc help13:22
niq1984camer0n_: maybe debfile is broken13:22
BlipInTheDataI'm trying to install ubuntu on a netbook, I have installed the iso on a usb stick. However, when I start the netbook, and it tries to boot from the usb, it just prints: "SYSLINUX 3.82 2009-06-09 EBIOS".13:22
camer0n_niq1984, ooh.... Bus Error on the depmod -A13:22
Guest75879m downloading it13:23
Dr_WillisBlipInTheData:  how did you make the usb stick? could be it was made wrongly13:23
Guest75879lets c13:23
BlipInTheDataI made it with the included usb-creator.13:23
Guest75879meanwhile let me know to update my default firefox browseer13:23
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox13:23
varunDr_Willis: thanks . i am going to try out your suggestions.13:24
bazhangGuest75879, ^13:24
BlipInTheDataDr_Willis: I made it with the included usb-creator.13:24
Guest75879bazhang ?13:24
camer0n_niq1984, how do you fix a broken deb file?13:24
Guest75879how do i update my firefox13:24
bazhangGuest75879, look above13:24
BipulHow to put a packeges in a file via terminal13:24
bazhangBipul, clarify please13:25
Bipul i have made a file name control in DEBINA directory and now i wants to move a package over there13:25
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
varundr_willis: i dont know how to figure out the same group etc in the conf file. My windows shares on homegroup.13:26
niq1984camer0n_: apt-get clean and install again13:26
niq1984or download13:26
Bipulbazhang,  i have made a file name control in DEBINA directory and now i wants to move a package over there from tmpdir/13:26
camer0n_niq1984, read your mind. doing that now :)13:26
camer0n_niq1984, will let you know how it goes13:26
Bipulbazhang,  i have made a file name control in DEBINA directory and now i wants to move a package over there from tmpdir/ as it having xbomb_2.1a-7.1_i386.deb13:26
mikelietz_I'm having mounting trouble. Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:13:26
mikelietz_mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is already mounted on /mount failed13:26
bazhangBipul, what is debina directory, explain what you are trying to do with some greater clarity13:26
mikelietz_thing is, I'm using a thumb drive to boot13:26
Dr_Willisvarun:  it has a setting near the top that says workgroup=13:27
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Bipulbazhang,  can i pm you13:27
Dr_Willisvarun:  try tnereing the smb://server/share type address in the filemanager.13:27
bazhangBipul, talk here13:27
niq1984camer0n_: i'm looking right now howto fix this problem with depmod :)13:27
Dr_Willismikelietz_:  try to mount it by hand. sudo mount /dev/sdXX /media/makeadir13:27
bazhangBipul, xbomb is in the repos install from there13:27
camer0n_niq1984, awesome.thanks!13:28
Bipulyes i have already installed it in my tmpdir13:28
bazhangBipul, no, sudo apt-get install xbomb13:28
Bipuli made a directory name so called tmpdir  whear xbom is there13:28
mikelietz_Dr_Willis: ok, that worked there at least. But how do I get it to mount at boot again?13:28
mikelietz_Dr_Willis: Because /dev/sdb1 is the root for my real installation.13:29
Bipulbut in tmpdir there is workplace /debian/ control  here control is a file13:29
Bipuland i want to put the packages there13:29
varundr_willis: workgroup=WORKGROUP in smb.conf. should i change that to "homegroup"? Also, i dont know where to enter smb:server etc ? i am very new to all this13:29
bazhangBipul, thats not how to install packages13:29
mikelietz_Dr_Willis: I take it back. This appears to be / from the thumb drive, not the hard disk13:29
perlsyntaxhey anyone try out 11.04 beta for ubuntu?13:30
arand!natty | perlsyntax13:30
ubottuperlsyntax: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.13:30
bazhangperlsyntax, #ubuntu+1 please13:30
jozefkanybody hapy with unity DE?13:30
BlipInTheDataSo anyone have any tips on how to continue with my problem ?13:30
bazhangjozefk, in 11.04?13:30
perlsyntaxarand,i was hope they got the wireless to wwork.13:30
bazhangjozefk, #ubuntu+1 for 11.0413:31
jozefkperlsyntax I tried and it works fine. I just didn't like the unity I think13:31
camer0n_niq1984,  the not so good results from the install: http://pastebin.com/AzK0e68A13:31
mikelietz_Dr_Willis: OK, tried it again (typed the wrong device last time) and now it seems to be mounted.13:31
shomonsorry, OT, but does anyone know of a channel to do with web strategy or accessibility and things like that?13:31
perlsyntaxjozefk,I have prob with wireless in ubuntu 10.1013:32
bazhang!alis | shomon13:32
ubottushomon: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*13:32
bazhangperlsyntax, #ubuntu+1 please13:32
shomonthanks bazhang !13:32
varundr_willis: i can't even edit the smb.conf file13:32
niq1984camer0n_: are u using 2.6.35-22 right now?13:32
perlsyntaxhow rude13:32
oriano2buenos dias, como hago para hablar en el canal ubuntu-br? gracias.13:32
UbuntuFanaticYou are using 10.1013:32
UbuntuFanaticYou ask here.13:32
camer0n_niq1984, how do i tell?13:32
bazhangperlsyntax, pardon?13:32
UbuntuFanaticNot in #ubuntu+113:32
FloodBot2UbuntuFanatic: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:32
niq1984camer0n_: uname -a13:32
UbuntuFanaticbazhang, he is using 10.10..13:33
camer0n_uname -a13:33
camer0n_Linux Buttons 2.6.35-22-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 20:45:36 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:33
camer0n_niq1984,  so yes :)13:33
Kartagiswhat shell grants a user ftp access but doesn't grant ssh access?13:34
icerootKartagis: /bin/false  (ftp doesnt need a shell)13:35
Kartagisiceroot: I've tried that, the user can neither ssh not ftp13:36
pfifo@find a strong cup of coffee.avi13:36
Kartagisiceroot: ftp to their own place I mean13:36
oriano2por favor, como cambiarme para ubuntu-br?13:36
DJones!br | oriano213:36
ubottuoriano2: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:36
oriano2gracias ubottu13:37
m|kaelKartagis: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/openssh-deny-or-restrict-access-to-users-and-groups.html try this =)13:37
Kartagisoriano2: escribe /j #ubuntu-tr13:37
aguitelis there anyway to try gnome 3 in lucid ?13:37
oriano2en terminal, kastagis?13:38
bazhangKartagis, presumably you mean -br as -tr is for Turkey13:38
chilli0Hello, I keep on getting this error when I try to do install a program. I am at the make stage when I get this. configure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0)13:38
camer0n_niq1984, do i need to be using a different linux image or something?13:38
oriano2comprendi, kartagis, queria escribir br13:38
bazhangoriano2, /join #ubuntu-br13:39
Kartagissorry, #ubuntu-br13:39
pfifoniq1984, you probbally need the *-dev packages that contain header files13:39
BlipInTheDataDr_Willis, fixed it, installed it from a linux machine now.13:40
BlipInTheDataThe windows machine managed to fuck the image.13:40
UbuntuFanaticsudo apt-get install gtk+ gtk213:40
BlipInTheDataIronic >.>13:40
ThinkT510!language | BlipInTheData13:40
ubottuBlipInTheData: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.13:40
chilli0Thanks UbuntuFanatic. I think I got it, sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev13:40
bazhangBlipInTheData, no cursing please13:40
UbuntuFanaticI thought it was gtk+ gtk213:40
BlipInTheDataSorry =)13:40
UbuntuFanaticafter reading13:40
UbuntuFanaticsome forum.13:40
chilli0Thanks anyway :)13:41
oriano2perdon kartagis, donde escribo ubuntu-br, no recuerdome...13:41
BlipInTheDatabazhang, I was excited >.>13:41
IdleOne!br | oriano213:41
ubottuoriano2: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:41
Kartagisoriano2: en IRC cliente13:41
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niq1984camer0n_: ok, depmod -a13:43
carlitoshi am the windows installer, but it doesnt work13:43
carlitoshwubi does not seem to work13:44
carlitoshsome help?13:44
camer0n_niq1984, Bus Error13:45
ThinkT510carlitosh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting13:45
dr3mrowhat is the best netbook to run ubuntu13:45
skpldoes anyonme know if gnome 3 will be available for maverick meerkat?13:45
mattgmanit is available, i've tried it13:45
niq1984camer0n_: so i have no idea how to resolve this issue13:45
camer0n_niq1984, yeah :(13:45
camer0n_niq1984, thanks for your help13:45
niohubaladr3mro, I run it smoothly on Acer Aspire One, but I had to mess with gpu drivers. There are excellent guides on the internet though13:45
camer0n_maybe some one else may know :S13:46
mattgmanskpl, i believe it is 'sudo apt-get install gnome3-session', but google it first13:46
niohubalait's a pity Gnome is dropped. But I do hope it makes Ubuntu/Linux more popular. Will future programs in the Ubuntu repo run on Gnome 3?13:47
WobbleyUbuntuFanatic is an amazing and sexy man! *runs around bouncing in joy*13:47
dr3mroniohubala, are netbook Ok , or just a slow small laptop ,, I mean is Aspire one with ubuntu good in multitasking .. I intend to use it to read books in pdf , HTML ,watch youtube ,, movies and write some python code !!! will it suit my needs13:47
niohubaladr3mro, if you intend to use it for all these things together, I disrecommend you the Aspire One13:48
BluesKajHiya folks13:48
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bullgard4"The Au file format is a simple audio file format introduced by Sun Microsystems. The format was common on NeXT systems and on early Web pages.  I have got a few .au files on my Ubuntu computer. Video Player reports: "An error occurred. The data stream has the wrong format, " if I call one of them. What Ubuntu program will play .au files?13:52
bullgard4VLC does not play it either.13:52
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1235141 bullgard413:53
bazhangbullgard4, convert it13:53
icerootbullgard4: maybe have a look at "apt-cache search au file" or something similar13:53
mattgmanyeah, id convert it, bullgard413:54
mattgmanbullgard4, http://www.wav-mp3.com/convert-au-to-mp3.htm13:54
mattgmanlooks like that might be the page you got the info from13:55
halis it possible to upgrade from 9.10 to 10.10?13:57
macohal: thats not supported13:58
DJoneshal: It is, but you need to go through 10.04 first13:58
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halright, ok thanks13:58
macoDJones: i think that wasnt what hal meant by "directly" :P13:58
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halmaco: you are right, but I got the gist ;)13:59
DJonesmaco: Yes, I realised that as as I pressed the enter key and saw that directly had appeared on the next line13:59
bullgard4iceroot: Are you sure that you did not make a mistake? '~$ apt-cache search au file' produces more than 200 lines of output.14:01
icerootbullgard4: "or something like that"14:02
icerootbullgard4: feel free to use other searchstrings "au file" is the search string14:02
EbanSoulhow do you install the opensource video drivers for 10.10 ?14:02
bazhangbullgard4, sox can convert it14:03
icerootEbanSoul: for what?14:03
EbanSoulfor ubuntu 10.1014:03
icerootEbanSoul: there is more then one vga out there :)14:03
EbanSouloh sorry ati radeon14:03
iceroot!ati | EbanSoul14:03
ubottuEbanSoul: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto14:03
EbanSoulk tyvm14:04
Time`s_WitnessHey all.. im having problems on my laptop connecting to wireless in ubuntu. I have pretty much 100% packet loss to gateway itself, even when pinging ip instead hosts (not a dns problem), let alone outer addresses. It's not a hardware problem, i can connect with no problems from same laptop in windows :X Googling for some hours already and didn't find a way around the issue. Anyone got a clue of what could be?14:04
reberis lucid the latest lts stable ?14:05
icerootreber: yes14:05
reberk thx14:05
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Ben64next lts is next year14:05
halif you had a preference, would you use the upgrade manager to upgrade to the next version, or download and burn the disk and upgrade using that?14:05
bazhanghal, the alternate cd can do that14:06
Time`s_WitnessI'm using 10.04 LTS btw14:06
halbazhang: wgat alternate cd?14:06
bazhanghal, is there a separate home partition or not14:06
bazhang!alternate | hal14:06
ubottuhal: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal14:06
iceroothal: update online. the alternate cd doesnt have the newest packages, so you have to redownload mayn of them, also with alternate you are donwloading packages you dont need14:07
halbazhang: home is on a separate partition14:10
bazhanghal, I'd follow iceroot 's advice14:11
jfb_h20hey folks, I have a  problem it seems with my GPU, I've made a post to the forums, but so far no response, anyone up for having a look: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172595714:13
Eddyi am trying to upgrade from maverick to natty14:13
Eddyi get an error14:13
ThinkT510!natty | Eddy14:13
ubottuEddy: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.14:13
bazhangEddy, #ubuntu+1 please14:14
Eddycaused or due to installed packages have unmet dependencies14:17
icerootEddy: wrong channel, also, dont use a beta if you cant handle things like that14:18
ThinkT510Eddy: this channel is for support of stable releases, natty isn't stable thus not supported here14:18
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bullgard4bazhang: '~$ sox /media/WD1.5_1/Music/Vincenzo\ Bellini/Sprachsendungen/Armut_data/e00/d00/e0000a6u.au ~/tmp/e0000a6a.mp3; sox FAIL formats: no handler for file extension ¸mp3'.'14:19
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bazhangbullgard4, what about soundconverter14:22
bullgard4bazhang: Using sox I transcoded the .au file into a .ogg file. I can hear a sound but much faster (about 3 times than normal speech) and terminating prematurely. The premature end may be due to a deficiency in my .au file which is only 1 MB in size.14:25
bazhangbullgard4, could be14:26
bazhangbullgard4, the package soundconverter in repos may be worth a try as well14:26
bazhang!info soundconverter14:27
ubottusoundconverter (source: soundconverter): GNOME application to convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.4-2 (maverick), package size 107 kB, installed size 916 kB14:27
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bullgard4bazhang: Thank you for your valuable hint. I am just reading the description of the DEB program package »soundconverter«.14:27
bazhangbullgard4, hope it works better14:28
Guest77213soundconvert took 21 min to convert 11.2G itunes to something rhythmbox could play14:28
DreamsofanEagleHey all, I've got a question. How do I allow the Software Center to allow the installation of untrusted packages?14:29
bazhangGuest94491, dont paste that here14:29
mogajhow to detect ipod in ubuntu 10.10...14:30
ThinkT510!ipod | mogaj14:31
ubottumogaj: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod14:31
antantHey guys. Where might I find someone on the binutils team?14:31
YellaHello guys14:31
bazhangmogaj, gtkpod, banshee rhythmbox14:31
YellaI have a quick question14:31
BlouBlouYella: then ask it14:31
Yellasorry on my cellphone hard to type lol14:31
schnuffleDreamsofanEagle: Do you have a localpackage or another repository?14:32
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YellaOKay I have a terminal window open on my server the is running a java app14:32
YellaIs there anyway to interact with the window over SSH?14:32
mogajubotto : my ipod froze when i connected to my lappy ... pls help me out14:32
schnuffleYella: You can use X11Forwarding when you have a X Server installed locally14:33
DreamsofanEagleI dunno,14:33
schnuffleDreamsofanEagle: What package do you want to install?14:33
DreamsofanEaglecurrently on 11.04 Beta2, trying to install a paint program14:33
DreamsofanEaglegimme a sec14:33
YellaI have X server installed on the server14:33
Alvohello, how can i put the ubuntu bell sound on the audio output?14:33
DreamsofanEaglePinta Image Editor14:34
YellaBut not on the phone i'm using SSH14:34
DreamsofanEagleits in the Software center14:34
YellaSo i'm screwed14:34
bazhangfuhckfffdsfdjnjf, with what14:34
schnuffleYella: you need a X server on the client to show the java app on your client14:34
fuhckfffdsfdjnjfneed help14:34
bazhangfuhckfffdsfdjnjf, with what14:34
YellaWell, its just text output into a terminal window14:34
YellaThat the java app is pushing out14:34
fuhckfffdsfdjnjfbazhang: with a questionn14:34
YellaThere is no gui14:34
bazhangfuhckfffdsfdjnjf, then ask it14:35
ENOSLEEP!ask | fuhckfffdsfdjnjf14:35
ubottufuhckfffdsfdjnjf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:35
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:35
schnuffleDreamsofanEagle: And what happens when you try to install it? Normally you'll be told that it's untrusted but you can still install it14:35
bullgard4bazhang: SoundConverter reports this error: "Error. Gstreamer error: GStreamer noted a general datastream error." So  I better be content with sox. -- Thank you very much for your help.14:35
fuhckfffdsfdjnjfok well my question is is here somebody who can help me14:35
YellaLike I can kill the app, then launch it from ssh and it works fine14:35
bazhangfuhckfffdsfdjnjf, depends, ask and find out14:35
ENOSLEEPfuhckfffdsfdjnjf: just ask what you need help with.14:35
YellaBut there are people connected no so I can't do that14:35
bazhangbullgard4, okay good luck14:36
bullgard4Thank you.14:36
fuhckfffdsfdjnjfi want to know if i should kde or gnome14:36
bazhangfuhckfffdsfdjnjf, #ubuntu-offtopic knows14:36
schnuffleYella: you can run the java app in a screen and connect to that14:36
YellaWell i'm away, and I need to run a command in an already open terminal window on the server14:37
schnufflefuhckfffdsfdjnjf: I prefer KDE but would suggest to use gnome because it's better supported with ubuntu14:37
fuhckfffdsfdjnjfok the thing i14:38
fuhckfffdsfdjnjfi DONT want unity ...14:38
ENOSLEEPYella: then, you're out of luck, unless you turned on remote access, typically over vnc.14:38
bazhangfuhckfffdsfdjnjf, please dont poll here14:38
YellaI was hoping I could just steal the output of a terminal window in SSH14:38
fuhckfffdsfdjnjfcan you tell me if i can gnome under 11.1014:38
bazhangfuhckfffdsfdjnjf, as I have said: #ubuntu-offtopic for chit chat14:38
tjiggi_fobazhang, fuhckfffdsfdjnjf is asddssasd, same guy who was in here yesterday trolling with the same inane question14:38
Yellayou know of any android apps to do that ENOSLEEP q?14:38
schnufflefuhckfffdsfdjnjf: you can14:38
bazhangtjiggi_fo, yep14:39
bazhangYella, ask in an android channel14:39
ENOSLEEPYella: there are vnc clients for android, I think, and I know you can do port forwarding using ConnectBot.14:39
Bipulis there anyway in vmare or Virtual OS to install 64bit computer when we have originally 32 bit computers14:39
YellaI use NXFree on windows, but there is no Android version14:39
matteppiHi guys, i've just installed on a virtual machine Ubuntu server 10.04 amd64 LTS, without the graphic interface, i don't know how to run 2 program , together. I have program1 and program2 on the home folder, and I want to run them at the same time.14:39
schnuffleYella: thre's a vnc client for android14:39
Bipulis there anyway in vmare or Virtual OS to install 64bit OS on computer when we have originally 32 bit computers14:39
bazhangBipul, patience dont repeat every five seconds14:40
schnufflematteppi:  what abbout using /path/to/programm1 & and  /path/to/programm2 &14:41
DreamsofanEagleAnyway...  I'm trying to install Pinta the Pinta Image Editor through the software center, but it won't allow it because its downloading from untrusted sources14:41
ThinkT510Bipul: you want a 64bit vm on a 32bit host running a 32bit cpu?14:41
DreamsofanEagleand then the program crashes14:41
Bipulyes ThinkT51014:41
Bipulis it possible ?14:41
schnuffleDreamsofanEagle: so you shouldn't  use Beta Software if you not sure how to handle problems14:42
ThinkT510Bipul: not sure if you can do that, and if you could it would be rather slow14:42
matteppischnuffle: will they run at the same time, or once one is completed, the other one will run?14:42
DreamsofanEagleforget it14:42
DreamsofanEagleyou people really need to figure out how to treat people14:42
BipulBUt is there anything in Open SOurce that can help in out this situation14:42
schnufflematteppi:  the & sign tells the program to detach from the console and run in the background so at the end they both run in background14:43
matteppischnuffle: and can I, reattach the console, then? maybe to just one of the 214:43
schnuffleyes there's the fg command14:43
matteppihow to use?14:44
ThinkT510Bipul: i suppose it depends on the emulator, try asking in virtualbox forums or qemu14:44
schnuffleor you can use screen to do the same but keep both in the foreground14:44
matteppiwhat does fg do?14:44
schnuffleman fg14:44
bajk-tragbarwhat's wrong with policykit in maverick and natty?!14:44
bajk-tragbarwhy even bother havvving a "remember authorization" checkbox?14:45
schnufflesorry, it brings the last detached process back14:45
bajk-tragbarif it asks EVERY SINGLE time14:45
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schnuffle!ask | pointerroyden14:50
ubottupointerroyden: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:50
B9i open the Disk Utility in Ubuntu 10.10 and i can see a USB device it says it is @ /dev/sdb1 & that it isn't mounted but when I go to mount it it says: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:14:50
B9mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda1 is already mounted on /mount failed. Any ideas how i can  mount it?14:50
schnuffleB9: what file system is on the USB?14:52
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B9schnuffle: i remormatted it to FAT but the underlying format is Master Boot Record14:53
schnuffleB9: in a terminal: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /yourmountpoint14:54
Average_Guyis there a linux I can download that comes packaged with all of the wireless drivers?14:56
ActionParsnipAverage_Guy: that's near impossible14:56
icerootAverage_Guy: no14:56
bazhangAverage_Guy, try ##linux this is ubuntu support14:56
ActionParsnipAverage_Guy: the amount of data would be astronomical14:56
icerootAverage_Guy: distributors ar enot allowed to ship non-free firmware14:56
Average_Guyi have ubuntu14:56
Average_Guythat sux14:56
bazhangAverage_Guy, then remaster it14:56
bazhang!remaster > Average_Guy14:56
ubottuAverage_Guy, please see my private message14:56
ActionParsnipAverage_Guy: if you grab a wireless which uses a chip which is known to work out of the box in Ubuntu, You won't have an issue14:57
ActionParsnipAverage_Guy: all my wifi works with zero effort14:57
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Average_Guycan i download the packages with windowz and copy them over14:57
icerootAverage_Guy: yes14:57
=== tuxx is now known as tuxx-
icerootAverage_Guy: you can also download the packages with "sudo apt-get install -d packagename"14:58
icerootAverage_Guy: or "packages.ubuntu.com"14:58
icerootif there are also ne non-free branches14:58
teshhi, we are developing a client/server system and need to send notifications from the clients to the server - what mechanisms are available to do this?14:58
B9schnuffle: i understand that in "yourmountpoint" i should insert "sda1" but it doesn't exist14:59
ActionParsnipAverage_Guy: a lot of the time your chip will have a native driver14:59
iceroottesh: tcp/ip for example14:59
schnuffleB9: no you should create a mount point somewhere: sudo mkdir -p /media/sdb1 && sudo mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb115:00
schnuffleB9 the mountpoint is just a directory to which your USB will be mounted15:00
Average_Guyno, i have to have a hard internet connection to get the wireless packages with ubuntu, mint, etc.15:00
teshiceroot: is there anything we can make use of from say perl or from a script?15:01
teshrather than developing in c/c++15:01
iceroottesh: client and server are on the sanem machine?15:01
teshiceroot: no15:02
schnuffletesh: on the side you receive messages you need a daemon accepting messages, of course this can be done in perl,python ....15:02
ActionParsnipAverage_Guy: what network chip do you use?15:02
schnuffletesh: have a look at shinken it's a python fork of nagios which essentially moves messages around15:03
Briberhi all15:03
ActionParsniphi Briber15:04
ghcno flame, but its only me thats prefer gnome-shell instead unity?15:04
teshi know we can always code something like that...i was just wondering if there was something available that we could easily and quickly make use of15:04
ActionParsnipghc: that's fine, use what you wish15:04
teshscnuffle: thanks i'll take a look15:04
teshschnuffle: thanks i'll take a look15:04
ActionParsnipghc: I prefer LXDE personally15:04
ThinkT510ghc: theres #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions if you like15:04
blip-hi, do Ubuntu LiveCD's go into standby/suspend to ram after a while ?    Mine seems to be doing that... or maybe it's just spindown hdd and screen off15:04
ghcActionParsnip, ok, but as I notice, ubuntu will not support "officialy" the gnome-shell15:04
schnuffletesh: http://docs.python.org/library/socketserver.html15:05
ActionParsnipghc: gnome3 is not in the official repos, so no15:05
schnuffletesh: I prefer python so you get python examples but any other language should provide analog stuff15:05
B9schnuffle: thank you very much it works now15:05
schnuffleB9: fine, if you have some spare time have a look at the mount man page it's huge but has a lot of info15:06
ghcActionParsnip, imho its a bad idea to use externas ppas for main parts of system15:06
ActionParsnipghc: it can be beneficial, depends how brave you are and how important it is to you15:07
Natha mouse with more than 3 buttons will work?15:07
teshschnuffle: ok, so there's nothing where i can just start a daemon on the server and then start something on the client which will sent text messages to the server?15:07
teshschnuffle: to be even lazier? :)15:08
teshit just seems like something that would be pretty commonly done15:08
schnuffletesh: of course: nc15:08
B9schnuffle: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Maverick#Manually_Mount_and_Unmount_a_device   is that what u meant specifically?15:09
schnuffletesh: nc = netcat15:09
ohsixhello chaps15:09
schnuffleB9: that is better for you but man page means that for nearlyy every tool on the command line you get help with: man command15:09
schnuffleB9:  so man mount gives you help for the mount command15:10
B9man mount15:10
schnuffleB9: yes :)15:10
ThinkT510B9: in the terminal, not the irc client15:10
B9thank god i don't use irssi then15:10
MarsixxHi guys. Can i tell you how i can auto-lock xubuntu screen with password reactivation? Thx15:10
teshschnuffle: ok, just reading up on it now...thanks again15:11
schnuffletesh: your welcome15:11
ActionParsnipMarsixx: isn't the default shortcut Super+L15:11
teshschnuffle: would it quite reasonable to set up client/server comms for our software in this way?15:12
ActionParsnipMarsixx: sorry CTRL+ALT+L15:12
ghcActionParsnip, well, Im really thinkng of change distro.. last was gentoo, now ubuntu.. next? I think that is so important this official support. but I like ubuntu.15:12
UbuntuFanaticghc, support for what?15:12
ActionParsnipghc: have a sniff around, see what suits your needs. What is the OS for?15:12
teshschnuffle: the daemon would need to be always running to collect notifications15:12
teshschnuffle: and so looking for a robust solution15:13
Marsixxi need automatically after 1-2 min! I'm in remote desktop!15:13
schnuffletesh: Yes, but I would clearly choose something more robust then nc15:13
teshschnuffle: or is this more for one-off kind of transfers15:13
ghcUbubegin, gnome3, gnome-shell - gnome itself is a very important standard15:13
doubiHi all. Can anyone tell me the meaning of the file names foremost gives to recovered files? Is it a timestamp of some kind? If so, does it relate to any property of the original file or does it just indicate the order in which foremost recovered the file? (I know I can't get the original filenames back, I just want to know where to wade in to find the most recent versions)15:13
schnuffletesh: it's more for one of15:13
UbuntuFanatichang on.15:13
UbuntuFanaticI can't "ping ::1"15:13
UbuntuFanaticbut I could in Maverick.15:13
UbuntuFanaticWhy is this? ;s15:13
schnuffletesh: in which language or software will/is written?15:13
ohsixdoubi: do you mean those found in /lost+found/ ?15:14
teshschnuffle: right yeah15:14
ghcUbuntuFanatic, gnome3, gnome-shell - gnome itself is a very important standard15:14
MarsixxActionParsnip: need automatically after 1-2 min! I'm in remote desktop!15:14
teshschnuffle: the other scripts we have so far are in perl15:14
ohsixUbuntuFanatic: did you actually have ipv6 connectivity in maverick?15:14
ActionParsnipMarsixx: do you mean RDP to windows or VNC to an Ubuntu system?15:14
teshschnuffle: so would like to keep it in that now15:14
UbuntuFanaticohsix, not globally, but a loopback would work.15:14
cdavis_Is gnome 3 basically gnome-shell?15:14
doubiohsix, No, I used "foremost" manually15:14
UbuntuFanaticMy ISP does not support it.15:14
Pumpkin-UbuntuFanatic: surely you want to "ping6 ::1" ?15:14
UbuntuFanaticOh. /fail15:14
ohsixdoubi: i don't know what that is, sorry15:15
UbuntuFanaticSorry, epic fail on my part.15:15
doubiohsix, np :)15:15
zhangchenghi, An error occured in avast! engine: 无效的参数15:15
MarsixxActionParsnip: Yes, VNC windows to Xubuntu. i need Xubuntu to auto lock screen after 1/2 min with passwd reactivation!15:15
UbuntuFanaticzhangcheng, report it!15:15
schnuffletesh: perl isn't my domain but it should be fairly easy to write some commuinication protocoll, perl should have everything you need in CPAN15:15
ActionParsnipcdavis_: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/gnome-3-with-gnome-shell-has-finally.html15:15
UbuntuFanaticPumpkin-, sorry. I was stupid for a second, got it now. Kudos. :)15:15
ActionParsnipMarsixx: why all the exclamation marks?15:15
ohsixdoubi: from the sound of it it wouldn't even be the inode number or anything like you'd find in /lost+found/ merely sequential15:16
teshschnuffle: what should i be searching for - 'client server messaging'?15:16
ActionParsnipMarsixx: does VNC stop the screensaver kicking in?15:16
teshschnuffle: im not sure what this topic is15:16
schnuffletesh:  tcp/ip networking sockets15:17
UbuntuFanaticzchangheng, report it.15:17
UbuntuFanaticBut you don't need an Anti Virus on Linux. :P!15:17
schnuffletesh: http://www.perlfect.com/articles/sockets.shtml15:17
doubiohsix, drat. Hmm, it's odf files I'm looking for. I guess I can search for where they record the last modified time...15:17
ActionParsnipUbuntuFanatic: Its good on mail servers as well as file servers with windows clients15:18
teshschnuffle: ah ok, i'll take a look.  thanks again for the tips15:18
schnuffletesh: your welcome15:18
UbuntuFanaticActionParsnip, didn't think of it like that.15:18
ActionParsnipUbuntuFanatic: so in those instances you do, making your statement not true15:18
ghcits ok to have "one more graphic shell" (or maybe its not ok)15:18
UbuntuFanaticYou don't actually need one though.]15:18
MarsixxActionParsnip: Oh sorry :-P, is working fine: i set the right time in screensaver settings. Thank you for your support 'n' time ;) Bye15:18
UbuntuFanaticnote, *need*15:18
UbuntuFanaticBecause you aren't executing them on the linux box.15:19
ActionParsnipUbuntuFanatic: ;)15:19
UbuntuFanaticIt's just them being served.15:19
ohsixdoubi: what filesystem was it from? you could use something like testdisk which isn't forensic recovery15:19
UbuntuFanaticHa, thanks for that. :D15:19
debdmy ubuntu is bcoming increasingly slow15:19
debdthings open much slower now than they used to15:19
ThinkT510debd: you sure its not just you speeding up? ;)15:20
ayeceedebd: how much slower?15:20
doubiohsix, ext4~ Looking around that seemed to mean proper doom15:20
ActionParsnipUbuntuFanatic: just watch huge sweeping statements, there will be exceptions a lot of the time15:20
debdayecee: a lot15:20
ActionParsnipdebd: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d15:20
ohsixdoubi: yea, sorta; if it was written to at all15:20
ayeceedebd: could you quantify that?15:20
debdThinkT510: nope. am serious15:20
debdayecee: the busy icon bfore opening some app stays as long as 5secs15:21
ayeceedebd: how long did it stay before?15:21
debdayecee: much faster15:21
doubiohsix, unfortunately I didn't actually realise a perl script I was working on was intermittently deleting parts of my home folder until some crucial time later :-)15:21
ayeceedebd: how much faster?15:21
debdayecee: 1sec15:21
ActionParsnipdebd: can you give the output of the command I gave please15:21
ayeceedebd: ok15:21
debdayecee: man am not joking15:22
debdActionParsnip: yeah15:22
ayeceedebd: not saying you are. I just had no further questions.15:22
debdActionParsnip: the command?15:23
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ThinkT510debd: lsb_release -d15:23
ActionParsnipdebd: look or scroll up...15:24
ActionParsnipdebd: why do I  need to retype it, the text is just above....15:24
debdgot it15:24
CMH-Danneed some help please - trying to use ubuntu 10.10 (tried 32 bit and 64 bit versions), system will hang and put the monitor to sleep - not sure why it's doing this15:25
debdthat says ubuntu 10.1015:25
debdActionParsnip: that says ubuntu 10.1015:25
ohsixCMH-Dan: do you have an s3 video card? or an nvidia one?15:25
CMH-Danohsix: nvidia15:25
debdActionParsnip: r you gonna tell me something?15:27
shultz_подскажите руссикий чат15:27
ActionParsnipdebd: ok and can you use: http://pastie.org   to give the output of:  sudo free -m; top -n 1 | head -n 12; sudo lshw -C display         Thanks15:27
ActionParsnipdebd: be patient child15:27
shultz_русско говорящие есть15:28
ThinkT510!pl | shultz_15:28
ubottushultz_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:28
ayecee!ru | shultz_15:28
ubottushultz_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:28
ThinkT510ahh, sorry15:28
ActionParsnipdebd: the last command will take a while, let it run15:29
yoghrtHello, I have a problem with my mobile phone, everything is described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1723629, thanks for your help15:29
ActionParsnipdebd: ok take the top comamnd off as it clears the screen quite annoyingly15:30
sudiptaanyone using kde4.6 in ubuntu 10.10?15:30
ayecee!anyone | sudipta15:30
ubottusudipta: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:30
ThinkT510sudipta: its always best to stick to whats in the repos, otherwise we cant really help because its not officially supported15:31
ActionParsnipdebd: you get the idea, 3 commands which we'd like the output of. thanks :)15:31
ohsixeven stuff in certain repos aren't really supported olool15:31
sudiptaok....I've installed kde 4.6 in ubuntu 10.10...but gtk apps look ugly ..any idea why?15:32
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shazzrHmm....when I try to hibernate mye 10.10 system, my machine only locks gnome. It never hibernates. Anyone experienced that one?15:32
debdActionParsnip: be patient child ;)15:32
ActionParsnipdebd: my bad, didn't want you wasting your time15:33
grumetehi I'm having issues with playing .mkv files, do you know how to solve this?15:33
bazhanggrumete, mplayer plays them fine15:34
ThinkT510grumete: vlc usually plays most formats15:34
dylanguys i need help installiung java:(15:34
grumetebazhang, nope, neither vlc15:34
no-nickholla everoyone !15:34
dylan]pm me if u  can give  your time to help15:34
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Gurkeeehi i want report a bigg mistake15:34
ActionParsnipgrumete: did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras and w32codecs15:35
ohsixbazhang: media player classic on windows probably plays them fine too; what's the point?15:35
Gurkeeecan i report mistake15:35
no-nickif I download something with wget would it stay in my computer after closing the terminal ?15:35
ThinkT510!java | dylan8515:35
ubottudylan85: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.15:35
ActionParsnipThinkT510: vlc will play just as many formats as the others as the media codecs are shared15:35
grumeteActionParnship, not sure, I'm going to check that thanks!15:35
isoftask a question. when I open one .py file whose first and second line is:#! /usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-,and I get the Unreadable code. so what I should do?15:35
ActionParsnipgrumete: also install gnome-mplayer as it pulls in a few more codecs, may help15:35
dylan85thanks ill give it a read nnow15:36
ohsixActionParsnip: shouldn't need w32codecs for anything except wma9 with drm; and players don't rreally use them aside from mplayer and only on 32bit15:36
dylan85trying to get a minecraft server running15:36
isoftwho can help me?15:36
ActionParsnipisoft: is there a space between the ! and / characters?15:36
grumeteActionParnsnip, thank you, I didn't have that installed, so let's see ;)15:36
schnuffleisoft: drop the encoding stuff15:36
ActionParsnipohsix: its handy to have though, covers the bases15:36
ohsixgrumete: what is the issue?15:36
isoftActionParsnip: no15:36
Gurkeeei need helpp15:36
debdActionParsnip: http://pastie.org/180728215:36
dylan85E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:36
isoftschatan: drop the encoding stuff?15:37
CMH-Danneed some help please - trying to use ubuntu 10.10 (tried 32 bit and 64 bit versions), system will hang and put the monitor to sleep - not sure why it's doing this15:37
ActionParsnipisoft: you don't need the.py extension in linux btw, they mean very little. Can you pastebin the file you have15:37
ActionParsnipdebd: thanks15:37
Gurkeeeneed help15:37
bazhangGurkeee, with what15:37
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Gurkeeei want report mistake15:37
grumeteohsix, can't play .mkv files, but I think I'm on the right way now :)15:37
debdActionParsnip: thanks should be for u man. Thanks. :)15:38
LetsGo67Hello room!  How easy is it to refund Windows before getting Ubuntu?15:38
schnuffleisoft: first line: #!/usr/bin/python delete the rest15:38
ActionParsnipdebd: ok so youo have 1Gb RAM using 256Mb for your onboard nvidia chip which is using the proprietary driver.15:38
atlef!bugs | Gurkeee15:38
ubottuGurkeee: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:38
debdActionParsnip: yeah15:38
isoftschatan: ok, I try15:38
ActionParsnipdebd: did you upgrade from lucid to maverick or is this a clean install?15:38
ohsixgrumete: if you have the restricted/multiverse repos enabled totem will install stuff as needed15:38
schnuffleisoft: you can use the tab key to complete names, like schn<tab>15:38
debdActionParsnip: clean install15:38
Gurkeeereport bugs15:39
Gurkeeein the installer stands "LibreOffic" instead of "LibreOffice"15:39
ohsixdebd: how are you measuring the slowness? it's not unusual for humans to believe they perceive something15:39
bazhangGurkeee, see the bug link above15:39
ActionParsnipdebd: hmm, all I can suggest is you run:  sudo nvidia-xconfig    then reboot to test, if it fails then boot to root recovery mode (shift at boot, recovery mode, root) then run:  mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old     then reboot by running: reboot15:40
ubuntulinux just crashed, howto find bug?15:40
grumeteohsix thank you, I'm gonna do that too.15:40
debdActionParsnip: what let u know that 256mb is reserved? :)15:40
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schnuffleubuntu: check the logs under /var/log15:40
ActionParsnipdebd: your total ram is near 750 which usually points to a shared device (unless you have none matching RAM sticks), you see it a fair bit15:40
crackguyanybody heard of marathon everrun high availibility software?15:41
ubuntuschnuffle: for what, it's tons of logs there15:41
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schnuffleubuntu: check syslog first15:42
debdActionParsnip: nice! Well, thanks.15:42
isoftschatan: it seems that the Englist char is ok,and the chinese char is unreadable code15:42
ActionParsnipdebd: gl15:42
schnuffleubuntu: and sudo dmesg could give a hint as well15:42
schnuffleubuntu: the word crash is not very specific15:44
nknanyone knows how to delete empty folders when "sudo rm -rf " is saying directory not empty15:44
malfiusBleh, download of ubunutu 11.04 server image keeps failing15:44
ubuntuschnuffle: well logs aint specific too15:44
ohsixCMH-Dan: the proprietary nvidia driver messes with plymouth, and might just be plain broke; you might be able to log in blind and fix it though15:45
erUSULnkn: with rm -r that error should not happen15:45
schnuffleubuntu: you got it, you asked a not very specific question and I gave you a not very specific answer. So first thing to do is to narrow down a bit. Have you any idea what could have caused the crash?15:45
Gurkeeebazhang DONT pm me please!15:45
CMH-Dannot using the proprietary drivers, it fails if I try to activate them15:46
ohsixCMH-Dan: then you're using natty?15:46
nknerUSUL : but thats happening :/15:46
ActionParsnipnkn: force isn't needed15:47
nknActionParsnip : it's the same with or without force15:47
erUSULnkn: is the only error you get? or you get another error for files within the dir? maybe there is a file you can not remove inside the dir that is failing15:47
ActionParsnipnkn: there is also:   rmdir foldername15:47
CMH-Danohsix: Not sure really, the system doesn't stay up long enough for me to do much -- whatever the default is15:47
ActionParsnipnkn: using force as the normal way you do it is a really bad habit15:48
nknerUSUL : the folders are empty15:48
ActionParsnipnkn: is your user the owner of the folder?15:48
erUSULnkn: no hidden files either?15:48
ohsixnkn: the directory probably isn't empty; is it on a samba/cifs or remote mount of any type? what filesystem, if not15:48
nknActionParsnip , erUSUL :yes i'm the user and no hidden files15:49
CMH-Dannkn: if the directory is an in-use moint point, or if you're in the directory you're trying to use, it won't let you remove it15:49
ActionParsnipnkn: does rmdir not work?15:49
ohsixCMH-Dan: even if the proprietary driver failed to install, have you tried it every time you encountered a black screen on reboot?15:50
nknohsix: it's an external hdd15:50
CJackhelp!  .. installed a drupal website onto a TKL (ubuntu) LAMP stack and getting forced back to the home page repeatedly ... there was an article that said "Further investigation shows that it is likely that a recent Ubuntu security update is the cause for this breakage. Argh!" ... any ideas ?15:50
nknActionParsnip: it's not working eighter15:50
erUSULnkn: post "ls -al dirctory/" and "ls -ld dirctory/" in a pastebin. also "ls -ld parentdir/"15:50
ActionParsnipnkn: is the filesystem mounted read only?15:50
rasfishhi there ubuntu users15:50
ohsixCJack: well if it was you could always check out the list of security updates and find out what was in them, also; what's a TKL?15:50
rasfishdo anyone knows a good econometric software avalaible for linux ?15:50
ohsixCJack: that guy didn't do enough further investigation to not have found the security update that did it, fyi; wherever you're reading it from15:51
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot15:51
Sivam is there any guide for troubleshoot and tune with netstat -s output ?15:51
rasfishthx ubottu15:51
ohsixrasfish: like a spreadsheet or scientific/statistcial software?15:51
CJackohsix: afraid i am a neophyte in linux .. just a few months of learning  ... TKL is TurnKey Linux15:51
rasfishyeah exactly ohsix !15:51
rasfishsomething like Eviews15:52
ohsixCJack: most 3rd party ubuntu variants aren't supported here15:52
CMH-Danohsix: I'm not sure about everytime - usually get frustrated with it after a few attempts and boot back into windows15:52
CJackohsix: its not a variant ... its a preconfigured install (turnkey)15:52
ohsixrasfish: ah not sure; there are quite a few math packagtes that do that sort of thing, but i don't have the background to have checked them all out15:52
fission6whats the benefit of using something like amazon simple email service vs getting your own smtp server going?15:52
joepaanyone know how to change the order of spelling suggestions in aspell? I want the suggestions defined in my personal aspell.en.prepl file to take precedence. google and man aspell aren't helping15:53
rasfishhehe I'll try them all, I've plenty of time15:53
ohsixCMH-Dan: well if you never attempt to install them, the installed version should be pretty close to the livecd, which is already running15:53
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rasfishthx anyway15:53
ohsixfission6: you pay less than it costs to run your own and they have to deal with the headaches15:53
ayecee!find makeinfo15:53
CJackohsix: TKL has built a library of over 40 applications from LAMP stacks to mailservers ... all based on stable ubuntu15:53
ubottuFile makeinfo found in emacs-snapshot-common, emacs-snapshot-el, emacs22-common, emacs22-el, emacs23-common, emacs23-el, manpages-ja, manpages-zh, octave3.2-common, octave3.2-htmldoc (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=makeinfo&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any15:53
fission6what are the headaches15:53
* derin slaps derin around a bit with a large trout15:53
nadarjust a hint for usability: i watched a up-to-then windows-only-user install ubuntu via the windows-installer. 95% went really nice, but then thus strange question did show up: http://ompldr.org/vOGJsdA (translated^=system of keyboard entering method) even i having used linux quite some years didn't know what that should mean15:54
ohsixrasfish: "r" has a bunch of packages to do financial work; but will probably be lacking in user interface15:54
ActionParsnipnadar: never seen that, do you use a touchscreen or any fancy hardware?15:55
CMH-Danohsix: thanks, going see if not attempting the install produces the same behaviour15:56
nadarActionParsnip, nope. that was a "normal" notebook15:56
fission6ohsix, what are the headaches15:56
ActionParsnipnadar: then i'd research what each option is which you have been given then choose15:56
nadarActionParsnip, but i can't tell anymore. that was on a linuxday15:56
nadarActionParsnip, would be very great idea when one installs that at home and wlan does not work atm :)15:56
ohsixnadar: picking ibus by default is probably prudent, but there should be a blurb about wanting to enter foreign languages at all; or maybe omit it alltogether15:56
ohsixnadar: you can file a bug for that btw15:57
ohsixActionParsnip: whats the latest version you've ran the installer from str8 off the livecd?15:57
nadargrrrr @ freenode -.-15:57
ohsixActionParsnip: because they change quite a bit, i was surprised how nice 10.10 was when i reinstalled15:57
ohsixnadar: you can file a bug for that btw15:58
nadarohsix, please give a link15:58
ActionParsnipohsix: latest version of what?15:58
fefsonCan anyone point me in the right direction? I'd like to use ubuntu on a computer used in a television show. Do i need to worry about trademark issues etc?15:58
ActionParsnipfefson: i'd read http://www.ubuntu.com/legal15:59
Braber01Hi how do I had current minizmined programs to a panel?15:59
erUSULfefson: http://www.ubuntu.com/legal15:59
ActionParsnipBraber01: there is a panel item to hold minized apps, do you not see your minimized applications?15:59
erUSULfefson: that has a link to http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy16:00
Braber01ActionParsnip No I dont see those items16:00
rasfishBraber01: just need to add a new panel16:00
ActionParsnipBraber01: ok then right click the panel -> add item   and add the window list16:00
nknerUSUL : http://pastebin.com/snr8vfDY16:00
ActionParsniprasfish: just needs to add the item, no need for a new panel16:00
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nknActionParsnip : no, it's not read only16:01
rasfishActionParsnip: yep sorry16:01
ubuntuschnuffle: well what linux says as it starts up, so i can track back16:01
chogolingI need some help, I have the "gave up waiting for root device" problem, I can get onto linux after typing exit after a certain amount of time, but how do I delay the increase the time it takes to wait?16:01
ActionParsnipnkn: are there any files from the folder open at the moment. You can check with:  lsof | grep War16:01
erUSULnkn: aaaaa contains a dir called World of warcraf. that's why it complains it is not empty ....16:01
Braber01ActionParsnip: Thank you.16:01
erUSULnkn: if  World of warcraf is waht you want to remove thenyou pasted the incorrect info :)16:02
shultzpodskazhite kak popast v russian canal16:02
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:03
nknerUSUL : i want to delete everything including the aaaaa folder, there are several folders in aaaaa and all of them are empty16:03
shultzya toka izuchay linux16:03
erUSULchogoling: i think there are a couple of boot options you can use something like rootwait16:03
erUSULchogoling: rootwait        [KNL] Wait (indefinitely) for root device to show up.16:04
erUSULchogoling: and rootdelay=      [KNL] Delay (in seconds) to pause before attempting to mount the root filesystem16:04
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erUSULnkn: obbiouly one of them ( the deepest one) is not really empty and that makes it all fail16:05
erUSULnkn: obbiouly one of them ( the deepest one? ) is not really empty and that makes it all fail16:05
ActionParsnipBraber01: no worries dude16:05
wazzupis there a way to get SideWinder X6 macro's keys working on ubuntu ???16:05
nknActionParsnip : command returns nothing16:05
chogolingso do I type rootdelay like at the black and white screen, or do I edit some GRUB file?16:06
ActionParsnipnkn: hmm, then the folder is not in use16:06
nknerUSUL : browsing through the folders with hidden files shown, theres nothing in them16:06
ActionParsnipchogoling: edit it in /etc/default/grub    then run:  sudo update-grub   to apply16:06
erUSULchogoling: if you want it to stick add it to /etc/default/grub to thwe string that contains quiet and splash16:06
erUSULchogoling: and run  sudo update-grub like ActionParsnip points out16:07
chogolinghow do I do that?16:07
wazzupis there a way to get SideWinder X6 macro's keys working on ubuntu ????16:07
chogolingoh wait16:08
chogolingI see it16:08
erUSULchogoling: with a text editor16:08
perlsyntaxHow do i get a dell Truemobile 1150 to work in ubuntu 10.10?16:08
erUSULchogoling: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" --> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash rootwait"16:08
perlsyntaxi can't connect to my open wireless.16:08
erUSULchogoling: then run « sudo update-grub »16:08
chogolinghow do I make the file editable?16:09
erUSULchogoling: gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub &16:09
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know how to get a truemobile 1150 to work on ubuntu 10.10?16:10
chogolingok cool16:10
beanLUCE hi. is there a .deb package of kdevelop 3.x for ubuntu 10.10 ?16:10
chogolingdo I need to add a number to rootwait16:10
chogolingor is that enough16:10
ubuntuperlsyntax: you have to be more specific16:10
chogolingand what will that do to GRUB?16:10
erUSULchogoling: is enough16:10
erUSULchogoling: i t will add that option to all the kernels16:10
erUSULchogoling: rootwait        [KNL] Wait (indefinitely) for root device to show up. <<<16:11
chogolingok yup16:11
perlsyntaxit will not conect to my wireless router.Is there any package or update i need.It can connect eth0 that it16:11
chogolingok so how do I know that its worked?16:11
mc_teohey, i have grub2 installed on my usb memory stick16:11
erUSULchogoling: reboot?16:11
perlsyntaxit work in 9.1016:11
chogolingaside from that16:11
schnuffleperlsyntax: sure thsat eth0 is your wireless?16:12
erUSULchogoling: grep rootwait /boot/grub/grub.cfg16:12
perlsyntaxi that not wireless.16:12
mc_teowas just wondering what sort of entry in grub.cfg i would need to specify a parition on my harddisk to boot from16:12
mc_teo/dev/sd5 specifically16:12
chogolingok so what am I looking for?16:12
perlsyntaxhow do i do that16:12
DarsVaedahi, need suggestions for a screenshot+annotations tool like screensteps or collabshot for ubuntu 10.1016:13
ThinkT510!grub2 | mc_teo16:13
ubottumc_teo: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:13
schnuffleperlsyntax: I'm sorry apparently I don't understand you16:13
erUSULchogoling: any output16:13
perlsyntaxschnuffle,it odd it work in 9.10 but not in 10.1016:13
chogolinglinux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic root=UUID=bb0972c4-3b41-4006-928e-c1f07d9f32f3 ro   quiet splash rootwait16:13
chogolingwas the output16:13
arandmc_teo: set root=(hd0,5); chainloader +1    Use /etc/grub.d/40_custom16:13
CJackohsix: I had to do some digging but the guy DID do some research on this ... apparently it is related to a security upgrade that interacts with client side scripting16:13
schnuffleperlsyntax: you mean you have a network cable to your router and it doesn't get a ip?16:13
perlsyntaxall i am staying is that my wirless pc card work in sbayon but not in ubuntu 10.1016:14
erUSULchogoling: then it worked16:14
erUSULchogoling: the modification. if it fix your boot problems we can only know when you reboot16:14
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perlsyntaxor is there a package i need to install?16:14
chogolingthanks erUSUL  and ActionParsnip16:14
schnuffleperlsyntax: sounds like there's the network driver for your wifi missing16:15
perlsyntaxhow do i fix it16:15
schnuffleperlsyntax: which chip uses your wifi?16:15
perlsyntaxi not sure16:15
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: run:  sudo lshw -C network     websearch for the chip it uses16:15
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perlsyntaxit a dell Truemobile 1150 i use16:16
perlsyntaxi don't have ubuntu on the laptop right now.16:16
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m0kshahi, I'm trying to mount my ipad in lucid (64-bit) but i get this GNUTLS ERROR: A TLS fatal alert has been receieved.  I tried installing libimobildevice1 package but it doesn't work ( i had to download manually, it wasn't in the repos)16:17
m0kshacan anyone help?16:17
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: apparently it uses the orinoco_cs driver and can only connect to WEP16:17
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsDell16:17
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schnuffleperlsyntax: check if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304217&highlight=Lucent+IEEE16:18
ActionParsnipperlsyntax: it's also part of a standard install16:18
SuperstarWhat's the fastest Ubuntu version?16:18
ActionParsnipSuperstar: server, no X server clogging stuff up16:18
ubuntuschnuffle: may that cause it: sdb: detected capacity change from 28995223552 to 016:18
SuperstarActionParsnip sorry I meant with a GUI :P16:18
ActionParsnipSuperstar: depends on config. minimal ubuntu install with openbox or fluxbox will be mighty fast16:19
schnuffleubuntu: what was your problem again?16:19
schnuffleaah, you had a crash?16:20
ubuntuschnuffle: hunting a bug16:20
schnuffleubuntu: is sdb a harddrive or USB?16:20
lonnieI have a strange problem.16:21
schnufflethen it should crash your PC. Can you define crash? Did the PC freeze or what happenend during the crash16:21
ubuntuyeah, freeze16:22
hiexpolonnie, ask16:22
perlsyntaxWell i have no wep on the router it just open.16:22
lonniejust had to set the date, (was at jan 1 19??).  Well, I set the date right but now firefox tells me "The certificate will not be valid until 12/17/2009 6:00 PM."  when i try to go to gmail.16:23
lonnie"Secure connection failed"16:23
schnuffleubuntu: okay, a freeze is normally due to a kernel panic, can you find anything in /var/log/dmesg?16:23
lonnieI rebooted thinking that would help but didn't.16:23
ubuntuschnuffle: anything?16:23
hiexpolonnie, thats a wierd one16:24
schnuffleubuntu: anything like core dump, panic ...16:24
ubuntuschnuffle: that msg was from syslog16:24
lonnieAlso;  apt-get complains, "404  Not Found [IP: 80]"16:24
schnuffleubuntu: which message?16:25
Gurkehello i did a statement16:25
sipiorlonnie: what does "date" report now?16:25
lonnieI'm thinking that the CMOS battery is dead or almost dead16:25
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ThinkT510lonnie: it sounds like the battery in your motherboard has died, if the time resets everytime you boot16:25
ubuntuschnuffle: may that cause it: sdb: detected capacity change from 28995223552 to 016:25
lonnieMon Apr 18 10:25:39 CDT 201116:25
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schnuffleaah, no the capacity changing could be due to pulling the USB out16:26
lonniedate is correct16:26
lonnieThinkT510: I agree....16:26
ubuntu5 msgs with word core, others no16:26
schnuffleubuntu: I don't swear but that message shouldn't cause a freeze16:26
canthus13Is there any way to automagically connect wireless on reboot? (So that the machine connects to the AP without having to log in)16:26
lonniei see no way to "Accept certificate"16:27
schnuffleubuntu: can you reproduce the freeze?16:27
schnuffleubuntu: could you still move the mouse around?16:27
ubuntuschnuffle: well, that was last thing i was going to do :p16:28
lonnieok, well it just got over it.16:28
schnuffleubuntu: I mean right after the freeze16:28
lonniei restarted firefox for about the 10th time.16:28
ubuntuschnuffle: no, freeze for good16:28
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dborgmannhi! anyone out there with knowledge about netlink?16:29
schnuffleubuntu: because a real freeze means nothing works anymore. A freeze like situation can be caused by heavy swapping and to much load16:29
ThinkT510canthus13: rightclick network manager app in the system tray and edit connection16:30
dborgmannmy netlink problem is: i want to use the function nla_parse(), but i have one parameter missing and i don't know, how to get it. it's the struct nlattr * head, which i don't know how to be used16:30
tomusbhey how do i mount usb16:30
ThinkT510!mount | tomusb16:31
ubuntuschnuffle: can i check system load in logs?16:31
ubottutomusb: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount16:31
Guest38617hello i did a statement16:31
schnuffleubuntu: no16:31
Guest38617there is NO way not to use gnome 316:31
Guest38617anytime it will come16:31
IdleOneGuest38617: no16:31
ubuntuschnuffle: ok, im trying to reproduce it :p16:31
Guest38617yes because gnome 2 wont supported by this owner longer16:31
schnuffleubuntu: good luck :)16:31
ThinkT510Guest38617: i use xfce so i am unaffected, the beauty of choice, not everyone uses gnome16:32
Guest38617yes and today i changed to kde because of that16:32
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IdleOneGuest38617: Do you have a support question?16:32
alkisgWill firefox 4 be backported to 10.04, like new version of chromium-browser do?16:34
stefanivarsson@Guest38617: Did you get Gnome3 to run on 11.04?16:34
Guest38617but dont liked it16:34
ThinkT510!ff4 | alkisg16:34
ubottualkisg: Firefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox16:34
NikLPhey hey... I have a 10.10 iso that I want to install to a 8gb sd card for giggles; the info I have is that I need a card to install from, if I'm not using a CD, is there a way to do this to install to the 8gb card from windows, with just this one card?16:34
DirtyDawgalkisg: i installed FF4 on 10.10 works nicely16:34
canthus13ThinkT510: Unfortunately, network manager doesn't launch until you st art a desktop session. I need wireless to connect if I reboot the machine remotely.16:34
DirtyDawgusing the above ^16:34
chaos-cnjoin #ubuntu.cn16:35
ThinkT510canthus13: ahh, before the user logs in, i see, sorry not sure16:35
NikLPslash join ? :)16:35
IdleOne!cn | chaos-cn16:35
ubottuchaos-cn: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道:打字 /join #ubuntu-cn 或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-tw  或者 打字 /join #ubuntu-hk16:35
DirtyDawgchaos-cn: /j #ubuntu.cn16:35
alkisgThinkT510 / DirtyDawg: thank you guys for the ppa solution, but I'd specifically like to know if an official backport will ever be made for firefox 4 on 10.0416:36
ubuntuschnuffle: no, nothing happened, next time then16:36
chaos-cn你们怎么都 用英语 聊落16:36
schnuffleubuntu: that are the worst errors to track, the ones you can't reproduce16:36
IdleOnechaos-cn: type /join #ubuntu-cn16:37
ThinkT510alkisg: sorry, not sure, you might be able to request it, but again i wouldn't know how to go about it16:37
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alkisgThinkT510: yeah, SRUs aren't for newer versions. But I think I once read some ubuntu-devs discussion about new browser versions in LTS updates... and I thought that would cover firefox too, not just chromium-browser16:38
ThinkT510!backports | ah, there is a how to request section here:16:39
ubottuah, there is a how to request section here:: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging16:39
stefanivarssonRunning 11.04 beta on old HP pavillion zv5000. Does not work with Unity. Installed and uninstalled Unity2. Now I have to do Compiz --replace (or Metacity --replace).16:39
IdleOnealkisg: you might try asking in #ubuntu-mozillateam16:39
IdleOneI believe that is the channel name16:39
alkisgIdleOne: thank you, didn't know about that channel16:39
Andy80stefanivarsson: ask in #ubuntu+1 please16:40
r_a_fstefanivarsson: nvidia?16:40
chaos-cnwhich irc client is the best on ubuntu???16:41
chaos-cn<chaos-cn> which ones do u use16:41
chaos-cn<chaos-cn> give me some opinion plz16:41
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:41
bastidrazorchaos-cn: irssi is the best.. ubuntu-bot will tell you that too16:42
sancaswhen i scan wireless in a netbook with wireless 802.11b/g i view 3 wireless16:42
stefanivarsson@r_a_f: Will ask in Ubuntu+1 as Andy80 suggested. BTW nvidia does not work yet old Geforce416:42
chaos-cnwhat's xchat like16:42
sancasbut when i scan wireless in my desktop with wireless 802.11b/g/n only 1 wirelees can i view why??16:42
IdleOnechaos-cn: install it and try it.16:43
ThinkT510sancas: is your netbook running from battery?16:43
wazzupis there a way to get SideWinder X6 macro's keys working on ubuntu ????16:43
sancasThinkT510, yes16:43
ThinkT510sancas: then its like the power settings, to save battery life16:44
r_a_fchaos-cn: xchat or pidgin are graphical nice clients - if you like terminal use irssi or another one16:44
chaos-cni'm using xchat now16:44
sancasno no ThinkT510 i think that you are not understand me good16:44
chaos-cnthank you16:45
sancasmy netbook show me 3 wireless and my desktop show my only 116:45
r_a_fyou welcome ;)16:45
pfifo 16:45
ThinkT510sancas: ahh, sorry16:45
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.16:45
chaos-cnis it real that many hackers use xchat16:46
ThinkT510sancas: are you scanning at the same time on both?16:46
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sancasThinkT510, yeah16:48
ThinkT510sancas: and they are both near each other (in the same room)16:48
sancasThinkT510, yeah!! the tow pcs are in the same room16:49
sancasin the same desktop16:49
chrislusticanyone here experienced with kismac and aircrack?16:49
ThinkT510sancas: hmm, thats odd, do they use different chipsets?16:49
ayecee!anyone | chrislustic16:50
ubottuchrislustic: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:50
chrislusticIm not recieving any unique iv's16:50
sancasmmm ThinkT510 how can i know it?16:50
ayeceechrislustic: are you receiving anything?16:50
cadorettIs there some mode more failsafe/lower level then single user mode? I can't seem to get any interactable display up when booting into 11.04 beta 2 after a fresh install? I installed using alternate cd.16:51
chrislusticyes packets and data16:51
cadorettAll that is displayed is some corrupted looking lines in about 1/5th of the screen16:51
ayeceechrislustic: what kind of encryption does the target network use?16:51
IdleOnecadorett: #ubuntu+1 for natty help16:52
chrislusticive got around 4000 packets and stil not unique iv's   it uses wep,16:52
cadorettThank you very much, sorry for OT16:52
ThinkT510sancas: look for it in lspci16:52
ayeceechrislustic: wait longer, I guess.16:52
isoftI use automake tool, and got to one error: libuuid not found16:52
chrislusticlol... i heard using air crack with it can do it better,16:53
isoftwhat is the libuuid16:53
chrislusticupto 10 x faster16:53
sancasThinkT510, Desktop have Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)16:53
DJonessancas: Just a slightly off the wall question, are both the desktop & netbook using ubuntu? I only ask because I've had machines with windows thats wouldn't pick up certain routers because they were broadcasting on a channel that windows/wifi driver wouldn't accept in the uk16:53
ayeceechrislustic: it's fun to make up statistics.16:53
sancasThinkT510, Netbook have Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)16:53
chrislusticLOL,  there has to be faster ways,16:54
ThinkT510sancas: hmm, both broadcom just different models16:54
ayeceechrislustic: lolol16:54
Guest28768Im trying to write a script that records for 30 seconds after a tone is heard over the line in16:54
sancasDJones, yes the two pcs have ubuntu 10.1016:55
ThinkT510sancas: sorry but i have no idea why one picks up more networks than the other16:55
sancasmmm ok ThinkT510 thanks for all :)16:55
DJonessancas: No worries, I just thought it was worth mentioning as a "just in case idea"16:55
chrislusticI also heard aircrack is better for linux,16:55
chrislusticmore versatile or something16:56
ayeceechrislustic: who'd you hear that from?16:56
chrislusticyoututbe fags,16:56
ayeceeuh huh.16:56
chrislusticand I read it in some forums16:56
ayeceeah, very reliable source of information, forums.16:56
sancasthen what can i do DJones ?? :s do you know?16:57
zhangchenghi,which one is the most best virtual machine on ubuntu linux16:57
chrislusticsometimes..  information on things that have just came out.. like custom firmware doesnt have widely available information and you have to read endless crap its trial and error16:57
DJonessancas: Sorry, I have no idea either16:57
ayeceechrislustic: fwiw, i've never used kismac in linux to capture packets, only airodump-ng16:58
chrislusticI think it may only be for mac, cuase its "kisMAC"     im currently on mac osx,  but I run ubuntu through parallels.16:59
mansourhello ! i'm new !17:00
chrislusticI have ubuntu on my ps3 (: lol17:00
ThinkT510mansour: welcome to the ubntu support channel17:00
ayeceechrislustic: you lol a lot. you must be a very happy person.17:01
wolfricwhat's the command to execute on a certain display? I thought it was display :0 program but i think i'm wrong17:01
mansourthanks !17:01
chrislusticI try to be,  minus the fact everytime I end up here is because i have a problem lol.17:01
ayeceewolfric: DISPLAY=:0 program  would show an X program on display :017:02
wolfricayecee: has to be caps?17:03
mansourTraduction (français > anglais)17:03
mansourwho can help me on a problem with ubuntu 4.1017:03
FloodBot2mansour: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:03
chrislusticaycee what os r u on?17:03
ayeceechrislustic: ubuntu17:03
ayecee!fr | mansour17:03
ubottumansour: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:03
chrislusticlike the new one?17:03
ayeceechrislustic: haven't tried it.17:03
chrislusticah, what r u at?17:03
mansoura sound problem17:04
ayeceechrislustic: I think this is getting towards #ubuntu-offtopic17:04
tjiggi_fo!es | vientosolar17:05
ubottuvientosolar: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:05
JeffJasskyHey, everyone. I'm looking for some OCR software to use on 10.04 for some testing purposes.. ocrfeeder seems to be one but when I try to install it the package can't be found :(17:05
chrislusticI dont know any mac support channel,17:05
vientosolarHi. I have problems with Updating17:06
DJones!ocr | JeffJassky17:06
ubottuJeffJassky: OCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.17:06
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JeffJasskydjones: hmm thank you.17:07
shivhi, can someone help me get a nice screen saver of a clock .. i looked around and havent found one ..17:07
DJonesJeffJassky: I've not tried any of them so I can't help with them, I just guessed at the trigger for the bot17:07
JeffJasskyDJones: Haha I appreciate it.. i did see those but I read that ocrfeeder was the most suggested one.. but couldn't get it to install. i'll check out these other ones then.17:08
JeffJasskyapt-get install tesseract # can't find package either17:09
Webtester01Would vga=792@60 work as a kernel paremter?17:10
ThinkT510!find tesseract | JeffJassky17:10
ubottuJeffJassky: Found: tesseract-ocr, tesseract-ocr-deu, tesseract-ocr-deu-f, tesseract-ocr-dev, tesseract-ocr-eng, tesseract-ocr-fra, tesseract-ocr-ita, tesseract-ocr-nld, tesseract-ocr-por, tesseract-ocr-spa (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=tesseract&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all17:10
JeffJasskynice. Thanks!17:11
ziyadb_how do I git sources using ubuntu? it just fails.17:11
sipiorziyadb_: fails how?17:12
ziyadb_E: Couldn't find any package by regex and E: Unable to locate package, tried multiple packets.17:12
darellstupid questions alert...  if i installed my system with 11.04 beta1 and 11.04beta2 is now out...  and if i install all the updates every day...  does that mean my system is AT 11.04?  or is there some other major difference?17:12
ayeceedarell: beta support in #ubuntu+117:12
sipiorziyadb_: what command were you attempting?17:13
ziyadb_sudo apt-get install git-core17:13
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Webtester01My previous question was kinda stupid.17:13
=== Gurke is now known as Guest78452
researcher123which channel do I join for birtualbox?17:13
eddieguyEvening. Quick question: Should my FQDN internally to my LAN be different than that of my website that can be accessed from the www?17:13
darellsorry - 11.04beta2*17:13
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox17:14
treonautI was talking to edbian about my busybox problem.....ubuntu always runs into busybox cant find the sdd17:14
Webtester01Could someone point me to website where I could pass parameters to xinit, overriding xorg.conf on the live cd, following the double dash after pressing f6.17:14
ziyadb_sipior: any idea?17:15
treonauthow can I teach ubuntu to find the harddisk?17:16
sipiorziyadb_: can you install other packages through apt-get normally?17:16
ziyadb_sipior: yes, sudo apt-get install git-core works.17:17
sipiorziyadb_: didn't you just say that it didn't?17:17
ziyadb_wait a minute17:17
ziyadb_that works, it installs git-core.17:17
ziyadb_but I want to install a package, so I suffix it to the syntax above which you told me to use a few hours earlier.17:18
sipiorziyadb_: you want to use git to grab source code, or you want to install something through apt-get?17:18
ziyadb_grab source code, git clone git://code.quagga.net/quagga.git17:19
sipiorziyadb_: okay, then do that.17:19
ziyadb_fail. haha thanks :)17:19
eddieguyAny ideas? Local domain vs internet domain... should they differ?17:20
eddieguyDoes it make it even more complex to have your local domain be the same as the global (internet) set domain?17:20
yassinewhile trying to install apt-get install gnome-themes-standard i get the following error: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1206829 anyone have an idea what to do please?17:21
sipioreddieguy: are your internal machines reachable through the FQDN for which you have dns set up?17:21
MaxMetal89good morning17:21
MaxMetal89anyone knows how to set up the LT and RT keys of the XBOX360 controller?17:22
DaevolHey! I need gVim help17:22
Daevolsyntax highlighter is failing badly17:22
Daevolfor HTML.17:22
sipioreddieguy: to put it another way: if you don't intend those machines to be directly reachable, it makes no difference what the fqdn is (since they don't appear in an authoritative dns).17:22
DaevolhtmlTagName is being colored as Normal17:22
sipiorDaevol: see #vim17:22
chrislustic_"injection moe not supported" ?17:26
=== chrislustic_ is now known as chrislustic
ayeceechrislustic: I guess you won't be able to use packet injection.17:27
chrislusticim wondering why i see other mac users doing it, gr17:27
ayeceeyou should ask them :D17:27
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?17:28
chrislusticcomments are disabled and Unable to inbox the person hahaha17:28
chrislusticsome "anonymous" guy17:28
ayeceechrislustic: maybe there's another guy who has done it17:29
remlos guy no tienes gracias17:29
chrislustichaha ... cmone now.17:29
chrislusticim actively researching17:29
rejoini have downloaded the 11.04 latest beta and it boots in gnome rather than unity, why?17:30
ayeceerejoin: beta support in #ubuntu+1 only17:30
ThinkT510!11.04 | rejoin17:30
ubotturejoin: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.17:30
chrislusticOH :(17:31
BlipInTheDatadoes anyone know how to make rsync delete files on the client pc ?17:31
chrislustici think my airport wireless cant be used,  for that.  sad sad17:31
ThinkT510sancas: managed to figure out your network availability?17:31
n90thebestis this the ubuntu channel?17:31
n90thebesti need help?17:31
ThinkT510n90thebest: indeed it is17:31
chrislusticusb rt7317:31
n90thebesti need help with openoffice17:32
WobbleyIt's the bestest channel in the world for ubuntu17:32
Kulekso I'm a total noob and just installed 11.04 and the dash suddenly stopped auto_hiding, any ideas?17:32
n90thebestwho could help me?17:32
ThinkT510!11.04 | Kulek17:32
ubottuKulek: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.17:32
* spacebug- does not understand unity at all17:32
n90thebestanione could help me with openoffice?17:32
ThinkT510n90thebest: what problem do you have with openoffice?17:33
=== logan is now known as Guest79459
sancasThinkT510, i think this is good because i test the networks controllers on windows and allways have the same17:33
n90thebesti use google translate17:34
sancasthen i dont worry more :D17:34
n90thebestin cacl17:34
n90thebesti have to insert17:34
n90thebestthe error17:34
n90thebestin a graph17:34
FloodBot2n90thebest: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
BlipInTheDatadoes anyone know how to make rsync delete files on the client pc ?17:34
ayeceeBlipInTheData: which files do you want deleted?17:35
n90thebestso, anyone knows how can i insert the x error in a graph in openoffice calc???'17:35
=== logan_ is now known as Guest44103
n90thebesthelp me pls17:36
shcherbakn90thebest: Sure, what happend?17:36
treonautany help with busybox?17:36
=== root is now known as Guest29111
BlipInTheDataayecee, already got it, I needed to use --delete17:37
n90thebestanyone knows how can i insert the x error in a graph in openoffice calc???'17:37
shcherbakn90thebest: No scroll, just joined.17:37
BlipInTheDataayecee, thanks for the help though :)17:37
n90thebestanyone knows how can i insert the x error in a graph in openoffice calc???'17:37
n90thebestthat's what i wrote17:37
ayeceetreonaut: with what?17:37
shcherbakn90thebest: x error ?17:37
chaoticozis there a chance i can build (in linux) a bootable usb stick with windows install on int17:37
ThinkT510n90thebest: you can ask in #openoffice.org since it sounds like you're not sure how to use it17:38
n90thebestin a graph17:38
ayeceechaoticoz: anything's possible, but that one is very unlikely.17:38
n90thebestno the problem is that if i click right it asks me for the Y error but not for the X17:38
chaoticozmaybe ill try with virtualbox17:39
chaoticozinstall windows in it17:39
chaoticozand from there17:39
=== Guest44103 is now known as logjam
chaoticozcreate the usb stick17:39
FloodBot2chaoticoz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:39
chaoticozum, ok17:39
ayeceechaoticoz: scroll less ;)17:40
chaoticozif i install windows XP, is there any way i can recover the boot selection from linux? so i can dual boot17:40
ceoam need remove all phpmyadmin packed from my ubuntu 10.10, if can't do am are i need to used xampp ?17:40
ThinkT510!grub2 | chaoticoz17:40
ubottuchaoticoz: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:40
LordNeoGood Afternoon, i'm having random xserver crashes resulting in me being loged off. No issues in login back, but i want to solve the annoyance. Besides of ~/.xsession-errors is there any other logs i may look for?17:40
Gurke_!grub2 | chaoticoz17:41
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)17:41
chaoticozthank you17:41
chaoticozvery much17:41
shcherbakLordNeo: kern.log, messages, syslog17:41
LordNeothanks shcherbak17:41
fluffybithi, anyone having .wmv problems on 10.10 ? played files ok yesterday and now shows no video in either mplayer or vlc17:42
ceoneed help17:42
ceofor remove oall packged for my ubuntu 10.1017:42
isoftI wanna copy one line from vim to other file, eg. I copy one line to this, what I should do?17:42
shcherbakLordNeo: also, if it apears to be application specific, try to debug. Or test compiz/metacity.17:43
JeffJasskyHey, guys. I just did sudo apt-get install imagemagick but when I try to use "Convert" it says "Convert: command not found"17:44
ayeceeJeffJassky: maybe it's in lower case17:44
JeffJasskyoops.. looks like it's all lowercase maybe17:44
LordNeoshcherbak: another question, how do i know if i'm running above compiz or metacity? i just installed the default 10.10 installation, then upgraded to natty and it looks like the compiz package is already installed17:44
fadaxwhat is the best way to run ubuntu as a virtual machine under windows 7? which hypervisor should i go for? VMWare?17:44
chaoticozi prefer virtualbox17:44
Dr_WillisI also perfer virtualbox17:45
chaoticozworked like charm for me17:45
treonautmy ubuntu always stops with busybox, please any help available?17:45
shcherbakLordNeo: htop can help, but, if you have effects, it is compiz, is not Natty beta?17:45
Dr_Willistreonaut:  the installcd? or your installed system? or what exactly?17:45
ThinkT510fadax: i doubt many people here will recommend vmware because its closed source17:45
Dr_WillisI have had issues getting vmware to work. virtualbox is much simpiler to get going i find.17:45
LordNeothanks shcherbak17:46
shcherbakfluffybit: you can open second file in vim and use visual mode (triggered by "v")17:46
thomashsuVMware Player is much faster than virtualbox per my experience17:46
LordNeowill check the logs first and try to solve all the issues i can. About natty, yes, it's beta, but #ubuntu+1 looks more a general conversation channel than a support one17:46
fadaxoh right ok, i see.. so if i choose to use virtualbox how can i get it to run the paravirtualized version of ubuntu? do i have to download a different distro?17:46
LordNeofadax, what are you trying to do?17:47
treonautDr_Willis: I have a dozble boot grub   windows and ubuntu, ubuntu always stoped on busybox I used to type exit and it runs normal, but now I17:47
chaoticozim installing windows xp in virtualbox on ubuntu right now. rreason: i want to make an usb stick with the windows installation files to install windows to my harddrive.17:48
LordNeofadax: paravirtualization is kinda' extreme for a simple ubuntu testing, virtualbox will do all you need by default and without hassle (and in my personal testing, consuming a lot less resources than VMWare)17:48
fadaxLordNeo well i want to install ubuntu as a virtual machine on windows 7, and i just want to make sure i go about it the best way to get optimal performance17:48
treonautchanged the cpu and motherbord i7  it never opens ubuntu remains on busybox.....cant find harddisk17:48
fadaxoh right ok  i see17:49
fadaxwell thanks, i'll think about it17:49
LordNeochaoticoz: use unetbootin to copy the usb stick with the windowsxp image17:49
coz_treonaut,  when you type exit it boots  .. yes?17:49
treonautDr_Willis: sorry the text came in two parts17:49
LordNeofadax: no problem, and if you need anything just pm me17:49
chaoticozinstalled no17:49
coz_treonaut,  does it still boot after typing exit?17:50
treonautcoz_: now it doest start anymore, maybe the prozessor is to fast17:50
coz_treonaut,  did you simply change the motherboard and did not clean install but used the previous install from the h ard drive?17:51
fluffybithmm, suddently decided t owork17:51
treonautthe computer boots up to grub windows works perfect......ubuntu ends up with busybox...but doesnt start as it was before with exit17:51
coz_treonaut,  when you changed the motherboard,,, did  you reinstall ubuntu?17:52
treonautno coz_:17:52
chaoticozLordNeo, how do i execute a .bin file17:52
coz_treonaut,  you probably will have to reinstall... you can probably use the olde motherboard to save any files from that install,, but if you change the hardware especially the motherboard,, it is best to reinstall to let the install detect that particular hardware17:53
ceohumf... nobody can help me, for remove my packed17:53
chaoticozfound it LordNeo , but the application seems to crash. asks me for a password then disappears17:54
coz_ceo,  I didnt see your post17:54
LordNeosorry chaoticoz, i'm back17:54
bivoTrying to install a game in Wine, but execute bit refuses to let me even set execute permissions via root to the install executable17:54
LordNeoit should show a little window that shows the options17:54
treonautcoz_: I always dreamed that I can use everything as before...is there no way anybody helps me to tell him, maybe on the grub, where the HD is?17:55
coz_chaoticoz,   cook nick :)17:55
chaoticozit only asks me for my password, then disappears :(17:55
coz_treonaut,  mm  I am not sure,,, maybe try the ##linux channel17:55
LordNeoone second17:55
coz_treonaut,  or maybe reinstall grub17:55
LordNeolet me check if it's on the repos17:55
chaoticozfound it with aptitude17:56
LordNeochaoticoz, it's on the repos, check on synaptic17:56
treonautcoz_: at the moment I use ubuntu from CD and trying to find the place where ubuntu starts17:56
chaoticozsame problem17:56
amiriteanyone know about ubuntu?17:56
LordNeotry from console: sudo unetbootin17:57
chaoticozasks for password,worked17:57
chaoticozworked*, shouldve tried sudo right away17:57
LordNeono problem17:57
shcherbakLordNeo: Yeah, in plus one, most likely you will hear "fill the bug, please", what you acctually should do.17:57
* shcherbak yawns.17:57
amiritespecifically anyone know how to check what init scripts are running17:57
LordNeotreonaut: can you tell me your issue?17:57
amiritei.e. stuff in /etc/init.d17:57
amiritehow can i tell which is running and which isn't17:57
empitydoes anyone knows what ubuntu runs to hibernate?17:58
LordNeoamirite: service --status-all17:58
empityI want to hibernate but I don't use the sucky gnome, so I don't know that the hibernate button runs...17:58
dave_I'm having trouble with my LAMP server that I'm setting up. .php files download instead of displaying.17:59
chaoticozLordNeo, may i query you?17:59
amiritedo i need to run /etc/init.d/cron for crontab to work17:59
empitydave_: apache doesn't load the php module the17:59
LordNeochaoticoz: sure, go ahead17:59
chechemy laptop keep losing the boot partition DUAL BOOT windows 7 and ubuntu lucid17:59
bivoUbuntu 10.10 i686 Wine 1.2 Trying to install a game in Wine, but execute bit refuses to let me even set execute permissions via root to the install executable17:59
StarminnYou know the menus on the top-left in 10.10 and others where it has Applications, Places, System? I've noticed in some themes the items in those lists are nicely packed together. How cna I accomplish this with a theme that doesn't do that by default?17:59
SMG1hello, can someone help me update ar package under binutil, because its an old version and its not letting me compile enything17:59
checheboot from CD and grub-install keep fixing it. but I wonder if anyone had same issue17:59
chechemaybe ext4 is not compatible with windows 7?18:00
empitynoone about hibernate?18:00
Starminnbivo: Have you tried, "wine /path/to/file"?18:00
Jordan_Ucheche: What version of Ubuntu are you using?18:01
dave_empity: I've checked in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled and php5.conf and php5.load are both there.18:01
checheJordan_U: Lucid18:01
tudalexwhat's with the flood bot?18:01
Jordan_Ucheche: And whenever you boot Windows grub becomes unbootable?18:01
jean_I have a problem with ubuntu 10.04 (had the problem with 9.10 as well but not as sever) ubuntu crashes with the screen displaying horizontal and vertical lines. It stays there until I do a hard reboot. The system is X61T (lenovo tablet) with intel GMA950 any ideas18:01
nach0zGot a question for yall: Using the "screen" command for multitasking, how many "screen"s are allowed to run at one time? like is there a built-in hard limit, or does it just depend on ram and hardware stuff?18:01
checheJordan_U: I install it too a friend....18:01
checheJordan_U: he come back only letting me know that is not booting up18:02
ayeceenach0z: no limit imposed by screen, at least18:02
checheJordan_U: grub-install /dev/sda fix the error18:02
nach0zayecee: Awesome. thanks.18:02
SMG1hello, can someone help me update ar package under binutils, because its an old version and its not letting me compile enything18:03
checheJordan_U: maybe hibertane windows had some relatonship?18:03
bivoStarminn keeps complaining that it isn't owned by me?18:03
wildc4rdevenin all18:03
treonautcoz_: do you think reinstalling grub makes sence?18:03
QuiSECan someone tell me how to apply this fix. Ubuntu driving me crazy atm18:03
amiritehow do i add an /etc/init.d script to automatically run18:03
amiritewhy do i check if an /etc/init.d script is set to automatically run18:04
coz_treebeen,  well probably  ,,, you would have to do that from the live cd ... do you know how?18:04
* amirite bangs head against wall18:04
Starminnbivo: Where is the file?18:04
treonautcoz_: but be prepared I will ask how ;-)18:04
Dr_Willisamirite:  you may want to look at teh Upstart docs and use a upstart config script instead of init.d18:04
* amirite wishes everything was like gentoo18:04
amiriteno i don't i just want a quick answer so i can get on with my life18:04
coz_treonaut,  hold on I will get lin k18:04
necromanceramirite: so install gentoo18:04
necromancerproblem solved18:04
Jordan_Ucheche: It's probably this problem: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~cjwatson/blosxom/debian/2010-08-28-windows-applications-making-grub2-unbootable.html18:04
=== apple_ is now known as evandroalb
yeatendo you have any ideas about that glitch http://imageupload.org/?d=4DAC6C5D118:04
Dr_Willisamirite:  go use gentoo if you want gentoo.  If you want somthing to start simpily. add it to  /etc/rc.local18:04
coz_treonaut,   read this through several times before attempting it    http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide18:04
checheJordan_U: thanks having a look18:05
Jordan_Ucheche: Installing grub-pc and grub-common pacakges from Ubuntu 10.10 should work arund the problem.18:05
Dr_WillisOtherwide you will need a complex init.d script for your service.18:05
bivoStarminn on a flash stick, either way, from root I should be able to force the permissions no?18:05
KM0201QuiSE, looks like you download that .deb file, then follow the instructinos18:05
evandroalb/etc/rc.local is the easy way...18:05
Jordan_Ucheche: Sorry I can't help you more on details as I need to leave now.18:05
checheJordan_U: that is more that what I have thanks!18:06
QuiSEwhen I try the url it i cant read the file18:06
Starminnbivo: Hmm.... You could always just try to copy the file over into somewhere in ~18:06
checheJordan_U: I will try next time to forward to Colin Watson18:06
QuiSEKM0201: "Oops! This link appears to be broken."18:06
Kriss-|-if i have a computer with 2GB ram, that also could support 64 bit, would anyone of you suggest that i used ubuntu 64 bit instead of 32 bit ? or would anyone suggest staying on the 32bit version ?18:07
Kriss-|-would there be any performance increase using the 64b version in this case with 2GB ram ?18:08
sipiorKriss-|-: yes, you'll want a 64-bit operating system. if you already have a working 32-bit system, though, it's probably not worth the trouble of reinstalling.18:08
QuiSEKM0201:  suggestion? I know its a -.deb file but I dont know how to feed it to .deb to install it18:08
IanWizardI'm trying to mount my old HOME dir, so that I can migrate a bunch of data from it, but because I used ecryptfs (at install), and I guess because I'm not mounting it where it's supposed to be., I keep getting an error about it not being setup properly.18:08
KM0201QuiSE, well, i wasn't even able to download it... hang on a sec, looking.18:08
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
evandroalbKriss-|- you may use 64 bit version without problem. 2gb ram is ok.18:08
QuiSEKM0201: ok18:08
Kriss-|-is there any increase in performance ?18:09
sipiorKriss-|-: that depends on a number of considerations.18:09
Kriss-|-and also, is there equally number of apps supported for the 64bit version ?18:09
KM0201QuiSE, try #149 here...  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/linux/+bug/63631118:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 636311 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) "Keyboard special keys interfere with mouse" [High,Fix released]18:09
evandroalbKriss-|- in some graphics card, like nvidia and intel, i have note increase of performace18:10
Kriss-|-considering ram usage, does 64 bit use more ?18:10
sipiorKriss-|-: yes.18:10
aeon-ltdis it me or does the floodbot not work? if just /j ubuntu again it seems to let you through...18:10
Dr_WillisKriss-|-:  ive heard 64bit apps use a little more ram. but never noticed it being an issue18:10
=== Guest64445 is now known as sloopy
evandroalbKriss-|- yes... because the OS uses 64 and 32 libs (for compatibility with old apps)18:10
evandroalblike flash player18:10
QuiSEKM did that url work for you to DL the file? I just get that there are no homepage or it has been removed18:11
evandroalband maybe, java18:11
Kriss-|-think ill just install it and see18:11
macoaeon-ltd: id ask that in #ubuntu-ops18:11
Kriss-|-thank you all for your suggestions18:11
evandroalbyes, make tests18:11
QuiSEKM0201:  solved. Thanks18:11
aeon-ltdmaco: thanks18:11
LjLaeon-ltd: you're identified now18:11
KM0201QuiSE, no prob... was it the insructions in 149 that made it work?18:11
aeon-ltdLjL: that explains it.18:11
Gadwil-OfficeDoes anyone have a link to the torrent for the 64bit Desktop of 10.04?  on the Alternative Download page it has Alternative-i386 twice.18:12
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P18:12
QuiSEKM0201: Im reading the URL now. it looks promising. hang a sec and I confirm18:12
Dr_WillisHmm.. theres some torrent.ubuntu.com site..18:12
roestzwiihey guys18:12
yeatenhttp://imageupload.org/?d=4DAC6C5D1 any ideas?18:12
JeffJasskyHey, guys. For some reason typing the command 'tesseract' in my shell works great.. but using PHPs exec, shell_exec, and system functions don't seem to execute the command as expected. exec('ls') works but exec('tesseract'); doesn't do anything. No errors - just no result.18:12
zhandoWow natty's Ubuntu classic makes my laptop overheat!!18:13
sipiorJeffJassky: perhaps the program is executing entirely in the 4th dimension.18:13
roestzwiii rent a server from strado that runs ubuntu, where can i get an overview or tutorial to ubuntu18:13
JeffJasskysipior: Or beyond o.o18:13
Gurke_roestzwii hahahahah18:14
Gadwil-OfficeThanks Dr_Willis .  I never knew Ubuntu had this directory.18:14
zhandoI mean it literally gets super hot to the touch..18:14
ApollonovichI just added the ppa/kde backports repository to my apt-sources, and now I see 174 "blocked" kde updates.  I'm running lucid...anyone know why the updates would be blocked/what I can do about it?18:15
zhandoUbuntu no effects is ok..18:15
evandroalbpreparing to install the coming ubuntu version on my macbook pro.18:15
Gurke_KDE rockz !18:15
evandroalblet see how i do it... seaching for internet tutorials.18:15
maxagazwhat does bitrate mean in video, if I change it, what would it change ?18:15
zhandoUnity needs a ton of work.. Stay with Ubuntu class (no effects)18:15
Gadwil-OfficeI say they should go Gnome 3 with Gnome Shell and forget about Unity.18:16
=== oleg is now known as Guest22267
zhandoor Ubuntu classic with a healthy well-cooled cpu and video card18:16
=== Gurke is now known as Guest46392
ayeceemaxagaz: it takes a certain amount of bits to represent each frame in a video. If you lower the bitrate, there's less bits to represent each frame, and so the frame is not presented as accurately.18:16
zhandoI've heard enough about Gnome 3 to be pretty skeptical about that as well.18:16
maxagazayecee, so it will affect its quality ?18:17
ayeceemaxagaz: that is, as you lower the bitrate, the quality degrades, yes.18:17
SMG1can someone help me, i need to update the "ar" file under "binutils", because it causes "*** buffer overflow detected ***: ar terminated" while compiling anything, but I cant update binutils because of the same problem?18:17
=== Toxic is now known as Guest39263
Guest39263Hi to all.18:18
ayeceemaxagaz: however, the reduced quality is often acceptable, especially if playing on a smaller screen.18:18
=== herton_lunch is now known as herton
maxagazayecee, but bitrate is expressed in kbps, why isn't it in bit per frame ?18:18
JeffJasskyAnyone have any idea on my php exec() issue?18:18
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zhandoForget unity, forget gnome 3, forget kde, they all suck (right now anyway)18:19
evandroalbzhando i liked lxde =)18:20
sipiorzhando: this is off-topic here. consider #ubuntu-offtopic.18:20
ayeceemaxagaz: the number of bits per frame varies. frames that are easily compressible don't need many, while very busy frames need more18:20
zhandook fine..18:20
evandroalbspior thanks !18:21
yeateni hate unity!18:21
=== schmidtm_ is now known as schmidtm
ayeceemaxagaz: the kbps is how much bandwidth the encoder aims for or is allowed to use per second to represent the frames within.18:21
jiltdilhow to upgrade mozilla to 4.018:21
ubottuFirefox 4 is the current stable version of Firefox. Current versions of Ubuntu do not have it (see !latest), but there is an unofficial and unsupported PPA that you can use by running the following command: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox18:22
maxagazayecee, I begin to understand18:22
BlipInTheDataAnyone have a clue how to disable SSH from auto booting ?18:22
maxagazayecee, can the bitrate be variable for a video ?18:23
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:23
SMG1can someone help me, i need to update the "ar" file under "binutils", because it causes "*** buffer overflow detected ***: ar terminated" while compiling anything, but I cant update binutils because of the same problem?18:23
fizyplan1ton 18:23
ayeceemaxagaz: yes, it often is.18:23
joeykrimwow lot of people in here18:23
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.18:23
sipiorSMG1: you're using the binutils that shipped with ubuntu? which version of ubuntu are you running?18:23
ayeceemaxagaz: still, there's likely to be a target average bitrate, and an upper bound so that the storage can keep up with the demand in busy scenes.18:24
joeykrimhas anybody experienced issues using eclipse over x11vnc crashing X11?18:24
fizyplan1tonhow can a download a file via cli if i know its url?18:24
joeykrimfizyplan1ton: wget18:24
SMG1sipior: I messed with tah, now ar has version 16 while ld has version 21, ubuntu 10.1018:24
sipiorSMG1: tah?18:25
SMG1sipior: i mean i messed binutils up.18:25
sipiori see.18:25
sipiorSMG1: apt-get doesn't work, then?18:26
SMG1sipior: it installs it but its like it does not update it18:26
sipiorSMG1: apt-get install --reinstall binutils?18:26
SMG1sipior: i cant compile any package from source, even the simplest one because of "ar"18:27
sipiorSMG1: not asking you to compile anything. does apt-get work?18:27
=== ajshafer is now known as alex[0]
SMG1sipior: ill try your command, but yes apt-get does work18:28
alex[0]hello, I'm trying to get 2 GPUs with 3 monitors working in lucid18:29
=== nakaori is now known as naka
=== naka is now known as nakaori^
abstraktarg... looks like the latest ubuntu software update screwed up my flash plugin18:29
abstrakti can still watch youtubes18:29
abstraktbut e.g. google analytics brings up a warning/status/notice bar (in firefox) saying to "install plugins..."18:30
ayeceeabstrakt: you've restarted firefox, yes?18:30
TheMGim trying to install ubuntu 11.10 x64, but it is not seeing any of my partitions. ive got a w7 partition, another ntfs partition and then free space which i left for ubuntu. the installer just sees 2 TB of free space18:30
abstraktand when I click on it it gives me a few options and when I select Adobe Flash, it says "this plugin is already installed!" "finish..."18:30
abstraktso I click finish18:30
abstraktpage reloads18:30
abstraktayecee, yes18:30
shcherbakTheMG: /j #ubuntu+1 (not yet here)18:30
abstraktayecee, i've rebooted the entire machine18:30
PowerTuxi´m trying to install cinelerra and after make it return the error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lbz218:31
TheMGshcherbak: sorry, what?18:31
PowerTuxcollect2: ld returned 1 exit status18:31
shcherbakTheMG: Natty (11.04) is still beta.18:31
TheMGoh, haha, i meant 10.1018:31
SMG1sipior:the binutil apt-get installs is 2.20, but it never updates the "ld" package which is part of binutils, i suppose apt-get does not work18:31
sipiorTheMG: i guess you meant 10.10, not 11.10 :-) do you have a second disk in the system?18:31
TheMGsipior: i did *when i installed w7*, and by accident, the w7 installer added the new installation of w7 onto the old w7 (on the other disk)'s bootloader18:32
TheMGsipior: for the installation of ubuntu i removed it18:32
sipiorTheMG: sure you removed the right one?18:33
TheMGsipior: yep, right size18:33
shcherbakTheMG: Close M$ "good" way, to let ubuntu see drive ok, use Drive Utis in live session to make sure everything is ok.18:33
TheMGshcherbak: what do you mean by "close ms good way"?18:33
shcherbakTheMG: Do not hard boot it, just Soutdown.18:34
Dr_WillisPowerTux:  you need the 'bz2' library development files  libbz2-dev might be the package name (or close to it)18:34
Dr_Willis!info cinelerra18:34
ubottuPackage cinelerra does not exist in maverick18:34
TheMGshcherbak: i see, and there's no chance ubuntu will try and do something with the first hard drive?18:35
ThinkT510!find cinelerra | Dr_Willis18:35
ubottuDr_Willis: File cinelerra found in fvwm-crystal, gnome-colors-common, luciole18:35
Dr_WillisThinkT510:  :) if it was in the repos the 'build-dep' option would let one pull in all needed dev packages to recompile it.18:36
Dr_WillisThinkT510:  seems hes not that lucky.18:36
shcherbakTheMG: As long you using live session, and not installing, or making something silly, your drive is safe.18:36
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boomboorumHello everybody.  I have ubuntu 10.10 on my netbook (acer aspire one). My webcame suddenly stopped working (in) Cheese.  It worked fine before and now it suddenly stopped recognizing the webcam18:37
shcherbakTheMG: you need to have windows partition closed to let them work normally, hard reboot are not recomended in any system.18:38
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UbuntuN00breinstall cheese?18:38
* jiltdil smile18:38
drgeriHi everyone. I cant install Wubi...after download I have error rev.19018:39
drgericoukd not retrieve installation files18:40
ActionParsnipdrgeri: grab the ubuntu iso, MD5 test it then mount it with magicdisk or daemontools and run it from that18:41
boomboorum(I will repeat myself )  My webcam suddenly stopped working, some assistance would  be nice   ( Ubuntu 10.10  -  Acer aspire one netbook)18:41
ActionParsnipboomboorum: can you give a pastebin of:  lsmod    Thanks18:41
EgonisOdd question -- I used Brasero to burn some backed up data to a disc, after having ripped it from an external HDD... the files are blank, as in contained with spaces equalling the total byte count of the file.. however reading the original file from the external HDD shows data.18:42
EgonisAm I going crazy?18:42
drgeriI would like to try the wubi,dont want to mount disc18:42
ActionParsnipdrgeri: there is no disk, you are mounting a file18:43
ActionParsnipEgonis: tried a different burner?18:43
drgeriok...i'll try that,thanks18:43
ActionParsnipdrgeri: or you can put wubi.exe in the same folder as the ISO and do that18:43
EgonisActionParsnip: Wish I had.... :(18:43
ActionParsnipdrgeri: be sure to MD5 test18:43
ActionParsnipEgonis: if you connect the system to a different system, is the original data there?18:45
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boomboorumActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/fDgcXTYi18:47
pooltableneed help with PCSX emu the memory card not working for final fantasy 8 ??18:47
EgonisActionParsnip: Yes, it *was*... before a re-format of said machine18:48
ActionParsnipEgonis: yikes18:48
pentester123I need help with samba share. I can see the shared directory, it asks for login, but wont allow access. user has been created18:48
EgonisActionParsnip: On a related note, is an ext4 undelete realistic?18:48
Dr_Willispentester123:  you gave the user a samba passwd via 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' ?18:49
shcherbakEgonis: Yes, give you more chances.18:49
ActionParsnipboomboorum: ok let mesearch18:49
PowerTuxthats it Dr_Willis, thanks18:49
pentester123Dr_Willis: i imported the users and passwords with webmin18:49
ActionParsnipEgonis: you may get joy with foremost on the partition being unmounted18:49
EgonisActionParsnip: thank you.18:50
ActionParsnipboomboorum: what model aspire one is it?18:50
roestzwiiwhat is wrong to putty when there are comming ]]A and ]]B when i use the arrow keys18:51
Dr_Willisroestzwii:  when using vi?  or always?18:51
ActionParsniproestzwii: if you want a telnet or ssh client, you can use the terminal....18:51
Daniel0108use: ssh username@serverip18:51
Dr_Willisroestzwii:  if when using vi. Install the vim package. the default is a vim-light package that has some differnt settings/limited features18:52
ActionParsnipboomboorum: the bottom of the system will tell you18:52
Daniel0108roestzwii: use: ssh username@serverip18:52
boomboorum2ActionParsnip:  Aspire One   ZG518:54
TheMGshcherbak: okay, i rebooted and it still doesnt see the partitions18:55
ActionParsnipboomboorum2: cool, let me search18:56
shcherbakTheMG: sudo fdisk -l ???18:57
ActionParsnipboomboorum2: try:  sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo; sudo modprobe uvcvideo18:59
ActionParsnipboomboorum2: find this which may be useful to you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103941919:00
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boomboorum2ActionParsnip:  Thanks19:00
ActionParsnipboomboorum2: p man19:00
rdesfohas any one been able to get boxee to run in 11.04?19:01
bhaveshMy college wont provide me internet and I want to install wine there, how can I? Is there any setup file which I can carry?19:01
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Time`s_Witnesswhat could cause wireless to have 100% packet loss to an outer place such as google please? Im connected to the wireless but can do nothing19:02
ThinkT510!11.04 | rdesfo19:02
ubotturdesfo: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.19:02
Tunix2I want to add the group "sys" to read and write permissions for my directory /home/game I did a chown and now the files show that i own the directory but my sys group still cant write to the files. what gives?19:02
intraderAnyone, I have not seen any action on solving a problem I have with my fans continuously running since installing 10.10 - The computer is a Dell Inspirong 8200.19:04
ActionParsnipTunix2: did you change the group access?19:05
Tunix2ActionParshnip: Not sure, I just ran a chown for sys19:06
sworeshowdy, I have a slightly random question19:06
sworesis there any way to find out if the active user authenticated with a password or with an ssh key?19:06
ohsixActionParsnip: "latest" being the installer off a livecd, they change quite a bit between versions wrt. little choices like the input method19:07
michael_I can't find anything on the Ubuntu website about LTS anymore.  How do I find the end of life for 8.04?19:08
ohsixso if you've been through upgrades instead of reinstalls like i have, you see few of the changes19:08
TheMGshcherbak: fdisk seems to see everything, but gparted doesnt19:08
ActionParsnipohsix: I always clean install19:08
TheMGshcherbak: shall i post the fdisk output?19:08
ThinkT510!8.04 | michael_19:08
ubottumichael_: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support will end on May 12 2011. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.19:08
ohsixi know it didn't ask me, but i also didn't pick a nonenglish locale19:09
linenoiseIs there an easy way to convert flac to mp3?  I tried soundconvert but it doesn't let you set the bitrate (it defaults to 128).19:09
ohsixi had to change it from none to ibus after the fact; when i enabled some foreign languages19:09
rhizmoemichael_: doesn't appear to be one19:09
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:10
rhizmoethat page needs updating, then19:10
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:10
ActionParsnipintrader: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=396018   found that, seems the i8k module needs an option (run: lsmod   to check the module is being used)19:11
bonhofferis there a way to see if there is a file in my directory that is not an xml file19:11
pooltableis there some old archive of all the old ubuntu snap shots of the desk top to look at likt windows from 1 to windows 7 now??19:11
bonhoffersomething like ls not *.xml19:11
ActionParsnipbonhoffer: you could run:  ls | grep -v xml19:12
bonhofferActionParsnip: thanks19:12
icerootbonhoffer: shopt -s extglob; ls !*.xml19:13
bonhoffericeroot: that is a new one19:13
icerootbonhoffer: i like to have shopt -s extglob in bashrc19:13
bonhofferi'll have to look into shopt19:13
TheMGhey, fdisk is recognising my (w7 created) partitions but gparted isnt and neither does the ubuntu installer19:14
icerootbonhoffer: or better, use zsh which is doing cool thinks like that by default19:14
Adis34Hello, How do you add command line parameters to games?19:14
icerootbonhoffer: http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/bash-extended-globbing19:14
ActionParsnipTheMG: if you are using win7 you can resize the ntfs in windows19:14
icerootAdis34: game -foo - bar19:14
Adis34Like in Windows you can right click the shortcut, then put in command line parameters. How can you do that on Ubuntu?19:14
TheMGActionParsnip: i want to install ubuntu on the same hard drive19:15
Adis34game -foo bar?19:15
Adis34wheres that19:15
ActionParsnipTheMG: you will, you can have more than one partition on a drive19:15
icerootAdis34: just call it from the shell with your parameters19:15
TheMGActionParsnip: i have a w7 partition,  another ntfs partition and some free space i left for linux. gparted sees only free space19:15
icerootAdis34: or make a shotcut /path/to/game -foo -bar19:15
ActionParsnipAdis34: make a launcher and you can add the options19:15
ASTComputerReseaSo, I have a couple of things, first up, ubuntu won't mount my floppy drive, and I've tried multiple drives and disks.19:16
Adis34oh i'll try that19:16
gaurav_helphow can i check which version of java i am using19:16
gaurav_helpin terminal19:16
TheMGActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/U9m2D2Dc this is the fdisk output, sba is the important drive19:16
oCeangaurav_help: java -version19:16
ActionParsnipTheMG: surely it seeing the free space is desirable, or does it see all the disk as free?19:17
TheMGActionParsnip: it sees it all (2 TB) as free19:17
ASTComputerReseaSo, ubuntu won't mount my floppy drive, and I've tried multiple drives and disks.19:17
gaurav_helphow i install tomcat6 in Ubuntu i tried many times .. but  it is not working for me19:18
rypervencheWhat is the default Traditional Chinese font on Maverick?19:18
Adis34ActionParsnip: Alright, now how do you add command line parameters to the Link target?19:18
ActionParsnipTheMG: strange, you could use fdisk to partition the space and set the partition type. May help19:18
intraderActionParsnip, is that `lsmod |grep i8k`?19:18
oCeangaurav_help: it's in the repositories19:18
gaurav_helpoCean, i am new user can u explain me how i do19:19
ActionParsnipintrader: the instructions in the link were prettyconsise,if it works you can add it to /etc/modprobe/i8k.conf19:19
Dr_WillisASTComputerResea:  You tried mounting them by hand via the command line?19:19
oCeangaurav_help: in software center or 'sudo apt-get install tomcat6'19:19
ASTComputerReseaDr_Willis: no, not yet, I'm just wondering why the GUI won't do it.19:20
BlipInTheDataHmmm, the open ssh server can be stopped with stop right ?19:20
TheMGActionParsnip: the hdd is GPT, and fdisk doesnt support it19:20
ActionParsnipAdis34: make a new launcher on the desktop, you can then make it run the command you want with the options19:20
BlipInTheData/etc/init.d/ssh stop ?19:20
Dr_WillisASTComputerResea:  because floppies i dont hinkhave auto-senceing  to know when the disk has changed.19:20
ActionParsnipTheMG: i see19:20
Dr_WillisASTComputerResea:  i dont even have a pc with a floppy drive any more19:20
rypervencheHow can I find out what the default font for the Traditional Chinese version of Ubuntu 10.10 is?19:20
BlipInTheDataAnyone ?19:20
KevinDividehey.. anyone see this message?19:20
intraderActionParsnip, does lsmod show it is installed?19:20
Dr_WillisBlipInTheData:  sudo service SERVICENAME stop  (is better practice)19:20
ASTComputerReseaDr_Willis: I do because I have so many darn legacy PC's19:20
ActionParsnipintrader: if you see it in the list, yes19:21
Adis34How do I make a launcher for a program?19:21
Dr_WillisASTComputerResea:  make a script to mount them/unmount them put icon on the desktop.19:21
Dr_WillisAdis34:  right clcik on desktop, new launcher.. (i think)19:21
ActionParsnipAdis34: right click the desktop -> new launcher19:21
TheMGActionParsnip: i have two hard drives. when i installed w7, it accidentally added itself to the bootloader of the OS on the other hard drive (sdb), could this be related?19:21
ThinkT510KevinDivide: yeah, you need any help?19:21
ASTComputerReseaDr_Willis: I'm not too good with the mount command and scripting, I'm used to just sticking the disk in the drive and typing A:19:21
Dr_Willis!mount | ASTComputerResea19:22
ubottuASTComputerResea: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:22
BlipInTheDataDr_Willis, can you tell me how to disable the shh server on startup ?19:22
BlipInTheDataI dont want it to auto start.19:22
Dr_WillisBlipInTheData:  rename the /etc/init/ssh.conf  file to be like ssh.DONTRUN19:22
Dr_WillisBlipInTheData:  or edit its contents.. and tell it to not start.19:22
BlipInTheDatathank you :)19:22
Dr_Willisnot like its taking a lot of resources...19:23
BlipInTheDataNo but I don't like it running, cause of security.19:23
KevinDivideThinkT510: Yes, need some help.19:23
ActionParsnipTheMG: just win7 in the bootloader?19:23
Dr_WillisBlipInTheData:  the biggest danger i find to a Ubuntu system.. is the admin/owner.. not knowing what they are doing. :)19:24
ThinkT510KevinDivide: tell the channel your problem and if anyone knows the solution they'll talk19:24
ASTComputerReseaAlso, I would like to know how to get my serial PalmPilot Professional to sync with ubuntu19:24
ActionParsnipASTComputerResea: you may need add an entry for it in /etc/fstab19:24
ASTComputerReseaActionParsnip: Do you know how?19:24
Dr_WillisASTComputerResea:  you would proberly have to hit up google for that. Or the forums..19:24
Dr_WillisI got an OLD serial palmpilot. :) not had it out in yeras.19:25
KevinDivideThinkT510: I have been using 10.10 on my acer netbook no problem. Went up to 11.04 via package manager install last night.. trackpad decided to stop working. Rolled back to 10.10.. trackpad still didn't work.19:25
KevinDivideBack on 11.04 again, no trackpad.19:25
KevinDivideUsb mouse works.. but I'm left wondering what the fish happened19:25
BlipInTheDataDr_Willis, haha sure, but I just started this week.19:25
ActionParsnipASTComputerResea: you can add: /dev/fd0/media/floppyautorw,noauto,user,sync0 0      all I did was websearch, and I found it...imagine19:25
TheMGActionParsnip: no, on the old hard drive i had an installation of w7 and a wubi install of ubuntu, these appear, as does the new installation of w719:25
Dr_WillisBlipInTheData:  my router blocks incomming ssh from the internet. so i can just leave it running and use it on the local lan.19:25
ActionParsnipKevinDivide: ask in #ubuntu+119:25
ASTComputerReseaDr_Willis: mines from either 96 or 97, palm OS 2.0.519:25
ThinkT510KevinDivide: sorry, 11.04 support in #ubuntu+1 only19:25
KevinDivideoh ok, got it19:26
BlipInTheDataDr_Willis, that sounds way better actually..19:26
Dr_WillisBlipInTheData:  and makes more sence. :)19:26
Adis34I made a launcher for a game and its not starting up, how do i make it start up with WINE19:26
ActionParsnipASTComputerResea: you can then push in a floppy and run:  sudo mount /dev/fd019:26
PadsterAdis34: try including wine at the beginning of the command19:27
ActionParsnipASTComputerResea: in the output I butchered the spaces, its: /dev/fd0 /media/floppy auto rw,noauto,user,sync 0 019:27
Adis34Yeah its there Padster19:27
ActionParsnipASTComputerResea: you'll need to run:    sudo mkdir /media/floppy   to make the mount point19:27
Adis34Im adding  the command wine steam -silent -applaunch 400 -window -novid -dxlevel 80 -width 1024 -height 76819:27
PadsterAdis34: so you have "wine /path/to/exe"?19:27
iceroot!playonlinux | Adis3419:28
ActionParsnipAdis34: you may need the full path as Padster stated19:28
icerootAdis34: have a look at playonlinux19:28
Adis34yeah i have PlayOnLinux19:28
icerootAdis34: normally there you dont have to customize anything19:28
jbroome__wow, the xchat autojoin here is a-noyying19:28
PadsterAdis34: you either need the full path or you need the launcher to run it from the directory the exe is in19:28
ASTComputerReseaActionParsnip: mount dumped the help screen in my face19:29
ActionParsnipASTComputerResea: did you remodify the line, my second fstab line is right the first is wrong19:30
ASTComputerReseaActionParsnip: screw it, I'll scrap together one of my lappys19:30
ASTComputerReseaActionParsnip: I tried the second one19:30
ActionParsnipASTComputerResea: your call19:30
Adis34I don't know how to run a Non-Original game on PlayOnLinux though19:30
Dr_WillisAdis34:  Non-Original? Huh?19:30
Dr_WillisAdis34:  shouldent matter...19:30
ASTComputerReseaActionParsnip: yeah, I'm just gonna rip the FDD out of my machine and throw another SCSI drive in its place19:30
Dr_WillisAdis34:  ive had to  use no-cd versions for some games in wine..19:31
dr3mrohow to change the please wait .. into Ip value in this code http://pastebin.com/czutpSxX i can;t get it to work plz hel19:31
Adis34Yeah I know they can run in WINE19:31
PadsterAdis34: did you try the full path?19:31
Adis34he was telling me to use PlayOnLinux19:31
ASTComputerReseaNow, how would I add an fstab entry for my palm?19:31
icerootAdis34: here is no support for piracy19:31
PadsterAdis34: i've never used playonlinux, but i would try fixing the command19:32
ASTComputerReseaI was just gonna put uCLinux on it but the loader jammed my cpu, now I want to sync and use it19:32
matteppiHi guys, there is VERY simple IRC bot, that just make me op, when i log in?19:33
icerootmatteppi: #freenode19:33
matteppifor ubuntu..19:33
PadsterAdis34: so maybe try: wine /path/to/steam.exe -silent -applaunch 400 -window -novid -dxlevel 80 -width 1024 -height 76819:33
brontosaurusrexhow do i hide joins/parts in irssi?19:33
wwwdanybody using HP pavilion laptop and if so are you having problems with random freezing?19:34
ASTComputerReseabrontosaurusrex: I would like to know that too, it is quite annoying.19:34
icerootbrontosaurusrex: /IGNORE #channel ALL -PUBLIC -ACTIONS19:34
=== polpa is now known as Kvik_Sverige
Padsteranyway, i have to go now19:34
icerootbrontosaurusrex: also see /help ignore19:34
brontosaurusrexiceroot: thanks, will this stick?19:34
icerootbrontosaurusrex: stick?19:34
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brontosaurusrexiceroot: persist?19:35
icerootbrontosaurusrex: /save19:35
icerootbrontosaurusrex: then its written to the conf-file19:35
brontosaurusrexiceroot: great19:35
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  for irssi and other similer clients (like weechat) you really should read a tutoral or 2 on them and their homepage/docs19:35
ASTComputerReseaiceroot: thanks as well19:35
elb0wIs there a way to take a screenshot of only the active window?19:36
icerootelb0w: alt + print19:36
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  theres lots of stuff you will be overlooking  if you dont check their docs.19:36
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis: i intend to.19:36
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  if you like IRSSI. check out weechat someday. I perfer it to irssi now a days19:36
elb0wiceroot, does it go right to clipboard or something?19:36
icerootelb0w: its calling the gnome-screenshot-thing19:37
wwwdelb0w: Applications>accesories>currnt window. I think.19:37
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis: i just imagine something precofigured that can be run on remote machine and accesed via ssh terminal19:37
icerootelb0w: there you can choose to put it on clipboard19:37
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis: with screen19:37
icerootbrontosaurusrex: bitchx, weechat, irssi19:37
icerootbrontosaurusrex: but bitchx is no longer in development19:38
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis: and weechat is great becouse of ...?19:38
shcherbakbrontosaurusrex: irssi is great, coz is the best.19:38
pirxhello! i have installed lucid server edition. ssh tab completion doesnt work. i have uncommented the bach_completion lines in /etc/bash.bashrc, but that didnt help. any ideas?19:38
icerootshcherbak: there is no best19:39
MjbmrHello, Where i can help on localizations ?19:39
shcherbakiceroot: In generel opinion.19:39
shcherbakpirx: What command, ssh ... what?19:40
brontosaurusrexpirx: echo $SHELL19:41
shcherbakpirx: And what your shell, sh or bash?19:41
FreeAsInHatHi, I can't get Ubuntu to boot.19:43
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  better feature set then irssi has. Including 'smart' ignores/filtering19:43
FreeAsInHatI have a Dell Inspiron 6000.19:43
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  if youa re going to be sshing in and doing irc. learn to use screen and/or znc also with the irc client19:44
uotuiouioTHE EASTER SEASON IS HERE,ONCE AGAIN.  HAVE YOU FOUND JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOR?? REPENT NOW, OR BURN IN HELL FOREVER. GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY AND ASK JESUS CHRIST FOR FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS.  uotuiouio lucas-arg amorphous1 ministry[seannig FreeAsInHat soreau Wolfsherz wollex dr3mro vcn foozmeat rodrigo_imbika king09 rcmaehl katsrc andi_ hele termleech mmasaya prime Robert__ wainersm Time`s_Witness avdi1 avdi Mjbmr koff_syrup elb0w O19:44
uotuiouioTHE EASTER SEASON IS HERE,ONCE AGAIN.  HAVE YOU FOUND JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOR?? REPENT NOW, OR BURN IN HELL FOREVER. GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY AND ASK JESUS CHRIST FOR FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS.  TerryBook Neo_Kipling jrocha erhart Juankof Aminzai c-rock kad__ PhoenixSTF todd_dsm adrian_kx Guest1442882 moza slipp3d pdelgallego pirx oliver602 githogori huff3r Guest23092 Random_Dude mue tomifla ChrisGagnon_ MethedMan Rziz antonpiatek cand19:44
uotuiouioTHE EASTER SEASON IS HERE,ONCE AGAIN.  HAVE YOU FOUND JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL LORD AND SAVIOR?? REPENT NOW, OR BURN IN HELL FOREVER. GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY AND ASK JESUS CHRIST FOR FORGIVENESS OF YOUR SINS.  Guest1439974 pr0b0t_ alexfpms_ lollo64it michael_ darktech_ walraven_ Bipul PMello CadeSkywalker slgma raven_ intrader merc Tunix2 Daekdroom tarunno rdesfo mdupont_ yeaten noisewaterphd-hp tschundeee gaveen GuilhermeCunha tPl0ch infid seemawn S19:44
FloodBot2uotuiouio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:44
Kvik_SverigeFreeAsInHat, what error do u get?19:44
brontosaurusrexDr_Willis: anything else to screen than "screen -r" and "ctrl +a d" ? < thats all i know :)19:45
FreeAsInHatIt has the purple loading screen with the flashing dots, then after about 5 minutes the dots stop flashing and it just sits there.  Left it for 30 minutes before gave up.  Tried another CD and no luck.19:45
Dr_Willisbrontosaurusrex:  dozens of guides.. 'byobu' is screen with more friendlier keyboard settings also.19:45
Kvik_Sverigebrokenda1apoint, look at man screen19:45
=== Zalgo is now known as Drama
Dr_WillisFreeAsInHat:  whats your video chipset? if nvidia - try the 'nomodeset' option.. may as well try it reguardless of your chipset :)19:45
Kvik_SverigeFreeAsInHat, & Dr_Willis what abount the alterntev cd?19:46
FreeAsInHatI think it is just Intel integrated graphics.  How do I try this option?19:46
Dr_WillisKvik_Sverige:  What about it?19:46
Dr_WillisFreeAsInHat:  may as well.  :)19:47
Kvik_SverigeCan't he use that?19:47
Dr_WillisKvik_Sverige:  he could try.19:47
pirxshcherbak brontosaurusrex : bash19:47
pirxit started working once a .ssh/known_hosts was created19:47
brontosaurusrexanother related q: is it possible to set the line kerning with gnome-terminal ?19:47
brontosaurusrexthe line height i mean19:47
pirx $ ssh <alias>   weird19:48
Kvik_Sverigebrontosaurusrex, sudo lshw19:48
FreeAsInHatWhat is the alternative CD?  How can I set this option "nomodeset" on boot?19:48
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal19:48
Kvik_SverigeFreeAsInHat, it's another image19:48
brontosaurusrexKvik_Sverige: hardware lister has anything to do with terminal font display?19:49
Kuusis there a way to control the bandwith of a adhoc network?19:50
maliLMFAO.. now you guys better answer this: I run a self copmpiled FF4 nightly in V8 benchmark and score 5600 , chrome 6300... and ubuntu's version in 10.10 keeps A. stopping on each script and scores a measly 350!19:50
FreeAsInHat@Kvik_Sverige Okay, will download that.  Is there a way to apply this nomodeset option with my current CD?19:50
EnchiladaHmm does /sbin/iptables not come bundled with a barebones Ubuntu 10.10 as it did in 10.04 ?19:50
Dr_WillisEnchilada:  as far as i know it comes with it..19:51
Enchiladaweird, it's not here :S19:51
Kvik_SverigeFreeAsInHat, when u boot someting with the F keys19:51
ohsixderpy doo19:51
Dr_WillisEnchilada:  the ufw firewall tool has to be using somting to configfure the rules..19:51
Dr_WillisNight all.. bbl19:51
Kvik_SverigeFreeAsInHat, some fkey for display i think19:51
ohsixDr_Willis: netlink19:51
FreeAsInHatOkay, will Google it and see.  Cheers19:52
intraderActionParsnip, I am working on the recommend i8k on the Dell computer; I will keep you posted19:52
itiliousdoes /usr/local/bin not exist in maverick?19:55
itiliousi'm trying to make ASLA my default audio instead of pulseaudio and the guide i'm using calls to extract into that folder, but it doesnt exist19:55
seidositilious: it does on my system19:56
LjLitilious: i'm not sure it's supposed to exist before it gets created by something in the first place. anyway, just create it?19:56
itiliousdoes that mean my installation has bad now?19:56
neurochromeI'm in urgent need of help.  I have an external esata drive that has suddenly just 'lost' lots of folders.  The weird thing is the space is still used on the drive and when I run "ls" the folders show up.  nautilus (run as user or root) fails to see the folders.  What is going off!?19:56
itiliousis there a command i can add to the 'tar' command to create the directory?19:56
LjLitilious: how's about you just type "sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin" before the tar part?19:57
itilioussimple enough :)19:57
Cas07looking for some clarification, i have a user asking why an application cannot automount a partition when gnome is able to.19:58
Time`s_Witnessmmm. im having some dns problems, nslookup resolves nicely but ping doesn't, nor any other software such as a browser. already tried editing nsswitch.conf as i saw suggested after some googling but it didnt solve. Any ideas please? :P19:59
malihere, can soeone try their 10.10 firefox in this20:00
maliand please tell me it's juts somethign wrong here...20:00
maliprolly the flash plugin20:00
Polahmali: What is it?20:01
malibecause 385 is like20:01
maliit is a benchmark for browsers20:01
malimy nightly compile on 10.10 gives 5600 which is what it should be,20:01
Polahmali: It's running something on the right20:01
malialso, which cpu do you have and speed Polah?20:01
malithats the tests20:01
malijust waittill it's done20:01
FloodBot2mali: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:01
mali~ 30 secs20:01
ptl1977anyone had any issues in the past creating new users and then not being able to login with the new account?20:02
=== bryan is now known as Guest27169
itiliousis it EXTREMELY not recommended for a new person to linux to be self-hosting a website from home?20:02
malipolah, which FF version are you using during the test , and what cpu (cores and speed do you have?) I need to torubleshoot this20:02
Polahmali: AMD Athlon II X2 @ 3.0Ghz. The script has stopped twice at 67% and 78% but I set it to continue. Final score is 49020:02
maliitilious: NOT if it is a production server20:02
maliyes Polah EXACTLY.. UNACCEPTABLE20:03
rypervencheitilious: It's fine.20:03
malilmao.. I didn't realise the ubuntu packages were so DONK :/20:03
Picimali: File a bug.20:03
Draco_hi! I just installed the latest Ubuntu release on my HD, resizing an existing partition: that partition is now UNREADABLE, any ideas?20:03
maliitilious: if it is just a home page, you should be ok..20:03
itiliousya i wont be hosting other sites and doing quite a bit of traffic stuff, just wanna host my own freelance work site :20:03
Polahmali: 3.6.16 on Ubuntu 10.10. AMD Athlon II X2, dual core @ ~3.0GHz. Script froze but continued when allowed at 67 and 78%, final score of 49020:03
itiliousmali, i will be using joomla tho, would that make it much more not recommended?20:04
PolahDraco_: 10.10 or 11.0420:04
maliPici: nah, I am moving on to another distro, I couldn't stand natty's UI but I was using 10.10 as a web development workstation but alwasy FF was so bad on it, now I know it isn't FF but ubuntu, I would reocmmend to make sure your packages perfomrm ebtter on such crucial packages20:04
Draco_10.10 ....20:04
Draco_but it updated during the install, not sure what version is now20:05
Picimali: You're talking to users here, not developers. If you want to actually make a difference then you should file a bug.20:05
Draco_since that genious installed the bootloader on the wrong HD20:05
SprinkyI am having trouble booting Ubuntu from a USB stick on my Dell XPS 630i20:05
maliitilious: you will be fine as such.. the dangers are 'security' and of course having the bandwidth.. it is ok, but just rea dup on security and spend some time and have patience before you set up your system live20:05
ionsI have read online that in general most linux distros do not keep the creation date of files only the modified dates. Is this correct?20:05
maliah ok Pici20:05
rhizmoeions: url please20:05
itiliousactually i have another question20:06
itiliouswhere can i read up on why my boot up doesnt show plymouth theme?20:06
boomboorumI am back with the same problem.    "Cannot identify device '/dev/video0"20:06
itiliousit didnt show original, then i tried installing a custom plymouth theme and still nothing20:06
itiliousonly a cursor blinking, then flashes, then smaller cursor blinking, then a gross looking purple with "ubuntu 10.10" for like 2 seconds20:07
ionsrhizmoe: http://forums.devshed.com/unix-help-35/how-to-get-the-file-creation-date-450882.html tldr; most file systems do not contain this information and that ctime is really the modified time. I have also read this on other sites as I didn't initially believe it.20:07
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intraderActionParsnip, unable to locate package gkrellm-i8k; what can I do?20:07
Draco_look nvm, can I get the name of the italian language ubuntu help channel? it's probably less crowded20:08
PiciDraco_: #ubuntu-it20:08
humboltWho can tell me, what is going on here with mdadm? http://pastie.org/180834320:08
Draco_join #ubuntu-it20:09
bobweaverhello ther20:10
bobweaverFAT FINGERS20:10
chotazHas anyone managed to get a NGS Spincam working on Ubuntu 10.10?20:10
=== seidos is now known as ChickenGhost
bobweaver are all these ip that are passing with the names?20:11
brontosaurusrexwell, weechat certainly has a more xchat-ish look by default, i like20:11
rhizmoeions: ctime being the birth time of the inode seems reasonableish20:11
=== grimly is now known as GrimlyHefty
bobweaveror are they the usernames20:11
rhizmoei figure the ppl writing the filesystems know what they're doing20:11
erUSULrhizmoe: but it is not20:11
erUSULunix does not store file birth/creation time20:12
rhizmoewell...it can be :) maybe not on ext4, but i checked bsd too and so there is some variation20:12
K350how to find out what x session is running?20:12
bobweaver@k350 "top"20:12
ionserUSUL: so there is no way to tell when a file was created?20:14
erUSULrhizmoe: is not posix so no portable. i heard of the BS extensions too. and ext4 probably can store it... but the tools ( find; ls cp rsync  etc...)  are not written to take that into account20:14
erUSULions: no20:15
Guest85474hi all20:15
=== ChickenGhost is now known as seidos
sadini installed LAMP and when i goto my www directory to edit the default index.html file i cannot edit or delete because its READ ONLY even though i am administrator can some one help me fix permissions so i may develop in my server?20:16
Guest85474ama tova eglavniat prozorec pokazva koi se kanektva i koi izliza20:16
ThinkT510!pl | Guest8547420:17
ubottuGuest85474: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:17
itiliouswhy does "sound settings" say constantly "waiting for sound system to respond" after replacing pulseaudio with aslamixer?20:17
sadinhow can i give my self permission to make changes in my LAMP directory so i may work with the webserver20:18
annahow can i download films with ubuntu?20:18
annahow can i get torrent for ubunutu20:19
itiliouswow, after quite a bit of searching around everyone seems to HATE pulseaudio20:19
Pici!piracy | anna20:19
ubottuanna: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:19
itiliouswhy is it still being put in ubuntu then?20:19
Guest85474apache config20:19
Guest85474for directori20:19
annaok understood, but why is ubuntu useful?20:20
=== Wyndham is now known as Wyn
Guest85474za da smeni20:20
PolahPici: Torrenting =/= Piracy. Also, it's not piracy if it'd be sharing something like Ubuntu, unless I guess it's specifically not allowed by Canonical.20:21
rypervencheanna: Ubuntu is a distribution of Linux. It is a very nice operating system. :)20:21
PiciPolah: I realize what torrenting is. But asking that after asking how to download films usually implies piracy.20:21
erUSUL!p2p | anna20:21
ubottuanna: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information20:21
Guest85474all version20:21
erUSUL!bitttorrent > anna20:21
erUSUL!bittorrent > anna20:22
ubottuanna, please see my private message20:22
PolahPici: Oh I missed the bit about films. I only saw the part about torrenting Ubuntu. My mistake20:22
plainasfemale handle in the channel ahah20:22
brontosaurusrexuhmm, how to hide time-stamps in weechat?20:22
George234hey guys20:22
George234does this chan cover development?20:23
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment20:23
CoreyGeorge234: Go read ^^20:23
annathank you folks! very kind!20:23
Guest85474georgi ne lisi ot BG be?20:23
=== Lorthirk`ZNC is now known as Lorthirk
mekwallhow can I set permissions so that files and directories inherit the parent directory permissions per default?20:23
Guest85474chmod man20:24
annai thought this was a bisex chat...20:24
mekwallGuest85474: not per default... and umask is not a solution either20:24
Picianna: Gender has no bearing on how we answer questions here.20:24
Guest85474tuka horata s edopitvat koe kak d apraviat v linuxa20:24
Guest85474koito neznaiat20:24
Guest85474i tuka namirat otgovora20:24
Pici!english | Guest8547420:24
ubottuGuest85474: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList20:24
=== Gurke is now known as Guest17380
annawarum lacht da einer uer mich?20:24
sadinall the files in my var directory are read only even though im administrator how can i make changes to them20:25
annapici: very clear20:25
George234right guys al just throw this out here and see if anyone knows....im compiling my own live cd based on natty but all ive replaced is the vmlinux and initrd.img to fine virtual flash partitions so from the off on the installer it can see my partition...now ive followed this tut https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization but it has no mention to whether i need to alter the md5sum20:26
George234for changing the files i have20:26
erUSULsadin: standar practice afaik is to add yourself to the www-data group20:27
sadinhow would i do that?20:27
PolahGeorge234: The md5sum of files changes as the files does20:27
sadinerUSUL how would i do that20:27
erUSULsadin: sudo adduser "$USER" www-data20:28
George234see it only really mentions changing md5sum and adding public key for packages20:28
George234those files aint packages20:28
George234they are the kernel files20:28
annapici: you think you know well about piracy? or maybe about legal aspects in ruanda? copyright is not the same everywhere!!!!!20:28
ThinkT510anna: this is ubuntu support, do you need help?20:29
brerrabbitHello everyone. Is this an appropriate channel to seek assistance on a troubled install?20:29
rwwanna: Legal aspects in ruanda aren't relevant to an organization centered in the UK and the US.20:29
QuiSeAnyone have a concret fix on the "Left-Mouse-Button" -problem for Ubuntu 10.10. ? Im about to move out of 10.04.220:29
Polahbrerrabbit, an installation of Ubuntu, yes.20:29
PolahQuiSe: What problem?20:30
QuiSePolah,  let me give you a URL20:30
sadinerUSUL it still makes files in WWW directory read only do i need to restart my machine?20:30
George234im guessin no one knows then20:30
George234cheers anywayz guys =)20:30
brerrabbittrying install Maverick Meerat on a powermac g5 (PPC)20:30
QuiSePolah, http://tutorial.downloadatoz.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-10-left-mouse-stop-working-issue.html20:30
annarww: someone told about uk or the US?20:30
brerrabbitthrough a pendrive20:30
PolahSadin: You could set up a simple cron job to change permissions20:31
QuiSePolah, ergo; you cant click with your mouse in X.20:31
yabukhow to install ubuntu keeping old home folder?20:31
=== imback is now known as JasonO
Draco_hi again, I'll try to ask: I installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my HD, resizing an existing partition to create the space for it, now that partition I resized can't be read anymore, at least under windows, this is my situation http://www.webalice.it/asimov12/images/Immagine.JPG, (I:\) is the one that can't be read, ubuntu is right after that, ubuntu itself doesn't run because the installer but the bootloader on the wrong HD, my priority now is20:31
Time`s_Witnessmmm. im having some dns problems, nslookup resolves nicely but ping doesn't, nor any other software such as a browser. already tried editing nsswitch.conf as i saw suggested in many places: modifying hosts line to "hosts: files dns" but it didnt solve. Can anyone help me please? :X20:31
sadinPolah i dont know how i would do that :/20:31
PolahQuiSe: I don't know anything about that and haven't experienced any problems like it.20:31
brerrabbitand all the document i have found discuss editing a file that doesnt seem to exist in the distro20:31
Polahsadin: Ask then20:31
annahow cani i upgrade my ubuntu ver. 10.4?20:31
=== sa__ is now known as __saz
QuiSePolah,  lucky you I guess ..20:31
sadinHow do i setup a cron job to change permissions20:31
rww!upgrade > anna20:32
ubottuanna, please see my private message20:32
KM0201Draco_: Windows cannot natively read Linux filesystems... thats why you can't see it under windows20:32
Coreysadin: That's almost definitely the wrong way to do whatever it is you're trying to do.20:32
Proxypokehello #ubuntu, I'm currently fiddling with ssh and X11 forwarding. Is there a way to remotely start Xclients so they run the GUI on the machine you ssh'd into?20:32
erUSULsadin: log out and log in again20:32
Draco_KM0201, no, the NTFS partition that I resized to accomodate the ext4 can't be read20:32
annaok i'll try20:32
KM0201whats the filesystem on it?20:33
Kvik_SverigeProxypoke, what abount VNC?20:33
KM0201Draco_: wait, are you trying to use Wubi?20:33
ProxypokeI want to get it running over ssh20:33
Proxypokealso, the computer I ssh from is pretty weak20:33
Draco_KM0201, I don't even know what that is20:33
annarww: geh in die scheisse deines vaters!!! thank you!!!20:34
Proxypokeso I dunno if it can handle a VNC session20:34
brerrabbitpolah: I'm trying install Maverick Meerat on a powermac g5 (PPC) through a pendrive, and all the document i have found discuss editing / renaming isolinux / syslinux.cfg. this File doesnt exist in the distro.20:34
KM0201Draco_: are you inserting the cd, and clicking Install, and it goes through the whole process under Windows?20:34
Kvik_SverigeProxypoke, i don't know then20:34
yoghrtHello, I have a problem with my mobile phone, everything is described here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1723629, thanks for your help20:34
ProxypokeI got a remote mplayer working, but it started on my machine A (the one I ssh from) instead of machine B (where it is supposed to run)20:34
Draco_KM0201, no no no, you got this all wrong, Ubuntu installed itself fine, I didn't even try to run it yet but at this point I don't care, I need to recover my date from the ntfs partition ( I:\ , on that image )20:35
PolahDraco_: Look into a recovery program like Recuva for Windows. NTFS tools for Linux aren't quite as good as they are for Windows20:35
annais it possible to get firewalled from porn sites with ubuntu? how? i would like to be secure that my children don't download porn films!!20:36
KM0201Draco_: ok.. i don't know on that.. thats really a windows question, not a linux question.20:36
Draco_KM0201 well since ubuntu made the mess, I tought you might know what caused it20:36
ooxianna, impossible with every operating system20:36
aeon-ltdanna: easier just use opendns and set settings there20:36
Muzermy DPI is wrong, and I have no clue how I would fix it because there's no Xorg.conf in *Buntu...20:36
Draco_Recuva you say? I'll look into it20:36
KM0201Draco_: i'd suggest ubuntu didn't make the mess.... but thats another issue.20:36
TerryBookI believe there is some sort of parental control software you can install, isn't there?20:36
rwwanna: #ubuntu is English-language, and family friendly. Profanity in German is not a good idea.20:36
Proxypokeanna, how about talking with your children about it, or, depending on their age, don't let them use the computer by themselves?20:36
erUSULanna: use a external system like opendns one?20:36
rwwanna: look into dansguardian for content filtering.20:37
macoMuzer: xrandr --output  <output name>  --dpi 135   (or whatever... get the output's name from the "xrandr" command run by itself)20:37
erUSUL!info dansguardian20:37
ubottudansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 475 kB, installed size 2368 kB20:37
sadinerUSUL it didnt work i still cannot edit files in my LAMP directory or make or delete any20:37
erUSULsadin: ls -l /var/www/20:37
Muzermaco: is that permanent? That sounds awfully like a thing that only lasts one session to me ;)20:37
intraderAnyone, unable to locate package gkrellm-i8k; what can I do?20:37
Draco_KM0201, yes it did, by my hands of course, but still ...20:38
Muzermaco: not actually sure what the DPI should be, but I know it shouldn't be 128x96 as the TV has square pixels ;)20:38
sadinerURUL yes im trying to access /var/www20:38
KM0201Draco_: the second part of your statement, explains it perfect.. "by my hands"... thats the only reason that happened....20:38
maco!resolution | Muzer, to make it permanent look at the stuff about making xrandr commands permanent20:38
ubottuMuzer, to make it permanent look at the stuff about making xrandr commands permanent: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution20:38
erUSULsadin: pastebin the result of that command please20:38
annadansguardian...i tried it but it doesn't work...or maybe i'm not able to perform it20:39
sadinwait what command20:39
yabukso is not there a way to reinstall ubuntu keeping old home folder?20:39
erUSULsadin: ls -l /var/www/*20:39
macoMuzer: check out the xrandr manpage. you can also adjust dpi by telling it the display's size in millimetres20:39
annai will try another time but it's strange...20:39
fakiesk8r333does anybody know how hard it is to remove ubuntu from a macbook20:39
sadinErUSUL so im trying just that in terminal?20:39
macoyabuk: in manual partition mode, choose to use the same / and uncheck the "format" box. /home will be saved20:39
Planet_ENusing xpidl, it says libglib-1.2.so.0 is not found, but I already have a newer version, the version I have installed is 2.0.. what should I do?20:39
erUSULsadin: yes; i want to see the current permissions on the folder20:40
brerrabbitWill Maverick Meerkat run off of a pen drive?20:40
ThinkT510brerrabbit: yes20:40
annarww: it wasn't profanity..ithe meaning was something like cheers or good luck20:40
ThinkT510!usb | brerrabbit20:40
ubottubrerrabbit: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:40
fakiesk8r333does anybody know how hard it is to remove ubuntu from a macbook20:41
rwwanna: Unfortunately, the two German speakers I asked and Google disagree with you.20:41
NeuralJackIs someone available to help me with gnome-terminal's Default configuration Profile?  I fear I pooched mine up on accident.20:41
erUSULNeuralJack: change it back to normal ?20:42
annarww: i don't know where your two german chat friends are from, but google for sure is not german20:42
brerrabbitubottu: thank you. Ive followed that page already. It didn't work20:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:42
Cube``is there a setting that could be preventing me from having a passwordless login on my ssh server?20:42
plainasNeuralJack, just delete it20:42
NeuralJackerUSUL:  Yes, please.  THe gnome-terminal window only stays open for a few moments otherwise I"d go into the Profile editor and fix it.20:43
fakiesk8r333does anybody know how hard it is to remove ubuntu from a macbook20:43
annarww: ask your german friends if they have ever eb20:43
Cube``is there a setting that could be preventing me from having a passwordless login on my ssh server?20:43
fakiesk8r333i wanna try it for a few weeks but i dont wanna b stuck with it if i dont like it20:43
brerrabbitThinkT510: Thank you for the response.  I have already followed the pages linked to by ubotto, and it won't boot.20:43
annarww: ever been to lenin, next to berlin...20:43
NeuralJackIs there a way to delete the profile from a commandline outside of gnome-termimal?20:43
hyper_i need help20:43
Proxypokeanna, ich spreche deutsch und das war ganz bestimmt NICHT "viel glück"20:43
hyper_my mouse freezes sumtime in ubuntu 10.1020:44
MK``ask your question hyper_ :)20:44
brerrabbitbecause of the lack of a syslinux bootloader20:44
=== hyper_ is now known as Guest63988
erUSULNeuralJack: that's really weird. can you launch it from another terminal emulator? xterm is allways aviable... do alt + f2 launch xterm and from it launch gnome-terminal. see if any maningfull error message is displayed20:44
Guest63988is it a bug?20:44
Guest63988i had a fresh install twice20:44
yabukthank you, maco, if I unchek "format", will the installer replace the old system or add a new one keeping the old system files (by the way I loose disck space with system files that I don't realy need)?20:44
Guest63988bt of no use20:44
sadinerUSUL here is the result of command:20:44
annaproxypoke: woher kommst du? etwa aus burkina faso?20:44
MK``I don't know, I am one of the askers ^^20:44
Draco_KM0201, it's just a matter of "points of view", anyway I'm just trying to solve the problem here,  forgive me but I'm a bit frustrated atm20:45
Guest63988is there a fix?20:45
ThinkT510brerrabbit: sorry, i've never used a ubuntu usb install, so i don't have the experience to help20:45
macoyabuk: replace20:45
Planet_ENexecuting xpidl, it says libglib-1.2.so.0 is not found, but I already have a newer version, the version I have installed is 2.0.. what should I do?20:45
rww!de | anna, Proxypoke20:45
ubottuanna, Proxypoke: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.20:45
logjamI was wondering if anyone knew of or could recommend a free HDD recov utility for windows XP20:45
bonnydoes anyone know a distro thats very similar to windows xp20:45
brerrabbitThinkT510 thank you anyway20:45
mekwallthis is irritating20:45
fakiesk8r333can you delete and recover a ubuntu installation on osx?20:45
Proxypokerww, I just told her that this was for sure not "good luck". I am sorry.20:45
rypervenchebonny: There is one, but it's still in alpha.20:45
NeuralJackerUSUL, there is no error message.  I think I tagged an option to automatically close the window after the command completes.20:45
bonnywhats it called20:46
yabukok, maco, thank you20:46
Draco_Polah, I'm trying this Recuva program, it can access the drive ... and finds ... some files I deleted today, but I can't see the rest - sorry, probably this is a bit off-topic20:46
rypervenchebonny: I forgot. OSGUI on Youtube went over it in one of his videos.20:46
mekwallmy user is in group www-data, but I don't have permission to write in a dir chmodded with 277520:46
Guest63988plz help20:46
bonnywell that helped alot20:46
PolahDraco_: I've never used it, sorry, I just know it's supposedly good20:46
rypervenchebonny: It exists, but it is almost EXACTLY like Windows, just free.20:47
rypervenchebonny: I would recommend just using KDE.20:47
* L-Strife89 wonders is 11.04 has an expected release date yet.20:47
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chotazHas anyone managed to get a NGS Spincam working on Ubuntu 10.10?20:47
ThinkT510bonny: there is reactos, an opensource implementation (not based on linux)20:47
fakiesk8r333somebody help me20:47
L-Strife89rypervenche: ReactOS, I presume?20:47
dajhornmekwall: Run `groups` at the prompt and double-check.  Remember that you need to logout/login for new group membership to be effective.20:48
Guest63988my mouse freezes sumtimes,, is it a bug?20:48
Guest63988and if it is thn whats the fix20:48
Guest63988in ubuntu 10.1020:48
rypervencheL-Strife89: I think that's it.20:48
Guest63988i had fresh install twice20:48
Time`s_Witnessthanks anyway :)20:48
erUSULNeuralJack: run « gconf-editor » go to the gnaome-terminal conf options and change as needed ?20:48
DJonesbonny: You might be thinking of ylmf os although its not supported here20:48
fakiesk8r333need help20:48
L-Strife89rypervenche: I've been checking on it every so often. IIRC, when I last checked development was practically stalled.20:48
iratikCan anyone please help me with setting the timezone on ubuntu 10.04 server.. Its a total mess and i've followed the instructions at least 20 times ..  The clock keeps setting to UTC and i really need the server time to show CDT so that when "date" is ran.. the results are in CDT… and such that this behavior is default for all daemons and processes (not just the current user) ….  Here is the pastie http://pastie.org/180853220:48
sadinerUSUL did you get the paste bin?20:49
rypervencheL-Strife89: Doesn't surprise me.20:49
bonnyI have heard of ylmf20:49
rypervencheL-Strife89: `It looks like a horrible idea :X20:49
erUSULsadin: yes; give a sec20:49
L-Strife89rypervenche: That said, it looks like it could be promising if they pick up some steam again.20:49
sadinerUSUL ok just makin sure you got it :)20:49
dajhorniratik: What does `cat /etc/timezone` show you?20:49
L-Strife89rypervenche: That said, it looks like it could be promising if they pick up some steam again.20:50
=== nakaori^ is now known as nakaori
L-Strife89But I'm not holding my breath over it.20:50
iratikdajhorn: America/Chicago20:50
Draco_Polah, found it, recovering right now, thanks a lot for the help20:50
L-Strife89Blasted arrow keys being right next to Enter.20:50
NeuralJackerSUSL, Wow.. this is a really cool utility.....  I had no idea about this.20:50
Guest63988sumbody plz20:50
bonnyreactos is a pretty small size too20:50
erUSULsadin: sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/20:51
bonnyjust what i need20:51
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:51
L-Strife89Guest63988: Ask your question again, and have a little patience. :)20:51
dajhorniratik: My system is the same as your pastebin example, but everything happens in CDT.  What happens if you disable ntpdate and/or ntpd?20:51
erUSULNeuralJack: you could also use --> gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/gnome-terminal20:51
Guest63988i asked twice , i think20:51
Guest63988m will have patience20:52
dajhorniratik: Is this maybe a virtual machine?20:52
Guest63988my mouse freezes20:52
iratiknot a virtual machine but ntpd is running on this server20:52
iratikdajhorn: not a virtual machine but ntpd is running on this server20:52
NeuralJackerUSUL, I was able to unkey the change I made to the default profile, thank you.  Gnome-terminal is now working normally.20:52
erUSULNeuralJack: no problem20:53
dajhorniratik: Temporarily disable ntpd, reboot, and check whether the time is stable.20:53
sadinerSUSUL i ran the script in the terminal is prompts for password and thats it now should i try relogging?20:53
brerrabbitanyone here happen to run ubuntu on ppc?20:53
erUSULsadin: do « sudo chmod -R g+w  /var/www/ »20:54
NastyaHi there!20:54
sadinerUSUL ok20:54
NeuralJackerUSUL, that Reset to default command...  do I include both question marks in that or are you using them as a container?20:55
sadinerUSUL nothing happens20:55
dajhorniratik: Also check whether you have an evironment variable set to override the time zone.   echo $TZDIR;  echo $TZ20:55
erUSULNeuralJack: if you alrady fixed the issue you do not need it. i use it as "container" ;P20:55
erUSULsadin: now try to edit the file with your favorite text editor20:56
dajhorniratik: Check /etc/localtime too.20:56
NeuralJackerUSUL, I'm keeping it for future reference if the need ever arises again.  thanks again!20:56
erUSULNeuralJack: no problem; again20:56
sadinerUSUL your the best man thanks so much now i can develop! :D20:56
iratikdajhorn: Out of all those you mentioned.. only TZDIR was not set.. everything said America/Chicago20:57
dajhorniratik: Strange.  I don't have any more ideas.20:57
erUSULsadin: no problem20:58
arcskyhey where can i change welcome message when i SSH to my box ?20:59
dajhornarcsky:  /etc/issue20:59
dajhornarcsky: Also /etc/motd21:00
K350is the session ID the same as the process ID?21:00
wazzupis there a way to get SideWinder X6 macro's keys working on ubuntu ????21:01
alejandroDoes anyone know how to get the email notification bubble to repeat in Natty?21:01
=== User305 is now known as marran
hwildehow do I prevent fsck check on boot?  (headless server install, needs to ALWAYS boot)21:02
hwildeI need it to ALWAYS boot, and never sit there waiting for a prompt to press C to continue or F to fix21:03
hwildebecause there is no person there and no keyboard plugged in either21:03
dajhornhwilde:  tune2fs -i0 -c0 /dev/MyDisk21:03
Picialejandro : Natty/11.04 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.21:04
hwildedajhorn, is there a way to tell it --force-yes and go ahead and try to fix stuff, then always boot?21:04
dajhornhwilde: Look at the /etc/init/mountall.conf file.  Why do you want to do this?21:05
rickard_1975 Suddenly I can´t ping outside lan from my server..   I have set the correct gateway in /etc/network/interfacec...    this is the output from the route command.. http://pastebin.com/KZemCuMX   plz take a look :)21:05
* L-Strife89 looks around once more to see if he can get Compiz working at all on his laptop.21:05
arcskydajhorn: doesnt work21:06
pfifohow come chrome dosent offer to translate pages that are in english?21:06
intraderAnyone I am seeking gkrellm-i8k, but I can't install it in 10.1021:06
dajhornarcsky:  Check the "PrintMotd" option in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.21:07
hwildedajhorn, I just explained to you, I need it to always boot.  it is a headless server install, with no person there to hit F, and no keyboard for that matter either.  if it doesn't boot and allow ssh i'm screwed21:07
arcskydajhorn: 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 2011-02-21 18:18 /etc/motd -> /var/run/motd21:08
dajhornhwilde: I'm pretty sure the default behavior is to run the check and automatically fix problems.  If you're getting a fsck prompt from the boot splash, then the system is probably busted.21:08
hwildedajhorn, I ran the fsck it fixed a few things it rebooted fine21:08
hwildedajhorn, does the tune2fs bypass moutnall.conf or do I need to hack this script too21:09
dajhornhwilde: Are you running an old system?  ext2 filesystem maybe?21:09
L-Strife89Hmmm ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/64225721:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 642257 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Compiz effects not functioning at all in Maverick beta, w/ i855" [Undecided,Won't fix]21:09
arcskydajhorn: it writes over the file /etc/motd all the time21:09
hwildedajhorn, ext4,  10.04.2 server,  2.6.32-28 kernel.21:09
dajhornarcsky:  Look at the /etc/update-motd.d directory.  The /etc/motd file is generated from these runparts.21:10
dajhornhwilde: You'll need to edit the boot scripts.  If tune2fs doesn't suppress the automatic checks, then you likely have a storage problem.21:11
Guest17380hello help.21:12
Guest17380my openion is, earlier or later there will gnome 321:12
Guest17380or unity21:12
Guest17380so i cant use gnome 2#21:12
=== polpa is now known as Kvik_sverige
Guest17380am i right ?21:13
ayeceeGuest17380: it's even worse than that. gnome 4 will come along eventually, so you can't even use gnome 321:13
Guest17380okay so best is switch to kde ?21:13
hwildedajhorn, so what is the proper way to ensure that it always boots (in the face of inevitable power loss)21:13
Guest17380i think21:13
hmonthola buenas tardes21:13
xanguaGuest17380: do what you like21:14
ayeceeGuest17380: are you crazy? kde5 will eventually be out, so you can't use kde4.21:14
xangua!es | hmont21:14
ubottuhmont: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:14
Guest17380no but21:14
Guest17380gnome 3 / unit y i shit21:14
xangua!language | Guest1738021:14
ubottuGuest17380: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:14
Guest17380okay so best is switch to kde ?21:14
dajhornhwilde: My systems that use ext4 reboot properly on powerloss.  If fsck is tripping frequently on a journaled filesystem, then you probably have a storage problem.21:14
ayeceeGuest17380: no21:15
m0n0hello, I just wiped my boot disk partition table... the system is still running. But I won't reboot until it is restored ;)21:15
arcskydajhorn: it doesnt work :/21:15
m0n0can anybody help with that?21:15
Guest17380ayecee why21:15
ayeceeGuest17380: because it's a silly question and should be taken out and shot.21:15
dajhornarcsky: Did you check that setting in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file?  If you changed it, then you need to restart the ssh daemon.21:15
Guest17380i want OLD gnome 2 look21:15
Guest17380but i cant get them ,can i21:16
Vizzl3                              dd zero21:16
ayeceem0n0: I once used a program called gpart (guess partition) to fix that.21:16
pfifomsg nickserv id qwerty21:16
ayeceem0n0: not to be confused with gparted21:16
ayeceeGuest17380: who's going to stop you?21:16
dajhornpfifo: You should change your password now.21:16
m0n0ayecee: I used gparted to wipe the partition table of the wrong disk.21:16
Guest17380THERE wont be gnome 2 again21:16
Guest17380and gnome 3 / unit y is shit21:16
Vizzl3dparted? pretty good movie21:16
m0n0ayecee: thank you21:16
m0n0will try it21:17
pfifodajhorn, ill stick with it its easy to remember21:17
* dajhorn lulz21:17
progns identify prog pfifo21:18
ooxiif you can merge two objects, are they mergable or mergeable (with or without e)21:19
arcskydajhorn: can i delete all files in /etc/update-motd.d/ ?21:20
ayeceeooxi: with the e21:20
dajhornarcsky: Dunno.  I've never tried.21:20
Guest17380okay so best is switch to kde ?21:21
ooxiayecee, thanks21:21
icerootGuest17380: we dont know, test it21:21
Guest17380i meant:21:21
Guest17380gnome 2 isnt there anymore21:22
Guest17380in one year or so21:22
Guest17380right ??21:22
pfifois gnome3 backwrds compatable with gnome2 apps/configs/misc21:22
icerootGuest17380: kde 3.5 is there no more too and? people use kde 4 (all said kde4 is not good before)21:23
Guest17380yes but21:23
SuperstarIn ifconfig, how do I reset the counters for errors, dropped,  overruns etc on an ethernet interface? I've tried down then up with no avail. Any ideas?21:23
Guest17380kde 4 is good, gnome 3 not21:23
icerootGuest17380: the same with gnome2 / 321:23
icerootGuest17380: then use kde421:23
Guest17380ok thanks21:23
Guest17380<3 iceroot21:23
progpfifo: no, it's a revolution. you've got to purchase everything again.21:23
icerootGuest17380: but in one or two years there is no x-server anymore21:23
Guest17380wayland i think ??21:23
Polahiceroot: What will there be?21:24
icerootGuest17380: correct21:24
ayeceeah right, it's just going to be gtk rendering onto a framebuffer.21:24
Guest17380okay but i think at least 2 years21:24
Guest17380i hope 12.04 not having wayland21:24
Guest17380so it i  LTS21:24
icerootGuest17380: yes, now you should be fine with kubuntu-desktop 10.10 or 10.04 if you like lts21:24
Guest1738011.04 ;) but no matter thank you21:24
Guest17380installed  today, looks good21:24
=== yehudah is now known as ArmyMan007
GalvatronGuest17380: Don't rush with switching to 11.04, unless it has something you really need.21:25
Guest17380iceroot: uehm , i just saw, 10.04 has got support until the 201321:25
Guest17380so i think (ubuntu, gnome 10.04), as well as good kde ?21:26
ArmyMan007hello? anybody home?21:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:26
Guest17380iceroot: uehm , i just saw, 10.04 has got support until the 2013, so i think (ubuntu, gnome 10.04), as well as good kde, or not ?21:26
GalvatronGuest17380: I'm staying with 10.10, until 11.04 matures21:27
arcskydajhorn: now it works but it print out the messages 2 times21:27
Guest17380okay Galvatron21:27
Guest17380gnome galvatron21:27
Guest17380Galvatron: Gnome ?21:27
GalvatronHeavily modified GNOME 2.321:27
=== bsodmike_ is now known as bsodmike
dajhornarcsky: Try turning off the sshd flag and restarting the sshd daemon.  This means that you21:27
GalvatronA 50/50 hybrid of Windows 7 and OSX, based on Compiz21:28
Guest17380iceroot ?21:28
dajhornarcsky: are getting the motd from both ssh and the PAM configuration.21:28
Guest17380Galvatron: i have got green hard drive, is that bad ??21:28
Adis34How do i update my graphic card driver21:28
GalvatronAdis34: What card is it?21:28
Guest17380Galvatron: i have got green hard drive, is that bad ??21:28
hwildeAdis34, famous last words right there.21:28
GalvatronGuest17380: What do U mean by "green"?21:29
Guest173805400 rpms21:29
Guest17380WD ears 1 tb21:29
Planet_ENhow do I make bluetooth work? tried the official tutorial, and doesn't work at all.. I'm using Toshiba Satellite21:29
GalvatronNo, why?21:29
Guest17380okay already thought they are slowly21:29
Adis34ATI Mobility Radeon 347021:29
evil_grinshould I install 10.10 or 11.04??21:30
icerootGuest17380: yes, natty will only have until oct 2012, so 10.04 will give you a longer support21:30
icerootgpg --fingerprint  is not showing any output? is that normal? are further steps needed?21:30
Guest17380ok, iceroot, is 5400 upm hardrive ?21:30
GalvatronAdis34: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI21:31
icerootGuest17380: what?21:31
Guest173805400 rpms hard disk21:31
WaltherFIUbuntu support for i7 2600K 8 threads?21:31
Guest17380it make 5400 rounds per minute, green harddrive21:31
GalvatronAdis34: It might be advisable to download the latest ones frm AMD website and ignore those in repo21:31
Guest17380@waltherFi: ubuntu 10.1021:31
ProxypokeIn case anyone is interested, I solved my problem from a few minutes ago. I managed to run mplayer remotely on the remote machine using "mplayer -display :0.0 -slave -input file=~/mplayer-control filetoplayhere" :)21:31
shieldGuest17380: That is a slow hhd, but not bad.21:32
SuperstarCan someone talk me through to installing gnome shell extensions please?21:32
Planet_EN how do I make bluetooth work? tried the official tutorial, and doesn't work at all.. I'm using Toshiba Satellite21:32
rypervencheHow can I remove one of the languages from my login screen? I have 2 "English (U.S.)" and 2 "Chinese (Taiwan)". One of the versions is creating problems. How can I refresh this list?21:32
Planet_ENSuperstar: what are shell extensions?21:32
icerootSuperstar: #gnome21:32
Galvatronevil_grin: 11.04 is beta, and as such might have issues. If I were you, I would wait for some weeks after release, so people will find errors.21:32
icerootSuperstar: gnome-shell is not used in ubuntu21:33
Guest17380shield: what would be better21:33
Superstarplanet_en, iceroot: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/gnome-shell-extensions-additional.html21:33
GalvatronWaltherFI: This not Ubuntu but the applications that must support multi-threading21:33
icerootSuperstar: as i said21:34
shieldGuest17380: For a normal speed drive you would want to look for at least 7200rpm mechanical drive, but you can go all the way to 10K rpm drive.  If you want super fast look for a solid state drive.21:34
Guest17380normally SSD , but dont have 3,5...21:34
Guest173802,5 i meant21:34
jndlsnlhi, My mic is not working i m using ubuntu 10.4 on my laptop acer aspire 493021:34
KeyLimePiAnyone know a way to track down the child PIDs which are causing a segmentation fault?21:34
GalvatronWaltherFI: The system will not automagically make a single-threaded app into multi-threaded one.;)21:34
WaltherFIGalvatron: I know that multithreading is all about software, but will ubuntu recognise the 821:35
DaekdroomWaltherFI, yes21:35
Superstariceroot ok thanks21:35
WaltherFIGalvatron: i'm not a complete noob you see21:35
WaltherFIthanks :)21:35
Guest17380normally SSD , but dont have 2,5...21:35
shieldGuest17380: What size are you looking to replace a normal laptop dive 2.5 or normal tower drive 3.5?21:35
icerootKeyLimePi: pstree21:35
Adis34what application am i supposed to use for  a .run21:35
WaltherFIi'm considering buying one, 8 threads @5GHz sounds lovely for photo editing and exporting21:36
guntbert!who | Guest1738021:36
ubottuGuest17380: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:36
GalvatronWaltherFI: Should with no problem, as Linux is originally a server/cluster/supercomputer OS21:36
Guest173803,5 @shield21:36
ayeceeAdis34: none, just mark it executable with chmod +x and run it21:36
GalvatronWaltherFI: So multi-core/thread is it's natural enviroment21:36
KeyLimePithanks iceroot. I need to see them by PID number though.  Im getting a segmentation fault in my apache error logs and Im trying to suss what program/process/module corresponds to those PIDs21:36
Guest173803,5 @shield21:36
jndlsnl hi, My mic is not working i m using ubuntu 10.4 on my laptop acer aspire 493021:37
WaltherFIGalvatron: just wanted to be sure, 300eur cpu without proper support would make me... nuts21:37
Guest173803,5 @shield21:37
ayeceejndlsnl: sometime it helps to rephrase your question if you don't get a response.21:37
shieldGuest17380: newegg has one 3.5 SSD HDD that isnt too badly priced just a little over $200.00 US http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1682022759021:38
guntbertGuest17380: talk about buing a HD/SSD is not ubuntu support - please take it elsewhere21:38
jndlsnlMy internal mic is not working.21:39
guntbertPlanet_EN: what doesn't work?21:39
KeyLimePihow do you suss out a child pid listed in error.log if that pid does not show up in top?21:39
icerootKeyLimePi: ps aux | grep PID21:39
Planet_ENguntbert: bluetooth wont activate, its turned off.. my best guess is that default driver is conflicting with device which is why service never responds21:40
Planet_ENor works21:40
Adis34I still don't know how to open a .run21:41
KeyLimePiiceroot: alright, so I assume that the new pid given is the "parent" pid?21:41
ayeceeAdis34: did you see what I said earlier?21:41
icerootAdis34: chmod +x file.run; ./file.run   that is what i would do21:41
guntbertPlanet_EN: are you using the default kernel?21:41
jndlsnlMy Microphone is not working in ubuntu 10.421:42
Planet_ENguntbert: i'm using generic one..21:42
=== ITXpande1 is now known as ITXpander
Adis34iceroot: so what would the command look like if this was the file name, ati-driver-installer-10-4-x86.x86_64.run21:44
Adis34because i have no clue what im doing21:44
Adomis there any bad side to doing "sudo apt-get autoremove -y"?21:45
MaRk-IAdis34: chmod +x ati-driver-installer-10-4-x86.x86_64.run21:45
rickard_1975 Suddenly I can´t ping outside lan from my server..   I have set the correct gateway in /etc/network/interfacec...    this is the output from the route command.. http://pastebin.com/KZemCuMX   plz take a look :)21:45
iljoi am running ubuntu 10.10, and i have a problem with WiFi, if i update the kernel to 2.6.35-28... i have -22 currently, my chipset is Broadcom bcm4312 rev01.21:45
iljoi have been all over the forums, and no solution seemed to work21:46
MaRk-IAdis34: then:  ./ati-driver-installer-10-4-x86.x86_64.run21:46
dajhornAdom: This is usually safe if you installed everything from the Ubuntu repos.21:46
guntbertPlanet_EN: I'm searching...21:46
Adomdajhorn: i do. thx21:46
Planet_ENguntbert: thanks21:46
Guest17380i need help21:46
WaltherFI!ask |Guest1738021:47
ubottuGuest17380: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:47
Adis34it says chmod: cannot access `/ati-driver-installer-10-4-x86.x86_64.run': No such file or directory21:47
rhizmoei doubt that file is in your root21:47
Guest17380my question is: somebodyhere, help me ?21:48
pfifo!info info21:48
ubottuinfo (source: texinfo): Standalone GNU Info documentation browser. In component main, is standard. Version 4.13a.dfsg.1-5ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 206 kB, installed size 396 kB21:48
pfifoso by "is standard" it means it gets installed during a regular install?21:48
jndlsnlmy mic is not working....can anyone help me out about this?21:48
WaltherFIGuest17380: what's your problem?21:48
dajhornrickard_1975: Pastebin the /etc/network/interfaces file.  Did you do something intentionally to set the metric on the default gateway to 100?21:48
Planet_ENguntbert: I tried the USB Bluetooth adapter as well, that doesn't work either..21:48
MaRk-IAdis34: are you in the same directory/folder as the file?  remove the slash21:49
Guest17380i want to know which hard drive disk21:49
guntbertPlanet_EN: for starters: please !pastebin the output of lsmod | grep bt21:49
Adis34wait so where do I put that command?21:49
dajhornrickard_1975: Also try a `traceroute` or `tracepath` command to an external host.21:49
WaltherFIGuest17380: which hard drive, what?21:49
MaRk-IAdis34: in the same directory/folder where that file is21:49
jndlsnlhow can i recover grub boot loader after installing windows?21:50
Adis34what do you mean?21:50
rhizmoeGuest17380: what's your question?21:50
Adis34am i supposed to go in terminal21:50
=== zippo^ is now known as erkan^
Guest17380i want to know which hard drive disk21:50
rhizmoeGuest17380: what's your question?21:50
Guest17380!repeat | rhizmoe21:50
ubotturhizmoe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:50
guntbertGuest17380: I told you before: that is off topic here, don't insist21:51
rhizmoetwarn't a question :)21:51
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ArmyMan007hello! can anyone help me?21:51
Planet_ENguntbert: there's nothing on lsmod, when I do 'sudo service bluetooth start' it shows no warning or error but checking status says bluetooth is not running21:52
Adis34Markl: Thanks I got it21:52
MaRk-IAdis34: yw21:52
shieldPlanet_EN: are you using a laptop by chance?21:52
ArmyMan007well I'll just go with my question then21:52
rhizmoethat's a good start21:52
guntbertPlanet_EN: strange, then please try lsmo |grep blu21:52
Noor_egyhello i want to convert my pdf file to word any one know application for that on ubuntu ?21:53
blzI'm trying to install the RSS plugin for ruTorrent.  on the ruTorrent wiki, it says that you must start plugins with rtorrent in order for this to work, and they give the following line to add to .rtorrent.rc:  execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php /var/www/rutorrent/php/initplugins.php tom &}.   My question is this:  assuming "tom" is the username, what's the format for web authentication?   tom:password?21:53
ArmyMan007does anyone know a music player that can play multilingual songs with different Unicode?21:53
blzor "tom password" maybe?21:53
elmalty i have a question about the VPN in linux Ubuntu21:53
Noor_egyhello i want to convert my pdf file to word any one know application for that on ubuntu ?21:53
guntbertshield: he is on a toshiba satellite21:53
ubottuelmalty: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:53
Planet_ENshield: Yes I am.. a Toshiba Satellite21:53
blzNoor_egy:  i belive there are webapps for that21:54
ArmyMan007does anyone know a music player that can play multilingual songs with different Unicode?21:54
rhizmoeNoor_egy: http://www.google.com/search?q=pdf+doc+linux21:54
Noor_egyblz : i tried it but it didnt gives me good result21:54
Adis34The other day my computer froze, so I shut it down manually, then my Windows would not boot, system restore wouldnt boot, safe mode21:54
Planet_ENguntbert: tried thatt too, plus doing a grep b or grep bl returns blowfish..21:54
guntbertjndlsnl: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:54
Adis34safe mode wouldnt boot21:54
elmalty VPN in linux Ubuntu21:54
DJonesNoor_egy: You could try Calibre, I don't know if its got a direct to .doc converter, but there should be something that could be an intermediary21:55
elmaltythe issue is i want to connect to my work network , with windows i can connect with th nortal vpn21:55
shieldPlanet_EN: this might be a stupid question does it happen to have a switch on the right side of the laptop?21:55
ArmyMan007multilingual songs21:55
ayeceeelmalty: what happens when you try in linux?21:55
guntbertPlanet_EN: then there is something really wrong™ :-(21:55
elmaltydo not any thing related to the RSA Token to connect21:56
ArmyMan007seriously please help me out...21:56
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elmaltyin windows i use a Nortal Vpn21:56
jndlsnlmic is not working in my laptop under ubuntu21:56
Planet_ENshield: nope, I used it on windows, this laptop originally came with window-7 on it and it has no button for bluetooth21:56
ThinkT510ArmyMan007: surely the language matters not, its the format thats important21:56
ayeceeelmalty: could it be nortel, not nortal?21:56
ArmyMan007ThinkT510: the format itself is all MP321:56
shieldPlanet_EN: Just wanted to check.21:56
ThinkT510ArmyMan007: then yes, you can play them21:57
elmaltysorry nortal21:57
ThinkT510!mp3 | ArmyMan00721:57
ubottuArmyMan007: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:57
elmaltyin nortal i but a user name and then a passcode21:57
ayeceeelmalty: nortal? okay. I've never heard of nortal, sorry. I've heard of nortel, though.21:57
elmaltyfrom the RSA Secure id token21:57
QuiSEIm so awesome :) I just figure out a fix for the "left mouse button not working"21:58
elmaltyok do you know the RSA Secure id token21:58
ayeceeelmalty: yes21:58
QuiSEJust wanted to dump the fix, so listen up +0 +v /everyone else21:58
Planet_ENguntbert: shield: its Toshiba Satellite L500-1GK21:58
blzI'm trying to install the RSS plugin for ruTorrent.  on the ruTorrent wiki, it says that you must start plugins with rtorrent in order for this to work, and they give the following line to add to .rtorrent.rc:  execute = {sh,-c,/usr/bin/php /var/www/rutorrent/php/initplugins.php tom &}.   My question is this:  assuming "tom" is the username, how to I specify the web password?21:58
elmaltynow i have it how i can use it in linux21:58
jndlsnlno one know about mic to how to solve it?21:58
ArmyMan007ThinkT510 -> unfortunately i can't: i tried to play mp3's with a hebrew title and audio tag on rhythmbox music player but it just quits... so does realplayer for linux21:58
QuiSEUbuntu 10.10 - make a new account, set it to administrator. and relog into it. Bam no more problem21:58
ayeceeelmalty: a quick search says there's no vpn client that supports rsa token authentication.21:59
ThinkT510!codecs | ArmyMan00721:59
ubottuArmyMan007: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:59
ThinkT510ArmyMan007: you need the right codecs installed21:59
ArmyMan007will check it out21:59
karlhunthi what is the channel for 11.04 beta?22:00
ArmyMan007ThinkT510 -> thanks... will check it out... happy passover everyone!22:00
Planet_ENoh and a quick question, can we get rid of sudo altogether? my usergroup is admin as well as root22:00
ThinkT510!11.04 | karlhunt22:00
ubottukarlhunt: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011. Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1. Natty is beta and is not currently intended for production systems.22:00
ap0canyone know why DDR locks up ubuntu 10.1022:00
karlhuntjoin #ubuntu+122:00
elmaltyok , keep it in you mind .. maybe you will find a solution for this issue ,22:00
epaphusHello all, Whats the easiest way to copy mp3 files from an audio cd?22:01
elmaltynow if i want to connect i have to use windows.........22:01
blzepaphus:  have you tried googling this?  there are literally dozens of ways to do it22:01
ayeceeelmalty: it looks that way :(22:01
Planet_ENepaphus: I don't think they've mp3 files in audio CD22:01
ThinkT510!rip | epaphus22:01
ubottuepaphus: For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar22:01
blzalso, what Planet_EN said22:01
epaphusblz which is why i asked the easiest way :P22:01
blzepaphus:  right, and there's never an answer to that22:02
rypervencheHow can I remove one of the languages from my login screen? I have 2 "English (U.S.)" and 2 "Chinese (Taiwan)". One of the versions is creating problems. How can I refresh this list?22:02
blzepaphus:  i'd google the question and read around.  there are a bunch of easy ways22:02
ThinkT510!google | blz22:02
ubottublz: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:02
Planet_ENCan we get rid of sudo, someone?22:02
blzthe command?22:03
blzor is there a guy named sudo here?22:03
WaltherFIdisregard that22:03
guntbertPlanet_EN: sorry, nothing to be found. what does lsusb tell? does it show the bluetooth adapter?22:03
elmaltyi can access the other machine with a ssh ..22:04
Planet_ENblz: yes, see I'm the admin and root so can we just skip the sudo command somehow?22:04
guntbertPlanet_EN: keep using it22:04
gumusı got this error while trying to initialize my ipod ... " iPod was not initialized: failed to write SysInfo file to iPod, make sure you have write permissions on the iPod"22:04
elmaltyok , need to access it remotely with my gnome desktop22:04
gumusdoes anyone have any idea ?22:04
guntbertand Planet_EN: don't work as root22:04
blzPlanet_EN:  log in as root on the terminal:  sudo -i22:04
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:04
gumusamarok  is unable to recognize my ipod22:05
sjmPlanet_EN, if you are the admin and root, then you should know what the implications are and also how to get around the sudo command.22:05
blzalso if you're root, you don't need sudo... I'm honestly not quite sure what you're asking, Planet_EN22:05
Planet_ENguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/595689/22:06
intraderAnyone, I have not seen any action on solving a problem I have with my fans continuously running since installing 10.10 - The computer is a Dell Inspirong 8200.22:06
Planet_ENguntbert: Don't think it identifies the adapter at all..22:06
guntbertPlanet_EN: what are the other "unknown" devices? dexon, apple, chicony?22:08
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Planet_ENguntbert: Dexon and Chicony not sure but Apple is the iPhone22:09
T3CHKOMMIEhey guys i need some help sshing to my server with x11 i cant seem to get it working via a windows machine using putty and already forwarding x1122:09
Planet_ENguntbert: Chicony is the webcam, got it22:09
fsufitchhey, i started my netbook with ubuntu maverick on it today, and my root filesystem refuses to mount (even from a live boot). any way to recover this without reinstalling ubuntu?22:09
fr00gDoes anyone know how I can customize Midori's navbar?22:09
guntbertPlanet_EN: use lsusb -v to identify them22:09
KeyLimePianyone know the best way to determine a child pid's process name?22:10
KeyLimePijoin #apache22:12
r4ykidhey guys. I am trying to install the netbook version of ubuntu, but the laptop i want to install on cant boot from usb. Is there a solution?22:15
ayeceer4ykid: what else can it boot from?22:16
blzr4ykid what kind of netbook can't boot from USB?22:16
ArmyMan007ThinkT510: sorry... read everything and still nothing helps22:16
r4ykidayecee, cd i guess. Can i copy the image to cd? or can i burn a cd that CAN boot from usb?22:16
ayeceer4ykid: it can boot from cd? isn't there an ubuntu netbook cd image?22:17
r4ykidayecee, i dont know? Where would i look for it? the default one is usb.22:17
ayeceehuh. there isn't.22:18
QuiSETrying to install Additinal Drivers (My ATI-card) getting this: SystemError: InstallArchives() Failed22:18
fsufitchhey, i started my netbook with ubuntu maverick on it today, and my root filesystem refuses to mount (even from a live boot). any way to recover this without reinstalling ubuntu?22:18
QuiSErunning Ubuntu 10.10 - fresh installed22:18
ThinkT510ArmyMan007: tried this from a terminal?: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:18
jicooohey all, my auth.log file is empty and my server logs everything instead to auth.log.1, is this normal? same with syslog (i'm running 10.04)22:18
ayeceer4ykid: wait, there is. the file you download, it's an .iso file, right?22:18
r4ykidayecee, yes it is. But can i just burn this to cd?22:18
blzr4ykid, yes22:19
ayeceer4ykid: yes, but burn it as an image, not as a file22:19
blzthat's the point of an .iso22:19
iljoi am running ubuntu 10.10, and i have a problem with WiFi, if i update the kernel to 2.6.35-28... i have -22 currently, my chipset is Broadcom bcm4312 rev01.22:19
iljoi have been all over the forums, and no solution seemed to work22:19
r4ykidayecee, i know how it works but i had trouble in the past22:19
r4ykidCD images wouldnt work on dvds etc22:19
Milos_SDIs anyone using Ubuntu on the first Asus Eee netbook with 4GB SSD?22:19
ayeceer4ykid: weird. they should work on dvds without a problem.22:19
ayeceeMilos_SD: any particular reason you're asking?22:19
r4ykidayecee, well i hope i have a cd lying around. thank you22:20
Milos_SDayecee, I need to install it on that one tomorow :)22:20
ArmyMan007ThinkT510: ": Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)22:20
ArmyMan007E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"22:20
Milos_SDAnd I never used a netbook, and don't know what version of ubuntu to install to it...22:20
QuiSETrying to install Additinal Drivers (My ATI-card) :: getting this: SystemError: InstallArchives() Failed22:20
ayeceeMilos_SD: either the netbook or desktop version should be fine.22:21
Milos_SDcan normal version be used? will there be a lack of space on an ssd?22:21
ThinkT510ArmyMan007: thats odd, maybe somebody here can help you22:21
ArmyMan007ThinkT510: but I thought YOU can help me... :'(22:21
ayeceeMilos_SD: the default install should go without a hitch, but yeah, that will not be much space to work with.22:21
Milos_SDayecee, can Natty with Unity3D work on it?22:21
ayeceeMilos_SD: natty questions in #ubuntu+122:22
lgbrwhat's upstart's equivalent of /etc/init.d, where I can see the startup scripts for various daemons22:22
ThinkT510ArmyMan007: thats never happened to me so i wouldnt know how to troubleshoot it22:22
ayeceeMilos_SD: but, probably not 3d.22:22
ArmyMan007ThinkT510: well tough luck for me... i've tried all the forums and FA22:23
Milos_SDis there Unity2D for Maverick?22:23
ArmyMan007ThinkT510: well tough luck for me... i've tried all the forums and FAQ's out there22:23
ayeceeMilos_SD: not in the official repositories, no.22:23
Milos_SDif there is, I'll create a custom install USB with that from vbox :)22:23
Milos_SDremove all not essential packages (gnome2 session)...22:23
ThinkT510ArmyMan007: theres more expert people here than i am, perhaps they know how to help, ask the channel22:24
ayeceeMilos_SD: oh, wait, 10.10 netbook uses unity by default.22:24
vachohello guys22:24
vachowhat's a good IDE for UBUNTU?22:24
ayeceevacho: eclipse22:24
vachoeclipse: for PHP22:24
Milos_SDayecee, yes, but that is the old one... it is very slow as I hear :)22:24
Milos_SDvacho, try Netbeans for PHP... :)22:24
ArmyMan007CALLING ALL CHANNEL!!! is there anyone out here who can help me with multilingual music playing error?22:25
vachoI want something with built in FTP support22:25
ayeceeArmyMan007: what is the error?22:25
Milos_SDvacho, Netbeans have FTP support22:25
TheBuntui have gconf-editor open...when do i go to remove icons from the desktop ??22:25
Milos_SDIt is much faster then Eclipse22:25
vachotrying netbeans22:26
ArmyMan007ayecee: trying to play hebrew songs with an MP3 format on rhythmbox music player, but doesn't want to. quits the program. so does realplayer 11 for linux22:26
ayeceeArmyMan007: is it gagging on the filename or the contents? If you rename it to test.mp3, does it play?22:27
ArmyMan007ayecee: let me check it22:27
kermiti patched my kernel to get my Alps touchpad recognized as more than a ps/2 mouse, and I see it in preferences/pointing devices, but i still have no mousewheel emulation..  disabling it doesnt disable it so i think its confused.22:28
Cody3290Hello everyone22:28
arcskyhello if i want to make an alias for all users, where to make that?22:28
Cody3290What driver does ubuntu ship with for wireless?22:29
ayeceearcsky: maybe /etc/profile22:29
ayeceearcsky: or a new file in /etc/profile.d22:29
TheBuntui have gconf-editor open...when do i go to remove icons from the desktop ??22:29
arcskyayecee: thanks22:29
burntotoanyone here using the magic trackpad?22:29
ayeceeCody3290: different drivers for different wireless hardware22:29
tjiggi_foCody3290, it ships with hundreds22:30
ArmyMan007ayecee: it's funny... i tried to play a song with a hebrew title and idtag as an individual and it worked. when i tried to add multiple songs it just quits22:30
Cody3290I have Atheros 5001x, which would it be using?22:30
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Cody3290AR5001x, sorry22:30
DemoOnhow can i make ssh keys for localhost, i tried but i still need to input password22:31
ayeceeCody3290: pci or usb?22:31
QuiSEArmyMan007:  perhaps its the sing-stacking process that doesnt support hewbre22:31
TheBuntuhow do i remove the harddrive icons from the desktop22:31
ayeceeCody3290: what is the pci id? you can find it in the output of "lspci -nn", it'll look like xxxx:xxxx22:32
Cody3290ayecee: Am I supposed to get a block of text when i run that?22:32
ayeceeCody3290: yes22:32
karlhuntTheBuntu, gconfeditor has the option to not show mounted devices on the desktop22:32
ArmyMan007QuiSE: but it doesn't explain why it doesn't work on realplayer which should support this... it's a bug way back from 7.04, thought it should be fixed by now...22:32
Cody3290ayecee: 168c:001c22:33
QuiSEArmyMan007:  sounds strange,  sorry cant help. I just know some c++ and know some common mistakes.22:33
ayeceeCody3290: looks like the driver is named ath5k22:34
ArmyMan007QuiSE: well at least you try... but it doesn't seem as if i can get an answer to it22:34
QuiSEArmyMan007: what happens if you change the titles? does it work ?22:34
Cody3290ayecee: Alright, thank you.22:34
tjiggi_foCody3290, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130907222:35
TheBuntukarlhunt, where at in gconf...i been looking22:35
karlhuntTheBuntu, hang on ill check22:35
jiffe98is there a way for ubuntu to recognize a pci device addition like adding a NIC on the fly without rebooting?22:35
ArmyMan007QuiSE: it works the same as if i'm working it as an individual, but i can't start changing all the names to english titles...22:35
ayeceejiffe98: yes, but it requires a motherboard that supports hotswap pci.22:35
bloopsi built g++ 4.6.0 on maverick and used checkinstall to create a deb, is anybody interested in testing it?22:35
QuiSEArmyMan007: write a script containing google translate :)22:36
ayeceejiffe98: that's rare outside of high-end server.22:36
jiffe98ayecee: I'm using vmware which lets me add nics I just need to find a way to get ubuntu to find it22:36
ayeceejiffe98: ah. I have no idea how that would work.22:36
QuiSEArmyMan007:  or... if your really lucky you and try to put a A or 1 infront of the hewbre name perhaps.22:36
ArmyMan007QuiSE: thanks, but no thanks... i guess i should move to the linux channel maybe they can help me there..22:36
giikerWhenever i click the mail button on the indicator applet in Gnome, it always opens up Evolution, is there any way o change the email client to thunderbird?22:38
Cody3290tjiggi_fo: I have maverick meerkat, but that's besides the point. ath5k is apparnetly made by the same developers as madwifi, and they're devoting more time/energy to ath5k than madwifi, seeing as how madwifi hasn't been updated since 2.6.2522:38
MC8Howdy, I'm running GNOME on 10.10, and it's been saying "Launching KNOtify" in the bottom corner ever since I turned my computer on, and it's slowing my whole system down. Is there a way to cancel the launch (that looks like it's no longer responding/has crashed)?22:38
Cody3290thank you though22:38
tjiggi_foCody3290, np22:39
karlhuntTheBuntu, gconf-editor > apps > nautilus > desktop > volumes visable22:39
QuiSEWhay the h*ck ..22:39
QuiSEgetting: SystemError: installArchives() failed on everything I try to install22:39
vachonetbeans is stupid.. it's fetching my remote files.22:39
karlhuntTheBuntu, if you can't find something in gconf-editor there is a search function under edit,22:39
blzis there some sort of app that can parse the filenames of media files (along with metadata), scrape for information, and then rename the file accordingly?  Something like TheRenamer for windows?22:40
toad__does flash 10 work in linux?22:40
toad__I get an error22:40
toad__when trying to instal22:40
blztoad__ how are you installing?22:40
QuiSEnah .. Im going back to 10.04.2 ... 10.10 isnt very stable imo22:40
ayeceeblz: I used to think that would be great, but then I realized how hilariously inconsistent the ID3 tags were too.22:41
blzayecee:  well this is for tv shows.  i should have specified22:41
ayeceetoad__: yes22:41
TheBuntukarlhunt, ok..Thanks got it.... yeah but when you dont know what your looking for...sometimes these search and seek options can be trickey...you put the wrong word..you get nothing22:42
Draco_Hi, it's me again, I managed to run ubuntu ... anyway, it doesn't see my sound card, what can I do?22:42
rhizmoehow do i get my mail notification to change color again?22:43
rhizmoedo i *have* to use evolution or something? seems like it stopped when i switched to tbird22:43
karlhuntTheBuntu, I just tried desktop found nothing then drives nothing then volumes and voila :-)22:43
kourasmenosDoes anyone know how to set premium account settings to Tucan?22:43
giikeris there any way to set thunderbird as my email client in indicator applet.?22:44
grendal-primehey is there a decient userspace nfs mounter application for gnome?22:44
grendal-primei got these people that i need to have something so they can click on it and mount an nfs share.22:45
macorhizmoe, giiker: http://www.techgarten.com/extensions/thunderbird/integrate-messaging-applet-thunderbird-maverick-cloudsn/22:46
rhizmoehah, seems to be a bigger deal than i thought22:46
* rhizmoe reads the precursor article22:46
Adis34I just restarted my computer and now im missing like half of my programs and files22:47
Adis34its like it rebooted into like 3 days ago22:47
Adis34i wasnt doing system restore or anything22:47
grendal-primeAdis34, linux system?22:48
pentester123any recommendations for a quick secure vpn server?22:48
grendal-primepentester123, openvpn22:48
karlhuntpentester123,  zentyal22:48
karlhuntwhich uses openvpn22:48
vachoMilos_SD, are u using netbeans?22:49
pentester123is zentyal free?22:49
r4ykidI have the netbook remix bootet, but all i see is a purple-ish background and the pointer, this is for 14 minutes now22:49
r4ykidwhat could that be?22:49
karlhuntpentester123, yes but they offer commercial support22:50
Adis34grendal: everything in my downloads folder is gone, my theme is different22:50
Adis34it basically restarted into a couple of days ago22:50
karlhuntits basically ubuntu server with a nice web ui22:50
Draco_Ubuntu doesn't see my soundcard,  it's an on board card, the mb it's a a7n8x-e deluxe22:50
pentester123karlhunt, oh i see. Im gona look it up22:50
karlhuntpentester123,  its good we have 2 running as master/ slave pdc's at work22:51
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pentester123karlhunt, i have never heard of it. I always hear about openvpn but i had so much trouble getting that setup22:51
karlhuntpentester123,  zentyal is childs play22:52
pentester123karlhunt, so far it seems like what i have been looking for sometime. Downloading22:52
karlhuntpentester123,  you tell it what you want to do and it does all the backend config22:52
pentester123karlhunt, nice. well thanks for the suggestion. time to explorer!22:53
karlhuntpentester123,  but its still ubuntu server through and through and you can still get your hands dirty if you want to22:53
possomcrasti need help i did something stupid22:54
vectoryi need halp, i cannot record the output of my soundcard, a.k.a. line-out or speaker output, itried ffmpeg, arecord and parec to no avail. i fear my sound settings are somehow set up wrongly22:55
vectoryquestion being, what can i do?22:56
possomcrasti need help22:56
possomcrasti did something dumb22:56
possomcrasthello can you seeme22:57
ceschi, I have Ubuntu installed in two machines, A and B. Is there a more or less automatic way of having the same packages installed in B as I have in A?22:57
possomcrast i need help i did something stupid22:58
Cody3290possomcrast, It might help if you tell us what it is you did22:58
r4ykidhow can i find out if the netbook remix is stuck at boot? Booting of a cd22:58
possomcrasthave you guys been seeing me this whole time sorry if so22:58
=== Canon is now known as Acid190
possomcrastwell i deleted my windows partition22:58
Draco_who needs a soundcard anyway?22:58
Adis34I keep getting this error when trying to mount and force mount my hard drive22:58
Adis34Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error22:58
Adis34Failed to read NTFS $Bitmap: Input/output error22:58
Adis34NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a22:58
Adis34SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware.22:58
FloodBot2Adis34: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:58
possomcraston accident22:59
Cody3290No way to get it back.22:59
possomcrastthats what i thought22:59
Cody3290None that I know of, at least.22:59
possomcrastanyway to re-install22:59
possomcrastits a laptop22:59
possomcrasti have no cd's23:00
Acid190Ok, I keep running into problems trying to get a java chat applet to load. www.spokane2600.org is the webist, and the irc tab will not load the chat applet23:00
Adis34Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error Failed to read NTFS $Bitmap: Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware.23:00
Cody3290You'll have to do a fresh install, and if you don't know how to fix the booter, you'll have to install ubuntu again over that to fix the GNOME boot thing23:00
Adis34I keep getting that error23:00
Acid190I've gone through a few different tuts, nothing is really working though23:00
Cody3290or else it won't let you boot ubuntu, it'll go straight to XP23:00
possomcrasti have windows 723:00
possomcrastso do i just torrent it23:01
possomcrast(sorry if any of my questions are stupid)23:02
possomcrastwhere would i get the windows 7 file to install23:03
Acid190Anyone here for a java chat applet issue?23:03
vectorypossomcrast: students get it for free23:03
Adis34Does anyone know what this error means?23:03
Adis341 2 3 4Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: ntfs_attr_pread_i: ntfs_pread failed: Input/output error Failed to read NTFS $Bitmap: Input/output error NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware.23:03
possomcrastim in high school23:04
Adis34the 1234 are not in it sorry23:04
Adis34I get that error when I try to mount or force mount my hard drive23:04
vectorypossomcrast: i read sth about the possibillity to restore the partition table, if u just deleted the windows partition without erasing its contents, its, in theory, possible23:04
possomcrastwhat would this involve23:05
possomcrastwell when i try to boot my windows 7 partiton it says its empty23:05
intraderAnyone, major annoyance; the sound is driving me crazy and probably damaging by laptop.I have not seen any action on solving a problem I have with my fans continuously running since installing 10.10 - The computer is a Dell Inspirong 8200.23:06
drKraneHave you tried to repair with the disc you used to install possomcrast23:06
=== Drama is now known as Zalgo
possomcrasti didnt install23:06
=== Zalgo is now known as Drama
possomcrasti bought a laptop with win 723:06
galumphCan anyone get me the name of the package with the restricted codecs?23:07
galumphNot on Ubuntu23:07
=== Uncle|Sam is now known as uncle|sam
rypervencheCan someone look in their /etc/environment and /etc/default/locale and tell me if your locales end in "utf8" or "UTF-8"?23:07
=== wizonesolutions2 is now known as wizonesolutions
leelandrypervenche UTF-823:07
drKraneutf8 here23:07
koppeIs it possible to increase the size of a "disk" in VirtualBox (with Win7 on NTFS) over the size specified at creation?23:08
koppeAlternatively, "clone" the old OS over to a larger NTFS-formatted "disk"?23:09
rypervencheleeland: Ok, thank you.23:11
possomcrast@vectory so what of this article you read23:11
RichT23hi hi, any one want to help with a video drive / xserver and vbox issue?23:11
RichT23i went and added the testing xserver repo to mu 10.10 x64 box and now when i start vbox xcrashes23:12
kourasmenosanyone using tucan for downloading?23:13
RichT23i have been looking around but am a bit lost on how to debug more, as i see nothing in dmesg23:13
Adis34Im unable to mount or force mount a certain hard disk23:14
De|tahi all. just installed swat so i can set up sambda on my ubuntu server install - I only have Home, Status, View and Password - no shares / wizzard/ printers23:15
De|taany ideas?23:15
brightsparkHow can I remove old keyboard layouts from the menu that shows up when I click my picture at the login screen?23:16
alfiskohello, sorry for offtipic, but does anyone know what is this? it should be some kind of wellknown logo, but the text is missing http://zemepis.gfxs.cz/gmvkvizy/102402.jpg23:19
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KeyLimePianyone know a way to track a segmentation fault. Its a child PID so it seems to not show up in sys monitor23:19
pfifoKeyLimePi, gdb is made for that23:22
KeyLimePipfifo: I just get a prompt "gdb>" but I dont know what to do from there.23:22
UbuntuNoobwhy is my transmission torrent manager running so slowly? my max download speed seems to be under 10KiB/s for every torrent, and the same torrents download around 300KiB/s on my other windows computer with bittorrent on the same network. Also, while using transmission, i cant access the internet via any browsers23:23
Adis34How do I system restore on Ubuntu23:23
Adis34you just have to wait a few minutes23:23
Adis34it starts picking up23:23
UbuntuNoobso does bittorrent on my other computer, but that goes up tp 300kib/s where as after a long period of time like 15 minutes terminal is still at around 5 kib/s and i cant get on the internet23:24
rypervencheMy gdm is showing two versions of 2 of my language choice on my login screen. I have found that $GDM_LANG shows zh_TW instead of zh_TW.utf8. How can I make gdm read my locale correctly?23:24
abdulkareemماذا تفعلون؟23:24
pfifoKeyLimePi, gdb is pretty complicated, if you trying to debug a program you should read its user manual first... what exactly is he reason you care about a stacktrace anyway?23:24
vectoryUbuntuNoob: maybe your isp is throtteling torrent traffixc23:24
Acid190need help with java chat applet23:24
UbuntuNoobvectory: i doubt it, my other computer on the same modem gets great speeds23:25
KeyLimePipfifo: my  server runs wordpress.  It works fine overall but there is a plugin that, while  administering in wordpress' backend, will cause segmentation faults to show up in error.log.23:25
UbuntuNoob!ar | abdulkareem23:25
ubottuabdulkareem: La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe23:25
UbuntuNoobi thought ar was arabic23:25
* tommylommykins waves23:26
lolmaticis it possible that ubuntu uses an external drive to suspend to disk? or does my wake up just not work? why the fuck?????23:26
* tommylommykins has done `su -` to change to another user23:26
UbuntuNoob!arabic | abdulkareem23:26
ubottuabdulkareem: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية23:26
tommylommykinsI want this user to be able to play sound23:26
tommylommykinsCan anyone give me hints?23:26
icerootlolmatic: first you want to watch your language23:26
pfifoKeyLimePi, you should ask the developers of the plugin whats going on, the likelyhood of fixing a segfault on your own is slim unless your a programmer.23:27
shcherbaktommylommykins: sudo adduser <user name> sound23:27
KeyLimePipfifo: I already did23:27
KeyLimePipfifo: but since it was to do with the server, they can do nothing23:27
abdulkareem /join #ubuntu-arabic23:27
pfifoKeyLimePi, they didnt even offer a suggested route to fix it?23:28
tommylommykinsshcherbak: There is no sound group. I have already added the user to audio, pulse, and pulse-access23:28
tommylommykinsBut I still get no sound23:28
tommylommykinsDo I need to create the sound group?23:28
KeyLimePipfifo: No.  As shown in our convo: http://code.google.com/p/wordpress-custom-content-type-manager/issues/detail?id=60&can=123:28
rypervencheMy gdm is showing two versions of English, and two of Mandarin on my login screen. I have found that $GDM_LANG shows zh_TW instead of zh_TW.utf8. How can I make gdm read my locale correctly? My ibus-daemon won't work properly because of this :(23:28
KeyLimePiAgain, I would try to simplify your problems and leave the plugin out of this for now: there are too many variables.  If your server is having trouble with simple scenarios, it's only going to get more difficult to spot and debug when you've got multiple variables going on in there.  If you've isolated the problems with the sessions, try serving up a static .html file and watch your apache logs.23:29
KeyLimePithats what his final word is on it23:29
shcherbaktommylommykins: Sorry, my bad, "audio"23:29
shcherbaktommylommykins: I think reboot is required23:29
tommylommykinsshcherbak: The user is added to audio. I get no sound :(23:30
tommylommykinsshcherbak: oh, ok23:30
LcawteRight, i'm in my firefox preferences, where do I set the path for flash videos to? Because they don't play at the monet... I have adobe flash installed23:30
SuperstarWhat can I do to test if using my switch is faster than connecting directly to my router?23:30
* tommylommykins reboots23:30
ZeRGooooHdoes anyone can help to hide my ip?23:30
shcherbakSuperstar: ping?23:30
shcherbakZeRGooooH: Hide, in what situation? Not sure that it is supported here...23:31
AfteraffektCould use a mask23:31
rypervencheZeRGooooH: Go into #freenode and ask for a mask23:32
KeyLimePiAgain, I would try to simplify your problems and leave the plugin out of this for now: there are too many variables.  If your server is having trouble with simple scenarios, it's only going to get more difficult to spot and debug when you've got multiple variables going on in there.  If you've isolated the problems with the sessions, try serving up a static .html file and watch your apache logs.23:32
Superstarshcherbak: ping is only useful to check if a server is live. most routers and switches delay icmp echo replys when receiving multiple requests originating from the same ip23:33
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Superstari'm not familiar with linux based networking23:33
teagehow do you force a 32bit in 64bit I cant remember. Im trying to install my game and it complains wrong architecture23:34
tommylommykinsRebooting has not given me sound23:34
tommylommykinsmplayer gives me this:23:34
tommylommykinsAO: [pulse] Init failed: Connection refused23:34
tommylommykinsFailed to initialize audio driver 'pulse'23:34
shcherbaktommylommykins: Is it normal Ubuntu (mean gnome)?23:34
tommylommykinsshcherbak: Yes23:34
ZiberI have a ubuntu desktop 8.04 disk. If I install that, how hard is it to upgrade to 10.10?23:35
rypervencheMy gdm is showing two versions of English, and two of Mandarin on my login screen. I have found that $GDM_LANG shows zh_TW instead of zh_TW.utf8. How can I make gdm read my locale correctly? My ibus-daemon won't work properly because of this :(23:35
shcherbaktommylommykins: Does restarting pulseaudio show any messages?23:35
tommylommykinsshcherbak: `pulseaudio -k` gives no output23:36
shcherbakZiber: You could download Ubuntu (latest or lts) from site, get minimal to have less to download.23:37
tommylommykinsoh, aha!23:37
* tommylommykins has sound :D23:37
Ziberwell, i have a 10.10 iso at home, but I was hoping to get ubuntu installed today...23:37
UbuntuNoobcan anyone else guess why my torrents download so slow in transmission but not bittorrent on a windows computer?23:37
ChubcorpI have a question about uninstalling Ubuntu off of a dual boot computer, I don't know which partition is linux and which is Windows. The Disk Utility shows an OS 47GB NTFS a 110 GB ext4 an Extended 113 GB and a 3.0 GB Swap.23:38
shcherbaktommylommykins: try without -k, should tell you that it is running, reload via services23:38
* tommylommykins has one more question: What's the name of the gnome application called by pressing alt+F2 ?23:38
tommylommykinsthanks for the help with sound :)23:39
shcherbakUbuntuNoob: You could try deluge, or (text) rTorrent, etc. Transmission is not powerhorse.23:39
rypervenchetommylommykins: My system is not in English, but you can find the name in the compiz manager, under the Gnome option23:39
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tommylommykinsrypervenche: I have found it23:40
tommylommykinsbut it does not give me the name23:40
ChubcorpThe extended is right over the 110 ext4, so should I uninstall the Extended, or just the 110 ext4?23:41
dzinx2%uname  -a23:42
dzinx2FreeBSD livecd 8.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE #1: Wed Mar  9 10:34:09 AST 2011     root@ericbsd.bsd.org:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GHOSTBSD  i38623:42
shcherbakChubcorp: First or all get M$ recovery disk, or instalator, you will need them.23:42
ZeRGooooHadd mask23:44
Chubcorpshcherbak, I planned on going through a live USB and just deleting the partition, I figured out which was Ubuntu23:44
Chubcorpshcherbak, I was just wondering if I should delete the extended, which covers the 110 ext4 and the 3.0 Swap, or just the ext4.23:45
eossanyone here know regex?23:46
zvacetChubcorp: delete just partition with existing ubuntu and leave swap use manual way to install23:46
syslqeoss: what do you need?23:46
syslqeoss: many dialects of regex btw23:46
shcherbakChubcorp: Thats fine, but you will need to recover MBR for windows, ask in #windows for details, liveCD method is OK to the point of removing Ubuntu.23:46
eosshref\s*=\s*[\'\"]\s*(.+?)\s*[\'\"]  works but adding question marks after the brackets dont23:46
Acid190Im sure there is someone more knowledgeable than I on what I need help with23:46
eossive found you can leave quotes out of the href entirely and the link still works23:47
Acid190Java chat applet issue? Help?23:47
zvacetChubcorp: do you want to delete Ubuntu and run only windows?23:47
Chubcorpshcherbak, so your saying that if I delete the partition, it won't see windows?23:47
Chubcorpzvacet, yes, I know crazy,  but the computer is a loaner and the owner doesn't want linux on it when I give it back.23:48
shcherbakChubcorp: No, you can convert them to NTFS, to have second in M$, but you may have trouble to boot, after you will remove grub.23:48
syslqChubcorp: delete linux paritition boot from windows 7 recovery cd and start console run bootsect /nt60 C:\23:49
syslqChubcorp: reboot and woilla23:49
Ziberwill do-dist-upgrade get me from 8.04 (the only CD i have with me) to 10.10?23:49
shcherbakChubcorp: Resizing partitions is considered dangerous, other tasks ultimately safe.23:49
syslqeoss: single character is . not ? in regex23:50
zvacetChubcorp: read http://members.iinet.net.au/~herman546/p18.html#MbrFix.exe before you delete ubuntu23:50
Chubcorpsyslq, I don't have the boot disk, in fact I don't even have a disk drive.23:50
eosssyslq: im trying to say there can either be a ' or " but it doesnt have to be there23:50
Chubcorpzvacet, thanks I'll check it out, but as long as it doesn't show a second partition, I'll be fine, so I don't necessarily need to resize.23:51
vachoanyone using aptana?? I can't see the file menu23:51
syslqeoss: that depents on pattern you're describing \" is instructing regex to take " as ordinary character, part of a pattern23:51
Ziberwill do-dist-upgrade get me from 8.04 (the only CD i have with me) to 10.10?23:52
syslqChubcorp: you can create rescue cd from windows 723:52
zvacetZiber: no yo uwill just upgrade packages and you can not upgrade to 10.10 but you can upgrade to 10.04 directly23:52
Ziberand how can i get to 10.10?23:52
eosssyslq: im describing this pattern href\s*=\s*[\'\"]\s*(.+?)\s*[\'\"] and im trying to say 0 or 1 of either the single quotes or double quotes23:53
zvacetZiber: after upgrade to 10.04 of with fresh install23:53
CptAnonHello people, I'm looking for some knowledge.23:53
Chubcorpsyslq, I have XP, and don't know a thing about windows. zvacet, the admin has restricted access to the C drive.23:53
Ziberzvacet: hm?23:54
coz_CptAnon,  what is your question?23:54
shcherbakeoss: Do you need string between href and whitespace?23:54
zvacetChubcorp: fix.mbr will allow you to remove ubuntu and still boot in windows23:54
eossshcherbak: i need whats inside the quotes, if they exist or not23:55
Chubcorpzvacet, do you know of a way into the C drive from Ubuntu? then I could put fix.mbr in there from here?23:55
eossquestion mark after the bracket didnt work for some reason23:55
CptAnonOk my question is this: I'm trying to learn to program in C and I made the hello world program work but to make it work I had to cc -c and cc-o first and I don't know what that means?23:56
syslqeoss: you could try {0,1} before [\", \']23:56
ZiberCptAnon: mount it.23:56
eosshow about \'|\"?23:56
ZiberChubcorp: *23:56
coz_CptAnon,  you might get more information in the #programming  channel :)23:57
syslqChubcorp: you can mount ntfs just fine, but you cant run fixmbr from linux, what you can do is boot from xp install cd, choose recovery console and use fixmbr from there23:57
luca__c'è qualche italiano?23:57
zvacetChubcorp : you should be able to read and write to ntfs from ubuntu but you will have to run fix.mbr from windows23:57
CptAnonZiber, mount what?23:57
ZiberCptAnon: sorry, wrong person.23:57
zvacet!it | luca23:57
ubottuluca: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:57
CptAnonok thanks coz_23:57
luca__mi hanno bannato li23:57
CptAnonwill try that23:57
luca__senza motivo23:57
fisch246i'm trying to use rhythmbox with my iPod but i can't even mount my iPod23:57
syslqluca__: jovanotti still raps?23:58
zvacetZiber: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrade from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS23:58
syslqChubcorp: http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/483/xp_repair_fix_master_boot_record_recovery_console/23:59
Chubcorpsyslq, zvacet, I planned on placing the mbrfix into C then boot into wondows and go from there, but those 3 steps would get rid of Linux and resize the partition, or just remove linux?23:59
Ziberzvacet: thanks23:59
zvacetZiber:  after that https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades23:59

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