
chrasgot a quick question im having a hard time finding an answer to, which is, is there an equivilant to 'normal exit 0 1' that i can use for pre-start (or any) scripts19:30
chrasby default, any non 0 exit code in a pre/post/etc-script will cause it to abort19:30
SpamapSchras: set +e20:45
SpamapSNot verified20:46
SpamapSbut I'm assuming that will work20:46
chrashm, i never thought of that20:47
chrasits worth trying20:47
chrasnah thats the oppisate effect20:51
chras-e is for quit upon non-0 exit20:51
chrasbut yeah, not reading lemme try +e20:51
chrasyeah i tested that, and it worked fine, didnt know that upstart ran scripts with -e by default, but it guess it makes sense20:57
chrasgood catch thanks20:58

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