
JontheEchidnaScottK: Hi, would you mind doing me a favor and nudging qapt/muon through queue? qapt is a translation-only update, and muon is a bugfix-only release that fixes a serious bug caused by a regression in KDE 4.6.202:47
JontheEchidna(kde bug 270538)02:47
ubottuKDE bug 270538 in libsolid "Solid::Networking::status() returning Solid::Networking::Status::Unknown since 4 6 2" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27053802:47
ScottKJontheEchidna: Wouldn't it be better to apply https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdelibs/repository/revisions/72cbad117d0abb4b47a5d00754ea465eda6c06b5/diff to kde4libs?04:57
JontheEchidnacould do that, but the Finnish would probably also appreciate going from 0% to 98% translated, too.04:58
JontheEchidnaand there is the case when Solid reports "unknown" correctly04:59
JontheEchidnaapplying the patch works too, though, and should probably be done anyway (I'll do that)05:00
ScottKI'll review/accept that too.05:00
JontheEchidnahmm, kdelibs patches have long names these days05:02
ScottKBoth accepted.05:02
JontheEchidnaI'll pbuild this overnight and upload kde4libs tomorrow05:05
JontheEchidnabtw, is there a travel wiki for UDS like there was in previous years?05:06
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steveireScottK: Know of any other major annoyances with kdepim4.4/kde4.6?06:56
steveireI re-upgraded my kdepim to 4.6 on one computer and the migration didn't re-run. The state of migration is stored in a config file. Is it possible to remove that config file if someone downgrades or somwething?06:57
steveireThe kdepim here is old: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/experimental Is there a no-bullshit guide where I can learn how to update the package?07:16
yofelsteveire: shadeslayer was working on new kdepim07:29
steveireI see.07:29
steveireScottK: I'm looking at the grantlee package and I see "07:29
steveire  * Include missing grantlee_i18ntags.so and grantlee_mutabletags.so in07:29
steveire    libgrantlee-core007:29
steveireGrantlee 0.1.7 shouldn't have either of those07:29
steveireCan I see the history of a package somehow, the patches etc?07:30
yofelapt-get changelog libgrantlee-core007:30
steveireyofel: That shows me the same thing as the changelog file07:31
yofelwell, all packages in the archive are available in bzr, so you could do 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu/grantlee' and look at the diffs07:33
steveireOk, thanks07:34
steveireI know there's a bzr qt viz tool, but don't know its name07:37
steveireAh, qbzr07:40
steveire(damn focus -not-follows-mind)07:40
steveirebzr qlog is slooow07:46
yofelmorning bambee :)08:03
* jussi prays and hopes displaysettigns doesnt die again - 1366x768 on a full hd monitor is killing me...08:05
bambeewhat's the best things to do in a dbus helper to inform the caller that an error occured  ? raise an exception or emit a dbus signal ?08:18
apacheloggermhhhh exceptions, the poor man's error prevention08:24
apacheloggerbambee: dbus signal08:24
apacheloggerhow would an exception ever arrive?08:24
apachelogger+ who ensure the caller understand the exception08:25
bambeeapachelogger: the caller will shown the exception as a DBusException... hard to understand the kind of error... imo08:26
bambeeohh sorry you already said that o_O08:27
* bambee needs a coffee08:27
apacheloggerhere is a suggestion: go into a local pub, grab someone who is not drunk and let them try your thingy with dbus exceptions08:27
apacheloggerif they go :O, then don't use em :P08:27
* apachelogger notes that they will go :O so it would be a pointless effort ^^08:28
steveireapachelogger: Got a few minutes to help me learn to update a package?08:44
steveireI'm reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete but it's got a lot of content there.08:45
steveireI've downloaded the grantlee package (v0.1.7) and the new tarball (0.1.8) Now I need to update the package somehow I guess...08:45
apacheloggerah yeah, the monster that calls itself packaging guide ^^08:47
apacheloggersteveire: dpkg-source -x grantlee_0.1.7-0ubuntu1.dsc or whatever it might be called08:47
steveireI'm sure updating this package can't be more than 5 steps. There's just a lot of stuff I don't need to do in the guide I think08:47
apacheloggerand tar -xf 0.1.808:47
apacheloggercopy the debian dir from the old to the new folder08:47
apacheloggermake sure the env vars DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL are set 08:48
apacheloggeremail ought to be an email associated with your launchpad account (better yet: one associated with a gpg key ;))08:48
steveireOk, done08:49
apacheloggerthen enter 0.1.8/debian08:50
apacheloggerdch -v 0.1.8-0ubuntu108:50
apacheloggerthat should popup vim or some editor with the changelog08:50
apacheloggerversion should be as above, the target series (i.e. youbuntoo version) probably needs changing for whatever you want to update08:51
apacheloggerother than that the changelog should only say08:51
apacheloggerNew upstream release.08:51
apacheloggeror some such08:51
apacheloggerdpkg-buildpackage -us -uc will build the deb08:51
apacheloggerdpkg-buildpackage -S will build the source package08:51
apacheloggerusing pbuilder you can build the source package in a clean chroot setup (the ubuntu wiki page on pbuilder is more readable ^^)08:52
* apachelogger just had an epiphany \\o/08:53
steveireapachelogger: Ok, there's also a patch that is not needed anymore08:54
steveireWhich was backported to the package from git08:54
steveireShould I remove that?08:54
apacheloggerquilt pop -a && quilt remove $NAMEOFPATCH08:55
apacheloggeror maybe it was delete08:55
apacheloggernaturally you would want to document the patch removal in the chanelog .... dch -a will append a new line to the current changelog and open an editor08:55
steveirestephen@chimera:~/Random/packages/grantlee-0.1.8/debian$ quilt pop -a && quilt remove debian-changes-0.1.7-0ubuntu3 08:55
steveireNo patch removed08:55
apacheloggeroh, maybe grantlee is not quilt :O08:56
steveireIt uses quilt 3.0 apparently08:56
apacheloggersteveire: you need to do that in the source dir08:56
apacheloggernot debian08:56
steveireStill nothin' : http://dpaste.com/533475/08:57
steveire quilt pop debian/patches/debian-changes-0.1.7-0ubuntu3 08:59
steveireNo patches in series08:59
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steveireI'm not certain if this is progress: http://dpaste.com/533477/09:04
yofelit seems the package was patched by hand, now all patches are meshed together in the debian-changes file :S09:06
yofelsteveire: even though that seems to be a 27k line file, try to remove the patch folder entirely and build without it09:08
steveireOk. I think the patch was a mistake. I think I remember now from when it was made09:09
yofelthe debian-changes is auto-created by dpkg if you patch a '3.0 (quilt)' package by hand09:09
yofelwhich you shouldn't do usually09:10
steveireOk, so now do I need dpkg-buildpackage or pbuilder?09:10
yofelwhat do you want to do?09:10
steveireUpdate the package :)09:11
steveireI've used dpkg-buildpackage and it's building now09:11
yofelyes, but now... get the source package? build the binaries? testbuild it? ...09:11
steveire"build the binaries? testbuild it?" What's the difference?09:12
yofelif you're done I would run 'debuild -S' now to get the source package, you did update the changelog?09:12
steveireI did.09:12
yofelwell, dpkg-buildpackage will build locally, pbuilder will build in chroot making sure the build-deps are all in place (and fail if some are missing)09:12
yofelso usually you would run debuild -S and then build it in pbuilder09:13
steveireWhat I've done so far is apt-get sourec tha package, wget the new tarball, mv it to use .orig.tar.gz, cp -R the debian dir, rm -rf patches, dch  a changelog entry, and dpkg-buildpackage09:13
yofelk, then you should have binary .debs in the folder one level higher. You can install those if you want to test them, if you want to upload the package anywhere you need a source package09:15
yofeldebuild -S will create that09:15
steveireOk, so I'll use debuild -S now and see what happens09:15
steveireyofel: Ok, I managed to run the debuild -S with my gpg key09:28
steveireNow I need to upload all the files?09:28
yofeldepends where you want to  put them, if it's a PPA you can dput the .changes file09:30
steveireI guess that would be a start. Ultimately I want to get the update into ubuntu09:30
yofelyou a ninja?09:30
steveireDo I dput the i386.changes or the source one?09:31
yofelwell, you can put it into your own PPA too09:31
yofelthe source one09:31
yofelit'll have to wait until oneiric anyway for ubuntu09:32
steveireI didn't tell it where to upload to. Where did it go?09:32
steveireThere might be a 0.1.9 by then anyway.09:33
yofeluh, the archive queue I guess, you'll probably get a rejection mail soon09:33
steveireRejection because it tries to upload to ubuntu proper? How do I upload to my ppa instead?09:35
yofeldput ppa:steveire/ppa <changes>09:36
yofelor you can create yourself a ~/.dput.cf and set your own PPA up there and override the default, that's what I do09:36
steveireOk, that seems to have worked.09:37
steveireNow I need to wait for the system to build that and it should appear in my ppa at some point?09:37
steveireHow do changes I make to the package get into the bzr repo? An automated system?09:39
yofelthe bzr repos for the archive are automated, yes09:40
steveireGreat. It's in my ppa now too09:43
steveireAlong with a v 0.1.2 I must have made almost two years ago :)09:43
steveireOh, 41 weeks ago only09:44
steveireNow on to the kdepim package :)09:45
yofelsteveire: talk to shadeslayer about kdepim first09:47
steveireDoesn't hurt for me to try it out anyway.09:48
steveireshadeslayer: ping?09:48
yofelhm, might update grantlee in neon too while we're at it09:50
steveireWhy is this telling me there's no orig.tar when there is a orig.tar.gz? Shouldn't it find that?10:28
Riddellsmarter_: the 4: is an epoch, it's incase you screw up your versioning and need to reset it (back in the day a debian packager called coolo did so apparantly)10:46
Riddellsteveire rather10:47
* smarter_ knew that already :p10:47
debfxheh, the changelog of kdelibs is fun: 971019-1 -> 1:Beta1.1-1 -> 2:980310-110:49
steveirecoolo is a suse guy I thought10:50
steveireNow at least10:50
Riddellsteveire: did you get it building?10:52
steveireIt's using icecream and everything10:52
steveireI'm not building the beta5 though, I just created a tarball of master with git archive10:53
Riddellwhat version number did you use?10:53
steveireI noticed there is -mobile stuff in the packages too. Is that done with a separate build step?10:54
steveire4.5.95 didn't work for some reason10:54
steveireI'll get the official b5 tarball and rebuild. Just want to try it out with whatever first10:54
steveireAnd would need to coordinate with shadeslayer10:55
Riddellthe 4.5.95 tars need a new strigi or something, I didn't quite follow the conclusion on the packagers thread10:55
Riddellcurrent git shouldn't I think10:55
Riddell-mobile just gets built by default 10:56
steveireThere's a cmake flag that should be set when building for mobile. KDEPIM_MOBILE_UI10:57
steveireIt makes some dialogs different10:58
steveireAnd they can't be co-installed10:58
steveireSomething to keep in mind for kubuntu-mobile.10:59
steveireSame with kdepimlibs11:00
steveireGot a fail in my package: 11:01
steveirecp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/usr/bin/kaddressbook-mobile.sh': No such file or directory11:01
steveiredh_install: cp -a debian/tmp/usr/bin/kaddressbook-mobile.sh debian/kaddressbook-mobile//usr/bin/ returned exit code 111:01
Riddellrbelem: where is the kubuntu-mobile-defaults-settings patch?11:15
afiestasRiddell: ScottK any news on the bluedevil exception?11:43
debfxafiestas: it's been accepted11:48
afiestasue! thanks for the trust guys :)11:50
afiestasonce I got the update, I will test like crazy to be sure taht everything is perfect :)11:50
steveireRiddell: Is that related to my issue?12:10
Riddelloh sorry steveire, didn't see your issue above12:11
Riddellif the file no longer exists then you can remove it from debian/kaddressbook-mobile.install12:12
Riddellif no mobile files are being made then you probably want to remove the kaddressbook-mobile package in debian/control12:12
steveireI removed debian/.changelog.swp and I seem to be doing a from scratch rebuild now12:13
steveireWill I have to do that again if I make more changes to debian/control?12:13
steveireThe .sh files should exist...12:15
Riddellyou can run  debuild -nc   to stop it doing a full rebuild12:16
steveireI'm currently running dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc12:16
steveireShould I not be?12:16
steveireI mean that's how I'm building the package12:17
steveireShould I use debuild instead?12:17
Riddellyou can also run  dh_install --list-missing   to get it to check that the debian/*.install files have only files which exist and don't miss any12:17
Riddelldebuild is the same as dpkg-buildpackage but with some extra checks (e.g. that all build-depends are installed), it's also shorter to type12:17
steveiredebuild -help doesn't know about -nc12:18
Riddellthat's because it gets passed through to dpkg-buildpackage12:19
steveireOk, good to know12:19
rbelemRiddell, it is here lp:~rbelem/ubuntu/natty/kubuntu-mobile-default-settings/plasma-mobile-patches12:32
afiestasdebfx: I was wondering if there is a way of getting libbluedevil and bluedevil new packages, so I can start the testing12:43
steveireRiddell: I keep on getting errors about images that have been removed etc. Then I'm running debuild -nc, which first runs make && make install , then gets around to the next package error. Is there a shortcut?12:45
steveireA command that skips the make && make install?12:45
debfxafiestas: not yet, bluedevil is still being built12:46
afiestascan you ping me when they're done?12:46
debfxafiestas: yep, do you have i386 or amd64?12:48
steveireWhy is there a notes mobile and a knotes mobile?12:49
Riddellsteveire: dh_install --list-missing12:49
Riddellthat will tell you if there are files which no longer exist in .install files12:49
steveireAh, you told me that already :)12:49
Riddelland it's just a cycle of running that, editing the .install file and repeat12:49
steveire$ dh_install --list-missing12:50
steveirecp: cannot stat `debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/de/kontact-touch/manual/index.html': No such file or directory12:50
steveireDoes that mean the docs aren't built?12:50
Riddellit means that german doc for kontact-touch isn't12:51
steveireI wonder why that's in the package. Is that normal?12:51
steveireThe en version isn't either...12:52
Riddellwho knows, you'd need to check the current build and see what upstream changed12:52
steveiredh_install: usr/share/kde4/apps/notes-mobile/BulkActionComponent.qml exists in debian/tmp but is not installed to anywhere12:53
steveireI get a tonne of those, but that file is in the notes-mobile.install12:54
steveireMaybe I need to debuild without -nc again12:54
debfxafiestas: you can download and manually install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libbluedevil/1.9-0ubuntu1/+buildjob/2485298/+files/libbluedevil1_1.9-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb and https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluedevil/1.1-0ubuntu1/+buildjob/2485294/+files/bluedevil_1.1-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb13:09
afiestasdebfx: so far, so good :)13:17
afiestassharing files is working perfect, sending files too (the old version didn't scan), the wizard is freezeless 13:18
afiestasI will do more tests after work, but everythign seems fine :)13:18
afiestasmaybe you want to put the bluedevil 1.1 changelog in the release notes, Kubuntu is the first "major" distro to ship it13:18
debfxeven before fedora? that's scary13:20
afiestasmmm not sure13:21
afiestasbut I think so13:21
ulyssesFedora will be released in May13:22
bambeeRiddell:  ping13:24
afiestasmm I could not find the version they're using13:24
Riddellhi bambee 13:28
bambeeRiddell: userconfig should use an "apply" button , imho (it's integrated into kcm now and no longer runs as root)13:28
Riddellbambee: yes that would be good13:29
bambeeuntil the user click on "apply" all changes are put into a buffer and are really applied when it clicks "apply"...13:29
Riddellbambee: what happens currently?13:30
bambeeRiddell: currently when you click on "create a group" or  "create a user" a dialog is opened, then when the user clicks on "ok" (from the dialog) all changes are applied to the system13:31
bambeeit's just an idea, also I am opened to suggestions ;)13:34
Riddellbambee: yes it would be better to have those applied later, that's consistent with the rest of system settings modules13:35
Riddelljust more complex to programme :)13:35
bambeeok :)13:35
bambeeRiddell: indeed13:35
rbelemRiddell, what "date added" means in cadidates section in Kubuntu/Meetings?13:39
jussirbelem: the date you added your application to the wiki13:39
rbelemthx jussi :-)13:39
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Riddellrbelem: in k-m-d-s why remove export KDEDIRS= ?14:29
Riddellin nodm config14:30
Riddellin share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop why remove Hidden=true ?14:31
rbelemRiddell, it is set in startkde when "mobile" parameter is passed to it14:40
rbelemRiddell, the Hidden=true... I just make it more similar to plasma-desktop.desktop from plasma-desktop14:41
Riddellrbelem: so does X-KDE-autostart-phase=0 stop it from being started?14:41
rbelemRiddell, it starts even with this set to 014:42
Riddellrbelem: so now plasma-desktop will start when running mobile?14:44
rbelemRiddell, that's not my intention14:45
rbelemRiddell, i copyed from http://paste.ubuntu.com/596034/14:46
rbelemRiddell, should it continue with BaseDesktop there?14:46
bambeedebfx:  once the patch for language-selector is accepted by the security team, can I package it ? (for maverick and natty)14:46
Riddellrbelem: the purpose of the /usr/share/kubuntu-mobile-default-settings/share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop file is to set hidden=true and to stop plasma-desktop from starting if you are running kubuntu mobile14:47
Riddellrbelem: what do you mean "continue with BaseDesktop"?14:48
bambeedebfx: or do you prefer do it yourself ?14:48
rbelemRiddell, i changed to 0, but i must change it back to BaseDesktop14:49
Riddellrbelem: well it doesn't matter, what matters is settings hidden=true to stop plasma-desktop running at all14:49
rbelemRiddell, i thought that we have to move /usr/share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop to something like /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/share/autostart/plasma-desktop.desktop14:51
debfxbambee: I think pitti is already taking care of it14:51
rbelemRiddell, i was about to file a bug for that14:51
bambeedebfx: ok14:52
Riddellrbelem: no it gets overridden by the plasma-desktop.desktop from k-m-d-s when we set KDEDIRS14:52
Riddellrbelem: uploading with that change14:53
rbelemRiddell, nice :-)14:53
rbelemRiddell, thx for the clarification14:53
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debfxRiddell: I've uploaded kdemultimedia with some important kmix fixes15:32
Riddelldebfx: great, thanks15:50
Riddellapachelogger: phonon-backend-gstreamer 4.5.0 breaks codec install15:50
ScottKafiestas: Looks like it's in now.  I don't see it in the queue.15:52
ScottKsteveire: Kontact 4.4 with KDE 4.6 seems to be working well for me, but I don't use but a small fraction of what's in PIM.15:54
steveireRight. I'm moving my focus to 4.6 issues now I think15:57
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afiestasScottK: thx16:02
apacheloggerRiddell: in what way?16:03
Riddellapachelogger: kpackagekit pops up then says it can't find any package16:04
apacheloggertdfischer said he tested it on kubuntu *shrug*16:04
apacheloggerRiddell: guess it is not much of an option for natty then16:04
Riddellnixternal: yay, thanks for uploading docs16:07
rgreeningOMG: icedtea-plugin requires FF? But I want only Chromium.. grr...16:30
jussiyeah know, I wish there was a flag in apt so you got prompted to install reccommends and suggests 1 by one. 16:47
kishorein kubuntu natty is it possible to set / a btrfs subvolume and /home to another subvolume?16:52
Riddelldebfx: livefs's failed today because of a problem in plymouth kubuntu theme16:56
Riddellkishore: dunno, we just package KDE, try #ubuntu+116:57
debfxprobably caused by calling update-grub216:57
kishoreRiddell: Sorry, i thought the installer was kubuntu specific. :)16:58
Riddelldebfx: shall I add a check for /dev being mounted?16:59
debfxRiddell: memtest86+ checks if /boot/grub/grub.cfg exists, we should probably do the same17:00
debfxI'll add the check17:01
nixternalRiddell: no prob, glad i could be of some assistance17:02
Riddellsteveire: I just had an e-mail asking about packaging kdepim 4.6 beta 5, how's it going?17:03
steveireRiddell: I had to remove a bunch of images and .sh files that were removed since February, but it did build the package.17:04
steveireAlthough mine is just a trunk snapshot.17:05
steveireShould I get the b5 package from kde.org to do it properly?17:05
steveireFrom here? ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/kdepim/4.5.95/17:07
steveireHow can I see a diff of the changes I've made?17:08
Riddellsteveire: debdiff <old.dsc> <new.dsc>17:10
Riddellactually that'll diff the upstreams too which isn't usually useful17:10
Riddellso just diff -urN the debian directories17:10
Riddellsteveire: I'm not sure the 4.5.95 on ktown is useful, it needs a trunk strigi which we don't have17:11
Riddellso probably a snapshot is better17:11
Riddellsteveire: so if you have working packages, would be good to get those into the expeirmental ppa I think17:11
steveireYou mean just kdepim-4.5.95/debian$ diff -u . ../../kdepim-
steveire ?17:15
steveirehttp://dpaste.org/SKuO/ There seems to be a lot of noise.17:18
Riddellsteveire: preferably the other way round, old to new17:20
Riddellbuild the source package to get rid of the noise17:20
Riddelldebuild -S17:20
debfxRiddell: uploaded17:21
Riddelldebfx: k-d-s?  not in bzr yet?17:21
debfxRiddell: yes, now also in bzr17:22
steveireI have only now tried to build the kdepim-runtime package, and it complains about a patch not applying.17:23
Riddelllovely, thanks debfx 17:24
Riddellsteveire: look at the patch, work out if it's still needed or not17:25
Riddellif not remove it and the entry in debian/patches/series17:25
Riddellif so then  quilt push -f  to force it to apply, edit the files to fix them, quilt refresh   to update the patch17:25
steveireIt's odd. http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=59690817:26
ubottuDebian bug 596908 in src:kdepim-runtime "randomly fails to build on ia64 (likely race condition in build system)" [Serious,Fixed]17:26
steveireWe've never seen that issue and we parallel build all the time17:26
c2tarunRiddell: are there any bugs posted about network-manager freezing on trying to connect wifi connection.17:27
Riddellc2tarun: I've no idea17:28
* c2tarun looked but couldnt find this time.17:28
c2tarunRiddell: bug 73400817:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 734008 in linux (Ubuntu) "ubuntu natty freezes when connecting to wifi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73400817:29
c2tarunRiddell: I am facing this bug, and I am not able to update since last 4 days17:29
c2tarunRiddell: ping, you got the link I just posted.17:36
c2tarunRiddell: bug 73400817:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 734008 in linux (Ubuntu) "ubuntu natty freezes when connecting to wifi" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/73400817:36
Riddellc2tarun: yes17:41
c2tarunRiddell: can you do anything for this bug?17:42
steveireRiddell: Applying upstream and removing from the package17:44
shadeslayersteveire: hey, i have the kdepim package built on yofel's  server17:57
shadeslayersteveire: but there are *alot* of missing docs17:57
shadeslayerand localization and what not17:57
steveireWhat kind of docs?17:57
steveireYou're looking for translations?17:58
shadeslayersteveire: http://paste.ubuntu.com/595590/17:58
shadeslayeri looked into a few of those and they turned out to be false positives17:58
shadeslayeroh and i've already uploaded kdepim runtime 4.5.95 into ninjas17:58
steveireOk cool17:59
ScottKshadeslayer: Just be really careful to make sure you upload to experimental when you make it public.18:00
shadeslayeryep i remember :)18:00
shadeslayersteveire: did you build kdepim too?18:00
steveireshadeslayer: What did you do about the patch in runtime? Rebase it?18:01
shadeslayersteveire: oh, did you get the missing files too i guess then :P18:01
steveireWhat about the strigi trunk dep? Are you packaging the beta?18:01
shadeslayersteveire: i refreshed a patch iirc18:01
shadeslayersteveire: it built fine without it18:01
steveireI've applied the patch upstream anyway, even though we haven't seen the issue18:01
shadeslayerah okay :)18:01
steveireAre you packaging the beta or git master?18:02
shadeslayeruhm.. neither right now, do you want me to?18:02
steveireI thought you said you had packaged kdepim-runtime?18:02
steveireshadeslayer: When you say missing files are you talking about the images and .sh files in kdepim?18:05
steveireYou also need to remove knotes-mobile.install. Only notes-mobile.install is needed.18:05
shadeslayersteveire: yes, and kdepim-runtime didn't need the newer strigi18:08
steveireI'm going for some dinner. Catch you later18:08
shadeslayersteveire: yes and also look at the pastebin i showed you :)18:08
shadeslayersteveire: cya18:09
shadeslayeri actually need help with a bit of scripting ... hmm18:11
rbelemGrueMaster, ping18:22
rbelemGrueMaster, the kubuntu-mobile-default-settings with the fix is already in the repos :-)18:23
GrueMasterOk.  I'll try to test it this week.  Kinda busy with release preparation for ubuntu-arm stuff.18:24
rbelemGrueMaster, np :-)18:25
shadeslayersteveire: okay, need to sort this mess out, do we create a seprate package for each and every language in the docs? or keep one big package?18:30
shadeslayeris anyone packaging the new webkit release?18:32
shadeslayerQtWebKit 2.1 was released a couple of hours ago i think18:33
shadeslayer2.1~really2.0.2-0ubuntu1 << old18:34
shadeslayer"Please note that the QtWebKit-2.1 series is considered "internal" and is not officially supported on desktop platforms, even though it's  relatively stable and is being used by developers and testers for a while, specially on Linux."18:35
shadeslayerScottK: Riddell ^^ I guess we shouldn't package it then18:35
shadeslayerAlso says that we may prefer to wait for QtWebKit 2.218:36
ScottKIIRC it's only officially supported on symbian.18:36
ScottKWhich is why we don't have it.18:36
ScottKIf there's a bugfix to cherry pick from it, that we could consider.18:36
shadeslayerokay, just confirming, because some of the rekonq issues like where rekonq can't click on links when you go back stem from us having a older webkit i believe18:37
ScottKCould that be rephrased as rekonq depending on an unsupported webkit or as bugs that are open in the one we have?18:39
shadeslayerlatter i believe18:40
shadeslayerbecause andrea has QtWebKit compiled from master and they work fine for him18:40
shadeslayeroh and the safari.jsp bug is a server side bug, Safari has it too18:41
c2tarunapachelogger: ping18:53
apacheloggerc2tarun: pogo18:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: syn18:54
c2tarunapachelogger: I was looking at log of your last classroom session. In demo.pro I found this line QT       += core gui phonon can you please tell what does it mean and how is it different with QT += phonon18:54
shadeslayerapachelogger: whut?18:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: rst18:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: syn18:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: syn18:55
apacheloggerc2tarun: http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qmake-variable-reference.html#qt18:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: rst18:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: syn18:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: rst18:57
shadeslayer( blame the lag )18:57
apacheloggerclearly shadeslayer doesn't wana talk to me :/18:57
shadeslayereet iz the lag18:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: i'm tethered to my phone, so loads of lag on EDGE18:57
apacheloggeryou and your excuses18:58
c2tarunapachelogger: if we replace "core gui phonon" with just phonon then I was getting error "Phonon/AudioOutput: No such file or directory". That is weird because by phonon we mean phonon multimedia framework it has nothing to do with core and gui.18:59
apachelogger2.84 gib18:59
apacheloggerand all that for phonon testing18:59
* apachelogger must be the nicest maintainer evar18:59
apacheloggerc2tarun: don't replace it then19:00
c2tarunapachelogger: but I am not able to understand why we need core and gui to avoid that phonon error19:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: i find python to be bearable for now, i mean i can get some prototyping done quickly19:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: what did you talk about at App dev week?19:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: .prn I believe19:02
apacheloggercant remember19:02
apacheloggerI only remember that a certain kubuntu dev from india didn't do any talk whatsoever19:02
apacheloggerc2tarun: *shrug*19:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: ruby is better for prototyping19:02
apacheloggeras you can copy code from your filez to the irb for testing19:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: you can do that with python too19:03
apacheloggermaking the whole process more efficient19:03
apacheloggerno you cannot19:03
shadeslayerthey have the python interpreter19:03
apacheloggeryou will get errors19:03
apacheloggerit says19:03
shadeslayertrue that19:03
apacheloggerand you go "scru u"19:03
apacheloggerand it goes "I SHALL NOT LET YOU LEAVE UNLESS YOU SEND EOF!!!!!"19:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://github.com/GeneralMaximus/amazing-horse << go have fun with that19:03
apacheloggerand you go "scru u"19:03
apacheloggereventually someone will kill the other19:04
apacheloggerit is a dangerous thing to play with the pyth0rnz shell19:04
shadeslayeryeah i go to know that recently19:04
* shadeslayer was screwing indents over and over19:04
apacheloggerhence irb > python19:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: if anything, python teaches yous indenting19:05
apacheloggerwhitespace does that :P19:05
* shadeslayer read that as mono19:05
apacheloggerpython is whitespace for windows haxx0rs19:05
apacheloggerthe ones that come after you with sub7 or whatever that thing was called19:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://gist.github.com/924980 << 19:06
shadeslayersub what?19:06
apacheloggersome trojan thing19:06
apacheloggertalking about amazing horses :P19:06
shadeslayerah :P19:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: you are a leet programmer. ... you make the servers in only 36 sloc19:07
apacheloggeryou should be doing talks at the youbuntoo something something weeks19:07
apacheloggeryour code formatting is all fished out though :P19:07
apachelogger  listen(sockid, 1);19:07
apachelogger  retval = accept( sockid, NULL, NULL );19:07
apachelogger  while( read( retval, &c, 1)){m19:07
apacheloggerI call this the random whitespace paradigm19:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: we are supposed to complete that in 2 hours ..19:07
apacheloggerto apply it one must make random whitespaces19:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: i call it "what happens when you telnet into a redhat server from a windows machine"19:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: is that already completed there?19:08
apacheloggercause it does not look like 2hrs of work :P19:08
shadeslayerit's not19:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: i spend 1h 45 mins figuring how to make telnet work with windows19:09
* apachelogger was worrid about his work estimations for his programming exercise19:09
ScottKWhy telnet?19:09
shadeslayeroh and telnet does not play nice with emacs/vim19:09
ScottKIt's extremely obsolete for logging into stuff.19:09
shadeslayerScottK: because my teachers have never worked with ssh 19:09
apacheloggerScottK: cause shadeslayer must work with old shit all the time19:09
aromanhey everyone. can anyone tell me a little about/point me to somewhere I can learn about how Kubuntu takes Ubuntu and turns it into Kubuntu?19:09
ScottKWhat century is your sub-continent in?19:10
* apachelogger notes that doing ssh is quite the work19:10
apacheloggeraroman: there is nothing to take, Kubuntu is part of Ubuntu19:11
aromanapachelogger: what I mean is the process by which an Ubuntu image becomes a Kubuntu imge19:11
apacheloggersame as ubuntu19:12
apacheloggerwhich last I checked was not documented19:12
shadeslayerScottK: apachelogger not to mention i have to work around the Proxy server our college has put in19:12
apacheloggerbasically it is a bazillion scripts19:12
aromanapachelogger: that's what I'm looking for :)19:12
apacheloggermost importantly debian-cd and ubuntu-cd (or something named pretty much like that)19:12
shadeslayerand everything just keeps moving around, so i have no definite computer to call my own, so i have to repeat the whole thing every Monday19:12
apacheloggerScottK, shadeslayer: in posh austria we even have courses to feast upon the incredible awesomeness of legacy useless plunder19:13
apacheloggerfortran ftw!19:13
apacheloggeractually we also have our encounters with esoteric stuff like intercal and brainfck19:14
apacheloggerPLEASE :D19:14
apacheloggerthe only reason INTERCAL is awesome is because of PLEASE19:15
apacheloggereverything else is only considerd funny by nerds19:16
bambeekernel hacking and posix programming ftw!19:28
ScottKForTran is great.  It was my second programming language.19:30
ScottKMaybe third.19:31
ScottKI don't remember if the ForTran coure or the COBOL course was first.19:31
ScottKI think it was ForTran though.19:31
ScottKJohn the Taco said he was going to update kde4libs after testing today.  I wonder if his absence is a bad sign for the patch?19:57
debfxwhat patch?19:58
ScottKI was kidding about that being the reason.  The patch is in http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27053820:11
ubottuKDE bug 270538 in libsolid "Solid::Networking::status() returning Solid::Networking::Status::Unknown since 4 6 2" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:11
ScottKIt's a 4.6.3 cherrypick.20:11
ScottKsteveire: I did run across one issue that might be pim 4.4 on 4.6.  It seems Akregator can't remember it's storage backend.20:45
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sheytanRiddell hey!21:58
desaparecidohi, I have 11.04 installed 64bits and flashplugin don't work in my browser.  It's a recently bug? 22:26

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