
drock_Can anyone help me diagnose a sound issue? I'm running Kubuntu 10.10 and have firefox installed. The videos play but no sound.00:33
boudiccasdrock_, have you checked the speakers are plugged in okay?00:36
drock_Yes. It works for everything else. I have all my sound settings set to the same source. I'm playing music right now.00:37
drock_What's also strange is that it used to work and now it doesn't. I also can't play sound on any local videos from my hard drive recently. Older ones I still can.00:39
boudiccasdrock_, lets see if i understood you - you can play sound outisde of firefox but not within it?00:42
drock_Yes. Amarok plays sound. Dragon Player plays sound on some things.00:43
boudiccasdrock_, have you got any ff extension which affects the sound?00:44
boudiccasi don tknow what 'dragon player ' is?00:44
drock_It's a movie player that came with my install of Kubuntu00:45
drock_My firefox extensions are adblock Plus, Flash Aid, gTranslate, NoScript and Beef Taco00:46
boudiccasdrock_, try dissabling flash aid and then try  to get soundd in ff again00:49
drock_No change.00:52
boudiccasi dont know then, sorry00:52
drock_thanks for the attempt01:02
Ze_mnfs cant handle dns -> mount.nfs: Failed to resolve server asus: Name or service not known , any help?01:43
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KaleidoscopeIs there like a list or something anywhere where I can see which Wireless cards are compatible with Kubuntu?02:53
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:17
valorieeh, he left03:17
mole_just like to say thanks.... last kubuntu update fixed my stalling kwin with intel graphics on my netbook05:05
* mole_ is super pumped05:05
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Daskreechmole_: cool :)05:28
mole_super pumped about that05:29
mole_when i alt tabbed and my system didn't hang with kwin eating 100% for 15 seconds05:29
mole_i wanted to come in here and give u all kisses05:29
Daskreechwell you still can do that05:31
mole_i just might05:31
mole_what i want to know is05:31
mole_if i install 11.0405:32
mole_can i operate05:32
mole_i mean... i don't have problem with small fixable problems05:32
mole_but i don't want to toast my desktop completely05:32
mole_anyone pulled that yet?05:33
Daskreechmole_: You should get stuff to work but you may have one or two days of down time for the GUI05:43
mole_so home use only05:43
DaskreechUmm yeah05:43
Daskreechdon't run bleeding edge things at work05:44
mole_oh i don't05:44
Daskreechlike at any point unless that is your work05:44
mole_i don't have too many problems with 10.10 for my desktop at work05:44
DaskreechLots of people think that Ubuntu after it's released is too bleeding edge05:44
mole_but i use 10.04 on my dev server05:44
mole_nah nah... i switched to ubuntu because gentoo was lagging behind05:44
mole_i want bleeding edge05:44
mole_but i'm too busy to spend too much down time at home05:44
mole_u know?05:45
mole_need all fresh packages always...05:45
mole_when u're not crazy busy05:45
mole_10.10 is definitely not stable enough for 100% uptime though05:45
Daskreechmole_: very few desktop Linux versions are05:50
boudiccaswhat is the default user name and password please to install kubuntu with?05:51
mole_Daskreech: oh i know05:58
mole_i was down with kde 2.0 so i know how it goes05:58
Daskreechboudiccas: You give it one when you install05:58
DaskreechKDE 2.0 ahhhh the good old days05:59
mole_man i just got this job06:00
mole_i was a programmer then i quit and i was brick laying for a bit06:00
boudiccasDaskreech, i'm trying to install and get stuck when its asking for that06:00
mole_but now i'm hackin again06:00
mole_it's soo awesome06:00
mole_i'm super pumped06:00
FloodBotK2mole_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:00
mole_lol :P06:00
mole_i got a gnomer right behind me06:01
mole_it's funny06:01
Daskreechboudiccas: It get stuck?06:01
boudiccasits waiting for a reponse06:02
boudiccaswill a user name of =ubuntu work with a blank password?06:02
boudiccasthats what seesm to have worked in the past according to google06:03
boudiccasokay, i'm off to try it and see. wish me luck :)06:04
mole_is he messing with samba?06:05
DaskreechI have no idea06:29
DaPenguinyou know you've been coding to long when you start ending sentences with semicolons....06:43
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Chris_HHi, how can I retrieve the default KDE settings?07:26
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MK``hello :) I just installed the kubuntu-desktop package in my ubuntu installation, and now it replaces my splash screen with kubuntu. How do I change it back to the original Ubuntu one without removing any of kubuntu?07:50
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mase_wkMK``: good question....i guess you could apt-get install ubuntu-desktop --reinstall07:57
mase_wki think that should work and it shouldn't remove anything07:58
mase_wkthat's probably overkill07:58
mase_wki am sure you can just dpkg-reconfigure something07:59
mase_wkbut i don't specifically know which package you would need to do that to07:59
MK``I installed xubuntu as well... it shows the Kubuntu splash screen, takes me to the Xubuntu login screen, then logs me into Ubuntu; made my day seeing that this morning08:00
valorieisn't the splash controlled by Plymouth?08:04
valorieI know that you can use systemsettings to change it in Kub.08:05
valoriebut in general *buntu, it's called Plymouth08:05
valorieas I recall08:05
ubottuPlymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »08:05
mase_wkgood work.08:06
valoriethanks, ubottu08:06
MK``Ah, well all the icons were changed :P08:07
MK``That was easy :D08:10
Guest10516i hate kubuntu but i love ubuntu08:10
bazhangGuest10516, thats not topical here08:13
MK``kubuntu was the only listing that had an "auto" option. What does that do when selected?08:14
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Tm_TMK``: auto just means that it's the choice that is selected automatically, but can be overriden manually08:22
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Guest2355353523hello i need really GNOME support08:36
Guest2355353523where can i find08:36
bazhangGuest2355353523, you know that08:36
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gabrielHello, I am having trouble playing a dvd. I click the play movie icon in the dvd menu and the dvd spins up, but vlc crashes09:25
gabrielI have the restricted extras installed...09:27
Tm_Tgabriel: hmm, what happens with other players than vlc?09:31
gabrielerror occured could not read from resource09:32
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:32
gabrielCOOL! thanks got it going!09:36
Ash_Hello I need help getting my sound card to work10:10
haakonnhello, in my kde there is a systray icon that appears for around half a second every other minute. i now think it has something to do with kubuntu's package updater or something. because it causes the systray to expand and then shrink back, it's highly distractive. any way around this?10:10
Peace-Ash_: which problem do you have ?10:11
Peace-haakonn: screenshot please10:11
haakonnPeace-:  i've tried, but it's so brief that it's hard to capture10:11
Ash_The sound card Intel HD audio just isn't being recognized by the system10:11
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:12
Peace-haakonn: ok so , you should use gif animated10:12
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Peace-haakonn: byzanz-record  --delay=3 --duration=8 --cursor  plasma_howto-throw-ball.gif10:12
Peace-haakonn: that create a gif animated about  8 seconds10:12
Peace-haakonn: then you can upload somewhere10:12
Peace-Ash_: mm10:13
haakonnPeace-:  i'll look at that, thanks10:13
Peace-Ash_: alsamixer -V all10:13
Ash_I think it might work now.. Let me check. because it says that my card is HDA Intel and it knows that it is the Realtek ALC88010:15
Peace-Ash_: i am sure it will work10:16
Peace-it's only a setting problem10:16
Peace-hda intel alcSTUF works10:16
Ash_Okay I still can't seem to get it to work10:21
Ash_how can I run a test for the speakers10:21
Ash_or maybe I am just doing something wrong10:22
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory10:25
Ash_on_his_linuxHey Peace- this is Ash but on his linux10:27
Peace-Ash_on_his_linux: ok10:28
Ash_on_his_linuxI can't get the sound to work still10:28
Peace-Ash_on_his_linux: ok this is my blog http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/11/07/kubuntu-audio-card-that-doesnt-work/10:28
Ash_on_his_linuxokay I will check the blog out and I will tell you wat happens10:30
Ash_againI don't know what you did but it works10:36
Ash_againthank you for your help10:37
Ash_againyou have just found your self a fan10:38
KaleidoscopeWell folks, I've finally decided I'm gonna create a partition for Kubuntu, Any final words of wisdom before I do? =D11:37
James147Kaleidoscope: dont delete the wrong partition :)11:47
Peace- Kaleidoscope mmm   no James147 xD11:48
KaleidoscopeXD I won't11:48
Peace-Kaleidoscope: you was a gnome user?11:50
KaleidoscopeNo, Always been a KDE user, but had been using wubi11:52
Peace-3 years i don't use windows :D11:52
James147Peace-: :D yeah, I havent used windows since my install decided it was no longer valid since that hardware hand changed slightly11:54
James147^^ well, by slightly I mean It was on the same harddisk and everything else had changed11:54
Peace-James147: LOL11:54
James147Peace-: and once you wait a month it just blue screens :s ...11:55
Peace-James147: xD11:55
Peace-James147: i have kdenlive developer on facebook11:55
James147^^ :)11:56
Peace-James147: it has take a picutre of a cocacola11:56
Peace-that was using windows = blue screen of the dead11:56
* James147 wonders why qtcreator dosnt remember which desktop it was on when you restart :(11:59
Peace-i have to change my keyboard12:00
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Miika--When runnung sudo apt-get update I get this: http://www.pastie.org/181130013:03
topyliMiika--: broken mirror maybe, try another13:12
topylithe estonian one is often faster anyway13:12
jussiMiika--: yeah, wait and try again. :=)13:12
topyliwell yes, it likely won't be broken for long13:13
vikashdoes any one know any chat channel for friendship????13:17
erictangjoin #unbuntu-cn13:25
jussiMiika--: fyi, Im also getting that hash sum mismatch13:35
Miika--jussi: I changed source (?) and not getting it any more13:37
jussiMiika--: yeah, likely the .fi sources are slightly borked currently13:38
BluesKajHi all14:26
kileHi Blues14:30
BluesKajhi kile14:36
kilewhat brings you here, dude?14:46
kilehey guys, I updated my kubuntu sys and after that I had problems with the desktop enviroment it just got dark. Then I deleted the .kde directory and restarted, my surprise was that my Eclipse environment got totaly squared.Like kde from stone age. Does someone know how could I do to have my app themes like before? THanks15:00
BluesKajkile, which kubuntu version ?15:03
kile10.10 kde updated to 4.615:10
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c-c-mhello, does anybody know if it's possible to add unity to kubuntu and if it makes sense? thx15:25
BluesKajc-c-m, only if you add ubuntu-desktop15:27
c-c-mhum... I don't think I want to do this :S15:28
c-c-mdo you know if there's any alternative to it?15:28
c-c-mto unity, I mean15:28
c-c-munity + zeitgeist15:28
MaximLevitskyc-c-m: trust me, you aren't missing unity15:29
James147_c-c-m: unity is just another desktop enviroment ^^ you can install it alongside kde in kubuntu just like you can isntall gnome or any other de along side kde in kubuntu or ubuntu or any other linux distro :)15:29
c-c-mwhat about zeitgeist?15:29
MaximLevitskyc-c-m: but in a sense sure you can use it in kubuntu15:29
MaximLevitskyits just a compiz plugin15:29
c-c-mI see15:29
MaximLevitskybut for a start it disables the cube15:29
James147_^^ though I dont know if its been packaged for 10.10 ^^ if you install ubntu-desktop in 11.04 that should install unity alongside kde in kubuntu15:29
MaximLevitskyyep, in 10.10 unity is actually mutter aka gnome-shell plugin15:30
MaximLevitskybut trust me unity is the ****censored****  ***censored**** of ***censored****15:30
BluesKajthere are alot of complaints about unity ...personally i don'y see thje point of it ...just another pretty face :)15:30
c-c-mbut I read that zeitgeist could be a great companion to nepomuk15:31
c-c-mwell, interface is something to be taken seriously15:31
c-c-myes, here's the link I was looking for: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/zeitgeist-coming-to-kde/15:32
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alvinHi. I'm having trouble printing. Short story: lpr from lprng does the job, while lpr from cups says: connection refused. The problem: kubuntu-desktop depends on cups  and cups conflicts with lprng :-( What to do?16:15
alvinI expected something along the line of etc-alternatives to handle this16:16
=== sre-su_ is now known as sre-su
sre-sui cannot login via kdm, it just takes me back to the loginscreen hoever I can use startx to login succeufully16:51
sre-suI can stop kdm and do startx to get into user account but have to do it on every login16:52
kishorecan the kubuntu natty installer setup btrfs subvolumes like partitions?16:54
James147_kishore: ask #ubuntu+1 for natty16:54
kishoreJames147_: ok thanks16:54
Daskreechsre-su: look in ~/.xsession-errors17:17
James147_Daskreech: nothing there :p17:18
DaskreechJames147_: J,,?17:18
sre-suDaskreech: cat ~/.xsession-errors | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:18
sre-suNew thing now James147_17:19
Daskreechsre-su: seems like you have Dbus issue17:20
sre-suHold on17:20
BluesKajBBL... lunchtime17:20
James147_^^ heh, there more in it then when i looked :p17:20
sre-suAs far as I can remember I have made startup settings where it would auto-login and the screen would go to screensaver immediately after login17:21
James147_kdm settings would have been reset on reinstall ^^17:22
sre-suBut those settings are gone from System Settings17:22
sre-suYeah, indeed17:22
factoryTalesHi all. A question abt setting 3G network in kubuntu 10.04 for Huawei modem E367 hspa+.  Network manager  not allowing to configure for type Mobile Broadband. But in 10.10 it works.17:23
sre-suMoreover, I'm ran that command when logged in using  - stop kdm and startx, Daskreech17:23
James147_factoryTales: whats the question?17:23
factoryTales3G network not getting configured in Kubuntu 10.0417:24
James147_factoryTales: why not use 10.10 if it works?17:24
James147_sre-su: how did the new user fair?17:26
sre-suJames147_: I  cannot switch user, will have to logout and log back17:27
factoryTalesAm already using 10.10 for that, wanted to know whats actually creating that prob17:27
DaskreechJames147_: if he (assuming that sre-su is a he) logs in with KDM and it crashes out then checkes the file it's empty?17:28
James147_probally a bug in that version of networkmanager/ the networkmanager front end17:28
James147_Daskreech: yeah, that what I assume17:31
James147_Daskreech: though he had the problem with latest kde (4.6) before reinstalling and still has the issue (with the old /home)17:32
James147_(after reinstalling)17:32
DaskreechJames147_: tried a KDE reset?17:33
James147_(assuming I understood correctly)17:33
James147_of user setttings? that the last thing I suggested, not sure if its been done yet17:33
James147_(well, suggested to test a new user to be exact)17:34
sre-suJames147_: Daskreech: I tried logging with new user created. It doesn't give any issues when tyring to log in but doesn't log out completely - it stops on a black screen saying checking battery state.17:39
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Daskreechsre-su: hmm sounds like some packages are problematic17:51
Daskreechyou have kubuntu-desktop paxkage installed?17:52
sre-suDaskreech: kubuntu-desktop?17:55
Daskreechsre-su: yes17:55
sre-suIsn't that default for using Kubuntu?17:55
sre-sukubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.17:56
DaskreechOk good17:56
DaskreechYou are logged in on the cli or in the GIU?17:56
sre-suGUI now17:56
sre-su(uisng stop kdm and startx)17:56
James147_sre-su: did you test a new user? (sorry, droped out for a min and might have missed something)17:57
sre-suYou want me to log in on CLI and continue from irssi17:57
Daskreechcan you logout then run mv ~/.kde ~/kdebkup then start kdm and login17:57
sre-suJames147_: Yes, it works. Login works right but the logout from it doesn't work17:57
sre-suDaskreech: Ok17:57
sre-suDaskreech: What's ~/kdebkup ?17:58
James147_sre-su: a folder named ~/kdebkup ^^ that after you run that command will contains the contents of ~/.kde17:59
sre-suhold on17:59
James147_sre-su: its to reset kde settings without actually losing anything,17:59
sre-suDaskreech: I did mv ~/.kde ~/kebkup. sudo start kdm and got the login screen. Tried to login but failed in the similar way. On irssi now18:03
Daskreechsre-su: ok well you can mv ~/kdebkup ~/.kde then18:04
sre-suDaskreech: http://paste.ubuntu.com/596121/18:04
sre-suxsession-errors now18:04
Daskreechsre-su: what's the session setto on KDM?18:05
sre-surestore previous session18:05
sre-suWas that paste useful?18:05
sre-suOr shoould I mv ~/kdebkup ~/.kde?18:06
sre-suJames147_: (You missed this) I did mv ~/.kde ~/kebkup. sudo start kdm and got the login screen. Tried to login but failed in the similar way. On irssi now18:07
sre-suJames147_: Daskreech: Hey! I lost my desktop settings rather KDE settings after moving back!18:13
sre-sumv ~/.kde ~/kdebkup18:13
sre-sumv ~/kdebkup ~/.kde18:13
sre-suAnd then I've desktop at default, Amarok as default... Why?18:13
James147_sre-su: you run that last while you where loged in?18:15
sre-suDaskreech told to run mv ~/kdebkup ~/.kde when i was in irssi. I was logged in cli for the same user18:16
Daskreechsre-su: so you moved that and lost your settings?18:17
sre-suIt went back to default18:17
sre-suI want to get those settings back18:18
sre-suIs that possible, Daskreech??18:18
Daskreechsre-su: You logged in with startx ?18:18
sre-suOr what do you suggest now?18:18
James147_sre-su: do you still have a ~/kdebkup folder? if not do you have a ~/.kde/kdebkup folder?18:18
sre-suJames147_: Yes, i have ~/.kde/kdebkup folder18:19
DaskreechJames147_: >_<18:19
DaskreechWHoops :-D18:19
sre-suNow what???18:19
sre-suI don't want to lose those settings18:20
BluesKajhey James147_ , Daskreech18:20
sre-su 18:20
James147_grr.. stupid connection18:22
James147_^^ missed everything since my last statement again :(18:22
Daskreechsre-su: oh sorry thought that James147_ would walk you through that18:22
James147_i dont know ^^ i have missed half the conversation :p18:23
sre-suDaskreech: Atleast help me get the old settings back... Do I have to mv back to  ~/.kde/kdebkup?18:23
Daskreechmv ~/.kde/kdebkup && mv ~/.kde ~/kdefresh && mv ~/kdebkup ~/.kde18:23
Daskreechmv ~/.kde/kdebkup ~ && mv ~/.kde ~/kdefresh && mv ~/kdebkup ~/.kde18:24
DaskreechThat shoudl work18:24
James147_ok, all your settings should be in ~/.kde/kdebkup, i would move them back to ~/kdebkup with "mv ~/.kde/kdebkup ~/kdebkup"18:24
sre-suI'm GUI with the same user18:24
sre-suSo, now in terminal when I'm logged in?18:24
James147_^^ then to restore the setings do "cp -r ~/kdebkup ~/.kde"18:24
sre-suAh, multiple suggestions18:25
James147_useing cp to restore is preferable as it means you ahve the orignal backups incase something goes wrong in restoration18:25
* James147_ takes this time to note that mv behaves weird ^^ in that if the destination folder exists then the source files/folders are moved into it rather then replaceing it18:26
sre-suSo, which command should I actually follow?18:27
James147_sre-su: first "mv ~/.kde/kdebkup ~" to move the backup to its orignal location18:28
sre-suNow in GUI brought up startx?18:28
sre-suup by*18:28
James147_sre-su: generally best to logout of kde first :)18:28
James147_^^ though that one wont matter18:28
sre-suYeah, hold on. I'll login to irssi18:29
James147_^^ but when restorin the settings you should logout first18:29
sre-suwhen in cli18:29
James147_ok, have you moved the backup back to ~/kdebkup?18:31
sre-suNo, please start back18:31
sre-sufrom that first command18:31
James147_ok, i assume ~/.kde/kdebkup still exists... "mv ~/.kde/kdebkup ~"18:31
James147_that should create a folder ~/kdebkup with the contents of your orignal ~/.kde folder18:32
James147_then mv the new .kde folder out the way with "mv ~/.kde ~/kdenew" -- taht will move .kde to kdenew... you should no longer have a .kde folder18:33
sre-suI can see kdebkup folder in ~18:33
sre-su /kdenew?18:34
James147_^^ the name dosnt matter as long as the folder dosnt already exist18:34
Daskreechsre-su: ~18:34
sre-suAh, why creating /kdenew for /.kde?18:34
sre-suWhy creating /kdenew for /.kde?18:34
James147_(though /kdenew will cause a premission error since you cant write to root )18:34
Daskreechsre-su: You are backing up the new KDE directory ...just in case18:34
James147_sre-su: just in case :) dont want to lose anything till your sure18:35
hsrYeah, sorry18:36
Daskreechhsr: Me too18:36
=== hsr is now known as sre-su_
sre-su_I didn't identify myself with NickServ that's why18:37
sre-su_We are moving it and not taking bakup18:37
sre-su_Does your future steps contain anything which will give .kde in /home?18:38
Daskreechsre-su_: yes the last step is mv ~/kdebkup ~/.kde18:39
loc0kde rocks18:39
sre-su_Yeah, i see that18:39
Daskreechand it's rock solid!18:39
James147_sre-su_: yes, the next step is to copy the orignal backup to ~/.kde "cp -r ~/kdebkup ~/.kde"  you can use mv, but cp to keep a copy incase something goes wrong18:39
* Daskreech laughs maniacally18:39
sre-su_Nah, I'm confused18:41
loc0hey i am fedora lover18:41
sre-su_We are moving .kde to kdebkup and later copying back kdebkup to .kde18:41
sre-su_We are moving .kde to kdenew* and later copying back kdebkup to .kde18:42
James147_sre-su_: overall the steps should have been, backup .kde, see if you can login, (this will likly create a .kde folder) then restore the backup by deleteing or moving the new .kde folder out the way and copying the backup back18:43
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sre-suDaskreech: What after mv ~/.kde ~/kdenew ?18:46
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shadeslayersre-su: oh trying to login into a clean KDE desktop env?18:48
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factoryTalesSorry popping question in bw. How to identify of any conflicts (iff any) while installing packages with kPackagekit18:49
James147_shadeslayer: orignal problem: kdm login loop (tring to login via kdm drops you back at kdm) - what I know so far: new user works, startx on the problem user also works... but I keep dropping connecing and missing 1/2 of it :p18:51
James147_shadeslayer: was in the steps of testing the problem user with a clean .kde18:52
Daskreechsre-su: mv ~/kdebkup ~/.kde18:52
shadeslayerJames147_: which release btw?18:52
DaskreechfactoryTales: I normally just drop to the command line as soon as I see that happen18:53
Daskreechsre-su_: should be fine now18:53
sre-su_Daskreech: Yes, I'm using quassel now18:53
sre-su_Now, what about that login issue18:53
Daskreechsre-su_: what video card do you have?18:54
James147_sre-su_: what was the result of trying to login after you moved ~/.kde ?18:54
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James147_sre-su: what was the result of trying to login after you moved ~/.kde ?18:54
sre-suJames147_: sre-su_ (~quassel@unaffiliated/sre-su)18:54
sre-suJames147_: Quassel18:55
sre-suI got it restored, thanks!18:55
James147_sre-su: are you able to login via kdm yet?19:00
sre-suJames147_: I followed the commands suggested. Got previous KDE settings restored. But i don't think that solved the initial problem19:01
DaskreechfactoryTales: What is the conflict kpackagekit should be able to resolve very simple conflicts19:05
Daskreechsre-su: do you have a saved session when you login?19:06
Daskreechsre-su: may want to start with a fresh session19:13
Daskreechsre-su: No you can use the ksmserver to start a new session19:18
Daskreech!multiverse | factoryTales19:18
ubottufactoryTales: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories19:18
brad_anyone else having trouble with their wireless connection?19:19
brad_seems to start ok, but never gets an ip address..19:20
brad_knetwork_manager seems fine19:20
brad_an apparmor problem?19:21
Daskreechbrad_: ah right I remember hearing about that when 10.10 came out. I think it was a security issue what version of KDE are you using?19:24
brad_hi Daskreech, version 4.6.219:25
DaskreechThat should be good enough >_>19:25
brad_hope so ;)19:25
brad_I can configure the wlan interface fine in knetwork_manager but it never seems to get an IP address (DHCP)19:26
brad_iwconfig shows the wlan0 infertace with no ESSID19:27
brad_yet in knetowrk_manager it seems to be config' properly19:28
Daskreechiwscan does what?19:28
* BluesKaj curses networkmanager , both gnome and kde .. the only way I got wifi to work was with wpa_supplicant19:28
brad_iwscan not installed...19:29
BluesKajand then it took 30 secs to connect thru the router19:29
macobrad_: if iwconfig doesnt show it, it means it hasnt associated (the handshake between wireless card and router failed)19:30
macoDaskreech: iwscan? or iwlist scan ?19:30
Daskreechmaco: That one19:30
DaskreechI never use Wireless I don't know why I keep answering Wifi questions19:31
brad_iwlist scan yeilds19:31
brad_wlan0     No scan results19:31
oldhas anyone get kmail working with 10.1019:32
macoold: yep, works fine for me19:33
oldI got unmet dependencies with 4 libraries19:33
brad_sudo iwlist wlan0 scan yeilds...19:33
brad_rad@brad-e1505:/etc/apparmor.d$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan19:33
brad_[sudo] password for brad:19:33
brad_wlan0     Scan completed :19:33
brad_          Cell 01 - Address: 00:16:01:59:B2:1619:33
brad_                    Channel:819:33
FloodBotK2brad_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
oldI just did dist-upgrade from 10.04 and kmail was not working19:34
brad_sorry, I flooded here19:35
oldI tried to reinstall it but faced those unmet dependencies19:35
brad_pasted into paste.ubuntu.com19:35
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brad_back later19:45
DaskreechOh Did he give the paste.ubuntu.com link?19:53
tuxncan anyone help me install nvidia drivers on my kubuntu ?19:55
tuxnit gives me error "Check system utility ID"19:55
Daskreechtuxn: When you do what?19:55
DaskreechHow are you installing the drivers? and which the free drivers or the ones from nvidia19:57
tuxni have downloaded drivers from Nvidia website beta 270.18.run package19:59
tuxnwhile installing drivers from text mode it gives an error20:03
tuxncheck system utility id20:03
tuxnwhat does this error mean?20:03
BluesKajtuxn, why are you going to instll that driver , doesn't the recommended driver in kmenu/applications/system/additional drivers, work?20:04
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tuxnLast time i did the same but then xorg started eating my CPU memory.. i found some articles on google as well which states default auto updated drivers are bogus.20:05
BluesKajtuxn, well, my experience with the nvidia .run drivers are that they break X badly20:06
tuxnwhat do you mean by they break?20:07
BluesKajtuxn, there are some issues with cpu loads on kde4.6 but it's mostly fixed if you run dist-upgrade which will fix most , the other is to disable the nepomuk indexer in system settings /autostart/service manager20:09
tuxnsee i want to set my default resolution to 1280x1024 can you help me with that?20:10
BluesKajit's a bug which unfortunately seems to be low priority20:10
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tuxneverytime when i reboot my system it takes 1024x768 as default.20:10
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tuxnwhat is system utility ID ?20:16
Daskreechtuxn: can you type the command id ?20:17
20QAAOTOEdose anyone know if kwin will support openGL rendering again on intel display drivers ?20:21
Daskreechtuxn: are you sure that it is ID could it be LD ?20:21
yofel20QAAOTOE: being worked on20:21
20QAAOTOEyofel: thanks ... i'm holding my breath :)20:22
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tuxnhow to install bin util package20:24
yofelyou mean binutils? open kpackagekit and install it or open Konsole and run sudo apt-get install binutils20:25
Daskreechtuxn: binutils my apologies20:28
tuxnyeah I got it in KpackageKit20:28
tuxnnow installing.20:29
ikoniatuxn: binutils is already installed20:29
ikoniait's needed for your system to run20:29
wwwwwi am installing the plasma netbook remix, but my linux dont have kde already, its running on gnome, will it still work if i only istall the packages for the plasma-netbook?20:52
wwwwwor i need the kde as well20:52
BluesKajplasma is kde afaik wwwww20:53
Daskreechwwwww: They are the same thing20:53
wwwwwok thanks20:54
DarthFrogAs Far As I Know20:54
wwwwwthe package its 330mb of isntall i think i am downloading the right stuff20:55
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James147_wwwww: it will pull all the kde libs it needs to run so I would expect it to be quite big if you dont ahve kde isntalled20:57
topylihow do i bind krunner to the Menu key?20:59
topylithe shortcuts dialog doesn't accept my lovely Menu key :(20:59
James147_topyli: short answer: not easy, use the default alt+f1 ^^ or some other combanation21:00
James147_(or if you want to use the keyboard, use krunner... alt+f2 bydefault)21:01
topyliJames147_: hrm. alt+Fwhatever is too hard to do. i now have it at alt+space, which is ok21:01
Daskreechtopyli: you don't like alt+F2?21:01
topylii just got used to Menu while on gnome :\21:01
Daskreechtopyli: open the global shortcuts and edit the one for Kwin21:01
topyliDaskreech: hmm let me see21:03
topyliDaskreech: seems to be all window management commands21:05
topyliglobal shortcuts -> run command interface does let me change it, but Menu is not a valid key21:06
topylimeh, alt+space is easy enough i suppose, just need to unlearn my old instinct21:07
izakiHi! I am installing the latest Kubuntu Beta (11.04 B2) and I am having problems on the last stage of the installation...21:10
izakiGrub installation crashes.21:10
izakiI chrooted on the /target and managed to make it boot..21:10
Daskreechtopyli: I think that it's a modifer key21:11
izakiAlthough in the Live-CD my 2cores work, suspend, etc, on the installed Kubuntu all is failing (only one core, noapic, nolapic)21:11
izakiAnyone with similar experience (I already reported the bug)21:11
topyliDaskreech: normally it brings up the window menu or context menus, when relevant21:12
Daskreechizaki: Did you try any cheat codes?21:13
topyliin gnome it's valid for any other action too, which overrides the default. i though it was standard X stuff, but perhaps not then21:13
izakiDaskreech: noapic nolapic boots... But It freaks me out that everything works from the liveCD but not from the actual installation)21:16
izakiDaskreech: btw, it is a Macbook 5.2... It might be an EFI problem.21:17
izaki(There was one before)21:17
DaskreechDumb robot21:20
Daskreechhi JontheEchidna21:20
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Daskreechizaki: I think the CD is a little less rigorious21:20
DaskreechPart of why it takes so long to boot is it is constantly testing things to see if they work and guessing as to what is right21:21
DaskreechA full install pretty much assumes that the computer is the same and boots up to that21:21
DaskreechAH!!! This site requires Google Chrome21:22
DaskreechI have Chromium! It's Google's Daddy. Let me in this stupid club treehouse!!!21:23
LogicallyDashingI keep turning off the ctrl+alt+v keybinding because I use it in emacs, and then when I restart, BAM the keybinding is back again. What's going on.21:40
5EXACI2XFhi =)21:40
5EXACI2XFim sitiing on kubuntu for a week and im soo happy =)21:41
ubuntucookcan someone help me figure out where the kdm themer config file is located in kubuntu 10.10? i installed a theme on my system and it can't load it and now i can't log in21:45
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James147_ubuntucook: switch to a virtual terminal (alt+f1), "sudo stop kdm" to stop kdm if its running then "startx" to start a gui session as your current user21:46
James147_^^ then configure kdm as you would, logout and start kdm again (sudo start kdm)21:47
ubuntucookJames147_: i think i tried that and it didn't work, but i'll try it again. thanks :)21:47
ubuntucookJames147_: k gonna relog and try that now, thanks :)21:52
DaskreechLogicallyDashing: Where do you turn it off?22:02
Daskreech5EXACI2XF: :)22:02
LogicallyDashingDaskreech: In Global Keyboard Shortcuts, under Plasma Desktop Shell.22:12
DaskreechLogicallyDashing: And it doesn't stick?22:12
piromani have A PROBLEM WITH MY VIEDO CARD22:16
piromanthe system tells me he does not find any proprietary drivers22:17
James147_piroman: stating which card you have might help22:19
LogicallyDashingDaskreech: it seems to stick until I shut down22:21
piromanJames147_: ati 565022:21
piromani have an ati 5650 and kubuntu does not find any proprietary drivers pls help22:25
Daskreechpiroman: do you need them?22:31
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:31
DaskreechLogicallyDashing: what happens if you log out and back in?22:31
LogicallyDashingDaskreech: holdon22:44
LogicallyDashingDaskreech: I logged out and in. The keybinding came back again.22:46
DaskreechLogicallyDashing: There are two places you can set that I wonder if the other one is set22:48
LogicallyDashingDaskreech: where is otherplace?22:48
DaskreechLogicallyDashing: On klipper itself check that22:50
LogicallyDashingDaskreech: I looked in Klipper's settings window, into Keyboard Shortcuts, and there's nothing there about activating Klipper itself22:51
LogicallyDashing(nor bringing up the menu)22:51
LogicallyDashingSo yeah, I think the problem is in Plasma. That's the component of Global Keyboard Shortcuts that this shortcut is in.22:55
blueuserhi guys.....can anyone tell me the default password for Ubuntu 10.10 when it's ran using a flash drive? I've installed it on a 4GB flash drive.22:59
LogicallyDashingthere isn't one22:59
LogicallyDashingyou can rootify yourself by calling sudo with no password23:00
blueuseroh ok....thank you23:00
blueuseri will try that in a bit....thanks a lot23:00
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DaskreechLogicallyDashing: try ask in #plasma ?23:10
Daskreech!root | blueuser23:10
ubottublueuser: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:10
blueusergot it :) Thanks a lot!23:12
aarHello, what is a good substitute of katapult?23:41
Daskreechaar: krunner?23:44
Daskreechor quicksand23:44

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