[00:00] sinzui: seems i was disconnected from my irc bouncer earlier. you want me to join the 7pm standup to catch up? [00:00] If you want time [00:01] sinzui: i'm at my computer now anyway. :-) [00:29] sinzui: Can we increase the WIP limit on Development/Coding, given the squad is now larger? [00:38] hi there, I need some help about creating a branch based on another person branch on launchpad using bazaar. [00:41] hassan1990: #launchpad is a better channel. The quick answer is "bzr branch lp:~another-person/proj/branch lp:~/proj/branch" === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk [03:26] Project windmill build #189: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 11 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill/189/ [04:39] lifeless/whoever, what do you think about bug 745801? [04:39] <_mup_> Bug #745801: system-based authorization doesn't store useful credentials in gnome-keyring < https://launchpad.net/bugs/745801 > [04:40] hm, that's a lame question [04:40] a better one is, if i proposed just disabling keyring integration, would you merge it? [04:40] it seems highly flaky in launchpadlib in natty [04:41] my problem here is I don't know who the stakeholders are. [04:41] *I* was certainly happy with what we had before. [04:41] gary or flacoste or jml may know more. [04:42] prior to the reorg changes to dependent libraries don't seem to have been as visible to jml as I'd like them to be [04:42] _i_ would like this to progress because [04:42] well, it breaks me nearly every time i run feed-pqm [04:43] and secondly because it hurts vorlon and jamesw [04:43] i realize it's already critical [04:43] maybe i should mail -stakeholders? [04:43] i realize too there are a lot of critical bugs [04:45] so [04:45] I'm easy [04:45] uhm [04:45] gaining traction on this [04:45] probably need to talk to skaet (rm of ubuntu, its -very- late to be rolling an API break back) [04:45] oh [04:46] you might think i'm talking about a different bug [04:46] this is not the api break one [04:46] i think that horse has bolted [04:46] also need to talk to the stakeholders that wanted it in the first place (because if this is a feature goal for ubuntu, its a Big Deal to disable it) [04:46] this is that lplib tries to use gnome keyring but gets it wrong [04:47] I don't know if they are directly on -stakeholders, but I would expect -stakeholders to know who they are [04:47] of course we could just fix it [04:48] that would be good too [04:48] i don't want to spend days on it [04:48] we don't know exactly what the problem is and so that makes it a bit hard to estimaet [04:49] james seems to have a pretty solid direction towards isolating it [04:49] should i do this, or do you think an lp dev will get to it? [04:49] our bias is oldest-first of criticals [04:50] I think if you do it it will happen a lot faster than otherwise [04:51] k thanks, i'll take a break then have a quick shot at it [04:52] ta [05:15] Project windmill build #190: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 2 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill/190/ [05:27] lifeless: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/unbreak-api-timeouts/+merge/58226 [05:29] https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/745799/comments/7 [05:29] <_mup_> Bug #745799: DistroSeries:+queue Timeout accepting packages < https://launchpad.net/bugs/745799 > [05:29] lifeless: Yup. [05:30] lifeless: I glanced at it over the weekend and saw it looked like strucsubs. [05:30] Yay. [05:30] wgrant: :( - you could have commented ! [05:31] It was a glance, not a useful analysis like that. [05:31] It wasn't in oops-tools at that point, so I couldn't get much useful out of it. [05:32] Beyond "oh look, lots of structsub queries. what a surprise" [05:32] :) [05:33] This is our mission, right here. To fix this: http://theoatmeal.com/blog/fix_computer [05:35] Java‽ Now that's just low. === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [05:35] lifeless: Thanks. [05:42] Why icing for the css + junk folder? What's the history there? [05:43] huwshimi: context? [05:43] The CSS and JS is just icing on top of the HTML. [05:43] wgrant: congratulations, you spotted what was wrong with the Linux picture! And not just Java, but Java _after you already know C++_ [05:43] huwshimi: are you asking why its named that ? [05:43] lifeless: yeah [05:44] wgrant: but the javascript isn't really there, and the images are up a level. [05:44] huwshimi: It all ends up served from that. it was mostly there initially, but got split up (eg. for sprites) [05:45] Or to go in /@@ [05:45] huwshimi: other projects call it static [05:45] huwshimi: the key point is we compile it once and write to the front end servers so the appservers never see it [05:45] wgrant: incidentally there is javascript up a level too, and it has css in it [05:45] Yay [05:45] The tree is a mess :( [05:46] wgrant: yeah that's what I'd like to solve [05:57] wgrant: any idea how ' 1 / 0 https://bugs.launchpad.net/openoffice/+bug/1/comments/325' ? [05:58] <_mup_> Bug #1: Microsoft has a majority market share lifeless: Must be a lock, surely. Do you have the ID? [06:07] nope [06:07] CL220 [06:07] thats from the oops report [06:07] 00155-15181@SQL-launchpad-main-master SELECT BugMessage.bug, BugMessage.bugwatch, BugMessage.id, BugMessage.index, BugMessage.message, BugMessage.remote_comment_id, Message.datecreated, Message.id, Message.owner, Message.parent, Message.raw, Message.rfc822msgid, Message.subject, Message.visible, MessageChunk.blob, MessageChunk.content, MessageChunk.id, MessageChunk.message, MessageChunk.sequence FROM BugMessage, Message, MessageChunk WHERE ... [06:07] ... Message.id = MessageChunk.message AND BugMessage.message = Message.id AND BugMessage.bug = 1 ORDER BY BugMessage.index, MessageChunk.sequence [06:31] StevenK, wgrant: the generate-contents script wants overrides. Is there an easy way to produce those for a test distro I create on the fly? [06:39] jtv: that translate deleteion script thingy on LPS - all done, worked a champ. was done in ~5-10 mins. [06:39] spm: wow, I thought it had fossilized [06:40] Was that the one about Puerto Rican Spanish translations or something along those lines? [06:40] jtv: They're created by FTPArchiveHandler... so not really. [06:40] wgrant: any way I can convincingly fake them? I just need enough to convince apt-ftparchive that Contents files ought to be written. [06:41] spm: ISTR we had a follow-up request for that waiting in the wings. I'm looking it up. [06:41] jtv: See if you can ask FTPArchiveHandler to, otherwise just write some fake ones. They're really trivial. [06:41] Could probably even be empty. [06:41] jtv: np [06:41] I don't think Contents generation is likely to use them much... [06:42] Gah! No Unity, I want a new browser window in my current workspace, not to switch to another workspace where I had a page open. I thought we were supposed to focus on documents instead of applications now. [06:43] wgrant: well I'm not getting Contents files and apt-ftparchive is spewing out lots of messages about not being able to open overrides files. [06:43] jtv: You're so behind the times. The world has given up on WMs... everything has to use tabs now. [06:44] jtv: touch them and see what happens, I s'pose. [06:44] That's fine with me. But why does the tab have to be in a different workspace just because I happen to have a page open in the same app somewhere else? [06:44] wgrant: so an empty file would be a valid overrides file? [06:44] jtv: Yes. [06:44] it just has no overrides in it. [06:44] Grr where did my compose key go? I had it working earlier. [06:44] Thanks. [06:49] spm: found it. Expect a follow-up request for a script run soon. [06:49] np [06:49] (And thanks for running the request, of course) [06:51] Unity, you're not telling me there is no way to open a second gvim window from the GUI? [07:12] jtv: :!gvim& === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [07:43] wgrant: hey, quick question [07:44] wgrant: do you know if anything in downtime queries bugs with a status filter [of the form ...or status = .. or status= [07:44] wgrant: *and* looks for INCOMPLETE bugs [07:49] lifeless: I doubt it. [07:49] lifeless: Soyuz doesn't. [07:49] lifeless: And I hope Codehosting doesn't. [07:50] And the librarian certainly doesn't. [07:53] cool [07:53] in which case, I am nearly done. [07:57] grrr [07:58] File "/home/robertc/launchpad/lp-sourcedeps/eggs/storm-", line 67, in __set__ [07:58] obj_info.variables[column].set(value) [07:58] File "/home/robertc/launchpad/lp-branches/working/lib/canonical/database/enumcol.py", line 39, in parse_set [07:58] self._enum.name, value.enum.name)) [07:58] TypeError: DBItem from wrong type, 'BugTaskStatus' != 'BugTaskStatusSearch' [07:58] Yay [07:58] *hate* [08:02] I bet this is going to be painful [08:03] Yes. [08:04] TypeError: Comparisons of Items are only valid with other Items [08:07] >>> from lp.bugs.interfaces.bugtask import BugTaskStatus, BugTaskStatusSearch [08:07] >>> BugTaskStatus.INCOMPLETE == BugTaskStatusSearch.INCOMPLETE [08:07] not freaking helpful. [08:08] I'm quite literally amazed that the existing subclass scheme is working * at all *. [08:10] oh joy, its in a different project. [08:20] ahh [08:20] use_template(BugTaskStatus, exclude=('UNKNOWN')) [08:20] rather than subclassing. [08:20] headdesk headdesk headdesk [08:21] * spm hands lifeless an asprin [08:22] thumper: hey, whats up with bug 154556 ? [08:22] <_mup_> Bug #154556: Bug searches should be case-insensitive with respect to status values < https://launchpad.net/bugs/154556 > [08:42] lifeless: stalled, boot me tomorrow [08:43] thumper: willdo [08:56] wallyworld: Hi. [09:01] lifeless: Hi Rob, I saw this morning that you "Fix Committed => Fix Released" a few of "my" bugs ... should I be responsible to do that (i.e. followup my bugs all the way to the release)? [09:03] rvba: Generally he or I will close them (whichever of us a requested the rollout) [09:03] wgrant: all right then, thx. [09:04] hi rvba [09:04] poolie: hi === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [09:04] rvba: If you notice your bugs getting Fix Released, you can update the Kanban board by moving the cards to Done-Done [09:05] StevenK: will do. [09:06] good morning [09:06] rvba: whomever asks for a rollout will followup on the rollout and ->In Progress or -> Fix Released or (don't touch) as appropriate. [09:07] rvba: you're welcome to ask for rollouts and do this yourself :) [09:08] lifeless: well, all I did so far is behind a feature flag (hum...) so I confess I never encountered the need to do a rollout ... but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks Rob. [09:09] rvba: when you have beta users I imagine it will start to matter on a personal basis [09:09] lifeless: right. [09:10] rvba: but there is also the team matter of having the deploy queue short, which we can all help with. [09:10] Yes, once ScottK is on your back :P [09:10] rvba i was just thinking of you today when i saw bug mail from you [09:10] i hope you're actually enjoying lp [09:10] since i recommended it to you [09:11] poolie seems to be most efficient at quietly recruiting people. [09:11] Hehe [09:11] poolie: so far so good ... and thanks a lot for the recommendation ... I'll owe you a beer for that in Dublin :) [09:11] i hope eventually lp's ui will be as beautifully formatted as his resumé [09:11] good :) [09:12] poolie: :) [09:13] poolie: huh, had no idea it came from you :) === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [09:31] Morning! [09:33] hi mrevell [09:35] I pity the reviewer for this [09:42] Project windmill build #191: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 0 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill/191/ [09:46] umm is the timeout on staging really ~5 seconds?! [09:49] bigjools: It's 11s/ [09:49] https://staging.launchpad.net/+feature-rules [09:50] well, the page is timing out after 5 [09:50] Which? [09:50] You mean +localpackagediffs, which is OOPSing instead? [09:50] hmmm about 8-9 now [09:53] argggh [09:53] heat updating uses OFFSET to get bugs to process. [10:49] jtv: Your TOT connection bouncing? [10:49] stub: no, no, not at all [10:49] This is my 3BB connection bouncing. [10:49] Mine is bouncing :-( [10:50] The problem could be at CAT [10:51] "International connections? And they do nothing for minutes at a time? GC them!" [10:51] It's been particularly crappy for me since the beginning of Songkran. [10:52] I tunnel one of my connections through ssh with protocol keepalives just to stop that from happening. [10:52] Fine here until today apart from by ADSL connection not being able to authenticate just before Songkran [10:54] Water everywhere & no staff… [10:54] stub: is it your DSL connection that's bouncing? Or something at a higher level such as TCP? [10:55] I had some router trouble myself; maybe it was just the heat. [10:55] lifeless: still around? [11:01] \o/ lp:~lifeless/launchpad/bug-759467 [11:01] adeuring: a little [11:04] jtv: Upstream. ADSL link was fine. [11:06] lifeless: can you have a look at my comment on https://code.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/api-query-permissions-on-object/+merge/58136 ? [11:16] jtv, is someone riding a space hopper over your connection? [11:17] any reviewers around ? [11:17] https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-759467/+merge/58262 [11:21] adeuring: I've replied [11:22] lifeless: thanks [11:22] adeuring: as long as we don't penalise *every* read, I'm happy with most anything :) [11:22] ok ;) [11:38] wallyworld: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/761494 landable ? [11:38] <_mup_> Bug #761494: picker doesn't save selected value into associated textfield < https://launchpad.net/bugs/761494 > [11:52] lifeless: being ui reviews as we speak. hope to sort it out tonight [11:54] wallyworld: it needs UI review?! [11:54] lifeless: someone said it needed one on account of the javascript [11:54] meh [11:54] ui reviewer set is one person at the moment [11:55] we have many more folk fluent in js [11:55] lifeless: i sort of meant js when i said ui [11:55] yah, curtis - the one ui reviewer - has proposed disbanding ui reviews [11:58] wallyworld: ok, I've also read it now [11:58] I haven't cross referenced YUI [11:59] but this is a major issue ; please land [11:59] skip ec2 [12:00] 22:59 < lifeless> wallyworld: ok, I've also read it now [12:00] 22:59 < lifeless> I haven't cross referenced YUI [12:00] 22:59 < lifeless> but this is a major issue ; please land [12:00] 23:00 < lifeless> skip ec2 [12:01] lifeless: ack [12:01] I think we should consider cherrypicking it in fact, as it seems to be broken across everything [12:01] s/cherrypicking/cowboying [12:02] lifeless: yeah :-( if only windmill tests were not disabled, would have picked it up during ec2 [12:02] lifeless: not having windmill leaves a huge hole in our testing safety net [12:03] Morning, all. [12:03] wallyworld__: ack. [12:14] mrevell: you have mail [12:14] Thanks lifeless [12:14] mrevell: if you want to chat about it, I'm around for another 20 with the first 5 doing house stuff [12:16] lifeless, I'll reply to the email, don't worry, it's not an urgent thing. I take your point and mostly agree with you, but I'll reply fully in the email. [12:17] lifeless: fyi ec2 land has succeeded === wallyworld__ is now known as wallyworld [12:23] mrevell: cool [12:24] wallyworld: ec2 land? or bzr lp-land ? [12:24] wallyworld: the former seems pointless with windmill disabled [12:24] and will take 8 hours before its on qastaging [12:24] lifeless: ec2 land. bollocks. should have done lp-land [12:25] lifeless: i'll still do a lp-land now? [12:25] wallyworld: yeah [12:28] lifeless: done and done [12:28] \o/ === mrevell is now known as mrevell-luncheon [12:50] night all === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan === mrevell-luncheon is now known as mrevell [13:59] Project windmill build #192: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 2 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill/192/ [14:02] Project devel build #653: FAILURE in 5 hr 0 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/653/ [14:03] * StevenK glares at Jenkins [14:03] Ah, no, that racy test *again*. === salgado is now known as salgado-afk [14:06] adeuring, henninge -- https://dev.launchpad.net/MaintenanceRotationSchedule [14:07] *yawn* really sleep time [14:16] G'night lifeless. :) === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha [15:14] can i get a review for https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/add-security-audit-utility/+merge/58199 from someone? === al-maisa` is now known as almaisan-away === almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan [15:20] https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/quickly-drop-shipit/+merge/58312 would like a semi-urgent review. [15:21] wgrant: I'll do it. and then jcsackett's [15:21] benji: thanks! [15:21] benji: Thanks. [15:21] wgrant: done [15:21] Thanks. === salgado-afk is now known as salgado [15:42] jcsackett: I'm done with https://code.launchpad.net/~jcsackett/launchpad/add-security-audit-utility/+merge/58199. === al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away [15:43] thanks, benji. [15:45] Hi henninge, I'd like to ask you something about your change in security.py (forwardCheckAuthenticated). [15:46] rvba: sure [15:46] I've got a test failing with "ValueError: ('Undefined permission id', )" (full stacktrace http://paste.ubuntu.com/596071/) [15:46] ./bin/test -cvv distroseriesdifference test_package_diff_request_link [15:46] I think the call (in forwardCheckAuthenticated) to check_permission_is_registered(permission, obj) should be check_permission_is_registered(obj, permission) [15:46] http://paste.ubuntu.com/596075/ [15:47] but maybe I'm wrong ... because if I'm right your fix would not have passed ec2 :) [15:47] henninge: what am I missing? [15:48] rvba: I'd be surprised if that was the case because the test suite did not notice it. [15:48] rvba: looking [15:49] rvba: oops [15:49] rvba: so the adapters I changed are not being exercised by the test suite ... [15:50] rvba: is that a new adapter? [15:50] henninge: from a few days ago [15:51] he got pwned [15:51] arg [15:51] henninge: "./bin/test -cvv distroseriesdifference test_package_diff_request_link" uses the very adapter you mention in your email: EditDistroSeriesDifference [15:52] that is very strange [15:52] indeed [15:52] rvba: I had failing tests but I re-ran them all locally and they passed. [15:52] that one was not amont them, though. [15:53] I guess that whole ec2 run was broken ;( [15:53] rvba: anyway, thanks. I'll submit a fix quickly. [15:53] henninge: great thanks :) [15:54] henninge: it would be nice to understand how this appended though ... [15:55] rvba: let me see if I still have that mail. It was very large so I might have deleted it. [15:56] * rvba tests test_package_diff_request_link on a fresh branch [16:00] * rvba confirms the test is failing on a fresh checkout of devel [16:08] did someone with microscopes for eyeballs set the latest font size? [16:10] there's some sort of Moore's law of web font sizes, they halve every 18 months [16:11] ha [16:12] just set your resolution 800x600, problem solved [16:12] or ctrl-mouseup! [16:14] rvba: I still have the test output. The failure did not happen on that run. [16:14] http://paste.ubuntu.com/596085/ [16:15] hum ... [16:16] the mystery persists [16:20] deryck: HI [16:20] Hi jelmer [16:20] deryck: Sorry, I mean: hi [16:20] deryck: just saw your bug report; are you using the natty daily ppa? [16:20] * deryck doesn't mind shouting hello :-) [16:21] jelmer, yes, I think so. just added it via add-apt-repository on natty. [16:21] * deryck looks [16:21] jelmer, yeah, http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/daily/ubuntu natty main [16:21] deryck: hmm, odd [16:21] deryck: thanks [16:22] jelmer, np === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] [16:28] bigjools, press ctrl + 0 to restore default zoom [16:28] cody-somerville: then it turns into something the size of a sparrow's arse [16:29] bigjools, Firefox or Chromium? [16:29] both [16:30] What font size do you have set in Edit > Preferences, Content [16:30] but them I am 40, so my eyes ain't what they used to be :) [16:30] ? [16:30] bigjools, lol [16:31] no default font size [16:50] jcsackett: mumble? === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [17:55] Is qastaging deploying or is it broken? [18:13] Night! === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch [19:03] Project devel build #654: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 0 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/654/ [19:25] if anyone feels like reviewing a 600 line lint branch, this is your lucky day: https://code.launchpad.net/~benji/launchpad/lint/+merge/58371 [19:26] abentley: i suggest you send an email about bug #766337 to launchpad-dev [19:26] <_mup_> Bug #766337: Should be possible to reload JSON cache < https://launchpad.net/bugs/766337 > [19:26] given JS-heavy work done in feature squad, it would be likely that one of the feature squad could do it as part of their work [19:26] it's an elegant solution to a common problem [19:26] flacoste: Okay. [19:33] allenap: I am looking at the qastaging issue. The error looks like the the lp tree was updated, but qastaging did not get the lp-production-config update [19:40] sinzui: do you know a good place for me to go digging into some of the specifics of how our exceptions are turned into OOPses? or who might be best to bug to figure that out? [19:40] i've realized that what i knew about for cron scripts tied to logging errors--if an exception occurs that isn't caught and logged, the logging oopshandler obviously isn't going to come into play. :-/ [19:41] jcsackett: A quick mumble will sort this out [19:42] sinzui: works for m. [19:42] s/m./me. === Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha [21:00] can has review? https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-759467/+merge/58262 [21:51] lifeless: I'll do it. [21:52] leedsliam: Hello chap :) [21:53] evening allenap [21:53] Evening lifeless :) [22:02] hi! Is there any launchpad method in the api that can do a search in packages like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search does? [22:03] Probably not, that search returns many different types of results and our api is (sadly) a bit difficult around heterogynous interfaces [22:03] :/ [22:03] https://launchpad.net/+apidoc/devel.html is our development api doc [22:04] replace devel with 1.0 to see the stable version [22:04] lifeless, yeah, I've being looking at this reference [22:10] sinzui: hi [22:11] bug 766561 - could that be related to our team notify change, or perhaps its more likely to be in gary_poster's baliwick ? [22:11] <_mup_> Bug #766561: person in team A which is a subteam of team B not getting bug email for bugs team B is subscribed to < https://launchpad.net/bugs/766561 > [22:11] it doesn't sound like us, fwiw [22:12] gary_poster: hi; btw - bug 745799 - that is you :) [22:12] <_mup_> Bug #745799: DistroSeries:+queue Timeout accepting packages (bug structural subscriptions) < https://launchpad.net/bugs/745799 > [22:12] I changed merge notifications. Are teams not being notified about merges? [22:12] sinzui: ah right, I thought we changed a helper function in there. [22:12] I did, but nothing but merge ever used it [22:12] It will be months or years before we make everything queue messages [22:13] gary_poster: so a couple/few weeks ago this team stopped getting mail [22:13] gary_poster: they are utterly confused as to why [22:14] lifeless, I have the rest of the week to get our feature ready for review, and then two weeks for bug fixes after that. Could you help me prioritize these within that context? [22:15] (no frustration there, just rrying to be clear with my situation) [22:15] gary_poster: yup. I think we need to determine if this is real (e.g. are we -not- sending brad & others in that team email) [22:15] if we are sending the mail, its at his end, phew, move along. [22:15] lifeless, IOW, drop everything? [22:16] if we aren't, its a regression and I think its reasonable to say a maintenance squad should look at it [22:16] oh ok, drop everything to investigate? [22:16] but if it turns out to be related to your feature work, I think its probably better at that point to hand it over to you as you'll know whats changed recently. [22:16] sure, I'm completely fine with that [22:17] gary_poster: someone should; as its near your EOD I will either look myself or coordinate it [22:17] but I would prefer to not have it affect my time this week [22:17] I think the next step is log trawling :) [22:17] heh [22:18] I'm looking at the timeout too [22:18] I assume any oops is a reasonable starting point [22:22] gary_poster: yeah; I've analyzed one in detail for repeated queries; the strucsub ones summed to 2.2 seconds [22:23] from ~20 separate queries. I suspect its a per-bug potato programming issue that has been exacerbated by the [slight] increase in cost of determining structural subscription [22:24] gary_poster: I' [22:24] I don't think you should drop anything to work on the timeout [22:24] it was a preexisting problem [22:24] the mail-not sending however may well need dogpiling. [22:24] I'm looking in logs myself now. [22:26] lifeless, ok. if we do have to work on reducing the structural subscription queries themselves, which I would understand in the abstract, it may require some...significant thinking. If this is some page-specific thing exacerbated by some potato programming there specifically, I'd be much happier. [22:28] lifeless, re bug 76651, are you looking for 759176 in logs [22:28] ? [22:28] <_mup_> Bug #76651: Comment on change is lost when the bugtask change form returns with errors. < https://launchpad.net/bugs/76651 > [22:28] gary_poster: well, what we'll need is a way to do email notifications for N bugs all at once [22:29] gary_poster: +queue accepts uploads that may close some number of bugs [22:29] lifeless, I see [22:30] gary_poster: so we need to be able to process a 'fix released' status change for N bugs in the space of one webapp transaction (+ the actual accept logic itself) [22:30] gary_poster: not actually spool the mail - the deferred sending etc is still used AIUI [22:30] gotcha [22:30] sure [22:30] one way would be to handoff the post to a script [22:31] or we could batch better in the webapp, etc etc etc [22:31] sure [22:31] lifeless: r=me. [22:31] Good night all. [22:31] allenap: thanks! gnight [22:32] gary_poster: yes I'm grepping [22:32] now I've unwedged my carob link [22:32] brads name is not there [22:34] lifeless to build a "process structural subscriptions for batches of bugs" would require a new set of functions, as you might guess...and the logic is generally very bug specific so that will be interesting. I'm sure we can increase the possible N within a given timeframe, but it would be work specific to that page [22:35] and depending on how big N needs to be, asynchronous will be necessary eventually [22:36] gary_poster: we have feature requests for batch actions on bugs, so perhaps not all that specific. Anyhow, I think we agree that this is an exacerbation not a direct regression; I'm fine with it being looked at holistically with performance rather than zomging it in your squad [22:37] cool thanks [22:37] I'm particularly happy to look at it once we are on bug rotation :-) [22:37] so as far as the other bug goes [22:38] your log search suggests that the bug is in fact in LP mail sending [22:38] yup [22:38] we're choosing not to send to him [22:38] I'm checking teamparticipation [22:38] ah cool thanks [22:39] https://launchpad.net/~brad-figg/+participation has 'the dell team' [22:41] lifeless, for scheduling, could I schedule investigation of that bug for Thursday, or does our QoS need to be higher for this? [22:41] I think we should treat this as a showstopper [22:41] its pretty key functionality [22:41] well, I'm reasonably confident we have tests for the basic functionality [22:41] I would certainly hope so anyway :-/ [22:42] that's not a feature we would have developed, of course [22:42] so I suspect that this is an edge case [22:42] "private bug" is our current red flag there [22:42] so, would this be acceptable: [22:43] 1) Verify ASAP that we have tests that show that the basic story of that bug is working. If not, add test and fix. [22:43] 2) If #1 did not reveal a problem, on a more scheduled timetable, investigate this particular edge case. [22:43] [stop] [22:45] Perhaps 1.5, investigate if "private bug" is the kicker [22:45] since that's obvious ATM [22:49] I hate that ''https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~dell-team'' in a web browser is ~ useless [22:51] gary_poster: teamparticipation shows brad-figg as a member of dell-team [22:51] in prod [22:53] is there some way to get e.g. https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~dell-team/+sub-teams to render the json ? [22:56] lifeless, tomorrow morning, I'll have someone on the squad investigate the bug. My goal will be to fix or show in a LP test that basic team subscription sends emails as expected; and to fix or show that basic team subscription sends emails as expected for private bugs. If neither of those are a problem, I will postpone further work unil next week unless you tell me otherwise (like, say, now ;-) ). [22:57] render the json...I think I have tried horrible webclient hacks in the past but I have no recipe atm [22:59] gary_poster: its team-team-person [22:59] gary_poster: I would wager we only really test team-person [23:00] lifeless, yeah, sorry, understood. only really test team-person: maybe so. If so, we'll find it quickly [23:01] lifeless, I'm running away in minute or so btw. [23:03] ok, ciao [23:03] I will continue coordination [23:10] thanks [23:15] suspiciously, the send-bug-mail script optimisation is in the suspect range. [23:28] wallyworld: ping [23:28] sinzui: hi [23:29] wallyworld: I will not be available for the stand up in 30min. My daughter demands that I pick her up from soccer. [23:29] sinzui: been there :-) [23:30] wallyworld: Can you convey my apologies. [23:30] do teams provide IPerson? [23:30] sinzui: will do. we could have it now? [23:30] if so we have some rather confused code [23:31] wallyworld: if member so no mind [23:31] sinzui: ack [23:31] lifeless: teams are IPerson with the addition of ITeam [23:32] lifeless: They are IPerson until we execute __init__ in Person then they get the extra interface [23:32] yeah, I thought so [23:32] thanks [23:32] I'm looking into this notification bug [23:33] no joy so far === salgado is now known as salgado-afk [23:37] it should end up in _get_recipients_for_team which is unchanged since before the issue [23:39] at least, the webapp generation should do that [23:39] i suppose its possible the mail sending backend is doing something special [23:44] Any obvious reasons why a dev instance of launchpad would be rendering links to https://launchpad.dev/+icing/revNone/.... (which of course 404) ? [23:45] run make [23:45] IIRC its a make rule to update the revno